The Daily Register

VOL. 99 NO. 198 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1977 15 CENTS Westside rejuvenation funds^ise mapped

By BEN VAN VL1ET the Red Bank Area Chamber of Commerce and borough Plan- Mr Vaiti said of the 1145,000 earmarked (or the westside, agreed that the westside project will not be a one-year effort, ning Board to discuss the revttalization of the westside. 1100,000, expected to received in May, will go for general side- but will be a continuing project lasting five to seven years. RED BANK - The borough Intends to commit $145,000 The revitallzation of the area is a project jointly spon- wait and lighting improvements; $15,000, available immediat- A major part of this year's effort will be to get westside this year toward revitaUiation of the westside area as the sored by the chamber and the borough. ely, will be used for sidewalk repairs along Shrewsbury Ave., residents and business owners involved in the project. first step in a long-term redevelopment program. Attending the meeting were chamber representatives, John and $30,000, available next month, will be used to help busi- "We strongly feel," he said, "that our efforts cannot be Although the borough has agreed to dedicate these federal K. Pawlowskl, clumber president; Hubert Farrow, John Kay, nessmen in the area finance improvements to their properties successful without the wholehearted support of the westside Community Development Act funds to the westside, Mayor Paul S. Morton Jr., chamber executive director; Richard by providing lower cost interest payments on loans. community." Daniel J. O'Hem warned that money alone won't bring busi- Johnson, a former member of the Planning Board, and Louis In addition, Mr. Vaiti said, the westside committee plans Towards this end, the chamber will send out next month a ness vitality back to the declining Shrewsbury Ave. area. S. Vaitl, chamber vice president. to open an office on the Westside to local businessmen questionnaire asking for recommendations and suggestions It will take, he said, the complete and full cooperation of Also attending were Michael Ellegood, a project engineer, and property owners who wish to upgrade their properties. which would improve the economic climate in the area. the residents of the borough's westside, otherwise this project who has developed the plans for the renovation of the west- "We are looking for a storefront to use," he said, "and we And, Mayor O'Hem said the borough next month will hold won't go anywhere no matter how much money Is spent. side and who filed the federal CDA applications, and James are also looking for volunteers to staff the office." a public meeting for westside merchants and residents to give The mayor met Saturday morning with representatives of Ervlng, chairman of the borough's Planning Board. Mr. Vaiti said both the borough and the chamber have their opinions on how best to revitalize the westside area. Policing 200-mile fishing limit begins By The Associated Press vessels within the limit and With one reactivated cutter, inspect catches and equip- eight c 1311 Hercules airplanes ment for violations Penalties and five IIII ft.' helicopters for violations can range from added to its force, the US a warning to seizure of the Coast Guard begins policing a vessel. vast new area of ocean at The Coast Guard said it midnight tonight would depend on Its regular From that moment, foreign force to patrol the seas, plus fishing boats will need per- the additional surface and air mits to toss nets within 200 equipment. A spokesman said miles of the US. coast under it will take delivery in 197V of a new law extending the na- a fleet of medium-range Fal- tion's fishing jurisdiction con jets for surveillance Previously, the United States On the West Coast. Vice restricted foreign fishing only Adm Austin Wagner, com- within 12 miles or the coast. mander of the Coast Guard Although the law has no ef- division that stretches from fect on the traditional three- San Luis Obispo in central mile territorial limit, it will California to the Canadian provide a test of a single gov- border, said a spot check late M ernment's right to police the last week showed about two JUST A COPY — The arrest of a man charged with "The Bowery," which the Ocean Grove artist con- open seas for economic rea- dozen foreign vessels fishing stealing artist Frank Mack's painting, "The Bow- siders his finest work, apparently was destroyed sons within 200 miles of shore. ery," from an exhibit at Monmouth Medical Cen- after it was stolen. Mr. Mack has only a copy Vessels that are not fishing He said they were told to ter, Long Branch, two years ago, left Mr. Mack which he displays here, to remind him of the paint- will be allowed to pass cease all fishing today and with some satisfaction but without a painting. Ing, through the 200-mile corridor that they would have to wait unhindered to resume fishing until June Despite the increased polic- 1. when hake and jack mack- ing, a spokesman said the erel seasons start. Coast Guard does not antici- In the Northeast, foreign pate many problems fishermen are prohibited "The fish will follow the from catching haddock, cod Hospital art theft loot traditional patterns." said I.I and yellow tail flounder. Eric Williams in New York Supporters of the law. RUSSIAN TRAWLER SIGHTED — Dick Liv- City. "The fishing boats will which originated from a ingston, an agent for the Natlonol Marine Fishery follow the fish The Coast movement in New England In New Bedford, Mass, keeps an eye on a Russian Guard will following the fish- four years ago, believe the Trawler that was sighted 40-miles from Block Is- ing boats" expanded fishing limit will re- land, Rhode Island, yesterday. Last midnight, the recovered, three held activate the dwindling Ameri- new 200-mile fishing limit for the United States The Coast Guard is empo- went Into effect. By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN Ocean Ave.. had been ar- stolen property. a mysterious phone call on wered to board foreign fishing can fishing industry rested and charged with The paintings were found In Feb. 2, Mr. Mack said OCEAN GROVE - Frank stealing Mr. Mack's and three Mrs Williams' house, accord- Mack, an artist here, ended a other artists' paintings from Ing to Long Branch Detective According to Mr Mack, a two-year vigil Thursday when Monmouth Medical Center Bruce Newman. male who identified himself Long Branch police arrested Auxiliary exhibit in March Mr. Williams, who was as "Gary" asked him if he wanted "The Bowery" back, Fire officials say crowd*s a man on a charge of stealing 1975 charged with larceny, and Mr. M>ck's finest painting The bad news — that "The Mrs. Williams have each been and named Mr. Williams, who from an exhibit at Monmouth Bowery," a painting Mr. released on $500 ball worked at Monmouth Medical Center as a maintenance Medical Center (MMC), Long Mack describes as the best he Although Mr. Mack was man. as the person who stole Branch. had ever done, had been de- desolate over the loss of the It. too big, delay concert fans "The police called me and stroyed. paintings, he praised the po- told me they had some good Also arrested were Mr. licemen Involved for their Mr. Mack said he notified By CAROL JACOBSON Fire marshal Alfred Clark, officials stepped into the pel- ders said it would enlarge the news and some bad news," Williams' estanged wife, Do- work. Long Branch Detective Lt. Mr. Mack related. rothea Williams, of 401 Red- Although Long Branch po- (Related story on page II) who was there with the ture library's parking lot to 200 John P. Naylor and Detec- borough's fire chief. Law- On Jan. J4. however, The good news, according mond Ave. Ocean Township lice had been working on the cars It also said that some of tives Newman and Patrick SHREWSBURY - Approxi- rence Johnson, left them in borough police threatened to to Mr Mack, was that James and a juvenile, who were case for more than two years. the county's 125-membfr Caron. mately J5 jazz fans waited about 4 p.m., when it was de- stop the Alvin Alley Dance Powers Williams, 51, of MO charged with possession of the first real break came with Emergency Police Force See Artists, page ! outside the Eastern Branch of cided they wouldn't create a Ensemble from finishing tho would help direct traffic at the Monmouth County Li- fire safety problem. program because parked cars Ihe library's free concerts brary yesterday because the He estimated the crowd at on snow-covered streets Capt William Edwards or borough's fire marshal put a about 500 and said that was around the library had caused the county emergency police limit of 406 people on the au- too large It was the first a safety hazard. was there with 13 men lo Amin delays meeting dience at the free concert for time In three years, since the Responding to the problem steer overflow cars to the safety reasons. jazz concerts began, that fire the county Board of Freehol- See Fire, pagt I By BRIAN JEFFRIES ment was watching the situ- State Department to number armed forces." • ation "closely, trying not to about 240. Most of them are The United States said the NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - upset President Amin, and missionaries. nuclear-powered aircraft car- President Idi Amln has trying to take advantage of Amln said no Americans rier Enterprise and its es- moved his meeting with his good wishes that he has would be allowed to leave the corts were erasing in the In- Americans in Uganda to En- expressed." country and ordered the dian Ocean off East Africa af- tebbe Airport, delayed It until Radio Uganda reported yes- meeting Friday, two days af- ter a good-will visit to Kenya Wednesday and warned the terday that Amin postponed ter he claimed the United last week. United States not to emulate the meeting from 11 a.m. States, Britain and Israel Radio Uganda said Amin at Its Israeli allies with an at- today until 8 a.m. Wednesday were involved in a plot to the meeting Wednesday tempted commando rescue. at the request of the Ameri- overthrow him. would discuss with the Ameri- In Washington. President cans In his East African coun- Yesterday's broadcast said cans a memorandum being Carter said the U.S. govern- try, who are estimated by the the location of the meeting prepared on their activities had been changed from the since the U.S. Embassy in International Conference Cen- Kampala was closed in 197], ter In Kampala, the capital, The broadcast said Amin because the main lounge at wanted to thank them for The Inside Story Entebbe was the only facility their work and planned to In the country large enough to award medals to a few of THE WEATHER accommodate the 3.000 per- them. Partly suiy. oreeiy, not quite at mild sons who were to attend. The unpredictable Ugandan today. Complete report oa page I. However, there was no In- leader met with all British dication who would be citizens in his country last RBC reaffirms tfltr to Store Cwferetee • present, besides the Americans August after Britain broke What tke cttekei are saytag • and Amln. diplomatic ties with him He EatMtowi wwuui hMMred at N ' The official radio also told the Britons they were Rridw Advice IJ DAILY REGISTER warned Ugandans to be alert welcome to remain In the g^ZZZ". 5 PH0NE NUMBERS (or signs of an invasion. It country If they behaved them- Classified.. 1HS MataOtflee J41-4IM said after the Israeli raid on selves, and there was specu- I* TtllFree .MI-HN Entebbe last July, the pres- lation he might say the same e 13 Toll Free SW-tlN ence of U.S. naval vessels off thing to the Americans. SStorUta._''' « Classified Dept S41-17M the Kenyan coast "must be The State Department said Eitertammeil 14 Clrnlatloi Dept 54J-4M1 taken seriously." It received an invitation from Hansctpe 13 SptrtsDept 541-4H4 Quoting a "military spokes- Set Amli, page 1 mertylT.Z'.'....'..'. 7 MHdletowi Bireai I7I-UM man," believed to be Amln IMPATIENT JAZZ PANS - A member of the Mon- because tire officials limited attendance at a |azz himself, the broadcast said: Detectable Shrimp Fwdit Mlke A Date 14 FRHNM Bireai 4O-IIJI mouth County Emergency Police stands by as concert to 406 persons. Later they were allowed to "In the event of an Invasion, Sumptuous Quiche and nuturles 4 Laag Braici Bireai Crapes. Every Tues. fashion about 35 people wait outside the Eastern Branch enter. «.j SUttfcWM Bireai MMM-HM the Invading force will be dis- •bow at Fromagerie, 842-8088 Monmouth County Library yesttrday afternoon integrated by the Ugandan 2 The EMiyRcgtelBr SHREWSBURY N j MONDAY. FEBRUARY M. 1977 -U.S. Territorial Fishing Limits; Artists' stolen works recovered (Continued) gin of the phone calls. Long Detectives Newman and Mr Mack said "Long Branch since September of 1174, when CANADA Mr. Hack said the mys- Branch police worked with Caron worked from I a.m. is lucky to have such a fine a number of paint ings exhib- terious caller In subsequent Ocean Township police to ob- Thursday to 5 a.m. Friday on force." ited in the hospital were re- conversations aiked If the tain a search warrant of Mrs the case, making the final ar- Detective Newman, who is ported missing from its artist would promise to prose- William's home, where the rest, of Mr. Williams, shortly the city's liaison officer with wife cute whoever stole the pain- three paintings were found, before midnight on Feb. 14 Monmouth Medical Cetner, As many as II paintings ing if it in recovered. according to Detective New- "I can't say enough for the has been working on the case had been believed stolen, After tracking down the ori- man. work the police did on this," along with other officers most In a six-month period before March of 1175, Mr Mack said The loss of the paintings was even more painful to many of the artists because Middletown drug arrests the hospital had canceled its art Insurance without notifying many of the artists, Mr Mack commented. described as major 'bust' The search for the other stolen paintings Is continuing. MIDDLETOWN - Three •7.500 bail. The two women phernalia and K.W0 in cash dition to the II pounds of Detective Newman said. suspects In what Detective were allowed to return to their were confiscated from the marijuana allegedly found in "We have no indication that Capt. Robert M. Letts de- homes pending court appear- Lasky home under a search his car. Mr. Williams took all of the scribed as "one of the biggest ance today. warrant issued by Judge In the Lasky residence a missing paintings," he said. drug busts ever here" were to A fourth suspect, Arthur C Walsh. large number of six-pound For Mr. Mack, though, last be arraigned today before Sacks, 34. of Somerset, whose blocks of marijuana were week's arrests are a some- The early morning raid was Municipal Court Judge Ken- arrest by State Police on the found In two large suitcases, what bittersweet victory. made by Detective Sgt. Jo- neth R. Walsh Garden State Parkway In the State Police detective ser- " 'The Bowery' was the •IKS seph Shalfery assisted by De- Edison Township sparked a geant reported. In addition to best piece of work I've ever tective Michael Slover and William G. Lasky, 27, and raid on the Lasky home early the « "Thai sticks" allegedly done." Mr Mack said. "I was Patrolmen Richard Heidel his wife Eileen Lasky, 24, of Saturday morning, is in the found in the Laskys' refrig- the big loser in this thing. I and Patrick Greaves In coop- 830 Locust Road, are Monmouth County jail await- erator, the officers also dis- don't see why my painting TWO-HUNDRED-MILE LIMIT - Shaded area shows offshore waters over eration with Detective Sgt. charged with possession ot ing arraignment in Edison covered a quantity of hashish had to be destroyed." which the U.S. will assume the right to limit fishing rights of all nations marijuana, possession with Joseph Craparotta of the Township on charges of pos- and traces of a white powder Mr. Mack, who is a profes- tonight. The zone extends generally 200 miles off the coast except where re- Intent to distribute a con- State Police Central Narcot- session of 10 pounds of mari- believed to be cocaine, Sgt. sional cartoonist and illustra- ciprocal agreements exist, such as between the United States and Canada, trolled dangerous substance, ics Bureau and State Police juana and maintaining a com- Craparotta said. tor, said his painting was or where the boundary Is a line equally distant between the U.S. and a for- maintaining a common nui- Detectives Robert Bunting. mon nuisance In his car, Judged to be worth $800 when eign notion such as Cuba. Story on page 1. sance in their home and pos- Ollnda Teza and Dominic Narcotics paraphernalia al- where the marijuana was al- it was on exhibit at the session of narcotics para- Bucci. legedly found Included what legedly found Brooklyn Museum in 1M8. It phernalia police described as a profes- "It has to be one of our big- The local raid was author- sional scale for weighing ac- would be worth about $1,200 Carol Ann Vanacek, 24, of gest drug busts ever," said ized when State Police, who curate amounts of chemicals now, he said. Fire officials say crowd and another smaller scale. Winding Way, Little Silver, a Capt. Letts, reporting that arrested Mr. Sacks on the Because the hospital had no guest in the Lasky home, is more than 50 pounds of mari- Garden State Parkway, The $9,980 in cash was re- insurance on the artwork ex- charged with possession of juana wtth a street value of traced him through evidence portedly found in a briefcase hibit, Mr. Mack received only too big, delay concert fans marijuana. Police reported 1480 a pound, 45 "Thai sticks" allegedly discovered in his and under a mattress in the $200 In compensation for his finding several ounces of (marijuana rolls dipped in liq- car to the Lasky residence Lasky home, police said. loss - $50 from Ihe hospital (Continued) 'With an unconcentrated was over about 5:10 p.m. It marijuana and cigarette pa- uid opium) worth $10 each on here, Sgt. Craparotta ex- State Police described Sat- and $150 raised specially by shopping center lot across Rt. crowd during regular library started about 3:15 p.m. pers near her bed in a guest the street, traces of hashish plained. He added that the urday morning's raid as part the auxiliary. 35 They also stood at the li- hours, 1,853 people are The Art Farmer Quartet room in the home. and other narcotics, an as- suspect was reported to be of a continuing crackdown in Mr. Mack was critical of brary entrance waiting for allowed all through the build- was scheduled to play but Mr. Mr. Lasky was released In sortment of narcotics para- carrying M.500 in cash in ad- the central New Jersey area. the hospital tor not Informing Mr Clark to tell them when ing. But when one room has a farmer hadn't returned from him that its insurance was to close the doors concentration of people like Europe. In its place the Jim- canceled or of the previous Although the small crowd the large room here, only 406 my Rowles Quartet played an thefts, but did not hold the waited patiently, some o( people are allowed in. impromptu, low-keyed con- auxiliary responsible. them were annoyed. It was cert with Thad Jones on "We've let more people in "They were all lovely the first time, some of them horns, Mel Lewis on drums Asmar sentencing is today people and I feel very badly," now than should be here," he said in three years, that they and Rufus Reed on bass. he said. "The exhibits were added. He said there are nine Rowles played piano. were stopped from attending FREEHOLD - The sen- Leonardo, during a con- for Asmar. The night before In another court action in- good for both the artists and the free jazz concerts. exit doors in the building. And 306 chairs were set up for the Morey Berger, the chief li- tencing of a Middletown tav- frontation at the bar late in Asmar was slated to testify in volving Asmar, Superior the patients at the hospital, Mr. Clark explained he was audience. The rest stood brarian of the Eastern em owner who had been con- the evening of Nov. 26. 1975. the case of three men who al- Court Judge Thomas L. and there hasn't been an ex- acting under BOCA code around the sides. Branch, said he and county li- victed of assault was resche- He also was convicted of as- legedly threatened his life on Yaccarino Friday appointed a hibit since the paintings were regulations, recognized, he brary director, John Liv- duled for today after he alle- sault with a gun and atrocious Nov. 25. 1975. he was found trustee to oversee the Asmar stolen." said by the State of New Jer- Both fire officials stayed ingstone It., were trying to gedly suffered an accident assault and battery. unconscious in the parking lot holdings in the Mldnite Ram- When "The Bowery" was sey. until 4:30 p.m. The concert find alternative methods of Thursday night. of the Mldnite Rambler after bler property. Judge Yacca- stolen, it had Just won a blue dealing with the crowd prob- Friday Charles Frankel, As- he had apparently been run rino took the action at the mar's attorney, told Judge ribbon for mixed media In the lems. Robert Asmar, 38, owner of down by a car. Asmar no- request of Asmar's former exhibit. Mr. Mack said. Usually no more than 400 to the Midnlte Rambler, Rt. 35, Cunningham that he had been netheless testified in the trial wife who argued that Asmar Middletown, was scheduled to Informed that Asmar had "When they asked (Mr. Wil- Amin delays meeting 600 people attend the Jazz and then was admitted to could not manage the assets liams) why he stole it, he said be sentenced by County Court blacked out and fallen down a concerts. Except on rare oc- Riverlvew. The three men properly. It reminded him of where he (Continued) there's nothing to cause deep Judge Donald J. Cunningham flight of stairs shortly before casions though, when a par- were found guilty of the' Asmar owns both the bar grew up In the Bowery," Mr. concern " on Friday. He had been free midnight and had been admit- the Ugandan government to ticularly popular performer is threat and bookmaklng and adjacent property on Mack commented. send representatives to the on 17,500 bail to await sen- ted to Riverview Hospital, The United States closed its scheduled like Mr. Farmer, a charges. which he has recently con- "It was the only painting al- meeting. A spokesman said tencing since his Feb. I con- Red Bank, early Friday embassy in Kampala In 1973 larger crowd Is expected. But While in the courthouse structed some shops. His for- ways on display in my home, there had been no U.S. re- viction. morning. but did not break relations there are no tickets to the awaiting his own trial, Asmar mer wife is also a stockholder and my most prised posses- sponse and he did not know if and the Ugandan embassy in free concerts so it's hard to Asmar had been found The hospital reported yes- reported that he has suffered in the property. sion." Mr. Mack said. there would be. Ugandan offi- Washington Is still open. estimate the crowd. guilty by a jury of assaulting terday that Asmar was still a back trouble and headaches The conviction for which "But I'm a realist, and cials also said some foreign The current crisis surround- Yesterday, Mr. Berger with intent to kill Joseph Nel- patient but In good condition since the automobile acci- Asmar was slated to be sen- what's gone is gone. I've correspondents might be ing Amin began on Feb. II at complied with fire regulations son, 21. of Oakwood Road. It was not the first accident dent tenced Friday arose from an lived too long to let something allowed to attend. a rally In Kampala at which and wouldn't allow anyone to incident at the bar during like this upset me too much." three Ugandans confessed President Carter said Ihe sit (in the steps that lead to which Asmar was alleged to But a plaque in his studio United Nations had offered to their involvement in a plot the second floor library stalls. have shot Nelson twice after against Amin and implicated sums up his philosphy, about intercede on the Americans' Except for a few people Pinelands expansion planned Nelson knifed Asmar. The this Incident and about life in behalf, "but we've handled Anglican Archbishop Janani standing, the front foyer was TRENTON (AP) - A pro- programs once the state is shooting allegedly occurred general. our affairs through the Ger- Luwum and two cabinet min- clear and there was space all lands and created the Pine- while a Middletown patrol- man embassy and so far isters. around the seating area. posal that would triple the committed to water protec- lands Environmental Council "Things seldom turn out as acreage of the Pinelands In tion and land-use programs. man was In the process of ar- badly as one fears or as good to oversee development in resting Nelson for the knifing. south and central New Jersey Byrne said the Pinelands. Burlington and Ocean coun- as one expects." and establish a state review also known as the Pine Bar- ties. Weather: Partly sunny authority to oversee devel- rens, must be protected to Environmental Protection opment there is to be un- save it from over- Commissioner David J. Bar- j—II # Gem Stones 32 partly cloudy. veiled shortly by Gov Bren- development. The proposed din said his department is Partly sunny, breezy and EST ranged from 2 above dan T Byrne. nut quite so mild today, high zero at Warroad, Minn., to 74 55 clear, Mlnneapolis-St. Paul program, he added, "must considering asking the federal have a regional management tifar 50 Clear and seasonably at Key West and Miami. It partly cloudy, Phoenix 57 The authority would admin- government to declare the re- Z I RCOVDRAGOBYOS plan that provides some de- ciild tonight, low near 30 Sun- Here are other 2 a.m. EST clear. St. Louis 26 clear. Salt ister land-use restrictions, gion a sole source of aquifer cree of compensation to any ny tomorrow morning, vari- reports from key U.S. cities: Lake City 36 partly cloudy, building regulations and new to protect the vast water re- landowners deprived of their CORANIEPLOLONAA able cloudiness in the after- East: Atlanta 34 clear, Bos- San Diego 59 clear, San Fran- water quality standards. sources of the Pinelands. cisco 52 clear, Seattle 51 rain. rights in order to maintain The DEP also Is seeking na- noon Seasonable Umpera- ton 30 rain, Chicago 28 snow, By Implementing the pro- TIDES the natural trust." tional landmark status for the PRUDYPLAAOTYBUR lures with a high in the mid Cincinnati 26 clear, Cleveland gram, the state hopes to re- 40s Outlook for Wednesday: 27 snow. Detroit 24 snow. In- Sandy Hook Under the proposal, the Pinelands. Bardin said. ceive funds from the federal Pinelands could cover 1.2 mil- Sunny and seasonably cold. dianapolis 28 snow. Louisville TODAY - High 3:45 p.m. government for purchasing A E(L 0 S A R IG)M X V R B P 32 cloudy. Miami 74 cloudy. and low 0:54 p.m. lion acres, from Long Branch 250 Ottwr Public Notices More rain fell this morning land and management pro- in Monmouth County south to Nashville SO cloudy. New Or- TOMORROW - High 4:06 grams, officials said. across the western portions ot leans 4» clear. New York 49 am. and 4:43 p.m. and low Cape May County and west to E I X A S 0 U N T S Z D I E Z both Washington and Oregon, cloudy. Philadelphia 44 10:40 a.m. and 10:46 p.m. The federal government, Camden and Salem counties. TAKE NOTICE .hoi the properly but a high pressure center cloudy. Pittsburgh 29 snow. For Red Bank and Rumson they added, has said it would A 1972 state law established Cooper ond cornmoniy known ol 51 OTJMCGZNUAIFRXB Chopin * prevented any significant Washington 44 cloudy. bridge, add two hours; Sea become Involved in Pinelands the current 340.000-acre Pine- > In rainfall farther south in Ihe ire- West: Anchorage 21 clear. Bright, deduct 10 minutes; upon you that or) Ihe drought-stricken areas of Cal- by serve' SAAONYAARLRITAU Denver 25 clear, Des Moines Long Branch, deduct 15 min- dolt 01 t . Morch 14, lerr the ifornia • • plotnlitl »hol love thol you be d|. 27 partly cloudy. Fort Worth utes; Highlands bridge, add __.' right, title and Inter d premises and the the Temperatures at 2 a.m 42 partly cloudy, Kansas City 40 minutes AMSGLMXRPPDTOLS million DYFS may hove In Id premiset to Ihe ploln- lift. Ttili notice Is given pursuant to Rule •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• of the Court 4:4-Slcl OCEAN MONMOUTH RAADAEHDNOHAIDV LEGAL SERVICES. INC misspending seen 73 Broad Street, Red Bank. N J 07701 THENTON (AP) - A state less service than was re- Attorneys for the Plaintiff IDRDPERITETIREP 1 probe into the Division of quired under the terms of the fn, !« U7e HIS Youth and Family Services contract. GAANOCRIZOTHADA WEEK ONLY has revealed that more than The report calls for a dras- missioners will hold a on Morch 1, 1177 ol 7:JO p.m. of Ihe Saturday's unlisted elut: TO* THE 1IRDS $4 million has been misspent tic revision of fiscal and audit Washington Stokes headquarters Glfcn riND the Urtod words In she iUtnm. T»e» rv« la all in dealing with private con- St., Ocean Grove. New Jersey tor Ihe •Ur.cUont-lorw.rd, backward, up, dosns asssi di.ion.llr SHREWSBURY procedures in the agency, and purpose ol reviewing and acceptance tractors providing care to tighter controls over issuing on delivery of a new fire truck oppo Unlisted clue hint: HAWAIIAN FROMONTOtV Agate Bctyl Coral Garni needy children and their fam- checks, purchasing services By Order ot Ihe Ocean Crave Board toper Onyx Opal Ruby PHARMACY ilies. Commissioners and authorizing improve- B, Sard Topai Zircon Gh-uol BROAD ST. ii. 35) SHREWSBURY The state also lost nearly $4 ments and renovations ot pri- Clerk Peridot Plum. Adamant million In federal revenues vate facilities. U.W O 1»" Kins FMUUII syndicate, be. because DYFS did not follow DYFS provides services for Use these coupons... proper procedures, the report more than 145,000 children of a state task force charged. and families and administers $180 million in federal and TAMPAX MEN'S The task force, headed by state funds. former state budget director The agency, created in 1972 40'S SOCKS Walter Wechsler, received to administer the state's so- $415,000 to investigate allega- cial and community services tions of mismanagement and tor needy children and their THE GOLDEN BOOK FIRST QUALITY low employe morale at families, administers public Rag. WOO DYFS funds sent to day care centers across the state. 5*1% The task force report said some private contractors 23» Red Bonk 2otBln A P*lpair « failed to provide contractual PLEASE TAKE NOTICNOCEE thaai oppll. catioti n hho t bbee n modde by PtricPatrick Do shook Accounts .___J ' services and others provided WITH TMrt COUW44 syiMTMrtcouMll — i- , — -•muTwadowmi noto 10 Ihhe BoaBoard oof Adluslment oll IIhe Interest compounded and credited quarterly fL_-- BorougBh h of Red BonBonk lor a variance and lift plan opprovol lor properly Minimum opening deposit J1OO - multiples ol known ot Its Brood StreeStreett . Red BonkBk. MoulerMori Academy $100 thereafter. Withdrawal on 90 days' notice LILLY U-100 N.P.H. SANYO PORTABLE BUB8U-YUM W.^ctTSiVtit schedules an open house Municipal Building. 31 Mon AM/FM JO'S StStrettt . Red BonBankk. New Jersey, on $ 4 LITTLE SILVER - The '.Morrtii, itWall.MP.M. INSULIN 3 ' RADIO AM. II5.I5 Vincent S. Mastro Montessori fit-T^o^S*.?.' S&tiZ, Academy, M Birch Ave., will CHARGE hold an open house March 8, 9 MARRIOTT I OSBORNE ACCOUNTS and 10. The classrooms will Attorneys lor Applkont DE'LWERY 741-4874 By: HARRYS. EVANS be open to visitors from »:J0 to 11 a.m. " sot} Uembor FDIC and Fidelity Union Benarporanori The EWly Register 3 Florio: Income tax will need revisions

COLTS NECK - Rep. James J. Florio, D-N.J., in almost simply allowed to expire. nouncement to allow the governor time to make his decision announced candidate (or governor, declined to rapport contin- "The only responsible response to the tax," he said, "is to "I have waited quite a while already," he said, "and the uation of the controversial state Income tan, which Is due to wait and see how it works during the first year - to monitor governor hasn't said anything, but I have decided to wait a expire in 18 months the system and then make a decision." while longer before making a formal announcement " He also declined to offer alternative methods of raising Mr Florio, a former state assemblyman from Camden, was However, Mr. Florio said he intends to run regardless of funds for support of local education and decreasing local one of two potential bemocratic gubernatorial candidates, in- what the governor decides to do. property taxes. vited to discuss the forthcoming campaign before the young He declined to criticize the administration of Gov. Byrne The purpose of the state income tax, passed last year, Democrats. except to say that the present administration had failed to was to provide funds for the state funding of local education. The other potential candidate, state Sen Raymond Garra- have good relations between the party and the administration and to ease the local property tax burden. mone, a Bergen County Democrat, never showed up. in Trenton. Mr. Florio said the present tax hasn't adequately met ei- Mr Florio is not yet an announced candidate, but said he He said strong party unity at all levels is an essential if ther of these goals, and definitely requires some modification. will formally declare his candidacy for the Democratic guber- the Democrats are to stand a chance of victory in November. However, he told a gathering of Monmouth County Young natorial nomination in "about two weeks " "I believe the Democrats can win this election," Mr. Democrats at the Colts Neck Inn, that it would be "irrespon- He said he would definitely run in the primary election Florio said, "But we are going to have to get all the people in- sible" at this point to either advocate the tax be retained, or whether or not Gov. Brendan T Byrne, a Democrat, decides volved in the governmental process if we are to be success- to seek another term. ful." Gov. Byrne has not yet announced his intentions, and The young Democrats will hold another forum for poten- that, Mr. Florio said, is the main reason he has held off his tial candidates March 13. Scheduled to appear are Paul Jor- Force to control announcement don, Jersey City mayor, and Jeffrey Kettersen, a former "I felt," Mr. Florio said, "that I should withhold my an- member of Gov. Byrne's staff. dumping mapped

TRENTON (AP) - At the said only four Coast Guards- GUBERNATORIAL FORUM - Rep. James J. request of President Carter, men are employed to enforce Florio, D-N.J., makes a point during the first of a' New Jersey Attorney General ocean dumping regulations series of forums for potential Democratic guberna- William F. Hyland will pre- from New York Harbor to torial candidates yesterday sponsored by the Mon- pare a proposal (or a federal Sandy Hook. mouth County Young Democrats at the Colts Neck civil strike force to crack "How can four Coast Inn. Seated at right Is Andrew Smith, county surro- down on violators of environ- Guardsmen adequately moni- gate. mental laws prohibiting ocean tor all the barges that dumping and beach pollution. dump?" Hyland asked. "It's 340 Rumton 140 Rumton Hyland, who met with Car- impossible, and the barge HOTICI ' ter, Vice President Walter owners know it," he said. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Itgal voters ol the School District ol the Borough ol Rumton In the County ot Monmouth ond the Slate of New Jeriey, Mondale and U.S. Attorney "There are supposed to be that a Public Meeting will bt held In the Auditorium of me Forresldole School. Forrest Avenue, at 1:00 P M on tht evening ol March f, 1177, for the purpose ol General Griffin Bell In Wash- designated areas for certain conducting a public hearing on (he following budget for the school year 1*77 71 The complete budget will be available for examination by the public at the ington last week, said he was types of sludge and waste Board Secretary's Office, forresldole School. Forrest Avenue, between the hours Of* 00AM ond 4 OOP M Irom March 1, 1*77 to March », till asked to "expound on the pro- dumping, but the barges keep DAVID C JONES violating the limits because Secretory posal for a civil strike force SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDSIT ITATIMINT similar to the federal strike there's no one around to stop FOR THi SCHOOL VIA* lfTT Tl force that goes after orga- them." ••erd ef le*cetlefl et'ttsTBerevett'ef RMIM nized crime." Hyland said under the pro- (1) (» (1) Sept. 30, 1*71 Sept ». .«7* Sept. 30. 1*77 "He told me that ocean posal all federal, state and lo- ENROLLMENTS Actual Actual estimated Resident Dally Enrol) til VI M0 dumping violation is the exact cal agencies with jurisdiction ADD: Tuition Pupils Enrolled t * would work together to en- Total Dally Enroll til 171 *M kind of thing that requires 1OURCI4 OP tlVINUI governmental reorganization, sure that environmental laws tn (3> U) are enforced. l*7i 74 1*74-77 1*77-71 so that we can cut through CURRENT EXPENSE (Actual) i Anticipated!M ) (Anticipated) the bureaucratic foolishness raKSSKt::::::::::::::::::: """ u.M«, ,»,.„«, Locol Tn levy 1,4*4.107.00 1.4*1.174 00 1.191.110 00 and solve problems like this." State AW 1*7.301 00 JIS.JIJ 00 I11.M4K Tuition U.S40 00 17,000 00 11.000 00 said Hyland. Nursing home Miscellaneous Revenue 4J,«*» Speck*! federal ond^or The attorney general said State sponsored Programs H.3W.00 11,4*1.00 33.0*00 he is working closely with De- discussion set . CA-1) TOTAL CURRENT IXf Si,144,113 00 %\,m,U1M »t,»tS,lr7.00 partment of Environmental NEPTUNE - Public rela- CAPITAL OUTLAV Protection Commissioner Da- tions in the nursing home Appropriation Bolonce HO,00* 00 ^_____ vid J. Bardin to finalize the field will be discussed at the L. U0.OM.00 proposal for the strike force. next meeting of the Patient Both Hyland and Bardin Activities Directors of Mon- mouth and Ocean Counties (C II TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 143 Shrewsbury Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in TEWSffiBft t).m.73*0O li.W.ell 00 M.on.417 go Township Green Grove Lodge, Rt. 66. APPROPRIATIONS AN ORDINANCE TO READOPT THE Guest speaker will be Jo- ' -IS OF THE I0HING ' THE TOWNSHIP seph W. Katz of the Joseph m J-l CURRENT EXPENSE X. W. Katz Agency of Trenton, MAYBE SOON ... - While the weekend weather ADMINISTRATION MNED BY THE govern peratures, after reaching a high of 50 degrees yes- Expenditures So lor Its ire.jsooo 17V.4MOD ta« body of the Township of Shrews advertising agency for the S70.4U 00 wasn't beach time, it was warm enough for many terdoy, will be down in the 30's tonight. En|oylng Contracted Se 10 700 00 10.000 OO bury In the County ot Monmouth ond 11,707 00 Stoteaf New Jersey: 14.300 00 14.150.00 New Jersey Association of people to temporarily forget the snow, ice and sub- 1)771 00 SECTION 1 the respite from the winter on the Sea Bright That the pre existing Zoning Ordl Health Car Facilities Sektrles tl,07*.340O0 11.141.635 OO freezing temperatures which contributed to one of Beach are Mrs. Elaine Clstaro of Rumson, and her Te«tboc*i 11,71100 I.SHOO new* Ot tht Township ot Shrewsbury the coldest winters in New Jersey in nearly 100 10,HI 00 13,070 00 tntmed "AN ORDINANCE LIMITING Further information can be two children, Fred, 2. and Jacqueline, 4. There Llbrortes AND RESTRICTING TO SPECIFIED S3.3SOOO Si,101 00 DISTRICTS AND REGULATING obtained from the activities years. The snow is mostly gone, the streets are were also a couple of surfers taking advantage of Another |jMn|iL'""'""'" U.4M 00 71.4S0 00 THEREIN BUILDINGS AND STRUC HEALTH SERVICES TURES ACCORDING TO THEIR director at Green Grove clear and most of the Ice hos disappeared from the the weather and the large waves. Solorles - Health CONSTRUCTION AND NATURE All Other Expenses - Health AND EXTENT OF THI USES OF Lodge rivers and streams, but it Isn't spring vet. The tem- ««*ril«r iWI •*•*• TRANSPORTATION* LAND AND REGULATING AND RE STRICTINO THE HEIGHT. NUMBER Contr. Urv I Put. Carriers.'.'..' Gtm Stonai Imurance-Pupil Trans* "•Si 8 "2888 2NDT0°T"HIEl,STlR\,OCFTUti!1.U,Or-0nl Another expenses moo •MOO l 1 T A 0 O fL O 5 r M Transportation Totels . 17).3» 00 m.OU 00 ITt.lMO .!' 0C C U p fE D T J e ! ,V«" YARDRDSS, COURTS AND OTHER OPERATION OPEEN SSPACE , S AND THE EREC 11*707 00 »3.3O0 00 TLQON ANANDD USEUSES ANANDO EXTEHEXTENT OOF U.7I100 M.000 00 USES OF BUILDINGS AND STRUC 4S.3M 00 S4.MOO0 TURES AND LAND FOR TRADE. IN t.IO» 00 n.tnoc - , OR OTHEH AlTbthfr Ewtnitt 417 00 •oooo MAINTENANCE THE DUTIES ANP FUNCTIONS OF 17.114 00 II.W0 00 Sotorlt* • ID AND PK0VIOINO FOR Contracted Services I),0i»00 KM0 00 INI9TRAT1ON AND EN Rtploctmtnt ot Equipment.., 1.73* 00 1.3'? 00 FORCEMENT OF THE ORDINANCE Ntw or Additional Equlpmtnt 17.1H00 1.S00 00 ANO PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR II Othtr Eiptnm 3 W0 00 4,000 0D THi VIOLATION THER6OF'. tln^ MncludtiPrlvalt School (Ollon Coil Banking FIXED CHARGES Employee Retirement Contrl U uo.uooc insurance & Judgment) TMs Ordtnonce shall be valid for a RentoloflondtnuHdlngi period not exceeding ont year from Its I..MO00 Turn©* ,717. tflectlvt dot* unless further extended SUB TOTAL ,\m 11.741 4*4 00 >• pleasant & efficient, il ni.jji oo SECTION 1. is easy, TMl ominonc. iKall lo>. .11.n upon Ih POMO0. ond publkcttlon « „ ACTIVITIES cordtnalokm. aorln ANNEC SWITEK when you bank with our friendly and helpful tellers. Othtf Eatun IMM T—"I.?"" 2a Monmouth County COMMUNITY SERVICES Febrwory 4. 1177 > * -In — Civic Actlvllln usooo mo oo uoooo J I SUB TOTAL 11.111 III 00 NoH m,M "^r^^mMt" ii.rn.ui.n iutoToMoo will be received by the Board of Rec J-IVCCIM. PROJECTS reatlon Commissioners of Ihe County IPntoral and/or Stall Spontortd) 7H Wit Long Branch ol Monmouth, New Jersey. In the ESEA Prol.lH meeting room of the Board of Rec/ea Otiwr PfOltch lion Commissioners, ADMINIS (A-U Total Current ENPWMI NANCE ENTITLED THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE ClTV OF LONG BRANCH. 1970. ADOPTED JANUARY It. 1IM. tf 77 and then publicly open id and read AND AMENDMENTS THERETO tor the following BY ESTABLISHING A DEPART 1 LOCKS AND SUPPLIES ij\4.soooo HW.015 00 nation MENT OF FINANCE I PRINTING SERVICES BE IT ORDAINED, by iheCHy tt Dt I TOTALS Council of (ht Clly ol Long Branch, In S1.9S7.1SS 00 SI,W,Ml 00 17.DM 41J M the County ot Monmoultv and Slot* ot CTmylt* ptora and s ISwmol AtoC Inc )• New Jtruy. 01 followi be eiamlned at the A SECTION 1. Section M. Department flees ot the Monmouth County Park CURRENT OPIHATINO IPf •OPHIMIOII BALANCBI JUKI 1 Ol Administration ond Finance, ol an System, located In Thompson County A CURRENT EXPENSE II4ISIIO0 txdlnonc* entitled "The Revised Gen. Porh. Newman Springs Road. Lin B CAPITAL OUTLAY ».&.« eral Ordinances of the City ol Lona croft. New Jersey, between the hours TOTAL BALANCES Broncrv 1t?0." Adopted Jonuory II. ot f :W a.m., ond *.X p.m., prevailing JUNE ». I»M IIII.SM.W IIM and Amendments thereto. It heft' time, dally Monday to Friday, ijv by amended ond mpplemtnttd so thot ctueive. Tht documents shod tint be avalloWetOOom TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND Section II. Department of Admlnl. BALANCES JUNE ».)(» II.III.l» 00 Iro'lon ond Flnonce, Shall read Drawings, specifications, bid terms Section 7-1 Deporlment al Admimt end all forms required may be attain- **lncludn fullv-lfwnwr«tj lp«clol FMUroTondTor (ration ed bv qualified bidders at the PARK Stall Proltcll SECTION I Section M 1 Depart- SYSTEM ADMINISTRATIVE OF IMPDOVBMBNT AUTHOHIIATIONI ment Generally, of the ordinance rt FICES set forth above between tht ofo resold hours JULY 1, III) I* JUNB M. lfff« terred to In Section 1 of this ordinance, UNEXPENDED IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS shall be omtnded so that the words Bldt mwst be mode on the standord "Department of Administration and proposal forms In the manner desig TOVAL REVENUES AND BEGINNING BALANCE .•.•'.•.•.. V.. Finance' tftoll read "Department ol noted and required by the Sptctflco Adminiitratlon " Hon*. mutt be enclosed In sealed enve IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIIATION EXPENDITURES SECTION 1 Section II1, Divisional tope* bearing the name and addreu of Oraonliotion. ot the ordinance rfr the Bidder, detlgnallna the name ol BUILDINGS in.liiOO the bW on the outsMe, addressed to me You'll like the services Monmouth County's TOTAL IMPROVEMENT AUTHODIZATION EXPENDITURES terred to k. Section 1 of the ordlnonct It hereby amended and supplemented Board al Recreation Commissioners. toreadoslollQwt Monmouth County Porh System. New UNEXPENDED IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS man Spring* Rood, Llncroft, Ntw Jer Section M ], Department ot Fl First 1 /2 Billion Dollar County Based Bank JUNE 30.1»H •• U.J73W My imi, and delivered at tht place nonce. There lholl be a Depart and before the hour above named TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND ENOING BALANCE ment ot Flnonce, (he head ol which •Dk th rt f thi srwli bt the Director ot Finance has to offer. Tr» l»» 71 ElP4rntt Budg«l InclwMI 0 total ot wo,1*4 00 allotattfl Within the deportment there ina" toT * E Improvement Programs at summorlttdbelo. be divisions of occounllngandcon Grodt'Grodrod*'Gr * Tola! trol. tan ostessmenit. revenue, improvement Program Nome Cluittr Appropriation and purchasing Except as other The owner reserve* the right to waive Conctpt Dt*tlopmtr.i ot Addition Klftdtrgorttn wise provided by code or required any Informalities In. or to re(ed any Rtlnforccmtnt ot Bailc by law, the director shall allocate and all Wdv and to award the con- Math Skllli and Ct 1.475 and atsion the tun " tt I t hl H dd t th and duties among c For instance.... if you need a personal loan, 1.0N divisions SECTION 4. Section 114, Division Sklilt In Rtodlng ot Accounts ond Control, of the ordl a home or car loan, or a loan for almost any Dtvtlopina Vocabulwv' nance referred to in Secllon 1 ot this Comprthtnilon Skllli In Rtodlno 4.164 County Board of tec reason at all - Ask us about our new lending Spelling Improvtmtnt Program 3.5*0 menled by the deletion of the words reonon tonvnisstoner 1 shall reserve DtvtloplngCompotlilon Skllli 4.IIS ol Administration" In the first sen the right to hold bldt tor thirty (N) D*vth>pJrm Inquiry i Problem ••nee days prior to owordtng the coniroct program which permits you to borrow more Solving 5MIH tn Social Studlti SECTION i Section II! Olvltlon By order at the Beard ot Recreation Toiol AppfoprlAppropriatiot n . of Toi Assesiments ol the ordinance Commissioners ol the County of Men- eferred lo In Section I ot this ordl- mouth for a longer period of time. F« n. 1*77 VICTOR E. GROSSINOIR. Chotrman the first sentence fhefeot JAMES j TRUNCER. ore deleted Secretory Direct** SECTION • Section Mi, Division The Daily Register Of Revenues, of the ordinance referred to In Secllon 1 ot this ordinance It ~ amended and supplemented so The Sunday Register word} ol AdmlnliWotlon _,. 7 StjUon M ), Dlyliton ,. •urchoilng. of (he ordinance re Publuhrt by Tht Rtd Bonk Kt«tltl( ferred to In Section 1 of mis ordinonc* Remember... Eltoblltrtfd In till by Jotio H Cook and Htnry Cloy It hereby amended so that the second MistflMt Is deleted, ond the following 1HX11OFFWT \ «<^JJJpv. we make banking easy for you. Mam Ottlct sentence Is substituted therefore; On« HIVKI" 'IOIO. M»t»lbury. N J 01101 "the Director of Finance, with .XEROX COPIES • ranch OHICM consul tot l on ond approval by the • 74 (tl 11, Mladltlown. N J 01141 business administrator, tholl Monmourh County Courthouit. Frt*hold. NJ 01111 t*fve en purchasing agent without in Broadway, Long Bronct). N J 01140 OOWIortolcompensatlCKi " StOtttiOult. Trenton. N J 0*»» SECTION I: Thlt ordlnonct Shall INSTANT take effect after final posvaoe. pubiica Mowfctf ol Mw AIIKtotoct Prtll Tnt Aitociolfo Prcti it mtillfd tton. and according to low. •RCtMtvoly tt *» tnt ol gll tht local ncwi prinltd in tht ntwipoptr a\ introdweed Nbruarv tt. i«l •rttl m Ml AP ntwt and ditpotcntt PRINTING CENTRAL JERSEY BANK The ordinance published herewith wos introduced of a regular meeting ol the Clly Council ot the City oF Long X\INJD TRUST COMRANV Branch, tn the County al Monmoutf., White You wait MEMBER FOC Ntw Jtrtty held on February ??. 1*M tecond Clan polios* peid ol Rto Bonk. N J 01101 ond al Middlt and will be hirhfer considered lor final town. NJ 01141 Pvollihtd Sunday Ihrouoh Friday Wail tuetcriplioni pastoge offer a public heorlng thereon pavooJt In advonct flfwolf press inc. a) O meetirtg of sold City Council to be Ttfrn Sunday Doily a held at City Council Chombtrt. Third 1/0 Moiwnouth Stnvl St'ii fed Benk, 741»«00 Homt dollvtry by Cctrrltr - Dally and Sunday .M c««tl O wttk 29 CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU • MTODLESEX • MONMOUTH • OCEAN • UNION Swndtnj tmly lictnti SMflt copy at Counrtr - Dolly llBMtt! Sunday .» ctntl. Li Dismiss forgery charges Obituaries filed against Freehold man Einar Nelson Irvin Beaver MATAWAN - Einar FREEHOLD - An in- Friday to dismiss this forgery move to sever multiple when he choked her. He said: John Sutton, 88; "John" Nelson, 67, of 41 Mid- is memorialized dictment charging a tt-year- Indictment on the grounds charges by motion to have "I got mad" during an argu- dlesex Road, died yesterday old Freehold man, who was that it constituted double the charges tried separately. ment with Mrs Bryant over a BELFORD-The lite Irvin J45 check on which he had at the Bayshore Community B. Beaver Sr of Port Mon- convicted of first degree mur- jeopardy and because the der for the fatal stabbing of The state had made a mo- forged her name. The quar- Hospital, Holmdel mouth, father of Mlddletown substance of the charge had took annual 'stroll' his foiter mother, with for- tion to consolidate the forgery rel and slaying took place Mr. Nelson, a retired car- already been tried. Detective Irvin B. Beaver Jr., ging her name to checks and and the murder charges but about 5 30 pm July II. MIDDLETOWN - John as a flyer in a trapeze act penter, was born in Perth has been memorialized In an In ruling on the motion, Sutton, H, of Prospect Ave., throughout Canada and the bank withdrawal slips and ob- withdrew the motion, noted Amboy, and had lived here SO Assembly resolution spon- Judge Lane noted that sev- the Judge. Goodwyn also stated that In Uw HUlilde section, a Ii eastern United States taining $720 was dismissed by eral tests have been devised years. He was a member of sored by Assemblymen Rich- "Because of the sequence after the fatal slaying of his mlliir light to ill on the Married in Lebanon April Superior Court Judge Merritt to determine whether the the Matawan Fire Depart- ard Van Wagner and William of the events here, they are foster mother he took her streets of neighboring Atlan- 18, MM, Mr. Sutton brought Lane Jr. same offense was sought to ment. E. Flynn, 12th District Demo- connected together," he said, body and left it in a dumpster tic Highlands, died Saturday his bride to Atlantic High- Judge Lane held that the be tried. One is the same Surviving are his widow. crats, have announced. adding that "fundamental behind a Chinese restaurant at home lands a year later for a two- evidence the state used when transaction and the other is Mrs. Helen Nelson; two The resolution cites Mr. fairness dictates that they In a Freehold Township shop- Mr. Sutton, the son of an Al week visit The Suttons liked it prosecuted Jesse Goodwyn the same evidence test. daughters, Mrs. Gail Am- Beaver's 45-year residence in should have been tried togeth- ping center. gonquln Indian mother and a what they found In this area; of Throckmorton St. on the broslo of Ocean Township, Port Monmouth and his con- The prosecutor's office er." Testimony during the trial black father from Trinidad, they never returned to Penn- murder charge would be the and Mrs. Donna Ryder, here; tributions to the community knew about the forgery During the murder trial, a indicated that sanitation would have been 8> May 8 sylvania. same that it would use for the charge before it tried Good- a son, John D Nelson of An- as a teacher and civic leader. statement Goodwyn made to workers mistaking the On May tl, 1114, his !«th Mrs. Sutton, who died In forgery charge. He also held wyn on the murder charge, nandale; a brother. Henry "We are deeply saddened police was introduced into wrapped bundle for refuse birthday, Mr. Sutton misled IM2, became known Inter- that the acts constituted a said the judge, adding that Nelson of Avenel; four sis- by the untimely death of Irvin evidence. In that statement, had taken the body to a local the trolley car which ran nationally as an author and single criminal episode. the state introduced evidence ters, Mrs. Lillian Maznoski of B. Beaver Sr. Mr. Beaver was he admitted that the knifing landfill where it apparently from Atlantic Highlands to composer, publishing songs Edison, Mrs. Elna Richards a stalwart In the community After the Judge dismissed concerning the checks during was compacted, shredded and and poetry under the name the murder trial to establish a took place only after his fos- Red Bank. It was a lovely of Nassau, N.H., Mrs. Emma he served so well for so many the indictment, he stated that buried. "Madame Sutton ." motive by Goodwyn. ter mother would not die day and a happy birthday for Rankin of Watkins Glen, years. The resolution extend- this was "a very difficult Mr. Sutton, so he deckled to Mr. Sutton took a Job as a NY., and Mrs. Violet Peter- ing the Assembly's con- question," and suggested that The court rules contemplate wak to Red Bank, not waiting gardener with a Hillside nurs- son of Holliston, Mass, and dolences to the members of the prosecutor's office appeal that separate offenses may be his ruling. for another car All through ing home, working there from seven grandchildren. his family was the least we tried together If this action the years ever since, he has 1112 untU 19H In KM he took The Bedle Funeral Home of could do to honor his memo- Goodwyn was convicted by does not prejudice the defend- repated his stroll an additional position in the Matawan, is in charge of ar- ry," said Assemblyman Van a jury Jan. 10 of first degree ant, said the Judge. Atlantic Highlands office of each May 23. rangements. Wagner. murder for the death of his While there Is a potential the Jersey Central Power and Bom In Lebanon, Pa., May . The two legislators also ex- foster mother, Mrs. Fannie for prejudice where multiple Light Co., working there until Bryant. Her body has never a. lm, Mr. Sutton grew up tended their personal sympa- offenses are tried at the same there, going to school through his retirement in IMS at the Kenneth C. Maughler been found. Immediately af- time, this may suggest that a age of 77. SHREWSBURY - Kenneth thies to Mr. Beaver's widow, ter the verdict, Goodwyn was the fourth grade and becom- Mrs. Mildred Beaver, and his defendant has a propensity ing fluent In the Platt- Married M years, the Sut- G. Maughler, 54, of 29 Ala- sentenced to life Imprison- for crime, said the judge. meda Court, died yesterday sons, Detective Beaver and ment. Deutsch spoken by his Penn- tons had no children of their Barrie Beaver. Judge Lane said that a sylvania dutch neighbors. As own, but raised two foster at Monmouth Medical Center, After Goodwyn was indicted "mere possibility of such K(!|.4oiH'S

NEW YORK - Don't look now, but America's Number tions will include a stalesmanslike effort to combat inflation? ment only when it is immediately convenient. Deregulation and One economic problem has not gone away. Yet some Wall Streeters, concerned about the stock mar- ending of subsidies is fine for others — but our business, you Inflation — though temporarily out of favor ai a headline ket's lack of enthusasium for the probable Carter economy, see, has special problems, special needs Mar — Is lurking In the wings waiting to make a dramatic re- seek solutions at least as irresponsible: They would like Ar- The American memory span is wondrously short, but by entry, just as soon as the audience fully relaxes and turns its LOUIS thur Bums, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, to splash now even we should be able to retain the fear of a renewal of attention elsewhere. large quantities of new money — Britain's Callaghan called it double-digit inflation. Even we should know that when govern- ment runs wild, It brings neither prosperity nor stable prices, There Is every evidence that much of the audience, at "confetti money" — into the economy, in an effort to drive RUKEYSER that sound growth of the private economy has been the key — least. Is getting ready to do just that. Press and politicians down interest rates (very temporarily) and make the econo- the only key — to improving the well-being of the mass of the seem preoccupied with the spurious question of "how much" my (eel healthier (ditto). That this in the end, would be de- citizenry. It is sometimes hard to remember this, because it government stimulation the economy needs — or, to put it an- structive seems to concern them as little as last month's differs from so much of the rhetoric now being featured on other way, how little we ought to be worrying about the con- stock prices the nightly news, but there will be no way to escape the pe- tinuing tendency of Washington to inflate. Yet too many businessmen, all too painfully aware of the our fear of big numbers: that Carter's proposed 115 billion ad- nalties if we forget The unmistakable lesson of such endless inflation — that impact of inflation on their own businesses, seek less govern- dition to the already huge 1177 deficit is a mere drop in the it leads Inexorably to economic collapse and far worse bucket for an economy of this size They would like, presum- unemployment than It was intended to prevent — has been ably, to transform that drop into a flood. chipped in stone for decades now. It has even been acknowl- Yet the statistics, showing inflation has stubbornly not edged, in a historic speech Sept. 28, 1976, by the Socialist vanished, get smoothly explained away. Did the consumer Prime Minister of Britain, James Callaghan. It Is time for price Index Just take Its biggest leap in 18 months? Well, the some of our alleged capitalists In America to recognize it, too weather, you know, has been terrible Is inflation, even in the - before It Is too late. present post-recession trough, still rising dangerously higher Yet Congress goes on worrying the headline-making (and than our historical norms? You old-fashioned person, you're troublemaking) bone of how much bigger to make President worrying about last year's problem. Carter's proposed public-works programs — even though such Yet as we move Into a year laden with important labor programs have been demonstrated repeatedly to be tempo- negotiations, union leaders are demanding still higher auto- rary palliatives at best, with a permanent impact only on the matic contributions to inflation (first, the annual "cost-of-liv- inflation side. ing adjustment"; now, the steelworkers' call for "lifetime Yet prominent economists who have perennially, and all security"; next, perhaps, guaranteed reincarnation, with paid too successfully, urged "more" — more government spending, holidays). Contracts covering 4.9 million workers expire this more government intervention, more government programs year, covering such key fields as basic steel, construction, (but less human freedom) — are now back on the same band- telephone communications, bituminous coal, railroads and re- SHOP AT RITE AID FOR ALL YOUR HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS stand, Informing us superciliously that we have to get over tail food. Does anyone think that the trend of these negotia- AIM BAYER Here's some basic advice TOOTHPASTE ASPIRIN TABLETS on filing U.S. tax returns 1.4 07 TUBE By SYLVIA PORTER iiilMiiiiiimiiuiini IIIIIIII minim ( First of sevei columns) Much of the Information you will read in this tax series starting today is available from no other source - not even from the U.S. Treasury itself The reason Is that many of the YOUR MONEY'S tax strategy moves have been dug out of obscure regulations or little-noticed court decisions in 1(76. Trained though your local IRS agents may be. they may WORTH not even be aware of some of the new regulations, circulated CEPACOL CONGESPIRIN to a limited degree or only a few months old. The US. Trea- sury may not have publicized a court decision because it dis- •timilltllllllllllHHHIIHIIIIIIIHItllMimtlli COLD TABLETS agrees and Is resisting the decision. Or the rulings may have per cent of that total If multiplication is hard for you, try to LOZENGES been "burled" in a mass of other rulings Issued at the same use someone's pocket calculator for the multiplication It's as FOR CHILDREN time. simple as that PKG OF 24 Without fear, I guarantee you'll save money, time and If you are single or an unmarried head of household, the BOTTLE OF 31 trouble by reading with care, between as well as on the lines. procedure is the same, except that the numbers are different and heeding many of the hints that may be directly applicable If the amount you entered on line 13a is less than 910.625. your to you. standard deduction is $1,700. If it's $15,000 or more, your de- SPECIAL BUY Before I report these new rules and decisions, though, lei duction Is $2,400. If line 13a is between $10,625 and $14,999. EXCELLENT VALUE me warn you that, because of changes made by the massive your deduction is 16 per cent of that amount Use the calcu- 1(71 Tax Reform Act, you easily may overpay your taxes and. lator even worse, unnecessarily invite an IRS audit of your return If you are married and filing separately, the only differ To begin with Form 1M0A . . . ehce again is numbers If line 13a is less than $6.562 50 your In "reforming" and "simplifying" the tax law, Congress deduction is $1,050 If it's $8,750 or more, your deduction is YUCCA DEW made your income tax returns s« much more complex that $1,400 If line 13a is between $6,562.50 and $8.749.99. your stan- even the Commissioner of Internal Revenue himself offers dard deduction is 16 per cent of that amount The calculator ALPHA NOXZEMA some apologetic remarks on the '70 forms packages As a re- will figure it MIDICATID SHAMPOO sult, millions of you who should be able to prepare your own (1) The other complication is a double computation (or "simple" Form 1040A may (eel forced to pay someone else to the personal exemption credit you can take against your lax KERI REG DRY0R0IIY do the Job for you. Here is how you should handle this, advises Leon Cold, a top SHAVE CREAM 15'A FL. 0Z BOTTLE But If you follow the guides In today's column, you can do tax expert of The Research Institute of America BATH Oil REG, MENTHOL. LIME your own return and avoid that expense. If your taxable Income on line 15 of Form 1040A is $9,000 OR WILD FOREST I Fl. 02. BOTTLE There are two new major complications on your '76 Form or more, your credit on line 17b is $180, unless you .showed IOWA: (1) you must figure out your own standard deduction more than five exemptions on line 6d If you showed more and enter that total at line lJb; and (2) you must make a than five, your credit is the number of exemptions on line M double computation in calculating how much credit you can multiplied by $35 For Instance, six exemptions on line 6d take against your tax at line 17. gives you a credit of $210. (1) After you add up all your income at line 12. you bring If your line 15 is less than $9,000. first show ;' per cent of that total Income over to line 13a. Now here is a translation of your taxable income on line 17b Then multiply the number of line 13b to help you figure out your own standard deduction. exemptions on line 6d times $35 on line 17a take the higher If you are married and filing a Joint return, or if you are amount of 17a or 17b as your credit a surviving spouse entitled to file a joint return and if the Keep this column at your side when you fill out Form RITE AID amount you wrote at line 13a is less than 113.125. your stan- 1040A It will prevent millions of you from deciding the form CLAIROL JERGENS dard deduction Is 12,100. If your amount on line 13a is 117.500 is too complicated for you and thus wasting money and time or more, your standard deduction is 12,800. If the amount on seeking outside (and not necessarily good) assistance LOTION KNEE line 13a is between $13,125 and $17,499. your deduction is 16 Tomorrow: Key hints on Form 1141. REGULAR OR EXTRA DRY FINAL NET It Fl. 0Z. BOTTLE HIGHS Hope for Western Pacific INVISIBLE HAIR NET PIUS S OZS FREE PKG OF 4 REGULAR OR UNSCENTED By DAVID R SARGENT lllllMlMllttliiil MHMMtiailttHlllllltlll crease, year-to-year For the year ended January, sales set 12 FL. 0Z BOTTLE Q — My husband and I a record Mobil reported a 16 bought 100 shares of Western per cent improvement in Pacific Industries (NYSE) In SUCCESSFUL earnings for 1976 to $9.05 a 1969 at $27 a share Is there a share, the second highest slight chance that the stock profit in its history Dividends will ever recover? ED, Ohio INVESTING have increased ISO per cent in OIL OF PERSONNA A — Don't give up yet! the last decade, a rate of Your stock has been one of growth which more than off- the belter market performers sets inflation for that period OLAY "74" A 15 per cent rise in profits since last summer when the maker of gasoline pump com- growth. Its acquisition moves this year is anticipated The DOUBLI EDOI acquisition of Veeder In- puting devices. The acquisi- in recent years have been in 4 Fl. 0Z BOTTLE Irvine Company takeover, if dustries was completed. This areas unrelated to Its petro- tion has allowed the appli- resolved in Mobil's favor, BLADES merger has greatly improved leum business, so that any cation of Western Pacific's $5 would be an additional plus PKG OF 5 the outlook for the company. million in investment tax proposed divestiture legisla- For 1176, which included Vee- for shareholders credits to offset income taxes. tion would not affect these di- (Mr Sargent cannot answer RITE AID der for only the final half, visions. The Montgomery earnings more than doubled Rail operations include all mall personally, but will 1.718 miles of trackage in Cal- Ward operation had a good answer all questions possible to $2.86 a share from $1.16 in month in January when sales 1975 Revenues gained a more ifornia, Utah and Nevada. in his column.) showed a 14 per cent in- modest 14 per cent year-to- Important customers are In DISPOSABLE year. Veeder is the only U.S. the automotive, steel and food packing industries. Western is handicapped by Us size, well DIE AID RIGHT GUARD Home buying below that of Southern Pacif- DIAPERS ic, the largest line serving the COSMETIC AHTI-rnSPIUNT West. Management favors the TODDLER RES.. LIGHT POWDER, can lead to proposed consolidation of the PKG. OF 40 DOUBLE PROTECTION OR many competing line; with PUFFS DOUBLE PROTECTION UNSC duplicate trackage. Into four tax savings 100 TRIPLE OR 300 REGULAR or five major systems, I OZ. CAN NEWARK (AP) - If you're serving the West. Should this looking for a big income tax become a reality the hope Is deduction, you might try buy- that Western Pacific's rail Ing a home, says the New system would be Included. Jersey Society of Certified This would free up capital so Public Accountants that additional acquisitions could be made. With earnings "It is almost a rule of 79* now back to nearer the levels SALE thumb that when a taxpayer of the late 1960s, the dividend WE RESERVE THE RI8NT TO UNIT QUANTITIES ENDS MARCH i. tin buys a home of his own, he might be resumed. gives up the standard deduc- HIM BItUB BTIU «rn»» Q - My only holding is 700 tmuo •nut mu tion because the deductions oocoum ctntH shares of Mobil Corp. WAuun nuuua DIKOUNT ptuuttn nuMucr nuunuo brought by the house usually 1 ^1 h ri - (NYSE) bought at 163 a •••••••••••••••• <• MOM 11. UVIUM Ull CIHTtl BUM WHOM MMHHOVTPI ' make itemizing much more MUT share. This stock has been go- RMHH^ MUM aoun MI u woffws tri loam »n profitable," said society pres- w-tm ytUITMM mcitn i •01 H4-JI14 ing up steadily. Should I con- ilwiTrrm ident Theodore Romak. M«t9K Km*Hjjmnci UNNMMOI UtOMTMM tinue to hold? AD. New Jer- n.M fill I] ttt-WM NMMAIM1 tmjm-ptoMucrt uutm He also said a homeowner sey m mi can deduct any Improvements A - Yes. Mobil, yielding 5.8 made to benefit an elderly or per cent from Its well-covered handicapped person who lives $3 80 dividend, has above-av- with the taxpayer. erage long-term potential for

t J The Daily Register A bureaucratic nightmare tions over the Panama Canal EiUbllthed In 1171 - Publuhtd by The Red Bank Rrgiittr By JACK ANDERSON IIIIMIiUIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIII sonable interpretation of fed- eral legulations " have Dogged down. Panama's ui IKS WHITTEN military dictator, Omar Tor ARTHUR Z. KAMIN Tens ol thousands of Ameri- WASHINGTON - Over $600,000 of unallo- rijos, blamed the stalemate President and Editor can children, wards ol the bu- wable federal payments were privately upon the dis- reaucracy, have been con- SCENE made, for example, to two tinguished U.S. negotiator, Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor signed to a dreary purgatory counties in California. The Ellsworth Bunker. without love or hope. Many llllllllimilllMIIIIIIHIIIIIIIMIIIIIII" Illl counties placed fosler chil- "The trouble," confided are also living in worse po- dren in private institutions Torrijos, "is that Bunker Is ' SHREWSBURY, N J MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1977 verty than the government hidden dumping ground for that made a profit off chil- too old; he's half deaf; and he rescued them from children." dren's misery at public ex- wears a tie." 1 ANDERSON It has become the Ameri- It has taken Congress two pense The GAO found evi- Timr to pop some corn in the U.S. embassy. years to put together the sor- dence of similar unlawful Th« Panamanian president can way for the bureaucracy many as six different eligibi- is an earthy man who enjoys to take custody of children did story of the plethora of so- placements in New Jersey cial programs, which make up lity standards to receive fos- a good binge. Bunker simply who have been abandoned or and New York. foster care. The in- ler care. The programs were is too dignified and aloof to abused by their parents vestigation was started in - The GAO inspected fos- also plagued, according to suit him. Torrijos hinted Sometines the separation If 1975 by then-Sen. Walter Mon- ter care institutions which HEW, by "lack of adequate heartily that he might be will- voluntary, a breathing spell dale. D Minn , and Rep were no more than children planning, goal setUng, review Ing to make a deal with a ne- while families extricate them George Miller, I) -Calif warehouses, with broken and follow-up." gotiator who would take off selves from the vicissitudes ol plumbing, missing window his tie and spend a night on modern living. — The purpose of foster the town with him. Miller called upon the re- screens, dilapidated furniture, care is to provide children But once children (all intc sources Of the General Ac- broken windows and inoper- with tenporary refuge. An at- MODEL INSPECTOR: The the clutches of the bureau counting Office and the Li- able refrigerators containing tempt is supposed to be made Nuclear Regulatory Commis- cracy, they often become lost brary of Congress. The rotting fruits and vegetables to help the family solve its sion's Thomas McTiernan is In the paperwork. They be- Health, Education and Wel- Other children's homes had problems and then return the the very model of a modern come charges of magistrates fare Department also con- walls and doors with holes, child to his own parents. This inspector general. No viola- and clerks who are detached, ducted an Investigation of Its mattresses without bed- seldom happens. In Iowa, (5 tion is too minor to escape his methodical, guided by regu- Own foster care efforts. The springs and "barracks-like" per cent of the mothers with vigilance nor feel the sting of lations which they follow to final results haven't been settings. "Serious defi- children in foster care hadn't his rebuke. the letter. made public, but we can re- ciencies" were discovered In been seen by a social worker veal the shameful findings: seven of 18 institutions the for more than six months. In In place of a parent, (he We were astonished, there- GAO visited. Massachusetts, the figure was abandoned child has a gov- fore, to leam that the upright - Foster care costs the tax- 60 per cent. In California and ernment clerk seated in his McTiernan bent the rules payers almost $700 nlUlon a - At one-third of the in- Massachusetts, more than 30 cubicle pondering the latest himself to try to arrange a year, with the money shuffled stitutions inspected, some percent of the parents ac- form and deciding that it runs job in his audit section for into a bureaucratic maze children did not receive an- knowledged thai they had no afoul of regulations and must the daughter of an old Justice where administrators fight nual physical exams. Almost contact with their children af- be disallowed. over the dollars. Much of the Department crony, the late half of the Institutions had ter placement John Doherty McTiernan Of the 350.000 children en- money never reaches the chil- "inadequate controls over dren but is siphoned off by even enlisted another top trusted to the government's medications" — that is, un- NRC official, Administration the administrators. There is It might be better for the foster care program, ac- safe storage of medicines Director Daniel Donoghue, to also a wide disparity in foster children if Americans stopped cording to congressional tes- within easy access of chil- help line up Interviews for care costs, ranging from $156 handing their problems and timony, "between 100,000 and dren her. 200,090 ,.. are adrift In foster to $1,320 a month. According their consciences over to the care and will likely remain in to the GAO study, the govern- - HEW found the local fos- bureaucracy. Footnote: Both McTiernan foster care for long and In- ment is often billed for costs ter care programs ensnarled and Donoghue contend that definite periods ,., Foster which "we believe would be in red tape. A child, for ex- PARTY POOPER: At this she was qualified for the au- care has become a vast and a unallowable under any sea- anple, must run a maze of as writing, the delicate negotia- diting job. Tuna fleets net a dilemma

Bv JIM BISHOP mil mil iiiiuiHi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cide. tuna, but permit porpoises to They live in all seas family- escape It Is too late for some Two years ago tuna fish- style. They swim by thrash seafarers, whose boats were ermen killed 154.000 porpoises THE ing their tails up and down sold at auction for bank debts in the Pacific Ocean. The eco- and can reach 24 miles per and mortgage IngMl made a good case in REPORTER hour. In schools, the young Tuna fishing isn't really Congress for the friendly, de- bulls are placed on the out- fishing. It's hunting. When the fenseless porpoises and the IIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIMMIIIIIMMI side of the group, expectant porpoises are discovered — bad. bad fishermen mothers In the middle. sometimes 500 in a school — tuna into the mouth of the the loudspeakers aboard the The facts are complex net When a mother is about to give birth, her recessed nip- mother ship blare for action There are no villainous as- When porpoises leap inside, ples fill with milk. Other fe- BISHOP Small boats slip into the sea. pects. The fishermen do not the speedboat pilots must pre- males surround her as she They circle outside the George H. Clayton Sr. want to net porpoises. They vent the sagging net from col- fisherman who desired to swims. The infant will be an school, making high whining are after tuna. Unfortunately, lapsing on them. They must catch or hurt a porpoise. George H. Clayton Sr. died ily tradition has served Red Bank animal, not a fish. It will re- noises and rooster tails in the tuna swim under and behind also yank the rear part of the The ecologists point an in- quire air to live. sea. Thursday. He would have been 74 extremely well. schools of porpoises. The big net and sink it so that por- dicting finger at the tuna years of age next month. boats of San Diego and San At the moment of birth, a fleet. Porpoises are worthless The big boat circles slowly, As a young cop, Mr. Clayton was poises can find a way out the net open on one side The He will long be remembered as assigned by his father to patrol Pedro must first search lor Thus a can of tuna becomes pre-selected female grabs the to fishermen. They try hard frolicking porpoises. baby in her mouth, snaps the to catch the tuna and free the speedboats literally scare the one of the most respected law en- some of Red Bank's "tough" areas. more and more expensive. tuna toward the net. Some of Porpoises are animals umbilical cord, and races for porpoise. the porpoises leap from the forcement officers ever to have The "toughs" learned that they were They breathe air When they Ancient Greece looked upon the surface The baby Is sea into the seine. A few do served in the Red Bank Police De- dealing with no ordinary rookie, but are caught in a net with the the porpoise as an intelligent thrown into air. When it slaps Sometimes, It is Impossible not wall for the rear of the valuable tuna, porpoises pan- friend of man A classic stat- back onto the sea. this The big fishing boats can partment, or any department for with a policeman who disdained use net to be submerged so they ic and strangle to death. ue was designed showing a amounts to a slap and breath- freeze 1.700 tons of tuna The that matter. of a nightstick or blackjack when a can escape. They dive verti- Laws which have been passed Joyous Greek boy riding the ing begins. crew must be prepared to re- fist could do just as convincing a cally to death Mr. Clayton retired in 1969 after to protect the porpoises now glistening back of a porpoise, The mother nurses the baby main at sea two or three 41 years' service on the Red Bank job. inhibit fishermen from catch- hanging onto the dorsal fin. for a long period of time. months to catch this much. Fishermen must count and force, the last 10 years of which he Mr. Clayton was among the first ing tuna Today there are sailors who Even when it grows and Is Ashore, a full hold will get $1 report the porpoise kill headed the department as chief. Pri- municipal policemen in Monmouth Some fishermen are bank- believe that, if a ship sinks, moved to the outer edge of million for a large catch, Nearby, they watch foreign rupt trying to obey the law. porpoises will surface and the circle, the young adult of- about 30 cents apound. fishermen netting porpoises or to that, he had been chief of de- County to be selected for training at and hacking them up on deck. tectives. the Federal Bureau of Investigation When they spot porpoises at show the way to shore. This is ten returns to mother if he sea. they set their nets In a legendary sentiment Por- gets into a figbt with another Government scientists are. Other nations use the sporty Academy in Washington, D. C. The animals as dog and cat food The Clayton name has a unique big arc behind the mother poises are shy animals Inside male. belatedly, trying to help fish- mutual admiration that developed ship Small noisy speedboats a net, some will drop slowly They are a delight to all ermen to design big nets of Our fishermen burn with fury place in Red Bank's history, and Ex- between him and FBI agents was to are launched to scare the to the bottom and commit sui- seafaring men. I never met a fine mesh which will hold They are helpless . .. Chief Clayton had reason to be ex- last a lifetime. In addition, members tremely proud of that. His father, of New York's Safe and Loft Harry Clayton, was police chief Squad—when that unit was one of when he died in 1938 after 23 years' the city's prime crime bus- service in the department, and a Tail gunner Joe's critics ters—were among his strongest ad- son, George H. Clayton Jr., a 23-year mirers. veteran of the force, has been chief By William F. Buckley, Jr. tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiMiiHiMiiiini fers from a sad failure quite ongers anyone in America since 1971. In addition, two other As chief, Mr. Clayton was known to connect with reality, not- who criticized Josef Stalin, sons, Robert and James, are Red as a disciplinarian. Mr. John Leonard of the CONSERVATIVE withstanding a precocious who railed against the Ilitler- His multitude of friends knew New York Times, reviewing flirtation with conservatism Slalin Pact, who defended the Bank policemen. the television spectacular, in his early twenties. Hyper- innocent at the purge trials, and appreciated him for his keen, writes that during the VIEW bole is one of his wonderful who denounced the repatria- The trust which various govern- quiet sense of humor and his com- McCarthy years "we seemed strengths. "One can't dis- tion of 16 million East Eu- ing bodies through the years have plete decency and loyalty. We join willing to believe that there Mil Illllllll Ill ••• II agree that We the People made ropeans to their death In So- placed in three generations of Clay- them in offering condolences to his were more Communists—in fortunate as not to be famil- McCarthy," he writes, "any viet camps — that play would devoted wife, children and grand- the army, in the clergy. In the iar with the work of Mr. more than one can dis- likely not be produced. And If tons is quite obvious. It was not mis- State Department, in the placed, and what has become a fam- children. Leonard should know at least agree with the proposition by chance it were, It would ei- glove compartments of our this about him, that Tom that death is sad or that sex KILPATRICK ther be ho-hummed to death, cars — than there were Wolfe aside, he is the funniest is less so. But are such pious or rigorously denounced, Americans. Books were writer In America, the hottest observations very helpful? On all by McCarthy that it took probably as McCarthylte. It is Carter's bureaucracy burned and teachers were epigrammatist In the lan- television, there is no short- courage to contribute support more fun to laugh with Woody fired and writers went to jail guage, with a sense of irony age of natural gas." to Harvard University (where Allen at those Americans who and intellectuals cultivated President Carter is still learning that reductions in staff would be the equal of Murray Kem- Ah, our tortured poets! But Mr. Leonard was In- resented the greatest diplo- their own gardens..." his new job, employing old-fashioned achieved through attrition rather pton's, a prose rich as Rim- those who believe that Mr completely educated: — could matic reversal In human his- trial and error devices as he than firings. (Approximately 10 per Now those readers so un- sky-Korsakov — but he suf- Leonard's delirium is a par- it have been the shortage of tory than to wonder, darkly, ticular disease have forgotten funds caused by McCarthy?). about the extent to which we searches for the definitive Carter cent of federal employes retire, die the history of the era, where McCarthy, up through the were responsible for the Gu- style. or leave their jobs willingly each f */ the excesses were far less Tydlngs Investigation which lag Archipelago. Despite some errors resulting year. McCarthy's, than his critics'. gave him the notoriety off Let those who amuse them- from those trials, Mr. Carter is to be Allowing himself to be ques- In those days there actually which "Tail Gunner Joe" selves by asking that congratulated on at least one t w convened In plenipotentiary coasts, named — and only McCarthy be judged by the tioned at all stops on his mini-tour sessions six professors at when required to do so by the deficiencies in his character 'I count—his impromptu visits to de- of the agencies, Mr. Carter found Haverford who dubbed them- Tydings Committee — a total get on with it - this is after partmental headquarters in the in- selves "The Unterrified," and of 44 persons, who with a all the season for judging time to reaffirm prior commitments j timidating maze of bureaucracy. to equal rights, national health care, plotted how to rescue Amer- single exception (Owen Latti- Thomas Jefferson on the When the President stopped by welfare reform and the improve- ica from McCarthy. And more) he designated as loyal- basis of the mulattoes he to chat with employes in the Agri- there was of course the rabbi ty risks. sired. But in the process, we ment of diplomatic relations with who preached that the stu- The writers who went to are coming very close to culture and Health, Education and Cuba, among other things. dent pantie-ralds were the re- jail are the Hollywood Ten, judging the decade of the fit- Welfare Departments, it was be- sult of the intemalization of for committing exactly the ties as one in which the great lieved to be the first time a sitting The importance of such internal student exuberance caused by same offense which Judge Si- moral divide was between the president had put in such appear- visiting should not be exaggerated the Terror. There were those rica sentenced Gordon Liddy McCarthyltes, and the apolog- ances without fanfare and virtually because the benefits are largely psy- wonderful attempts at open- to 20 years in jail for, getting ists for the Soviet Union. The unannounced. Those visits, of chological and superficial. It is to be mindedness, of which my fa- for himself In return the Man substantial antl-McCarthylte hoped'that Mr. Carter will not vorite remains the Dalton of the Year award from Time anti-Stalinist liberals received course, were not total surprises to School's response to a girl Magazine: - contempt of a such disdainful treatment as the respective agencies, but they un- choose to devote too much time to who complained that duly constituted government was awarded them in the Lil- derscored Mr. Carter's intention of cultivating his lower level staffers at McCarthy's side had not once board of Inquiry. The loudest lian Hellman book — which Is dealing directly (or as directly as the expense of more crucial national been given. In the spirit of protester, Mr. Dalton historically, morally, and In- business. free inquiry, the dean there- Trumbo, subsequently re- tellectually destroyed by Pro- possible) with those whom his upon scheduled a debate on vealed sua sponte that, what fessor Sidney Hook In the cur- reorganization policies will affect. As an effort to get off on the the topic, "Resolved, That do you know, he had Indeed rent Issues of London's En- Specifically, the President is ea- right foot with the men and women McCarthy's Un-American Ac- been a member of the Com- counter Magazine. There ger to convince federal employes at whose job it is to implement his pol- tivities are Justified." munist Party during the peri- were some foolish things done all levels of the need to cut back un- icies, however, Mr. Carter's agency Lord Bertrand Russell ac- od under Investigation. and said by McCarthy and tually said that McCarthy had If anyone undertook today some of his supporters during necessary paperwork and jobs. Lest visits may be wise, if for no other made it unsafe for Americans to write a screenplay about the fifties. But they cannot they become nervous about their reason than to demonstrate a sincere to read Thomas Jefferson. the fraternity of teachers, In- hold a candle up agalnrt the own security, the jobholders re- interest in some of the government's 'You men realize that we're in a struggle Mr. Robert Hutchins actually tellectuals, and writers who continuing excesses of ceived assurances from the Boss many foggy bottoms. to preserve our entire standard of spending.' said that so cowed were we smeared as fascists or warm- McCarthy's critics. i I Women host UJA parlor meetings

LITTLE SILVER - The Women's Division of United There wai "Operation Em" and "Operation Nehemlah" Jewish Appeal, Greater Red Bank Area, is sponsoring a which opened doors of freedom to (30,000 oppressed Jews series of Parlor Meetings to Interest and inform women from Iraq. about the projects supported through United Jewish Ap- A million and-a-half refugees have come to Israel peal. since it was founded, and now the ancient gates have Marge Rasas, Little Silver, will have the first gathering opened again to admit Immigrants from the Soviet Wednesday in her home. Other hostesses are Carole Union. Some 100,000 have come thus far, and 1(0,000 Chemoff, Little Silver, Judy Morris, Lincroft, and Do- more have filed for exit visas. All seek a haven where lores Feinswog, Rumson, for Thursday. they can live as Jews in dignity and freedom. Marilyn Straus, Little Silver, will be hostess March Today Women's Division has grown from a nucleus 10; Iris Block, Holmdel, March 14; Anne Beth Lashovltz, group of 300 in IMS to a national network for 30,000 dedi- Lifestyle SHREWSBURY, N J MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1977 The DUty Rcgfcfer 7

Mlddletown, March 15; Maureen Doctofsky, Holmdel, cated women. They are helping to provide the necessities March 1(; Helaine Rothman, Mlddletown, and Elaine Lu- of life for the elderly, young people and children in Israel nln, also Middletown, March 22 and Anna Balaban, Fair and of giving sustenance to those less (ortunate in the Haven, March 28. world. The United Jewish Appeal Women's Division was BIRTHDAY CELEBRANT - Mrs. Cha7ie~s"woTt. Last year Red Bank Women's Division of United mon, Eatontown, cot* Into the decorated cake to created In the aftermath of World War II in response to Jewish Appeal raised (17,000. The money will provide for mark her 98th birthday at a party for her given by the IVi million Jewish survivors of the holocaust. social services in Israel Included in these programs are members of the Dr. Alice Baker Circle of the First Under the leadership of Adele Rosenwald Levy, the health and welfare services, education, youth care and INFORMATIVE SESSIONS - Preparing for the Baptist Church of Long Branch. women's division responded to the human needs of Jews training, agricultural settlements and immigrant housing series of parlor meetings by the Women's Division throughout the world. There was "operation Magic Car- and absorbtion The chairpersons for the Parlor Meetings of United Jewish Appeal, Greater Red Bank Area, pet," whereby an ancient Jewish community from Yem- are Carol Margol, Middletown, Anita Spector, Tinton are, Mrs. Madelyn Seeman, left, Holmdel, and 'Aunt Jennie' en was transported overnight into the 20th Century. Falls, and Madelyn Seeman, Holmdel. Mrs. Carol Margol, Middletown. honored at 98 Disgusted teachers sound off on life by her Circle LITTLE SILVER - The Dr. Alice Baker Circle of First Baptist Church of Long Branch honored their member Mrs. Dear Readers: Recently I guage and large numbers San Rafael. Cal : The kids no lime or energy for teach- Charles Wortman, affectionately known as "Aunt Jennie," on printed a letter from an Iov*# I've been told I'm clearly "off are a handful, but it's not ing the occasion of her 98th birthday The circle met here In the teacher who was resigning my rocker," "completely out their fault Parents have home of Mrs. Arthur Hood, 3 River's Edge Drive, for the par- because she was "sick of of touch," "crazy as a loon" ANN LANDERS failed to teach them respect So, Dear Readers, there ly complete with a large ice cream cake. being called foul names, sick and "living in Disneyland." for authority Other prob- you have it Perhaps 1 was so Mrs. Wortman has been most active and faithful in Sun- of hearing students use four- This is what my week has year-old student who is ash- been the worst Everything lems: (1) The teachers arc lar off target because I've day School and church attendance over the years and partici- letter words, fed up on gar- been like: amed of the kids I go to that Isn't nailed down dis- too lazy (or scared) to de- been lecturing on college pates In both the Missionary Society and the Dr. Alice Baker bage and fights in the halls, From Richmond. Va : That school with. They get away appears. The language in the mand respect (2) Principals campuses these last few' Circle of the church. and the 'you can't make me' Iowa teacher took the words with acting terrible because halls and classrooms is un- are afraid to fire incompetent years and haven't spent much Until the bus schedule was cancelled on Sundays, she attitude." right out of my mouth I'm no the teachers have no one who printable. (PS. Our students teachers. (3) The taxpayers lime in high schools. Since will back them up When they are from 5 to 11 years of 1971, I have addressed au- walked from her present home on South St., Eatontown, each I responded, "Your letter quitter, but I, too, am consid- vote NO against improve- get into a hassle with parents age) diences at Harvard. Yale. Sunday morning to catch the bus for weekly attendance at sounds as if it was written in ering resigning. These kids ments that are badly needed the teachers always lose Duke, the University of North Sunday School and church services In Long Branch. 19(8. I am of the opinion that are more than 1 can take. Chicago: I am a teacher because they cost money The Carolina. MIT. Notre Dame, Bom Feb. 21, 1879 In Eatontown, she is the daughter of students of all ages are look- Armada. Mich.: I drive a Royal Oak, Mich : The pub- who is also ready to quit. 1 public school system in our and the University of Cincin- the late Joseph and Margaret Dangler. "Aunt Jennie" has Ing belter, thinking better and school bus and "Iowa Teach- lic would not believe what have a nervous stomach from country needs rehauling from nati, to name a few The stu- been a member of Ihe First Baptist Church of Long Branch behaving better. If I've been er" is right. Today's students goes on in the average class- the fist-fighting in my classes top to bottom dents at those schools were since March 1916 and was the 100th person to have been bap- misled I hope you teachers are undisciplined, unmoli- room Anyone who goes into Last week a student pulled a BEAUTIFUL They were cour- tized by the Rev. Charles McKoy when he was pastor there. out there will let me know " valed and I've had it with teaching today should have knife on me. Three teachers Bryan. Tex Most teachers his head examined in our school were assaulted teous, responsive and a plea- Mrs. Wortman enjoys working in her vegetable and flower their filthy language They've are so worn out trying to I'm sorry (and more than a last month. It's a nightmare' sure to be around garden, canning fruits and Jellies, baking cakes and cookies to gotten worse in the last five Memphis, IViin I've maintain discipline they have little chagrined) to report share with friends and for social functions of the Eatontown years. taught school for 25 years. that they HAVE been letting Senior Citizens group, her own church, and the United Meth- Buffalo. NY I'm a 14- These last five years have me know — in strong lan- odist Church, Eatontown. Kuhl-Pitkethley HAZLET - St. John's United Methodist According to Mrs. G. Raymond Bacon, West Long Church was the setting here Feb 18 for the Branch, chairman of the Baker Circle, these activities "have marriage of Miss Joann Pitkethley. daughter kept Aunt Jennie young these many years." She worried that Weddings of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pitkethley. 129 Poole Mrs. Wortman did not smile for the register photographer as Ave., Union Beach, to Frank Joseph Kuhl, she didn't want her picture in the paper, "But we feel a good son of Mr. and Mrs Frank Kuhl. 9 Kelvin Christian testimony deserves to be published, don't you?" Bameburg-Maloney Ave., Leonardo Mrs. Bacon stated that Mrs. Wortman still enjoys the Se- MIDDLETOWN - Miss Elizabeth Lynn Maloney. daugh- The Rev Norman R Riley, pastor, offici- nior Citizen bus trips and church meetings. Each week she ter of Mr. and Mrs Pirie J Maloney, 33 North River Edge ated at the ceremony, which was followed by addresses and mails more than 30 of the church Sunday bulle- Drive. Little Silver, was married to Frank R Bameburg, son a reception in CobbleSlones, Middletown tins to former pastors, absentees and former members who of Mr and Mrs Frank 11 Barneburg, 49 Harrison Place, The honor attendants were the bride's sis- desire to keep in touch with the circle. Sayreville ter. Miss Judy Pitkethley and Richard Par- Members at the party also were Mrs. Edgar Pierce, sec- The ceremony and reception took place Saturday here in cells Miss Linda Kuhl and James Pitkethley retary, treasurer; Mrs. Frank Greenleaf, Mrs. Ernest Spen- the Cobblestones also attended the couple. cer, Mrs. George Beaver. Mrs. Robert McNeil Sr, Mrs. Clar- The honor attendants were Miss Rosemarie Colavito and The bride, a graduate of Keyport High ence Holden, Mrs. Arthur Rogers, Miss Ella Rundqulst and Mn. rnak R. Banetarg John Boyko School. Is employed at Shop-Rite, here Mr Mrs. Bacon (Nee Elizabeth Malonev) Mr. Barneburg. who is with Gray Envelope Company, Kuhl, a physical education teacher at Keans- Avenel. and his bride, who was with the Furniture Clearing burg Middle School, is an alumnus of Middle- House, Red Bank, plan to reside in Los Angeles, Calif., after town Township High School and Slippery a wedding trip to the Pocono Mountains. Rock (Pa ) Slate College Mr. awl Mrs. Fraak J. Kahl Engaged Spear-Schwarz FAIR HAVEN - Mr and Cap! Norman Spear. U.S.A. School, received a BA degree We even help provide Mrs David Siliw.n/ 70 Rus- (ret.) and Mrs. Spear. 240 in education from Arizona Kendrick-Messro tic Ter., announce the en- Cindy St.. Old Bridge. A sum- State University, and mas the will power™ BETTENDORF. Iowa - ter John Kendrick. 30 Oak- gagement of their daughter. mer wedding is planned. ter's in education from Rut- lawn Road, Fair Haven. N.J Miss Thelma Ann Schwarz. to gers University. He is a The engagement of Miss Ma- Miss Schwarz. a program- rian J. Messro, to Peter John An August wedding is Jeffrey Jay Spear, son of teacher of sixth grade in Day- mer for International Com- ton School. South Brunswick Kendrick, Is announced here planned., puter Sciences Inc.. Oakhurst. by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Messro, who is attend- Township His fraternity was is an alumna of Rumson-Fair Alpha Epsilon Pi. David Messro. Mr. Kendrick ing George Washington Uni- Haven Regional High School MbsMessra is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Pe- versity Graduate School in and Beaver College! Glenside. Washington. DC. is an Pa., where she received a BA CHINESE AUCTION alumna of Bettendorf High degree in history and Spanish RED BANK - The Mothers School and Purdue Univer- She was a member there ol Club of Ihe Red Bank Com- CBi. SUPERMARKET sity. West Lafayette, Ind. the Spanish. French and his munity Center will stage a 36 MAIN ST. KEANSBURG Mr Kendrick, an alumnus ton' honor societies Chinese Auction Saturday at 2 of Rumson-Fair Haven Re- p m here in the center. 144 gional High School and Pur- Mr. Spear, an alumnus ol West Bergen Place Gladys PICK-IT due University. Is employed Nurnberg American High Harris is chairman. by the Water Pollution Con- trol Federation in Washing- JERSEY NUMBER GAME ton. Miss Stkwan Pick any three numbers — your can play Lean Line loves from 7 A.M. to 10 P.M., 7 day* a WMk enter our WE ARE A CLAIM CENTER WINTER WARM-UP losers. Contest Why is a good Nursery Fab. Uth-March 5th School so Important? Fashion Araa-AD Storaa You may win a vacation for two In to keep you on the light side! beautiful, warm BERMUDA! Round Getting back in shape is easier — with a little help A trip transportation by American from your friends at Elaine FWers We'll design a pro- Airlines ... lovely double room gram ol exercise |ust for you! With active-exercise machines, Come join us. group sessions, lots of personal help, too We've got the with private path for five days, program — and the price — to put you on the kght side I 1 CHILD'S four nights at the Surfside Hotel And you've got us to help you get there ... plus a memorable island tour. All arrangements by Travel Plaza, I Only «4Per Week For The PLACE Lakewood. What a winter warm- Complete 13Afeek Program. invites you to visit and up this could be! Soak up the sun ask questions ... swim, sail or fish ... explore Call Now For An Appointment! OPEN HOUSE Thurs., March 3rd the many natural wonders of this island paradise. Come In and fill 8-10 P.M. Elaine Powers Keepin'lton out an entry blank ... you may be Transportation the lucky winner! Figure Salons thelightsicle Information Available tt Jniy, Pwwjtanii, and Moridi Brochure For dtMMlnyow toon ort SHREWSBURY PLAZA AT RTE 35 Available 1409 W. Front St. 747-0141 Lincroft, N.J. 201757-7677 SHREWSBURY 544-1773 Steinbach ALSO—MY HARBOR PLAZA. BRICKTOWN 255-MM ixfkm »*•* 5. 1977 i 8 The Dafty Register SHREWSBURY, N j MONDAY. FEBRUARY M. 1977 Streaking Canadiens rout Rangers NEW YORK (AP) - Hurray Into the net off Davidson's nodgoals to complete the rout game. Risebrough, Pete Mahovlich the year, and the Canadiens puck and flipped it behind Buf 500th goal of his National Hock- Wilson collected two goals and chest Greg Polls ruined Ken Dry- For Shutt. the NHL's leading and Guy Lafleur added two as- pulled to within five games of falo goalie Don Edwards. ey League career. 10 assist Sunday night as the Steve Shutt, Yvan Cournoyer dens bid for his eighth shutout goal scorer, the tally was his sists apiece for Montreal as the NH L record unbeaten string The Kings got only six shots Mikita became the eighth Montreal Canadiens extended and BobGainey added third pe of the year with 7:15 left in the 4Mh of the year. Dryden won his 35th game of shared by the Boston Bruins on goal In the second period, player In NHL history to ac- their National Hockey League and Philadelphia Flyers but scored three goals. complish the feat at 13:56 of unbeaten string to IB games Brulis!, Peagilas ! Dionne's second score of the the final period when he skated with an 81 rout of the New PITTSBU RGH(AP)- match came on a 2-on-l break through Dennis Keams and York Rangers Pierre Larouche's Mth goal of when he took a pass from Bob Larry Goodenough and back- It took Montreal, 14-0-4 since the season gave the Pittsburgh Berry. Sixty-on seconds later. handed the puck past goalie Ce- Jan. 17, Just 2:19 to open the Penguins a 2-2 tie with the Bos- Tommy Williams deflected Neil sare Maniago for the final goal scoring when Wilson sent a It- ton Bruins Sunday night In a Komodoski's long shot past Ed- of the game. foot backhander between the NationalHockeyLeaguegame. wards The crowd of 14,500 gave the leg pads of New York goalie Larouche's goal came with Vic Venasky increased the IB-year veteran a five-minute John Davidson. Defenseman 15:31 left in the game and score to M after Don Kozak standing ovation. BUI Nyrop added his second Pittsburgh trailing 21 He took stole the puck in the Buffalo The Canucks, with Bobby La- goal of the year just under four a pass from Mike Corrigan, end. Vonde scoring twice, tallied four minutes later when his 50-foot times in the second period. who was behind the net, and Cineks 4, Blaek Hawki 1 shot tipped In to the New York beat goalie Gerry Cheevers Dennis Ververgaert scored a net off Ranger center Wayne CHICAGO (AP) - The Van- power play goal at 12:30 and from 12 feet away. couver Canucks defeated the Dillon. Boston took a 1-0 lead 6:25 Lalonde connected on another Yvon Lambert made It 3-0 at Chicago Black Hawks 4-1 Sun- power play goal at the 13:40 Into the first period on a goal day night despite Stan Mikita's 1:03 of the middle period, tak- by Jean Ratelle. But Syl Apps mark. ing a Doug Risebrough pass tied the game for Pittsburgh Flyers 4, Rockies S five feet In front of Davidson about eight minutes later. NHL Standings DENVER (AP) - Phila- and netting a backhand shot. With K 47 gone In the second CAMPif LLCONFERS MCI delphia erupted for three goals Wilson added his 1 lth goal on a P«trkh nvhltn period, Maltl Hagman put Bos- W L T l»H OF ft* in the middle period Sunday power play Wi minutes later ton back ahead 21 and the Pen- Pinlodelpfilo * 13 17 U JU IN night, including Harvey Ben- N Y Islonderi X 16 * IS 117 I SI and MarioTremWay completed guins had two apparent goals Atlanta It H II 63 KM 111 nett's game-winner, as the Fly- the three-goal period with a disallowed later in the sa me pe- N Y Rangers 33 II 13 » 719 7J5 ers scored a 4-3 National Hock- floating 2Mooter which glanced riod. The first apparent score St. Louii mv it "« « its no ey League victory over the Col- Ctiicogo 23 31 10 S* 104 111 1 1 i-i came on a shot by Larouche Colorodo IV 34 10 41 !• 1M orado Rockies Mlnneioto 16 31 U 47 117 746 Min • 1 1-1 The red scoring ligM-w*ht on, Voncouvtr II 39 7 43 171 143 Philadelphia got on the score- Pint Period-I Monlreol. Wilson 10 but referee Ron'Wicks ruled WALES CONFERENCE (Sovord, Robinson) ] If I. Monlreol. NtrrM DUIitaMt board first with Orest Kind Nyrop I (Shuti. lotlturl. 4 IA Pencil the puck had not crossed the Montrtol SB 7 ID 104 310 I4| tles-Nyrop, Mon, I SO; Wllion, Mot. Plthburgh V li 17 66 1W TOO achuk's goal at 2:35 of the first t 73. Newmon.NV, 10 rt line LoiAngele. 74 71 11 60 103 193 S«condPtr loo—3. Montreal, Lombert 19 period. But Colorado bounced Iftlttorouah. Nyrop). I 0] 4, Montreal. n Kings 5, Sabres 1 Detroit ° 16 M Wilson II IMohoviichi 7 31 J. Montreal. back with two goals, the first Tremwoy '* IRIseorough. Lapolntel. BUFFALO (AP) - Marcel 11 DWIilM on a power play by Wilf Pale- U:H Penalties—Forrlsh, NY. ? It: Buffalo 31 1* RlMrbrouoh, Mon, iM, Roberts. Mon. Dionne scored three goals, one Boston 31 It 71 134 196 ment and the second from Bar- 17 1J In each peiio to lead the Los Toronto 67 ISO »S Third Porlod-e, Monlrtol. Shult 49 Cleveland II 14 10 46 110 111 ry Dean, to lead 2-1 at the end {LalteurI, I:)7.7. Montreal. Cournoyer H Angeles Kings to a W National . wnf. O of the first period. (Wilson. Mohoyllchl. 10:51 I. New York. Montreal!: New York Range Pollt 13 (Dillon Greichnr-o 12 4S t. Hockey League victory over the Boston 7. PittiburahUlt Montrtol. Golney 11. till Penollles- Buffalo Sabres Sunday night. Lot Angelas S, Buftolo 1 Trfe Flyers, checking Colora- Gratton. NY. served bv Vlcken 4'4e; Vancouver 4, Chicago ] Lambert. Mon, 7 S3, Robinson. Mon, mo The Kings Jumped out to a 1- Philadelphia *, Colorado 3 do heavily at both ends of the lor. 17:0}; Hodot. NY. malor. 17:01; MdMdar' iO Polli, NY, gome misconduct, 17 03 0 lead during a slow first peri- Cleveland at Si Loull ice, made their superior fire- snoti on oool—Montreal 16-11 IS—it REACHING AROUND — Montreal Canadiens' York's Madison Square Garden last night. Cana- od. When Frank St. Marseille's Twt*>r'tffomtt power pay off in the second pe- Ntw York 11-t-ll— 31 Doug Jarvls (right) reaches around New York diens stretched unbeaten string to 18 with 8-1 rout. Montreal at New York lilonden Goall** Monlreol,DryrJen NewYork. shot was stopped before it got Philadelphia at Mlnntiota riod when they outshot Colora- OovtdtOn.Grotlon A-I7.W0 Rangers' Ken Hodge for a shot at the puck at New Lot Angel** at Watnlnglon to the net, Dionne retrieved the Detroit at Boston do m in the period. Smith lifts Warriors to victory over Nets UNIONDALE, NY. (AP) - with a lay-In, then put the Barry scored 14. Mike Ban- at halftlme, then moved in the Spurs raced to a 100-85 Phil Smith scored nine of his Warriors ahead to stay with a torn topped New York with 23 front 72-71 on a free throw by lead. game-high 24 points In the fi- three-point play with 4:35 to points and Jan van Breda Bubbles Hawkins with 1:43 to Pete Maravlch lead the nal six minutes and the Gold- go He sank two free throws Kolfl scored 21. go In the third quarter and Jazz with 40 points He scored en State Warriors, after blow- 43 seconds later to build the The Warriors took an early were ahead 89-87 before 16 of (hose points during a ing an early IS-poinl lead, ral- lead to five points and the lead by holding New York Smith's late heroics. Jazz rally in the second peri- lied to beat the New York Nets couldn't threaten after without a field goal for a span Nets Coach od. San Antonio guards Mike Nets 106-98 In a National Bas- that of 625 during the first period, was ejected from the game Gale and Louie Dampier pre- ketball Association game Sun- Jamaal Wilkes added 18 outscoring the Nets 161 in after receiving his second vented Maravich from mak- day. points for Golden State, Der- that time to go ahead 23-10. technical foul and, with assis- ing a single field goal in the Smith tied the score at 89-89 rek Dickey had 18 and Rick The Nets pulled within 53-45 tant coach Rod Thorn away third quarter. on scouting assignment, the The setback snapped New coaching duties fell to reserve Orleans' eight-game winning center Jlm'Fox, trainer Fritz streak at home. Massman and club executive GOLDEN STATE UN) Princeton leads Ivy . Those three Barry ? 10-10 14, Wllket 5 I 10 II, Ray 7 1-3 5, Williams 4 46 11: Smith I I 10 74. guided the Nets to a fourth- Parish S IS 1], Dickey I 0-0 16. Johnson 7 00 4. Rogers 0 000, Total* 16 34 44 106 quarter lead but the team NEW YORK NfTS(N) Bossett 5 3 4 13, Dovli 7 1 7 5, Hughet 0 was unable to hold on. 0-0 0. Wohl 4 11 9, von Breda Kollf I SI Spurs 13S, Jazz 118 71. Howkint S 1-17 II. Bantom 9 5 7 13, after Columbia rout Fox 1 3-4 7. Terry 1 00 7 Totolt 34 16-11 NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Golden Stole V 76 70 33-106 NEW YORK - Princeton Columbia's coach. Tom break it wide open. Bill Paultz and George Ger- New York 16 19 19 14-91 Fouled oui — None Toiat loult — moved closer to clinching the Penders, did not agree, com- Bob Roma, the Princeton VIM combined for 58 points to Golden Slate 31, New York 30, Ttthnl- coli — New York Coach Loughery ? A Ivy League basketball title menting, "Oh yeah, Princeton sophomore from Christian lead the to -7.964. with a methodical 66-49 vic- has it. I think they're too Brothers Academy, scored a 135-118 National Basketball tory over Columbia, here last good a ball club for anything the Tigers last eight points of Association victory over the night, while Cornell was up- to happen now." the first half That moved New Orleans Jazz Sunday. NBA Standings EASTERN CONFERENCE setting Pennsylvania at Ith- Columbia's plan last nighl them into the lead and they New Orleans overcame a Atlonllc Division was to attack slowly, try for never relinquished it. W L T »ri aca, NY. 17-point deficit to take a 65-63 Ph.iodelphia 16 11 611 good shots and play a zone Boston . 31 10 Ml The Tigers' victory gives Roma had 18 points for the lead at halftime. But in the defense. Princeton apparently N.V. Knlcu » 31 4» them the Ivy lead, with Penn game, while the top Princeton third quarter, Gervin scored Buffalo 13 37 .311 u anticipated this approach and N V. Nttl ' 19 47 311 one game back. scorer was Frank Sowinski 18 of his 27 points and Paultz Central Olvitlin waited for an opportunity to collected II of his 31 points as Washington 34 14 600 Despite Princeton's victory with 23. Houtton 13 76 SS9 Cleveland .. 31 77 534 before a record crowd of 3,400 llllllllllllllllllllllllNIMIIIIIIIflllllllllllllllllllltlllHIIIIIIIIIHIIIMtlMllllllltlllllllllllltllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIII San Antonio 1) » .541 New Orleans 76 34 433 in Columbia's Lovien Gym. Allgnlo 15 37 .401 WESTERN CONFERENCE NEW^ORLEAI coach Pete Carrtl told report- MldwtitDlvlilon ers he was not yet ready lo Otover 40 10 667 Detroit 37 15 S97 10'. celebrate. KamoiCUy. 30 31 497 1 RBC restates offer Indiana 17 14 443 II , Chicago i!7 14 .44] 11'. There are three league Milwaukee 71 44 371 Faciflc Dlvliitn games remaining, and tonight Los Angelei 31 7? 633 Portland 17 75 597 the Tigers will play Cornell at Golden State. 34 78 ,541 Ithaca. (Princeton hosts Seattle .11 17 497 to public schools Phoenix 16 34 413 Brown on Friday and Yale on Golden State 106, New York Nets 91 Saturday.) iiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiHiiiHiii San Antonio 135. New Orleans 11I RED BANK — Sources close to Red Washington 117. Buffalo 105 "1 told my players that if Denver 131. Boston 100 Bank Catholic High School last night Philadelphia 93. Seattle IS I MISSED — Mike Gale of the San Antonio Spurs grabs the ball despite an Cornell can beat Penn up Lot Angeles 106. Houtton 101 attempt by Pete Maravlch of the New Orleans Jazz to swat It away. Marav- again reaffirmed the schools offer to TKtay-1 GOffltt there, Cornell can beat play outside the Shore Conference until No gomes scheduled lch scored 40 points but the Spurs won, 135-118. Princeton up there." Carril the end of the 1977-78 school year. commented. "Theoretically, under the court deci- JONNI sion handed down, we have the right to play this coming season," the source, an Sports influential alumnus, said. "All the confer- FALK Princeton recruits alumni ence has to do is come to Red Bank PRINCETON (AP) - All-Ivy guard for Princeton in said. "My job is to enlist ad- sity Student Government, Catholic and say, let's keep the schedule Schedule Princeton alumni are being 1963. ditional alumni volunteers all condemning the recruiting ef- as It is until June, 1978. and everything recruited to help save the uni- "We have some areas in the over the country." fort. will be hunky-dory." III IIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI versity's floundering football country where the alumni al- The new program will focus People are going to ask BIOOmflffM at Mcmmoutr, College The statement was an obvious refer- team. ready are quite active," he on the school's "notable themselves what kind of uni- Monhotionot Selon Hall The Red Bank Catholic spokesman Princeton at Cornell ence to the Shore Conference's plan to confided that the school hopes the appeal Graduates of the Ivy weakness," the football team, versity devotes Its money to fttn tMfefftkall appeal Judge Thomas L Yaccarino's Su- is never filed, and Magee said that it League school are being ^|1OI*<* Callard said. recruiting football players, HJStAA TMirnomcnt iratalV perior Court decision which directs the could be withdrawn anytime at the wish asked to watch high school "It seems clear there needs said Brown. Wolchung Hllli ot Mlodletown Nor in conference to admit Red Bank Catholic football games to scout poten- M0 of the conference's executive board to be more effort in this "We feel that as long as Joaion ot Brick Twp . 7:30 to membership by September of this tial Princeton candidates. Cedor R Idge at Matowon. 7 00 "If they are too proud to come to Conference area," he said. Princeton, like new resources are going to be Tomi River South ol Hiohland Reg , 7 30 year. us." the RBC alumnus said "then we Officials hope the concen- the other Ivy League schools, used for recruitment, they mm III That appeal has not yet been official- can't help them. They will be digging trated effort by the 125 Standings docs not offer athletic schol- should be used to recruit Howtll ot North Brunswick. 1 30 ly filed and will not be, according to con- their own graves. We are holding Ihe big Alumni School's Committees arships, he added. more women and minorities MonoloponalJ F K. Iselln. > 30 throughout the country will A" Nftrth wrji vi Marlboro otMonasauon.o » ference attorney Granville D. Magee. un- card," he continued, referring to the or- since they make up a fairly til Judge Yaccarino signs the judgement revitalize the football squad An additional Admissions der which says that RBC can demand a Lona Branch (74 0) small portion of the applicant on the case. schedule in September. Neptune (16-10) Office staffer will be hired to There was a time when the Mlddleiown South <1B I) handle the extra work. Volun- pool," he added. "We have no right to file an appeal The alumnus said that Red Bank Re- Mala won | ( 161 Honvnonton ot Point Pleasant Beach football team earned the nick- Wall (6-19) .. teers will be educated to look When the football program until the judgement comes down from gional's decision to discuss future mem- Rorltan (7-16) aim »uit>oii name Tigers. Heisman Wtttdlftown North (7 l|) . . for football players with the was hot at Princeton, attend- HJSUA TMKiMmtnl Judge Yaccarino." Magee said. "After bership in the conference at its March 9 Trophy winner Dick Kaz- OceonTwp. |j>«|. . SI John Vlonney ot Hopewell Vollev academic potential to meet ance at games stood at about that, we have 45 days to appeal." meeting had been received at Red Bank Lahewood(713l maier led the team to unde- Princeton's standards, Cal- 32,000 and the program was Corlercl at Freehold Two . ? U The judgment is an official, short Catholic as "very magnanimous." Southern Reg (19 71 Manvllk ot Freehold.« JO feated seasons In 1950 and Brick Twp Ol 14) lard said. making money. Now, how- WallotMonotQuan. 115 form of the opinion Judge Yaccarino "If the conference pursues its ap- Toms River North 110 1M Ocean Twp ot Manolopon. ) 00 1951. Their last Ivy League Central Reg. (1713) ever, attendance averages RedSur.k Catholic at Rldoe. 7 30 gave Feb 18 Magee said that as of last peal." he went on. "they will be wasting Tomi River South (9 16) "This is what has been one Rwrtiion Fair Haven at Delowore Volley. title was in 1969. Howell (6 II) about 16,000 and the program 7:00 Friday, Judge Yaccarino had still not money, wasting time, and provoking ani- Jackson (4 W] of the keys to the success of Red Bonk at Somervllle. 7 00 But the Tigers, with a 2-7 "•"Division barely breaks even. mosity from a large segment of the pub- Asbury Park (70-61 others In the Ivy group," he Hoflmon ot Henry Hudson. 7 30 signed the judgment, but it could be ex- record last season, has lost its While a winning team would pected within a few days. lic II they want to settle this whole thing Rumson-Folr Haven (10-6) said. "This should be the ap- TOMORROW last 11 home games. And the increase gate receipts, offi- B«vt BnkeRwll Magee also reaffirmed the fact that politely and amicably, all they have to do .....PteoiontBoro (li 7) proach rather than lowering NJSIAA Teurnament days of glory can be found Freehold Twp (IMJ, cials said the football team Grew IV individual schools which are members of is ask. Manalopan (17 111 admission standards." But Edit Brunswick at Neptune. I 30 only in yearbooks. Monmouth Reg if 1M would not receive additional Marlboro (1-lf).. not everyone Is as enthusias- Tomi River North at Lenape. I 00 the conference will not be assessed for "We have waited 30 years (or this, funds.

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Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. MERITA MERIT MENTHOL. KINGS& KX& MERTT100& Kennedy rated most popular of 7 presidents

By LOUIS HARRIS pealing personality," and 51 in the Oval Office. As his fel- way a year ago, and he finish- risen In public respect during Harry Truman has also ri- too early to tell whether the that the public came to hold Of Jimmy Carter's seven per cent choose him as the low citizens see It, his out- es dead last on all other posi- the 1170s. One reason for this sen considerably in public re- public will change its mind Kennedy in much higher re- predecessors, John F. Ken- "most personable character." standing achievement was the tive dimensions save one The is that he has been the sub- gard since 1972. again partly about him as the years pass gard after his death than nedy is clearly the most popu- He edges out Roosevelt on high moral standard he set In single exception is "best in ject of a number of bestsell- because of some colorful As recently as 1972, Truman when he served as President lar with the American people having "most Inspired con- the Presidency. foreign affairs," where Nixon ing books and widely viewed books and performances re- did not score well, either. Nevertheless, the JFK legend In eight areas tested, Ken- fidence" and as "best admin- Richard M Nixon Is singled is given top billing by 20 per films and television specials. calling his special style. Since last year there has lives on, even though new nedy wins out on five and ties istrator," and does slightly out by 68 per cent for having cent of the public, finishing in Another Is that people recall Lyndon Johnson does not been a falling off in the way Democrats have taken over for first place on the other better than Gerald Ford on "set the lowest moral stan- a tie for first place with the his leadership during another score well on any dimension, the American people rate his party and four men have dards" In the White House, up late President Kennedy. period of hard economic except for his record in do- Dwighl Eisenhower. To some occupied the White House from O per cent who felt that Franklin D. Roosevelt has times. mestic affairs. However, it is extent, Gerald Ford has pick- since his administration. ed up some of the praise that It is far too early to tell HARRIS SURVEY apparently went to Ike a year how President Carter will ago compare to his Immediate three, according to a Harris setting the "highest moral As a President who was as- predecessors. He has said he Survey of 1.4M adults Frank- standards." He ties with sassinated in office, Kennedy admires FDR more than any Hit DT Roosevelt Is second In Roosevelt as "best In domes- occupies a special and highly other modern president, al- public esteem, followed by tic affairs" and on "doing the The Daily Register emotional place In the hearts though in style and rhetoric Harry S. Truman. best Job in the White House." and minds of the American he bears little resemblance to Kennedy wins hands down Now that he is gone, Ford people A recent study of sur- the patrician New Yorker on two counts; 67 per cent is held in much higher regard SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1977 11 veys made in the period be- who strongly advocated popu- feel that he had the "most ap- than he was during his time fore he was killed indicates list causes.

II Jazz quartet was mellow

By CAROL JACOBSON modern sounding cornet the energy needed to excite solo was heard from him all and fluegelhorn. Both he the others afternoon. and Mel Lewis on drums, SHREWSBURY - Three Rowles set the tone when No one on stage ever said with Rufus Reed on bass, members of the Thad he played light solo impro- a word during the concert had a chance to individ- Jones-Mel Lewis big band visations, for about 10 min- except John Devonshire, ualize their performances, played in concert at the utes until Jones and Reed who acted as announcer which they don't often do Eastern Branch of the Mon- arrived. The musicians sat quietly mouth County Library yes- playing with the Thad while Jones decided what terday with Jimmy Rowles Jones-Mel Lewis band. When they all began to- numbers to play There was at the piano gether about 3:30 p.m , Both Lewis and Jones no rapport with the au- there was little cohesion. It They were there because teach at William Paterson dience. was like four individuals the Art Farmer Quartet College In Wayne wasn't Farmer, who has playing while warming up They ended the after- played in Europe for about Songs like "Melancholy noon's performance with a Once they got into the six years, hadn't returned Baby," "Body and Soul, lively rendition of "How music, however, Reed as expected. He lives in and "Now's The Time, ' Long Has This Been Going played several individual Vienna and makes trips back were played quietly without On?" and their theme song, solo riffs with enormous and forth. He was sched- the magic electricity that "The Theme,' by Dizzy Gil- feelings uled two months ago for the audience expected to lespie hear from Farmer's group yesterday's performance. Thad Jones, in a lew solo On Wednesday. March 9. (They would have been Ce- The audience was plainly moments, offered some re- Lewis will Join Chris Low- dar Walton on piano, Billy disappointed because Farm- freshing horn lines. He ell. Joe Puma and Jack Six Higgins on drums and Sam er wasn't there It had noth- plays with a delightful at the Barber Shop, in Point Jones on bass) ing to do with the technical sense of humor and added Pleasant Beach for an eve- ability of the Jimmy Row- This was an impromptu enormous quality to the mu- ning of Jazz • •f hhr IH pMI> les quartet, however, and concert. One of the reasons sical congregation It was Sunday. March 20. Big IMPROMPTU JAZZ — The Jimmy Rowles Eastern Branch of the Monmouth County Li- most of the 450 people il didn't take off was be- obvious that his musical Joe Turner with Lloyd Glen Quartet with Thad Jones on horns, Mel Lewis brary yesterday. They substituted for the Art stayed to hear an afternoon cause Rowles. who has partner, Lewis, restrained on piano and Wayne Wright on drums, Rufus Reed, (notpictured) on bass Farmer Quartet, originally scheduled to per- of mellow, relaxed jazt. been away from the himself on the drums on guitar, is scheduled at and Rowles at the piano, performing at the form at the free jazz concert. Thad Jones plays a light keyboards, didn't provide Only an occasional brush the library. Two symbolize opposite sides in fgreat arms debate' (This Is Ike secMd tf Ikree articles M Ike "great debate" Because of the positions on arms control which he has Wamke's Senate testimony as Mr Carter's nominee for the HI uder way tver U.S. aid Hussin arms.) taken over the years, Mr. Warnke has become a symbol to the position of chief arms-control negotiator By DANIEL SOUTHERLAND conservatives of those in the national-security field who are Mr. Carter, as he saw it. was making public offers to the CkrteUaa Scleice MoalUr likely to be "soft on the Russians." In the view of his critics, Russians which, if realized, would put the United States at a distinct disadvantage WASHINGTON, D.C. — Two men have come to symbolize his appointment confirmed that President Carter is moving starkly different approaches to negotiating an arms-control toward accommodation with the Russians without adequately Mr. Warnke, in his view, was shifting from a conciliatory agreement with the Russians. guarding against what they consider to be a Soviet drive to- position on arms control to a tougher stance, thus betraying a In the crude shorthand of Washington politics, Paul C. ward strategic superiority. lack of conviction that cast doubt on his ability to lead a nego- Wanike and Paul H Nltze have been labeled "dove" and As if anticipating the criticism from his Senate opponents, tiating team He was. said Mr Nilze, "an unserious person in "hawk," respectively Mr. Warnke started out his testimony by stressing that he had this kind of thing." The intense feeling these two figures inspire in their oppo- no preconceived ideas on arms control and came to it with an "He says he'll just coolly execute what the President nents can be seen in the Immoderate language sometimes open mind. He could not be tied to everything he said in the wants," said the white-haired Mr Nitze of Mr Wamke's Sen- used to describe them. To liberals, Mr. Nitze Is the very in- past He would be acting as part of a team under guidance ate testimony carnation of the "superhawk " To conservatives. Mr. Warnke from the President and not as an Individual "11 reminds me of John Mitchell." he said "We don't is, as one of them who is a defense specialist put it, "cav- want people who are wholly 'yes' men " alier" in his approach to important questions of national secu- What rankles Mr. Warnke's critics most is his past advo- rity. cacy of cuts in defense spending and restraints in the devel- In addition to holding top Defense Department posts and serving as Secretary of the Navy, he was vice chairman of But in many ways, the two men are similar. Mr. Warnke, opment of certain weapons systems, as well as his statements the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey during the period 1944-46 President Carter's nominee as the United States' chief arms- to the effect that superiority in nuclear weapons became This gave him a firsthand look at the effects of the atomic control negotiator, and Mr. Nitze, former arms negotiator, meaningless once the United States and the Soviet Union de- bombs that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of Secretary of the Navy, deputy Secretary of Defense, and per- veloped the power to destroy each other World War II. haps the leading critic of Mr. Warnke, are intelligent, urbane, The critics frequently cite an article written by Mr. articulate — and even eloquent — advocates of their points of Warnke in a 1975 issue of the magazine Foreign Policy in PHI Warlike. the "d»ve" Pail Nllze, Ike "hawk" From the spring of 1969 until mid-1974 Mr Nitze served as view. which he called for a process of "matching restraint" in the the representative of the Secretary of Defense to the strate- arms race, with the Initiative to be taken by the United gic-arms limitation talks (SALT) with the Soviet Union He Both come from privileged backgrounds: For Mr. swer to the Soviets' growing nuclear arsenal. States resigned, he told this reporter, when it became clear that Wamke, it has been Yale University, Columbia Law School, Despite all the hedging he did in his testimony, Mr President Nixon's "Watergate crimes" had undermined the and partnership in a leading Washington law firm For Mr In that article, Mr. Warnke attacked what he called an Warnke's defenders expect him to inject new ideas and a new United States' negotiating position Nitze, Harvard University, membership on the boards of di- American "preoccupation" with military power as a political flexibility into the US negotiating position tool, called for an end to the notion that the United States can Mr. Nitze said he felt that Mr Nixon was eagef to make rectors of leading companies, and chairmanship of the adviso- Many of Mr. Warnke's supporters refer to themselves as be the world's "policeman," and criticized as a "fallacy that progress in the negotiations so as to improve his shaky do- ry council of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced Inter "arms controllers" — people who want to see the stress inflates defense spending" the proposition thai the U.S. "must mestic political position, a position thai had been fatally wea- national Studies In Washington. placed on arms control rather than on extending the arms remain ahead of the Soviet Union in most if not all per- kened II was no way to negotiate with the Russians, in Mr Both have held top Defense Department Jobs, Mr. Warnke race Some of them would be willing to risk limited, unilateral ceivable elements of military power." Nitze's view, and in his resignation statement he expressed at one point working under Mr Nitze Both are widely re- restraints in the hope of inducing the Soviet Union to follow In the same article, entitled "Apes on a Treadmill," Mr. doubt that real progress could be made until the United Slates spected for their clarity of thought, use of the English lan- the U.S. example. got its house in order and upheld the Constitution guage, and ability to remain cool under pressure. And both Wamke advocated a six-month period of restraint in the de- The critics say, on the other hand, that what counts with Mr. Nitze recently joined a group of outside experts com- are Democrats who served as foreign policy advisers to Presi- velopment of several weapons systems, to be followed by a the Russians is strength. To appoint Mr Wamke. they say, missioned by the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory dent Carter in the pre-election period. review of actions the Soviet Union might take during the same period. would be to send the Soviets "the wrong signal " Board to take a critical look at estimates of Soviet capabi- PAUL WARNKE'S VIEWS In his Senate testimony, Mr Wamke backed off from that By attempting to muster Senate votes against Mr lities and Intentions prepared by the intelligence agencies When Paul Wamke testified recently before the Senate proposal, saying that he would not advocate such restraint "in Warnke's confirmation, the critics hope to send the Russians The group, known as team "B." came to the controversial Foreign Relations Committee, his critics, In the words of one a negotiating context," but would make a freeze on weapons a signal of their own, since any new strategic arms limitation conclusion that Soviet military strength has been consistently of his supporters, "didn't lay a glove on him." development part of a whole negotiating package. agreement (SALT) would require a two-thirds vote in the Senate underestimated As President Carter's nominee for the important positions He did stick by his previous position thai it is not neces- PAUL NITZE'S VIEWS Speaking of his experience at the end of the war. Mr. of chief arms-control negotiator and director of the Arms Con- sary for the U.S. to remain No. 1 across the whole spectrum Sitting in his black, high-backed swivel chair and looking Nltze said, "I have an intimate knowledge of Ihe effects of trol and Disarmament Agency, Mr. Warnke displayed in his of strategic and conventional forces. out from his penthouse office across the Potomac River, Paul the Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bombs 1 want to devote my testimony a characteristic charm and verbal agility. But the And while he saw a need to examine the usefulness of mo- Nitze was fighting mad life to minimizing the chances of that ever happening again fact that he heavily qualified a number of his past positions bile missiles, he saw no need to go ahead at this time with The former deputy Secretary of Defense. Secretary of the and to minimizing the chances that the liulag Archipelago on arms control left some of his opponents doubting as much their development. Mobile-missile development is something a Navy, and adviser to presidents had just read accounts of spreads all over the world " as they ever had his suitability for the sensitive posts. number of more conservative experts see as part of the an- President Carter's first official press conference and of Paul (Tomorrow: Tfc* flllira's rlgkl It kHi.) Two women have Water stayed on impromptu reunion in Matawan Twp. gala, after an anxious week Elizabeth." is the inscription ByJOANKAHN MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - porary answer to Ihe water of waiting to learn whether on the photograph. mains. It provides temporary EAST KEANSBURG - The water wasn't turned oil problem she would be able to attend. "That's really going to relief, but it's not a per- Two Duke University after all Saturday night. May- manent answer to the prob- "She was my big sister in mean so much to my daugh- "Bui when we opened the alumnae met Saturday night or Edward E Kaufman re- lem." he explained the sorority when I was a ter some day." said Mrs. Wil- tank, we found the water was In Buck Smith's Restaurant in ported yesterday. son. not that dirty. " the mayor ex- an Impromptu reunion that freshman and she was a se- Mayor Kaufman said the plained Therefore, he went brought smiles to their faces. nior," said Mrs. Wilson. The young Elizabeth is About half the township, in- township has purchased the on. it was decided to flush out When Mrs. Judith Wilson of The Wilsons, who have named for her mother's col- cluding all those homes sup- Cliffwood Water Co and is in as much of the water main Kings Mountain Road, Free- lived in Freehold Township lege friend, and this Christ- plied water from the township the process of completing in- system through hydrants as hold Township, read that her only for the last three mas Elizabeth, whose nick- water plant, was expected to stallation of new storage possible in an effort to re- Delta Delta Delta sorority big months, last saw Mrs. Dole name is Lisa, received a be without water from about tanks and filters He said the move sediments from the sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Dole, during the presidential race tooth fairy pillow from Mrs. 11 p.m. Saturday until 5 am work is scheduled to be com- aging pipes was accompanying her hus- In September when the Doles Dole, a member of the Feder- yesterday, when draining and pleted in late spring al Trade Commission band. Sen. Robert Dole. R.- were campaigning In Illinois, cleaning of the 150,000-gallon The flushing was accom- Even the new improve- Kan., to i speaking engage- where the Wilsons then made The two women kept in water storage tank at Jersey plished with only a slight low- ments may not completely ment here, she Immediately their home. touch with each other for sev- Ave. was to have been under- ering of water pressure in the solve the problem of murky made plans to attend the Recently, Mrs. Dole sent eral years after graduation, taken. Mayor Kaufman said affected homes, Mayor Kauf- water, however, which Is at Monmouth County GOP's Lin- the Wilsons' daughter, Eliza- "but then our lives took sepa- man said. least partially caused by sedi- coln Day dinner. beth, her namesake, 8, a pho- rate turns," said Mrs. Wilson, REUNION TIME - Mrs. Judith Wilson, left, of The cleaning of the tank, who recalls that "we almost "1 think there has been ment and scale in the older Only a last-minute cancella- tograph of the Doles' taken Freehold Township, greets Mrs. Elizabeth Dole, where sedimentation was lost touch." some Improvement from the sections of the water main tion of a reservation for the the night of the vice presiden- wife ol Sen. Robert N. Dole, R-Kan., at the Mon- blamed for discolored and reports I've gotten. Tomor- system Replacing the ruins is oversubscribed dinner got tial nomination. Mrs. Wilson said she hopes mouth County Republican's annual Lincoln Day murky water complained of row night we'll decide wheth- a very costly proposition, the Mrs Wilson and her husband, "To Elizabeth, with much that they will be able to keep Dinner Saturday at Buck Smith's Restaurant, East by township residents, was er to continue to flush out the mayor commented their tickets for the love and affection, from your in closer contact. Keansburg. believed to be at least a tem- 12 The Dafly Register SHREWSBURY . N J MONQAY, FEBHUAHY 28.1977 .5 million sought to repair Kennedy Center leaks WASHINGTON (AP) - The just a leaky roof. Water also pected next month. The bill mittee the board would be Join F. Kennedy Center for pours into the building from will apparently then have to happy either way. He passed the Performing Arts li a two terraces, leaks through go to a conference com- on to the members the gleaming white monument on expansion joints and light fix- mittee. If the expenditures cautious report which was the Potomac River, a crea- tures, and seeps from the are authorized, the work Is submitted to center officials tion of one of America's lead- kitchen which serves the cen- expected to take 32 months. by Robert O. Mohr, a con- ing architect! and a tourist ter's restaurants. Both bills authorize appro- sulting engineer, after emer- attraction which has drawn 17 The Justice Department priations to the board of gency repairs were made to million visitors currently has a 12 million trustees, but the senate bill the performance hall area It alao leaks - and a wary claim pending in the US provides that the money just before the pre-lnaugural Congress Is being asked to Court of Claims against the would be disbursed by the Na- gala for President Carter on come up with $4 5 million or architect who designed the tional Park Service rather Jan to more to pay the repair bill. center, Edward Durell Stone, than the board The House "I am reasonably certain," Despite grumbling about charging faulty design. The measure contains no such wrote Mohr, "that for a peri- the cost of the mammoth department filed the action as provision, but calls for ap- od of at least two weeks, the patch-up Job and the financial a counterclaim after Stone pointment of a comptroller to plaster ceiling of the grand management of the center as sought $100,000 lor work for oversee expenditures foyer and the two halls will a whole, it appears likely both which he said he had not been Stevens told the House com- be safe from falling plaster." houses will approve the proj- paid. ect after settling differences over how to go about It. A similar dispute with the main construction contractor, In the process there may be John McShane Inc., was set- some spirited debate over the tled Eeb. 4 McShane sought "Even if you future of the quasi-public $6 million because of con- complex of theaters and con- struction delays, the govern- cert halls completed in 1971 ment counter-claimed for 12 use the short as a memorial to the nation's million for faulty work, and Sth president. the case was settled by a net form, it "I have found no evidence award of 51 96 million to that the center has explored McShane. QUIXOTIC EXISTENCE - Like the trials and tri- has been having problems of Its own, specifically ways to meet its debts," Sen. Meanwhile, the trustees could pay you to James A. HcClure, R-Idaho, bulations of Don Quixote, statue in foreground, the leaks. John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts came to Congress last year told the Senate last month. and asked for $3 3 million to McClure will seek to avoid see us." Abdnor, R-S.D., called it have to be closed if Its grand on the crowds of visitors that There are pumps on the stop the leaks and repair having the taxpayers assume "staggering for one building." foyer continued to deterior- walk below." roof and more than 200 galva- damage. Both houses passed 114.5 million in Interest on Reason No. 15 why H&R Block There is little dis- ate Chandeliers in the foyer, a nized metal pans suspended bills authorizing the ex- money which the center bor- should do your taxes. agreement, however, that More than a score of leaks gift of the government of from ceilings to catch dripp- penditure, but differences be- rowed to build Us parking ga- something must be done soon. ing water. On one rainy week- tween the two measures were are visible In the ceiling ol Sweden, have become cor- Even the short form is more complicated rage. The garage brings in The National Park Service, the 60-foot high foyer. A roded. Massive mirrors, a gift end last July, visitors encoun- never resolved. CM a car lor a two-hour eve- which Is responsible for the tered a row of garbage cans this year. So to be sure you pay the House Public Works Com- from Belgium, are discolored. The Park Service hired ning performance, but a large non-theatrical aspects of the being used as catch basins on mittee report says there is Water has seeped into store- Olympic Engineering of smallest legitimate tax—it could pay you to share of that money was com- center, told the trustees last the plush carpet of the foyer. "an obvious risk that result- rooms, damaged carpets and Seattle to survey the exterior see Block. And if switching to the long mitted during construction of July that the building might Ing loose plaster could fall ... stained marble. The problem is more than the building to pay off con- damage and estimate the cost form will save you money, we'll show you tractors. of repairs. Olympic submitted just how much. its report in November. Now the interest on the New director named by First Merchants On the basis of Olympic's parking garage bonds Is due survey and its own figures, next year, and Roger L. Ste- NEPTUNE; - Share- board. ment Store Division of Super- dent of Lawes Coal Company, the Park Service set the cost H&R BLOCK vens, chairman of the board holders of First Merchants markets General Corp.; Shrewsbury; David W. Rus- The new director Is Jules L of exterior repairs at $3.35 THETNCOMETATPEOPLE of trustees of the center, has National Bank elected one Plangere Jr. of Interlaken, James S Parkes, vice presl- sell, president of Russell Olds- million and of the Interior suggested that "remedial leg- new director and reelected IS mobile-Cadillac Co., Red president of the Asbury Park work at $1150,000 With a LONG MUNCH 618 Broadway Itt-MSf islation" will be needed be- others when they had their Press, Inc. He succeeds Er- Bank; E. Donald Sterner, $200,000 inflation factor, this cause the funds are not avail- annual meeting In the bank's nest W. Lass, chairman of the Land acquisition president of Sterner Lumber adds up to the $4.5 million to- (HOMETOWN 1109 Hwy 35 (IWWM. »«**, cm,i 471-WM able. main office here. board of the Press, who re- aid to be cited Co., Belmar, and Harry C. F. tal which the Senate Public KEYTMT IOO Route 36 1M-4H4 In addition to concern over Immediately after the tired after reaching the Worden, a retired Red Bank Works Committee has ap- EXECUTIVE TAX SERVICE {nmmiwm mi) 471-4470 this prospect, eyebrows have shareholder meeting, the di- bank's mandatory age liamlt LINCROFT - The New funeral director. proved for floor action. The been raised in Congress over rectors reelected John G. for directors. Mr. Lass was Jersey Conservation Founda- Oja. t ».*. la • P.M. WwUnt • S S.I. 1 Son. House committee added NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY the size of the bill for the Hewitt of Mlddletown as pres- elected a director emeritus. tion and the Friends of the The board named J. Wol- cott -Brown and M. B. $200,000 to cover contin- whopping repair job. At a ident and chief executive offi- Monmouth County Park Sys- MkMMown Rt, M durtng Directors reelected are: McDavilt directors emeriti. gencies, making the total In House Public Works Com- cer and James Forsyth of As- tem will honor those involved the House bill $4.7 million. Sears ragulu itora tmun. mittee hearing, Rep. James bury Park as chairman of the Carroll W. Barclay Jr., In the recent acquisition of Both were formerly honorary president of Delicious Or- two major open space tracts directors. Action in both houses is ex- chards, Colls Neck; Erik C lor future park use at a cock- "A GtOdGE I. IKGIRT ANTIQUES SHOW" Bertelsen, senior vice presi- tail reception Sunday at the dent of the bank; Walter Bor- Thompson Park Visitor Cen- THE JERSEY COAST ten, president of Yorktowne ter. Associates, Inc. and treasurer of Charles Brokerage, Inc.; NJCF, a private, nonprofit, ANTIQUES John F. Cook, executive vice member-supported organiza- president and cashier of the tion headquartered In Morris- bank; Benjamin H. Danskin town, closed title in Decem- SHOW SALE of Danskin Agency, Wall; C. ber on the 112-acre Well/. Donald English, president of tract in Ocean Township and 35, EXHIBITORS English Motors, Red Bank, Ealontown, and on 147 acres and Mr. Forsyth. In the Deepdale section of FEB. 27, 28, MARCH 1 Middletown Township adja- Also, Lester H. Grubman, cent to Tatum County Park. CONGREGATION B'NAI ISRAEL president of Progressive Life' Have Your OF GREATER RED BANK Insurance Co., Red Bank; Both tracts, purchased with Mr. Hewitt; Solomon l.aut- funds from NJCF's land fund, HANCE AND RIDGE ROADS RUMSON, N.J. man, president of Lautman, will be held In trust until the wn 4 H 11 M». mm. n UL M it rjL. nu. 11 UL M t PJL Rapson, and Henderson, at- county can repurchase them DINING ROOM — FREE PARKING torneys; A. Elmer Massey for incorporation into the ADMISSION 1.50 WITH THIS AD 1.25 Jr., chairman of the Depart- county park system. Sights Set on a GUARANTEED New Home? FUELSAWNGS The money-saving Fuel Mizet0 costs you nothing to install. Visit your local Pays for itself out of your monthly fuel savings "guaranteed. Realtor,

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NOPB-I AIN'T PIAVIN" HOW ABOUT CARDS WIF VOU UNLESS MV 1-O-U? Crossword puzzle 30 Gold: Sp. 53 Persian 23 Orient VOL) GOT CASH MONEV, 33 Cans gazelle 24 Paint thin- SNUFFy 34 Yen 54 Fast plane ner abbr 35 Meadow 57 Traditional 26 Actress 36 Ham hocks - Diana 41 "But -on 61 Container 26 Sedate forever" 62 On the deep 27 Color 42 Fuel 63 Malay title 28 Bib. witch 43 Hors 64 Bull-ring town d'oeuvre shouts 29 Apartment 44 German 65 Oyster • 30 NY city article product 31 Fr. income 45 Locker room 66 Heavenly 32 Sahara item being: Fr. stopovers 46 Actor Mi 37 Quick on chael and DOWN the- family t Morse 38 Scoop out VOU HArVE AN HOUR BEFORE > 48 "- Camera" signals 39 Leather "KXJR LOAD OF IN AN HOUR I WONT HAVE TO/ 2 Cheer 40 Lavish DINNER. AREN'T VOU GOING I 49 Grape TOPSai ARRIVED refuse 3 English movie TO START SPREADIN6 IT2/ 50 Too much princess 46 Pert, to for 4 Quilting or the flesh spelling 47 Steed breed 5 Shows 46 Capri and feelings Presque 6 Actor 49 Lawn care Richard machine 7 Crazy 50 Men. food 8 Fuss 51 Gem 9 Son of Odin 52 Church part 10 Give back. 53 - Nostra YEAH I'M AN ONLY KID., AND OVERTHERE IS MY ONLY as a loan 54 Shock 11 Shouldn't 55 Pre-wedding MCWER AMD/MYONLV FA7HEE." happen to - party 12 Coal or 56 Enfl. river diamond 58 Religious BY Bil K.-iiii< 13 Equal one: abbr. Hie Family (iirrus 18 Egg part 59 Highway: ANNE HAS TOLP ME WE WOULD FEEL SO MUCH 19 More abbr THAT X3U SOMETIMES MORE COMFORTABLE ON orderly 60 Gr. letter AUGMENT YOJR .INCOME OUR CRUISE If BEN'S SUE AND BEN BY ACCEPTING SUITABLE WRUNG fATHER WERE QftVISTON HAVE EMPLOYMENT, *WS. WORTH.' BEING CAfWBLY LOOKEP |i I: 1) * . 10 1 1 LOST NO TIME AFTER.1 " 1 IN REVEALING n n it, THE REASON FOR THEIR 17 11 1 1 CALL I'' 1 1 bo M !t b1. 1 •J CT2M28

-- i!. I •i The Wizard of Id II • •J (i •p . . ,1 i ,0 I t,ir 1"J TL • I I] Kli 1 1 1 think heaven is on television/' u LLJ

Andy Capp Your horoscope, birthday Monday. February 28 - principles. You will suffer great heel! LIBRA (Sept 23Oct. 22) - Bom today, you are somewhat hardship if need be •- but you TAURUS (April 20-May 30) Take effective action against inflexible in your views on life - will not compromise your princi- - Statesmanship will take you one who is attempting -• some- at beat, an attitude that works pies merely to gain for yourself far in your relationship with times successfully so •• to spoil against you during changing something better in life. Nor do other people today Depend not your efforts. Defend your posi- times. On the other hand, your you Lake any credit for such on personality but on diplomacy tion. inflexibility is reassuring to staunch behavior: for you. it is GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) - others in times of crisis, for it completely natural behavior, re- Your interest in people and their The situation on the employment means that you can always be quiring no mental effort, though problems may place you in an scene may not encourage you to counted upon to behave in a way it may at times demand of you uncomfortable position early in expect advancement- You may, that is proper under the circum great physical stamina and emo- the day. Stand up for your rights however, be surprised in the stances. You are not one to give tional courage at evening, near future way to emotional upset rather. To find what is in store for you CANCER (June 21-July 22)- SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22: you stand firm, whatever the tomorrow, select your birthday Another's inclination to gossip Dec. 21) - Your efforts to in- Blondie conditions that surround you and read the corresponding must be sojjelched today, other- fluence another in your favor Friends and family - those who paragraph Let your birthday wise, you may find you may find may fall flat - unless you are TawsvcAuaMT know you best - are never star be your daily guide. yourself the subject of an embar able to offer rewards without J{-(A MOUSE surprised to find you behaving in * % % rassing and untrue tale seeming to do so an absolutely civilized way while LEO (July 23 AUK 22) - CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jaa i all around you chaos reigns Tuesday. March I Unless you can think of some- 19) — You may be successful in strangers, on the other hand. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) - thing good to say about another's your efforts to Muff your way out have been known to stand Romance is in the air todav •• recent efforts, you would do well out of a difficult situation. After transfixed with amazement as and you would be wise In leave it to keep silent. Tact sugarcoaLs all. vou bluffed your way into it! you carry on in adversity. there. This is no time to upset a the truth. AQl'ARIL'S Uan 20-Feb 18) One who believes absolutely in domeatk apple cart VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) - - Taking another to task principles of right thinking and ARIES (March 21-April 19) - Your inability to be satisfied because of your own failure is doing, you cannot be persuaded Take care not to give away your with a mediocre success should not the way to win friends and by any means into decisions or major weakness to one who ap- spur you on to a considerable influence people Accept activities that go against such pears to be seeking your Achilles triumph by evening hours. deserved blame

Dooneebury Sheinwold's bridge advice North dealer by Alfred SheinwokJ but made it possible for my MPT SO.'MY OOtt! Cm,N0tl,IF the brilliance of the switch to Neither side vulnerable unclp and llu WORRI. m COULD IU It's very unlucky to be born ' Colonel to de diajoondl, anil ihiv would eat lne NORTH BAKttH, Ji/srsrrup /eu, yes. too soon. My uncle Throck ' contract. When the keep a fine tactician in the • A62 S1MI6HT.. I BltN I morton was drummed out of Colonel took his ace o( clubs army. ne <7Ql0 I AM? RNOKMJ his regiment just forty years should return a diamond, DAILY QUESTION K0HSSHN6! ago for failing to return his an(i three diamond tricks Dealer, at your right, bids 0 K76 colonel's lead. IT it happened would put South down one. one club. Vou hold: •A62 • KJ10510544 today, the Colonel would STUBBORN PARTNER Ull) K1S •KJ10.VI. What WEST EAST shake his hand. Unfortunately for Uncle do j ou u)" • J 1098 • 753 South won the firsi trick Throckmorton, he had a stub ANSWER; Past. Your bed ^'8652 ^ 97 4 3 with the king of spade* ami rr born partner. The Colonel Min h.iv been tml h> in oppo 0 54 0 AQJ2 turned the nine of clubs for a stared at the deuce of dia- nent. If jrou *icp lota the luc • A73 finesse. ' monds and rasped: "No tinn_ you will jei yourself la • Q6 Uncle Throekmorlon won spades, young man?" trouble and ball the opponent! SOUTH with the queen ot clubs and When the Colonel got in out. • KQ4 pondered. Clearly, his partner with the ace of clubs he led AKJ had the ace of clubs. Just as another spade instead of push (A POCKET GUIDE TO 0 10983 BKIIKiK written by Alfred clearly. South had the queen ing a diamond through dum • 982 of spades; so there wasn't rn\'s king. Naturally South Sheinwold is available Gel Hagir much fut ure in spades. made the contract: and my your copy by sending SI 00 to North East South Wett At length, my uncle return uncle returned to civilian life. The Red Bank Register. PO 1 • Pass 2 NT Pass POrJ'T ME WAS JUST ed I he deuce of diamonds. This Today's colonels are a more Box 1111. l.os Angeles. Calif S NT All Pass rlELGA, I WAMT FORGET gave declarer a diamond trick flexible breed. Thev would see 9OOS3) Opening lead - • J TO MEET Tt4E TO NOTICE 14 IS I KN6U) H£ WASN'T SIP LANCELOT OUTFIT S£RlOOS...HE WAS JUST TAlKIN6'TON6UeiNKAK'!


• •• 14 TheMylfegkfcr SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1877 Perry recital scheduled Play with provocative title Wednesday NKW BRUNSWICK - Clas- sical guitarist Frauds Perry packs them in at Dam Site will appear at Douglass Col- lege's Voorhees Chapel on B> MARVBETH ALLEN at The Dam Site. Do! I Do!" canceled out and "Wow." Lianne McCartney Chapel Drive near George St. Hardly anyone has ever deckled to wait for the open- plays the role to perfection on Wednesday at 8 p.m. TINTON PALLS - A play heard of It - but everybody's Ing of "The Mind With The and nobody — least of all the with • title that looks like a attitude seems to be "Who Dirty Man." men — blinks while she Is on Currently artlstinresl- misprint has more advanced cares?" Matter of fact, a se- The first performance of stage dence at Duke University, he booking! than any other in nior citizens group scheduled the offbeat play — which has The changes Clayton has J it*.• * will present a classical guitar the history ol dinner theater for an exclusive showing of "I a serious message about caused In the local cinema recital hypocrisy beneath a sugar are vehemently opposed by Perry's repertoire encom- coating of hilarity - was members of the Him review passes more than (our cen- Friday and repeat perform- board, which consists of Don turies of music written or ances of the Denkath Produc- Brennan as a slightly lech- JfloUpBitcfjerJnn transcribed (or the guitar. He tion are scheduled for forth- erous at heart priest and Emi has performed widely in the coming Wednesdays, Fridays, Hemleb and Judy Newcomb Saturdays and Sundays. United States and Europe. as self-righteous women. It's about an outwardly The best scene, involving The native of Fair Haven square, middle-age, church- them all, is their hilarious dis- began his formal musical going couple who have raised cussion of Clayton's movie training at the age of 7. A a bohemlan motorcycle-riding script — during which every graduate of North Carolina son who makes X-rated movies. offensive word or act Is re- School of the Arts, he has also He has been away from ferred to by a number. studied at the Academla Mu- BROILED CHOPPED home for three years and re- Act II reveals, though, that sicale Chlgiana in Siena, turns unexpectedly to an- the Stones are not what they Italy, and in the Segovia Mas- SIRLOIN STEAK nounce that he has pur- seem — and a little wine ter Class Program in San- chased his hometown cinema WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE JUST brings out a lot of emotions tiago de Compostela, Spain. and will be replacing "The HOME FRIED POTATOES $jE5O which have been latent for a Sound of Music" with some of long, long time. his own works . . most no- ATUNTK CMMA tably "The Shoe Fetish." Ad- "The Mind With The Dirty VALUE CRISIS HITS HOME — Into the seemingly complacent home of ditionally, he plans to be mar- Man," which has both humor Wayne and Alma Stone, portrayed by John McLearen and Temme Davis, ried In the glow of and message, is a play you background, comes their son's bride, Dlvina, portrayed by Lianne searchlights on opening night have probably never seen be- McCartney. . .and suddenly their lives and their values aren't the same. fore ... but will probably Their story Is told via "The Mind With The Dirty Man," dinner theater at- A sticky situation Is made want to see again. traction at The Dam Site, Tlnton Falls. Make A Date even stickier by the fact that his father has just been re- DEADLINE - All Make A Date Ads must be in our" elected to head the local Him Music Makara office by noon two days prior to publication. review board. Theatres A paid directory of coming events for nonprofit organiza- The play thrives on family Television Today MONMOUTH NMMOtin tions. Rate: $2.00 for 3 lines for one day. (1.00 each addi- friction and bristles with ner- M«..New. YorV..-Ik. Channel/I...... I s — 2O/ICTOlll, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, Q1 3 •* ARTS Jt., HID MM tional line; $3 00 for two days, 11.25 each additional line; vous energy. There is, how- CENTER Mr MOO IB for three to five days, II 50 each additional line; 16 00 ever, a startling metamor- EVEKWNO Q EIGHT O'CLOCK Karen Black, George Ham- secure woman Is used by phosis which occurs between MOVIE ilton her boyfriend In a bank for 10 days; $2.00 each additional line. Call The Daily robbery (R) the acts. 6:00 •Prescription: Murder' ,„.„,-„» THE ANDROs .Register, 542-4000, ask for the Date Secretary. (1967) Peter Falk, Gene Bar- IRONSIDE As director, John McLearerf •••• TARGETS HONEYMOONERS TOD A* ry. When a top-ranking union has styled the play to be taste- BRADY BUNCH • • MICROBES AND B FILM FESTIVAL For children, Dial-a-Story with a Biblical moral 9 VOYAGE TO THE official disappears without ful but playfully bordering on a trace, Mike suspects he Time For Comedy" Sponsored by King of Kings Lutheran Church of Middle- iTTOM OF THE SEA 'A Germ Is Life" Louis (1040) Rosalind Russell, the risque The actors he has 0 EMERGENCY ONEI has been murdered. THE fan. Dial (71-1119. chosen are capable of com- Pasteur and Robert Koch James Stewart. 2 hrs. (B) TODAY IN DELAWARE make Independent discov- a NEWS fortably handling the script; ELECTRIC COMPANY IING LINE 12:30 A m CBS LATE MOVIE PiNK PANTHER TODAY-MARCH 27 eries about the existence 1 FIRIWNENT REPORTS "Hitchhike' (1B74) and, as a result, It Is fast- 6:30 NBC NEWS of small, living organisms STRiKES ^GAiN Monmouth Museum, Lincroft: Indian Art Of The 1 LOVE LUCY 5tephen Berger - The Man 0 MOVIE GREATS moving and has a second act called microbes. "House On Haunted Hill' Americas. 500 Artifacts from Museum of the American ABC NEWS With The A«- A profile and which alone would be worth 8:30 8 m BUSTING LOOSE analysis ol both the Emer- Q LATE MOVIE Indian, N.V. Mon-Sat, 10-4 p.m., Sun. 1-5 p.m. Closed CBS NEWS Lenny winds up In jail the price of admission. HONEYMOONERS gency Financial Control The Fat Man" (1951) Thursday evenings until further notice. Free to members, charged with breach ol 12:37 Q 8 DAN AUGUST Mr. McLearen is convincing TAKE 12 Board, and the man who Non-members, 150 children, $1 adults. 747-2286. promise and assault and runs it. The Assassin" as Wayne Stone, a frustrated ZOOM battery. FEBRUARY 27, 28 oAR. 1 7:00 (CBS NEWS 10:30 O NEW YORK REPORT TEC MOVIES I father who Is sure the hospi- • MERV GRIFFIN STRATHMORE Sixth Annual Antique Show 4 Sale. Sisterhood Con- tal mixed up babies and gave UNDERSEA WORLD • JERSEYFILE 11:001 JACQUES COUSTEAU S 870-2700 gregation B'Nai Israel, Hanoi? It Ridge Rds., Rumson, NJ him someone else's son. Cast 9:00 a O MAUDE TWIN 35 prestigious dealers. Ample parking and lunch room. •Hippo- Maude's Investigation Into MARY HARTMAN, as his wife is Temme Davis, NBC NEWS STRATHMORE ACADEMY Sun. 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., Mon. 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Tues. 11 Vivian's erratic behavior AfW HARTMAN who gives the role a multi- MY THREE SONS LIARS CLUB SHOPPING CENTER am to5p.m. Admissionf 1.50. reveals a new part of the HIGHWAY J4-MATAWAN AWARDS tude of dimensions ... not TO TELL THE TRUTH Harmons' marriage and al- 8 THE ODD COUPLE Antique Show and Sale to be held at Congregation the least of which are a moth- ABC NEWS most all of Vivian. ffl BASKETBALL S83-4141 Winner of 5 BOWLING FOR 0 a CHALLENGE OF Playoff Finals. B'nal Israel of Greater Red Bank, Hance and Ridge Rds., er's love for a son — no mat- )LLARS Cintn Golden Glebe Awards Rumson Sun. 4-10 p.m., Mon. 1110 p.m., Tues. 11-5 p.m. ter what he has done - and THENETWORK STARS 11:30 S O KOJAK NEWS T Want To Report A DUETT* HOmiAM Admission. $1 50 her own secret cravings and I O| THE ODD COUPLE Teams of television stars representing ABC, CBS Dream' A spiritualist (Ruth FEBRUARY 28 anxieties i SETTING ON TOP OF and NBC will compete In a Gordon) loresees a murder Regular monthly meeting, of the Monmouth County Portraying their hippie son, I rowing relay, a golf event, a •nd reports It to the police. flStflR a ONCE UPON A Advisory Committee Help Planning at 8 p.m. Borden Con- Clayton, Is Greco who, in the swimming relay, a baseball (R) ference Room, Monmouth Medical Center, 2nd Ave., CLASSIC throw, volleyball, a running I 0 TONIGHT play's opening scenes, seems 'David CopperfleW (Pan 8) Long Branch. relay, an obstacle course Suesl host: George Carlln. IS BORfl to be the most comfortable in Mr. Mlcawber denounces race and a tug-of-war. Quests: Debbie Reynolds, MARCH 3,4,5 his role. You can really be- Uriah Heap as a forger and a a THE~PALLIS£RS Hoyt Axton, Dr. Joyce Red Bank Regional High School Juniors present a lieve that he has Just arrived thief. Dora becomes III. With Plantagenet's rising Brothers. ROCXY STREISAND three-act comedy, "My Sister Eileen" at 8 p.m. in the via a motorcycle, which he 7:30 • THE MUPPETS political fortunes, Glencora 0 LOVE, AMERICAN Guest: Connie Stevens, KRISTOFFERSON school auditorium. Donation, $2. has parked in the garden, and becomes a stylish London STYLE a IN SEARCH OF... EXCLUSIVE MARCH 4 there is a convincing tension hostess, but Is concerned O 8 STREETS OF Tllo Foot" about Uncle Omnium's SAN FRANCISCO m CHANNEL St. Leo's Rosary-Altar Society is featuring a "Thaw- between him and Mr ADAM-12 growing Infatuation with 'Betrayed' An afllng, In- 4 STEREO ing Out" Chinese Auction at 7 p.m. in Our Lady of Fa- McLearen. S2S.000 PYRAMID „ JMjdame Max. : tlma Hall, St. Leo The Great Church, Lincroft. Admission Arriving soon after is his HOLLYWOOD • »(PIP ALL'S FAIR MON.-THUtS. I ML 1UARES 11.50, extra cards 50c. No one under 14 will be admitted movie star wife or bride-to-be Q a NBC MOVIE II without adult. Refreshments. Calling at 8 p.m JOKER'S WILD The Strange Possession HOLMDEL MOTOR INN THf MOVIES || NOMINATED . . depending upon the cir- MATCH GAME P.M. HIGHWAY 35 HOLMDEL MARCH 5 01 Mrs. Oliver' (Premiere) FOR cumstances. Either way, LUCY SHOW RELAX WITH OUR NEW IN-ROOM St. Patrick's Dinner Dance sponsored by St. Agnes though, Dlvina — as she l MACNEIL / Holy Name Society will be held in St. Agnes School Cafe- ER REPORT chooses to call herself — Is a J STEAM BATH BARGAIN ' " teria from 8-1 a.m., by reservations only. For tickets, — PLUS — 6:00 AT E contact John Murphy, 291-1548; William Beirne, 291-9161; JEFFERSON WATER BEDS — COLOR T.V. ! SAT »S UN ACADEMY Joseph McNee. 291-0319; Joseph Hynes, 291-0906; or A little 'Oo-la-la' turns Into BKT PICTURE AWARDS Stanley Komelski, 291-0759. At the 'No you don't' when AM/FM RADIO George finds out Louise's MARCH 6 new friend Is a man. CALL 264-4600 The New Jersey State Orchestra presents a Beetho- a a NBC MOVIE i ven concert, including a performance of The Chorales' movies tSlgfoot, The Mysterious Fantasy, Sylvia Rabinoff, pianist. A 70 voice choir, Felix ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Monsters' (1975) Peter ATLANTIC CINEMA— "SPIRIT OF Moteer, Choral director 3:30 p.m Tickets at box office. The Pink Panther Strike* Again (PG) Graves. A re-enactment of Monmouth Arts Ontpr |4. $2. seniors and students. 7:11,9:15 several reported sightings SEVENTY-SEX' EATONTOWN GENERAL CINEMA THEATRES Congregation Brothers of Israel, Long Branch COMMUNITY I- of human-like creatures. - PLUS — ThcSenilntl IRl ? 30,9 30 a CROSS-WITS THE MOVIES III presents Author, Historian, Max I. Dimont. His topic is COMMUNITY II- 'HOT CHANNELS" Sltvsr Streak (PGI 7: JO. I: JO a a CAPTAIN & •blMUU "Has Zionism committed suicide by success?" 8:15 p.m. FREEHOLD TENNILLE MDIIt.-) TBiC€ 85 Second Ave. Tickets, $3.50, students, $2 Call 222-6666 MALL I— Guests: George Burns, MOM • rail. TUNE IN AT 7:154:16 Network (R) Mi, 9 30 itmon c/iPf\ce 7:45 * 101 MARCH 7 John Byner, Bread, Natalie LATE SHOW Cole and Roy Clark. —1 HIL TIMIt SAT. 10:40 Grocery Bingo sponsored by the Highlands Fire Aux- 8 NHL GAME OF THE TKH WILLWM BARGAIN iliary, Highlands Fire House, 8 p.m. Refreshments. Dona- HAZL WEEK PLAZA- DUNJWMY H0LOEN ACADEMY .lion $1.25 at door. ASIor liBorn(HI 7:45 Cleveland Barons vs. St. SAT. * SUN. CINEMA I- PETER ROBERT MARCH 10 NetworMRl 7.30, 930 Louis Blues 21/2 hrs. AWARDS CINEMA II- FINCH DUVALL IEJTPKTURE Monmouth-Ocean Chapter, National Multiple Scle- T he Sentinel IR) 7.9 KEANIIURO rosis Society presents Dr. George Whittle on Urology COLONIAL— Management, Booker Pavilion, Jersey Shore Medical TheEntor»r(R)MO,?:IO THE SAMEI LONG BRANCH NOMINATED FOR 10 Center, 7-9. All welcome. MOVICSI- ASIor Is Born (R| I ACADEMY AWARDSI MARCH 12 MOVIES II- Ntlwork (R) 7:tJ,9:iS St. Anthony's Spring Dinner Dance sponsored by St. MATAWAN CINEMA M- TEH ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS Anthony's PTA, Red Bank Cocktail hour 7:30, dinner at Voyogeof the Damned (PG) 7 45 URATHMORE CINEMA I- MOUMNG "HIT PKIUII 01 TNI TIM " H 30 with open bar. Cobblestones Restaurant, music by Morathon Mon [R) 7,9'10 noun urn «* STRATHMORE CINEMA II- nin WILLIAM PETER, ROBERT King James and his Court. Reservations only, St. An- Rocky (PG) 7, 9:15 DinUUNM HOLOEN FINCH DUVALL aunuNunn thony's Rectory, 747-0813 or Mrs. Robert Van Brunt, 741- MENLO PARK ear is spreading! CINEMA I— 0471. Cautndra Croulng IR) J:IO. 4 SO. 7:». THI: MARCH 12, 13 CINEMA II— Fun With Dick and Jane (PG) 1. 4, e. I. CASSANDRA Sea Girt PTO Antique Show and Sale. Sea Girt 10 school, Hwy 71, Sea Girt. March 12. 10-6 p.m. March 13. MIDDLETOWN NO TOWN W€ST- 11-5 p.m. Admission, $1.50. with card. $1.25. Luncheon The Conondro Croulng (R) 7)0, 9:45 WEEKDAYS — 7J0-9;30 OCEAN TOWNSHIP available. ' MIDDLEBROOK CINEMA I- SAT/SUN. 3:15. 5:20, 7:30, 9:50 Third Festival Of Religious Arts & Crafts held on Voyooeoilhe DomnetUPGI 8 MIDDLIBROOK CINEMA II- Musk Makers Theatres ACADEMY Sat., 7 to 10 p.m., Sun., 2 to 8 p.m. at Mlddletown United, Morathon Mon (R) 7 15,9 IS •AMAIN MATINIK RED SANK WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2 P.M. AWARDSI Methodist Church, 924 Middletown-Llncroft Rd , Middle- MONMOUTH ARTS CENTER- ALL SEATS — (1.00 (HAZLET) IMGMN The Pink Panther Strike* Again (PGI 1:00 P.M. town. Free inter-faith arts & crafts exhibit, demonstra- KMTINlt SH tions and performing arts programs. Call 747-9354 for MOVIES Ill- SAT. 1 SUN. Rocky (PG) J IS, 9:15 SUN 1 MOH 2-S-l more information. MOVIES IV— The Voyaoe of the Damned (PG) I i m $1.50 "THE PERFECT MARCH 14 SHREWSBURY CINEMA I- MOVIE ..." First Church of Christ, Scientist will hold a free lec- Nctoork (R) 1:4$, 10 CINEMA II- ture on Christian Science at 211 Broad St., Red Bank at Cotiandra Croitlng |R) 7:10, 9 45 MPAA RATINGS 8:30 p.m. ALL are welcome. Child care available. G — General oudtencei MAY 21-28 PG - All ogei (Parental guidoncr lug lttd) WEE St. Agnes Church will conduct a cruise to Bermuda r— Rtitrlcted. iPerioni under 17 not admitted unleit accompanied by parent •AT/SUN 4. «. 1.10 on the S. S. Statendam For information call 291-0876 or orodurlguartflonl X - AduTti only. MARCH 26 St. Patrick's Dance, with music by The Majesties. 9 NOMINATED p.m.-l a.m., St. James Cafeteria, Peters PI., Red Bank. FOR Food, beer, setups provided; BYOB. Donation $6.50 per ACADEMY person. For tickets, call Ed Connolly, 741-3295; Teresa 3 AWARDSI Healy, 842-8382; Emma Ducey, 74I-4M8; Edith, 747-1292. KIT lUrrOITMC MARCH 27 «CTMII _ LEE GRANT 15th Annual Vacation Auction presented by the Mid- StRQSfiTlD MIDOIEMOOK II AU$4 50 dJetown Jaycees In cooperation with Gill Travel & B.C. KRIStDfKRSOn IMIIIMU Coats. ISO fun-filled vacations auctioned at bargain prices flStRR f VOYAGE* m, DAMNED sun • to the highest bidder to support Jaycee Community Ser- A MI wiwi mu m IS BORfi • ttw UUUMMU mmmiB itm\ 7:15-1:15 vice Activities. Molly Pitcher Inn, Red Bank, 1 p.m Va- Wf __ WIUNMNMr' OU8TIN HOFFMAN cation list and tickets. (Donation $1) Write Box 184. Mid- I lauut dletown, N.J. 07748. MARATHON MAN SHREWSBURY. N. J MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1977 The DMty RegfetCr 15

FAST RESULTS LOW COST PHONE 542-17OO Toll Free Matawan Area - 566-8100 Toll Free Middletown Area — 671-9300

Total coal $9 12

SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT - Experience prtttrred Neat and rt ABOUT - Four iwlveTctioTrV liable Apply Monmoulh Street Chtv OR OFFICE FOR THE COMING i40 Dintttt table with two benches I Auto* For Salt ron. RedBank SPRING' - Wt hove a large selection two ton bock choirs, newly uphot CHEVROLET IMPALA If74 - JSO tn ive dor, so i WA>WA ot exotic house plantt a) grower stered. bachelor chest, black and fOW , air, AM'FM radio. SJ.QOC mlltt We are a national mant^adurer ol In prices Mike's Greenhousn. 701 Call IS. SM mi. offer S, i47 lulatttt picnic bagi. we nttd ti Blvd . Keontburg W S434 Km AMC GREMLIN X If73 - Three perlertced sewing machine operator i DOG HOUSE - Medium sMt.'red- •peed. Levl Interior, roof rock, steel Steady tmploymefit, good benetlti. op brass, pewter, ond wood wood, cedar lined, termite irepted. CHEVROLET SUBURBAN It!] - ply between I0.J g m NAPPI SMITH. belted Urn, 11400 Coll 175 ittt Good condition SIMM or btit offe slcod. Mlddlttown4711l» 140 Dog run. wire mesh. lj*if. I Coll anytime 30 Southtrd Avt . Farmlngdalt An high. IIS. 147 MW AMC PACIR 1174 - Power brakes, Equal Opportunity Employer ANTIQUE -PolrolbfautVo tr Hearing, ok, •)*•! betted radio! carved high beds. tISO toch Beoutlfu arllusiabie fop Handmade Bui otter CHEVROLET l»7i MONZA - Hatch- SNE LLING ANOSNELt ING ornale antique organ, o thow pcelltnl condition US each Available for Merchan- Engine runt good, burnt oil, horn Free ouolei by phone Call toll free AM/FM I trocfc stereo, four speakers. n> SnrewAurv Aw., Red Bar* 7414000 Avt Tlnton Falls. or two tor 17} 717 13TV nttdi repairing. 1100 741-3111. call watts Tint, MO-nTim, * a.m.-* p.m. dise For Sale only. Article factofy air, ildt pipes, sink, rttrlg- TWO QUALITY CONTROL IN duf ing day. LADIES-MEN - Work oi home on the trotor, bed. wall-to-wall carpeting, ELCAMINO \H* MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - Reo SPECTORS - Four Electronic osstm CARPET - Shag. II6'MI0. various must originate from a phone, torn 125 150 weekly servicing biers, wiring and soldering Two Elec shades of red. 1110 swivel seats and morel Only 13.000 RED BANK VOLVO sonablt role* Groulngtr ond Htlltr our cuitomer* 344-3)44. household and may not ex- mile* Aiklng 17000 Call 7*9 tW ony 119 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. Aotncy. IS Wlkott PI.. Red Bonk, 741- tronlc Tut ond Ai«mbl, TV) 4400 NT-MS CAMARO We - Dorkblue with whllt LEGAL SECRETARY - With oTieoT ceed a sale price of $100.00 Him, RED BANK, 74I-SM4 WAITRESS M/W"- EKperlenced only CHAIR - Yellow. S7S, Celery Hi) topondwnlte Interior, beautltvl condl three yeori experience required. Com Apply in perian, between IS P m The lion. U«-cylinder, automatic. pow*< rug,140 er article. Dvrti, lour ipeeo wnn gouga«. iieei RlTTENHOUSE SEE US FOR YOUR INSURANCE plete benefits, generous yearly bonus Pour Hotne. 640 Shrewsbury Ave . Tin brakei and lleerlng Ashing only I3U0 LINCOLN MERCURY Inc. NEEDS WE RE SPECIALISTS 170133} 'rice MUST be adver- belted rodlali, AM/FM, tight trock. and outstanding pay tcale Reply Box ton Foils, Cotlefltrl p.m. *7l 41/4 (lour ipeokenl Only U.000 arlglnol 100 HWY IS 77J-IMO OCEAN TWP CALL JOHN COOK, W 9333 M 1S3. The Daily Regliter. Shrew* CHERRY WOOD - Dresttrwlth tised. Each additional line mllti Greot condition Aiklng U99 SUZUKI 197JTS400- Excellent condl bury, N.J. 07701. IS HOMEMAVERS (M/F) - To Held large mirror, US Old trunk, IK Ti SCHWARTZ CHRYSLER test product!, can tarn 110 an hour SI.00. No copy changes m Ommort Av>, UM> S1N» WHS! tlon 1*00 maple patio choirs. tlSeach 471 16/. PLYMOUTH Coll Mr Gobusi 179 4IS4 may be mode and no dis- CONVERTIBLE 1M1 GHIA D FIAT SALES ANO SERVICE - LC- 141 W Front Strttt, Red Bonk 671 4717 after 4 HIS AD - For 10% off on ony CHEVELLE Inspection. VINE MOTOR CORP., Maple Avt . 747-0717 YAMAHA Middletown. N.J 07740 Hem in Booth 44, 77* West Front St counts or returns will be »M> I4J Red Bank /41-4S70 52 Baby Sitting Red Bonk Complime1t«r- great 471 1411. G.I CO policy hokkrt Call 741 4033. Ing/brakn. WfS excluding lai ond MV OLDEST POOL COMPANY - In vate duty nursing anywhere Reason- 671-9300 FURNITURE - Tnree rooms ntw, ten Dealer. 170-4514 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER - 1*71. YOUNG DRIVER SAVED OVER UOO Monmoutn County hot opening for able rotes For Information call HI 13W Will ttll pttces seporattly 4tS- GREMLIN x H7j • • 304 V4, twadtrft. four wheel drive, good condition Call — At the AUTO INSURANCE CEN- salesmen M'W Full and part-time In **********! DAN ELECTRO GUITAR AND CASE IO*S offer I p m dual e»hou»l. powtr itttrlng, automat U1-0J14 ground concrete ond vinyl liner pools — (40 Harmony f-hole acoustic gul TER, 4S Hwy 34, Keyport. N J COM- GAS RANGE - 16 . ncetlent condl S66-6102 Ic trommlulon Call before noon, or Reply P O BON 33. Shrewsbury, N J tor ond case. (40. guitar amplifier . Autos For Salt IDYO1A 197] CORONA WAI.ON PARE Phoenli Brokerage, 164 3O«7 Ion Sink ond tub combination. %3i after 4 p.m., 1441447 Low down payment. Open until 9p.m. 11. guitar electric pick up. IS Cal Four-tptld, air. AM/FM. rodlali, root 44] M9f otter 6pm each CoH U2 7T73 rocfci Bett o^^ColMUljSSM. Ol SI EN TEMPS NEEDS YOUM 10 Wanted Automotive SKILLS EARN EXTRA MONEY DESKS. FILES, tables, choirt. odd inc. More Classified tT7~i*74~vtc"TORY IDITION - Air, HIGH RATES NO FEE 117 Rtt IS lochlnes. typcwnteri. oftlct equip AM/FM. vinyl roof, tpoke wheeli. yei WE HAVE NOT CHANGED JUNK CARS EATONTOWN 147 SJOO tent, etc ai " on Next Pogt GTO 19*4 - 400. tour toted, poil roar, low with block trlm.ToOO mllei Take Highest prices paid headeri. mags, cam, tachometer, over poymenl* Call S44 *i*» after S Call ffl-»7l PART TIME - Driven for tchool much more AtklngtiOOO 471-4M2 busset Afternoons only Apply Mur JUNK CARS WANTED - Picked up phy But Service, (behind Slptrsteln i FOR SALE~- Two Boy Servat Sta DIAMOND RING -~LOO> *, morqul*. SI. Help Wanted *4 Central Ave . Red Bank TWIN BORO MOTORS INC Palnti). Sis Rt 3S. Middletown a I sal 1700 HOL5EY PONTIAC Coll 741-107* DIE NEWMAN SPRINGS RD PART TIMF Lorn U lo II? an hour HIE 16 M? 101 EATONTOWN RED BANK CALL 747-01 selling candle arrangements ond git DINETTE SET - 41 ' dlometei. whlti TOOL MAKER JEEP SALES AND SERVICE TOP DOLLAR OUR LOW VAN - OOOGE 19*7 - SK-cyllnder. Iwart for Party Lite Gilts No In LIQUOR LICENSE & BUILOING mica pedeitai table with lour IWI Twin ioro Moton. Inc. 74.000 mile* New brafcei and tun*-up vestment, no delivery, no collecting Completely remodeled with beautlfu cnoirs II SO 739-»74 HIE Ntwmon Sprlnot Rd Red Bonk FOR USED CARS Experienced Good starting UMIIrm VU JIM LIPPIN MOTOR CAR CO . INC, Mutt have car It's fun* Coll 471 0730 bar in Middletown Lady left with bull CALL NOWT47-OM0 N I N G~ R~6~0M TABLE - Fou^ salary Liberal benefits Cal 1 3S Soyrevllle, N.J 717-1300 PART TIME-FULL TIME - Local ness wants to be relieved of responn VEGA ESTATE STATION WAGON Mrs. til One coffee table octagor business expanding In ftil* area, needs blllty Will pan wltti business reason Mr Kramer. Monmouth SH KARMANN GHIA — 1*71. front wheel 1974 - Bod 10/tape ittrto Low mile ably Building seats IW people Retrig shope Ul Two end tobies IIS each WANTED people tor potential management posl dlic brokei, itondard traniminlon. oat Excellent condition HUB 944 trotlon tacllity. all stock, large stor late lops One torch style lamp. 175 versmiths. Shrewsbury 36,000 original mile* Good condition, A.) uMd can aid tuts Tap doNar pou. lion Con earn to 1)10 per week, port age orea. convenient and lorac parking One Sponish gold velvet sofa, %!i Two PRICE POLICY! tire* Ilk* new Aiklng I14S0 Coll W- OASIS MOTO« ilbii ni-Tiao time, If qualified. For Interview, call bunk mottrttses IS toch One Heno area Once In o llfttime opportunity V~EGA HATCHBACK 1973 - Low 747-3084 Wllotter5 between 10?. 49S-0334 Only 1130.000 Paul P flovo Realtor ^ mochine l?5 779 1004 AUTHORIZED VOLVO DEALER SINCE 1956 mlleogt, automatic. AM'FM, power KITSON CHEVROLET CO itetrlng. good condition, mow tire* PART-TIME SALESPERSONS - 471 1S44 BTNING ROOM SET - French Pro Mwy 3* _ Eotonlown 11000 m 1197 Nttdtd lor evening and weekend pTTJfA AND SUB SHOP - Inciai table, four choirs, buffet ER work Experience preferred. Middle VEGA WAGON IVN Mint (>1 olr. i tllcnt condition After 4 pm . 747 _ n Liner oft area Leads provided ' AUTOMOTIVE^ We Care . . . MALIBU CLASSIC LANDAU 1*7) - 341 ilondard thltt, rodlal*. new mow* Guaranteed 14 on hour plui commit VI, fully equipped, like new. 37.000 Economical Beit offer. 191 S317 51 Help Wanted tlon Coll 4712339 DISHWASHER - GE Undercounttr mile. U700CoTfSU.I»7. Used.UO TECHNK1AN VOLKSWAGEN 1H* MERCURY COMET 11*4- Very good PART TIME - 1:30-5.», typing es 63 Money To Loan Coll 717 SM9 Chance to demonstrate your RED BANK VOLVO tentlol Travel Agency. Box 5*. Wesl condition, uoo End, N.J 07740- ability & make good money 119 [ Newman Springs Rd Call U4-4377 ADMINISTRATION 51. Help Wonted VOt i SW> .F N SUPLR Bbtllf. P A Y R O L L CLERK -Part-time, at Circle Chevrolet MGB 1974 - IS,000 mllti 1977 - White wiin blut Interior. E» Red Bank overdrive USM 17-34 years old. With or without •» knowledge ot Burroughs l WOO etien- • Good working conditions 741-5886 cellent condition Automatic stick tlal AppTy In person ELECTRO IM Call 717 t3» ptrltnct. Free training with good tola- inift AM radio, rear detogger. ntw ry Educational beneflh 30 dayi vaco PULSE LAB INC . 114 Chestnut St . MAINTENANCE • Modern shop-lalest equip MG MIDGET 1974 - Convertible Hret, battery U49S 471432? tlon Medkol benefits Not all (obi Im Red Bonk • All fringe benefits four ipttd. good condition Bttt offer, mediately available Plan your carter CallMlktotlll^HII. now by deterring i lor ling date for up • No Saturday work tklogl/i to 145 ctoyi Muti Qualify first Equal TIONIST - Wrllt slating experience SUPERINTENDENT MONMOUTH mi and qualifications. BON D IM. The 71 Merchandise Experienced in plumbing, Must be experienced in mi- CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE 1*71 - El Dolly Register. Shrewsbury, 07701 Hwy J* Eotontown MM MX) electrical, commercial and nor & major auto repairs ctlltnl condition Radio, aoad tlrei, PERSON - To drive oncfbe"secretory For Sale MUSTANG I94A - Good condition Call 747 JJ90 industrial boiler and healing CaU tor app't with Service SED CARS1 to Wind tody dealing with blind made ALLIEO TR lOiO REEL TO REEL US0 VOLKSWAGEN 1170 - Standard products Contocl Mon Frl Camp TAPPE RECORDER - U0UO , TraveTravels..l all . References required Salary Mo/ Nek Trocchfa Collafttr4.l4JSia Happiness II Burlington Ave . Leon transmission. AM/FM Excellent con rooom humidifiehomldlflprr , "l»" . blue shag bath rdo or in 141 fofteri:» commensurate wrih ability dltlon Mutt sell Best oftei 7414043 met tet' . U. 493-»497 741-3130 WAU UNCOLN MERCURY ARMAMENT PORTER WAXER M'W - Part-time. ANIMAL SHIPPING CRATE Plcn Coll 747-1100 CIRCLE CHEVKOLET CO. VOLVO 1HV MM - Encellenl condl MAINTENANCE • a m to 10 0 m Experienced only U tic Approximately 4N3R4' Like ntw lion, new point im. four speed, best on hour. Mlddittown area Call col Only used once Coil 141 4*01 an, lor interview Shrewsbury, N.J. DOWNTOWN SHREWSBURY Otter over i 1300 ?W 53*7. 17-14 ytori old- With or without ex ted, 1116) UMStt pm OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS I97S - Su- VOLVO lt|$ — 144DL. red, 13.000 l F ttl ith d l preme, tNCtlltnt condition. 11.000 POST ING CLERK ~ miles, mint condition Mutt sell Coll Some experience In handpcnilng nee milt* Full power, air conditioning, MJ-OtW otter 0 p m Don Medical btnefltt Not all Job* Im mag wheel* MOOT 1*4 4979 essary, hours • »to 4 30, loll IS medioNfly available Pton your career ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WALL LINCOLN MEBCURY now by deterring starting date tor up OLDSMOBILE 1974 CUTLASS - » Thomas Ave 747 14*4 Shrewsbury Shrewsbury Ave at Sycamore to 341 doyi Muti qualify tlrst Equal H.OOOmiiM Bronit with whllt landau CLASSIFIED Shrewsbury, N.J. 747-S4O0 opportunity employer Call your Army PRODUCTION FOREMAN M W — Recruiter In Red Bonk or 741 Sttt. Growing company offers txctUent op- WHELAN PONTIAC BUICK OPEL portunity tor rtghl person with super Hwy* Freehold OPEL WAGON 1971 — Stick Moto MMWr vlsory experience Reply lo '3 Atlantic and body good condition 47,000 Ave , Matawon. N J O7M7 II100, niKF 1*77 GRAN TORINO SPORT ~ Blut. AUTO MECHANIC - Experienced REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON — fully equipped Btfort 4 p m , S44 3010, person to do pre-dellvery Inspection* Dynamic new agency looking lor high after I p m , M3 34M on ntw vehicles ond also generol me caliber salespeople copoblt of han- PLYMOUTH DUSTER - 1974, tlM-cvl cnanlcol work Muti hove own toots BUSINESS DIRECTORY dling tiecuttve clientele Backlog ot 1973 Prefer Chrysler ond'or Oattun ex- customers Experience not necessary perience. No trltlert pitas* Full b*n- but helpful Fully equipped modern ol CHEVELLE eftts including rtoipiloiiiolion ond paid flee. Confidential Interview Coll vocation Clean, new shop fa work In. A DAILY GUIDE PLYMOUTH FURY - 1*47, otklng SUPER SPORT FOULKS PRESTON AGENCY. 671 \m. mint Mil. Atk tor Bob Lobrlolo Motor*. Red i4*4. Call 14? OKI or 141-4411 291-2845 ^ OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS PLYMOUTH SATELLITE I ft! "REAL"ESTAT6'"SALES ASSOCIATE AVON jean Irwin. Realtor. Marine Pork Red Good running condition, power iteer BUSINESS MISCELLANEOUS ROOFING A SIDING Ing, air, AM'FM. automatic, needi 3 Trockt and Trailers Meet Interesting People Bonk 143-4 m body rtpolri left front f>300 or beit of RECISTERED~NUR&CS - for iwi DIRECTORS »tr 717 MOO. CHEVROLET 1*73 PICK UP -307. V And Earn Money Doing It ROOFING ANO SIDING Free ftti If you en|oy metllnt people, you'll Ing home, 11-7 shift, part-time, ei CUSTOM motes Olson Roofing & siding Co Call prv'MOUTH 1971 - Sport* Suburbon love being on Avon Representative cellent Milory and full fringe benefits m-QW Evening* M? Mlt E|t tegj For appointment coll Ttl-OeH, Monday This is a partial list of our used cars Station *ogon. nine pmiengtr. outo And selling Avon i qualify products It ADDING MACHINES PICTURE FRAMING matlc. power tletrlng/brokti, air, o real earning opportunity, too Coll IhrougrFrldav 40SOFF FAST SERVICE Mn Hammond. 7I7-4X3O. TYPEWRITERS economical VI, vtry good thopt Atk SALES OCEAN ART Please stop "and see them all. Ing 11415. S31-S379. TAX SERVICE BARTENDER M'W - Experienced Are you bright, energetic, entnuiiostu ADDERS Typewrlleri C«CVt4t*rt. 1117 HWY IS. OAKHURST Slock* 114 PLYMOUTH 1*71 SPORT FURY - CHEVROLET 1971 - Cuitom M. V Apply Ye Cottoge inn. 149 w Front ond outgoing? Do you like cheese ond sold, trodtd. repoired < tiMPt F TE PRE PARAT'ION OF it* ond need to el money? mm)* ton. IIH-cylinder. 3S.000 mlltt. with St, Keyport. T44 11*3 people < DISCOUNT Prices TAX FORMS - Year enooooh- 73 MEROJRY COUGAR XR7 ve .uion.«tic. powe> Consld KORY SEBPICOS 747O4IS comper Beit ofttr Coll 717 )M7 BEAUTY CLTLTURE INSTRUCTOR teeping. w ; ttotemtnts. state returns, FORD F-10B~i*7S - Automatic,'wlttY also small buHnessts and porlner slaarlng. power brakm. air conditioning, bucket seats, con- — Wanted, licensed only Contocl Ml*t through Frl Must be avoilablt to work DRIVEWAYS ships J* yra'i in Middletown are* PLYMOUTH 1970 - Fury, lour d cop. AM'FM tape-deck. dl*c brake*, Spenc*. 442 4007 every Sot Apply In person. Feb M. U ALTERATIONS 9O». AM/FM vinyl top, rear delcer, whitewals. 36.739 mil«s_ btit otter toktt It. many titrot. UWO. e*S N60 Stone ond block tap •OYS'GIRLS - Earn extro money J, Mar 1.1+ Co 744 4XM ony time AODITIONS Hooting, siding. Ct Ttl 1417 ... $3097 FORD 1**S - Blolrtown walk In Hep weekday* ond Saturday For more In HICKORY FARMS SP" """ """" ramie tile Complete lint ot remodel 1 von Radio, htattr, olorm. perfect tor formation call Mr Peter*, H4-1SU Monmowth Moll, Eotontown. N j LET US - Be you* Gal 'Friday o«c Ing. Call Rich Malmberg 'I' 3S47 INCOME TAX HEToHNS S(oc*«»»9 Good llrei Rellobte plumber or contractor Bin*, drawers, solve V«ur stopping and ttoustheU CLERICAL kNAOER Serving Monmouth County 11 years Eipectly prepared Also N J.. N t etc IS7J S44-4S09 p m agency o* motor « . _ rob'tnn Personal Snapping Service 76 UNCOiN MARK IV V8 automatic, power steer- Mutt have tkperlenc* In working with T f47 4iM 14 »our onswerlng itatt and or* E>perienced Will pre PONTIAC CATALINA - 1*70. two 100 1*7} - Tape deck, good met figure*, tome payroll helpful, ttad awe opening for e«pe*lenced. knowi edgeable soles monoger Excellent op Ing, power brakes, air conditioning, leather interior. AM/FM. d hdt loks m d »1M Also has cap portunity for me right person. Salary Vinyl lop, power windows, Hit wheel, cruise control, power Mustselt »7I lt?0 and fringe benefits CollM? S4»1 BUILOING ALTERATIONS Addi PONTIAC FIREBIRD I9»9 - Air, ro- tlons ond repairs Flnonclna Arranoed locks, power seats, whitewall radlals. chrome wheels dlo, good inapt Atklna lll» COOK - Full llmt. First Cook, 40 hour SAITES REPRESENTATIVE - No- Bay Head Construction Co Mi troo TAKE ADVANTAGE OF GOVERN 16,1«8mies I1O,*OO ™oll741iliW week, alternate weekends In tlonaily known tret expert company MENT DISASTER LOANS - Docks ttllutional cooking and bulk feeding a Background In forestry, ernomeniol ond bulkheads 'tpoired Piling re TRUCK ft AUTO tAHPFNTEH REHHEO- Seek* mutt Minimum three yean t» ptocM Con »l HJt after » Sloe* « 111 small and medium sited |obs Cant RENTAL 2. Autos For Salt 2. Autos For Salt lenct required ERCtlieni talory experience flttlrqMe. Coil p4ett Interior remodeling service Pan IS MERCURY COUGAR XR7 V8 automatic power eling Kltthen cabinets Room odd' b Union S~EC~RETA*Y - Fvll time t « PAINTING A lions' i ecr tot Ion room, rttlnishing. steering, power brakes, air conditioning, bucket seats, con- Si. Red Bank, N.J. perlenced wllti shorthand ond typing DECORATING capoblllHes. good telephone manner, boohcost* Armstrong chondtlltr cell tncp Free advice and estimates Oood sole. AM. powar windows, rear deicer, bumper protection DRIVERS - pleasant working conditions Motion EXPE RiENCFD PAINT! k workmamhlp Coll anytime IT* JTW package, whitewall radlals, 55,716 miles J4097 noon lor school out. Pays U M Apply Systems Corp., 41 Rlordon Place. tege ttudenri Free estimate* Inttrl Murphy Bus Service, (behind Slper* or eitenot References ovaitoble U) telnt Point*). SIS Rt. 3i. MIckMetown Shrewsbury ei} SOU Sloe* • If J CARPENTRY AN DMA SON WORK n*I t-rp m DRIVING INSTRUCTORS - Toggort* Alterotiom and additions A Bruce Eigeniawch 143 3*7: PAINTING AND DECORATING Driving School, opportunity to earn ml office petition, no tit 75 UNCOIN CONTMENTAL 2-door ve. automatic CorlB Jones tvity insured UO0 to 1400 per wetkata professional ,hour»li TollJS MEAT BILLS TOO HIGH' r»r tiee estimate* coll TI* MM AVIS power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, tinted glass. driving Intfructor. no eiperlence nee- etsory. we train you. Ml Htn* career Salt prices Oft Vinyl, aluminum In PAINTING - And wollpapef Ing Gen W! TRY HARDER power windows, power locks, power seat, tilt wheel, pre- position Secure feature wltti rapid od svloted siding Additions Alterations erol Kome improvements SECRETARY NEEOED - Eiecutlvt Call Stanley Ogonowski. H7«4H mium molding. AM/FM stereo, white sldewals, 41.869 mles. vancemtnl for quollfltd people Ex- skills (40 wem typing, IM wpm tleno) (all :u Jjnaff*' i p MI cellent fringe benefits and ntw cor Should like flffuew end tetMHoM con PAINTING AND PAPERING HOME IMPROVEMENTS ~ Add> supplied work In otta near your tocn Requires good argonJiotion and estimates Recommtnd«lloni Coll tlons. dormers, pofooe conversions, home. Call Today! Open Sunday. follow through Call 14)-Vm tor Inter Mi M)4 before i. 147 ?*4i ane< i ftrtlshed boiemenH. repairs Free esii Stock'»~10t IMM1S4-J333. tor pertengl Inlervtew view er BOM rewnt lo Semen Corp , 747-0308 motes '47)094 76 MERCURY COMET 4-door. »l«-cyimder automatic, PAINTING EARN - DO in cosh or btoutlful SECRETARY - Slew ond tucttlent interior Citerlor & Paper Hong krtg power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, tinted glass, hostess aim Call Eiecvtlve Women's hrptng o mwt. Other duties include on LANDSCAPING LAWM^ Ceu twerlng phone and, rtitng Mini be self Col I tV-UU bumper protection package, bodystde molding, vinyl lop. vi- GARDEN MAINTENANCE IXECUTIVE ASSISTANT S+erHritMeltthttJlH U WATERBlAST - Betce pointing nyl Interior, AM radio, white sldewaHs, 18.130 miles. $3347 SECRETARY - Small Real Eitot* if starting sotery with compony Newmettod f.reot -esults fk* nee* erioM. copoWe person for benefltt. Send resume to Boi CHi, Watly I Pofnllng 471 tHt Al MM) wr priws wcMt tn I fcMibfl JwMly Ro«H*ef. Shrew««vry. Mttrnttne pMltten Ui *»94 PLUMBING t HAIR CUTTER - TalCnt**], e> SECRETARY HEATING lenced ond dependob** operotor to LANDSCAPING - t «n cgre onfl I SHREWSBURY AVL, AT SYCAMORE yHW CXI W-4747, To Personnel Manogtr. eictllenl a HIGHWAY 35 528-7500 MANASQUAN K Ulllt necessary, lee negotiable To tret work In buttneti for 3S vtori PLUMBING *NP HEATINQ - Re HAlRQREtStR - Llcented Ihompet Hot Free estimates S4> 19N or '41 SO'! at pair ond emergeJKy serilct Reason 842-6800 S 747-5400 / ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY able rotes W \v» <# tfs »)|f )0 Thomas Ave 747 MM Shrewsbury The DlJyRegirtcr SHREWSBURY, N J MONDAY. FEBRUARY 28.1977 Elective Immediately all you C.B. RADIO enthusiasts can BUY i *+«**"* **«+ and SELL your C.B.'s thru Dally Register Classified Ads. We think you're Important enough to give you your om special X0I-11 classification... (mz-C.B.'s and Electronics) \* CALL US TODAY on the ACTION UNE... »A 1700

137 Lots And Acreage 71 Merchandise 71. Merchandise Nubbin 131. Houses For Sate 131. Houses For Sale WOODED BUILDING LOT FOR A FANTASTIC BROCHURE Of homtt MIDDLETOWN — One block from For Sale For Sale SALE — Fully Improved, 135,*W In Monmouth County) 111 yours It you Bayvlew School. Leonordvllie Rd U , I WANT VOU CENTURY 31, PAUL IRAGAR GAS STOVE - Four-burner,flood con - HANGING GAS UNIT - 10,000 BTU. write or call Betsy Rots Agency, 117 Four-bedroom CotonM wllh kitchen, AGENCY. 747-W11 MM, tranitlon. Jo . ufPleou ith blower motor, all control* and TO 6TBAIf>UTeW UP VOW? Rt. IS. Keyport, N J. 07735. Phone dining living family rooms ond go ftwrmoHai t» Coll W %m rage 147,900 SX dowti financing avoll ROOM eNO able W-MM or 717-1MO HAPPY HOUIE^LANTS - Hove a APPLEBROOK - Three bedrooms, 13S Mobile Hornet ptont porty — receive trN plant* ond two full baths, living room tireploce, MIOOLETOWN GARDEN PARK MOBILE HOMES - percentage of totoi saiei Ul -137*1. dining, large fomlly room, garoge, Bethany Rd , Hoilet Adult pork Walk MrtdMtt. Ifl l«(| 01 flv« .- central air, gas grill, beautiful lot, NEW ON THE MARKET K,*hopplno CQJIH4W1I TOM'I MIDDLfTOWN JEWELERS HEATER - Portable, fan forced many extras Asking U7.9O0 Princi- Just listed, this brand new custom bl C«ffl«bfllt Junction, Belford Soli pals only 671-4170. level Three large bedrooms, eat-In 1»73 MOBILE HOME - T»o bed- kllchen, IV) baths, large gomeroom, rooms, wall-to woll carpeting. *_*"• ATLTANTIC HIGHLANOS - New dryer and utility shed 541 5413 otter * ION Ti adltlonol tut located In nice residential area. Walk homes Bl level or Ranch ftuv direct to bus, shopping and school one block weekday*- oil *>Y Sot.ondlun. ted §*M couch Ongtuoii y fines! IBM TYPEWRITERS Irom builder and save. Gill »1 1443, 141,900 CtSTnT-SSM THE KIRWAN writing desk, o rtat ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Ltvt ronl CO , Realtors 140 Real Estate Wanted free, own a one-family house, a two MIDDLETOWN - Two-story, thro* lomlly house and cottage, all for only bedroom home, completely remo- LI5TINGS OF BETTER HOMES - In _ US.OuO COUNTRY SQUIRE, Real deled New everything! Living room, Ktamburg-MWdleiown Haiiel Holm INCLINATOR-Stair Glide tors, 291-333*. kitchen, dining room, enclosed front del THE SMOLKO AGENCY. 78? HAMMOND MM porch Must seet Qualified FHA/VA Q1Q. ' I NEED CASH! - Engagement ring* ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Ranch, buyers welcome Asking 111,900 Between b • p m , 73*0113 SELLING YOUR HOME? - Were In- tarKv cocktail rlnpt. diamond*, emer good location two bedroom, bath, oil HERB REAO ASSOCS , Realtor, 7» hecrt. garage. 116.900 791 fOU tertttod In buying homes direct Call ORGAN otN, US L shaped bar, Call 671 1*15 ed l>*-ocre Features four large bed trees and shrubs, 65 ft. brick patio large bedrooms, ready now, UOO rooms, J'l baths, llreploce In fomlly IBM 44C • 100 IS Fence, \V> UJ 443S YAMAHA GUITAR - Just bought KEANSBURG - Completely remit Many extra* 198,500 Principals only 8 Days (Consecutive STATE RENTALS Bkr HI 9404 room Professionally finished base F i t( Ml N ',[ 1 ticellenl condition three weeks ago, with cose Cost 1100. deled two-family houie, living room, menl. carpeted, In-ground pool, cen- BOSTON WHALER 7 Days (Consecutive) <2c «• round lobleplm leaf. t7S 7J9 0S7S sell lor U0 Ul-47W. kitchen, dining room, three bedrooms HIGHLANDS Smoll three room cot KITCHEN SINK. Uoutjie. ijalnleis First time rented No pet* No utilities trol air/vacuum. Move-In condition. mm. AQUA SPORT 6 DDay s (Cti(ConMCuirve) 38c loge Suitable adult* 1IM monthly plus Glastron, Sllnger. Zodtoc tttel. all flttfnos, formica counter lop Reference Call after 7 30 p.m., 717 TOO SIMPLICITY RIOINC MOWER utilities Security required. 791 7144 Dwranoutlc. MerCrulser, OMC 00 Days (Consecutive) 34c included. tU '1' 7411 0973 30" tl d diti R HIGHLANDS Three room low CUSTOM BUILT - This delude value Johnson Outboords, Tee Nee and I AWN MOWEBS AND TRACTORS- KEANSBURG - Heat free, near nhou*e, pool ond lennli, 1395 four bedrooms. 7Vi baths, fireplace, t I Looder Trailers CouMWCtal Ratw . S4 minimum chargel tl tip. Economy tractor. 4|" mower transportation, two large bedrooms, STATE RENTALS Bkr 747 9434 hot water bosetmord heal, ducted lor Per i mi: and mow plow 10 h.p. international 72 Garage/Yard Sales 1760 air. Ready lo move Into. U8000 Hobie Cat and O'Day trader, AT' mower, interlcal hitch i STATE RENTALSBkr IV 9434 KEANSBURG - One fomlly house. fday 75c MOVING SALE - Feb 73 ond on 1791 plus utilities, one month security SUPER SAVINGS h.p Huffy, ii- eul r, h.p Simplicity. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL 1 Many greal Items Musi sell every- KEANSBURG - Modern apartment Coll 717W9J __^ 2 Days (Consecutive) 70c ]?" cut little Silver Repair Center, It 164.000 buys a brand new ond beautiful ON LEFTOVERS thing Swing set, gym set, air condl- Near Ironsporlotion The best lime lo 3 Days (Consecutive „ 65c Ayeri Lone. Little Silver, 747 OS73 LINCROFT - Four bedroom, two TURY 71 COZENS, Realtor, 741-768*. Iwo story Colonial. Formal living MACHINISTS - Seven* drawer tool call Is before noon. 495 0416 bath, M7S Rumson. three bedrooms, Multiple Listings. room, dining room, kllchen with dining 4 Cays (Consecutive 55c box with drill Index's, precision laolt, KEANSBURG - Two bedroorm. llv tireploce. water view, V5O0 negotiable DESIRABLE - Four bedrooms, den, orea, family room wllh fireplace. 7'£ FLAGSHIP both*, two car goroge 5 Days (Consecutive 50c rattheti. tic Beit offer 49S9WJ Red Bonk, Six rooms, 1300 negotiable family room. Vh baths, fireplace, en- Municipal Marine Batln 73 Machinery For Sale Lcoses, security and references re- 6 Days (Consecutive '. 49c closed porch, central air, two-car ga- BECHT ft CO., REALTORS Atlantic Hlohlorwh T9. SttO 1 quired Coll Mr. McGowon. Century 21 roge, 21 acres, wooded lol on brook 843 3*33 MATIRfcSSFS Full or Iwln. 129. Bt ACKTUP WO! I I W MS0, I J ton DOCKS REBUILT AND REPAIRED 7 Days (Consecutive) 48c McGowon Ryon Agency, 747 3000 171,900 747-415* high rlieri. bunk bedi with mal- Compressor. 1775 Oil hand pump. US REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE - Pilings reset. For further inrormo Wheelbarrow, 130 Coll 791 1477 8 Days (Consecutive) 44c Ireiiei Sofa bed, 199 Dinette. 139 At- OAKHURST — Available », clean EAST KEANSBURG - Five rooms- List and buy with a member of Mon tlon ond estimate, please call tTl-MM. 30 Days (Consecutive) i 41c lef lpffi .eH-flOTi ond qulel. Iwo larae btdroi aft, remodeled kllchen ond bath with cor mouth County's largest realty group SAILBOAT IT' — Flbtrglo* MFC 77 Pets And Livestock STATE RENTALSBkr 7479434 pettd living roam Low taxes 118.900 747 4*40 BANOIT 17 Doysaller with trailer ME Ol T*E R RAN*EAN~^~Sterta cgn- »7«06J Roomy ond easy lo tall Fomlly boot lole. eicellent condition. 1100 Two RED BANK - Garage, basement and HUMSON AREA !*f>d tot Hom« FAMILY PLAN RATE AKC REGISTERED iRISH SI FTER II UIM I ,,y " I » It, |JV*,wr UMMV » ' t rw . r , y,,i more, Ihree bedroom ranch, only U7S. wllh 6Vi' sleeping area. 12T00 Must Contemporary black leather chair*. PUPPIES — Parents on premise* 165 on beach Large swimming pool on EAST KE"A*NSBURG - Coiy ploln For Living" brochure, pics, descrlp STATE RENTALS Bkr 747-9434 3 Lines — 5 Days — S3 00. SI 00 each line available to in- 1100 for bom 142 9M4 IV 9791 after 4 p m remises for your en|oymenf. Heal, iwo bedroom Ranch Storm windows tlons, prices on available homes AP Nice section 133,870. VA/FHA con PLEBROOK REALTORS, 111 Av*. dMduals'-ftKlng txte under "Merchandise For Sale" lor MORE AND MORE FINt. VALUES1 fot water and cooking gas included RED BANK — SIR rooms, l'/i baths. FREE~~PUPPIES - Four males/hotf venllonol to qualified buyer Chateau Two River*. Rumson. 847 7900. - Coilro convertible, A I, \\v> Two Rents start a) 1770 Open Mon through nice area, 1785 lit months security SUMMER DOCKAGE - Slips wllh -items not exceeding $100 each Items must be priced Shepherd Really. Real Estate. 315 Corr Ave . piece living room suite, 1119, Colonial Mi l?ivur 741 IMA Frl . between 4-7 p.m. For your con- plus utilities Lease. 495 3793 Keonsburg. 717-SIM. SACRIFICE - Jackson area. Brick electricity ond water Finger pier* on Pine king slie headboard. U9 Mono venience Sat. ona Sun., between 9-6 ond cedar ranch, l1^ years old Three RED BANK - 173 Shrewsbury Ave. large slips. Swim pool. Monmouth gany china closet. 1119 French style, pm Co I 377 6315 bedrooms, }*fr baths, tremendous Six room bungalow and balh 1740 Beach Coll m 83W. Contract R»t»t on Rtqunt white ond gold triple dresier with mlr LONG BRANCH - Furnished ?V>- both, pine poneled living room and kllchen, living roam and dining room, ror, $149. Two redwood lounges with monthly plus utilities plus security. II 1 HUNDt HBIHO - HtOd. Ill h.p. room apartment, 1165 o month, all util- kitchen, with appliances. Full dry cenfrol air. New appliances, wall-to- pads, 171 Ml each Glider. »19 SO Also 741-7521. wall corpeting, custom Interior, one- ities Included, no pets 737 6/74 bosemenf with recreation room. antique mahogany rocker, Victorian IRISH SETTER PUPS - AKC. thorn Fenced backyard. Convenient to car garog* One ocre professionally FRONT PAGE READERS cane seat rocker, mohoaany drop leaf LONG" STANCH - Garden apart )X REPLY SERVICE plon bloodline certified, two males. schoolt, shopping and Forl Monmouth landscaped with cedar fence plus extension table (Ouncan Phyfe style), ments. Affraclive newly pain 103 Rentals To Share 154 Recreational MM Pot Court Line. ft*M I'M (wo femoles. 1100 eoch Born Dec 39 By owner. S42 4479 after S pm many extra* 148.500 firm Owner. 931 »9i More! RUSCU'i, Sycamore t Pki nar WOULD WIDOW - Like to snore her Coll 7IMM9. PICK-UP $1.50 Greens, U Sycamore Ave., Little Sll- home ond expenses with another oc- vehicles LHASA APSO - Male, nine month* ELLEN S. HAZELTDN. REALTOR ' 741 «MM live widow on pension? Middletown CAMPERS OF AMERICA old, Golden color, shots, papers. AKC. Member Real Eslote Exchange Atlantic Highlands area Call 69 p.m , WINNEBAGO Motor Homes MAIL $3.50, 1150. 273-5704 843 1700 MOVING Must sell. 6 velvet rouch. LONG BRANCH - Three large bed M3 8O97 Over one acre Charming home with CITATION Travel Trailers ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE like new Sacrifice. 1150 Two club PALOMINO GELDING - 16 honds. room duplex, prime area, only M9S four bedrooms, three full both*, Motorhome Rentals Winter Roles OF LIVING IN REDBANK * each box number assigned Chairs, *M After S p.m.. J4) S143 entremely gentle and affectionate Call STATE RENTALSBkr 1*1 ti 14 gracious living room, formal dining (No per-mil* char gel MI 2121 alter Spm. _^__ 104 Winter Rentals Location convenient to shopping, LONG BRANCH^— 3Vj-room, tur- buses, trains, schools, hospital and room, den with fireplace, full bose POODLES - All must ao, si* weeks ,hed aporlment. No security or i .-.l i klHlAi Votation home Mt theater Older home with living room, Pocono, Penn Four bedroom chalet, Deadlines old to four years old. Prices range if AH utilities Included 170 13S7 dining room, large modern kitchen, from MO to 1100, none higher. Call 340 private beach club, tennis courts, aoif three or four bedrooms and two full '8M solid style ads — 4 p.m. day belore publication — ONE BOCK EXTRACTOR 5116 evening, after 6 or all day Sat I ONO BHANfH Idrsp bedroom, course Weekends, weekly, monthly bath* Three-car detached garage OCEANPORT Ports Service-Rental* Friday 4pm lor Sunday publication. Classilied Display — 4 Et ond Sun 773 5543 ' Possibility ot converting lo two aport OO YOU WANT A BUY! HI V41i ments. Musi tee set-up Call after 5 Here Ho brick and frame home, 5 Hwy 33 Neptune Jim. two days prior to publication — Thursday 4 p m for PUPPIES - German Shepherd, no pa- MOUNT PO( UNO Skiing Four LARGEI Four bedrooms. 37x14 living p m. for oppolntmeni, HMMI. ISM ONE PAIR COLONIAL STYLE - per*, block and tan. 130 MATAWAN CROSS ROAD MANOR bedroom Chalet Fireplace, two baths, room, 15 ft dining room, poneled den m Sunday publication Prool ads, three days prior to publica- Rock maple end tables with matching lvale country club. Ice skating ond MM976 One and Iwo bedrooms. Heat, hoi wo- FATR HAVEN - Spoclout three-bed- and basemen!, plus fwo-car gorage. FOR RENT - Rtcreotlonal molar tion Real Estate Today — Wednesday lor Friday & Sunday coffee table, excellent condition, 190 Itr, cooking gas, air conditioned At bogganing Weekend, weekly or central air ond central vacuum Cus- THOROUGHBRED BOAktiiNi, K room Colonial Sunroom. I'.'j baths, home vehicle. Fully contained E>- M7 33i3ofltr 11 a.m. monthly rates ovollable. 773-5543. tom built In the Ms CENTURY 11, pubbcation Special attention for Brood Mares and EKII IM Mi 4010 ___^ full finished basement 167.500 147-6578 Call 541-4017 SEA BRIGHT - Furnished studio ctfl PAUL BRAGAR AGENCY. Shrews ORIENTAL RUG - Kermon, opproil rehob! I Moling race horses. 513 3763 MATAWAN - icen Gardens.'big one offer 6 PAUL BRAGA it ads are restricted to their proper classification and (o me molely 9x13. red ground, medallion and two bedroom apartments starting ciencles ond motel units Weekly ond bory.747-0»l. center, 11700 143 7l« WANTED -'Male Persian kitten,"age monthly rates Mold service. Utilities FIREPLACE 145,900 regular Daily Register style ot type We reserve Ihe right to al l?10 Corpeting throughout Air con Three large bedrooms, two full baths, SHREWSBURY 10 weeks, no more. dniolfilng Lots ot parking Swimming Included. No lease Trade Winds Motel edit or reject any classified advertising copy. OVER ISO CLOCKS - Must reduce 17 dining room, lull recreation base ?64 7171 between 6-1 p.m. pool and Tennis courts Your very own ond Marina. 843-1837. our Inventory, 40% off. Bulova An 1, linear garage, 70' counter In — All ads once called in and processed. II cancelled will be polio Walk to Shopping and NY City sonla. Wett Clock. Wall. Mantel. ler kite commuting 183 4010 Open 10 « m -4 charged a minimum charoe ol $4 00 Grandfather, some old ond antique at 80. Bicycles/ 106 Furnished Rooms 210 Lost And Found reduced prices TOM'S MIDDLE MELMED REALTY 671 5*50 . . baths formal TOWN JEWELERS. Campbells June ASBURY I'ARK Prlvale kitchen. Ing ond dining rooms,, fomlly room FOUND — Convat cover with snop. DEATH NOTICES Mini/Motor Bikes MATAWAN Portly furnished, -'. lion, Belford Sale ends Mor 1. both ond tollcl attached lo coiy room. wllh fireplace plui den. On a plctu Can be hod lor Ih* cost ot this od Call Death Notices, Cards ol Thanks, In Memoriams and Anniver- CHILD S - Steel-'frame roctr-type rooms ond both, recently decorated, F6R~SALT=ORRENT bike, 111. tUS per month 774 117B or B70 1314 resque wooded street In Olde Shrews 841 tm after 5 p.m PA SYSTEM -Cu*lom 100 choice location ll?l, Qll utilities 870 sary Masses (Run on the Obituary Page) 85c per line Call 447-4496 or 431 7511 CHOICE OF FURNISHED ROOM Call bury 174.900 AsklnoiaOO BECHT ICO. REALTORS Coll 5H-7146 Or studio apartment Long term only I.V. REALTY AGENCY m i all between Upm.l.l 1041 470 Broadway, Long Branch 273-7900 143 3931 61. Sports Equipment MlDDLETOWN - Furnished three; PIANO - BecKjIHui Hallct and Davis fi IFI WOOD - Bachelor "furnished HANDYMAN'S DREAM - SliToom sP"R:AWLTN~G MIDDLETOWN baby gr and GOLF CLUB room apartment, 1220 a month In CANCELLATION NUMBER eluding utilities One mile north of Red room, reasonable rent, private en- house. Needs work 48 Newman RANCH - U4.900 This outstanding LOST - F«b. It, at Rosl* O'Grady't sels, Pings. W three bedroom, IVi-balh home hos Bonk toll 747 4S7S. 741 3014. trance. Hwy. 15, next door to Cliff Springs Rd , Red Bonk 118,000 firm between * and 1! p.m. Prescription rvfaUce & Credit lor cancellation Is given only on issuance of wnn PW 583 4973 been priced under Ihe market value for MlDDLETOWN — All utltitle* Iriit. wood Farm Market Inquire Apt 10 ColUwner, 747 7706 sunglasses, tan cat*. REWARD) 3*4 special kill number to advertiser when cancellation ol ad is a quick sale. W ol on acre In the Nut PIANOS-ORGANS carpel, more, three large rooms. Coll. KEANSBURG - Furnished rooms ond HAILET — Tw iwomp orea of Middlelown Home fea- 82. Swimming Pools STATE RENTALS Bkr 717 9434 requested Advertiser must retain number for future refer - Lots ot piano ond organ trade Im Un- furnished apartments. ry on 7Sil» bt tures 3S'«1]'6" living room. eat-In LOST — One blonde female Pomoro- SWIM POOL DISTRIBUTOR Needs kitchen, Iwoione hot water baseboard once limited rentals' from 17 50 per month MODERN APARTMENT" FOR RENT' 787 UMor 717 Nil lol. Three bedroom*, both apartment*. nton. on* molt German Shepherd Red space Must sell brand new 1976 huge heat, wall-to wall carpeting In living Warehouse (or most mo|or brands — 79 First Ave., Atlantic Highlands. MATAWAN eat In kitchen Buy now ond select woll Bank area Please call 843 74*5. No cancellations will be taken alter 4 p m Friday until 8 a.m. Bond Instruments ol discounts Free 31' luxury above ground pool*. Com room, dining room, den and nails. Mini Available March 1. Call ?9I 3797 be Furnished room for rent ond carpet colors. Asking S64,9O0. 1 Organ Lettont plele wllh fencings, filter, deck, Ash LOST - TrI colored Beagle In the Monday tween hours ot9a.m and9 p.m. Coll 566-0173 KIRWAN CO , Realtor, Hoilet, 787- FREEHOLD MUSIC CENTER Ing 1695 Price Includes lull I n Mlddletown's finest school districts Wetl Keonsburg vicinity Answers to Pluse check your ad Ihe day it appears The Daily Register MODERN GARDEN APARTMENTS 6600, Red rank, B47 4350, Middletown, Cull tor appointment, 467 47)0 slallotlon Financing available Coll MIDDLETOWN - Room/pi i vole TBJ-5J00 WHELAN REALTY GROUP, 194 Rl. the name Som Asim REWARD) PINE MIRROR FRAME - Stripped. Joey collect, 3W3116. — Convenient lo Parkway, Rt 35 ond both/ kitchen privileges 130/weekly MISSING - Since Toes, ElgM month cannot be responsible for errors alter the lirst day. Call 542- HAZLtT Two itory, completely 31, Middlelown 14} 7J4S. IS'aSI". »M Oak club choir frame J6 Near all transportation, shopping utilities Included Free use of washer old lemaie block col, extra toes on remodeled, four bedrooms, living 1700 to make corrections. with spring, 19 Coll 1474546 centers and schools Coll between 9 5, and dryer Woman only 7BJ BJOO TINTON FALLS - Four bedroom. 84. Merchandise room, dining room, enclosed porch front (eel. Fair Haven Rd. Reword PR€SS A MATIC IRONER Also 36* 1S44 Yh bath Spill, family room plus den, Owner heartbroken. 741-4370. All king-site rooms, completely re- formal dining room, Hill*-" cose of Iron-on leather ond decals. Call decorated, wall-to-wall carpet Base- U0 REWARD ~ Lost dog Small mole, Wonted RED BANK - Available now, Iwo 108 Commercial roge. In quiet neighborhood. Wooded 779 769Sor M9-47I1. men! New root ond heating system block shorthalred mined breed, erect AAAAAAAA laroe bedrooms, only HIS lot A*klrrgonlyM7,000. REDECORATINO SALE Tradition 60x140 lol on deadend street Asking ears ond short tall M4 441J. LIQUIDATE UNWANTED ANTIQUES, STATE RENTALSBkr 7479434 Rentals J MAFARA AGENCY INC , 747 7050 al living room, Thomasvllle eight- 137.500 KIRWAN CO., Realtor. 717 piece dining room, draperies, cryilol JEWELRY. RUGS, FOR CASH ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Modern TOMS RIVER - Five yeor old. three 1 Autos For Sale chandellert. all accessories 164 1091 INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES office space, 760 sq. ft., with reception bedroom Ranch wllh living room, fam- 101 Apartments 10 Riverside Ave . Red Bonk 747 6700 area, corner building, heat and elec- HOLMDEL - Equcstrion's delight ily room, big eat-In kllchen, central 211 Special Notices 3 Trucks For Sale Three-bedroom Ranch. Living room, 102 Houses For Rent R E F RIG E R A TOR - U cubic ft., tric furnished. 1160. 791 1700 ofier 6 olr, garoge On a beautiful lot 134,500 ALONET SINGLET - Tired ol the bar 741 0116. , dining room, kitchen, two baths, full 4 Motorcycles white frail-tree, treeier on top. Im- ALL LIONELTRAINS p.m. After B pm ,170-3471. scent, would you Ilk* to meet new 103 Rentals To Share RED BANK Four room apartment basement, many extras. On lg 199,900 TWCTFAMILY DUPLEX - One two- 104 Winter Rentals REFRiGERAtoW - Sldt-by-tlde, Spring St. Red Bonk, two to si« office *I4 D, Rohwoy. 070*5, 574-37*0 o Auto Rent Lease ANTIQUES -Anything old Furn) eluding all utilities. Lease, references, bedroom and one three bedroom Westlnghouse. 37 cu. fl.. coppertone 105 Summer Rentals •e, china, glass, dolls, jewelry, rugs. security Coll oiler t p.m., 747-40t7. suites On premises parking Near -lment Hot water bOMboord hoot, 7 Auto Insurance Beit offer Cull 9« 4fl;9 shops and restaurants, one block from 106 Furnished Rooms rted In yard. 143.900 5% down. 787- 8 Auto Finance i 0 BANK - Large, airy, two bed' Rlvervlew Hospital, but away from 213 Instruction 107 Nursing Homes RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT - Jor . Dom, Quiet neighborhood, heal, hot traffic |am*. Low rentals Including HOWELL BY OWNER - Young and 9 Construction Equipment dan freeier. two-door upright, like HARDWOOD TREEWOOD - Oak. water, gas- Apply 41 Tower Mill Ave . complete |onltorlal services and sup- spoclou* three-bedroom Ranch with A TWO WEEK - Morning, Real es- 108 Commercial Rentals new Will sacrifice Coll 5420217 be cherry, apple, etc. tate Licensing Course, March u-JS. .10 Wanted Automotive irter 6 p.m. plies Phone for details or showing at formal dining room, large kllchen, con 109 Buildings Garages fween 7 a.m. ond 5 p.m. Mon through 741-6365 74) 9595 be your* tor as little as S% down. Ask- S75 Call Monmouth Institute, 741-O77f RED BANK LUXURY BUILDING - ing 135.900 Call evenings and week- DOUGLAS HART 110 Wanted To Rent NAfTjOH N S () N Overlooking Naveilnk River. Spacious BLOCK BUILDING ON HWY. 36 - BUYS AND BUYS 1 1 ends, 343 5330. Teacher of Piano Classics RUSCIL S THIS WEEK SPECIALS! - 4 . ) room, two bath aporlmenl, UlS Hoilet Approximately 30x40', three Ing 146,500. Coll anytime. CENTURY Advanced and Beginners Two-letter site, two-drawer filet, From an entire household lo a single overhead doors Land 100' on highway. JUST LISTED - Beautiful wooded lot Air conditioning, elevator, parking 71 COZENS, Realtor, 741-7*8*. Mul Individual Recitals 11750 each, antiqued drop-leaf table, Hem Antique furniture. |ewelry, sil- AO0' deep. No automotive or body re- enhances Ihls ihree bedroom Hoilet available Call 84} 4UI. llple Listings. Phone 747-4770 149, maple crib, excellent condition, ver immediate cash Top dollar pair 764 767! Ranch, with 30' gomeroom ond bar 179 50; dehumldlticr. 13S. golf bag. BED BAN* OH ^Ireel parking, 147 3391 16x37 In-ground pool. Full finished WALKER AND WALKER >IANO AND ORGAN INSTRUC 21 Business Services W50. goll clubs. W SO eoch. slide pro" bring kids, pets, three bedroom, 4775 SUILOING (10,100 sq. ft.) - On IIM basement. Our best buy at only 145,900. REALTORS r IONS- in your ho me ector. 110 SO, solid rock maple dres- STATE RENTALS Bkr 747 9434 acres of land. M0 amp. service, heavy 22 Aits & Crafts '31 Houses'For Sale OLD FURNITURE - Antique*, china KIRWAN CO^Reoitor, 787-6600. Shrewsbury Off Ice 741 571J l4}-*tl4 ser, 149; vacuum cleaner. 179,50, ssware, art objects and bric-a-brac, industry toned, suited for manutoc 132 Apartments couch, 149; large shag rug, Hxlf, ex- R|6 BANK — Theft-room apartment WALL TOWNSHIP - Thrtt-bedroom, mediate cash tor anything and ev luring or warehouse. Call 938-5666 JUSYWEDUCED PIANO. ORGAN, GUITAR, THEORY cellent, llv More and More. RUS- t »25 Includes oil utilities on 75x100 lot, Dead end street. Central Town Houses erything. Rustics, 35 East Front St. day*; 847-4798 evenings and weekends Llttl» silver lour bedroom COM. Fire - In your home, experienced teacher CIL'S. 7S E Front St. Red Bank 741 Coll S0MH2, place, dining room, center hall, gome olr conditioning Must sell to settle et HAZLET — store near Shop Rile. Call miU3 133 Income Property 1493 room, large bedrooms, enclosed yord. late 135.000. Coll 681-5773 or 411-4534 PRINTING PRESS RED BANK - Three rooms, unfur Hwy 36, also to rent separate private 134 Farm Property quiet neighborhood, tree-lined street Vpolntmenl. Small, table top. hand operated print- nished. Gentlemon preferred No pets. office with bath In rear 764 2175 SAN5UI AMPLIFIER TUNER - And Ing press In good working condition 62 Oakland Street Owner anxious to move to California. 135 Commercial Property Phillips turn I obi* Asking MOO Call WATERFRONT1 - Two-bedroom with chases, quoins, etc Coll 671-0638 HIGHLANDS — Two for one, IS' office Asking 155,900. 843-/563 "S"Heto Wanted 264 7370 after I pm RED BANK - two bedrooms, duplex, Rumson home on double lot, bulk- 136 Industrial Property after 4 £,m. -^ plus two-bedroom home, Renl nego- headed Can be subdivided. Jusl ot 52. BabYSltling/Child Care living room, dining roam, kitchen, LITTLE SILVER — Charming thr tiable Lovely Tudor. 847-4435. ferd of 160.000 Call right away. 137 Lots and Acerage 'SEASONED FIREWOOD TURN YOUR DIAMONDS INTO both No pets 741 151) bedrom h llh lae liig ro 63 Domestic Help 138 Mobile Homes Coll I43-3W or I70-1Q49 DOLLARS - Convert Old Jewelry to RED BANK — Two rooms, alirocti OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE — New Cosh DON PONS JEWELERS Will CENTURY 31 COZENS 54 Situations Wanted Female UlS AND SOOTS- Never used, K'l vely decorated, furnished Mediterro building. 7000 iq. ft, will divide to suit, 238 Oceonport 139 Cemetery Lots Buy Irom private owners and estates REALTOR in s. Cober slie 10, 1120 Dishwasher, neon, modern kitchen, private en- heating and air conditioning Included. LITTLE SILVER — Comfort ond con- 55 Situations Wanted Male ANTIQUE CLOCKS REPAIRED AND 813 River Rd. Fair Haven NOTICI TO tlDDIM 140 Real Estate Wanted trance, In congenial home, residential. Highlands, N.J Call 871-1646. venience are yours In this spacious portoblt. Kenmore with formica top, JEWELRY DESIGNED 799 River 741-7*8* Sealed bid* lor lawn core ot the Woll 56 Situations Wanted near town. Suitable mature business, ranch. Three bedrooms, two baths, Co, Coll m

(A) Oaarailm - Esclaatd from 1% "CAPS" Stote ond Federol Proorom* Off Set by Rtvei ysrswi ...wrtPtrhN itsnitd Value on Ntw Construction 744.741 X (July Local Purpose Tan 3,113 per hundred * 345 It Pohci UEST LONG BRANCH BOROUGH Mandated After Date otAtl-F I C A To.ei Salaries ond Woge* 191 151 00 1*3,157 00 191. W 00 Netto« bo*t lS.JOOto 14.MO I JOO>7«M5\ 140*0 Entltiemenl Period (July I, 197ito JuneM. 1974) Total Allowed Under SS Cop . 87 ,03«J Total 191,157 00 191 157 00 ln.tsroi Entitlement Period SECTION III- RCCAP OP SPLIT PUNCTIONI (Jury 1. 1974 to December 11. 1974) In order to comply with statutory ond regulation requirement*, the amount* oppraprlo Police functions have been spill ond their port* appear in several places 41.34100 "*hoitapproprlotions which hove been spin odd up as follow* Salarie* and Waatt 41.34100 11 141 00 UEST LONG BRANCH BOROUGH B8B Police Other Exptnte* 11,777 00 11.77' 00 n.JlTOD Salaries ond Woge* Entitlement Period BOROUGH CLERK (July 1. 1976 to December 11.1974) Operations within cap UEST LONG BRANCH N J 0776-1 Total S3.7I7O0 64.I4SO0 64 Ul 00 44.141V Offset with Revenue Shoring Entitlement Period I74.7H H Ottsel with Revenue Sharing f 1. 1974 to September », 197/ Ann-Recession Act .. ii moo _ lenanct ond Operating Expend* TOTAL in.atoo Pallet Solar lei and Wage* 174.711.00 lOtptdfully submitted. Enlltlement Period 'OUR M*Y0* ANDCOUN January I. If 77 to September » 1977 CURRINT FUND - ANTIC IP* T10 •• VINUI1 Totol 174,7)1 00 Police Service lo Juvenile* 17.340 00 7.0*1 ft Aid to Juveniles 11.471 00 II 6" 90 Municipal Share ft] 00 Revenue ShOr ing Fund Entitlement Period StratM Anticipated win frier Written Content Interetl Earned on Investment of Allotment* el Oireder el UecolOevernmenl Services mm is i7i.a3 )i Juty 1. 1974 to June 10 (975 Other Expenses . . i.*n m Total Surplus Anticipated ISO.00000 "fso'oSooo Mil ft 1.411 ft Entitlement Fund July 1. 1974 to June JO 19M

rp¥iivn^pmii r*T"m^^^^m• Total . nun 1.411 ft 2.«ntt License* Federal Ol*o*ier Assistance Alcoholic Beverages Administration Allotment August 9. 1974 Flood F»et and Pe "CAPS January 1. 1977 to September 30. 1977 174.711 00 Payment of Bond Principol ACTUAL USE REPORT Public Work* Employment Act ol 1174 Antl-Recettlen-Tlile S..7SI0O Payment of Bond* Anhclpotlon Notes eciQl Items of General Revenue Anticipated with Prior Wrllti and Capitol Note* i WUOT puaua* interest on Bonds net wifoat AOMOOM tou HOHOW ttenttentt IUIUM K»VK»VII MPMPJJ UMUM D QQ* oouft*roouft*r» ( (UMi Statt one Federal RevenutiOff Set w.lh Appropriation* ntertsl on Note* H « VOVOU Ott YOUOd QOVWNMIHTQOVWNMIHT* W*O«T1W*O«T1U ««« 110 MKOUhAMKOU W TCW" C* W OfCWONt ON MOW Police Services to Juveniles MSTtt AMY COOaXJUMTI OP JWCaHieUTIOll W TM UM Of M MAT 01 MStT TO Tttl Of Aidto Juveniles . nouns 100 441 li ?00 44I 7S us HI a Revenue Sharing Fund* Entitlement Period IE i Deterred Chtnet - MoalclaaMvalc l - Interest Eorned or Investment of Allotment Eiclveee trem i\ 'CAPSCAPS"" July 1. 1974to June 30. 1971 (1) DEFERRED CHARGERGES August •. 1W4 Flood"bamoge Aid 10.700 00 1S.1S4 71 1S.IS4 71 IS IS4M So PTJ4 099O0I Federal ecy Auhor I tat ion* u New Jersey Highway Softly Project 4.144 SI 4 144 SI y Operating Defied » 144 SI mm if Comprehensive Employment Training Act of 1971—Title VI IM.ISI 00 iso iro IO ehtt General ApprtftrteAiMt. rt II' OJ Comprehensive Employment Training Act of 1971—Title X M Pwrf tees •OCOWNTMO 31 -J OU Q01 Comprthentlvt Employment Training Act ot 1971-Tltlt 'I is.onoa ».m n IO4.ST7 14 414.101.3S 044.774 00 )\ CPA* • 1. '1.10 •01.11*0] COLTS NECK TOUNSHIP New Jersey Highway Safety Protect No TES 7' 004-001 FeOeroi 131 830 00 Grant (L) SwbHhH oentrwl AaaraarMHeni CLERK Bicentennial Public Health and So'ety Grant-Stou of New Jer 1.041.404 44 l.m.isoti 10 700 00 1,114 111 11 i.iii.4isn IIS.Mi.ll 4.1)7 «0 emslHi * HI) tM«T(K)) MONrlOUTH COUNTV IM.SJIM (M) Reserve for UacaUecttd Tejsoi mus .7 X0 IIS <7 no us« COLTS NECK N J 07722 Totol MiKellontou* Revenues Mi.SM S< i on ill a 1.004 0S> 41 9. Tttat ffininl AppreprMien* 7 411 094 33 10 '00 00 l.oos.mi] 7 W Ml 10 IIUSI4I 4 Rtcetpt* trem Dtlinavenl Ttie* i4S.m« 144 000 00 MOtOOS !<»•!! 11 J Sutrtetel General Revenves (Item*),« and4) TiJf.nTst I.S4S.S3I 43 1 41< »l 11 DEDICATED WATf R - SEWER UTILITY I Amounl to be Raised by Taxes tor Support ot Municipal Budget GENERAL REVENUES [ol Local Ton tor Municipal Purpoie* including Reitrvtfor UncoHtcted Tout* _. m.mM 1 04* S4I « 11. DEDICATED REVENUE! FROM UTILITY Totol Amount to be Raisedtoy Toie t far Rant Support of Municipol Budget tr'.mis to 1 IDS 1/0 W MlKeitoneou* Sptctol Item* ot Generol Revenue Anticipated with Pri TtM General Revewet* TTsf.nrTi TTsoTlJT?! liirotTu Written Consent of Director ol Local Government Scrv State Sewerage Facility Loon CURRINT FUND - APPROPRIATION! Application 714L Rents - Stwtr - Additional I GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS Deficit (General Budget) tor 1974 By for 1974 A* Total Revenue* Emergency Modified By Paid tor 1*74 Resolution All Trontfert or Charged II. APPROPRIATIONS POR UTILITY (A> OoeroMeM - witMM t% CAPS Borough Council So lories and Wage* Other Expenses Office of the Borough Manager Salorlti and Wages Soiorin and Woges Othtr Expense* Ottter Expense* Office, of me Bor ough Cltrk Bovshore Regionoi Sewtrogt Authority TMIMWt WOM rU« ftflH ADVMD THAT A COWtHHI COP* Of T* Service Charges MM MAS HIN FUKISMD M A LOCAL rKWIPAPfft O f OlNtftAL C*CU Otntr if Nptrnts - DoMServkt: a Poymenf of Bond Principal IAD0N I HAVt A COTY Of 1WIKNM AND hECOMDt DOCUUCM1WO TMC egol Service and Cost) won oo 11.000 00 ntereit on Bonds 41 49} 94 1 CON1INT9 THtV AHt OMN FOn PutitC KHUTWIt At TOWtlSh Other EKptmes 41.141 II Feet jnternton Notes 1 110 00 1,100 00 (Hall, Cedar Drive, Colts Neck, N.J. Miiceltaoeous Other Expenses Oaftrrod Charoas atsa Statvtory BMf "tires elections DEFERRED CHARGES SolorietundWoget Emrrgencr Author ilotions 3*000 00 Other Expense* 3JB US Prior Veors BUI* 2Jf Ktonsbvrfl Overtxpendlturt ot Appropriation* 111 00 m Ktombwrt 22f Ktgniiiurg Run Off Elections - Other E xpenset ine snos STATUTORY EXPENDITURE! Contribution to Public Emptoveei Retiremtnl Sv* 1977 LOCAL MUNICIPAL BUDGET iSS ??flJS 7.000 00 7 000 00 7 000 00 1(4t444 0M4 ISM* I 000 00 H0OOO0 11.000 00 '444 SO Ml M 4-«r 44 Salaries and Wooes 4 9?7 91 N .43**7 Local Budget of the Borough of Keansburg 3143*47 M 4J4 4T Other C"P*n»es Total Appropr Hill on* County of Monmouth for the fiscal yeor 1977 Ltmildotron ot Tax Title Lien* ond 411.454 51 4*1 "6 43 Foreclosed Property Other E xpenses 43 n Dedication by Rider—N J S 4M lit *-Tht dedicated revenues anticipated dunng me year itrMrorr Dtvi*lon ot Aitestmtnt StatStatee odr Federall Ai* d lor MoinlenonceotLibro_ _ . r >es Btquesj. Etcheai Federal Gronl Slate Grant Stott Soioriet and Woge* S.U100 4.m oo 04 Eugene and or Grant tor Opt'Olion* ot Local Heal menl and i cpoted as revenue and ore Ikffe Bureou of Traffic and Patrol :h toid revenue •* dedicated b Soiorin ond Wages. Other Expense* RAH Mjnot Detective Bureau PK^HIC T. ITALIANO COAiPABATIVE STATIMENT OF CUftltlHT PUMft SakKltt and Woget 57.170 00 OPERATION! AND CHANGE K4UMMABY OP CUMBHT PUHO StCTIOH OP APPROVED BUDGET^ _ Htlonol Engineering Totot Llabilities. Added Tax Amount*) 4O0.150O1 Omtr Exptnttt. s.wooo Reserves and Surplus I 4O0H4 il Other Expend*tvret and HwtlPftr: ~~^~~^~~~~~~~~~~"~~ Division of Street* ond Rood* Deduction* trom Income 14.711 U 1. AwwEtiiniXSilmiMn |X\ "CAPS""CAPS"-- 1.4M.1U It Salaries ond Woges I44.1M0O U7.tOO0O let.099 IS Other Exptnttt SI.0KH School Toa Levy Unpaid ToW Expenditures and I. t^tnurtJSm SSi trimi"i""t»M" tll.101 IS D4vltlon ot Street Lighting iMMN a, Tax Requirements 3.9M147 II Othtr-Expmes 4i moo 4.M.I l» MiMclM PurpotM. tl'Wl JS SLSeSBt JO. 147 n Division of BulMlngt end Grewndi Leu Expenditures to be TaMOmralAtvrwMloiMiicMtdtromIS CAPS Ml» Sotorits ond Wooes Hatted by Futvrt Taxet Mj.7tf at J fttttrvt for Uncolltcttd Tom-BoM4 on Citlmottd IIS Ptrctnt Ol To« Collf c 11.BM N I1.BH 4S 1.4M.UI Othtr Ettptntet. ToM Adjusted E xpendttu»es •ootrly TOM Dl vlston ot Sanitation 19431*7 11 1 Uu: AniklpJtTanmitToiMr fnin Currtni Prol»"- '»• I.4M.SM 1 tins.w ».m M tit. lurptirt. Mltctlhwtoui Ptvtnuti ond Rtctlpt-..(tlltoiTt I . OHInownl Toittl Other Eiptntn - Contract 94,19117 Other MlMtllontou* Svrptu* Boionce 4. Offltrtnctfrltim: : Amounl lto bo HoliRWIMN bay IOMi«mrI lor SuPOorSuppoil OecemberlUi Me.SU SI M MUMCIM liMgol l« lollowtl: •portmerrt of Htolth ond Wellort •Heor«t even ptrcentoat mov bt w (0) Locol TOM tor Municipal Purpatoi Division of Health incMw> Bonn* for Uncattoctw Ta«ai, Sotartot and Wages • 111 00 ii.asM OmtrExptniet mm mm PniMll Use tl COTTMC !YOPt*7«APPP.OPP.IATl6MilixPINDfO M of ABoroactalleati for Othtr Expense* U.1H0O ii. m M fat litiw *a mi Badajat AND CANCILID i»Kl«>ipjn" ii.naoi Wotir-Slwrr Division of Welfert Surotvt Botonce Gtnorol d] tWw» 4.000 00 4.040 49 9.J1 ttrtoot 4.0S0W December 11. It7i unuty Ma Httt of "Ofhor lip " art tar 1*7? loi n Current Svrpiv* Antictpoled aperotlng cent* othtr then "Soiorin and 4JMJ 4.H0» itoooo 41)41 kn mi BudBjtt H ' ?ome of me item* Included in "O«l- Surplus Botonct Rtmoinlng mm 19^ 14.74104 4.911 H lo.mi M.OOOOO tr expmoV'oro: 11 The DcsfyRegfeter SHREWSBURY, NJ. MONDAY FEBRUARY 28. 1977 245 UM»B leech MJS Union Stflch I IlfWtlWW tn Eatontown MS Union Beach MS Union Stoch 245 Union tooch US Union •«odi m Eatontown Wtorknwfl'l Ce .,41100 I •solution determine, provided thai Hoipllalliallon any owner ol land 10 assessed shall PUILIC SAFCTV officer designated by resolution for hove the privilege, of paying th* whole 1977 LOCAL MUNICIPAL BUDGET Flrt: th*t purpose (both being her.oher re of any atsestmenl or of ony bolonc* of OHMOH T E«mH feared to In this section m the "chief installment! with accrued Interest Local Budget of the BOROUGH of UNION BEACH Ht9 Hydrant fervKt ftnancloi ottlccf ). provided that no thereop a) any one time. In cote any County of MONMOUTH for the fiscal yoor 1977 Mtual lanMUl Oltwr C >p«n*»t... note* shall matwre later than one year such inttollmenl shall r*nrvoln unpaid nrtAtarmSviMni from Ih dote Th* notes tholi beof In far thirty (Ml days from ond after the It is hereby cerilMod UttJt tht budgtf annexd hereto and hereby mode o part htr*«t Is a trut c_»y of the budget ap- Clthi Alle«M* .NCE PROVIDING time it than become due and poyobi* proved by resolution of the governing body on tht 17th day of February, 1977 and that public advertisement will be mad* TRUCTION OF WA Nrrest ot such rate or rat** at may b* d*termtn«d by the chief financial offl the whole assessment or bolonc* In accordance with the provisions of N J 5 40 A-4-4 LINES IN AND BY thereof than become ond be immedlol Mory Sobtk olk*: I Of EATONTOWN. c*r and shall be In the form deter hi due ond payable ond shall drqw In Clerk ¥ OF MONMOUTH terett Ot the rale imposed upon the or Florence Avenue, Union Beach, New Jersey B21Z APPROPRIATING 140.000 THERE rearaaet ot laie* in the Borough ond FOR ANO AUTHORIZING THE «S ilnollon fhe chief financial offl tholi b* collected In the lomi manner •eriS- SUANCe OFI3I 000 BONOS OR hereby outhoriied to sen th rovided by law for other pott due TrafTK Control: notes from time lo time of public o It is hereby certified tttat th* approved budget onntx*d hereto and hereby modtopari Ison toci copv oflh-ortgl- MOTES FOR FINANCING THE COST assessment*, such attettment shall -I on file with the clerk ot tht governing body, that all additions are correct, all statement! contained herein or» In Other Cxpantw THEREOF AND PROVIDING FOR A •main a ll*n upon the land described root and the total of anticipated rtvtnutt twMls the total of appropriations First AM Orgonlianofi SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF PART may determine of no less than par ond herein until th* same with oil In- George W. Huti Intwetlofi ofButldlngi OP THE COST THEREOF No 4 77 to deliver th* tame from urn* ti stoflnxnti and accrued interest ther* Sotarlet and Woejet I IT ORDAINED BY THE MAY to the purchasers thereof upon r yi Shall be poid ond satisfied Notwith S ANO COUNCIL OF THE of payment of the purchase price plus itondlng onyihing herein to the con 4W.M BOROUGH OF EATONTOWN, IN accrued interest from their dates lo rary. "he Borough shall hove tuch SBfir- I.M.K 4.N THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. the date ot delivery thereof for pa\ right to waive default as may be per ' " " Such officer It oufhoi mined by law l_« 4.IM.M Mr* of all the mimuri (her #of ofllr _. 'Ki MHvtly concur ring) AS FOLLOWS to th* govtn Section 7 The following additional Union Beach, County of MonmaJth for the fltcal year Hff, 4ti4i m» fctctltn I The lmprov*mtnt de ot the metimg nt_i tuccttaing ini matter* or* hereby dttcrmlntd. of ing tlat*m*ntt of revenue! ond appropriation* ihail contfitute the locol budget for tcrRwd In Socilon 3 of this bond ordi dot* when any sate or delivery ol thi cloyed, recited ond stated year 1977 „._• M hereby authorued to be mod* (ol The Mld'purpote described In Be It Further Resolved, that told budget b* published In Th* Daily Register in the issue of Fobruory M. 1977. lad*, tuch report to Include ihi iection 1 of thlt bond ordinance It net Th* governing body ot Ihe Borough of Union Beach does hereby approve the following ot th* budget for the year or actiutred by th* Borowan of Eaton n.MO0O O.l»44« town. New Jersey For th* sold Im- amount description interest rate and O current expente ond it 0 property or menl or purpose stated In tald maturity of tht notes told, the prlc* improvement which the Borough may A3, there It hereby appropriated obtained ond the nomc of the purcho lawfully acquire or make for which th* ?gS T5S set Such officer it further directed to Borough It outhoriied by law to mofc* RECORDED VOTE »too oc 77.14410 3.1M.H ol 140 000 told sum belna an appropriation of otl opproprloflonsliere r with sold notes not determined by (b) The period of u*eluln«*» of said ! .00010 I.7S4M J.144M ._. e mod* therefor and including in* Nolle* it hereby given that the budget, Federal revenue ihorlng allotments ond tax resolution wot approved by the sum Of t-JOO as a down payment for ordlnonce and his signature upon pose within th* tlmitotlofis ot told notes shall be conclusive as to tucr KaM Bond Low, according to In* rea or and Council of fh* Borough ot Unl*n B*och, County ot M -**• —•-*• ™ '"*" M1M4 17 74 toM improvement which It ovailabie A hearing on the budget, Federal r*v*nu* shoring allotn , _ _ 10.111.71 147 It therefor by virtue of provision In a termination All notes Ittutd h sonabl* life thereof compufed from the its:: jnd*r may be renewed from tlm. dote of the Mid bonds outhoriied by House, on March U, 1*77 oM is o'clock IP M 1 ot which llm* and place obltctlons io sold buttgtl. Federal revenue shar- previously odaat-d budget or budgets ing allotments ond tax resolution lor tn* year )*77 moy be presented by taxpayers or other Interested per MM. r down payment or copilot improve- lime tor period* of not exceeding (l) "~i* bond ordinance, is M years Ic) The Suppi*m*niol Debt Stall 10.441 H --- *- the tlm* period specified In 1.Ill II »)>l _t-tion 7 For th* financing ol sold cordon.* with Ih* provisions «nl required by said Law has been '!:_.:_ 1SS duly made and filed In the oftlc* of th* SUMMARY OFCU HOveOlUDOET swyturmiit or purpot* and to meet of N J S 40A 31(0) mn MM MOM the part of tald i*.Q0O appropriation Section 5 Notice It hereby given to Clerk and a complete executed dupli- MM HIM not provided for by application here the owners ot all lots and parcels ' cate thereof has been flltd in the office of the Olreclorot th* Division of Local t. AffvatvlStlont within 5% CAPS - 7.M.M 7.1MM urMtef of said down payment, nego real etiot* on the streets designated (a) Municipal Purs* J.M0 00 i,mm ttabte bonds or* hereby author lied to Section 3 hereof affected by The loi "overnmenl Services In the Depart ". Appropriations Admlnlttroilon-iP^icAsiittanc*: lent of Community Affairs of th* l.O7t.AJ be Usued In the principal amount ot tmprovtmenti therein described of I (a) Municipal F Sokvltt and Woget L 147 11 SM.BOO pursuant to the Local Bond Intention of the Borough to moke a fate of New Jersey, ond tuch ifote ment shows that the grow debt ot >he •isss 'SS J| Law of Hew Jersey levy .pedal assessments against Total General Appropriations ticludtd from SV "CAPS" _ta 1.000 00 Section 3 (a) Th* improvement such lots ond parcel! of real etlate Borough at defined In said Lgw It in- I.HI 00 i.ootio I.OO0H created by th* ouihoriiation of th* 3 Reserve for Uncoliecled Taxts-Bosed on Estimated W Percent of Tax Collections hereby auihoriied ond purpose lor the on estimated aggregat* amount of ap 4 Total General Appropriations REcilSKTIOTALO itWCAf ,6N financing of which said obligations are proximalclyTfo.OQO The Borough bondt and not** provided for in thl* Porki ond Playground.: bond ordinonc* by Ul.000 ond the Mid 5. Lett Anticipated Rtvenutt Other Than Current Properly Tox 1.000 00 4JU4I MI7H to be Issued Is the conttructlon of wa- shall specially ossest 75\ of tht cosi (I t Surplus. Miscellaneous Revenues ond Receipts from Delinquent Toxts) Other Expenses 1.000 » I.MO.M ter supply Mnet in the Shortt River of th* Improvement described In See oblloation* outhoriied will be within Recreation: all debt limitation* prescribed by told 4 Difference Amount to be Raised by Tox*t tor Support u. too oo 1000 00 7.I7I.M m.M Hills section of the Borough on por- tlon 3 of thlt ordinance as local Im of Municipal Budget (at follows): SotarletandWoget 17.70000 tions of Corllond Rood. Poul Avenue. provements Such special assessment) (o) Locol Tax for Municipal Purposes Other EiawnteiMltcilloneous I5.JMW IJ.UtM It.IMM 14,17047 Rtrfh Ploce, Knox Avenue and Shark shall be mad* ond levied In th* manner including Reserve for Uncollected Toitt RECREATION AND EDUCATION River Rood, with required fillings, provided by taw ond shall be as nearly 4Multl Teen Center un connections, structures and oppurt*- at may be In proportion to and not In __....ltted under Section Other E-pense I.14S0O 1.MS.M 7.HIM 1.H4M so nonc*t and Including the acquisition ot • Kcess of the peculiar benefit, odvon K1K of tald Low may be Included AW to Privately Owned Library: nacMtary by purchase, gift or eon tag* or Increase In value which the re part ol lh* cott ot told Improvement to IMMM I0.M0M t,m» Kilt damnation of ony lands rightt in lands Ipectlv* lots and porc*ls of r*ol ettali ond It Included in th* foregoing esli Budget The omountt appropriated under the and ememertit. all ot shown on ond li shall be deemed to receive by reosor mate thereof ludaet Apptoprto lift* of Other E-p*nt*t ar* lor oper 4.M0.H 7.47731 l.!77« accordance with plans ond specific. of told improvements It Is expecte. Section • The full faith ond credit of Adopte_____d BudgeBudgtt! 1.731.750 00 atlng costs other than ••Salaries and Mom therefore on III* In the office ot thot MX of Ihe cott will be contributed ie Borough are hereby pledged lo the Budget Appropr lotions 74I.M7U 7I.UI.- punctual payment of the principal ot M1.5U.M 744.411 M t.tM.OI MU the Clerk and hereby approved Added by N JS 40A 4 1/ Some of the Items Included In Other (b) The ett.matw monlmum ami ond Interest on the told obligation* au E-penie." ore: of bondt oi notet lo be ittued for sold amount of such spei _ . thoriied by Ihls bond ordinance Sold Emergency Appropriations... Material, supplies and nonbondobl* TotolOp-rations linaliy confirmed Is less than fhe coi obligations shall be direct, unlimited Total Appropriations equipment Including Contingent - purpose It ot ttoted In Section 3 here- 4?J.4tSH /l,45101 ot the Improvements, then the Borough obligation* of the Borough, ond the Repairs ond maintenance ol buildings. within S% CAPT- W1.551M 144..7) 00 745.147.M Borough shall be obligated to levy od (c> The estimated cost of sold pur will contrlbuf* the difference to th* equipment, rood*, etc cost ol such improvements and It here valorem tones upon all the teiobl* Paid or Charged Datoll: pose h equal lo the amount of in* ap (Including Retcrv* tor Contractual services for garbog* and proprlotion herein made therefor, the by outhoriied to issue bonds tor the fl property within th* Borough for Ih* Salaries ond Wages 1I1.JM0O W.714 4. 774.74410 M.4SJ U payment of sold obligations ond inter Uncoliecled Taxes) troth removal, fir* hydrant tervlce, nctu thereof over the told estimated naming ot such contribution old to volunteer fire companlet. etc Other Expenses maximum amount of bondt or notes to Section 6. The owner of ony lane Ml thereon without limitation of rat* Reserved 413.04100 I.«4.M 444.IMU M4.71I U 47.JH.71 Printing ond advertising, utility ser (Including Contingent! upon which ony assessment for laid lo or amount ) Ce_prNH lm»rev*«ite«itt -witH>"l-"C»Pt" col Improvement shall have been modi Section 9 This bond ordinance iholl Hems etsentlol to the service ren- Additional CotTol Conttructlon of a may pay such assessment In ten eijuo ake effect 70 days after the first putjli Sonltory s*w*r Collection System 40.000 00 100.000 00 53,4*7 H POM. 1 dered by municipal government Section * in anticipation of the it ytorly Ins tall merits, with legal Interet nation thereof oner final adoption, as Conttructlon of S*wer luonc* of Mid bondt ond to tempo*o on the unpaid bolonc* of the assess provided by sold Local Bond Law Lin* Borough Hall 1.M1.M S.M0.M rlly flnonc* viid improvement or put roeni The first of sold Install men' STATEMENT Out to tht uncertainties surr The bond ordinance published her* tti ...... POM, negotiable notes In the principal shall be due and payable two months 40.00000 105.DOOM H.4W.M amount equal to Mid principal amount after tn* confirmation Of th* assets with hot been finally adopted and th* rote ft of band* ore hereby authorized to be m*nt and eoch subsequent annual In JO day period of limitation within for th* ' Reserv* for Ui Issued purtuont to and within th* liml sloilm«nt and Interest shall b* payabli EtDtHrredCltarfMtJMllW-Mry lotions prescribed by said tow, AN in each successive year thereafter a questioning" thVwaHd'lty 'of sucft ordi- The^Xocoi Tox lor Munlclpol Purposes' lor 1*77, indicates a rat* of If 37 per 1100.00 of ossessed valuation, com Il»t 1.0 00 nated or when called for by the Sewer (B) Environmental Protection og* Authority None will be accepted Garbage ond Troth — Controct 65.630 00 4S.U0 00 U.U100 thereafter Operating Appropriations Entitlement Period — Salaries ond Wag*i [January I. 1975 to June 30, 1976) instructions to Bidders, Specifications, I Includes Slot* and F*d*rol Progromt) Total 75.57000 7S.57OO0 and Proposal (arms may be examined Other Exptns** (includes Bayshore Entitlement Period: at the Township Seweraoe Authority's Regional Sewerage Authority) 74J.J-9 00 641.691 00 July 1.1976 to Oecembtr 31.1*74} Office, 16 Brookiid* Avenue, Hailel, . Maintenance ond Ooerotlng E xpentes Loot Te.'i i jersey or examined and/or se- 1,141,1 WOO 1.0IO.M100 (A) Public Saftty Slate AM... •d by prospective bidders during Capital Improvements . Police- Mandatory Appropriations: (II) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY... Salaries ond Woges 39.133 00 X,111 00 M.I7100 suiting Engineer H Thomos Corr, 314 Municipal Debt Service Deferred Charges and Statutory Expenditures •Entitlement Period- DEBT SERVICE Market Street. Perth Amboy. New Jer July 1. 1976 to December .1, 1976) sty until S Calendar days, prior to the I1.S3I.143 00 11.SS1..S00O 3*.173 00 Jt.lllOO It.ltlM AMTOpr lotion Balonte tt.573 time set for the opening of bids, upon Total Mono* Appropriated 11,971 ecelpl ot a chick mode payable lo the Entitlement Period: Local Tox Levy 634,430 4t*,3l4 M3.M6 Engineer, In Ihe amount ol 145 00 for Revenue anliclpatlont have been set at levels believed to be fully realliobte and operating appropriations or* at January 1,1977 to September 30. 1977) HtjUAW.....^:. 1J*,OW 343.147 407,911 one set of Plans ond Specifications No minimum amount* deemed odequate to provide Municipal services. Molntenonct ond Operating Expenses Mlsc Revenue 1,»73 refund shall be mad* tor the return ot When llrm School and County needs ore determined their effect on the 1977 tax rate will be mode known to the tox (A) Public Safety: these document! poyert. Pallet: IC-.I TOTAL DEBT SERVICE v%4.m M1V/04 Th...e. fMayol r ond Council will be ready to dltcutt and ontwer, ot the public hearing, ony questions regarding that* Salaries and Woges 11,635 00 Each Proposal must be accompanied itemTOs In I nth the budge* budget tublect * t to Its control and discretion. IB) Environmental Protection TOTAL REVENUE ALL ACCTS 110.304,466 111,105,333 by a Surety's Content, o Bid Bond or a ~ otal Approprlatl>lontforl97o 6 tt.73S,.».00| Garbage ond Trash - Conlroct uns.oo MODIFICATIONS Entitlement Period- APPROPRIATIONS :ent ot th* amount of Ih* bid, pay Lett: jary 1,1*77 to _4 197S76 We-77 ' lo Hailet Township Sewerage Au Reserve tor Uncollected Tones lol. (6,91000 (J I) CURRENT EXPENSE EXPEND. APPROP thorlty. Hazlet, New Jertey; except Comorehenslv* Employment Training that the amount of the check shall not All Debt Service ADMINISTRATION Stal* and Federal Funds: 10.000 00 10.743.00 IO.741M 4.IMO0 .15400 eed 130,000 nor shall It be lets lhan ^omprentniiv* Empioymtnt: training' Sosorit. U0S.M3 1500, The tome Surety shall be bound Federal Revenue Sharing Funds: " " ' dServictt W.000 erlormonce. Maintenance, _M_7StQ4._0;4 175.570 00 Act- VI 11.350 00 11.15000 I.1UM 5.011.11 •a.iot and Payment Bonds which hereinafter ». 113.00 omprthemlve Employment Training T!8!P" 81 will be required 11,1-0 00 4.100 00 4 MO 00 4,100 00 VU 00 U,SO3,3SS UJ97,»1 Public Works ErrvpioVmtnl Act of 1*76 The successful bidder will be required Antl Recession - Tilt* II IS.000 to furnish within ten doys after the Municipal Utility Authorities UNI award, a Surety Corporation Perlorm Bovshor* Regional Seweroo* Authority: TeM stefe M4 Pt4er_4 Pregramt 7W.6W once Bond equal lo one hundred per Shore ol Cost 3 116,431.00 Oft Set By RtVWMM - tS,3M cent ol the contract price, such Surety IKI«-M lrten 1% "CAPS" l«.717 00 U1.5MO0 111,14. 00 111.114 10 itJJHll O HBALTH SERVIC6S; m Company to be acceptable to Hoilei .4,5*4.00 t7.4U U.07S Township Sewerage Authority and au • 1% "CAPI" Mimmlu.A 4S0 thoriied to do business In the Stale ol 110,000.00 M.000 00 70.000 00 • »0OO 00 vOjione t~ f* eo 11 n "S 177.47* New Jersey. Total Modifications.. 117.377 Payment of Bonds Anticipation Notes All Ottwf Exp. Mtalth 19,73) 700.000 00 If.UO Bids must be mode on the standard andCopltal Notes JOO.000 00 100.000 00 TMHSPORTAriON- • 000 00 1.000 00 W2.310 55,000 proposal forms provided, In tht man- nterest on Bonds SI. 260 r designated therein, must be en nterest on Notes u!:SSSo I4S.0OO.OO IU.000M citr.^ire.'iPobVciir MJii 110,443 >S*d in o sealed envelope bearing the ALLOWABLE OPERATING APPROPRIATIONS R«pl. Dill. 0wn«4 BU 3O.I7S 17.3S0 name and address ol Ih* bidder and la In. fvpU IrmwW Mil 4,000 beled "Proposal for Construction of THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE BQRQUQH Of UNION BEACH 7K.0O0 0O tll.OOOOO 111,000 00 itl.OMOO Curr. ACIIVIIIM KAU 31,000 40.000 Route 16 -Plot Creek Areas Sewers" AIIOIME U.SU 24.TSO 2S.0S0 and shall be addressed to the "Hailet CURRENT PUHD-ANTICIPATID RIVENUKS i) Deterred Cnwatt - Mwlclpal — m Uh.itf 140.4S4 355,003 Township Sewerage Authority, 16 Reamed •«d«M frem %% "CAPS" Totali BrooksIde Avenue, HaiKI. New Jer Anticipated In Cath 1) DEFERRED CHARGES: M.71J 1444,009 sty " 1*77 1*76 In 1976 Emergency Author I iot Ions up to IV.. • .17.00 111.474 The Sewerage Authority reserves Ihe . Svrplvs Anticipated 330,000.00 331,000 00 311,000 00 171,300 right to reieel any or oil bids, to waive (H-1) Total Oentral Appreprkttlins 14,400 Totol Surplus Anticipated Fer Mwaclprt PwrpMtt ony Informalities, or to accept the bid . MltcelttMewt RCVMHMS; M1.5S50O «W,5HO0 m.Mi.o 711,111 tl I0.OM7O 10,000 10,000 which, In Its ludgment best serves the IfCSV-M fr»m 1% "CAPS" 1 Llcentet: MAINTENANCE ''estot the Sewerage Authority MMrlx 1110,000 1117,751 Ing Ihe performance ot this con Alcoholic Beverages CorttodwJSwvkM 113,170 Other l.»l.141 00 ' • Ml.Ml 00 •,tl4.M I.Sll.tU.OO 1,404,111 » •l.MOM Fees and Permits: avwanwil ol Eoulp 34^060 1S.7S0 IM) Rturvt ftr UMtlltctt* Tutt I71.OJ7O0 II7.M0.M 1I7.0M.O0 117 000 00 N«wOf AddltlonolEoulp 70,177 47,000 Building 37,000 19,100 The Contractor or subcontractor. Other 1,000 00 I. TIM oiml AMrwrMllm 1,710,30000 1,741.99300 17SI.9U.00 1.673.1*-M BS'.IM M where oppllcable. will not dis Fines and Cosft: criminate agolnsl any employee or op 1141,414 I16S.W0 117],*S0 Munlclpol Court 1,000.00 7,000.00 13,311 « DIDICATID WATBR UTILITY BUD M7.77I pllcont for employment, because ot interest ond Costs on To-es 10.000 00 10,000 00 13.305 11 R talli 76,354 100,000 age. roc*, creed color, national origin Porklng Meters 40.000 00 15,517 35 54,991.1 In Ca oncestry, morltol status or sex. FronchTs* T 60,000 00 60,000 00 11,410 53 M. DEDICATED RIVINUII 1 tMel.M* If ,t 11,0*3 The Contractor will tohe offlrmollve 16.11951 67,593.00 67.593 0C PROM WATBR UTILITY oction to ensure thai such applicants 1.S41.32 1.475.35 1.S41 33Operating Surplus Anticipated •Includes Private School Tramportatloi art recruited ond employed and that tst 6n Investments And Dcpotlts 30.000 W 10.000,00 30.303 61 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS: Slat* Revenue Sharing (Chop. 73, PL. 1976) 45,036.99 Total Operating Surplus Anticipated . FOOD SERVICES; menl.'wi -__ _ - Sewer 5ervlce Chorget 300.00000 170,000.00 379,161.5(1 ~* "°~ ~"t to Cover race, creed, color, notional origin, on State and Federal Revenues OFF-SET with Appropriations: Rents entry, morltol tlatut or sex Such ac Revenue Sharing Fund*: Fire Hydrant Service 'Si •ooYAciriviTiiiV Han shall include, but not be ilmlled to Entitlement Period: Miscellaneous July), 197S1oJuneM, 1976 1.00 Speclol Items ot General Revenue An- grading demollon. or transfer, re July 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976 71,11100 ticipated with Prior Written Consent ot cruUmenl or recruitment advertise January I. 1977 to September 30. 1977 16.91000 Director of Locol Government Ser- menl; layoff or termination, rales ol Public Works Employment Act of 1976 Anil Recession— Tttle II 33,531 00 vices: pay or other forms of compensation; Additional Water Renft IJ-II SUB TOTAL Stole and Federal Revenues Oft Set with Appropriations: ond selection tor training. Including Comprehensive Employment Training Act Additional Fire Hydrant Service apprenticeship The Contractor agrees Comprehentlve Employment Training Act—Title X.. Totol Water Utility Revenues 15Hi!74 31 IJ1J SPECIAL PROJECTS to post m auspicious places, available IFMeal ond'or 5lol« SpomwMI lo employees ond applicants for em II. APPROPRIATIONS POR WATIR UTILITY ploymenl. notices to be provided by the Controlling officer selling forth Total Miscellaneous Revenues (AM TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSES Ihe provisions of this non-dls- If ltd By Pold "i_-YnVui4f crimination clause. 4 Receipts frem Delinquent Taxes rantttrt i>r Chorgtd Rtserved b The Contractor or subcontractor ptMt L CAPITAL OUTLAY: where applicable will. In all sollc- s.SHMttalOtiitf«Rtvnwn(Htmsl,l,IaiMl4) Salaries and woges 17,000.00 M.000 00 76.644 30 ttotKons or advertisements for employ Other Expenses '. 41,000 00 43,000 00 ::« 43,061.50 fts placed by or on behalf ol the Con 4 Amount lt> b* Raised by Taxtt tor Swpptti el Mwnlclpal Budget: Audit 4,500.00 4,100 00 4.100 00 4.100.00 Iroctor. slate that all qualified apph to) Local Tox for Municipal Purposes (HI TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Fire Hydrant Repairs 4.300 00 3.000,00 contt will receive consideration for Including Reserve for Uncoliecled Taxes Repairs and Replacement ol Mains .... 3.000 00 3,000.00 1.73.00 i:747 00 employment without regard to oge. DeM Service: !:%:£ S DEBT SERVICE race, creed, color, national origin, an- Poymefit of Bond Principal 10.000.00 10,000 00 10,000 00 10.000 00 Principal cestry, morltol status or sex. Interttt on Bonds 4,166.67 4,666 66 4,666 66 4.666*6 trttmt c, The Controclor or subcontractor Interest on Nates 133.33 71134 313 34 71134 Prior YMT where applicable, will send lo eoch la- De*errt4l dujraai SM*1 Statutory lie*Mllvres: bor union or representative of workers CURRENT FUND - APPROPRIATIONS IC-I) TOTAL DEBT SERVICE: with wfilchne has a collective bargain STATUTORY EXPENDITURES: Ing agreement or other controct or un- I. GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS Contribution To: TOTALS (Sum of A IOC Inc.) derstanding, o notice, to be provided Social Security System |O AS i ) by the agency contracting officer, ad Totol Wattr Utility RIATION BALANCES JUNE 11, lt/» vising the labor union or workers r*i> Appropriations^ 151,000.00 146,711.43 4,»7.S7 1330,710 r*ientotive of the contractor's com- 14.344 mitments under this oct and shall post I (A) Operations - *"rhln 5% "CAPS" Dedication by RMtr — N.J.S. 40A:4-j» "Tlw d rrrttMt ontlcMM ourirg l» nor 1177 tram D«« Llc (14,4401 GENERAL GOVERNMENT copies ol Ihe notice in conspicuous 1 ' FMtcol AM lor MOM ItqotllM**1l CKtwat; PttVal Orant; ComnM-llv Dtytio#mtnl places available lo employees ond op Administrative and Executive: «* or« h«fttt» opproorKHX m ff» puriliM H wtilai W Salorles ond Wooes pllconts (or employment. •nm l« doflfcqltdby tWwH oro*W Itol rtqulr«mwH." Bids may be held by the Sewerage Au- Governing Body 3.675 00 3.500 00 1.500 00 thority tor o period ot thirty [301 days Municipal Clerk 9.017 00 1,545.00 I.SI7.37 APPIHDIK TO 1UD11T ITAf 1M1NT from (he dale ol the receipt of btds lor Other Employees 5.000 00 15,000 00 95741 Ihe purpose ol reviewing the bids ond , Other Expenses 11.000 00 1,500.00 •.WOO 7.636.01 COMPARATIVI 5TATIMINT OP CURRINT PUND Investigating Ihe qualifier!ions ot the| Election: OPHATIONI ANO CHANOI IN CUP.HINT IUIPLUI IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS Other Expenses 1.000 00 1.000 00 997.00 Jtlly liltTllt Jun«M. Ifli bidders, prior to awarding Ot the con trod. Financial Administration AUITI vementAuthorliotloni July). 197S W,ill. II Salorles and Woget 1,15100 1.105 00 1,105.00 1.103 50 Total Revenues ond Beginning Balance Other Expenses 300.00 100.00 100.00 C_*__lnmtm«* merits reviewed by an attorney of hit Audit 6.500 00 6,300 00 6.300 00 5» SWtllo-IAMAItol-olhRialyoMt.. Improvement Author nation Expenditure*: own selection Such legal review will Assessment of Taxes 6.300 00 lltcolw—rtti with OmtWBB Rttorvw: Equipment 7Z I44.S47.67 "It fhe Contractor fo ho> Salorles ond Wages 6.73000 -tlon of I Otner E-pemes ,_:_SSSS 4.000.00 TaxTHIt LI«f-P.» Totol Improwmtnt Autnoritotion Expendifuret I tended requlr. Collection of Taxes P UneKptnded improvement Author lion on June JO, 1974 Solorles ond Wages U.1M.O0 IS.US 00 material, ond olso establish any areas lS.ltl.OO ontrtt mcrtw-wt T TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND ENDING BALANCE whose additional explanation or clari- Other Expenses: fication It required prior to bid sub- Tox Sole Costs moo 300 00 300 00 rxftrrtd Chora- Dti to M In 1177 ludgM TAS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM mission ollectlonof Taxes By order Ot the Seweroge Authority ol Other Expenses- Total Auttt Th* 1*77 71 Current Espent* Budget Includes a totol Of 1734,177 allocated to 3.000.00 T ft E Improvement Programs ot lummarliod bvlow: Model Township • Mltcelloneous Other Expenses 3,000 00 1.993.00 3,1)170 Grod*/Grt_. WILLIAM BOURSE AU Tax Search Offices: Total Salaries ond Wages , 1.000,00 1.000 00 H9 00 LIAIILITIII, IIHHVtlAM01UP.Pl.Ul Clutter pi op* I olio 1,000.00 1100 Dtttrlct Liquidation of Tax Title Lien and iTlOO Foreclosed Property is Cmtce Uporode: Dlttrld 93.973 1 Other Expenses IO.WO.00 10.000 00 4.400110 Cntlo Study Team-5ummer Special Education 3,000 Legol Services and Costs Eflrly Intsjrvenllon..'..^..-.'.- 1,000 228 Holmdel 1.400.00 3,400.00 Meter Education Speclol Education So lories ond Wages 44.500 I1.M0.00 13,400.00 In Service District 10.700 NOTICE Other Expenses — Feet I.ISS. 17.000 On March 9, 1977 ol I p.m. at Holm- Other Expenses-F*es-Special Liti- K-17 del Township Hall, or at iuch other gation 7.0O0 0O 7.000 00 4,HO 00 MM TO Lovy UnpMd Engineering Service, and Costs: 13,700 lime and ploce os fhe Board may od •X«onc4 IfKluOta Hi 913 journ to thereafter, the Holmdel Town- SalarletondWogei 2.400.00 3,400 00 ship Board of Adluttmenf shall consider Other Expenses — Fees ... 7.000 00 4.60000 Abov* "Ccah LtaWlllln" K-S an application to Edmund R & Al worn Public Buildings and Grounds: Koppy, for a variance to build a resi- Salaries ond Wages 3.100 00 3.000.00 mm dence In accordance with, fhe toning Other Expenses 31,000.00 3S SS 77 Other Insurance Premium 75,000 00