The Daily Register VOL. 99 NO. 198 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1977 15 CENTS Westside rejuvenation funds^ise mapped By BEN VAN VL1ET the Red Bank Area Chamber of Commerce and borough Plan- Mr Vaiti said of the 1145,000 earmarked (or the westside, agreed that the westside project will not be a one-year effort, ning Board to discuss the revttalization of the westside. 1100,000, expected to received in May, will go for general side- but will be a continuing project lasting five to seven years. RED BANK - The borough Intends to commit $145,000 The revitallzation of the area is a project jointly spon- wait and lighting improvements; $15,000, available immediat- A major part of this year's effort will be to get westside this year toward revitaUiation of the westside area as the sored by the chamber and the borough. ely, will be used for sidewalk repairs along Shrewsbury Ave., residents and business owners involved in the project. first step in a long-term redevelopment program. Attending the meeting were chamber representatives, John and $30,000, available next month, will be used to help busi- "We strongly feel," he said, "that our efforts cannot be Although the borough has agreed to dedicate these federal K. Pawlowskl, clumber president; Hubert Farrow, John Kay, nessmen in the area finance improvements to their properties successful without the wholehearted support of the westside Community Development Act funds to the westside, Mayor Paul S. Morton Jr., chamber executive director; Richard by providing lower cost interest payments on loans. community." Daniel J. O'Hem warned that money alone won't bring busi- Johnson, a former member of the Planning Board, and Louis In addition, Mr. Vaiti said, the westside committee plans Towards this end, the chamber will send out next month a ness vitality back to the declining Shrewsbury Ave. area. S. Vaitl, chamber vice president. to open an office on the Westside to assist local businessmen questionnaire asking for recommendations and suggestions It will take, he said, the complete and full cooperation of Also attending were Michael Ellegood, a project engineer, and property owners who wish to upgrade their properties. which would improve the economic climate in the area. the residents of the borough's westside, otherwise this project who has developed the plans for the renovation of the west- "We are looking for a storefront to use," he said, "and we And, Mayor O'Hem said the borough next month will hold won't go anywhere no matter how much money Is spent. side and who filed the federal CDA applications, and James are also looking for volunteers to staff the office." a public meeting for westside merchants and residents to give The mayor met Saturday morning with representatives of Ervlng, chairman of the borough's Planning Board. Mr. Vaiti said both the borough and the chamber have their opinions on how best to revitalize the westside area. Policing 200-mile fishing limit begins By The Associated Press vessels within the limit and With one reactivated cutter, inspect catches and equip- eight c 1311 Hercules airplanes ment for violations Penalties and five IIII ft.' helicopters for violations can range from added to its force, the US a warning to seizure of the Coast Guard begins policing a vessel. vast new area of ocean at The Coast Guard said it midnight tonight would depend on Its regular From that moment, foreign force to patrol the seas, plus fishing boats will need per- the additional surface and air mits to toss nets within 200 equipment. A spokesman said miles of the US. coast under it will take delivery in 197V of a new law extending the na- a fleet of medium-range Fal- tion's fishing jurisdiction con jets for surveillance Previously, the United States On the West Coast. Vice restricted foreign fishing only Adm Austin Wagner, com- within 12 miles or the coast. mander of the Coast Guard Although the law has no ef- division that stretches from fect on the traditional three- San Luis Obispo in central mile territorial limit, it will California to the Canadian provide a test of a single gov- border, said a spot check late M ernment's right to police the last week showed about two JUST A COPY — The arrest of a man charged with "The Bowery," which the Ocean Grove artist con- open seas for economic rea- dozen foreign vessels fishing stealing artist Frank Mack's painting, "The Bow- siders his finest work, apparently was destroyed sons within 200 miles of shore. ery," from an exhibit at Monmouth Medical Cen- after it was stolen. Mr. Mack has only a copy Vessels that are not fishing He said they were told to ter, Long Branch, two years ago, left Mr. Mack which he displays here, to remind him of the paint- will be allowed to pass cease all fishing today and with some satisfaction but without a painting. Ing, through the 200-mile corridor that they would have to wait unhindered to resume fishing until June Despite the increased polic- 1. when hake and jack mack- ing, a spokesman said the erel seasons start. Coast Guard does not antici- In the Northeast, foreign pate many problems fishermen are prohibited "The fish will follow the from catching haddock, cod Hospital art theft loot traditional patterns." said I.I and yellow tail flounder. Eric Williams in New York Supporters of the law. RUSSIAN TRAWLER SIGHTED — Dick Liv- City. "The fishing boats will which originated from a ingston, an agent for the Natlonol Marine Fishery follow the fish The Coast movement in New England In New Bedford, Mass, keeps an eye on a Russian Guard will following the fish- four years ago, believe the Trawler that was sighted 40-miles from Block Is- ing boats" expanded fishing limit will re- land, Rhode Island, yesterday. Last midnight, the recovered, three held activate the dwindling Ameri- new 200-mile fishing limit for the United States The Coast Guard is empo- went Into effect. By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN Ocean Ave.. had been ar- stolen property. a mysterious phone call on wered to board foreign fishing can fishing industry rested and charged with The paintings were found In Feb. 2, Mr. Mack said OCEAN GROVE - Frank stealing Mr. Mack's and three Mrs Williams' house, accord- Mack, an artist here, ended a other artists' paintings from Ing to Long Branch Detective According to Mr Mack, a two-year vigil Thursday when Monmouth Medical Center Bruce Newman. male who identified himself Long Branch police arrested Auxiliary exhibit in March Mr. Williams, who was as "Gary" asked him if he wanted "The Bowery" back, Fire officials say crowd*s a man on a charge of stealing 1975 charged with larceny, and Mr. M>ck's finest painting The bad news — that "The Mrs. Williams have each been and named Mr. Williams, who from an exhibit at Monmouth Bowery," a painting Mr. released on $500 ball worked at Monmouth Medical Center as a maintenance Medical Center (MMC), Long Mack describes as the best he Although Mr. Mack was man. as the person who stole Branch. had ever done, had been de- desolate over the loss of the It. too big, delay concert fans "The police called me and stroyed. paintings, he praised the po- told me they had some good Also arrested were Mr. licemen Involved for their Mr. Mack said he notified By CAROL JACOBSON Fire marshal Alfred Clark, officials stepped into the pel- ders said it would enlarge the news and some bad news," Williams' estanged wife, Do- work. Long Branch Detective Lt. Mr. Mack related. rothea Williams, of 401 Red- Although Long Branch po- (Related story on page II) who was there with the ture library's parking lot to 200 John P. Naylor and Detec- borough's fire chief. Law- On Jan. J4. however, The good news, according mond Ave. Ocean Township lice had been working on the cars It also said that some of tives Newman and Patrick SHREWSBURY - Approxi- rence Johnson, left them in borough police threatened to to Mr Mack, was that James and a juvenile, who were case for more than two years. the county's 125-membfr Caron. mately J5 jazz fans waited about 4 p.m., when it was de- stop the Alvin Alley Dance Powers Williams, 51, of MO charged with possession of the first real break came with Emergency Police Force See Artists, page ! outside the Eastern Branch of cided they wouldn't create a Ensemble from finishing tho would help direct traffic at the Monmouth County Li- fire safety problem. program because parked cars Ihe library's free concerts brary yesterday because the He estimated the crowd at on snow-covered streets Capt William Edwards or borough's fire marshal put a about 500 and said that was around the library had caused the county emergency police limit of 406 people on the au- too large It was the first a safety hazard. was there with 13 men lo Amin delays meeting dience at the free concert for time In three years, since the Responding to the problem steer overflow cars to the safety reasons. jazz concerts began, that fire the county Board of Freehol- See Fire, pagt I By BRIAN JEFFRIES ment was watching the situ- State Department to number armed forces." • ation "closely, trying not to about 240. Most of them are The United States said the NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - upset President Amin, and missionaries. nuclear-powered aircraft car- President Idi Amln has trying to take advantage of Amln said no Americans rier Enterprise and its es- moved his meeting with his good wishes that he has would be allowed to leave the corts were erasing in the In- Americans in Uganda to En- expressed." country and ordered the dian Ocean off East Africa af- tebbe Airport, delayed It until Radio Uganda reported yes- meeting Friday, two days af- ter a good-will visit to Kenya Wednesday and warned the terday that Amin postponed ter he claimed the United last week.
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