Policing 200-Mile Fishing Limit Begins
The Daily Register VOL. 99 NO. 198 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1977 15 CENTS Westside rejuvenation funds^ise mapped By BEN VAN VL1ET the Red Bank Area Chamber of Commerce and borough Plan- Mr Vaiti said of the 1145,000 earmarked (or the westside, agreed that the westside project will not be a one-year effort, ning Board to discuss the revttalization of the westside. 1100,000, expected to received in May, will go for general side- but will be a continuing project lasting five to seven years. RED BANK - The borough Intends to commit $145,000 The revitallzation of the area is a project jointly spon- wait and lighting improvements; $15,000, available immediat- A major part of this year's effort will be to get westside this year toward revitaUiation of the westside area as the sored by the chamber and the borough. ely, will be used for sidewalk repairs along Shrewsbury Ave., residents and business owners involved in the project. first step in a long-term redevelopment program. Attending the meeting were chamber representatives, John and $30,000, available next month, will be used to help busi- "We strongly feel," he said, "that our efforts cannot be Although the borough has agreed to dedicate these federal K. Pawlowskl, clumber president; Hubert Farrow, John Kay, nessmen in the area finance improvements to their properties successful without the wholehearted support of the westside Community Development Act funds to the westside, Mayor Paul S. Morton Jr., chamber executive director; Richard by providing lower cost interest payments on loans.
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