Jailed Catalan Separatist Mps Pick up Credentials Amid Tight Security

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Jailed Catalan Separatist Mps Pick up Credentials Amid Tight Security b What’s On 9-12 b Enjoying Majorca 13 b Weather 14 b Cars 16-17 b Sports 28-29 British baby in serious condition after 7 metre fall: Tuesday, May 21 2019 See Report Inside 1.20€ · Founded 1962 · N.16904 · Passeig de Mallorca 9 A, Palma 07011 Jailed Catalan separatist MPs pick up credentials amid tight security ive jailed Catalan The five are in detention tion while Raul Romeva was to a party colleague or risk be- separatists elected to while on trial for their in- elected to the Senate. ing absent from what are parliament last volvement in Catalonia’s “Today we have been able to likely to be closely contested F month picked up 2017 independence referen- leave prison ... thanks to your votes, notably in a deeply their credentials as lawmak- dum and brief declaration of votes... Your votes have made fragmented lower house. ers yesterday amid high se- secession from Spain, which us free,” Junqueras said in a It is as yet unclear if they curity after being granted judicial authorities declared tweet. would be able to participate temporary release from cus- illegal. They and seven other Cata- in any other parliamentary tody. The Supreme Court ruled lan leaders face charges of re- sessions. Flanked by plainclothes po- they could collect their pa- bellion, sedition and misuse Like all lawmakers, they lice and ushered through a pers and also attend today’s of public funds, which they were handed a briefcase tight cordon set up around opening parliamentary ses- all deny. The trial is expected marked with parliament’s the national assembly build- sions before returning to to last several months more. logo. ing, they were applauded in prison. Once they return to their It contained an iPhone and a by about ten lawmakers from Oriol Junqueras, Josep Rull, cells in a high-security prison tablet which JxCat lawmaker their parties - ERC and JxCat - Jordi Turull and Jordi Sanchez outside Madrid, the five law- Laura Borras said they would and a Basque nationalist won seats in the lower house makers will face a choice - not be permitted to take back Oriol Junqueras. party. in the April 28 national elec- whether to give up their seats to jail with them. All shook up Brexit Newcastle.—Nigel Farage, the leader of Britain’s Brexit Party, was doused in milk- Party’s Nigel Farage shake by a protestor yesterday, the latest anti-EU figure to be targeted during cam- paigning for the European parliament elections. Farage, one of the leading figures in doused with the campaign for Britain to leave the European Union, was covered in the milkshake milkshake on at an event in the northern English city of Newcastle. Shortly after addressing sup- porters he was hit by a shake thrown by a man in his early thirties, before being es- campaign corted away by aides and into a taxi, according to a Reuters witness..
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