Spain Case Study 2

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Spain Case Study 2 THE “PROCESS” Spain CONTENTS Section One Key facts of the case Section Two Applicable law This document was funded by the European Union’s Justice Section Three Programme (2014-2020) Criminal proceedings The content of this document represents the views of the authors only and is their sole Section Four responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any Disclosure of information responsibility for use that may be made of the information it Section Five contains. Media coverage Section Six Impact on the suspect or accused person and on the general public opened a case for sedition against Jordi Sanchez Key facts of the and Jordi Cuixart. On 16 September, both were arrested for these events and were remanded in case custody. From the moment the facts were made public, On 6 and 7 September 2017, the Parliament of the case received significant media attention, Catalonia approved by majority two autonomous which increased even further during the trial. laws that empowered the Government of The strategy of the defence was based on Catalonia to call a referendum on the alleging that the sexual relations had been independence of the region and, in the case of a consensual, contrasting the victim's testimony Yes victory, to effectuate independence. On 7 with, among other means, an expert report September, the Catalan Government of the resulting from monitoring of the victim in the Generalitat signed the decree calling for the months following the complaint and analysis of referendum on 1 October. However, a few hours her activity on social networks. This after the decree's promulgation, the Spanish confrontation in the courtroom was reflected in Constitutional Court suspended it as a the media, giving rise to significant public debate precautionary measure. In the days that that mobilised the feminist movement. followed, the Constitutional Court also suspended the law allowing independence to be In April 2018, a conviction for the crime of sexual enacted, and issued a ruling annulling the abuse was handed down at first instance. The referendum law. Despite these court rulings, the court considered that, although the sexual Catalan Government of the Generalitat decided relations had not been consensual, the to go ahead with the referendum. defendants had not used violence or intimidation to coerce the victim, so they were To prevent the referendum being held, on 20 not convicted of rape. This ruling outraged part September the Guardia Civil searched several of Spanish society, which demanded a conviction buildings owned by the Catalan administration for rape and considered that the decision called and arrested 13 high-ranking civil servants. While into Despite the intervention on 20 September, one of these searches was taking place, that of the Catalan Government of the Generalitat, the Ministry of Economy, , around 40,000 people, supported by Catalan civil society organisations, called by Ómnium Cultural and the ANC - the two continued with the Referendum. It was held on 1 largest civil organisations in favour of Catalan October despite the deployment by the State of independence - gathered outside the building. more than 10,000 police officers , who resorted This rally hindered the work of the judicial to the use of force on multiple occasions during authorities and forced them to cross to the the day. According to the data provided by the building next door via the roof in order to leave Generalitat, taken as valid in the ruling, the building they were working in. As stated in 2,286,217 people took part in the referendum. A the sentence (STS 459/2019, 14 October, p. 46), total of 2,044,058 votes in favour of the leaders of the civil organisations, Jordi independence were counted, thus, on 27 Sanchez and Jordi Cuixart, mediated between the September the Catalan Parliament, in which the demonstrators and the police and at around 12 pro-independence parties held a majority, midnight, both climbed onto the roof of a vehicle declared Catalonia's independence. However, to tell the demonstrators to go home in order to the president of the Generalitat, Carles gather again the next day in front of the High Puigdemont, suspended independence seconds Court of Justice of Catalonia to continue later in order to be able to agree on a dialogue- demanding the release of the detainees. As a based break with the Spanish government. The result of these events, the Audiencia Nacional, at Spanish government's reaction was to apply the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office, Article 155 of the Spanish constitution, under [1] La Vanguardia (28/09/2017) "The police contingent deployed to Catalonia exceeds 10,000 officers" which it suspended the autonomy of the region of Catalonia and in other parts of Spain, calling for Catalonia, dissolved the government of the the imprisonment of pro-independence [2] Generalitat and called elections for 21 December. Catalan politicians. It is worth noting, as an In these elections, the pro-independence parties illustrative example, that throughout the judicial once again won a majority. process, the heads of the main Spanish right-wing parties publicly referred to the accused as On 30 September, the Attorney General's Office "perpetrators of a coup".[3] filed a complaint with the National High Court against the members of the Catalan government for rebellion, and another with the Supreme Court against the members of the parliamentary bureau -president, vice-presidents and secretaries- for Applicable law the same acts. Once these complaints were admitted for processing, on 2 November the The investigation of the case was divided into 4 members of the bureau and the former ministers different jurisdictions: the Supreme Court, the were arrested and charged with the crime of National High Court, the High Court of Justice of rebellion. However, some of the ex-ministers and Catalonia and the 13th Preliminary Investigating the former president of the Generalitat, Carles Judge of Barcelona.[4] However, in the end, the Puigdemont, could not be arrested, as they had investigation concerning the courts of the second moved to other European countries before being chamber of the Supreme Court was concentrated, formally charged. in accordance with the provisions of Spanish law, in the hands of one of the magistrates of that The second chamber of the Supreme Court chamber, who is not allowed to form part of the understood that it was not solely competent to Court trying the case once the investigation has judge the members of the parliamentary bureau, been completed. The main charge facing the so the high court finally tried 12 people - 9 defendants was the crime of rebellion under members of what had been the Catalan Article 472 of the Spanish penal code. This article government, the president of the Parliament and states that those who "rise up violently and the activists Jordi Sánchez and Jordi Cuixart - publicly" with the aim of "declaring the accused of the charges of rebellion, disobedience independence of a part of the national territory" and embezzlement of public funds. This case is (fifth assumption) shall be charged with the crime known as the "trial of the Process", which resulted of rebellion. In Article 473, the code provides for in three of the former Catalan government prison sentences of between 15 and 25 years for ministers being sentenced to 1 year and 8 those who lead the rebellion. months in prison for disobedience, and sentences of between 9 and 13 years in prison for sedition At the end of the investigation and at the opening and embezzlement of public funds for the rest of of the oral trial, the prosecution accused 9 of the the defendants. 12 defendants (Oriol Junqueras, Jordi Turul, Joaquim Forn, Raül Romeva, Dolors Bassa, Josep The Catalan independence process generated Rull, Jordi Cuixart, Jordi Sánchez and Carmen significant social and political tension in Spain, and Forcadell) of the crime of rebellion (see table 1), 5 the trial of those accused of organising the of whom were also charged with crimes of referendum took place in this context. The embezzlement of public funds. The three demonstrations in Catalonia in favour of remaining defendants were charged with independence and against the police action on 1 embezzlement of public funds and disobedience October were echoed by demonstrations, both in (Santi Vila, Meritxell Borras and Carles Mundo). [2] Antena 3 (4/10/2017) "A large demonstration in Zaragoza calls for "imprisonment" for Puigdemont and shouts: "Spain united will never be defeated" [3] Público (14/10/2019) "Casado and Rivera will continue to call the politicians of the 'procés' 'golpistas' even though the sentence does not mention the coup d'état" no-menciona-golpe.html [4] FIDH and EuroMed Droits (2019). Observation report on the judicial process in Madrid against Catalan politicians and association leaders. Available at: Also present as prosecutors were the State Attorney's Office, which, instead of classifying the Criminal facts as constitutive of the crime of rebellion, accused the defendants of the crime of sedition (art. 544 CP), and the far-right party VOX, which in proceedings addition to the charges of embezzlement and rebellion added the charge of being a member of On 27 September 2017, the Audiencia Nacional a criminal organisation for all the defendants. admitted a complaint filed by the public prosecutor's office against Jordi Sanchez and Jordi Given that most of the accused were members of Cuixart, accusing both of the crime of sedition for the Catalan executive and legislative powers, they the events of 20 September.
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