Northern Asia-Pacific Division The Most Challenging Field & ViewsSeptember/October 2010

Baptism in Mongolia after the MMF Campmeeting 2010

Sep / Oct 2010 •  - INSPIRATION - To the Ends of the Earth

Jairyong Lee, President Northern Asia-Pacific Division

Jesus mandated the gospel message There are still many ends of the earth that have not been be preached to the whole world prior reached by missionaries not only in Africa and other continents to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. but also within our NSD territories. Many millions of people (Matt 24:14) We need to deliver the are perishing without hearing the gospel message in Japan, good news of eternal life in Christ to , , , Macau, Mongolia, North Korea the ends of the earth. “But you will and also in . In Steps to Christ we are told “if receive power when the Holy Spirit the followers of Christ were awake to duty, there would be comes on you; and you will be my thousands where there is one today proclaiming the gospel in witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all heathen lands.” (Steps to Christ, 81) Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). Some of these ends of the earth are also near to us. Many The question is: where is the end of the earth? How far is the people in our cities, towns and villages have not been reached end of the earth? What can and should we do to reach the ends yet by missionaries. Many families who are living in the same of the earth with the gospel message? apartment building with us may not have heard the gospel When we are talking about the ends of the earth from the message yet. In that sense the ends of the earth are around us, missiological point of view, we may think of the remote, both near and far. uncivilized and underdeveloped areas in the world. And The counsel which was true over a century ago remains accordingly, tens of thousands of Christians have been sent to true today, “every follower of Jesus has a work to do as a these areas as missionaries. missionary for Christ, in the family, in the neighborhood, in About a year and a half ago, the NSD sent Pastor and Mrs. the town or city where he lives. All who are consecrated to Jung Hyo Soo and their two children to the Congo in Africa God are channels of light. God makes them instruments of to serve as Pioneer Mission Movement (PMM) missionaries righteousness to communicate to others the light of truth” (2T, for a six year term. They have been working in a remote area 632). deep in the interior of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In “For this is what the Lord has commanded us: "'I have made spite of many mission challenges and inconveniences, they you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to have tried to spread the gospel message to the local people the ends of the earth'" (Acts 13:47). “He said to them, ‘Go into living in remote jungle areas. They are indeed frontier pioneer all the world and preach the good news to all creation’” (Mark missionaries moving forward to the ends of the earth with 16:15). the message of the saving grace of God. They have been Jesus has promised us that He would be with us “to the very marvelously used by God as His missionaries. We need to send end of the age” (Matt 28:20) as we reach out to the ends of the more missionaries to reach every corner of the earth with the earth. Three Angels messages.

NSD Mission Statement The mission of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists is to communicate to all peoples in its territory the everlasting gospel of God’s love in the context of the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14:6-12, and as revealed in the life, death, resurrection, and high priestly ministry of Jesus Christ, leading them to accept Jesus as their personal Saviour and Lord and to unite with His remnant church; and to nurture believers as disciples in preparation for His soon return, and to equip and empower them for service.

 • News & Views Northern Asia-Pacific Division Officers News & Views Jairyong Lee President September / October 2010 Stanley Ng Assistant to the President HongPal Ha Assistant to the President Akeri Suzuki Executive Secretary News & Views is published bi-monthly by the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) Glenn Mitchell Associate Secretary of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Its mission is to share the Kenneth Osborn Treasurer news of mission activities and views of mission of the NSD with the world churches Guimo Sung Associate Treasurer so that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be hastened. DongJin Lyu Associate Treasurer

Departmental Directors Contents Kwon JohngHaeng * Adventist Mission, Stewardship 02 Inspiration ▪ To the Ends of the Earth Chek Yat Phoon Education 04 News Focus ▪ Mongolian Mission Field Camp Meeting Sally Lam-Phoon 07 ▪ SDA Education Holds 2010 English Summer Bible Camp Children’s, Family & Women’s Ministries, CLAP 08 ▪ Summer Time is Camp Meeting Time Gerald DuPreez Ministerial Association, ACM 09 Departmental & Regional News Teru Fukui 09 ▪ Ulaanbaatar Adventist Elementary School’s Retreat SS/PM, Publishing 10 ▪ Seeds Sown 20 Years ago Bring Fruit Stanley Ng 11 ▪ Through the Eyes of an Auditor ... Mission Strategy & Research Center 12 ▪ ADRA Korea, Haiti Sign Agreement for Micro Credit Project Glenn Mitchell 13 ▪ NSD Fosters Relationships with US Churches ... PARL 14 ▪ Family Ministries Director Addresses Difficult Topics ... Guimo Sung 15 ▪ Evangelistic Series in Tolgoit Church Trust Services 16 ▪ New Lifestyle Medical Institute at Sahmyook Medical Center Plans NakHyung Kim to be at Forefront of Healthy Living Movement Youth, 1000MM, Golden Angels SukHee Han 17 MISSION FIRST Communications, HHMM 17 Golden Angels ▪ Mission Trip to USA Brian Stepanek 18 PMM ▪ Evangelistic Meeting in Khann Uul Church Information System Services ▪ 20 People Become Heavenly Citizens in Maranatha Church SungSub Song ▪ Maranatha Church Cultivates New Branch The Multiple Uses of Technology - First Baptism Via Skype Media Center ▪ PMMs & HisHands Ride Korean Wave Together Barbara Choi 20 HHMM ▪ ▪ Lives Changed in Japan through HisHands Health Ministries ▪ And This is What the HHMM Missionaries Say! 22 1000MM ▪ 34th 1000MM Batch Debriefed upon Return to Korea ▪ 36th Batch 1000MM Missionary Training ... News & Views ▪ 36th Batch 1000MM Missionaries Meet 1,000 People Staff Editor SukHee Han Assistant Editor JungLim Kim Contributing Editors Daniel Jiao Yutaka Inada For free subscription or news items, DeokHyun Uhm send an e-mail to [email protected] Paul Kotanko [email protected] Chinese Correspondent Silver Ng or Japanese Correspondent Ryoko Suzuki SamHee Plaza 5th Floor, 66 Chuyeop-dong, Ilsan-gu Korean Correspondent JungLim Kim Koyang City, Kyonggi-do 411-370 Republic of Korea

Sep / Oct 2010 •  Mongolian Mission Field ANNUAL CAMP MEETING

Prayers, Bible studies, songs and music, enthusiasm, and commitment to the Lord and spiritual revival were the points at the Mongolian Camp meeting

 • News & Views COVER STORY

rayers, Bible studies, songs and music, enthusiasm, and commitment to spend quality time with God, pray and P commitment to the Lord and spiritual revival were the study the Bible every day. Interestingly enough after these key points at the Mongolian Camp meeting in Terelj National presentations some came to testify of their quality time with Park, Mongolia August 11-15, 2010. 22 district churches were God praying in the hills behind the Camp site. The appeal for represented with an attendance of 420 church members from consecration and spiritual revival was very much appreciated all provinces in Mongolia. The Terelj location of the Camp by the audience. Meeting offered the traditional Gers for accommodation. The For three evenings Dr. HongPal Ha gave presentations Mission Field also cooperated with tents for the participants. based on the book of Revelation. Topics focused on the 24 Despite three days of , strong winds, and hail, the elders, the judgment and the new heaven and new earth, gave enthusiasm and spiritual atmosphere remained high. On the audience a clear picture of how the people of God have Friday noon the brightening of the day projected a relief for nothing to fear as they face the investigative judgment because the Sabbath day. In fact, Friday evening and Sabbath the rain of Jesus grace and righteousness in behalf of believers. With stopped for two mayor events: the ordination to the gospel passion he suggested to be ready for the experience of eternal ministry and a baptism. life based on the promises of Jesus on his coming again During Thursday and Friday morning, people gathered when no more death, pain, sickness and suffering will be on together to listen to pastor Miguel Luna's devotional messages. God’s redeemed people. He invited the people to be ready On Thursday the topic was Jesus the Model Prayer Warrior that for the blessed hope of the appearing of Jesus in Glory and shows Jesus practice of prayer early in the mornings, evenings, majesty, when He will rescue His people and inaugurate the and throughout the whole night. He suggested that Jesus beginning of the new heavens and new earth. often prayed in natural settings like a mountain side. After his After a devotional time on Thursday and Friday, church presentation, Luna made an appeal for a full commitment to members participated in seminars such as cell church follow Jesus’ example in constant prayer. On Friday morning growth and leadership, successful dating, parenting, money he shared the message on how participants may have a daily management, choir, children’s program, and foot massage time with God through prayer, reading the Bible, meditation, training. After two hours of seminars the audience enjoyed Bible study and memorization of biblical texts. After his their break for lunch time. presentation he invited the congregation to make a heartfelt Friday evening the Camp meeting participants witnessed

Camp meeting accommodations: Ger Cell church seminar members Dr. Ha gives a lecture on the Revelation

Pastor Namjaa and his wife Uyanga Ordination of Pastor Namjaa MMF pastors with NSD officers & directors Sep / Oct 2010 •  COVER STORY

Children Sabbath program The Descendants singing group Dr. Jairyong Lee(L) with Pr. Bold

Children’s Dedication Baptismal service Commitment to prayer and Bible study

the ordination of the third pastor of the Mongolia Mission 9:10-16 regarding the multiplication of the five loaves of bread Field. Pastor Namjildorj (Namjaa) Mandakh was ordained and two fish. Lee made an invitation to trust in the Lord and to the gospel ministry. His wife Uyanga Bayarsaihan joined asked for blessings because “Jesus still cares for his church.” the ordination program with their three children. Pastor Bold After the worship, the people continued with the study of Batsukh introduced him and explained how the church, through the Sabbath School lessons in small groups by district. An the guidance of the Holy Spirit, helped Namjaa to make a important and inspiring event was the baptism of 10 young decision for the ministry. After a short homily by Pastor Miguel people. Newly ordained minister Namjaa and pastor Kotanko Luna and a candidate response, a prayer of ordination was led the ceremony in a river close to the site of the Camp. guided by Dr. Jairyong Lee, president of the Northern Asia- On Sunday Pastor Paul Kotanko gave his closing message Pacific Division. After the prayer a charge for the minister was assuring participants from the Scriptures that Christ is in presented by Pastor Paul Kotanko, director of the Mongolian control of His church according to Matthew 16:16-18. He Mission Field and finally words of welcome to the body of invited the participants to hold to the commitment already world ministers by Dr. Ha. After receiving his plaque that made with other speakers and be ready to participate on the certifies him as an ordained minister, he was congratulated by next camp meeting in the year 2011. At the end of the closing his Mongolian colleagues and missionaries. program words of appreciation were spoken by the MMF On the pleasant and sunny Sabbath the congregation gathered leaders for the guest speakers, the Camp manager, all the together to worship, and to study the Word of God. Inspired by directors and leaders, and coordinators who gave their time the Descendants singing group the program continued with the and support during the five days of activities. There was a gathering of 70 children for their story time guided by Bono. sense of accomplishment and satisfaction among the audience During the worship program more than twenty children were expressed in thanksgiving to God and the leaders of the dedicated to the Lord, who came with their parents to receive Mongolia Mission Field. In a nut shell, the Camp Meeting was blessings from Pastor Paul Kotanko. a blessing for all who participated and attended the meetings. “Jesus cares and for God nothing is impossible” were the MMF is now praying for a dream by which they may gather words of Dr. Lee as he presented his sermon based on Luke again for another Camp Meeting in their own Camp Site.

 • News & Views NEWS FOCUS

SDA Education Holds 2010 English Summer Bible Camp

rom August 12 to 15, 2010, SDA Education, formerly Sabbath afternoon, the second day of the camp, the musical F known as the SDA Language Institute held its annual “Acts” by Sulammi conveyed a spiritual message to the English Summer Bible Camp at ChungJoo Resort. This students who were present. After that a beautiful baptism year 700 institute students, teachers, employees and pastors ceremony took place institute by institute. A total of thirty-two gathered for camp. The guest lecturer, Dr. SangKoo Lee, souls were born again as children of God. Nam Young institute prominent NEWSTART lecturer, spoke of God’s love and the student Song Hee Kim is currently attending In Min University health message presenting the topic ‘The Amazing Vital Force in China. She came to know the Lord through the All Day Club and your Genes.’ Dr. Lee revealed, “the amazing force of life and got baptized at this camp. ChunCheon institute student comes from Jesus. And that force of life can cure disease and Hyun Jung Kim said, “I am happy to start my small step can change a person completely”. He also vivaciously shared toward God’s love through baptism.” Student Ji In Lee, who his personal experiences as administrator of his NEWSTART is on a waiting list for a job in the teaching profession stated Center. that the summer Bible camp was a very beneficial time for her On Friday, various English seminars and outdoor activities because she learned that our genes get turned on through good entertained attendees. The participants of the English Seminars spirit. She also said that the foreign teachers praise worship chose the areas in which they were interested, such as English was really marvelous and wonderful. Humor, English in movies, Konglish Clinic (Konglish is a We held our 10th camp meeting as of this year, and these mix of English and Korean), Dramas and many other areas camp meetings have played an important role in student to improve their knowledge of English and also have fun. evangelism where it was a turning point for many students to There were many booth activities such as Speed Quiz, Group come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ and spreading Christian Jump-rope, balloon games, Limbo, and Golden Bell. Through culture among students. SDA Education plans to develop these activities the students and teachers could radiate their greater ways to meet the needs of our postmodern generation youthfulness by becoming one in spirit. and to provide more appealing programs.

Sep / Oct 2010 •  Dr. SangKoo Lee Fun in exercise Small group activity Participating in the program Baptismal ceremony NEWS FOCUS

Korean Union Conference Summer Time is Camp Meeting Time

he five local conferences in Korea held their annual summer T camp meetings in July and August 2010. Each Conference organized camp meetings for children, teens, 1 youth, and adults and the interest and participation of Korean church members was so high that over 8,000 members in total attended meetings. Meetings took place in many different locations. Despite close quarters and uncomfortable sleep, everyone was eager to satisfy their thirsty souls. Camp meetings represent a unique Adventist summer culture and tradition of faith, and have been held every year for decades. Summer is the season of vacation and recreation in general, 2 so most people go to the mountains or the sea. But the Korean Adventist church spent their golden time of summer vacations at camp meeting. Why do they decide to participate? In the words of some campers: “I knew that I need to read the Bible, yet I did not practice this much. I realized the importance of God’s word through this camp. I so loved the messages of the main speaker that I felt my hunger,” said Miss Kim. Another young participant, Mr. Park said “I was inspired by the 3 message. And as such many Adventists gathered together, I felt like I am a member of the Adventist family. It is better to attend camp meeting than to go abroad with family or friends.” Participants are dreaming of change to their own spiritual life. They also gain vitality to live through fellowship with other Adventists. Ellen G. White also emphasized the importance of camp meeting. “It is important that the members of our churches should attend our camp meetings. … Individually you need the benefits of the 4 meeting, and God calls upon you to number one in the ranks of truth.” (2TT, 378) We hope all countries in NSD territories experience the spiritual revival brought about by camp meetings every summer.

1. Camp meeting for people with disabilities 2. Participants go hiking 3. Children’s camp meeting in South West Korean Conference 5 4. Participants of youth camp meeting in Middle West Korean Conference 5. South West Korean Conference Camp meeting at Mt. Deer 6 Training Center 6. South East Korean Conference Camp meeting

 • News & Views Departmental & Regional News NEWS

Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Adventist Elementary School’s Retreat

he Ulaanbaatar Adventist Elementary TSchool held its first school retreat at the campsite below the hill named Baitag Bogd from August 15-19. Under the leadership of Dr. Rosemary McDaniel, the principal, this retreat is used as continuing education for the teachers besides laying plans for the new school year which will commence in September. Even though the school is faced with the challenge Dr. Phoon(L) with Mongolian teachers Teachers at the workshop of still being unregistered as a school in Mongolia, the positive vision and and resources available to MMF Enkhjargal conducted a workshop on faith of the administration and faculty for providing Adventist Education Integrating Faith and Learning and are admirable. The MMF Education to its young people. He assured the Teaching Strategies. director, Pastor Bold Batsukh with administration and faculty that NSD will It is indeed exciting to see the enthu- the MMF administration is exploring continue to support the educational work siasm and commitment of administrator all possibilities with the Mongolian in this young Mission field. and teachers in preparing themselves to Ministry of Education and the city In the workshop, Dr. McDaniel provide Adventist education to young Department of Education to have the presented the topics on the History of people of the Mongolian Mission Field. school registered. Adventist Education, the Characteristics Pray for the young educators and also NSD Education director, Dr. Chek of Adventist teachers, and Classroom the students who are attending our first Yat Phoon, spoke on the expectations Management and Discipline. Ms. Jagana mission school in MMF.

Korea SDA Education Join Forces to Establish Korean Adventist Preparatory Academy

n order to give their children an high schools in the US and students will Iadvantage in this competitive society, be taught by professional, experienced many Korean parents, Adventist and teachers. Students will take exams Non-Adventist alike, send their children twice a year, and their score will be abroad at an early age. With this arise sent to Griggs International Academy social problems, among them economic (GIA) which approves the credits. After pressures, deviant behavior and family completing a four-year course with separation. To meet the need for 240 credits, students can apply for the international education and solve the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). accompanying problems SDA Education The whole view of the academy The course has been successfully decided to establish a Korean Adventist operating in Taiwan and most graduates Preparatory Academy. Students will be our society through an outstanding enter many top colleges in the USA. able to complete the high school courses curriculum, based on our unique SDA Education President, Pastor of the USA and provide an alternative to Adventist message and educational GwangJe Lee said, “we can provide overseas study for young students. philosophy. The academy which will an opportunity for study to those who The school aims to educate qualified open its doors in February 2011 will hesitate to go abroad because of many global leaders and future workers of provide the same curriculum as general problems and difficulties.”

Sep / Oct 2010 •  NEWS Departmental & Regional News

Japan Seeds Sown 20 Years ago Bring Fruit

and evening meetings. They studied the Bible and enjoyed the music provided by the Golden Angels. Ms. Rika Takeuchi, a middle-age Japanese lady, attended all 9 meetings including the Sabbath Pr. Shinmyo(L) and Mr. Takayanagi church service on June anamachi Church conducted a series of evangelistic 12, and consequently decided to be baptized in the near future. Kmeetings for the Chinese, Korean and Japanese people in Ms. Kazuko Ono, a retired hospital worker responded, “I the greater area from June 7 to 10, 2010. NSD Associate renewed my commitment by learning and guidance Director of Adventist Mission, Pastor Tadaomi Shinmyo dealt of God in the past, present, and future. I am also thankful for with the necessity of faith in the morning meetings and Bible the praise songs by the Golden Angels.” Mr. Takeo Takayanagi prophecies in the evenings. came to one of the meetings and introduced himself to Pastor Pastor Yu, Chuan Fu, a PMM missionary from Taiwan Shinmyo. He was a student of the Voice of Prophecy (VOP) to Japan, and Pastor Sung, Seonjae, a Korean Pastor of the Bible Correspondence School 20 years ago when Pastor Kanamachi Church (for the Japanese people) and the Tokyo Shinmyo was the director of the VOP in Japan. He brought Korean Church made all the necessary preparations for the with him three different certificates - the beginner, doctrinal, meetings. They distributed 40,000 copies of the evangelistic and health course - of the VOP Bible Correspondence courses brochures through newspaper inserts and by hand. which he completed. Pastor Shinmyo’s name appeared on each An average of 40 attendants came to both the morning certificate. He has been baptized recently in Tokyo.

Taiwan 21st Century Youth Camp Reminds Taiwanese Youth of Their Mission

aiwan hosted its 21st Century Youth TCamp April 23-25, and May 28-30. A total of 102 tribal youth and 128 youth from the city attended the event. The main goal for the three days two nights event was to help the youth see their mission and vision, and respond to God’s calling. Furthermore, the camp aimed to encourage young people to prepare themselves to work for the Lord through Serving for one another Promoting unity spirit Bible study and mission preparation. The main purpose of this life is to backgrounds, but they accepted the call needs of the church are the same, and it serve others. The Adventist movement from God, and started the first mission is still waiting for more dedicated young started its work in Taiwan sixty years work in Taiwan. Youth in the 21st century men and women to bring people to the ago through youth. They came from are different from the past, and they kingdom of God. different parts of Taiwan, with different face ever increasing challenges, but the

10 • News & Views Departmental & Regional News NEWS

Korea Through the Eyes of an Auditor - Challenges, Joys of Overseas Assignments

f all the assignments General Conference auditors receive, Opossibly the most challenging, and at the same time the most exciting and rewarding, are overseas audits. They are challenging because of long hours – too much work, too little time -- and absolute deadlines. Communication can be a challenge, also. We never stay long enough to learn much, or any, of the language. Then there is the challenge of a different currency and knowing what exchange rate to use. But an overseas assignment can be very exciting, and not just for the “sights” to be visited. The opportunity to actually immerse ourselves into the culture of the country for a few GC auditors with NSD officers weeks, to rub shoulders on a day-to-day basis with other Adventist workers whose backgrounds differ from ours, to NSD staff. And there was excitement! In spite of long hours taste and enjoy a new cuisine, to explore different cities close in the office, we were able to see some of the “sights,” usually up, is an extraordinary privilege. The rewards include sharing accompanied by one or more of the staff. Working side by our talents and feeling that we are an integral part of finishing side with NSD’s dedicated staff was a great experience. And God’s work around the world. the new cuisine was wonderful, as the treasury and other staff The team assigned to complete the 2009 audit of the financial guided us to popular Ilsan restaurants, where we learned to eat statements of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) and enjoy bibimbap, noodles, and kimchi—with chopsticks! included John Adu, the leader, Paul Johnson, and Alberta And the rewards—the satisfaction of a job well done and Brown. All three of us felt that the challenges were mitigated memories that will linger forever. by the warmth, hospitality, expertise and helpfulness of the

Mongolia Health EXPO at Darkhan

ummer time is usually not a good Stime to do things in Mongolia because most people take their vacation at this time. But we decided to head to Darkhan to hold a Health evangelistic campaign for one week from July 26-31, 2010. The enthusiasm and cooperation of the church leaders helped our work to be a success. The health team was really pleased that the church organized Waiting in line early in the morning Performing health check-up everything before we came and we only had to run the program when we arrived. gave us an opportunity to talk about the us to understand what to focus on in our Because health is a major issue to most evening program. From this activity, we future health campaigns. We were happy people and the community had heard found out that diabetes is an increasing to see people already starting to make about it through advertisements, they problem and many people do not have small lifestyle changes during this week. were eager to come to all the activities enough information about this disease. May the Lord bless their families and and programs we organized. We focused our interactive talk on this health! Every morning we performed health problem. checkups and at the same time this The program we did at Darkhan helped

Sep / Oct 2010 • 11 NEWS Departmental & Regional News

Korea ADRA Korea, Haiti Sign Agreement for Micro Credit Project

o support people in Haiti, ADRA TKorea decided to join a Micro Credit Project and donated USD 30,000 on June 18, 2010. The Micro Credit Project, designated by an economist in Bangladesh, is to loan the poor money for rehabilitation with minimum interest and to repay a loan within a certain period of time. Because of the earthquake, the rate of repayment has Base tent for help Distribute plenty of flour sacks decreased, but as restoration is still ongoing and circumstances improve, it ADRA Haiti is taking care of about 700 it has a lot of difficulties related to will increase again. ADRA Korea will children, so ADRA Korea will sponsor the restoration from the earthquake. engage in various forms of monitoring roughly 50 children aged 7 to 13 by So, ADRA Korea will do its best to and promote secondary and tertiary providing USD 20 a month. supervise the use of funds for Haiti support depending on results. ADRA Korea country director, Pastor efficiently and reasonably.” He also In separate news, ADRA Korea also WonShik Shin said, “Haiti is one of asked for the prayers and support for promotes child supporting projects. ten poorest countries in the world and Haiti of church members.

Korea KUC Publishing Ministries Organizes Retreat for Colporteurs

he KUC Publishing Ministries department held a Tretreat for colporteurs at Madalpy Training Center from July 16 to 19, 2010. This event is held bi-annually to remind literature evangelists of the importance of the publishing ministry and to recharge them with power and energy from God. About 300 colporteurs and their families from all over Korea gathered for the retreat. 1000MM Director, Dr. MinHo Joo was invited as main speaker, and gave lectures on the function of the church, the meaning of evangelism, the mission of Christians, and discipleship as a core of mission, under the title of ‘By the power of Holy Spirit only’. Dr. Joo said, “as the core of mission given to us is About 300 colporteurs gather together the commission to make disciples, and disciples are followers of Christ who always put God first, humble pep rally, praise night, and a special concert by the Korean themselves, and truly love Him.” Adventist Women’s Choir were enjoyed. Attendees discussed KUC Publishing Ministries Director, Pastor HyuJung Cho the importance of developing further strategies to enhance encouraged attendees to advance toward the cross in spite of publishing ministries. The KUC Publishing Ministries their weaknesses, temptations of the world, and Satan’s trials. department is working hard to accomplish its goal of 350 A variety of touching programs such as testimony sharing, baptisms and reaching 1,000 interests.

12 • News & Views Departmental & Regional News NEWS

USA NSD Fosters Relationships with US Churches to Further North Korean Mission

SD President, Dr. Jairyong Lee and NPastor SeonMan Kim, in charge of North Korean Mission for NSD visited California, USA from July 12 to 17, 2010. The purpose of the visit was to foster closer relationships with churches in the USA to help with the K-project. With the help of Elder HeeMan Choi, a member of the NSD K-project committee, they visited Children’s Meeting for North Korea mission Dr. Lee with the SCC president (Center) Network International (CNI) which provides free medical equipment. During California Pastors’ Association of the California Conference (SCC) to discuss their trip they also had a report session Korean-American Adventist Council. the support and cooperation of other and exchanged ideas with the Southern Their final destination was the Southern American churches.

Japan Bible Relay, the Giant Bible on the Go

apan Union Conference President, JPastor Masaki Shoji, visited Nagoya Adventist Church on February 6, 2010 to preach on the work of God. In the afternoon, five adult members who had seriously taken to heart the challenge to Follow the Bible were presented certificates to commemorate reading the entire Bible. Two children who had Fukui Church Kariya Church read through the New Testament were encouraged to continue their efforts by writer was filled with God’s spirit and receiving mini hand made replicas of the committed himself to pray for those who Bible. are seekers reading the Bible for more Members from six churches came understanding. together to celebrate the Follow the On March 20, 2010 a special event Bible relay. Together they read through recognizing reading the Bible as passages in Deuteronomy. How lively a result of the Bible relay was held the members seem to become while at Fukui Adventist Church. Elder Sato reading God’s word. received his certificate during Sabbath Nagoya Church March 13, 2010 was exciting at School. Kariya Church as members gathered to Pastor Tadashi Yamaji proclaimed, “we The Holy Spirit was present as read the Bible in unison in 4 different must stand upon the truths of the Bible members read the 28 chapters of languages. Their hearts were filled as it is a pillar of strength to guide us as Deuteronomy in the afternoon. It was a with thankfulness that they could gather the firey cloud in Moses days was for special time of joy to share God’s word together and read the Bible freely. The Israel.” as a group.

Sep / Oct 2010 • 13 NEWS Departmental & Regional News

China Family Ministries Director Addresses Difficult Topics during Training

rom July 26 to 29, over fifty church encouraged to take the instruction back Fleaders from over 20 churches to their own churches and to emphasize gathered to be certified for Family the importance of the family in the total Ministries in Shanghai. A lovely mansion program of the church. was offered by a Bible interest as a When families are strong, the church training venue so that all who came were will inevitably be a winning witness for able to stay together in one location. the truth as they live out their faith in The group gave testimonies, eagerly practical terms. This intentional way of participated in discussions and openly growing our marital relationships as well shared their thoughts and feelings. Concentrate on small group activity as building up our children spiritually Difficult topics such as “Teaching Sex and emotionally will have far-reaching Education to Your Children” were this was a first time for most to talk effects in preparing leadership in delivered and participants admitted that about such a subject. Everyone was generations to come.

Mongolia The Prayer Walk

ave you ever prayed while walking? Secretary-General. HWell, this is not actually literally There were about 130 members who praying while walking. It was a walk attended the campaign. The plan was to towards a designated place for the walk from UB Central Church to Zaisan, purpose of prayer. What was prayed about 7 kilometers. The participants about? were divided into three groups June 12, 2010 was designated in the representing three colors. And each Women’s Ministry calendar as Women’ group separated into smaller groups of 7 s Emphasis Day. The Women’s Ministry members each for the prayer group. At a Director of Mongolia Mission Field, designated point between the UB Central Purevdulam Jugderjav, mobilized all the Church and Zaisan all stopped to allow while walking side by side. The young church members around Ulaanbaatar to the groups to gather together and pray girls who joined the walk smiled and stand in favor for human rights issues to for this campaign. The next point was greeted passersby and commuters in stop violence against women and girls. Memorial Park in Zaisan for the picture cars. And the response was always At 5 o’clock Sabbath afternoon church taking and further prayer. The last stop positive, a smile returned or a greeting. members and some friends of church was the mountain along the Tuul river in What a wonderful feeling to be able to members around Ulaanbaatar churches Zaisan for everybody to gather together demonstrate God’s love in every way we and companies came to gather at the and have sundown worship. can. Central Church to sign the petition The program made a positive impact Like many women and girls around letter to be sent to the United Nations on all those who participated because the world, Mongolians also experience Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon it was at the same time a good way violence and assault. Let’s pray that advocating that Seventh-day Adventists to exercise during the 7 kilometer- our campaign to stop violence against stand against violence towards women walk; it allowed time for couples to women and girls will reach the United and girls. This signed petition paper bond as they walked together; it also Nations so that this problem will soon is part of the collection of 1 million gave church members from different be addressed and the violence will be signatures needed around the world companies a chance to get to know each reduced if not stopped. before it can be delivered to the UN other and share burdens and problems

14 • News & Views Departmental & Regional News NEWS

Mongolia Evangelistic Series in Tolgoit Church

en overseas missionaries from TIlsan International church, Korea participated in a mission program at Tolgoit church, Mongolia from July 28 to August 4, 2010. In cooperation with Tolgoit church members and the Descendants, a Mongolian singing group, they supported medical service and evangelistic meetings. Mr. Kim (Center) gives medical treatment Healthy life club members Mr. Kim, medical doctor from Ilsan International church operated International church preached the gospel their devotion. a mobile hospital and gave medical to over 100 attendees every night. As a result, about 20 interests were treatment and prescription to about 200 This physical and spiritual service gathered and a “healthy life club” was Mongolian people. made a good impression on the organized for those interests. And Pastor IlRok Nam of Ilsan community and participants appreciated

Japan What Would You Do If You Had Only 6 Months to Live?

How do you live the remaining six she had to fight the pain and discomfort “months of your life?" Let me tell you as well as the many thoughts that entered my story…” On April 4, 2010, a special her mind. Her heart seemed to break. presentation was given by Michiko If it hadn’t been for the great love of Hayashi about her fight to survive after her family she would have given in to hearing she had hepatic bile duct cancer the sad uneasiness, distrust in God and in December of 2005. She shared an the whirling irritation and anger that open testimony about how God led her plagued her. She felt her character was through difficult times during her fight collapsing. She would have just wanted Michiko Hayashi for survival. She wanted to show how to finish it but she didn’t want to give up one can really meet God during hard because it felt so unbearable. Bible and learn about who God was. She times. Her struggle lasted for 2 years but One day a sister from the church came attended Sapporo Adventist Japanese during those years she felt supported by to visit her and extended a book by Dr. Church where with the prayers and help God and encouraged by the divine hope Kenji Yamagata, written for his patients of Pastor Yasukochi she was able to be received by the power of the Holy Spirit. and all to read. She wanted to read it baptized. Now over 4 1/2 years have Illness was previously unknown to her immediately. It gave a clear answer that passed and she continues to praise God and she had a remarkably strong spirit, there was a meaning to hardship and it for his care to help her in her healing and but then the cancer was discovered. Her brought courage and life back to her. is deeply thankful for the love of family daughters waited as she underwent a Strangely, her soul calmed. She began and church. She is filled with faith, severe 20 hour surgery. The following to understand that the body can heal if peace and hope. Praise the Lord! She is day another 12 hour surgery was the heart is healed. Suddenly her soul filled with strength and the conviction to scheduled. Then the days after surgery was changed and she wanted to read the proclaim the power of the Lord.

Sep / Oct 2010 • 15 NEWS Departmental & Regional News

New Lifestyle Medical Institute at Sahmyook Medical Center Plans to be at Forefront of Healthy Living Movement

ahmyook Medical Center recently vision to be the world’s best global S constructed a Lifestyle Medical medical mission organization through Institute in celebration of its 100th year harmonizing advanced medicine and of medical mission. On July 29, 2010, biblical health principles and treatment.” the hospital along with staff, steering In his congratulatory message, NSD committee members, the NSD, KUC and president, Dr. Lee said, “The Lifestyle conference presidents, church members, Medical Institute will lead preventive the head of Dongdaemoon district, and medicine harmonizing biblical health construction workers attended a service principles with modern medical science to commemorate the construction. through the activation of hygiene ▲ Dr. Lee congratulates at the opening ceremony Lifestyle Medical Institute headed education, a health movement, health by pastor HyunSu Ha is a three-storey, education and research to let our people 2786 square meter building. The first lead healthier lives, scientifically.” floor is a general medical center with With this purpose in mind, Sahmyook public corporation diagnosis center, Medical Center aims to operate a care and endoscopy center. On the second system to prevent disease rather than floor, there are a Lifestyle Medical playing a role of hospital and thereby Institute, education center, pathology support more people to lead healthier division, lecture hall, chaplain’s lives. The hospital is contracting an room, rehabilitation department, and agreement with Florida hospital as a occupational therapy center, while the life medicine or preventive medicine third floor, is a rehabilitation ward. institution and inducing “creation care”.

▲ The inside view of the center Medical Center director, Myung Sub It also plans to begin a NEWSTART Choei, said, “With this newly built health movement, Advent Christians’ Lifestyle Medical Institute we plan to secret for health and long life, which has fulfill SahmYook Medical Center’s been reported in the press.



▲ Golden Angels with Heritage Singers ▲ Golden Angels singing on the Hope Channel Stage ▲ Golden Angels at the Campus Hill church

I can do everything through him who gives me strength future home, Heaven. GA 7 sang over fifteen times at different “ (Philippians 4:13)”It was a great privilege for the Golden venues: during the main worship in the Dome, at junior Angels 7th Group to visit the USA and share the good news and senior youth group meetings, during women’s ministry of Jesus Christ with many people. Through the USA trip, we workshops, at the Hope Channel stage, and for Adventist experienced God’s presence and his power. Mission. We shared our mission and love of Christ Jesus with We performed our top quality music at several different people gathered at the session and other singers and musicians. places such as the 59th General Conference Session at the After the GC Session, we visited Chicago and Los Angeles and Georgia World Congress Center and Georgia Dome in Atlanta, held concerts on several different occasions. Each concert was Georgia, the United Korean Church in Atlanta, Unity Korea filled to capacity and the audience enjoyed and was touched Adventist Church and Chicago Central Church in Chicago, by our heavenly music. We lifted up God’s name and glorified Andrews University in Michigan, White Memorial Church, Him together. Glendale Korean Adventist Church and Loma Linda Campus We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the people Hill Church in Los Angeles. Former members of the Golden who loved us and supported us during this trip. It was a great Angels and the professional music ministry group, The opportunity for us and opened our eyes. We Remnant, joined us on this trip and helped us to bear abundant enjoyed the many experiences we had on this fruit. During the GC Session, a variety of interesting programs trip. Please continue to pray for and support and activities were prepared for people from all over the the Golden Angels music ministry. May God world. We were really happy to see many Adventist Christians bless you and your family. at these meetings. It seemed like a miniature version of our - SeonJung Kim, 7th Group Golden Angels


Evangelistic Meeting 20 People Become in Khann Uul Church Heavenly Citizens in

hann Uul Maranatha Church K church in Ulaanbaatar, aranatha church, Mongolia invited a Korean Mongolia invited M missionary team comprised of 9 pastors and 7 an overseas shepherdesses missionary team of the Middle from Suwon West Korean International Conference to church in Korea hold a family for a HisHands Korean cultural class evangelistic evangelistic meeting at meeting from July Gachuurt 25 to 31, 2010. campground The missionary from August 3 Prayer for baptismal candidates team arrived at to 7, 2010. Genghis Khan T h e y h e l d International evangelistic meetings, seminars, and social time for 103 Airport on July 24 invited family members. Attendees also participated in and started their in-depth Bible study and 20 people were baptized on the mission work of Sabbath. tract distribution, Baptismal ceremony Pastor SeokGon Kim, team leader, awards a scholarship house-to-house to 6 young people in Maranatha church every year and visitation and Bible study in cooperation with HisHands it was joyful that some of them led their families to the missionaries in Khann Uul church the next day. Lord. Recently, an increase in soul-winning is taking place in Mongolia through the passion for mission of the PMM missionaries and the support of their Korean brothers and sisters.

They experienced unity in Christ with their Mongolian brothers and sisters through Korean language class, Korean cultural class, house visitation and Bible study. The evangelistic series themed “life, love, and God” strengthened this two-year old church. As a result of the sincere service and Some Korean missionary teams expressed the hard work of the 12 overseas volunteers and the 12 HisHands sentiment that if missionaries from different countries missionaries, five people were baptized and 40 interests were came to Mongolia to support evangelism, there would be gathered. Thank you for your continuous prayer and support a tremendous gathering of souls, because the hearts of the of the mission work in Khann Uul church. Mongolian people are still pure and not secularized.


Maranatha Church Cultivates New Branch new branch recently opened at a Ger village about Through their A 40km’s away from Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of ministry, 40 children Mongolia. To establish the Ger branch, Pastor NoYoung Park, decided to attend PMM missionary in Maranatha church invited a missionary the church regularly. team from Cheongnyangni church, Korea from June 22 to 30, Twenty of them 2010. received help from The Ger area was the mission field of BoYeon Kim, 1000MM ADRA Korea, to missionary, so the villagers were interested in the Adventist attend the Mongolia church, but there was no place for regular worship. SDA Language 14 missionaries from Cheongnyangni church held an School for one year to study English. evangelistic meeting and donated money for the construction Four people became Adventists through the family of a church. They also built a Ger church by hand. Evangelistic evangelistic meeting which followed the children’s evangelistic meetings for children and young people and medical services meeting. We hope this newly born Ger Adventist church can be received a good response from the community. a lighthouse of the village to shine forth the light of the gospel. The Multiple Uses of Technology - First Baptism Via Skype

last minute baptism was already baptized, came to Korea and met with Pastor Shin A was held for one and the Golden Angels. On Wednesday, Silvia finally requested young lady from Macau at Pastor Shin to baptize her, so Pastor Shin contacted Pastor Han the Ilsan English Church in in Macau for her baptismal arrangements. It took time to get Korea on August 7, 2010. approval both from the Macau Happy Church board and the Although this baptism Hong Kong-Macau Conference. There was only one condition, was just one person, it has three church representatives of Macau needed to confirm the involved many years and 13 baptismal vows confessed by Silvia. How? Through Skype. many people. Thus, at last, the baptism was conducted. Although the The lady, Miss Silvia baptismal service was held in the Ilsan English Church in Miss Cheang(L) & Pr. Shin Cheang has been a graduate Korea, Pastor Han and his church members in Macau were and a worker of the Macau able to participate in it through Skype. After introducing Silvia Sam Yuk Middle School, but was not yet baptized. When to the Ilsan English Church members, Pastor Shin baptized her. PMM missionary, Pastor Han GhiRoh began church planting in Of course, the Golden Angels were also very happy and offered Macau in 2008, she also began to attend the meetings at Macau special music. In tears, Silvia gave heartfelt thanks to God and Happy Church. However, according to her, she was not able to the church members of both Korea and Macau. sense God, nor believe in God. Pastor Joshua Shin, NSD Youth Director, and the Golden Angels conducted a series of evangelistic meetings with Pastor Han GhiRoh March 14 to 20, 2010 in Macau. At this time, Silvia attended the meetings and was touched by the messages of Pastor Shin. Then, she requested baptism from the pastor, but she was told to wait for a while so that she might study the Bible and learn the teachings of the church. In fact, she studied the Bible with Pastor Han and other church leaders. After four months, she and her friend, Miss Zoe Tang, who


PMMs & HisHands Ride Korean Wave Together

en HisHands missionaries from the East Central Korean to be baptized, while ten were converted and thirty others T Conference flew to Xindian church in Taiwan to assist interested. One joyful result is the student group organized in evangelistic meetings from July 26 to 31, 2010. Riding the by teenage interests. PMM pastor KiHwang Kim, of Xindian Korean wave, as the popularity of Korean soap operas and church, overjoyed, said “as most church members are in their culture is referred to churches are capitalizing on the popularity 60s, it is a great miracle that we can see teenagers and young of Korean culture among their neighbors. Korean cooking and people in the church”. He also expressed his gratitude to the language classes mornings and evenings attract a variety of HisHands missionaries from Korea for their hard work and people throughout the day. effort in spite of the scorching heat. We expect the HisHands NSD HisHands Coordinator, Pastor SukHee Han introduced Mission Movement to spread across Taiwan, so the church will Jesus and Heavenly culture to about 110 people who attended be filled with new souls. the meetings every day. Following the cooperation of church members and HisHands missionaries three people decided - SukHee Han, NSD HHMM Coordinator

▲ Many interests visit the church. ▲ HisHands missionaries with church members ▲ HisHands missionaries give a special number


Lives Changed in Japan through HisHands

n 2010 we have had as many training seminars for 26, 2009, Yasuko Uechi was baptized by Pastor Ebihara, I evangelism as possible in both the East Japan Conference Okinawa Mission President. She was a relative of a church (EJC) and the West Japan Conference (WJC). EJC has 6 member and three HisHands missionaries in Nambu Church regions and WJC has 4. In every seminar we have appealed to - Pastor Hatsue Kuniyoshi, Tomiko Oshiro, Satoko Togei - our members to join the HisHands Mission Movement. There continued to visit her every week. As she studied the Bible, she were about 300 attendees in total. accepted the Lord as her personal Savior. In Japan there are 138 officially registered missionaries but in Another baptized person, Hideko Oshiro was born again on fact there are several churches which have missionary groups, July 3, 2010. She was an acquaintance of a church member, what we call "HisHands Clubs". So the exact figure of the and when HisHands missionaries visited her, they saw two people who dedicate themselves in this mission is unconfirmed. members of the Jehovah's Witnesses visiting her too. Doggedly This year every time I held a session and met the participants, they continued to visit her and study the Bible together every I felt that they all had passion to dedicate themselves to week. She gradually became vigorous, came to church every evangelism like HisHands. It is a great pleasure for us to see week and was baptized. that about 30 church members decided to register officially as We really realize that the HHMM is the wonderful missionary HHMM missionaries through these seminars. work and may all church members participate in direct mission I praise the Lord for two people who got baptized through the work to hasten the second coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. activities of the HisHands Mission Movement. On December

And This Is What the HHMM Missionaries Say!

I tried changing my way of We have a friend who used to say, “I On May 30 2010, we attended approaching people, by asking, “Do can pray by myself so I don’t need to a seminar for evangelism in you know Fukumasu Kindergarten go to church”. We invited him to our the Hokkaido region. After and San-iku Elementary School?” church many times, but he wouldn’t being encouraged to join the The kindergarten is run by Adventist come. HisHands Mission Movement, we church members nearby and Kofudai One day in July 2009 when we started enjoyed good fellowship with the is the school church of Kofudai San-iku our HisHands Mission, we visited him participants. Then we decided to Elementary School. and gave him a brochure, but actually dedicate ourselves to HHMM. To be honest, I still have concerns we thought it would be no use again. We began our missionary work in about causing trouble because of my But at the beginning of November the third week of June. immaturity as a Christian, when I work when we got in touch with him, he Hakodate Church planned to have as a HisHands missionary. However, began to change his mind and seemed a special lecture on the value of trusting in Him who is always with us, willing to go to church. human life by Dr. Kenji Yamagata of helps us, leads us and defends us in After that we visited him again with Kobe Adventist Hospital at Kameda any circumstances helped me finish our guitar. Then three weeks later, Welfare Center on July 17. We the 2009 HisHands Mission. With my on the third Sabbath of November, he visited as many houses as possible church members I’d like to give glory to dedicated a praise song to God during to invite not only church members God and share the blessing that I could worship on his guitar. but everybody to the lecture. meet 10 persons who welcomed me and accepted my repeated visits. - Junnichi and Maria Suzuki, - Hisako Nishida, Kimiko Fukuda, Yuko Yamada, Keiko Nabeshima, - Junko Komune, Kofudai church Tama-Nagayama Church Hakodate Church

Sep / Oct 2010 • 21 1000 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT MISSION FIRST 34th 1000MM Batch 36th Batch 1000MM Missionary Training - Debriefed upon Hope for Mission in China Return to Korea

issionaries M of the 34th batch of 1000MM attended a debriefing session at Jungang church in Suwon and Ansan English Village on August 13, 2010 after their return from 34th batch missionaries at a debriefing session their mission field. Chinese Missionary Group Ten of the 15 Korean missionaries have arrived back after completing their term. Besides sharing their amazing experiences with church members the gathering served to help them adapt he training session for the 36th batch of to their new surroundings without losing or giving up their new 1000MM missionaries began at the 1000MM identity as missionaries of God. T campus on August 2, 2010. This batch has 97 Deputy Director of the 1000 Missionary Movement, Pastor Shin missionaries: 15 from Korea, 14 from China, 1 from Moo Young, started the meeting with an incentive speech. Pastor India, and 67 from the Philippines. They participate Shin said, "To need and to want are different and God is eager to in missionary training for six weeks and then will be give us something we need rather than what we want. He really sent to mission fields in Asia, Africa, South America wants to give us Himself." and other places. During the meeting, they gathered to pray and meditate on the It was touching that Word of God as a reminder of the time spent in their mission fields Mrs. GabSook Kim, a and to remember how God guided each of them from the time they 46-year-old housewife, decided to be a missionary to this very moment. While meditating also participated in the on the biblical passages of the Passover and the Lord’s Supper, they training as one of the 97 found that their missionary term was not finished and this helped missionaries, most the attendees grow conscious of their duty in Korea and their journey same age as her children. to the heavenly Canaan. Indian Missionary: “I really wanted to serve Please keep the 1000 missionaries all over the world and the 34th Elias Wilson batch missionaries in your prayers.

Korean Missionary Group 22 • News & Views 1000 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT MISSION FIRST 36th Batch 1000MM Missionary Training - 36th Batch 1000MM Hope for Mission in China Missionaries Meet 1,000 People

Chinese Missionary Group 1000MM missionaries conduct evangelistic meeting

6th batch 1000MM missionaries participated in a cottage God before I become old. I will successfully complete meeting from August 16 to 28, 2010. Cottage meetings are my service in spite of any difficulties.” 3 a part of actual evangelism training of the missionaries. This time One of the interesting things this batch is that well- it took place in Alfonso town, a one-hour drive from campus. prepared young people from China applied to be Missionaries practiced the whole process of evangelism which missionaries. Usually, one or two missionaries from they had learned during training. They visited from house-to- China join the movement every batch, but this time, house, met interests, taught the Bible, and helped people make a 14 missionaries volunteered for service. When they decision. They also practiced medical mission by using massage, successfully complete their service after a year and acupuncture, moxibustion, and hydro-therapy in the community. return back to their home, they will be blessings for Moreover, they held a series of evangelistic meetings every the mission work in China. There are still a number evening. As a result, they met 1,000 interests and 100 baptismal of places unreached in China. God is calling Chinese candidates. young people to be his missionaries. If those well- Zhang Wei Fen, missionary from China, said “it was really trained Chinese people spread the gospel all over exciting and joyful to experience evangelism for locals and I China, there will be a great miracle of soul-saving. thank God for giving me such a wonderful opportunity.” We pray for all 36th batch missionaries to be great servants of the Lord.

Philippino Missionary Group Sep / Oct 2010 • 23 TELL THE WORLD ● TELL THE WORLD ● TELL THE WORLD

Mission First

1000 Pioneer Mission HisHands Missionary Movement Mission Movement (PMM) Movement (1000MM) was initiated in 2003. (HHMM) was born in 1992 in association with The PMM sends pastors was initiated in 2008. the Southern Asia-Pacific Division. to plant churches abroad. They leave the HisHands missionaries serve in their local Missionaries work in 39 countries as comfort of home for 6 years, immersing communities and churches for a term of Global Mission Pioneers for one year or themselves in a foreign country and 3 years. They participate in missionary more. Since 1992, 5,203 missionaries culture. The first year abroad is spent activities for 10 hours a month. A total of from 57 countries received training in language study before they begin 1,754 missionaries from Korea (1,340), on our campus. They baptized 51,119 church planting. Currently 43 pastors are Mongolia (204), Taiwan (108) and Japan precious souls as of 2009. working in 10 different countries. (102) have joined this Movement.

Mission Golden Communication Day Angels & Leadership s t a r t e d i n were formed in 2004 Advancement the Division to support PMM Program (CLAP) in 2004 to give staff in our office evangelistic meetings, youth activities, was launched in 2008 as a focused effort participate in direct mission work. It and NSD’s mission-oriented events. to polish up the English language and has been adopted by many of our 119 Every year, 8 dedicated Adventist young leadership skills of our up-coming leaders institutions including conferences, people join this ministry and assist at in the Division. Participants concentrate organizations, and groups within the nearly 30 evangelistic meetings. Thus far on developing their proficiency in four Division since then. 46 musically talented young people have intensive two-week sessions over a period offered their precious 1 year to the Lord of 2 years, with lots of assignments in as singing missionaries. between.

Hot off the press - REad all about what HisHands are up to in our NSD Mission Publication SEries

You have read of the PMM’s and the Congo, now read the testimonies of our HisHands missionaries. The book contains about 70 testimonies of missionaries in 280 pages. A bonus supplement explains the unique characteristics of the HHMM in the NSD, their history, present condition, distribution materials, and pictures of their activities. This is the 7th book in the NSD Mission Publication series. We hope you will enjoy it.

24 • News & Views