Northern Asia-Pacific Division The Most Challenging Field & Newswww.nsdadventist.org ViewsSeptember/October 2010 Baptism in Mongolia after the MMF Campmeeting 2010 Sep / Oct 2010 • 1 - INSPIRATION - To the Ends of the Earth Jairyong Lee, President Northern Asia-Pacific Division Jesus mandated the gospel message There are still many ends of the earth that have not been be preached to the whole world prior reached by missionaries not only in Africa and other continents to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. but also within our NSD territories. Many millions of people (Matt 24:14) We need to deliver the are perishing without hearing the gospel message in Japan, good news of eternal life in Christ to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Mongolia, North Korea the ends of the earth. “But you will and also in South Korea. In Steps to Christ we are told “if receive power when the Holy Spirit the followers of Christ were awake to duty, there would be comes on you; and you will be my thousands where there is one today proclaiming the gospel in witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all heathen lands.” (Steps to Christ, 81) Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). Some of these ends of the earth are also near to us. Many The question is: where is the end of the earth? How far is the people in our cities, towns and villages have not been reached end of the earth? What can and should we do to reach the ends yet by missionaries. Many families who are living in the same of the earth with the gospel message? apartment building with us may not have heard the gospel When we are talking about the ends of the earth from the message yet. In that sense the ends of the earth are around us, missiological point of view, we may think of the remote, both near and far. uncivilized and underdeveloped areas in the world. And The counsel which was true over a century ago remains accordingly, tens of thousands of Christians have been sent to true today, “every follower of Jesus has a work to do as a these areas as missionaries. missionary for Christ, in the family, in the neighborhood, in About a year and a half ago, the NSD sent Pastor and Mrs. the town or city where he lives. All who are consecrated to Jung Hyo Soo and their two children to the Congo in Africa God are channels of light. God makes them instruments of to serve as Pioneer Mission Movement (PMM) missionaries righteousness to communicate to others the light of truth” (2T, for a six year term. They have been working in a remote area 632). deep in the interior of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In “For this is what the Lord has commanded us: "'I have made spite of many mission challenges and inconveniences, they you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to have tried to spread the gospel message to the local people the ends of the earth'" (Acts 13:47). “He said to them, ‘Go into living in remote jungle areas. They are indeed frontier pioneer all the world and preach the good news to all creation’” (Mark missionaries moving forward to the ends of the earth with 16:15). the message of the saving grace of God. They have been Jesus has promised us that He would be with us “to the very marvelously used by God as His missionaries. We need to send end of the age” (Matt 28:20) as we reach out to the ends of the more missionaries to reach every corner of the earth with the earth. Three Angels messages. NSD Mission Statement The mission of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists is to communicate to all peoples in its territory the everlasting gospel of God’s love in the context of the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14:6-12, and as revealed in the life, death, resurrection, and high priestly ministry of Jesus Christ, leading them to accept Jesus as their personal Saviour and Lord and to unite with His remnant church; and to nurture believers as disciples in preparation for His soon return, and to equip and empower them for service. 2 • News & Views Northern Asia-Pacific Division Officers News & Views Jairyong Lee President September / October 2010 Stanley Ng Assistant to the President HongPal Ha Assistant to the President Akeri Suzuki Executive Secretary News & Views is published bi-monthly by the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) Glenn Mitchell Associate Secretary of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Its mission is to share the Kenneth Osborn Treasurer news of mission activities and views of mission of the NSD with the world churches Guimo Sung Associate Treasurer so that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be hastened. DongJin Lyu Associate Treasurer Departmental Directors Contents Kwon JohngHaeng * Adventist Mission, Stewardship 02 Inspiration ▪ To the Ends of the Earth Chek Yat Phoon Education 04 News Focus ▪ Mongolian Mission Field Camp Meeting Sally Lam-Phoon 07 ▪ SDA Education Holds 2010 English Summer Bible Camp Children’s, Family & Women’s Ministries, CLAP 08 ▪ Summer Time is Camp Meeting Time Gerald DuPreez Ministerial Association, ACM 09 Departmental & Regional News Teru Fukui 09 ▪ Ulaanbaatar Adventist Elementary School’s Retreat SS/PM, Publishing 10 ▪ Seeds Sown 20 Years ago Bring Fruit Stanley Ng 11 ▪ Through the Eyes of an Auditor ... Mission Strategy & Research Center 12 ▪ ADRA Korea, Haiti Sign Agreement for Micro Credit Project Glenn Mitchell 13 ▪ NSD Fosters Relationships with US Churches ... PARL 14 ▪ Family Ministries Director Addresses Difficult Topics ... Guimo Sung 15 ▪ Evangelistic Series in Tolgoit Church Trust Services 16 ▪ New Lifestyle Medical Institute at Sahmyook Medical Center Plans NakHyung Kim to be at Forefront of Healthy Living Movement Youth, 1000MM, Golden Angels SukHee Han 17 MISSION FIRST Communications, HHMM 17 Golden Angels ▪ Mission Trip to USA Brian Stepanek 18 PMM ▪ Evangelistic Meeting in Khann Uul Church Information System Services ▪ 20 People Become Heavenly Citizens in Maranatha Church SungSub Song ▪ Maranatha Church Cultivates New Branch The Multiple Uses of Technology - First Baptism Via Skype Media Center ▪ PMMs & HisHands Ride Korean Wave Together Barbara Choi 20 HHMM ▪ ▪ Lives Changed in Japan through HisHands Health Ministries ▪ And This is What the HHMM Missionaries Say! 22 1000MM ▪ 34th 1000MM Batch Debriefed upon Return to Korea ▪ 36th Batch 1000MM Missionary Training ... News & Views ▪ 36th Batch 1000MM Missionaries Meet 1,000 People Staff Editor SukHee Han Assistant Editor JungLim Kim Contributing Editors Daniel Jiao Yutaka Inada For free subscription or news items, DeokHyun Uhm send an e-mail to [email protected] Paul Kotanko [email protected] Chinese Correspondent Silver Ng or Japanese Correspondent Ryoko Suzuki SamHee Plaza 5th Floor, 66 Chuyeop-dong, Ilsan-gu Korean Correspondent JungLim Kim Koyang City, Kyonggi-do 411-370 Republic of Korea Sep / Oct 2010 • Mongolian Mission Field ANNUAL CAMP MEETING Prayers, Bible studies, songs and music, enthusiasm, and commitment to the Lord and spiritual revival were the key points at the Mongolian Camp meeting • News & Views COVER STORY rayers, Bible studies, songs and music, enthusiasm, and commitment to spend quality time with God, pray and P commitment to the Lord and spiritual revival were the study the Bible every day. Interestingly enough after these key points at the Mongolian Camp meeting in Terelj National presentations some came to testify of their quality time with Park, Mongolia August 11-15, 2010. 22 district churches were God praying in the hills behind the Camp site. The appeal for represented with an attendance of 420 church members from consecration and spiritual revival was very much appreciated all provinces in Mongolia. The Terelj location of the Camp by the audience. Meeting offered the traditional Gers for accommodation. The For three evenings Dr. HongPal Ha gave presentations Mission Field also cooperated with tents for the participants. based on the book of Revelation. Topics focused on the 24 Despite three days of rain, strong winds, and hail, the elders, the judgment and the new heaven and new earth, gave enthusiasm and spiritual atmosphere remained high. On the audience a clear picture of how the people of God have Friday noon the brightening of the day projected a relief for nothing to fear as they face the investigative judgment because the Sabbath day. In fact, Friday evening and Sabbath the rain of Jesus grace and righteousness in behalf of believers. With stopped for two mayor events: the ordination to the gospel passion he suggested to be ready for the experience of eternal ministry and a baptism. life based on the promises of Jesus on his coming again During Thursday and Friday morning, people gathered when no more death, pain, sickness and suffering will be on together to listen to pastor Miguel Luna's devotional messages. God’s redeemed people. He invited the people to be ready On Thursday the topic was Jesus the Model Prayer Warrior that for the blessed hope of the appearing of Jesus in Glory and shows Jesus practice of prayer early in the mornings, evenings, majesty, when He will rescue His people and inaugurate the and throughout the whole night. He suggested that Jesus beginning of the new heavens and new earth. often prayed in natural settings like a mountain side. After his After a devotional time on Thursday and Friday, church presentation, Luna made an appeal for a full commitment to members participated in seminars such as cell church follow Jesus’ example in constant prayer. On Friday morning growth and leadership, successful dating, parenting, money he shared the message on how participants may have a daily management, choir, children’s program, and foot massage time with God through prayer, reading the Bible, meditation, training.
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