A S A M 1 O «F WO i■W' f H (WT A TL I f t l R A T O B B


T H E D E M O N B R I D E . about 20 men lying immovable on the flat of tied to splash and plunge, nnd blow, nnd make CHOOSING A HUSBAND. l.u t us now lorn to Isabel. Bail as rep.ort T H E M U S E . . ------1 their stomachs in solemn silence anil with her circular course, varying me along with her made her husband it did not tell half tlio i l ’ oetry is the silver setting of golden thought, “ >nta Bena, the \c iv Orleans correspondent of their heads buried in blankets. Presently they ns if I wits a fly nil her tail. Finding Iter tail The following story undertakes to it,form the j truth. Stanley now spent tlirp.e-fuurtbs of the Concordia( oneortlin IntclIntcll.cen 1 igeaeer,eer. hiin Ids his last,last letter.lcttci rniged ,|len)gl.|vcg ,,,, on n,| rnlirg gave me Imt a poor hold, as the only means o f girls nbout soniellting we presume they under-| |,is :j,ne in the city, anil during the other copies the report which appeared in the Ti ne securing my prey, I took out my knife, and stand in all its pros and nnu,—its d ifliru liit fourth, when he was at home, was morose to Delta, of the case of n man who Was nttcinptcd mninetl with their bodies halanecd in mill nir ntul emharassinents, full ns well ns our good Death of the Flowers. line lank grasshoppers. These two positions cutting two deep pnrnllel incisions through the j the last t’-'gree. lie rarely went out in tho BY BRYANT. to he murdered pome nights since, in the neigh­ ln.iried story teller. village, hut re.nnined shut up in his house, borhood of Annunciation square, by pouring were alternated several times, till I was tired skin from the flesh, so that I could get in my : The melancholy dnys are come, Inoultcli led into his ear, ami says: of gazing anil went away; hut on I lie following tw o hands, I made use o f this as a handle:— , ‘ Anil so M a ry Hinton is engaged to he m ar­ whi te his chief utuusement consisted in d rin k­ The saddest of the year, evening I returned mid found all silting in two aud after some desperate hard w o rk, som e-' rte tl?' ing brandy to intoxication. Every day, long O f walling winds and nailed woods, This reminds me of a singular incident that rows, ets-ff-oit, chanting a psalm to a melan­ times pushing and sometimes pulling, the sen- j T h e speaker would have been very lovely, before before nightfall, lie became inehrialed. And meadows brown and sere, occurred within my own knowledge, some choly hut by no means unmelodious tunc. I cotv continuing her circular course all the if a somewhat scornful expression hail not .Sometimes, ill his drunken fits, he would heat Heaped in the hollows of the grove, listened in pleased attention until the psalm ■ time and I holding cm at her rump like grim marred her beauty. She was about nineteen, his wife, the otiee haughty anil beautiful Isa­ The withered leaves lie dead, years ago, in Virginia. Col. T. n gentlemnu of great respectability, nnd frequently high was over,being curious to sen what they would | Death; eventually I succeeded in bringing nnd attired in tho costliest style. H er remark bel; and she, ton proud to confess her slmmo They rustle to the eddying gust, do next; anti Io ! after a b rie f pause, down went ' this gigantic and most pow erful m ihm il to the wns addressed to a young lady about her own I to the wot Id, was compelled to endure (his Anti to the tahhil’s tread ; sherifT and representative of the county, died, . . every man-jack o f them on the flat o f his hel- J hank. Here the Bushman quickly brought me i age, on whom slto was m aking a morning cull, ill-treatm ent in silence. The robin and the wren are flown, leaving a wife anil sovernl children, among RVnr>' man-jnek of tlieut on the flat of his hel- I bank Anil from the shrub the jay, them a very beautiful daughter about fifteen ly, diving his head into the hlnnket,blanket, andmid in In a stoutsto huffido from toy horse’s n e c k ,‘Whom to?’ said Iter friend. ' , Karin after farm, continued to melt away. Ami from the wood-top cails the crow, years o f age. T h e w illo w , finding herself | BBs hentifie predicament I left them to their i which I passed through the opening in the j ‘ O h ! to some nobody, ns m ight have been Every lu ll, when Stan'ey went to the city, ho Through all the gloomy day. embarrassed, opened a hoarding house nt the .b n n n meditations. Alnny other queer sights j thick skin, and moored Beiieiuoth to a tree.— expected. H is name is Janies Brown. H o r- carried the price o f many a broad neree with unity site, and among Iter hoarders was a i d'd I see nt the Onjeili fair that I would not I then took tny rifle, anil sent a hall through | rihly plebeian, is it not? And, worse than all'hint; every summer, when lie returned, he Where arc the flowers, the fair young flowers M■■ r. AV,, a wealthy •’ m erchant, over forty ■ years have missed for a great deal, hut I have al-1 the centre of her head, aud she wns numbered ho is a mechanic.’ ! enme batik w ith empty , cursing his That lately sprung anil stood hut a very fine looking man. This gentleman j ready exceeded all reasonable hounds of lo­ w ith the dead I don’t see Hint his business is a very sc- I ill hick. At last nothing was left hut the old In brightet light and softer airs, was. lltu prop aud stay of the fam ily; gave cm- ! quacity.” riotts objection, provided it furnishes him n 1 mansion in the village, and a solitary hit of A beauteous sisterhood! ployment to the sons,educated the daughter at T H E W IDOW . sufficient income. The great point in a bus-1 meadow land on the margin of the river. Anti Alas! they arc all in their graves, a “ lashionahlo academy,” anil, very nnttiral- | INTERESTING FACTS IN CHEMISTRY- hand, I should think, would lie moral habits now poverty, io its most grinding slinpc, fell The gentle enre of flowers, The widow ill a dangerous thing, industry, and tastes suitable to your own. As 1 upon Isabel. Her husband wns nwny, anti Anil laying in their lowly bed, ly, on Iter return, fell desperately ill lovo with , . . . , , , . , her when he should have preferred tho m oth- T1"'