M!'SS! J Try Pots, Pic Nic Baskets, No Do Dat, So It No Vunder Be Git Torso." 11 AC LL
" " ' " " - - , .... HONOLULU, H. I., III MAY 5, 1855. No. 5-- 2 FOX.7NSSIAN BUSINESS CARDS. - BUSINESS. CARDS. GENERAL safes, t- PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT HO.VOLULIT, OAHl, B. I. MERCHANDISE. vaults, tronka not otherwise provided (or, vin Sc. egr, wax, sperm, Hack-fis- h EDWIN O. HALL, EDITOR. WHOLESALE RETAIL. fJnlnnesian. whale, seal, porpoise and BANS OF oil, neatsfoot and cocoanut oils, marblies;--lead- , ' I TerMb r - WILLIAM BOW DEN, Be F. s our lead-pip- e, lines, nets, grind stones, grasw, hr.pt 6 0 PAGE, BACON m SALE ita large assortment of Od copy bbbbbj, ia advaaea, Ship Broker and General Agent? 3 & CO., - ttri.na rOR HEW AOT. live stock not otherwise Pr BKMUbn, .3 50 a- TARIFF enumerated; slate, milder, cup; ix " tf--2 Merchandise, comprising in part the folio wine sand-pape- r, Oa. - w es c llleaalala. Fart Si. 1 . - The following ia the new tariff act passed by spy-glass- and wk.-ry- 3igle eopia., 12J HONOLULU. nusea articles : telesTcfpes Drafts all kinds, Orleans, Alpacca, Alepine, BaK .Hate af Adrertiaia. , , FELDIIEIM & CO., bought on the principal cities of the TJni - DRY GOODS. the House of Representatives on the 28U ult. and bnn Importers ted States England, Cases colors zorine, manufacture of worsted ot Oaqire, (Nltlaes) im insert io, $1 CO. and Commission Merchants, and also stent Exchanfr- - txr ass'd prints, do figured do, on the 3d May by the House of Nobles: or Cashmere, or each eoatiauance, 45 Qarea at.. Haaalala. Oaha, S. I. 25-t- f sale in suras to suit. Do orange striped do, do jaconet muslin, which they shall be a component cart, not Hitf " (3liBerlaa) nratiaaertioB,,.....,.,, 50 Wr.
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