General Latin-English Vocabulary
GENERAL LATIN-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. NOTlll. -Of the twelve hundred words In thIs Vocabulary, only about two-thirds are em. ployed In the Lessons of the hody of the hook (see Preface). The remainder oeeur In the Second Book of Caesar. Regular verbs of the first conjugation are Indicated by the numeral! following the present indicative. A aetts A., abbreviation for Aulus, .Aulus. adeo, ire, ii, itiirus, go to, fJisit, i, ab, prep. w. abl., from; by. approach. abdb, ere, dim, dltus, hide. adigo, ere, egi, ictus, hurl, drive. abeo, ire, ii, itiirus, go away; pass. aditus, iis, m., approach, access. absum, esse, ifui, ifutiirus, be ab- adjuvo, ire, jiivI, jiitus, help. sent, be distant (§ 252). adminisbro, 1, perform, execute, ae (atque), and, and also; than; cal'I'Y out. ac is not used before vowels. admodum, quite, very much. accedo, ere, cessi, cessiirus, draw admoneo, ere, ui, itus, remind, neal', approach; be added to. wal·n. accido, ere, im, happen. adolesco, ere, levi, gl'ow tip. aecipio, ere, epi, eptus, receive. adorior, iri, ortus sum, attack. acclivis, e, sloping. adsum, adesse, adfui, adfutiirus, acclivitis, itis, f., ascent, slope, be present, be at hand (§ 252). rise. Aduatuci, orum, m, pl., the ..Aduat- aeeommodb, 1, adjust. uci, a. Belgian tribe. aecurro, ere, cucurri, cursum, run adulescens, centis, m., young man. to, run tip; hasten. advenio, ire, veni, ventum, arrifJe. acciiso, 1, accuse. adventus, iis, m., arrival. icer, icris, icre, sharp, fJigorous, adversirius, ii, m., ad"ersary. keen, severe. adversum, adversus, prep. w. aco., aeervus, i, m., heap, pile. against. acies, ei, f., line of battle.
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