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Author: Pellegrino, F. Title: The urbanization of the North-Western provinces of the : a juridical and functional approach to town life in , Germania inferior and Britain Issue Date: 2018-10-17



INSCRIPTION INSCRIPTION MENTIONING CIVITAS MENTIONING INSCRIPTION MENTIONING ‘COLONIA’ ‘CIVITAS ‘MUNICIPIUM’ ’ Carcassone Tolosa CIL XII 5674 (mil 317-337) C T Narbo CIL XII 4355 (IV AD) civitati CIL XII 4333 (AD 11 ) c(olonia) I(uliae) P(aternae) N(arbonis) M(arti) Baeterrae ILGN 558 (under ); AE 2006, 795=CIL XII, 2930. Luteva: solo un'epigrafe trovata a CIL XII 4247 C CLAUD LUTEVA (Possibly Claudian times) Baeterrae Nimes CIL XII 5624? C(ivitas or colonia) N (293- ILGN 417 (BC 13-12) COL AUG NEM 305AD) Arelate AE 1952, 107 (337-340AD) CIL XII 694 (I AD) Aquae Sextiae CIL XII 408 (second half I AD) Massilia Forum Iulii CIL V 7907 (Commodus) CIL XII 261 (I AD - Hadrian) Antipolis Dinia, Da quando f parte delle alpi AE 1961, 156 (Commodus) AE 1961, 156 (Commodus) CIL XII 6037 (I AD) marittime vedi ILN-Dugn,3 Sogiontii CIL XII 1871 (II AD) Apollinaris Reiorum (Riez) CIL XII 360 (I AD) Apta CIL XII 1116 (I-II AD) Cabellio Avennio CIL XII 1120 (Hadrian – end II AD) Arausio CIL VI 1549 (second half II AD) Piganiol S. 128 fig. (Augustus) CIL XIII 1913 (III-IV AD) AE 1962, 143 (from Vespasian to end II AD) (Vaison, Luc-en Dios, Die) CIL XII 1567 (245 AD) Alba CIL XII 1567 (245 AD) Valentia CIL XII 1567 CIL XII 1755 (III AD)? possibly C(ivitas) VA(lentina) Vienne CIL XIII 2453 (III AD) CIL XIII 1668 II, 9 () 279


PTOLEMY'S INSCRIPTION PTOLEMY'S INSCRIPTIONS CIVITATES TRIBES INSCRIPTION MENTIONING ‘CIVITAS’ MENTIONING CITIES (πόλις) (OTHER) (5ἔθνη) ‘COLONIA’ Arvernes Averni Augustonemetum CIL XVII 341 (mil., 244-249), 343 (mil. 121), 351 (mil. 275), 353 (mil. 262- 267) Ausci Ausci Augusta Bituriges Biturbici Cubi CIL XIII 1378, 1379, 1380 RIB 678 (York): Cubes M(arcus) Verec(undinus) Diogenes sevir col(oniae) Ebor(acensis) idem qu[uinq(uennalis) et] cives Biturix Cubus. Bituriges Biturgines Noviomagus CIL XIII 566 = ILS 7038 AE 2008 892 - res Vivisque Vibixci Burdigala p(ublica) b(iturgum) v(iviscorum) Cadurci Dueona Convenes Convenae Lugdunum colonia CIL XIII 254, 255 (also colonia), CIL XVII 308 (mil. 260-269) ILTG 59 and 76-78 (impendio c[ Elusates Dati Tasta CIL XIII 563 (also colonia) CIL XIII 546 (II-II AD) Gabales Anderetum CIL XIII 1571, CIL XVIII 333 (mil. 260-269) and 334 (mil. 267 or 268) Lactorates CIL XIII 511 Lemovices Augustoritum CIL XIII 1803, CIL XVII 354-357 (mil. 243-260), 365 (twice, mil. 271-274) Nitionbriges Aginnum CIL XVII 370 (mil. 293-305) Petrucores Petrocori Vesuna CIL XIII 971, 11040 (?), CIL XVII 369 (C P L = libera) (mil 276) Pictons Ratiatum CIL XIII 1114, 1129, CIL XVII 432 (mil. 271-274) and 433 (mil 276), 440, Limonum 442 (?) (mil. 286-293?) Rutenes RutanI Segodunum CIL XVII 337 (mil., undated, doubtful), 338 (mil. 324-337) Santones Santones Mediolanum Tarbeli Tarbeli Aquae Augustae Vassari Vassari Cossium Vellaves Velauni Ruessium CIL XIII 1576 (end II- beginning III), 1591 (civitas V. libera, 249-250 AD), CIL XIII 1577 (Julio- 1592, 1614 (also colonia, 238-244 AD), CIL XVII 319 (mil. 275), 320 (mil. Claudian) 222-235), 320 (mil. 222-235), 324 (mil.. 244-247), 329 (mil. 251-253), 330 (mil. 244-247), 331 (mil. 260-268)


PTOLEMY'S PTOLEMY' INSCRIPTION INSCRIPTIONS CIVITATES TRIBES S CITIES INSCRIPTION MENTIONING ‘CIVITAS’ MENTIONING (OTHER) (5ἔθνη) (πόλις) ‘COLONIA’ Atribati Atribati Metacum Bellovici Bellovici Caesaromagus RIB III 3014 c(iis) Bell(ovacus) (cfr. CIL XIII 611 Bordeaux civ(is) Bel(lovaci) Leuques Tullium CIL XVII 534 (mil. 317-326), 535 (mil. 317-337) Nasium Mediomatriques Mediomatrices Dividurum CIL XIII 4290, 4291 (also colonia), XVII 517 (mil. 97), 536 (mil. 213), 537 CIL XIII 11359 (doubtful, (mil. 117-138), 538 (mil. 269) also civitas) Menapi Menapi Castellum Morins Tarvanna CIL XIII 3560 cf. CIL XI 391, CIL XI 391 (also colonia) CIL XIII 8727 (IIvir colon. Morinorum, also civitas, II AD) Nerviens Nervi Begacum CIL XIII 3571, 3573, Remes Durocotturum CIL X 1705 (foederata), CIL XII 1855 (foederata espilicitata), CIL XII 1869 (foederata, fragmented), CIL XII 1870 (foederata), CIL XII 2613, CIL XIII 3255, CIL XVII 509 (mil. 269-270) Silvanectes ILTG 357 Suession Vessenose Augusta CIL XII 3528 Vessonum Tongres Atuatucum CIL XIII 3599 Trevires Augusta CIL XIII 1911, 3693, 3694, 6800, 11179, AE 1968 321, F322 (also colonia) F 17, S-H 84 (= AE 1968 Treverorum 321, civitas, colonia Treverorum AD I ) and mil. CIL XVII 543 (121), 544 (100), 561 (139), 552 (121), 553 (139) Viromandues Viromandues Augusta Viromandues




Abrincatui Anbrincatui Ingena Ambarres Andicavae Andicavae Iuliomagus Arvi Arvi Vagoritum Aulircii Diablitae Aulircii Noeodunum Diablitae Aulirei Cenomani Aulirei Vindinum Cenomani Aulerques Aulirci Eburaici Mediolanium CIL XIII 1390 Biducasi Viducasses Biducasi Aregenua CIL XIII 3076, 3077 (libera) CIL XIII 3162 = ILTG 341 = AE 1949 136-137 (AD 238) Calatae Calatae Iuliobana Carnutae Carnutae Autricum e Cenabum RIB 149 (Bath) cives Car[nu]tenus CIL XVII 419 (mil. 293-305), 423 (mil. 269-270) Eduens Augustodurum, CIL XIII 25658, 2924 (perhaps misinterpreted in CIL) Cabyllinum, Lugdunum metropolis Lexubi Lexubi Neomagus Meldes Meldae Latinum CIL XIII 2924 (perhaps misinterpreted in CIL) Nanmetes Namnetae Condivincum CIL XVII 387 (mil. 269-270), 391 (?) (undated and doubtful: C N O) Osismi Osismi Vorganium Parisi Lucotecia CIL XIII 2924 (perhaps misinterpreted in CIL), 3034, CIL XVII 494 (mil. 305-309) Riedons Condate AE 1969-70 405, CIL XVII 424 (mil. 273-274), 463 (mil. 261-269), 467 (mil. 269-270), 469?, 270? (both undated, doubtful and very fragmented), 471 (mil. 237), 472 (mil. 237), 473 (mil. 269-270), 474 (mil. 269-270), 476 and 477 (both undated, doubtful) Segusiaves Segusiavi Rhodumna e Forum CIL XIII 1629 (?), 1632 civitat Segusiav., 1645 (Iad), 1646, 1712 (also CIL XVII 346 Segusianorum colonia) (mil. 98-117, also civitas) Samnites Samnites

Senoni Agendicum CIL CIL XIII 2924, 2926, 2942, 2949 = ILS 7049 (colonia) CIL XIII 1684 (found in Lyon, also civitas) Tricasses Tricasi Augustobona AE 1953 56, CIL XIII 2924 (perhaps misinterpreted in CIL), 2957 Turons Caesarondunum CIL XIII 3076, 3077 (libera) Vadicasi Vadicasi Neomagus Veneliocasi Ratomagus Venelli Crociatonnum Veneti Darioritum Viducasses CIL XIII 3166, 3162 = ILTG 341 = AE 1949 136-137 (civitate CIL XIII 341 = Vinducassium, libera, also colonia). RIB III 3195 (York) domo [civitate] AE 1949 136-137 Veliocas(s)ium (also civitas)




Alpes Maritimae Cemenelum Nice (Cimiez) AE 1965, 193 (II AD at the latest) CIL V 7905 (II AD) Vintium CIL XII 9 (239 AD) Brigantio Salinae CIL XII 66 (late I AD - beginning II AD) Sanitum Alpes Cottiae Chorges CIL V 7231 (9-8 BC); CIL XII 78 (Diocletian) Eburodunum CIL V 7259 Brigantio Segusini CIL V 7235 (II AD) CIL V 7231 (9-8 BC); CIL V 7247 (III AD) Alpes Graiae et Poeninae Vallenses () Cularo


PTOLEMY'S PTOLEMY'S CIVITATES TRIBES INSCRIPTION MENTIONING ‘CIVITAS’ INSCRIPTIONS (OTHER) CITIES (POLEIS) (5ἔθνη) Tungri Atuatuca CIL XIII 3599=ILB 21 c(ivitas) T(ungrorum), AE 1994 A279 (second half II AD) mun(icipium) Tungr(orum); AE uncertain dating; CIL III 14416=ILS 7178? (III AD) 1962 183 (M.Aurelio) regio Tungrorum AE 1962 183. buleuta civitat(is) Tungrorum? Batavi Batavodurum CIL XIII 8771 (first half I AD) civitas Batavorum AE 1959 10 = N-L 261 (150-250 AD) m(unicipium Bat(avorum); AE 1975 630 (150-250) m(unicipium) B(atavorum); AE 1975 646 (227AD) m(unicipium) B(atavorum) ; AE 1962 183 (M. Aurelio) regio Batavorum; CIL XIII 8771 (first half Iad) summus magistratus civitatis Batavorum Cannanefates Canninefates AE 2003, 1232 ab civitate leug(ae) CIL XIII 9165 = XVII 588 M(unicipium) Ae(lium) or A(urelium) and C(anninefatium); AE 1994 1286 mun(icipium); AE 2003 1229: a m(unicipio) A(elio) C(ananefatium). (151 AD). Frisioni Frisiavones AE 1962 183 (M.Aurelius) regio Frisiavonum

C.C.A. AE 1984, 0661 c(oloniae) C(laudiae) A(rae) A(grippinensium); AE 1974, Agrippinensium 0459; AE 1968, 0396 = CIL XVII, 02, 00560; AE 1967, 0341b; AE 1958, 0012; AE 1935, 0102; AE 1907, 0101; AE 1928, 0091; AE 1931, 0018; AE 1931, 0019; AE 1931, 0031 = CIL XVII, 02, 00559; AE 1930, 0019; AE 1925, 0079 = AE 1994, 1266; AE 1923, 0106 = AE 1994, 1269; AE 1994, 1265; AE 1994, 1267; AE 1994, 1268; AE 1994, 1304; AE 2004, 0981; AE 2012, 0976; CIL XIII, 09154; CIL XIII, 08261; CIL XIII, 08333; CIL XIII, 08602; B. Galsterer - H. Galsterer, Die römischen Steininschriften aus Köln, IKöln (2. Aufl.) (Mainz 2010) 192-193, Nr. 215. Castra Vetera AE 1959, 0009 C(oloniae) U(lpiae) T(raianae)




CIVITATES DECURIONES DUUMVIRS IIIIVIRI AEDILES QUAESTORES Carcassone Tolosa (1) CIL XII 5387 (1) CIL XII 5387 Narbo (2) CIL XII 4402; CIL (9) CIL XII 4389 = CIL I 2282; CIL XII 4396; (12) CIL XII 4379 = AE (2) CIL XII 4426 XII 4418 ILNG 634; CIL XII 4426 =AE 1998 932 ; CIL 2000 915; CIL XII 4387; = AE 1998 932; XII 4401; CIL XII 4432; CIL XII 5964; CIL XIII CIL XII 4389; CIL XII CIL XIII 969 969; AE 1951, 62 4396; CIL XII 4420; CIL XII 4423; CIL XII 4417; CIL XII 969; CIL XII 4401; ILN 631; CIL XII 4363, CIL XIII 4363 Baeterrae (5) CIL XII 4238; CIL XII 4232; CIL XII 4247 (2) CIL XII 4238; ILGN (3) CIL XII 4238; (=AE 1977, 532); CIL XII 4250; CIL XII 4251; 559= AE 1999 1034 CIL XII 4232; CIL XII 4247 Luteva (1) CIL XII 4247 Nimes (16) CIL XII 3267; CIL (26) CIL XII 3175; ILGN 421; CIL XII (19) CIL XII 3193; CIL (13) CIL XII XII 3191; CIL XII 3210; CIL XII 3212-13; CIL XII 3214; XII 3195 = ILGN 426; CIL 4104; CIL XII 3200; CIL XII 3221; CIL XII 3215; ILGN 521 bis = AE 1031; XII 3196; CIL XII 3196; 3206; CIL XII CIL XII 3245; CIL XII CIL XII 4071; CIL XII 3166; CIL XII CIL XII 3217 ; CIL XII 3094; CIL XII 3249; CIL XII 4068; 3222; CIL XII 3232; CIL XII 3180 = AE 3227; CIL XII 3228; CIL 5902; CIL XII ILGN 431; CIL XII 2005 1005; CIL XII 3235; CIL XII XII 3239; CIL XII 3257; 3263; CIL XII 3288; CIL XII 3291; 3247; CIL XII 3252; CIL XII 3179; CIL CIL XII 3261; CIL XII 3265; CIL XII ILGN 423; ILGN 424; XII 3233; CIL XII 3274; CIL XII 3184; 5891; CIL XII 3273; CIL 3267; CIL XII CIL XII 3203; CIL XII CIL XII 2794; CIL XII 3295; CIL XII XII 3282; CIL XII 3292; 3272; ILGN 425; 4081; CIL XII 3253; 3296, CIL XII 2774; CIL XII 3300; CIL AE 1955,107; CIL XII CIL XII 3283; CIL XII 3219. XII 3301; AE 1969-1970, 376; 2808; CIL XII 4190; CIL CIL XII 3285; XII 4190 CIL XII 3299; AE 1982, 686 Arelate (2) CIL XII 701; AE (9) CIL XII 692; CIL XII 698; CIL XII 696; CIL (4) CIL XII 696; CIL XII 2002, 921 XII 697; CIL XII 701; Benoit S. 109; AE 1954, 710; CIL XII 711; AE 104 = ILGN 109; CIL XII 712; AE 2002, 922 1988, 859 Aquae Sextiae (2) CIL XII 525; CIL (1) CIL XII 516 (4) CIL XII 522; CIL XII (1) CIL XII 525 XII 522 525; CIL XII 4363; CIL 287 XII 529 Massilia (1) CIL XII 407 (1) CIL V 7914 (1) CIL V 7914

288 Forum Iulii (3) CIL X 4848 = ILS, 2688; CIL V 7907= (1) CIL XIII 351 ILS,6759); CIL XII 261 = ILN Frejus, 19 Antipolis (2) CIL XII 179; CIL (2) CIL XII 175 = ILN-ANTIBES, 12; CIL XII (1) ILN-ANTIBES, 11 XII 179 179 Dinia (1) AE 1961, 156 (1) CIL XII 6037a Sogiontii (1) CIL XII 1871 Apollinaris (2) CIL XII 3200; CIL (2) CIL XII 367; CIL XII 983 Reiorum XII 3291 Apta (4) CIL XII 1114; CIL XII 1116; CIL (1) CIL XII 707 XII 1119; CIL XII 1120 Cabellio (5) CIL XII 1051; CIL XII 1050; CIL XII 1051; CIL XII 1051; CIL XII 1051 Avennio (1) CIL XII 1029 Arausio (3) AE 1940, 139= CIL XIII 1237; CIL XII (1) CIL XII 1235 1236; CIL XII 1237 Tricastini Vocontii (3) CIL XIII 1835; CIL (4) CIL XII 1375 (=ILGN, (Vaison, Luc- XII 2420; CIL XII 1589 208); CIL XII 1514; CIL en Dios, Die) XII 1579; CIL XII 1564; Alba (2) CIL XII 2675; CIL XII 2676 Valentia (1) CIL XII 1752 (2) AE 1986, 475; AE 1976, 393 Vienne (9) CIL XII 2453; CIL (32) ILGN 348; AE 1935, 5, CIL XIII, 1918; AE (9) CIL XII 2600; AE 1926,2; CIL XII (9) CIL XII 1877; CIL XII (9) AE 1934,168; XII 5864; CIL XII 1961, 160; CIL XII 1902; CIL XII 1906; CIL XII 2430; CIL XII 1882-89; ILN 267; CIL 2215; CIL XII 1867; CIL CIL XII 5864a, 2240; CIL XII 5864b; 2207-2208; CIL XII 2238; CIL XII 2324; CIL XII 2393; CIL XII 1872; CIL XII 1882- XII 1821; CIL XII 2245; CIL XII 5864b; CIL XII 2243; CIL XII XII 2327 = ILS, 6995; CIL XII 2337; CIL XII 89; ILN 267 CIL XII 1895; CIL XII CIL XII 2245; 3238; CIL XII 1896; 2346; CIL XII 2350; CIL XII 2606-07; CIL XII 1882-89; ILN 267; CIL CIL XII 1891; CIL XII 2246; CIL XII 1783; CIL XII 1867; CIL XII 1868; CIL XII XII 1875 CIL XII 1892; 2391-92; 1869-70; CIL XII 1877; CIL XII 1897; CIL XII CIL XII 1783; 1901, CIL XII 1903; CIL XII 2192; CIL XII CIL XII 1903; 2249; CIL XII 2333 CIL XII 2334; ; CIL XII CIL XII 1876 2349; CIL XII 2537; CIL XII 2583; CIL XII 2608; CIL XII 2613; CIL XII 2615.


CIVITATES DECURIONES DUUMVIRS IIIIVIRI AEDILES QUAESTORES Arvernes Ausci (1) CIL XIII 446 Bituriges Cubes (4) CIL XIII 1197; CIL XIII 1376; CIL XIII 1377; CIL XIII 11151 Bituriges Vivisque (1) CIL XIII 604 Cadurci Convenes (1) ILTG 76-80 Elusates (1) CIL XIII 548 (1) CIL XIII 548 Gabales Lactorates Lemovices (2) ILTG 174, ILTG 174 Nitiobroges (1) CIL XIII 916 = ILA Nitiobroges 17 Petrucores (2) CIL XIII 966; CIL XIII 968 Pictons Rutenes Santones (1) CIL XIII 100008 (1) ILA santons 20 Tarbelli (1) CIL XIII 412 (1) CIL XIII 412 Vassari Vellaves (1) CIL XIII 1577 = ILA Vellaves 25



CIVITATES DECURIONES DUUMVIRS IIIIVIRI AEDILES QUAESTORES Ambiens (1) AE 1978 501 = 1982 716 Atribati Bellovici Leuques Mediomatriques (1) CIL XIII 4291 Menapi Morins (1) CIL XIII 8727 Nerviens (1) ILBelg Sec 180 IIvir (1) CIL XIII 3573 Remes Silvanectes Suession Tongres (1) ILB 60 Trevires (2) CIL XIII 3693; CIL XIII 4030 = AE 1973 361 (2) AE 1968 321 = 1976 505; CIL XIII 7555a = ILS 7075 Viromandues


CIVITATES DECURIONES DUUMVIRS IIIIVIRI AEDILES QUAESTORES Andicavae Arvi Aulircii Diablitae Aulirei Cenomani Aulerques Eburovices (1) CIL XIII 1390 Biducasi Viducasses Calatae Carnutae (1) CIL XI 716 Coriosolites Eduens (2) CIL XIII 2585; CIL XIII 2670 (1) CIL XIII 2585 Lexubi Meldes Nanmetes Osismi Parisii Riedons (1) AE 1969-70 405 Segusiaves (1) CIL XIII 1632 Samnites Senoni (1) CIL 2949 Tricasses Turons Vadicasi Veliocasses Venelli Veneti Viducasses (2) CIL XIII 3162 = ILTG 341 = AE 2008 909; CIL XIII 3166



CIVITATES DECURIONES DUUMVIRS IIIIVIRI AEDILES QUAESTORES Cemenelum Nice (Cimiez) (4) AE 1967,281; CIL V (6) CIL V 7905; CIL V 7912; CIL V 7913; CIL V 7915; AE (2) ILN 6; CIL V 7913; CIL V 7915. CIL V 1953, 191; ILN 6 7919 7903 Vintium (2) CIL XII 18; CIL XII 20 (3) CIL XII 18; ILN 1; ILN 1; Brigantio (1) CIL XII 59 Salinae (3) CIL V 7907; CIL XII 66; CIL XII 66 Sanitum (1) CIL XII 3288 Chorges Eburodunum (5) CIL XII 81; CIL XII 81; (4) CIL XII 81; CIL V 7259; CIL 82; CIL XII 84 CIL V 7259; CIL XII 82; CIL XII 84 Brigantio (1) CIL XII 95 Segusini (3) CIL V 7236; CIL V 7260; (2) CIL V 7236; CIL V 7260; CIL V 7233 CIL V 7233 Vallenses (Martigny) (4) AE 1961, 294; CIL XII 140; CIL XII 151; AE 1879, 3 Nantuates Cularo


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Frida Pellegrino was born in Tione di Trento, Italy, on 12 November 1985. She graduated with honours in 2008, after completing a BA course in Archaeology at the University of Padua. She then enrolled in the MA course at the University of Padua and spent a year abroad, studying at Southampton University (UK), with the Erasmus project. She graduated summa cum laude in 2011, specializing in Roman archaeology. Over the years, she has participated in numerous archaeological field projects in different countries, including Italy, Tunisia, Greece, and Britain. Her geographic focus is on the Roman West and her interests include settlement patterns, urbanism and architecture, numismatics, and computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology.

Email: [email protected]