6 X 10.5 Long Title.P65
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-64977-3 - Italian Film Marcia Landy Index More information Index Note: Works are listed by both title and author (e.g., director). Bold pages indicate illustrations. Accattone (Pasolini), 153, 175–8, 177 Lamerica (Amelio), 377 landscape in, 175, 176 Americanism, 19, 182–4, 194, 200, 289, 311, language in, 172, 188 351, 360 music in, 175 and geography, 182, 186 Acciaio (Steel) (Ruttmann), 14, 28 Hollywood and, 116, 185, 242, 252, 268, Adami, Giuseppe, 53, 273 284 Il carnevale di Venezia (with Gentilomo), television and, 362, 366 138, 273–5 Andrea Doria (ship), 232 Adamson, Walter, 52 Andreotti, Giulio, 325 adventure films, 16, 52, 185, 324; see also “anni di piombo” (“leaden years”), 237 genre films Antonioni, Michelangelo, 15–16, 18, 167, 181, advertising, 161, 237, 261, 265, 368 218, 253, 300, 331, 355–6, 360, 362, 375 Africa, 5, 12, 178, 188, 311, 342 landscape in, 296, 352–3, 299–300 Agnese Visconti (Pastrone), 32 neorealism and, 296 Aimée, Anouk, 227, 334 L’avventura, 296–300, 297 Alberini, Filoteo, 3, 23, 24 Cronaca di un amore, 218 La presa di Roma, 4, 23 Deserto rosso, 253, 297, 305, 352–3 Umberto e Margherita di Savoia a passeg- L’eclisse, 362 gio per il parco, 3, 23 Gente del Po, 352 L’albero degli zoccoli (The Tree of Wooden Il grido, 296 Clogs) (Olmi), 153, 161–4, 163, 217, 366 La notte, 297 education in, 163 Apicella, Michele, see Moretti, Nanni opera/operatic in, 164 Argento, Dario, Profondo rosso, 357–9 Albertini, Alberto, 42 Ariès, Philippe, 234 Aldrich, Robert, 187 Ariosto, Lodovico, 27
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