Richian 1987
-- -- .... - .. - 11 --111111111 • .. IIIUII--- .. ~.-. ~ -- EDITORS' REPORT THE RICHIAN ••• as a Wth the arrival of this 'new look' ' magazine, we have seen a very differ ent approach to editing with the lively good z and argumentitive board of editors, trying desperately to decide before re ..A<-d ' <( the end of term, how big the new publication should be, if the paper - should be glossy and whether the I whole magazine sho uld be written in italics or not. When the diverse opin proved invaluable. At the risk of steal () ions and attitudes of the editors, these ing another cliche, all the editors wish decisions have been in no means him a long and enjoyable retirement. easy. However, with the completion The Physics department will undoub - tedly feel the irreplaceable loss with of the magazine, we hope that we a: have taken a step in the right direction the departure of Mr. Middleton. Tak and this magazine will be viewed as ing with him his memorable and some something more modern, slightly less times unorthadox methods, which formal and as something which will have enabled many boys to achieve UJ be welcomed by the younger boys as high grades at '0' and 'A' level and not only a tool for expression but also many of the committe can still quote I as a 'good read'. the seemingly trivial Ohm's law on However, 'enough idle chatter'; request like energetic parrots. Mr. 1- words which are now familiar to all Pearce's ogreous character diminishes the editors. Unfortunately this year from how exaggerated it seems to the sees the departure of five faithful younger boys as he becomes more members of the sc hool's staff.
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