www.archwayschool.net Archway News Issue No 23 July 2016 July 2016 Dear Parents / Carers It is my pleasure to send you our end of term Newsletter highlighting some of the activities in which students have been involved. We enjoyed tremendous performances on the field last week in Sports Day and look forward to our Summer Concert and Art Exhibition this week, and Sports Awards Evening next week. We celebrated with Year 11 at their Prom at Cattle Country last week and are looking forward to the Sixth Form Prom at Stonehouse Court Hotel later this week. Next week also sees Year 10 out on work experience—we are grateful to those who have assisted in offering them placements. Archway has a long history of success stories; we are very proud of the achievements of former students who have gone on to make many contributions to their communities and to society. We would like to share their successes with current students and establish a ‘Celebrating Archway’ Facebook page. If you have details of where former students are now and how they are doing, we would be grateful if you would let Elaine Coley, Head of Key Stage 4, know. She can be contacted via email:
[email protected] The end of the year is often a time when we say goodbye and good luck to staff who are leaving us. Mr Hill leaves us to become Head of Faculty at Gordano School, Mrs Bolton takes up a promotion at Gloucester Academy, Miss Williams moves to an academy in Arrow Vale, and Mr Donegan is relocating to Northern Ireland.