LIST OF PUBLICATIONS THE ACADEMY OF THE HEBREW LANGUAGE ! Prices quoted in U.S. dollars ! The cost of surface postage is included To order publications of the Academy of the Hebrew Language, contact Etti Mishli by e-mail at
[email protected] or by phone at +972-2-6493512 PERIODICALS Leshonenu A Journal for the Study of the Hebrew Language and Cognate Subjects Single Issue 15$ Double Issue 25$ Annual Subscription 42$ Ha’Ivrit A Popular Journal for the Hebrew Language Single Issue 7$ Double Issue 15$ Annual Subscription 32$ Zikhronot HaAZqademya Lalashon Ha’Ivrit (Proceedings of the Academy of the Hebrew Language), Vols. 19–57 Single Issue 12$ Aqaddem free GRAMMATICAL PUBLICATIONS The Academic Secretariat | Academy Rulings: Grammar 2014 | 137 pp. | Booklet 22$ The Academic Secretariat | Transcription Rules 22$ 2012 | Ha’ivtrit | vol. 60 , no. 1–2 , 94 pp. The Academic Secretariat | Punctuation Rules; Spelling Rules for Unpointed 10$ Hebrew 2002 | 61 pp. | Booklet BOOKS Shimon Sharvit | A Phonology of Mishnaic Hebrew (Analyzed Materials) 2016 | 478 pp. | Hardcover 47$ Yael Reshef | Hebrew in the Mandate Period 37$ 2015 | 392 pp. | Hardcover Uri Mor | Judean Hebrew: The Language of the Hebrew Documents from 37$ Judea Between the First and the Second Revolts 2015 | 444 pp. | Hardcover Mordechay Mishor | The Consolidation of Early Vocabulary: A Fieldwork 2015 | 120 pp. | Hardcover 25$ Michael Rand and Jonathan Vardi | The Diwan of Samuel Ha-Nagid – A Gniza Codex 2015 | 230 pp. | Hardcover 50$ Moshe Bar-Asher | A Morphology of Mishnaic Hebrew: Introductions and For purchase: Noun Morphology Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem 2015 | 2 vols., 1744 pp.