(Cf. 1.Common Semitic) a Bibliography of Ugaritic

(Cf. 1.Common Semitic) a Bibliography of Ugaritic

6A. STANDARD HEBREW 6A.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY (cf. 1. Common Semitic ) A Bibliography of Ugaritic Grammar and Biblical Hebrew in the Twentieth Century , by M. Smith [http://oi.uchicago.edu/OI/DEPT/RA/bibs/BH-Ugaritic.html: pdf, doc, rtf]. “A classified discourse analysis bibliography”, by K.E. Lowery, in DABL , pp. 213-253. An Index of English Periodical Literature on the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies , 2 vols. (American Theological Library Association. Bibliography Series 21), by W.G. Hupper, Philadelphia 1987-1999. ´ “Bibliografia historii i kultury Zydów w Polsce za rok 1994”, by St. G ąsiorowski, Studia Judaica Crocoviensia: Series Bibliographica 2 (10), Krakow 2002 [Bibliography on the history and culture od the Jews in Poland for the year 1994]. “Bibliographie, Altes Testament/Qumran”, AfO 14, 1941-1944 // 29-30, 1983-1984 (Palestina und Syrien ; Altes Testament un nachbiblische Schriftum ; Die handschriftenfunde am Toten Meer/Qumran). Bibliographie biblique/Biblical Bibliography/Biblische Bibliographie/Bibliografla biblica/Bibliografía bíblica. III : 1930-1983 , by P.-E. Langevin, Québec 1985 [‘Philologie’, 335-464]. “Bibliographische Dokurnentation: lexikalisches und grammatisches Material”, bearb. von T. Ijoherty et al. , ZAH l, 1988, 122-137, 210-234. “Bibliographische Dokumentation: lexikalisches und grammatisches Material”, bearb. von W. Breder et al. , ZAH 2, 1989, 93-119; 2, 1989, 213-243, 3, 1990, 98-125; 3, 1990, 221-231. “Bibliographische Dokumentation: lexikalisches und grammatisches Material”, bearb. von B. Brauer et al. ., ZAH 4, 1991, 95-114,194-209; 5, 1992, 91-112, 226-236; 6, 1993, 128-148; 6, 1993, 243-256 ; 6, 1993, 128-148; 6, 1993, 243-256 ; 7, 1994, 88-100; 7, 1994, 245-257; “Bibliographische Dokumientation: lexikalisches und grammatisches Material”, in Verbindung mit B. Kedar-Kopfstein ( et al .) bearb. von P. Härtling ( et al .), ZAH 8, 1995, 82-l00; 8, 1995, 149-246; 8, l995, 300-316; 9, 1996, 62-88; 9/2, 1996, 204-217. “Bibliographische Dokurnentation: lexikalisches und grammatisches Material”, in Verbindung mit B. Kedar-Kopfstein [ et al .] bearb. von An. Bräcker [et al .], ZAH 10 , 1997, 99-114; 10, 1997, 198-224; 11, 1998, 90-108; 11, 1998, 210-224. “Bibliographische Dokumentation : lexikalisches und grammatisches Material”, bearb. von S. Gratz [ et al. ], ZAH 12, 1999, 110-124; 13, 2000, 201-233. “Bibliographische Dokumentation: lexikalisches Material”, bearb. von S. Gratz, R. Heckl, U. Rüterswarden, ZAH 15-16, 2002-2003, 212-228. “Bibliographische Dokumentation : grammatikalisches Material (relevante neuere Publikationen aus dem Bereich der Althebraistik und der übrigen Semitistik)”, bearb. von R. Bartelmus, ZAH 15-16, 2002- 2003, 229-250. Bibliography of Hebrew publications on the Dead Sea Scrolls 1948-1964 (Harvard Theological Studies 23), by M. Yizhar, Cambridge Mass.1967. Catalogue of the recordings in the Tape-Archives , by K. Fellman (Edah ve-Lashon, 3), Jerusalem 1978 (on the traditions of f Hebrew & Aramaic in the Jewish communities and the Jewish languages). Catalogue of the recordings in the Tape-Archives . Part II, by H.avitan, K. Fellman (Edah ve-Lashon, 11), Jerusalem 1987. “Current bibliography on the Dead Sea Scrolls. 1998 (Part 1)”, by Z.J. Kapera, QCh 8, 1998, 133-158. “De Hebreeuwse taalwetenschap in de laatste dertig jaar”, by J. H. Hospers, JEOL 14, 1955-56, 42-44. Die Anfänge der hebräischen Grammatik and Die hebräische sprachuwissenschaft vom 10. bis zum 16. 327 Jahrhundert, by W. Bacher, enlarged by Bibliographie der Schriften Wilhelm Bacher , compiled by Ludwig Blau and supplemented by D. Friedman and an art., ‘Wilhelm Bacher, pioneer in the history of Hebrew linguistics’, by J. Fellman (Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Sciences III,4), Amsterdam 1974 [repr. of Bacher’s work of 1892 and 1895, with bibliographies published in 1910 and 1928] [rev.: BSL 71, 1976/2, 413-414 (D. Cohen)]. Doctoral dissertations on Hebrew and Aramaic in Universities 1937-1976 (Heb.), by M. Bar-Asher, Jerusalem 1978. “Dokumentation über neu entdeckte Texte”, by S. Loersch, ZAH 4,1991,115-117; 5/1,1992,113-114. “Dokumentation über Neuveroffentlichungen aus den Qumranfunden” by H. Lichienberger, ZAH 4, 1991, 210-212; 5, 1992, 115. Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus , 25-29, 1944-1948, by E. Bürgi, Biblica 25-29, 1944-1948 (Philologia Biblica, Lingua hebraica). Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus , by P. Nober, 31/58-59, 1950/1977-1978 (Philologia biblica: Grammatica hebraica et linguarum affinium; Studia lexicalia, Voces hebraicae et relatae discussae / Philologia biblica: semitica; Voces hebraicae discussae). Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus , by P. Nober, R. North, 60, 1979 (Philologia biblica: Hebraica, Grammatica; Generalia, Hebrew vocabulary). Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus , by R. North, 61, 1980 / 64, 1984 (Philologia biblica: Hebraica, Grammatica; Generalia, Hebrew vocabulary, voces hebraicae …). Elenchus of Biblica 1985-1995 (Elenchus of Biblical Bibliography, 1-11), by R. North, Roma 1988-1999, (Philologia biblica Hebraica, Grammatica; Hebraica varia, Hebrew vocabulary, Voces ordine alph...). Elenchus of Biblica 1996-2005 (Elenchus of Biblical Bibliography, 12-21), by R. Althann, Roma 2000-2008 (Philologia biblica Hebraica, Grammatica; Hebraica varia, Hebrew vocabulary, Voces ordine alph...). “El Rollo del Templo (11 Q Temple): bibliografía sistemática”, by F. García Martínez, RQ 11-13, 1986 , 425-440 [18: Estudios lingüísticos, 434]. S. Kessler-Mesguich, “Gilbert Génébrard (1537-1597) et l’hébreu rabbinique”, in Fs. Bar-Asher I, pp. *101-*116. Hebraica , O. Rössler, ed., Berlin 1977 [rev.: StPap 18, 1979, 56-57 (R. de Sivatte); WO , 1981, 190-191 (B. Groneberg);]. “Hebrew”, in LBY 939-2004. “Hebrew”, by J.H. Hospers-C.H.J. de Geus, in BBSSL/1 , pp. 176-282 (biblical, dialectal and modern). “Hebrew Grammars and Lexicons”, by B.H. Kelly, Interpretation (Richmond, Va.) 2, 1948, 186-198 [chronological bibliography]. Hebrew grammars in Hungary (1635-1995): bibliography of the Hebrew grammars published in Hungary or written by Hungarian authors (Hung.) (Hungaria judaica, 10), Budapest 1999. “Hebrew in Israel: Trends and Problems”, by H. Blanc, MEJ 11, 1957, 397-409. Hebrew-Ugaritic Bibliogaphy , by Ch. Hardy, on line. Hebrew-Ugaritic index to the writings ot Mitchell J. Dahood. A bibliography with indices of scriptural passages, Hebrew and Ugaritic words and grammatical observations , I, II ( with an Eblaite Index ), by E.R. Martinez (Scripta Pontificii Instituti Biblici, 116/Subsidia Biblia, 4), Rome 1967/1981 [rev.: BiOr 25, 1968, 364 (K.R. Veenhof); JBL 87, 1968, 117 (D. Robertson); DLZ B9, 1968, 972-973 (M. Dietrich, O. Loretz); CBQ 44, 1982, 479-480 (J.I. Hunt); JNES 42, 1983, 163 (D. Pardee); OA 21, 1982 (1983), 293-294 (P. Xella); OLZ 80/2, 1985, 166-167 (W.Herrmann)].. “Indexes to articles, words and subjects in volume 36 (1971-1972) - 50 (1985- 1986)” (Heb.), Leshonenu 54, 1990, 9-90. Jewish translation history: a bibliography of bibliographies and studies (Benjamins translation library, 44), by R. Singerman, Amsterdam 2002. “Josef Dobrovsky’s contribution to Hebrew studies”, by St. Segert, ZAH 5, 1992, 52-56. Judaika polskie z XIX wieku: materiaiy do bibliografii. Cz ę ćś I. Druki w jqzykach nie-zydowskic, by W. Wietzbieniec, Kraków 1999 (Studia Polono-Judaica. Series Bibliographica, 5/1. I Bibl. of 19th century Hebrew handbooks, grammars, bibliographies and catalogues, publ. in Poland, I Ling., 17-20). “Jewish Biblical Scholarship in America”, by H.M. Orlinski, JewQR 45, 1954-1955, 374-412. 328 The Recent Study of Hebrew: A Survey of the Literature with Selected Bibliography , by N.M. Waldman, Cincinnati/Winona Lake 1989. “Hebräische Studien zwischen Ideal und Wirklichkeit an der Universität Leiden in den Jahren 1575-1619”, by J.C.H. Lebram, in Fs. de Bruin , pp. 317-357. “Hebreeuws en Hebraïsten in Franeker in de 17e en 18e eeuw”, by L. Fuks, in Fs.Beek, pp. 50-70. “L''étude de l''hébreu en France au XVIIIe siècle : la grammaire de’Étienne Fourmont”, by B.E. Schwarzbach, REJ 151, 1992, 43-75. “Linguistic Literature, Hebrew”, by J. Barr, in EnJud . vol. x, cols. 1352-1401. “Literaturauswahl Altes Testament und Palästina 1980-1982”, by K. Jaroš, AfO 29-30, 1983-84, 594-604. “Recent trends in the linguistic description of’ Old Hebrew”, by C.H.J. van der Merwe, JNSL 25, 1989, 217-241 [rev. art.]. Semitistas catalanes del siglo XVIII (Orientalia Barcinonensia, 5), by G. del Olmo Lete Sabadell (Barcelona) 1988. The recent study of Hebrew: a survey of the lilerature with selected bibliography, by N.M. Waldman, (Bibliographica Judaica, 10), Cincinnati OH/Winona Lake IN 1989 [rev.: JAOS 112, 1992, 318-320 (G.A. Rendsburg); JSJ 21, 1990, 299-300 (A.S. van der Woude ); LibAnn 40, 1990, 495-497 (M.C. Pazzini); VT 42/3, 1992, 427-428 (A. E[merton]); BiOr 48/3-4, 1991, 612-613 (J. Klener); ZAW 102, 1990, 463 (H.W. Hoffmann); CBQ 52, 1990, 733-734 (M.D. Guinan)]. “Zur… Bibliographischen Dokumentation … in der Zeitschrift für Althebraistik”, by M. Görg, BN 52, 1990, 11-121. 6A.2. MISCELLANEA (cf. 1. Common Semitic ) A2CIBI Actes du second colloque international Bible et informatique :méthodes, outils, résultats, Jérusalem, 9-13 juin 1988 …, Paris/Genève 1989. A3CIBI Actes du troisiéme colloque international “Bible et informatique” : interprétation, herméneutique, compétence informatique … Tübingen, 26-30 August 1991 (Travaux de linguistique quantitative, 49) , Paris/Genève 1992. A4CIBI Actes du quatriéme colloque international "Bible et informatique” : matériel et matière : l’impact de l’informatique sur les études bibliques … Amsterdam,15-18 August 1994 (Travaux de linguistique quantitative, 57) , Paris/Genève 1995 . ABD Anchor Dictionary of the Bible , New York 1992. AMCITA 5 5e Congrès International de Toponymie et d’Anthroponymie, Salamanca 1955. Actes et mémoires (Acta Salmanticensia. Filosofia y Letras, 11), Salamanca 1958. AnnIPhO XIII Annuaire de l’Institut de Philologie et d’Histoire orientales et slaves , 13, 1953 / Mélanges Lévy , Bruxelles 1955 [rev.: RBPh 34, 1956, 240-242 (R. verdière)]. BHDL R.D. Bergen, ed., Biblical Hebrew and discourse linguistics , Winona Lake 1994 [rev.: CBQ 58, 1996, 370-372 (M.E.

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