Sijing Guo Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 24060, USA DOB: 12/11/1991, Phone: +1 5407399686, Email:
[email protected] RESEARCH INTERESTS Connected and Automated Vehicle, Vehicle Dynamics, Vibration, Control, Energy Harvesting EDUCATION 08/2017-present Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA Ph.D. student/Graduate Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (second PhD in CAV field) Advisor: Prof. Lei Zuo Projects: Connected and Autonomous Vehicle; Vehicle Dynamics and Control for Pavement Protection 09/2011-06/2018 Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China Successive M.S.-Ph.D. student in Vehicle Engineering Advisor: Prof. Xuexun Guo Projects: Energy harvesting shock absorber; Semi-active shock absorber; Interconnected suspension system; Hydraulic retarder development; Air disc brake development; Cooling device design for hydraulic retarder Dissertation: Influences of the Inerter on Regenerative Suspension Dynamics and its Damping Control 09/2014-09/2016 Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA Visiting Ph. D. student/Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering Advisor: Prof. Lei Zuo Projects: Modelling, experiments, and performance assessment of energy harvesting shock absorber on vehicles; 09/2007-06/2011 Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China B.S. of Vehicle Engineering, GPA: 86.78/100 (Ranking 8/238), 3.74/4 Thesis: Design of an assistant electric drive system for a hybrid electric vehicle RESEARCH EXPERIENCES 05/2017-present Vehicle Dynamics and Control for Pavement Protection Advised by Prof. Lei Zuo Propose active suspension control algorithms to minimize the road damage caused by passing vehicle, especially under the condition of braking; Combine I2V technology and both suspension control and vehicle braking control, to minimize the road damage at signalized intersection.