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AJ Blok 2 2018 Sestava 1 8.8.2018 13:49 Stránka 3 AJ_obalka 2_2018_Sestava 1 6.8.2018 7:44 Stránka 1 the magazine for friends of the Brno Zoo No. 2 august 2018 Brno’s Lion Cubs AJ_obalka 2_2018_Sestava 1 6.8.2018 7:44 Stránka 3 s Content Nature Protection s 04 Young Animals 14 EAZA Campaign The Story of Brno Zoo’s Lion Cubs Children Sang for Songbirds the magazin for friends of the Brno Zoo august 2018 No. 2/18, volume XX publisher four times per year MK ČR E 17723 Editor: 16 Anoona and Akashinga 16 Station for Handicapped Animals Brno Zoo and Environmental Education Lion Cubs Must Not Be Missed Annual Activities Centre, semi-budgetary organization U Zoologické zahrady 46, 635 00 Brno, Czech Republic IČ: 00101451 tel.: +420 546 432 311 fax: +420 546 210 000 e-mail: [email protected] Publisher: Moravian Museum Zelný trh 6, 659 37 Brno 08 African Village 17 SEV Hlídka Czech Republic A hoopoe in an open landscape. Photo: Petr Suvorov Blesboks Have Joined the Giraffes New Clubs for Children IČO: 00094862 and Zebras Editor’s office addres Helping Hoopoes. Zoo Brno a stanice zájmových činností, p. o. redakce Zooreportu U Zoologické zahrady 46, 635 00 Brno, Czech Republic A Special Box Hiding a Treasure tel.: +420 546 432 370 fax: +420 546 210 000 The project for the protection of Eurasian hoopoes in southern Moravia, which e-mail: [email protected] tional, in the Mediterranean, about 25 was started by Brno Zoo two years ago, has been a great success. This year, too, million birds perish every year,’ said Petr Editorial board: a couple of hoopoes have nestled in one of the boxes and have given birth to Suvorov, the Curator of Bird-Breeding 10 Unique Fish 18 Kura Kura Ing. et Mgr. Lenka Blažejovská, Mgr. Jana young ones. The breeding is very valuable because these particular birds have at Brno Zoo. Archers of the Fish World Master One Crown from the Entrance Fee Galová (children’s supplement), Bc. Jana managed to escape all the traps in the Mediterranean region and came back here The project to protect the Eurasian a Special Way of Hunting Hadová, MVDr. Martin Hovorka, Ph.D. (chairman to strengthen their own population. hoopoe was launched by Brno Zoo two of editorial board), doc. MVDr. Jiří Klimeš, CSc., years ago. Its aim is to strengthen the RNDr. Bohumil Král, CSc. (specialist reader), ‘For the second year, the Eurasian ho- those migrating in flocks are shot population of this species by ensuring Ing. Miroslava Piškulová, Bc. Eduard Stuchlík opoes returned to the same artificial down together. In some countries, the the management of food sites and in- (editor manager), doc. Ing. Josef Suchomel, nesting cavity. This couple even raised birds are killed and used in the prepa- creasing the number of nesting oppor- Ph.D., Mgr. Michal Vaňáč. five young birds. Every repeated natural ration of traditional dishes, and else- tunities. The Eurasian hoopoe inhabits nesting of the hoopoe in one place on where, they killed as a sport. Every the open countryside, pastures and Emendation: a longer timescale is a huge success,’ said year, thousands of birds die on their meadows with occasional groups of Rosalind Miranda zoologist Petr Šrámek. journey from Africa to Europe and grown trees or even thin forests that Distribution: The Eurasian hoopoe is a strict mi- never return back. give them the necessary cavities for gratory bird, which spends winter in ‘Traditional endangered bird species nesting. New in the Exotarium Nature Protection 400 pcs in the English version 12 19 1,600 pcs in the Czech version Africa. On its several hundred-kilome- include, for example, European Turtle Through field monitoring, we have Mudskippers Use both their Gills Helping Hoopoes tre long migration route, it encounters Doves and Common Quails, whose sys- selected five areas where we have and Skin to Breathe The author of non-attributed texts and photos is: many dangers, including temperature tematic shooting has led to a sharp de- placed special nesting boxes. We also Bc. Eduard Stuchlík fluctuations, limited food sources, the cline in wildlife populations. In addi- monitor these areas closely. In these lo- risk of predation, as well as unlawful tion, orioles, bee-eaters, cuckoos, cations, a total of 15 nesting birds First page: Brno Lion Cubs (Panthera leo killing by people, which typically hap- rollers, buntings and larger species in- checked in twice during the season that bleyenberghi) Anoona a Akashinga. pens not only in Italy, Malta, but also clude birds of prey, cranes, or pelicans the boxes were placed. Last year, one Photo by Eduard Stuchlík Cyprus, Lebanon and in other Mediter- are also killed. Social network sites couple raised four young birds. This UNSALEABLE ranean countries. carry photos of dozens of harvested shot year the same couple returned to the Small birds are caught in nets or on birds; hunters show them off as tro- same nesting box and raised five young sticky traps, while the larger ones or phies. According to Birdlife Interna- birds. 2 www.facebook.com/ZooBrno www.zoobrno.cz ZooReport 19 AJ_blok 2_2018_Sestava 1 8.8.2018 13:49 Stránka 3 Editorial s EDITORIAL Dear Readers, This summer issue of ZooReport focuses on two topics. In the last issue, we spoke about our new- born lion cubs. This time we will focus on what happened before their successful breeding, and how much work the zoo staff put in so that all the zoo visitors could enjoy watching these little rascals. The other section of the magazine fo- cuses on new events at the Exotarium. One of the aquariums is home to a unique species of fish that hunts by spitting out jets of water. Banded archerfish are very interesting crea- tures, and we will give you more details and explain exactly what is special about them. They inhabit the exposi- Handicapped Animals in Jinačovice, Eurasian hoopoes in southern tion with the mudskippers. Mudskip- and this issue is no exception. This Moravia. This year we were lucky, and pers attract attention primarily because time we will tell you not only about the found chicks in a special nesting box. they can spend long hours outside the animals that were saved last year by the To all the supporters of Brno Zoo, aquatic environment. Pectoral fins con- station workers, but also about SEV I wish you a pleasant read and a great nected to their body by strong muscles Hlídka’s future plans. rest of the summer! allow them to move on land, and they We are very pleased with our rescue can also jump with the aid of their tail. efforts for sea turtles in Indonesia. As Mgr. Michal Vaňáč And there is more! Recently, we you may know, a year ago we opened Head of External Relations made significant contributions towards a rescue centre on Nusa Penida Is- the Silent Forest campaign, which was land. In this issue, we will introduce launched by the European Association you to the individual turtles we have of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA). Our helped. We firmly believe that their efforts were well supported by the stu- numbers will increase in the future. dents of the Faculty of Business and In addition to helping abroad, we Economics of Mendel University in are also dedicated to the protection of Brno, and we thank them once again. animals in the Czech Republic. On Every ZooReport contains updates page 19, you will learn about our ef- from SEV Hlídka and the Station for forts to strengthen the population of www.zoobrno.cz ZooReport 3 AJ_blok 2_2018_Sestava 1 8.8.2018 13:49 Stránka 4 s Young Animals The first breeding of lion cubs is gene- The Story of Brno’s Lion Cubs rally difficult and often unsuccessful, but the females have no option other than to learn to become good mothers all by During these months last year in Brno Zoo, we were gearing up for themselves. Therefore, the keepers did a big event: the arrival of two lions. not interfere with the breeding, but pro- vided the lioness with the most suitable Choosing the right breeding couple is a with childbirth and child care: She had to conditions and gave her the peace and big experiment, and it is preceded by a learn everything. However, it was extre- quiet she needed to concentrate on her great deal of work, countless emails, mely satisfying to know that Kivu and youngsters. Kivu turned out to be a great phone calls, a lot of travel, and, last but Lolek had successfully mated and that mother. The cubs were born on Decem- not least, good luck, which was on Brno they could have cubs.” ber 29, 2017, the first one at 19:53, and Zoo’s side this time. Neither of the lions complained about the fact that Lolek was born in Gdansk, while Kivu was born in Portugal and came to Brno Zoo from Ústí nad Labem. After they sized one another up by snif- fing through the contact grid and then clarified their respective positions, we could see that their mutual sympathy cle- arly outweighed their awkwardness. “The coupling of big cats is a very risky business,” explained Dorothea Gremli- cová, the curator of mammalian breeding. “Although Kivu and Lolek behaved exactly as expected, we were not sure if everything was going well. Soon after being put together, the couple mated. The mating of lions is very intense, continuing for several days. Even though the courts- hip was successful, we were still far from Photo: Eduard Stuchlík winning. It was Kivu’s first experience Photo: Eduard Stuchlík 4 www.facebook.com/ZooBrno AJ_blok 2_2018_Sestava 1 8.8.2018 13:49 Stránka 5 Young Animals s Photo: Eduard Stuchlík first veterinary examination.
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