Save lives and improve the CRUZ VERMELHA DE -LESTE (CVTL) quality of life of the most Rua Jacinto Cândido | Ex. Orfonato| Bairro Formosa| P.O. Box 268 | | Timor- vulnerable people Leste Tel:+670 3321688|; 3322778

ANNUAL Report 2015 Outcomes

Report period of 01 January – 30 December 2015

Prepared by: Coordinator program me Summary by: Daniel Martins PMER Officer

Overview Short summary of activities during the period of 1 January – 30 December 2015 PMER Officer Take summary for six departments and focus on program programmatic Outcomes from (O.D, Youth, DM, Health, Communication, and RFL). The most important points should be made by them services during one year. CVTL ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Goal: 1 Improve the health, safety and resilience of the most vulnerable people.


 20 Gravity water systems installed in nine district not including Oe-cusse, and Dili total beneficiaries 8477 .  40 Water wells were installed in the districts of: Lospalos Manufahi, Suai  7 District not include Oe-cusse, lospalos,Dili , suai, access for

Sanitation facilities installed total Beneficiaries  access for latrines 687  The sustainability team facilitated the establishment and training of GMF groups in all districts and villages under the WATSAN program.  Training of GMF includes financial management and maintenance of water systems and latrines to ensure longevity and sustainability.  CVTL constructed a new house for an elderly lady in the District of Ainaro as part

of humanitarian help for healthy Housing for Vulnerable People.  All ICBRR staff attended three ICBRR meetings.  Annual achievements templates designed and distributed to branch coordinators and staff.  Nutrition project was implemented in 3 districts.  A non-smoking campaign was designed and launched with dissemination to the local media.  All 13 CVTL braches established and maintain relationships with DHS an SAS holding regular.

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 13 staff members and facilitator participate on the basic First Aid Training .  7022 (3381M,3641F) people practice about personal hygiene and sanitation safe water usage by CVTL Volunteers promotion and Educatio door knock appeals.  1181 hygiene kits and IEC material distribution target villages to the community total beneficiaries 3262 1628m,1636F .  13 Branches implementing Nutrition Education by CVTL ,  1 volunteer was selected for every 10 households and successfully trained in nutrition and capacity building.  Community Driven Nutrition Improvement Program (CDNIP) established in the districts of and .  18 villages reached in Baucau and Viguegue for program is targeted at pregnant women and mothers with children .  Under the age of 2. 1 Nutrition community facilitator was selected for each sub village.  39 (M: 26, F: 12) active Participate on First Aid trainers and 18 CVTL branch staff  24 National headquarters staff and 220 volunteers completed First Aid training.  An annual First Aid refresher course was held with 21 staff members participating.  First Aid kits are present in all 13 branches and National Headquarters.  12 distributed firs aid poster to the 13 Branches .  First Aid training manuals, structure, methodologies and standard operational procedures  43 (M: 31, F: 12) trained First Aid volunteers attended 10 National Events.

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 199 (M: 106, F: 93) trained First Aid volunteers attended 30 District Events.  388 community members and students received basic First Aid training.  2284 students and community members participated in First Aid sensitization workshops  CVTL celebrated World First Aid Day on 12 September 2015

 372 (292M,77F) number of blood donation CVTL mobilized to 14 locations to collect  blood samples from members of the community, NGOS, university and private sector.  22 number of patients benefiting from Blood donations  9 Number of regular blood donation volunteers  AIDS /HIV implementing in Ermera', Liquica, Ainaro, Manufahi, Dili and Oecusse services focus on men with multiple partners and clients of sex workers.  14 People Out reach staff from six District attended HIV/AIDS education refresher workshop.  6835 Men reached via HIV/AIDS education outreach (Global Fund)  53,694 Condoms 1913 Sexual transmit ion infection (STI) referral cards 2501 Hiv counselling test (HCT) referral cards Distribution to the target group  2501 total Number of men utilized the STI service

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 261 HCT services utilized.   160 people participated in the activity and brochures were given to each participant outlining ways to prevent the spread of dengue fever.  48 schools were targeted in Dili for dengue prevention workshops total Beneficiaries: 564  151 (900 m, 61 f) people from student and community participate in the Dengue prevention presentations were given and brochures distributed in the district of Oecusse in the villages of Bobometo, Palaban, Costa Village and Bobometo.

 268 (179m, 89f) people participate on the Information about dengue prevention for  Communities target area in Baucau of Bahu, Lamegua, Tirilolo, Casido, Lealailisu and parlamento .  1374 Beneficiaries participate in the Information about dengue prevention disseminated in Becora, Culuhun and Bidau Santana.  26 (17 m,8f) CVTL volunteers participate on 3 days training refreshing about epidemic control.  2850 brochures were distributed about dengue prevention in Manatuto ,Ainaro, viguegue Branches.  Livelihood analysis was conducted in aldeia Wetaba, suco Beuseuk to strengthen more and what kind of other option will be provided to the community. 63 people (38F, 25M) included extenstionist are participated in this analysis.  123 households in Beiseuk and community total Nu.of house 263 and total participant 465-

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(231 m,234f ) practicing for safe water collection and storage, Education house hold treatment, waste water disposal, CBHFA Module Training  50 ( F= 28,M= 22)people of community in Beiseuk are established 50 hand washing tipi-taps  567 (296f, 271m) people of communities in Beiseuk village have participated in hand washing information, than diarrhoea and malaria information through door to door information.  134 households are doing regular environments cleaning in their houses.  25 (9f,16m) village volunteers in Bonemese are trained on CBHFA.  25 ( 10f, 15m) village volunteers in Bobomento are trained on ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection)  124 households in Beiseuk have understood about rubbish disposal.  66 households in Beiseuk have digged rubbish place for rubbish disposal .  54 mothers in Besehuk were trained about nutrition and young child feeding than conducted 6 time cooking demonstration.  226 (135f, 91m) school children in Beiseuk are educated about Malaria prevention.  255 ( 146f, 109m) school children in Beiseuk are educated about diarrhea .  101( 76 f, 25 m) school children in Beiseuk are educated about personal hygiene .  146 family in Beseuk were received hygiene kits.  50 (28 f,22m) in Besehuk were participated and commemorate world hand washing day.  Distributed 637 posters and brochures about hand washing and dengue to 359 household in Bonemese and Suni- Ufe  409(362F, 47M) are trained on nutrition and young child feeding using variety of local food .  178 (99f, 78m) people in Bobometo and Bonemese are participated dissemination information about diseases

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prevention in SISCA program.  105 (54f, 51m) of school children in Oebaha and Nianapu have basic knowledge on Malaria and diarrhoea.  201(122f, 79m) people of community in Bonemesse and bobometo are aware about 5 critical times of hand washing with soap.  338 households in Bonemese and Bobometo are digged trash at their own homes.  156 households in Bonemese and Bobometo have established 156 hand washing tipi-taps .714 (408F, 306M) in Bonemese and Bobometo are aware about Diarrhea, ARI and malaria prevention.  Distributed 391 hygiene kits to 391 families at Bobometo and Bonemese Villages.  58 (29f, 29f) people of community in Bonemese had participated in violence prevention workshop.  294(149f, 145m) school children in Manubatan and Hatulai of Hoholau village are educated about 5 critical times of hand washing with soap.  23 F 2,M.21 People for 4day integrated meetings with DM and health staff across 13 districts conducted National level  23 ( F2,M21 )people Practical training for safe shelter form DM, HEALTH,WATSAN STAFF  16 (F2,M14) School-based DRR workshop for DM and health staff and Dili Branch Volunteer.

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 Three day training for integrated program for DM staff.  23 (2F, 21M) VCA refresher training including Climate change.  42 People for 2days meeting with watsan team and casual worker.  26 (3F, 23M) people participate on Safe shelter training for branch volunteers.  53 (23F, 30M) people were recruited from village community in 2 Atudara and Miligo.  28 volunteers have helped staff mobilize community for watsan projects.  51 people (F28, 23M) participated and CAP in atudara.  49 people (16F, 33M) involved. 5 priorities identified in CAP.  28 (16F, 12M) community volunteer in Atudara have been trained in risk reduction.  Safe shelter awareness for community in Atudara 63 participated (28F, 35M)  41 household completed fencing their house.  54 HH in suco Atudara, aldeia Beateho and aldeia Niaphu .  21 household (HH) from suco Atudara aldeia Beateho participated in agriculture training participated in livelihood analysis  The 22 HH have access to cassava chips Production in Beateho and Nuaphu sub –villages .  33 mothers are trained on infant and child feeding and nutrition.  99 students in Atudara are educated on Malaria.  100 % of household families in Atudara village are using mosquito net.  25 village volunteers are trained on Malaria, Dengue and diarrhea.  536 people (265F, 271M) from 208 families in Atudadra are educated on malaria diseases.  215 (95F, 1 20M) students in Atudara are educated on environment and personal Hygiene.

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 Number of people benefiting directly from ICBRR was approximately 1443 population (F543, M 1040) since 2015 Reports.

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Goal: 2 Save lives and strengthen recovery from disaster and crises.


 2 times integrated meeting with DM and health staff across 13 districts have conducted in national level. 23 people (2F, 21M)  23 people participated (4F, 19M) and facilitated by 3 shelter advisors from KL, Geneva and Nepal.  DRR workshop for DM and health staff, and Dili branch volunteers to SBDRR implementation SBDRR 16 (2F, 14M) people participated  VCA refresher training 23 people (2F, 21M) participated. Report


 2 times technical meeting with watsan team and casual work. 42 participated  Photography workshop for DM and Health staff (13 branches), 30 people (4F, 26M)  12 branch volunteer Trained on safe shelter awareness in target Community Total Participants (7M, 5F)  Simulation in Covalima district in collaboration with NDOC, DDMC and CVTL. 6 NGOs to responsibilities during an emergency.  10 branch volunteer (7M, 3F) in Oecusse have been trained on safe shelter awareness  576 community in Bobometo and Bonemese (143F, 433M) have received and aware on DRR information.  75 community volunteer in Bonomese (19M, 6F), Bobometo (18M, 7F) and Hoholau (22M, 3F) have trained in risk reduction.  Local leader (18M, 4F) in Naimeco - Bonomese have trained in disaster preparedness and response.  576 community in Bobometo and Bonemese (143F, 433M) have received and aware on DRR information. CVTL 01 Page 10


 VCA have conducted in Bonomese 64 people (F34, 30M) participated to identify CAP.

 24 community volunteer (9M, 15F) have trained in risk reduction and have helped in increasing risk awareness to community

 24 community volunteer have trained and support DM staff in increasing risk awareness to community and school children

 123 families have family disaster planning in place

 Primary school Wetaba has identified as evacuation site by chief aldeia, school director and community (7F, 13M) and have marked

 Evacuation route. 61 people (31F, 30M) in Wetaba sub village simulation evacuation site during flooding.  99 (57F, 42M) school children have basic knowledge and skills to prepare and avoid from any disaster through risk awareness, quiz and game, simulation activities.  45 (33M, 12F) community volunteer in Bonomese, Bobometo and Hoholau have helped DM and Health staff in increasing risk awareness to community and school children  28 volunteers (16F, 12M) in Hoholau drilled simulation on d coordination and relief distribution during an emergency  48 people (25F, 23M) in Hoholau have drilled simulation on family disaster planning

 Cook stove promotion for community Bonomese and Bobometo; 45 people participated (30M, 5F)

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 307 (152F, 155M) school children in 3 villages have basic knowledge and skills to prepare and avoid from any disaster through risk awareness, quiz, game and drilling simulation  500 trees have been planted and 100 trees well growing around river bank and erosion area and community field garden in Oebaha and Nianapu sub villages.  20 (5F, 15M) students in Hoholau are good aware with basic knowledge on DRR throughout quiz, game and exercise.  CVTL Rfl corporation work services with DM in CVTL to give family kits for people affected disaster in liguic and Ermera.  1 deliver RCM ,3 collecting RCM 8 collected new case 40 fallowed up new case,10 close the case,7 Visit.  1246 BDRT and RFL training (60F, 88M).  325 field hats, 25 RFL DM uniform Production.  52 orphanages (27F, 25M) 23 disability, (14F, 9M) RFL supporting.  88 case still is active in CVTL included internal and external case.

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Goal: 3 Strengthen community harmonisation through promotion humanitarian values and engaging young people.

OUTCAMES  1,598 People participate in the red cross dissemination session they are from CVTL local board members ,CVTL Volunteer , communities , government staff and CVTL staff in thirty Branches .  206 people From National University students and UIR police (Unit intervention rapid ) civil security in Aileu , Ainaro, Same present them about 7 Principles ,emblem and IHL.  76 Participants on Dissemination sessions were organized for CVTL Branch coordinators from 13 districts,  265 People Participate in the Dissemination sessions were organized for Staff Volunteer, Civil Security, UNDP,FHF,NGO,ADB,CTT,MSI ANP from five Branches CVTL about Red cross history ,Emblem ,and 7 principles.  73 Participants Dissemination session were organise for local community and Governments in viguegue, watulari ,sub – district.  55 Participants on Percipients Red Cross dissemination sessions were organized for Volunteers, Local Communities and Governments ,Churches in Aileu, Ainaro, Same, Suai, Ermera, Liquiça, and Manatuto, District Natarbora, sub- district.  277 Volunteer training of Livelihood, ER, DRR,VCA,NDRT in 5 Districts, Ainaro, Maliana, Liquiça, Baucau and Aileu.  170 Participants commemoration Red Cross Day was marked in 13 District .Jakarta, 5-day Dissemination training

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presented CVTL activities, 7 principles, emblem, mandate and IHL.  26 Participants Statistic working group for training was organized for 13 Branch Coordinators & volunteers from 13 Branches.  18 Participants on dissemination session to the FFDTL who were attending IHL, 7 principles .Emblem and CVTL activities Seminar.  35 Participants on presented a Safer Access Framework and CVTL Security Guideline1 in 3 Branches staff and outreach.  3 volunteer participate on fire comp in Finland and Korea red cross invitation  1348J=349M, 349F/s=465M, 235 F) Member registration by junior and senior youth.  26 participants from 13 Branches participate on District Assembly.  National Assembly to election for president and vice president for youth.  Implementing Youth program at school Oecusse and Dili regularly.  83 (42m,41f) students 4 September and 28 November participate on red cross day and youth assembly  Distribute office equipment for CVTL 13 Branches ,  School launch guideline teaching for youth Program at school.  Youth President and vice president participate on south Asian Network SEAYN in Jakarta.

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 Survey and identification for place of youth happy /Jucon.  Socialization of module and guideline for school youth in 10 Branches  150 red cross youth participate on activities to increase them self in terms CVTL activities in DILI.  Meeting between minister of Education about work together agreement and discuss about school youth socialization plan around 13 district.  Seminar participate about corruption organized by youth secretary state .  School programmed established in senior high school 1 villa Nova Baucau .  5 volunteer participate on youth comp in Aileu District  Got the big donor from Australian Red cross to visit directly youth red cross. In Dili and Baucau.  260 (120m, 140F) participate in health youth training in 13 Branches .  100 (60F,40M) youth health training ICBRR target area in Aleu, Covalima, Viguegue , no Oe-cusse.  24 volunteer participate on ToF training youth health on 12 participants became facilitator and 6 participants became assistant in 13 Branches. 25 youth participate on the youth health training in Comoro Bebonuk area the objective knowledge to share them how to reduce local conflict.  1200 participants on the football play and youth health training in 12 Branches not including the Manufahi Branches during six month these activities participate by communities youth in 13 villages.  Basketball distribution in the 13 Branches.

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 Distribution for shoes football plays for junior youth member 13 district.  General activities cleaning up at school and Public market this activities organized by volunteers.  200 participants participate on the volunteer day in the 5 of December general activities cleaning up front of Branch Dili.  Realize the futsal cup in the 4 September senior high school participate from

teacher ,CVTL staff , and Dili Branch volunteer.  Event competition for Hellman use capacity in 13 Branches.  26 Example of Road safety printing. 7 information for road safety in Branches total Beneficiaries 210  Distribution stand flipchart for 13 Branches and 13 for Timor east police as example . Road safety drama by youth in the public road Activities.  Youth president and vice president receive the credit card to represent ant youth for KDD in 13 Branches . Youth vice president participate on model international event of IFRC general Assembly (MIGA) in south Korea.  Geneva meeting by youth president.  1348 Total member of youth including junior, 299M, 349 F Senior 465 M, 235 F.

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Goal: 4 Build a strong sustainable and accountable organisation able to support the most vulnerable people. Outcomes  CVTL’s annual planning workshop for 2016  Launch of CVTL Strategy Plan and including CVTL Partnership meeting on January 2015  CVTL has recruited a PMER Officer  Print of CVTL statutes, strategy plan, and five (5) year report.  Recruitments member activities in the RCRC world day  5F,24 M total participants 80 in the RCRC world day (8 of May 2015)  29 F, 17 M participants including staff and volunteer 46 for World Volunteer Day on 5th of December 2015  CVTL volunteers have got insurance this year total insurance is: 264.  Branches Organize Course to support volunteer’s capacity  3600 CVTL Membership card, which distributed to the Branches  5F,M4 9 participant on Finance training focus on the (3 ) branches decentralization (management, KDD and volunteer).  Equipment’s has been distributed to national and branch such as Laptop camera, desktop, printer USB, etc.  The sold of kits Personal ,Vehicle, workplace total kits 358  648 Participants for the CFA training  CFA training course include Refreshing ,and I day , 3 day training Total participants 60

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 CVTL fundraising has been contribution funding for CVTL total money $ 38,833.38. From tent rental, house rent, public even etc.

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CHALLENGES • Low awareness from community government and business in first aid • Limit of time to work in accreditation and the difficulty to developing learning resources • No car available as recommended since 2013 • There is no stock list control for CFA training equipment’s and facilities • Not all the organization which had been trained come for refreshing course • Not all the programs within CVTL understood the roles of fundraising that’s why there is limited • Supports within CVTL i.e. not everyone in CVTL who talks and disseminates about fundraising and commercial first aid when they met with the individuals or organization • Tent Rental casual is now have reduce and limited because some of them already fine other job out of CVTL and out this country • The tents are used by CVTL staff for CVTL activity, but they are not take care as tent rental team take care because after they have used for the activities and they make broken and they don’t take responsibility to fix, then if our team or our Costumers is need then we need to find some way to sold. • CVTL doesn’t have specific transportation for helping tent rentals team, that is way some time costumers don’t want to rental a tent from CVTL, for the future we hope that will be as a packets. E.g transportation, stage and a tent he income that we are raising is used to cover our own cost 80% for 2015, that is • Way our expend for this year a little bit higher if we compare with 2014. • Many organizations in TL doing more of their own FR • Therefore more people/organizations out there competing for the same activity • Fundraising annual Report (Jan-Dec 2015)

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• Many organizations in TL appointing their own FR Manager • Lack of Cooperation between CVTL and PMI, thus causing the delay in processing the case in Indonesia • Now, there are other Local NGOs in Timor-Leste which works to restore family • Relationships apart in the events of the past. This could attract the attention of people because they have a stronger network and easily with the Government of Timor-Leste and Indonesia • Not enough good sharing information between Braches Coordinator to the youth leader in 13 Branches Majority Youth leader in 13 Branches as students sometime they were preoccupied for them school activities at school Limited financial for villages activities to cover because youth department has 2 donors only Australian Red cross and youth secretary state east Timor.. • Maintain coordination between minister of education to force the subsystem youth red cross at school implementation as part of program extra • Lack of coordination and cooperation between partners in terms national and international youth in 13 Branches. • Branch staff has limited knowledge on nutrition and this can prove difficult when facilitating programs specifically about improving nutrition. Some regions experience difficulty in accessing nutritional foods such as proteins and some vegetables. During the El Nino in 2015, food availability became more difficult. There is a preference for selling fruit and vegetables in exchange for money. • Avoiding tension in the community is a challenge for the healthy housing program. Difficult to set parameters as to who is most at risk and in need for new housing. • The blood donation mobilization program did not have any funding in 2015 which resulted in limited resources and the program ran solely on volunteer support.

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• There is currently no available HIV/AIDS counselor in the district of Oe-cusse. Obtaining reports and data from branches on condom dissemination is difficult. • Current reporting process from the branch level is inconsistent and inefficient. • Program database and data collection tools not utilized consistently and efficiently. • Difficulty writing reports and proposals for International donors in English.

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2.RECOMMENDATION Have an International Volunteer support the CVTL first aid accreditation process for 2 or 3 months To have at least 1 car which always stand by in HQ office to support CFA program in trainings and meetings To have an agreement and or MoU between Ministry of Transportation to apply first aid course in driving license treatment for motorbikes, cars etc. To have more accredited trainers within CVTL to support CFA trainings in the future Continue to promote the importance of first aid in daily life through TV, Radio and face to face meetings To increase the salaries of CFA unit as brought up in the performance review meetings with the CFA unit. CFA still needs support from IFRC in the future as all the CFA net income is used to cover the Core Coast GAP of CVTL. CFA program also still needs support from IFRC to positioning itself in the market CVTL need to have a good calculation analyses about how much money will be expend,, and what they are need for, than where and when. The reason is to minimize the expenses and avoid the deficit issue within CVTL in the future CVTL staff, volunteers and CDN needs to be part of fundraising event when we are conducted fundraising activity. The reason is to promote all CVTL program including CFA and some fundraising products to increase the awareness of CVTL so people will understand and they will do some of donation or contribution for Red Cross in this country Fundraising program still needs support from IFRC and other partner in a 2-4 years coming to ensure that Fundraising program is in sustainability All branches need to star with they are own fundraising because Shaken Fund . Funding is really helpful for them, with the equipment that has provided for them in 2015.

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This is as a good opportunities for them in the municipal levels to develop they are fundraising activities. From Fund Raising recommended that we still need AVID support, in terms of marketing area. CVTL Fund Raising as a new still need continue supports from IFRC. Good establish Cooperation between CVTL and PMI, in order to support the process of cases between CVTL and PMI running smoothly Conduct meeting between CVTL and PMI at NTT / Dili to share the experience of RFL activities and discuss the problems of case being faced by the CVTL and PMI In cooperation with relevant NGOs in the TL to avoid misunderstandings between our respective duties. CVTL will be retained his position based on 7 principles of the Red Cross Movement Need to regularly meeting with Branch coordinator to share information and services for youth leaders in the Branch Need to add more donor support for youth department . CVTL secretary general to make agreement with CDD and CDN to in terms good link for youth activities and and needs to work together with Minister of Education and partners to cooperate for youth Red cross in School Around 13 District. Extensive training for CVTL branch staff on nutrition. Contingency planning for extreme weather events such as El Nino. Create an online reporting system which ensures timely reports from branch staff Further training of branch staff to ensure efficient and timely reporting on condom dissemination and to reduce stigma around condoms. Source and train HIV/AIDS counsellor to be responsible for the district of Oecusse. Further training for branch staff and volunteers about utilizing program database and data collection tools.

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Develop electronic reporting system to streamline the reporting process between the branches and national headquarters. Increase capacity for healthy housing program. \

Sincerely Daniel Martins

PMER Officer

Necessary needs please visit this address Mobile : 77450612 /76748870 Facebook : Inkai Skype : AndyAmar

E-mail Address : danielmartins _cvtl

Website :

Rua. Jacinto de Cândido No.36, ex- Edifício Cruz Vermelha Português /ex- Orfonato, Bairo Formosa, Dili, Timor-Leste. The 7 Fundamental Principles of The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

Humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independent, volunteer, unity, Universality

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