Save lives and improve the CRUZ VERMELHA DE TIMOR-LESTE (CVTL) quality of life of the most Rua Jacinto Cândido | Ex. Orfonato| Bairro Formosa| P.O. Box 268 | Dili | Timor- vulnerable people Leste Tel:+670 3321688|; 3322778 WWW.redcross.tl ANNUAL Report 2015 Outcomes Report period of 01 January – 30 December 2015 Prepared by: Coordinator program me Summary by: Daniel Martins PMER Officer Overview Short summary of activities during the period of 1 January – 30 December 2015 PMER Officer Take summary for six departments and focus on program programmatic Outcomes from (O.D, Youth, DM, Health, Communication, and RFL). The most important points should be made by them services during one year. CVTL ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Goal: 1 Improve the health, safety and resilience of the most vulnerable people. Outcomes 20 Gravity water systems installed in nine district not including Oe-cusse, Aileu and Dili total beneficiaries 8477 . 40 Water wells were installed in the districts of: Lospalos Manufahi, Suai 7 District not include Oe-cusse, lospalos,Dili Manatuto, suai, Ainaro access for Sanitation facilities installed total Beneficiaries access for latrines 687 The sustainability team facilitated the establishment and training of GMF groups in all districts and villages under the WATSAN program. Training of GMF includes financial management and maintenance of water systems and latrines to ensure longevity and sustainability. CVTL constructed a new house for an elderly lady in the District of Ainaro as part of humanitarian help for healthy Housing for Vulnerable People. All ICBRR staff attended three ICBRR meetings. Annual achievements templates designed and distributed to branch coordinators and staff. Nutrition project was implemented in 3 districts. A non-smoking campaign was designed and launched with dissemination to the local media. All 13 CVTL braches established and maintain relationships with DHS an SAS holding regular. CVTL 01 Page 2 CVTL ANNUAL REPORT 2015 13 staff members and facilitator participate on the basic First Aid Training . 7022 (3381M,3641F) people practice about personal hygiene and sanitation safe water usage by CVTL Volunteers promotion and Educatio door knock appeals. 1181 hygiene kits and IEC material distribution target villages to the community total beneficiaries 3262 1628m,1636F . 13 Branches implementing Nutrition Education by CVTL , 1 volunteer was selected for every 10 households and successfully trained in nutrition and capacity building. Community Driven Nutrition Improvement Program (CDNIP) established in the districts of Baucau and Viqueque. 18 villages reached in Baucau and Viguegue for program is targeted at pregnant women and mothers with children . Under the age of 2. 1 Nutrition community facilitator was selected for each sub village. 39 (M: 26, F: 12) active Participate on First Aid trainers and 18 CVTL branch staff 24 National headquarters staff and 220 volunteers completed First Aid training. An annual First Aid refresher course was held with 21 staff members participating. First Aid kits are present in all 13 branches and National Headquarters. 12 distributed firs aid poster to the 13 Branches . First Aid training manuals, structure, methodologies and standard operational procedures 43 (M: 31, F: 12) trained First Aid volunteers attended 10 National Events. CVTL 01 Page 3 CVTL ANNUAL REPORT 2015 199 (M: 106, F: 93) trained First Aid volunteers attended 30 District Events. 388 community members and students received basic First Aid training. 2284 students and community members participated in First Aid sensitization workshops CVTL celebrated World First Aid Day on 12 September 2015 372 (292M,77F) number of blood donation CVTL mobilized to 14 locations to collect blood samples from members of the community, NGOS, university and private sector. 22 number of patients benefiting from Blood donations 9 Number of regular blood donation volunteers AIDS /HIV implementing in Ermera', Liquica, Ainaro, Manufahi, Dili and Oecusse services focus on men with multiple partners and clients of sex workers. 14 People Out reach staff from six District attended HIV/AIDS education refresher workshop. 6835 Men reached via HIV/AIDS education outreach (Global Fund) 53,694 Condoms 1913 Sexual transmit ion infection (STI) referral cards 2501 Hiv counselling test (HCT) referral cards Distribution to the target group 2501 total Number of men utilized the STI service CVTL 01 Page 4 CVTL ANNUAL REPORT 2015 261 HCT services utilized. 160 people participated in the activity and brochures were given to each participant outlining ways to prevent the spread of dengue fever. 48 schools were targeted in Dili for dengue prevention workshops total Beneficiaries: 564 151 (900 m, 61 f) people from student and community participate in the Dengue prevention presentations were given and brochures distributed in the district of Oecusse in the villages of Bobometo, Palaban, Costa Village and Bobometo. 268 (179m, 89f) people participate on the Information about dengue prevention for Communities target area in Baucau of Bahu, Lamegua, Tirilolo, Casido, Lealailisu and parlamento . 1374 Beneficiaries participate in the Information about dengue prevention disseminated in Becora, Culuhun and Bidau Santana. 26 (17 m,8f) CVTL volunteers participate on 3 days training refreshing about epidemic control. 2850 brochures were distributed about dengue prevention in Manatuto ,Ainaro, viguegue Branches. Livelihood analysis was conducted in aldeia Wetaba, suco Beuseuk to strengthen more and what kind of other option will be provided to the community. 63 people (38F, 25M) included extenstionist are participated in this analysis. 123 households in Beiseuk and community total Nu.of house 263 and total participant 465- CVTL 01 Page 5 CVTL ANNUAL REPORT 2015 (231 m,234f ) practicing for safe water collection and storage, Education house hold treatment, waste water disposal, CBHFA Module Training 50 ( F= 28,M= 22)people of community in Beiseuk are established 50 hand washing tipi-taps 567 (296f, 271m) people of communities in Beiseuk village have participated in hand washing information, than diarrhoea and malaria information through door to door information. 134 households are doing regular environments cleaning in their houses. 25 (9f,16m) village volunteers in Bonemese are trained on CBHFA. 25 ( 10f, 15m) village volunteers in Bobomento are trained on ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection) 124 households in Beiseuk have understood about rubbish disposal. 66 households in Beiseuk have digged rubbish place for rubbish disposal . 54 mothers in Besehuk were trained about nutrition and young child feeding than conducted 6 time cooking demonstration. 226 (135f, 91m) school children in Beiseuk are educated about Malaria prevention. 255 ( 146f, 109m) school children in Beiseuk are educated about diarrhea . 101( 76 f, 25 m) school children in Beiseuk are educated about personal hygiene . 146 family in Beseuk were received hygiene kits. 50 (28 f,22m) in Besehuk were participated and commemorate world hand washing day. Distributed 637 posters and brochures about hand washing and dengue to 359 household in Bonemese and Suni- Ufe 409(362F, 47M) are trained on nutrition and young child feeding using variety of local food . 178 (99f, 78m) people in Bobometo and Bonemese are participated dissemination information about diseases CVTL 01 Page 6 CVTL ANNUAL REPORT 2015 prevention in SISCA program. 105 (54f, 51m) of school children in Oebaha and Nianapu have basic knowledge on Malaria and diarrhoea. 201(122f, 79m) people of community in Bonemesse and bobometo are aware about 5 critical times of hand washing with soap. 338 households in Bonemese and Bobometo are digged trash at their own homes. 156 households in Bonemese and Bobometo have established 156 hand washing tipi-taps .714 (408F, 306M) in Bonemese and Bobometo are aware about Diarrhea, ARI and malaria prevention. Distributed 391 hygiene kits to 391 families at Bobometo and Bonemese Villages. 58 (29f, 29f) people of community in Bonemese had participated in violence prevention workshop. 294(149f, 145m) school children in Manubatan and Hatulai of Hoholau village are educated about 5 critical times of hand washing with soap. 23 F 2,M.21 People for 4day integrated meetings with DM and health staff across 13 districts conducted National level 23 ( F2,M21 )people Practical training for safe shelter form DM, HEALTH,WATSAN STAFF 16 (F2,M14) School-based DRR workshop for DM and health staff and Dili Branch Volunteer. CVTL 01 Page 7 CVTL ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Three day training for integrated program for DM staff. 23 (2F, 21M) VCA refresher training including Climate change. 42 People for 2days meeting with watsan team and casual worker. 26 (3F, 23M) people participate on Safe shelter training for branch volunteers. 53 (23F, 30M) people were recruited from village community in 2 Atudara and Miligo. 28 volunteers have helped staff mobilize community for watsan projects. 51 people (F28, 23M) participated and CAP in atudara. 49 people (16F, 33M) involved. 5 priorities identified in CAP. 28 (16F, 12M) community volunteer in Atudara have been trained in risk reduction. Safe shelter awareness for community in Atudara 63 participated (28F, 35M) 41 household completed fencing their house. 54 HH in suco Atudara, aldeia Beateho and aldeia Niaphu . 21 household (HH) from suco Atudara aldeia Beateho participated in agriculture training participated in livelihood
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