Attachment 1

List of Main Activities – Tour De Amizade.

Friendship Tour Leste and visit to – 21 August to 3rd September 2013

Wednesday 21st August

x Arrive in , obtain vehicles and collect all participants from airport x Check in at Esplanada Hotel for all participants x Confiscation of harmonicas and reading glasses at customs until negotiated access x Tour of Dili iconic locations including Cristo Rai Statue (where the nuns meditated and sang at the foot of the statue) and Pope John Paul Statue at either end of Dili Bay x Visit to the house of previous President Jose Ramos Horta and monument at the site of his shooting in 2008 x for sim cards (a few available only)

Thursday 22nd August

x Day trip to the mountains visiting Ermera district including Library, meet with librarian and staff including Ilda, Sandra, Elisabeth, Ioau and Martinho. x Visit to Gleno School and afternoon tea at teacher’s house x Travel back to Dili x Meet Klamar, local Lospalos reggae band performing at Esplanada Hotel (Otopsy, Dhanny, Dede, Olde and Ady) who jammed with Australian Dave Carlos (and Harmonicas) x Loca Malae from Lospalos, a friend of the band present at the Esplanda is a Herpetologist and Professor at the National University Dili (Herpetology is the branch of zoology concerned with the study of amphibians). He has been asked by Xanana to work towards setting up a National Museum of Natural History but at this point they lack the resources x Evening preparation for meetings next day

Friday 23rd August

x Visit to Bario Pite free medical clinic x Visit to local educational bookshop to purchase Tetun early readers to donate to Lospalos x Visit to Arti Moris Free Art School and tour with Evang Pereira Senior Student and artist. Evang came to Dili alone as a young teenager and lives at Arte Moris. Councillors purchase artwork for regional gallery painted by Lospalos artist Cesario Lourdes. Cesario is 29 years of age. Title of artwork is ‘Laiha Fatin atu Subar.’ (No Place To Hide) x Visit to Ba Futuru – national child rights and peace building non government organization and meet founder Sierra James for presentation about their work x Meeting with Minister Jorge da Conceicao Teme at the Ministry of State Administration and Territorial Management to discuss the Timor Leste government’s plan to implement municipalities.

Saturday 24th August

x Travel to – 123 km trip stopping at various sites along the way including Dollar Beach and women’s kiosk for katupa (rice baskets) weaving demonstration by Simoa and her daughter Inameta. The recipe is coconut milk, turmeric, rice and palm/coconut leaf. x Check in at Pousada Baucau, Margie’s place and Tati Totu Guesthouse x Visit old ruins, town swimming pool, teachers college x Dinner with the 8 students that are sponsored by Friends of Lospalos and student coordinator Margie Beck. Presentations to students of pens and USB sticks and harmonicas. Students: Fernando, Olandino, Aleixo, Joao, Damiao, Julio, Marciana, Arestina and Egos. Attachment 1

Sunday 25th August

x Visit to Afalyca Community Arts Centre in Baucau. Eko, a local student, plays guitar. x Meet with VLGA tour at Baucau beach – eco tourism initiative x Visit to the monument at the site of Lospalos nuns and laypersons 1999 massacre at the river x Drive to Com for lunch, port inspection x Arrive at Lospalos, dinner with the ADM Nuns and VLGA tour group

Monday 26th August

x Lunch and Cultural workshop with Many Hands International (Lutzia, Thomas and Melinha) and the Fataluku Language research project, Sanggar Allegria Dance Group perform. Tour of the near completed Centre for Traditional and Contemporary Arts and Cultural Centre on site of the old Portuguese market. x Pre meet with Sr Domingos, Sub District Administrator re Commission meeting the next day. x Hospital visit to deliver medical donations and eyeglasses x Harmonica Workshop I. with Red Cross Youth Group including Thomas as interpreter and assistant, Napo, Ade, Agistino, Mada, Aquino, Valerio and others x Evening preparation for Commission meeting presentation x Mix with Portuguese teachers, discussion on language policy and literacy in Timor Leste

Tuesday 27th August

x Tour of Lospalos town and surrounds x Dr Bill and Mandy return to Hospital to do presentation on reproductive health and nutrition x Visit the Korean supported public library based at the local school x Commission Meeting and formal welcoming reception including Timorese cultural dance group. Cr Rodgers, Cr Pittock and Geoff Carson made presentations on the role of local government in Victoria and the organizational structure and services provided by Mornington Peninsula Shire. x Commission Dinner held at Roberto Carlos Hotel

Wednesday 28th August

x Meeting with newly appointed Director of Education for the Lospalos sub-district to discuss challenges facing local schools and literacy issues. x Harmonica workshop II – the group names themselves Makikit Ina Banda (the eagle band). Thomas is charged with following up further harmonica workshops x Visit to Lalira School to inspect proposed project, rehabilitation of basketball volleyball court (35 Harmonicas donated for the school music class) x Second tour of Lospalos and surrounds x Commission Meeting to discuss and assess project proposals

Thursday 29th August

x Day trip to Lake Iralalaro, and Jaco Island with Sub District Administrator of Lospalos, Sub District Administrator of Tutuala, Director of Agriculture and Forestry (Hipolito De Jesus) and six National Park Forestry Guards (Venaneio, Augustino, Eusebio, Dinis, and Jose). Hipolito explains the history of the park and some of the difficulties involved with managing the park. x Visit to local community radio station FM 93.3 which has been operating for 13 years (Romenia, Julio and another member (not wanting to be named) talk about their programs. The Shire provided a motorbike to the radio station some years ago Attachment 1

x Music evening with local Lospalos reggae band, Klamar.

Friday 30th August

x Travel to Tibar via Baucau, Dili x Vehicle breakdown at Baucau leaving some to wait replacement vehicle to arrive from Dili x Overnight stay at Tibar

Saturday 31st August

x Drive to Liquica Church site of 1999 massacre x Visit eco tourism project for lunch at Black Rock, Liquica x Visit to historical Maubara fort and women’s craft enterprise x Return to Dili x Sunset Fish market on Dili beach (fish on a stick) for some

Sunday 1st September

x Visit to Santa Cruz Cemetery x Drive to Dare to the WW2 memorial and café established to acknowledge the young Timorese that assisted Australian commando’s to survive the Japanese occupation of Timor in world war two x Tais Market visit to purchase stock for fundraising. Tais is the name for hand woven colourful traditional cloth x Earthquake during dinner at Timor Plaza rooftop restaurant

Monday 2nd September

x Last minute Dili activities x Visit to Hands on Health training at Klibur Domin rehabilitation clinic x Visit to Parliament House and National University x Depart Dili for Darwin 5.30 pm x Overnight stay in Darwin

Tuesday 3rd September (end of tour)

x Arrive Melbourne 6 pm for most of the group with some members opting to stay on in Timor Leste.