JAMESH. DREW (orporation Fe thcr Expodilo welconicd mo Inlo hir house but fhen Prlernrlism, Frlher Expedilo "nol raid, "ie lhe worsl lhina thrt warned mc lhaf ll wrr fhc '11:^,,ii|he''wors|-|hin9|hrt1""_---."..:;-i__-_- prrlor'r housc bul lhc parirh peopla hrive nOver htd thcir m houreand lhe use ii r* ;:L':'^.?-.T:i'l;",]1'-Ji::i,1'own insii. B Worry fheir own," Thc only llme wc tulion: lo give slability to lhelr FreeApartment Living in house rlrsr-lo give lhern lhe raalire. werE llene the wot r! Sfficiancy, I antt 2 bcdroom anart. tion fhat hey rre chlldren nlghl ln bed-and lhe rlreom of of m.ents in SS. l,etc:r ancl parrl parish_ peqple ln rnd oul were alf in. God. Also close to C:rthotic lroduced lo me ar leaderr or Chrrrch in other parts of workerr ln program tha city. lientnl ratcs to suit one or an. y.-o_ur.nccds. olhsr. st0p in lor listings at 850 N. Pclrn., or'call iuElrose {.b55S any day, inchltlirig Sunrlay,

MARKET DAY*On mrrkel dry, Sunday, lho village ol Sao Prulo de Ponengi rwells from r norrnel populalion of 1,000 to rbout 15,000. The prslor ol thc church In lhe brckground rerd lhe lull lexl of Mrler ot Mrgirtra from thc pulpit. ft I: P9,R7'ER lttr LATI ^r A tVE *!-,(2L ltEWFn0ttt 'I'he man iolrl ltre lhal lrc harl PEPSI-GOI.AC|lMPAITY scven chiklrcn lrrd that he Irad gttrte to school fol t fcrv;.cars rlhen hc wlrs a lro5'lud hnd Findssocial lc;tt'nrrrl ttr rviite his nante anrl a progressfc\1' otlrr:l' llrirrgs, Scveral rnorrths nilo l"r!thct' Expctli{o ash0rl Irim tc0[ l() ft() lo tirka onc ol llre rliocesan t t:linitlg cotll's('s orr r.rlt'al work- 'l'hr:r'c r:r's' rrrrions, ltr,' lcat.urd lllt{ttlt llt{! il()\\'\l)itp(,f 01(l ('itlll{} b;rclr ltrrnrr,lrrrl lrt,lian tr) stll tt. "'l'lrc pcoplr kt't,1r asliirrg rrrr:. 'Wltt'r'o slowbut encouragi*gis thrs nrtlrrlian folol.rrr'Jt F*q;$';i* I u'ittrl lill (,\i)litil:tlir)n t)('(,ilUstl lht'1'asli l|l{', s() | l{,ll tll(.ll} t() DIETCOTA Ey REV. vINCENT LoVETT xttcll(llnS llrtss anrl ttr't'tlinl: llrc lo t't'1.'lrlltt' .'r \\'('(lilrnl tutrtirlr'. lc:rch tltcnr fli'rn tlic I)lrll)rl; tgc tcirrl lhc I)ul)(,r an(l lltt'l rvill firrrl (oPYriqhl,196"1 silf]. h:rVc lo llol r)ut of lhr Ilrttt t'lt attrl rrrrl rvhlt I'ope .lohn lt:rs s:ritl attrl s:tt t.tilttt,t.tts. 'l'lt:tt's $lutt dtil' IESS (hc l']r':rzil 'l'hot'c l)trutt llrt, sltct'l ;urrrlltr'f ilrilfl ilo \\hot'c lho ix'rll)l(' :trt'. o,tt'tr llislurlt is

THE CHIEF Flxccutive :rlso calletl thc tlisputc lrctrvccn Virt" nflrn llutldhists Rnd Prcsitlrnt Ngo llinh L)icnr's govel'nlncnt nn "unfoltttnatc" onc rvhich hc hollcd rvould be settlctl. IIc agrat'tl rvilh a (turistioncf's .statcment th:rl the luluroil, allt'A- turlly on a rr'ligiorrs l'rctrlolr issrrr,. Itas llaon itt itnpctlinrc'nl to lhc el'fectivenoss of Atlcfieiui airl irr lhe rvltl ngrinst cotrlnrunists. lirl r.:rlr*r.hi,sls llurldhist glorrps in Sorrth \/ir.t- i\,\('lll,lN. Gclnrlnl'--'l'hc (ior- han have ehargetl th.l Illcsidonl llrln Socrclv ol' thc l)r.oplgalirrn fhese * i)irrtn, n e atholic. is xuil{y of lc- ril lha Iaiilr h:rs hclpud 1.0(x] = ligiotts llelsecrr{ion in slclls lris Jollnll })(,rsr}ns ill trri:isiolt lrr.(,ils [.SlPQ)tRllAu\T = govetnntent has takr.n ngainst rif Asi:r. r\lrit';r lrrl Lirtin Antcr- = lhesc grottps. ica trr I'ollrrrvl lrvrr r.ert'r'atcclrist. 'flrc 'l'lrc EX'fRASwith a fr[intlssenty- Imnigratiott = question oI closor rtlations lr':iirrirrg (,(rrrsc. socicty. rvith Curulinal with laws thc Vaticart rlirl iiol itllolvc lrt';rrlrltr;rrlcrs 1 = :iii",5-td;ffi|-i'illliilfiiijL-$iL'':",{i ltclr'. callcrl on ils TEDERAT = = anyatry sFcificspecific trlottli(lntrrdnbn olof rrlnn rDlaul. rrrrllirilNiililr rlcnr[c1s trvo ago nrcntx{s lso t'eafsJcrrs rgo HOMELOAN

r All t1'peso[ rttrlrtg;rgcloirns on ncrv ns rvcll irsexisting hornrs lntl lots. liX'l'Rr\.Ir\S'l' (ll"()SING SliRVlCli! o [,ong tcnu honrr: lrxrns, tailorcrl to y.rrrr indivi<[ual nccds. r I)itect rc

"ln plovinces n'ltcrc no ttniver,. r "a PIANOSA ORGANS I SHEETMUSIC Car"cl.Valcri sily is ar,ailable," lre said. r STEREO . TV & RADIO cen{ral senrinar'5' shorrld he frirrnd. 95O ON YCIUR DIAL . BAND INSTRUMENTS O MU.IC'SCNOOI erl to providc of philoso" ,till 'till tlhy anrl tlrcology for students of flours:Opcn thurs. E:SO;other days S:00 various ME 6.5401 clcac[at 79 or'

Discrtssing thc scnrinary r:rrr.. ricultrm, Fathel Snrits suggestcrl m'fiilrts a grealcl' adaptation to contempo. ?w rary pastoral neerls. SALES& SERVICE OF Goodall Simpliciry Hand & Power Lawn a;d Ga;den i\Io|covcr, he contcndcd. stu- Rotarys Power Equipment rlents leavirrg scconrlaly schools shoukl not bc irumc.liatelv con- [r'otttt'rl rvitlr trvo 1'ear,s of philoro- "not Pennsylvania lambert phy, bccausc they al'e lrratul'c enough for.this pulcly Hand & Power Hand & powered IIe was a menrllcL o[ scvct'al scholarly study." Vatican congregations, alt(l in ":\{ Reels Sweepers that agc," Fathel Snrits pl'cparations rnarle frlr the Seconrl "thcy said, should be to \ratican Council hc rvas plesiclcnt allorved grapplc rvith rlucstions that have ME 4-2825 ol' the Comission lol Rcligious. a rlilect relation to pastoral work Cardinrl Vrlcli is lha lirst car- and tltaI conturantl their firllcst HERBERTA. DAUTII CO. INC. dinal to die in lhc lcign of l)ope intcrcst. Thcy shoulrl also be lt Paul VI, anrl the four.tlr to die once nrarlc 650VIRGINIA AVE. rnole fanriliaf \t,itll tltis t'rar', IIis tleath lcduccs thc llte lloly Scriptule, in rvhich tlre nunrllcr of ealrliuals to S0,37 yotlllgcr g0ncfation slrorvs stlelt Italians arttl 5lt non.Italians. kcen intcrcst." PAGE FOUR THE CRITERION,JULY 26, I'63 O COMIT{ENT: The railroad unions should face up to the legality of arbitration involvctl, nollctheless' i.s not circtttnscribed bY Ifor four years Almost e\/crything that ean be said or $'rittelr abottt tlte plinciplc the contending parties presumably had ,Social Order. It must be based on the basic concept of situation on thc raili'oads has bcen expressed. Ilttt onc titne. cngaged in collective bargaining. If irremediol they have been en- It must bc the "r,e ina- "'iJ',iri* thing can be repcated-again alld agaili. Raih'oitt'l tttliott gflged .iniustice. jttst in shadow-boxing on the issues rather than seriouslv means available for the attainment of justice iircir publicizccl statc' Voltrntnry nrltillatiort is as llruch atl Atrlcrican itr- Uf ttioi" spolicsmen hat'e'lleen clcad wrong in come tb a mutual agreement, ahev-c;;;dt who employ th-e wenpon. Morally, it-cahnot bargrrittittg. It cottltl be called the - ne lseci-to tnents about arbitrafion. stitrrtion as is collactive rrow clatm that, ttme was lacking to them prevent the arlvance of It is invokcd only rvhcn for thd accom- technololical progress whi;[ i; firurl stcp in colleclive llalgairlirlg' plishment of their purpose, needed for the commoR good of a-n entiie iiation. it ian: the parties (:otnc to sttch ttn ittrpasse that lttrther negotia- fhatwoulrr wneur. so tiond are irr-rpossibleor illcvitallly tlscless. In the meantime two presidential Commissions, ::llo,Il*,1.11,1^*:,-lrlon muciid;mas; the upon tnc public that- government, management e.\pel'icnced counsel of a talented Secretary and tfie of l,aUor.'Olz- p*blic would succumh to ttre o,!1,:^!f_ of experience derirandt--ot tti--stri-t-.rrj 9!!err .equal and a'supreme bJuit just or unjust. .fusttce were at their service. . Private feuds may-h.avc had some justification or miqht spy union official to talk in terms of a ..For national have been rationalizcd in the ,tay, oi'B;;i-iili;."'nu;'";; ilrik€ ln the face of what has gone on in the railroad in- longer living in thc dustry is pure rfe l.o vacuum ot a weitern ',iira.r-riei!. demagoguery. we llve rn Iiliiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiuuiiltlilillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrrllll a eivilized society wherein the actions of-trrow one 'i'hcr sizeable gro.up for tlccision set l)y Plesitlettt Kcrlncdy is July ?t)th. A strike is an act of rebellion against the established have .rcpercuisions thit are rett".'nv sanfls and at times miilions of our feilow citizens. otr-rion- c€pts of right- .an_rl wrong, of cluty and- iigiiii, mGiG O QUESTIONBOX o coNrRovERgy geared to the flEL"ir rr NEEPEP kind of soci-dty in wh[ch we li\ia::--' . . The final protector of the eorrlrnon good and the publie Interest is tho U.S. e.ongrcss, whe; rh;t ;;"d';n".ilniJi,ili boy of twclvt: How secularism aro thrcatene(t W'as it is thc-obligation of con[rass to acr *iftr prevcntiva -l.cgistation. CivE sucll legisiafid; ;nt-iln;; yoll . Jike. Whcn llrc ehips nrc rlorvnireasoRed t"aw.'-'r' ri"i"vv oncc named PopcP affects Catholics mob action, musjt bc ilrc'norrn of Ambrican iii;. -REV. By MSGR, J. D, CONWAY By DONALD McDoNALD WILLIAM J, sMITH, S.J. in thc 5i. Louir Revhw a. lr it lrue thal a boy of l? wrr oncr mldl 'lhc a Popc. othor day, a friontl of mine who hnppens to be a Jcrvish convcrt to Catholicism snid the only A, Noi it has often becn r:lnittted thtrt Bctlctlict Peoplc way Arncriean Catholics can be persuadetl to mnke shorlagfe IX bccnme I'opc nt tltc ngc of t2, llttt it sceltts that thcir actions conform to the nrornl plinciplcs of ilrcir w'r'ltl living he rvas actunll]' 90. IIc \\'ls onc of the u'orst Poptts - r:orrrlitiorrscarr improve rviilr ilrc atltlition l'aith is to changc the seeulat culture. oI Ino|c pgoplc. tlrt Clrurch ltas had. IIc \Yils Tlris seeririrrglv irliotic stfltcmcnt bv an dr.rr.t'n out oI t[e t.ilt'in I0,l.t, cllllncnt sciantist in the fickl of food ra$eareh will conie as a tlislinr,t shock plarrncrl parcnlhoo,t nn anti-I'ope in lo'15, rc' to llrc lrcofrfe ,,"A otllels who signcd tlte -cittllc t'('^r, ;rnd thcn havc becrr_vicrvirlg- lvith nlirrm thi piojccteii burgeorrirrg tried to tit'post' lris stltl('(\ssol', ln rvolld poJrrrlirtiorr. 101{i lrc u-as dopost'tl hinrst'lf, btrt soiztd llonrc h1'[ot'cc, onll'to lte driltrn out tgain. Itr tlrc list of Thir is ! prelly I'ops5 his nlnlo itppoflrs tltt'cc rhocking lhlng to rry, but I wonder who crn effectively tinrcs: first frortl 1():tll lo 1014, deny lhc truth ol it.

In lornirrks;lrcparcrl [or.a svnrposiulll of ilrc Worlrl Al'fails (iorrrrcil oI Noltlrcln Clliforni;t alld thc Arncrican Assernbly of Colunrbia Uuivclsity, l)r, Ilrantlt made rhe follorving ollservtriisnr; :

10,16 IIcnr'1'lll, iting tif fit'rttr:tny, cillllc lo Ix {l) \Yolltl foorl plorlrrr,tiorrIras outpacctl nonulation ln- Itnll' to lratt' llrt' l)r)prr cl'o\\'ll ltitlt as Iloll' Ilttrtlatt 'l'iitt'it cl'cirsc so lllltch-acriorrlirrg to cstirnirtcs of tlic ilnitcrl Na- Ik itiunrl tlttt'r' l'olics clairrtin.q tltr lintirttnrt'. tions Irood anrl Agrucultulal Organization.--that the U.S. *lnd tltrtrt' trf lltt'itr: lhc stl'itngc thirlg is tlrat all rloes not sr,rccccrl iu gctting ritl of-its surphlses, (lrt'got'1' rlespite an Bt'trcrlict I\. St llesttl Ill, atttl l\'' at't-' (jnofnlous givc-away pl'ogram. still listcrl 'r* r'r'itl I'oltt's. llottr'1 took t'ltttt'gt' of thc sitrratirrn. ilnd foI tho ile-)it l(l .rcars tltt' Iittlltt'ror (2) Tlre Nor'tlr Aurcliearr e0ntincllI lvas ovcrnonulated lN THE MATTER of poprrlntion contl.ol, lve practicallS. nanrt'tl lltc I'opt', atttl ltt' cotttittttcrl to are rvhen Llhristoplrcr (.lolumlurs tliscoverertlit, hecatrie'the In- ttr*v bt'ginning gct (jatholie c\cr('i-\c grcat influoncc t\'('n'[tr'l' l'{)l]t' Ntcltoltts to er:lrocs of the sccular "srtltttion," tl;ans harl only tlle sliilts lo cul"r/e out for tlteir snlilll DoDu- cchocs at this^ stagc only' 'I'orlay II. in 1059, tcst.Lvctl to thc Cat'rliitnls thc li(hl of 11,1r11',,1,,n,t latiorr n scauty living. rvith lttO rnillion people in itre s'hispelcil lrrrt cchocs rroncthelcss of R solution "rrnrlerpopulal:dt, elcctin!i thc l'opr'. IJttitetl Statcs, \vr) alL' scriorrsly by nn5' rvhiclt contt'avt'ttcs ttatult-. stattrlat'rls \\'c cilrl r'cirsouallly :rpply. Of cotrlse, $'c lrave ahvn5's hatl an indcter.ntirrate 'fhc (3) countlics of tlrc Cornmorr r\'larket, rvith their but apparcntly lalgc numbcr of Cttholies whose ac- vcry lligll density of hetve not only a rapidly tions, if rrot their arguments, have reflectctl thc lropulatiour ittcreasing per eapita inconre, l-rrrt also a scvere shoitag-e nctions of non-Catholics in this llca. Wlrat is ncrv 'I'hey or l:rbor. arc achlally irrrltot'tirrg lt'orkers from North is thc apparcnt attcrnpts of Cathtrlie theorists to "sceulrr-Catho- A{rica, Spain, t;l'ceee anel"elseivhere] ncconrnrorlatc Calholic principlcs to 'Ihcle lic" nctions, has bccn a discerniblc slrift in thc nrontllity of sonre tlrcorists torvarrl thc onc- o oPlNloNs fact()r itnalr.sis anrl solution of thc secularisis.

Evidenca of lhe dorninane+ of secular inlluence ! existr in olher arerr. The Catholic phyrlcianr, for Nc,gr.0 discussI-Ac() .tsslrc example, are noi notrhly iriora prograisiv:, hu. mane profesrion 'l\r lnd dedicafed lhan fhe medical Fllitor: tlrc The other side {t lsrgc. (5) Africa, Lntiu Altterir:ir, Ncn' Cirrinea,Australia arrd \\'r's-oultl lilic to stalt out by L-atlrolic larv].els art'not notalrly tnorc honcst, ttrost of the islarrrls o[ the West, I'aeific excapL for Java saf ing plt'itsr. itccr'pt out' diffct'- 'l'hcrc etltical nnrl pt'oftrssionally c()tnprrtcnt than thc ltar. arc hnll' ernpll'. is al)un(lant spacc alld oppol'tunity t.ncc of opinirrn irt the Catholtc r\plrroptts thc suhscliption plice a[ largc. to civilizc anrl utilizc the u'iltlclncss. spiril becarrsc tlris is Ilrc uppcr'- oI tlrc ct'lt'lrralt'rl (]r'itet'iott being you nrosI thinl in orrl minrl-s. Would lell nre if lhis cuslom has been dis. $:l ilr, ilrslotrl ol' S;.01), at iury price conlinued ? IIanl' poinls lhal Irnlhcl Dolan Ilr('l)ll)rf is a g,r'11for a lat'gc "('huli'hinq" nratlo in llst ucck's colunrn otr st'grncrtl oI thc ('atholics of Itt- .,\. is it popular. trame for. thc blt'ss. lhc Lact' ploblcnr rvc finrl al'c not 'lhe Is it tluc tlrat rlt'atlr iutrl sttf- tlil nlltolis. tn{ or il \\'(}lnan llter t lrild.bilth. llonrrn llirunl c\pr?sserl cornlllolt'l,r', ilt loasI rtr [clin!{ cunrc fronr cviI s]'stt'rtrs I sa1'that all of has a <'r'n.rrron.r' for this blessing, lxrt n ncrv urotller our opinion. L(.t's stalt rvitlr tlrtt this, to the exlent that it rs trrt'n clloosc to irnposc ott othels? Doctor llrantlt Iukt's uxcclllion to tlto birtlt cont]'ol has no obligatiou t() l'('cr\ive it. .,\ pastor is obliged rnalclr on \V:rslrirr(ton. What is tlrrr', is shockirrg. lt is the Catholir:s rvho, b1'rt'a. Wltet'c rvls tltt'rvisrlotn itt tlttr zcal<-rtsrvho rr,otrkl lcgislrrtc a lttilss conlfilcol)tivc prograln t(' glvc it if lt s'rone r,r,ith pt'oplc going to \\'aslt- son of li'aith anrl glaco, -shorrld be exarling the rly- asonlblr lerlucst ftlr it is na

By REV. JOHN DORAN probletus By MSGR. GEORGE HtGGINS tioirs itr thc pincl'uoods of rrot'tlt= pcurnrl itt'l'ittre ntitgltzittc's July 12 these arrd look for solu- real rvay; first becarrse ihey must I"t tltc pt'c'sent antl the lu' I lcurcnrbcr a of lloth have basic intcres'u in tlic a tcrv l::::trrrqr nccessities ]'cars ago about irrtrliol rltcgr.a- ^ of ntan; secontlly be- ,l.lie ! iors. tlccor.ator is talkinU to r:uusc it will coneern the fi|st in l.! {o tne tltal thc Na' tlte preservltion thc rvifc n[ tlrc housc juri rjt"r ,, ;tt!,tt* of n rnarket {or. t-i-uttll.r)llocitrtion g{x)ds grc golrpletiol o[ gre t'".iinitiii-"i of.-i\lanttfaclttt" manufactulctl, anrl ll," ,""- ||tcrylrolccs{ab-M-cl..s,iul(IlllenoI'e.affltttlntttnionsortclirtsearchingcrut1ilar:esfor *' nklilild;[,"ti['il";ilitiiil'iil.:;'l;fii'lr'riil'ill;:' i.ti'i,l,l'"1,ii,.i,ii;i,;*:,,,il1ifffiry it,fi -q;#.ffi i t::lt!:'r-::'dti"=r',1"':,# ii"ild,l,f ,,t* 't-';s ontnu.l,",,tjg*n..h. Arrl*rstln jii:r-lat"'il'#"'.t:::a_]ll:11,1!rytt ll;:],'.:ll ,:il ''tffi resigrs l1',?,11"';,-,,]"'l'iii; - l- ;l ''*ril',1:l'1.:il:::llt li;::i.;,.*$l#',t,,,t1;ll,l,i,iif,;",.*,_.*-. Hftffiffii,*i::iii:i, li: I1,.,,'_ Indianachurrhff:: supply:.:^, I sigttctl rs ptt::l:l::il sar,lly t() nrirrrl to'iglrt :rs I t'rs rlrttnouc supplg FIoase lit' Pt'r'is r\rsot'j:tliirlt,.,]f .111'-cll,],,q' I ill,;iLlint{ lire l,ll"l,') {,lltll- l$llt} llrn ;rs5osi. I 'l'lrC :tli0tl's nlllil,ltill rrflilc slnt,l, nlr illlglrrirlirrri, (:ull('lll. ltrs lrn- | l0I $O. Penn. sion set:tuetl tr.r lte. attrl ;t reltlt:- ll(Jtlll(ietl "!n;r.t! lant cr-rlrclusirrn it ryir:. iltrrt Ilsgr, Iiobolt fl- Irctrr.s, erlit'r got. go." ()lt, tlris has to I l;rrou' of {1J l,..ria gll.) itcgistcr., *.ho $as nol, lhc lcll couclttsiott; lltl 11s iilrn r.iee prttsiilerlt.' hus poillnattt: rral onc \t'as urol'o tt,ltat aulotilaticalll, ll,;q,,,1nq, ;1cting going arc l\lc to do rvith nran'.' pr.0sitl*rrt, slrr(:{rr}(iir}g ,\nrtelsoii 'fhis as oflicer (l11A* is a stth.ict:{ ttpott rvltit'lt n .chief - of llle gr.e:rt rlcal of h:r|d tltinliing rvill tt':rtltr'ofessiottaI association [rar.c to bc tlone iu tllo ll0xt fcw of t]atlr0[ic maga- 2.iltt's attrl hook antl pamphlet prtlr' .ft':tt's. Donc ttot rurll- lt5'lltc nrtn i''nscl'cs ;itirl tli. uniirrrs *,hiclr lislrcrs in ilrc U.S. an

trrt'nrlrt't' of srrlir'lt. lt't t'alht'r' t's- sentilrl. il u'ortltl s('t'nt l{r nr('. \\'hll of the ur;lrt]' ttlto itt'r' lroittf A NEWWAY TO SAVE! lt'pllct'rl rto\r' hv rtttlontaliolt; oI On Your New Cnr Purchrse llte rrrattl' *'ltosc i'lurttct's lot' ftt- I loosicri\lirr islcr GcncrrrllIr'(, ('t]ll)l{)}'ilr(,il11il1. llritt:i luli0tt "$0S" a\!,irl' lrt- rlr'r eloPirt{ irr;rr'ltitltrs 63 RAMBLER-170867,;rj{:r,{til,*, l.'c' rvltilr' lhc fttlrtt'r. qotllrl.ltrl 'lronl0 .v('l Only 68.67Dwn. - 57.31 llaclt l't)r't:lcctiorr \r'rlfli{.1'ri at'e itt sr'ltrtol'.' l,i,l I Ir;rppetr lo he irt ir lifl rvot li ['l,US you tnuy t'cccivc t caslt dividcnd resuliin;1 frrrrrr lriur n'hir.h isn't lorr likr'lv lo lrt auto. purcha5e. -.\nrtfhct llurlocker rxclrrsir-e:.lst pa1'nt'nt St:pt. lqt. i' rllrll'g11. (;r't lllo rlt'tir:ls oI plufrl-.slurling plau rrr:rlcrl. ll{lurttrllt I arlrnit lnnittg thrs st:ltsationnl Irrdr,,'. Nrrlrirrly catt scll frrt lcssl ililcn ii scrirrus llrorrglrt wIrur llrc "\\t littcs lt ollf ('{)l}l('ssionltls sf('lrt e lletll\'i' rutJe-" r,tttlL,ss! \'t'1. il rrrttt'r,'llls ttlu:r l|t'ul rli'trl lhrrl lltc rIr.r' rt'al rr'rr,rr u60w. r6rh MEr.544r ol lhr' lltrrish rr'lrrr lrrrtst rl'rn'li lrr RQDQCKERRAMBTER 5rr[)l)r)t't Iilrrrilils lrnrl lli0 Where Serviee is Parl of lhe $rlc -r',rttttt:lit(ls o[ |lrt' ltat'islr st'luxtl u lto n'ill lrr' t'r nrlrralll loohirrr: lirt' rr'trk, :tLc g(lilt{ lo l'irrrl rrlr. t ltittr's. ttrtl lniilt'\ sr.l'\ttnls, lrrtl Iti.i t'r'1il:ttt'tttonl. TwoSeafood a

I llai'{} tlol tlre linowlcrl(r'rrl thtr bacliglotrttrl lo ctrrne up rvilh cvt'rt Specialties lhe Lenrott,st irn\tfct' to llrt.. plrllr- It'ttt. I can lrrti s(:{) lllil{. il cr:isl.s, :ttttl scc also llutl. rratr5'of tlrt-' EveryFriday fNllIA:MIS$(lil ft{ T}|t JUI{GLE half,ihorrxht r.rf :rnsruc'rs rliII plor t rtl'I;tt;\I)\' ls s ll'oltical .lutrslrr tuission ln thr stulr of to lrc tro allslt'cr irl, all. ll rvoultl ln lieralr roulhenr India. Soure {jatlurlio faturtrs ut'nt thrrr: be n rvonrlet'frtl thintl lt) st'c sonrc aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to lli'glil larrnii|g in lhis pioncer. coorrel!1y1 r,l b''t tcrl Io fat:tr f5li totfirll Bh{.r 5l15t. 10trStrrt rrt-e rrctntly opcntrl hy Rofellrultut :r.\cl l03l f. Irnis $lrtrl 'l RE.ELECTED -.- Vtlry Rcv. Al. " . , lttt i(ir)ii lr';ls to rnirkc lifr bri- ttr'i lrrtrrrlrt ilt0 L lm $rrt It'r for lhe nalires tlrrrrllglt t.olonizi.- bert Leir, O.F.M. Conv. tinrr, thrrs rrisillg lh('ir. lir.iirl; anrl rrrltur;rl slalrrllrds. ;\ sisty-tirt lcar olrl }riest ofl't'r'ed ltr llg u,rr,,t. - rl tltatclrcd llltt \ lnrilt ftrr hinr fol' r0sirlrncc and srrtitr.s. ,\ ttett. t hapll $as tlrdictrtcrl t{r St. lrplpt. . - , I'll t{t n{rw llre n'ork hls bcltr tttost /o r bt tr ot,tr* hc r' r it,,,i,, xrr llil:llllli:,l-;, ;1:ll', i:I' lilt:'i'Jl;:'::l ST.JUDE lwtbtl)rttntrl{lt+'ch htlrtted, i litttdslirk til{rk thp of thlttr--se\'eti lltt\rrilr..,,\rtrl sei isol:ttctl is lhis rr,r:iorr llrnt {ltt tlirtcoslrtt rtttltolitits filsl lrtaril uf tlris lr:r11r'rlt ht rarliu, l![tltttltrtt, llre tirins lrt'at rlortrr nrrrl Insrcts rvr.rr: persis(rrrt - flespitu nll tltls, the parishioners rrlo still valilrrtly tt'tins to 'l'h{.t. glvr sonre lrrrrlatrrnr-tl to their religiotrs tifc. rtrc tl.}.iltE. to hrtild:r rnrxlest churr-.h for lllrl0h Sl,(){)t)ls necrlerl ...'l'hcir Rishop arrd lhe lrrterntrrrtlo ,lllostolic hotlr htr.{: irrldr.rl xords lr) tht l)lra ol the lastor tor finirucial hrlD frorn us. ll-ill 5ou rid llttttt'.):\uv cOnlribution ilill be appr.t'r'irrtell . ". \'()ll rrn lle rssllrrd lhirt you wlll bo long renrenrbelcrt as I bcne- Iar:tor in lhe prlyers of tho corutrtunity, \'oft.\1'tt|\s "lle frIARK PErtrroNs, frtl IN, cllP AND hlAll S()mc0llr-r hx! \r flltcir: rvlro hls lit't ti lht * lroie *r:rr lrt hattgltrg lrf ilre halI of tlri. ot' (itrtl hrs ., LifAn 'AIIJER lloBERl: P|.EA5[ PtACt tnY PHIIIONS EFfORlj lHC t{A?O?JAt 'l'o -\(,el) t !lr) tl.il1ir cOA,1ll..lGl.iovEfJA; brittg fittist's tnlllt to tlre,l00 nriiliorr peopltt of lrlrlii. uli)\t- sua[.t[ or 5r. JU0l lN lllt l-v lltttdtr, is,i tretrrt'ntlttrrsi:rsli rrf lrrtc antl rler-oliort lrt1.i111y rt Ernptoyrnlr.{T r-l HAPPYftIARR|AGE rji Il{Al'lKSGlvlNG I)t'itst-s rtlld StitL'rs \Vill I'ou spol!\or a sorrrinatjlin liiit f'l oF r,/ur.rD ['J coNv[l?stoN or RusslA ., [J : ll,\:l'lIli\V r*u' woRto PIACE RnuRt'l To SACRA,\ltltTs ll l.ll.l,..\ntiINIt Ii.\ tiA ti UN-r-t,tL ol Dl D.\CL S ]1,\ \_ ij trruar'rcrnl fl E .1,\t.Y rrf llilrrg;rlo|e, or. SIS't'Illl l,l.: f Iil'S or i\(i\l,_.1, of I rNcLosE$ foB rHE cltREllAN sEr,llNARY gUlt0ll{(i lut,lt! lht-' cr.l'elitc sirtc's of Koth.nilnri*l:i'r' ll5' F;r1ing for ilrpir. etlrtealicrrr, :ini! \itl p:l.lirilurttl ln ilrcir 'l'i:e ftrtrtr.e rriis_sionitr\.B{.tii.i- hnrne ..-- lles st,nrinur.ians'erlrrcatioll r.osls $100 elir,ir ful sr.t Acldrcsr *-* !'eiit'-r iit)(l titti Sislcr.s' trAlnlns ls $lli0 Ior e:rch of lht, nr.o ) ctu.s of ttailiittg:.. ^ 1lone1' tnrt b* tt'nt irr inslallrrtettts, City - Zone - State..'...*: -" '-,ts illAlt To: NATIONALSHRlNt OF sl. JUDE r u'lritn .rniio' ln r lroly plaq'6 22t Welt lylrdilonSlreel, Sec, 18 Chicrgo6, lllinoil So ls the hrautt Of au ased far.e." {.loseph Canrlrll) The old lolks ln rlur car6 rrc akltrl by our l,,\C[ O]- lilic I.'rrllrt'r r\l' GOI.,D {'Lt'tl. rtll thnt is nsked lc I for tltlcc yrat' one doltar e nronilr for l)ors of llte tialion's 57 C'atholic lhis rryorkl Tou ciln sclrtl td r.hencver convrtrieni NIONS|GINOTSGOOSSBNS SAYS: " . . ttrrr ofhcr lnte,r'r'acial ('orrnr:ils rvas citllctl clults inrluda I)--\rltllN l,UpliR f_,I,lr6 "plrss ,tu. f"f,"".1: tlllPIL\NS lltcarrsc ol thc o[ racilrl (fof orpllrus)t RiSILI.{N,S (sul}por{s FATHER ALBERT hns bcctt nt F ""l,n,r,rt; (lLtiR i1I{r:\ l(tA (pro'ides r'allce,-, nltars, ffi,?rl::l;, e{t,. fJi "10,000 .f,i,r.ii".'"11. rtrapols). Yoitr $rrl'ors rnd thnt ono lon6 dollar nlonilrlfl_-ttrat,s att it PeopleinThis Worfd Die Eath Day From takes lo belong!

sortl; .l\] t]'t-lIFIt llri\l,s lilil,p l" Sen(l us I S'llllfiGl.,ll.\g 1;11,'1 to us6 *l1l".o reressar-f. TheCriterion 'll-,Js-sKrl'll. 1l:rkir a IlE.\IOIlI..lL tilLrT: ..." $r?t Oiliciul Neu:.sJ.rapcrof lhc vEs,l.\rnN1,s...... $.0 I:tiif.illkT:::i',:#' {:tr^r,lr'l,i ,!0 r.lBontr.ri...'...... , 40 drchdiocese of ltttlianopolis clll:cl f'l.t :.i sAlicruArr+ iiir,r_ . . s l(I^\r) t,y R|lt l: JtHliR tis r N I-OtrR ftrr,r,,-' r,ni.i.rL .t,I,l,Lttl l?4 W. Georgir, P.O. Box 174 C..tTlt0t,tc Indianapolir6, Ind. Nl:..\lr [AS'r l\.It,Irrtn ri .rSsoi: i x. Ileer :ltonslgnor: MElrose5.{531 BEoNE 0F 10,000 ftllssloN CENT'nEtsl f cnr.losoS . rllenrber . . ol the,S30ll nesd€al to edrrcateE Sister $r Audit S.... ol ihe Sd00needed.for the lralning E11\ Bulcurr o[ 2313W. WASH.ST. ME.2-e352 oiisenrtr""ian. .,rf I tlt\\ Circulatiotts for the foodyou enioy! I'll rendn ...... monthty,or !....:',:.;;"" ThankGod three times each day I $itl prit-r n l.ear,. for hinr or her. \illlti rrcnrlrcr cattrotic s-i l'rcss Associalion lnltrrd.s SerondClrrr mrllrr rl GIVEGOD I CEi{T FOR EA(H iilEAT to5l Officc, Indirn.polit, hd. titreet . " .. . E . . . : . : . n + r i I . IlDlTOn, ftev, ft.rymonrl T, USHER Iiosleri ASSOCIA'flC IIDITOn, it faithfullyin thePenny Prayer Cover on your table at home. Clty Deposit ,.,,.. Zonc..,. Strle Iler'. Paul J. Courtrrey; trIAN- .,\cll.l(+ RI)ITOR. F red lV. 1,'1'195;Ntr\lS IiDI'fOIi, Paul C. Prus'qv Couer if you don't hot:tt otto' li'os i ADVEIIIf ISING lI:\N- Funernl Ifnnte,, frtc. lVritc .Ior ct,I'rlttt.1' 'f. i\GllR, Janres Blacly. / llANCtS CAfDINAL tpfl,t^{AN, prortdrnr Price 94.00 | ycrr" ll{r. Jorr?l L ljcr. Xai,l'g..,, hed Publishcd Ercepl Anna C" Usher Wm" A, Usher - clf eonnrrlcdlofi tol Weelly NTISSIOITS ^^ cArHouc NIAR EAS?WELFART "'ii-;i;rdji,assoclltrox Larl Week in Deeember" CATIIOLTC'P#E,t[" 480 rcxtnsron Frank E. John* Ayr, .r iortr'ii. y. ' :t:>s j1i.!Ds - INDIANAPOLIS6, INDIANA N. {t.1-:r)l;:/ .1 POSTOFFICE BOX 302 26,1963 PAGE SIX THE CRITERION,JULY CYO ready for Iunior Baseballplayoffs Softball Leagues slate final tilts orl luly 28 Indianapolis CYO league champions go into action next rvcck in the auntta! .Iunisr: Baseball playofis. In the elass I! cfttcgofy, Iloly Name, Beech Grorie, iakes atr 8-0 record in tlte South=Etrst League ag;lins[ the Pal Club - in an opcnitrg plnyoff girme orr Tucstlay cvclling, .lttly 30, ;;,t"t "" ,,'- t--tt schc

2'[, tennis eourl,s Diamond& Jewelry Appraising (For Insuronce lrurposes) (Y0 Urrlngr tomphlrlfrtrm sct for tourney JUNloR EAStBAI.L LtA0lJt-Clur C Atrrovrdby lrtdlnt Int, Agentrrnd Comprnlrr Sorro YErgu! Grmrr ol lulv lA lilnrrond llnokens llstnte Appralsnls !ittlc Flolv{r 16, St. (alherinc li 5f, Mich- atl 6, llqly Ndtrre 5. o.mer of July It DiamondAppraising Co. ol Ind. lloly l{dmc 10. Liltle tlo\ier 6; Holy Angels 7,51. edlhorinc O ifarfeill. Wm, P. Nicholr flO State Life Blds, Fsr Appointmcnl l{orlh Itrgur 15 E. Wrhinglon Sl., Indpls. (4) ME 2.3800 Oamru ol Joly l{ . Sl. Pius X 7, St. francis 0 (forfeil)i St. l.drrrcrrce l,l, St. ,1. Gamcr of July l9 Sl. lJv/renLe /. Sl. Francis 0 (Iorfril); Sl, Andrew 15, St. Pius X 0. Strndin lr Soreo Lcrgur:31. 8.0: Lilll. Flowrr d'd; lloly Ansels l.6i Sr, i.1i./i;ltlNdno GOOpwlLL TOUB Amottg ihc gills, Cltt'ist tlte Norlh lcague: Sl. Iarvrcn(r 7.0; Sl, An. drrw 6 I; St. Irdnir! ],5; 5t. Joaa of AtC Ning rvas ttntlt'featcrl at Prcss i.d; 5i. l'ius X l-7. liurt' ntrrl is t'xpccltttl to tttkc llttl 'i'hc tlophv in l)ivision l, l)ivisitxt Q uts"ff fi'uropcl l t itlc is ttp fot' gt'abs, rvil lt St. ;llb n.T&o ('atltct'inc l{aw lrr antl St. Ttoch"-Jtoth tln' rlcft'rttt rl-faoittg eaclt otltcr itr lt planc--lhc ('N- BY RAEHEL EBERLE I'outtlt totttisls alltl 2 p,nr. shorv

Itl('llll()NI), Inrl..-At a Lecent Driver nr(,r'tinq of thrr llicltntond l)can- ENROLT t:r1'('\'(). ek'r'lirrns for trerv I)catr- Educalion 'l'lte crv offitrr'rs rycte held. CYo offict'r's for lf)6:!-64 arc: 1\Iary Now ASKRENMONUMENT CO. Itlentrrvliikl, llic atlvctrtttt'otts Course- : l.lxlllolor Scottls illc t'ulttttittg Drvtsr0N rl Ilcllc I'aL

o Archdiocesan 0fficec o Men'sand women's o : 3 f|'JL"":":isupply Churches $|11:"' organizations o Clergy o Hospitals o Map of Archdiocese

Your SalesMessage will T('{.n diltrtlo ItlEl{U- SaturdaY Two FRIED CHICKEi{ DINNERS-% Fried Chicften'Choice of Ul,Jirilrii,'5iiii, otint, Butter rnd Rolls-'-Adulls, $l'25-child's be 0n the desksof these s"'U;;'ib;:tii'ra Milli or Soft Drinkr, lt,c' Homc.MrdePir ,... '.... 20c lce Cream ' ' ' ' " lOc for atl entire year Warm l/eglolablrts buyers Beanr "' I()c WAWA, Ont. - LeY mirrion McshedPolrlo.s IGrecn Bcanr '" lOcl Baked luc' volunleerr in fraining here got rnd Gravy ... I(lc I BullersdCotn " a hot lnlroduclion lo lhe riturr of mission life. Salnels They had rcarcelY begun ', locl PotatoSalad "' loc October by lheir three.monlh lrrining Pro' ColcSlrw ....'. loc IPickledBecfs Director.y is Publishcd Annually in I "' l{,,cr gram when lhey were called oul SliccdTomalocr loc Apph Sauce to fight a forest fire thal thrcrt' 'llhc ened lhe mission lrrinlng cen' Sandu'iclros ler, and evenlurlly spretd over Criter:ion Pr:ess 35c Hot Dog Pork Barbecue' 30c 10,000 acres. Fish Sandwich.. I I Honte' | 3rnddich ''" ?9tI our own The volunleerr rre membqrl chili "' 25c Conry Srndwich25c lxii"ii i'un'," rscl mrde of the Canadian Lry Mirrionerr, Ind. a society founded in lrtc 196l fo 124W. Georgia St., IndPls,, 4r30 P'M' s€rve mission lerriloricr Carry Oul Scrvice All Three Nights at throughoul lhe world. THE CRITERION,JULY 26, 1963 PAGE SEVEN . FA]ITNY CLINIC WORKING TO BEAT HBtt MlsslolfARysoclgry otsT, e|AMES Pilfering by children _ Gl THEAPOSTLE How to walk backwarcls


This column has been rambling on about sumrner vacation and upsetstheir father the various ways teen-agcrs dream up of eitirer wasting or using it. The faet seems to be ltis orvn back or By FR. WALTER IMBIORSKI they he in Yard that you can public Guesl Columnist a ncighbor's garilen, or tlte cither become a for Fr, John L. Thomas, 5.J. pirrk, r\nd guns are for PlaYinH, spiritual, intel' We hove r frmily of five. lVifh. whether it bc the one he sot for lectual, or phy- is wall sicalslob in in lhe lasl monfh our seven'yert. Christnras thut PrettY brokcn, or thc shining blaek one the course o f old boy look a bag of gumdrops nt Jrrhnny's housc rvhiclt he ean three months, our five' irom lhe dime slore, and havc so nuch fitn rvith. or else you can yorr-old gun came home wifh -.r It's a (ood itlca, rcpeatedlY tnrt grow and nta' ol r he hrd slolen from the home calnrly trr loll children not to ture quite a bit plrymaie. By and lrrEc lhey rre tirke lltings lhnt brlong to anothcr, in all these good kids, bul how do we help no point in pttnishiuti Fg but thcre is ways. Thc trou' younger children lhem and lhe or scoltling until hc lcarns rvltat ble is that' if You rucste a summer, "bclonging" to learn honesty?--Phillip nlcilns, or rtnlil hc vou haven't- jrrst stood still-- dcvclops a Ieeling of orvncrsltip gun" backwards. Dcar Phillipl !ou't* When he {or his orvn pttsscssions, You ntay, in fact, havc gone so fcels misscs one of ltis toYs nnd far backrvarrls that il. will takc begin to ttnder' n scnsc sf loss, lre vott forever even t(i gct back to tlte nrenning of mine. 'l'ltis is There'r no cuch lhing rr e rpiriluel slalemale - you ellher go slnnrling where you were in Junc' he wairts tO gct it back, iorward or IIc knorvs esneeiaily true and especially tm" brckwrrd. o gic wlten *or11sbo(lY colllcs ll.l) l\'lass, try gettine up at least once lVht'n Susie's doll is ntislaycd, with thc hlrroltttr tltal, sttmtner ts r)l' sdlilconc hns rvnlked olf rvith more tluring the week to go to a vacation front school and therc' Irlass anrl reeeive Ortr Lord in r\t agr: live, six or soven, the forc a vaeatiotr from God as well. Iloly Communion. (Actually, he' chilt! brgins to rlistinguish riglrt yort're a fricnd of IN THE WHOLE CHRIST Now eithcr roie sacrificcs like this don't or- ilnd rvlrrng. Whenevcr stealing If yotl com' (iotl's or yott'rc not' permanent pnt'e rlinarily earrse harm, incidcttts corllr! up, his nts a fricrtd for rrletelv disregarrl especially to energetie teen.agctl shoul

tir trr hr'nd llh. s.tullr. ',,i"iil.ii.-i'i*m,;J.'''Nf'linlii'i,*.iilil[i*li'iiii*'i'i*il,$i*i

tllilnlill-,,*itiilt.if-:t",',rf,;$ ii: mr.;liijiil,iii$ l[ii,,,', d**it q[ifrli:i!\lli,j*,t,'n]:',$$:'1lt*h'x'"rr'1& sq',l.",t'Wf GrinsteinerFuneral Home ;.'.,*jll;ijillll;i.lhiii.'l'.$[[*:i.,i}'liltliill$[,.ilt*Ertabliihcd 1854 GEORCEN. GRINSTEINER HAROLD D. UNCER 'i*iii)]i$if:ljllilIi[llllljiluliiJ^'i;fi|.\i.lI'I111,1*1,1i.'x;l*,1..1lii"[|';"i'i.1.;i.*::|!;;iilil;l'IMElrocc 1.f371 160l Emr Ncw york St.

lllrlut':tlot ol f,toore, tlrc Kirk& telccnst rvill Usher i;T";;:].|i]"l;i'''l;l"-;lllilljlli'.l*l" lirrgtlrc ('trrsorr ltlakc. statr:rl Funerql, Ilonter tr{' E' j: r lrvington y=ii?'i""' :tlill,,t;.'lx'.rill),i'i\Jl '"'*i''H;rf"" r Northside tottr,*'r-1',h o Lawrente tt' 'Ielevision liaelio .1ncl

IHbtANtt'0t ts .{REA Sund.y lel?Yision

Sr.i.r r,nl.-Cl,fi:t,.r.irers,,,,.,"...."..(lill s..'I.-:sJ rJ I r, f .':'..J ] ..,,..,...... "..fS} I fl.'\,-t. | .'f 1.. l'.. ;r ...,...,16) ..i.i I s.:,,-l:r.r iit, -r I lrlr,.,.,.....i8) Iti'J irr i\.1 ,..,...,..",.0J)

SurdrI I,trdl!

6tli e.rn.-Sirifrii si;ri ....".,."...!ylSH $:-rLl p.!tr.-,\ir l,';;ra l-irlrr .....,,...111{JC ia, ,'--(dt.ti., ,Q t, lr.r, .,..,...,,.WrftE i,r.;.) L'. .-rhrI oi i,ii.r.,,- ...... 1, 8e 1J:1-', f,.r'i.*il,ur .{ St. fi,, iira ",,.,.1!tBl,l fridrv Radio 6:,,i S.rii,-S.t'l; ltr.tri .. - -,,.,...-,.Vtl,ll . ,,londrf thru fridnf ...:y .lrr",.r..'ti I'c.r ._. --_..""-,,VlRf

{0HllIRsvtttt,iRtA R3dro.-Srn!t.!v i.'.-:ri *:- ::.--5:jr.; s..,.t , .. .,,.,,. ^.',\llaf

tvAiltVtlll 3lttl 5!ilddt Iclcvi!iori !|:,it-rs.;1,,--6;';,1,. i.,, .-.....",..,...fI Sriurddv 1, t3 s,n..-lrrir RBdio lto{rcnl3 Srnda y ..-'r. ..-.,.^:,... !. L...,....,r. 1rS i,. I i r \i, i l. I'ri'rir...... ',,,t0t lr. r:,r'r,-tu| .,,..,..,.'.Vt;eF illrnt,rl h1' lris rlotlttt,ttcc, lr1' llrt' 5r lurd r v' -.1,1, i.,.-,' i:,111. r1 l.,tr ,'l: l .0, . ... .lyeSF lrroltrtttlill- trl ltis t't ligious ru('s- 72AOEAST IOth STREET - INDIANAPOTIS i\rA0 ts0[ ARtA slrgr,. lrtrl lrl ltis ;rir ol :r\rt'sonrrr , Iiddio_Suildry lrrrllrolil t' r'ortrlrirtcrl u it b rtrr irt. 1r.i:6..,-;r r ui 5i. ttr,.rr ..."..V,trR,( lrltltrstilllc lettrltt'rrr,:s lln(l ('{'nl. 1l;rssiort, tlt<' trrrrltirrrlc lr{ lilst Itltlt'rl,lt'stts tlillr cttlltttsiitsl)riur(l - -Sunday rltticlilv ltt'ljun Io lr'li'r'lo ltint l. Friday y lrr, ('hrisl. Saturda I

)lici!nl" by ,ohD J. , 1959 hyhvvW(rton 0ouhlcddy,dy.ildd Com' SUN. MATINEE SUN. MATINEE Noon to 5:00 Noon to 5:00


Civil rights To study problems of nucleer combet UTITECIIT, 1['he Netherlands- by the Cardinal in hls capacity (('ottlittttetl flottt 1) Cardinal Tic Tacker Pagc Rernarrl Allrink, Areh. as president of the Dutch branch ort cqttal t'tttplttylttent cornrrrissiott bishop of Utrtrcht, has sct up a of Pax Christi, international oppolt unity. conrmission to stu(ly problems Catholic pcace movement. orr thtr tontt'ovttsiitl pttblic ac. raised by the possibility of nu. ,'\ plcasanl, al'lt'r-rlirrrror rlf vrrlle.vllall plovt'd rlisaslt'rttts Tne commission ls the Ilrst ol flrrrr-' r-onluotlatiotts Pl'oposill, thc reli- clenr warfare. its kind to be set up on a national fot':r Ik'nt'rliclinL'nun at Qur Lady of Grree Convent, l]ccch Gl'ovc, gir'urs k ltlcrs noted lltat tlisclitn- The eontnrission * hcadcil bv levcl by Pax Christi. lltis past is bat't'od It is made rvcck. ittitlion in sttclt facilities Gov, I\L van rler Schcren oi up of experts in theology, loeiol. br local larvs irt ittnnY Placcs. province Sislcr Evangela Brennan. O.S,B,, rvho t{,rchcs nt Sl, Prul's School Ovcrijsscl - was namcd ogy, and law. "lrllnrltss" Ilrtaclrnent of a l'ctlttt'ltl latv for irr'l'tll (:ilt'. ft'll tlulrng u ganrc rvitlr the Sislels antl "is {htr sitttto l)tlrposc not a dras' Itlokt hor' lr.ft alrn in trvo placcs. tic stcp," tltcy saitl. "ttx. Folhrrvittil troatnrent lt nt-ighbottnii St. Frrne is Hospitrl, tltc BtuE& \ilHlTE "('\tln SERV|CE.[,1C. athlcte" rvill bt'ncalrn.q rvcight" on ltcr itrnt lol scr'ot:tl lt'ceks' 8 LOCATIONSTO SERVE YOU r\fl1'1 6 sligltl pattso. lltc l.iittttc conlilltto(1. ALWAYSOPENI NAMES lN THE NEWS-Frfher Viclor Hermrnn, O.F.M., a na- wA 4-s381 lilc of Srcred Hearl palish, ltttlrnttltpolis, ltas bt't'n ttrttttetl it r'trtlll' st'llrrl oI tho l"r':rncisr'lrr FrIlrt'r's'Slct'cd IIcart (St. l.ottis) Irtrlt'in0o. ,.. Frther H*rmrn tuir hit.t lelttt'ncrl ltotttt'ft-onr grarlturtc sltltlios ill Ronre. rllrr.'r-e 111'rrh[;1111t'11 I J,i.t'ntiatrt in S:rct't'd T'licologl' from tltc rllrs a st ct'ct:tt') in tht .\tclulioct'sittt tr[ntt i' l,;rlt larr Llnivclsrtr'. ilt' "We 'l't'ihrrrt;tl lrnro eoning las's, tt':tffic tnottial ltt'ior lo ltts rltltltlttrt' in l{}{i1. IIc has not 1t't rtr. otrlinanccs, liccttse tttttl inspt'ctiott ct'itt'tl I nf\\'ltssiillltll('nt. ,,'l'rtrr jrrhilat'ians lnsl Strntl:r]'at llllnt.l(ltl- I'cQt!ir'{'rrrr'ltts as $'t'll as sc(}lcs llle {'onceIti,rn (i)n\'r'nt, l"r'r(linan(I, :u'e itlttivrrN of tht' r\r('hdiocost.l--.- *:tr,'...?-'."qffig:,% rrI othcr nrk s nnd t'egttlttions AT COLUMBUS CEREMONY-The Very Rev. Omer Eisenman, V.F., daen ol fhc Norlh Vcrnon Dcin- Sisier t\l. Arnbrose Nou, O.S.B., rrf St. i\lcirtt'arl, dinnrontl jtthilitt'itttt: thtl crrn'r'ntl.t {'tlfol'('r' tlttt crlncttpt (cenler lho 'l'cll jrt' ery, in surplice) blesres eornerslone for lhr now Sl, Columba'r Church, Golumbur, Ind. antl Sisfer M. Hyacinlh Schtteider, O.5.8., of Citl'. goltlt'tr oI sot:ially t'csponsilrkr olncrship. sfone ln prierlr pelrlck 'fu'it qgainst Al Grrffa ir :elfins lhe Flrco, Tho two bahind Mr. Grrffa rre Father Glor. lrilari:rn, , . . scttiot soe iolog]' tttit.iors at Marirn College ltat'c I{ ryt'citn flstect cilizerrs ion. righi. Fsilor of Si. Barlholomew'r rdd Orglnirar ol lha new parish, rnd Falhcr Donald landed srtntnttr e tttplrrl !lont In tht'ir interest :rrcas. Miss JoAnn lhi' in,irtrl' cau-cc{l lr}' hilrine tele= "Llareers (ivr' Schweirer, assistrnl pasior al Sl. Brrlholomew't. The cornariton. rllc war hold larl Sundry. Lauck olituinorl oiqht rlt r'lis t'tnplol ntont through itt Sttcial t isrtrtt scls. sut r'11' rve citn \\'olk" at lltt. ('lttcutr, ('rtlltoltc ('lt:rlilics llttt'catt. Miss Mary Rosa Mayer is rr'rrlkirts rrl llrr'('lukllcil s Iltrrcilti iil Inrli;rnapolis' Iloth arc ice contes tlireet ts the festival grounds. rnt nrbt'rs of S:rclrrl ll0ilrt l):tt'isll, lntlinnap0lis. irit Parish chels report that the fiesta rlemand for thcir spaeially pre- pared rl r'r rr(-(lthat"mlnychut'ch^botl- .ff fish, to be scrvetl again l.f, ,I tonight, is greater than ever, tes 'Ihe e ir' tiilliltilt[il.:'til.ii'ii*:I wIII Itlt tIrc Iid menu featura on $atttrrlay tocluy highlights frictl chieken dinners. c()n rincrl in thc :rtltnittistt':ttitin J Itomc-matlc chili and home-baked Pf {} (liitlillac pies. Spt.cifit:all1', tlrcl' siritl, tDilliy r\ l'ottr drtot $'liitc tt'ill givt'lt t'elir:iotts At'()llps wotrl(l hack i1 be ilrt'tt!' nt tltc clost of thtr A la earte selections arc also COMMUNION BREAKFAST-IItnrbt't's- o[ tltt' ('rtlix Socictl' tvill tonslt fiiir cntploytttent practices giallt ftlll patkctl ficsta at Ilttll' availahle each evcning, Scrvirig Spit'it p:tt'islt oltcninu totlay ttlt nreol at tlrr. Trlbof Hous*, 113.1Ccnllal Ave., Ittrliitrtttpolis, nt g a.ttt. hill, :rs rvell its tl'ailrinq, counscl- time begins at 5 p.m., carryolt$ (-{)lillllllnirrn inil antl sct'\'iccs for tliar gi1)iil-rrls flt ?:lZU Il- 10th St, at ,l:30 p.m, Srtndrl', .Iui1 lls. fl)r' l Ilt'cnkfast, Tirel' $ ill riot rttteiitl ltlacotiltrnl 'l'lte .,r'c{}ll1l1i(,;llly ctettt (t{)tltintt(}s lotllt)ll(}W rlgpriyorl" l)0!.S()lts. Lco lllanley is general onc spccial cltut'clt but u'ill gltlrcl irftcl xlnss for lhc occasion. About 'l'llr chair- rcliqiorrs lcark'r's Ravc antl Stttttlal', ,ltlll' :17 iln(l :18. 100 nlcn -ro ('\l)c('l(,(l trr alluttrl. Spc;rkr.t's rvill ittcltrtltl: Msgr, Cor. nlll irrr crnplrnsis lo llrc nct'tl for liitlcs, lxtolhs anrl t{alttos Itave Sweeney, ('lrattccllol of lltc .\t't'lttlir)('ost'; Rry Alberr, pt't'sitlent .,*i.1'__ nelius irunrt'tliutt, uclion on civil r.ights, llt tn sr'lot'torl to p|trvitlo trurxi- l)t';urt,11'('ount'il of ['nlltrtlit: llt'tt; nlld Drvid Fox, "rr1rv" of lho lnrliutt;rprrlrs cchoinrt lho crrll flL.lrrslicp ltltllll 0l)t('fllitttttOltl [gt' tllC lt'S- 'l':rlbot plcsidcnt oi tlrt llou-st l)oel't[ oI dircctors. thal has bct-onttr a t':tll.vittgslogan tilrl ct'tts rls- LONG'S i1 crrrtt'11 r.ivil r.iglts currrllaigls. ln tlrtr ftrorl rlr'p;rrtntcnt, a fish ECUMENte At e ENTURY - ('crrtr';tl ltrrliatra tasirlonts rvill lr:rve the ,.', Barber& BeautyShop Srrpr.t,nro ('oill.t lrils irt

Edilor'r Nole - Wo rcspccl. fully remind Rerder OrMahoney that wo regulrrly rccord him mora sprce lhrn morl news. paperr would glve him lo ex- New'tov press hir viewpoinlr, ,y (Continued from pagc ,l) Flsh fry slntr.rl kitrcl .of a Unitcd Nirtions to.y," sllc renrzrrked, expliiining thnt it INDL\NAPOLIS - ,r\ Irish l.rv \\'as n casual gift frorn llrc gr.anclpilrclits. tu'ill plecctle llrc Altar Socictv carrl parly nl Sacrcrl Ilclrrt parisir lVe'rc glacl thosc grandDarcrrts bourht il. anrl that tho on Flitl;r]', Arrg. Z. Car.r.y_outs mothel alkrls him to pln.y rvittr it.. lVc'rie glacl ilrose grand- rvill be availablc bcgiruring at Jralcnts pcllralx pnuscrl anrt thcn passdd lly sorrrirthing .l:30_ '1'he l).lrt. cnltl party rvill (tclllctilrg the Jctsolls, who will soon farlc bct'on{l even Dcgrrt a[ 7:30 I'el'llns.

nudicrrco Of cotrlsc, tlre chikl is vcry srnall rrol; :rntl he n'ill ntove on to rniniatur.e nissilc bases, rnoclcl Winchcstcrs, attrl bicyclcs. Ilut rnnyhc sornc nrcrnirr.v of ilri.s Iitilc brotherlroorl on whccls- rvill sulvivo. lVb hone so. WINDYHIttS HOUSE ffiffiwd^*'ffi&sq- 6205 No. Oakland srt{s |ililililililililililililililililililililtilililililililil1ililtiil1 T;t*IoP CFM picnic N\\ Everytime you opena can of FallsCi$ Beer,you get more fun, more tlavor,more quality. Remember,Falls City Eeer is Pasteurizectand Bitter'free.Buy a couple In rvliatcvcl rlv-*ter.iorrs ways toys affcct. anrl Six.Paksof City*thc becr that givesyoti more 0f vrhatbeer's for.. ' enjoyment! p.:lrt bcc.oure t 0[ thun, \\'e hol]e th'c little woo(lcn pcoplc fallm'O rvill tcach hinr somctlring that rvill grorv anrl 'rorv, long I 1363tAtts CITY8Rt\llN0 col'lrANYr LoulsvlLlE' lL i'4 after they themselvcs chip arul fade.- PAGE TEN THE CRITERION,JULY 26, I96t AROUND THE ARCHDIOGESE Optimism Statue to be dedicated (Continued from page ?) ND studentsaid ltfieximns Catholic schools or when their politicnl TACAIVIIIARO, prospectr for or social 1\{cxico-Thirteen University of Notre Dame stu. advancentent seem impeded by rlent.s are spcnrling their summer vaeation :,1. on the outskirts of this IMerownsburgHardwarc .1, heroic demands I I at Diamond homecoming the ol a Christ mountainsidc torvn of 10,000 as volunteer house builders. and ApplianceCo. who, in polnt of fact, is not the I I I SPITD OurEil AppLtANf:S rnr I "gentle' The studcnts are h'ikring three cindcr block homes Hamburg Pike, south of Sellers' least bit when it comes for {amiries persons. to the integrity of His tenchings of six to nine I Glidden Painrs I burg. The dinner rvill be served I SAIIS rnd stnVtcr I and the sovereign demands of group Accompanying the for their two-nronth stay is "*"'tit'l:l'ibi'-"' country style beginning et 11 a.m. conscience,rt Father fit'nest Bartell, C.S.C,, a university chaplain, Irather tsartell in a screened dining room at the But such a reduclion in statis- came | with a group of 15 students rast ycar I lake side, tics, Bishop Wright said, in no who built two homes here and repaired a chapcl in ncarby way threatens Catholic optimism. Aguascalientes. ?hree members of last Thcre rvill bc ridcs for ihe chil. ycar's group joincd He said that the Gospcls reveat havc the Pcace Corps for work in Latin America. dten, ganes for everyone, and those who found Christ's worets Ilcsitlcs proicct, booths featuring such items ss "hard ',walkctl thc buikling which takes d4 to 48 hour.s a wcck. sayings," and who handmsde quilts, lincns, candy the students arc giving Ilnglish elasses tlrree to live no more with llim." rimes a weck to and honrc-bnked cakes, aboilt 150 o[ the people living hcre. St. Paul's Church on l\lasses al c&EDRUGS picnic tlay, .Iuly 28th, will be at WI I 6. 7:30 :rntl 9130 a.m. chrlrt Hlmrrlf'hr 'id' I and SHADYACRES I PHARMACY *nilurnunnnnuuunnnunnnnFARMER's vlEw rilnnlniluuil1111i1rr*r*11r!' I I He said there are people inr- S = "Prescripti,rn | Spcclalirh,, I l'il'J,il,',ll'*",in-',1'l.ii":n:,-l,I1,1= Ilo'llles rrl jears =I FreeDelivcry Service I servatives but walk no more witlr * E I ll1 E.Mrin st. TE ?.6802I lhe Church whcn she is obliged, By DANA C. JENNINcS in tho name of Christ, to rebuke the pagan excesses of conscrva- It is saitl that ncn o[ oltl*-.thc lism in various places. At'abiaus, as I rcrncmbcr*kcpt "People inrbued with the spirit littlc crysttl vials iu rvhich to of the rvorkl who think lhemsclvcs catclt tlttrit' tt'ars. At avcry oppor. as liberals rvalk no t.unily they rvoukl fctclt out thtrir morc rvith "L0! bottlotl proclninr, her when, crtually in the nanrc of teirrs ln(l Christ, she rcbukcs thc ncgations Itorv turrclt I 1111r9slgffeltrrll" 'l'hat's of secular libcralism, the kiutl of public rclt. KE[tY tions {rrrners arc trying to gct along onr trotting tlrcir nriserics past tltc public cyc in an cutllcss CHEVROTET c1'clc ol lt'llcl it ions: lorv pt'ict's, Greenwood, Ind. TU l.t3tl Irigh r:osts, drouth, trxcs, hlt'tl rvork, lorr;1 horrts, lo*,priccs, high 'l'ltis (!osls, (,1c. artrl tt:tttseaut. BUTTZ.HIGGINS (lzlr'lt n(:u s ilgcrl(fy lecltnirlrrc u'oukl lrc incffcctive MUSIC CENTER ertough, lxtt consirlet'irtg tltat tlte publi<: r'icrvs tha {at'rttrr's trou- Wilgro Shopping Cenfer I1'l)Or'ls releilse of blcs, if it l;otlturs to notc at all, (Junction no!dr {31 e !l} thrortglt a strrokescrccn of allcgcd Phone TU l-2975 subsirlies nnrl fat living, it is 3 jnilerl hisholts doublfrrl thlt. any of thc rncssagu tlrrorrgh. NEW STATUE AT DIAMOND-Marlin Drurella comprrer lhe It'ts \'lli\N'\-'l'lrlet bisltops hrle sfalve of lhe lmmaculale Conceplion which he fabricoled wifh lhr Itr.r'haps rlc shou ltl tt'1r sotnc. bct'n rt'k ltst'tl from dcttntion by lltin{ clsc. gor'- blueprint. The stalue will be blessed Sunday. Crr-clroslovakia's contnrttnist \Vc c:rrr't rclv on otlrcls to tlrr {'l'llnl(\lt1. act't-rt'ding lo a rcpott lt'cr.ived hcrc. Synagoguclecl ur.c r\ tlispnlclt frotn tlre Cztrclroslo" HARpER,S trli tttu-s :lgr'nc]', (:'fK, snid lltc I)olnestir: Pr:acc Corps lM.di.on llrlot alt' Ilishops .Ioscf Illouch is givcrr lly pricst (EI ol Jlutlt'jolit'c: Stcpln'florrhlt. rrnsr FEDERAL S.I).Ii.. of Ltlorrttlit'c. antl Kat'trl I SYI)Nl,)y. Austlalia -.. (latholir: (ltccttasr-k. .\postolic ;ldnrinistrl- stlr)rIa irl I o nrig ril r]ts DRUG STORE & Loan [tiblical scholar'. I.'atlrcl Jlobclt lSavings Assn. tor of thc llrlrlt.t: Iiralote tlio- ?24 E. tltain Sl. - 'l'ltc Not'th. S.J., deliveretl tlre Ilabhi Ptronele ph. ggg t('se. \\'r\SlllN(i't'())i lll rll){)s{r(l Itt'rtltlt, ctlttt'rtiott, hottsittll, r't't'r'c. & JeffersonStr, ('rtt'ps (':u'0 t"alk r\lrtnrolial l,eclurc irr tlrr: hull ,\r'coltlitrS lo thc lcpotl. Ilislrop N:ttirttutl Set'r'icr u'ortkl ltt' atiotr. tlul' t()r chiltllt,n, .1oll lMrin ol Sl'tlttc5"s (ilcnt St'nlijogrrc Illorrt'lr rvas appalcntlv lclcascd ;r bil hclp itr lllcviirtttt:I tlrt lrlrtrrng. cilrrcrr lllrllir'ipltion irnrl I'rattcisciln nfrn "lilln)' f inatrt'ral Irelc. lccrrrtlr'. Iirrt e'fK .sfli(l thnt ol haltlslrips" ol Itrr{r';rttt r'ornrst'ling." 'l'ltis Italranize rras lltc filst lirrrc a (ltlho. lirslrops'l'l'ochla lrnt'l ()lcenast'k rtotkt'r's ln(l ol pofsons Irr ittr: rn lir'li'r'r'ing to rnigllnt rrolltt'r's Sislr.r'sul)rlriors m,cauleyInsurance 'fllc lic prios{ has bccn the guest lr:rd htcn f|t'ctl in lll{it). (lis- rlcptt ssetl t rrr':rl lrr'ls. a pliost rttttl prtsons lit'ing in tlt'11't'sscrl I dics ut rlge of 77 "tttttt'irr,lt- spcakt'r' al srrclr a ,lcrvislr frructiorr ou'r ,.rnn,n,,,souND patch, lron't vor- \r'ils tlrr: filst t,xpr't't otr t'tturl litt, pt'oltlt,ttt: ttrltl t'trIlrl lil'r\trs .its llrtt ort{suBE,, Irtlc. \f'{)t'kslr{}l} | o[iit'rul \\'{}r'(l ()f tltcit' tckrase. a lhrttso lalrrlt' sttlx'orrttttiltcr.. rulllt's." l,'ltltt'r Viz;ritlrl rviu'rrcrl: slitlc "l'ttlcss llallbi l"allt \\'as lrigltly cs- ("1'K is eontlollr'd hy the Czecho. l"ilth.f .lanlos 1,. \'izritt'rl, S..1.. a sgrt'ci:tl pro;1r'lrrr bc tk:. ('lN('tN\:\'l'l'.- Jlolo lltirn :l{(} AdUeftispfS rnuruerrvsr. phonr546 lcctuetl lll lt'adtt's of all farths. ltro slrN itli gOvcrn trrCn{. Irtarl rrf lhtr \\'itsltinlitott rrllir't'of rlillr{'(1.stt(.lt iis llrc Nillronll ScIr'. top ollrcills ol l'.S. Ststots'eott.t- 'l'lrt' Iatltet' Not'llt is cttllcttllv grrcrt oifici:rl Vaticirn 1'calhook tlrt' Nution;rl ('lllrolic litrlrrl Lrlt' it't'('oLps, to lrr.'lp tlrrur rn rrrttttrtit.s rvill corttt, ltt't'c ljrt' tltc l)r\)l('ss('r irt Slclcrl Scriplrrle lrt for ll)(ill, the r\nnunlio I'ontificio. ('ottft.rr'rrrc. tulrl it sttllcrrrlrtrrrllr'rl tlrcrf \ r't'J' llf('ilt untl spccilic lll(iii \\'olkslrolr ol llrc C'orllr'r'('n('t' 'l'r'ochta (larrisrrrs (hllegc. the .Jcsuit tlt'st-r'ibcs l\ishop as of the [[orrse ('oururittr'c ott l']rlu- ttt'r'rls, lltol u'ill retrr:rill li)r ol ll;r.ior' llolitliorrs Supt't'iot's ol ''irnpctlt'tl" llousu of Strulics in 51dnc.y, lrntl Ilishtrlrri Illotrr:lt cution antl Lalxrr' {.ltt11' l[|) tlrlt rlt't'arlcs to (,ontr, itr uttt'r,liclerl 1\ronrcn Aulilst:l:i t0 2!) at thrr "dctainerl "migltnt atttl Otcon:rsr'li rs in antl scasottll [nlrrt :ttttl rltrarleninr prrvr,r'11'." ('olleltc o[ trlottttt St. .Iost'lth. 'l'lre pltee." an trttkltoutt labol ttul cltt'otticltlll' tlt'1lt'cssctl JcsrriI plicst rrototl tlrirt r\nrrrn!l lllinciplrI spclrlicls rvill 'l'hoft' g'as no intlicatiorr in lhc tttlal nttrs ttrttl llrt' kittrl ol' ltt,lp s{}ut(, l}els(}ns lluarrl lltc ctttttcltt- lrt' Arthhishop I'lokr I'lrrlippe, (''l'li dispalelr tlrat any of thc tlrlt tlre Nalionll Scl'r'itr' (lrrrps ltlatt'rI ur:rxinruln ol 5.(X)()Nationll ( l.l)., S('cf('titr'.v ol tltc Srtctc

Refugee prograrr Patronize COAL Itaul. V. Shruder F'urrPt'ul IIome Since l8$3 Patronize Our DsttrLrli.sltctj1,9'10 Patronize Our Aur Hilligoss& Son, fnc. OxygenEquiPmenf Two'WaYRadio -- Allllt,ll,,\N(:lt st':lt\:l(llil "-" 231E. Wash.St. Ph. EX 8.4811 Aduertisers Aduertiser.s Aduertisers I7I5 OAK ST. THE CRfTER|ON,JULY 26, t963 PAGE ETEVEN

t woMAN'S PROJECT Re.m,ent,ber 6Of them Clf afd apostolate' tn, Jiour prayers

INDIANAPOI.II (Aliltnlill 1 r. llADLIY,89, SS. lcter old P.ul [6llredr.l, ruly 19, ll0ly Crcss (atila. Irfy. ilo turvivors,

IndianapolisParish Shoppitg List 'l'hc O O otlrcr forrr arc: gl()lvcr f ^ ['r'ank Lrrcche[i, a nal.ivc: of s,ll,],, SLor:kton rvho hns bccn an active 5urvivorr: St. Nlichacl's parislr tvor.ker llD, dtrd sin1r.. ffi Scrlay. lrc ;rnrl his rvifc llorrqhl. Ireir il,l. ;rt'rc t';tnclr l{} ycat.s;rgr.r; Rat,. -i-l- - ,,rno:;t rrtonrl, lg, nantctl oulstattrl. Wolte Shelt Servicc Stalion itrg" Ncwrnarr Clrrb rr:ligiorrs clrail'ntan ill Slot:kton Colltrlc, r'mnrs ,{ffi}. rlrs E. r,tt(ne^i rrorv at Slct.arrrorrlo Slatc (.ollegc; omil^,'iil}ii:liri]ii ifrffi\ ff^ll$;; i lltlIX^r lt0l-tX, ./6, St. Anltrony'i (lrur(h, j tttty lJ. lloly ( I l)alid, 17, ffpuii} ,,,1:'l;11,'1.::':"0",. E"rr side Bike srore 1L1...,.. *, ,..t0n,,!v,d,,s fo\\ cr|ClrrV. SlrviVort, all-arorrnrl alhlctc lt THE UNIQUE ii*:,:'.;,n'l:,*:13'htr5tdnll, lor0lrh V.; apostolatc Leglrn ffif sonr, Jolril Lr ruArAr{rrro$*yrcr J. anrl Sir;. St. r\l aly's I liglr School arrd q;rirr $llW * stRvtct cltrr * trrunoi {du0ilrgr, SlBlb Willinmr. ; liglrf. Seals rgo rvlrcn slrc toki a *,r,0',."T,*orro lr,u,lil,*,ifJlli,'lj.d'r'i,",;T\\#'" I - ft 6.0111 -Ir uI t.o0j5 Itallrh, ll, rvho nllenrls Sl.. Nar.y firfrll tr'orkcr's I t13t f $i.hi!tn lt | Lr. elrild to,,offer rrrr I -flHorly rvnir,-rq, st. trnncis dr of llrt-. Asstrnrption J0tes. LnJr( tr, St:hool, artrl i.s (iorl" RAY ROSS . ,ilty ?3, llolv Cto\r tctrlc. lo rr'lrirl Ic fell rras nn rrri. laty )rrlvrvor : nft,lrC r. SCrrd.d Lr,n.ll lt'alninll to be au altal MONZEL boy. rlt'servt,d spanking fronr his pal.. ffiiml ,?,',''n:*Y:: Standard Servlco crrl. ITALIAN.EORN ttlistina --- Inroorlrr ol ocrmro ll;rlia - "\1'lro @ Grtndlrlhrr'.Cuckoo & othlr llnr clockt (ln:r; (lo

SEXTON 5UTHERLANDLUMBER CO. i A. HUBERT MOTORSALES Pays Plbg. & ilerting Confruclor NfIITI US[O CART I5OOKENTUCKY AVE. ME 9.2M5' (rawfordsyilh /15 E. SouthernAvr. {t02 td, Spardwiyeily, Init. sT 6.3083 tlt l.l9/5 PAGE ?WELVE THE CRITERION, JULY 26, 1963

ftilissionerinherits'family PledgeFrcmpt actiotz on rece bias

racial Councils. o r Ca.lling of an cxecutivc Special considclation to busi- board meeting and rlcanery coun- ncsscs that olfct fair onrployrnent cil meetings on race relations. oppot'[unitics antl lrnrcstrictod public no specialfavors o UrginS study of the pastoral Iacilitics. get lettcr and of John's last a Elfolts to hclp palents cdu- encyclical, Pacem in Terris, by eatc thcir chilth'en in correct ('atholit: Catholic S,\l(10\ -- llilititt'.\' cttut't ()n(' lit'ttlcttnnt \tlls men. lar:irl attitudcs. scntrnct'rl to lcn )'cars' ltnrd o Cooperation with other per- 1tt'or:cetlirtgs ltct'c ltalc sltott tt llhol urr r:hirtfles ol cottrplicity itr sons an

Charge' i CarrYing OPEN DAILY 9:30 TO 5:30 o No ._, Closed Sat, at l:30-July 7 thru Aug, 17 0PEil M0llDAYEVEI{ll{G I 'fil - NIail Orclels Prornptl.y l,'illcd -- I P.M. I "We FREE Specialirein Service" Off-Street Krurlc Bnos, EsrabrishedrBe2 Parking ffil Catlrclic Suppl.y l:Iouse Inc. Diagonally (% Bloci