
PAGE TWO THE CRITERION,JULY 26, 1963 JAMESH. DREW (orporation Fe thcr Expodilo welconicd mo Inlo hir house but fhen Prlernrlism, Frlher Expedilo "nol raid, "ie lhe worsl lhina thrt warned mc lhaf ll wrr fhc '11:^,,ii|he''wors|-|hin9|hrt1""_---."..:;-i__-_- prrlor'r housc bul lhc parirh peopla hrive nOver htd thcir m houreand lhe use ii r* ;:L':'^.?-.T:i'l;",]1'-Ji::i,1'own insii. B Worry fheir own," Thc only llme wc tulion: lo give slability to lhelr FreeApartment Living in house rlrsr-lo give lhern lhe raalire. werE llene the wot r! Sfficiancy, I antt 2 bcdroom anart. tion fhat hey rre chlldren nlghl ln bed-and lhe rlreom of of m.ents in SS. l,etc:r ancl parrl parish_ peqple ln rnd oul were alf in. God. Also close to C:rthotic lroduced lo me ar leaderr or Chrrrch in other parts of workerr ln program tha city. lientnl ratcs to suit one or an. y.-o_ur.nccds. olhsr. st0p in lor listings at 850 N. Pclrn., or'call iuElrose {.b55S any day, inchltlirig Sunrlay, MARKET DAY*On mrrkel dry, Sunday, lho village ol Sao Prulo de Ponengi rwells from r norrnel populalion of 1,000 to rbout 15,000. The prslor ol thc church In lhe brckground rerd lhe lull lexl of Mrler ot Mrgirtra from thc pulpit. ft I: P9,R7'ER lttr LATI ^r A tVE *!-,(2L ltEWFn0ttt 'I'he man iolrl ltre lhal lrc harl PEPSI-GOI.AC|lMPAITY scven chiklrcn lrrd that he Irad gttrte to school fol t fcrv;.cars rlhen hc wlrs a lro5'lud hnd Findssocial lc;tt'nrrrl ttr rviite his nante anrl a progressfc\1' otlrr:l' llrirrgs, Scveral rnorrths nilo l"r!thct' Expctli{o ash0rl Irim tc0[ l() ft() lo tirka onc ol llre rliocesan t t:linitlg cotll's('s orr r.rlt'al work- 'l'hr:r'c r:r's' rrrrions, ltr,' lcat.urd lllt{ttlt llt{! il()\\'\l)itp(,f 01(l ('itlll{} b;rclr ltrrnrr,lrrrl lrt,lian tr) stll tt. "'l'lrc pcoplr kt't,1r asliirrg rrrr:. 'Wltt'r'o slowbut encouragi*gis thrs nrtlrrlian folol.rrr'Jt F*q;$';i* I u'ittrl lill (,\i)litil:tlir)n t)('(,ilUstl lht'1'asli l|l{', s() | l{,ll tll(.ll} t() DIETCOTA Ey REV. vINCENT LoVETT xttcll(llnS llrtss anrl ttr't'tlinl: llrc lo t't'1.'lrlltt' .'r \\'('(lilrnl tutrtirlr'. lc:rch tltcnr fli'rn tlic I)lrll)rl; tgc tcirrl lhc I)ul)(,r an(l lltt'l rvill firrrl (oPYriqhl,196"1 silf]. h:rVc lo llol r)ut of lhr Ilrttt t'lt attrl rrrrl rvhlt I'ope .lohn lt:rs s:ritl attrl s:tt t.tilttt,t.tts. 'l'lt:tt's $lutt dtil' IESS (hc l']r':rzil 'l'hot'c l)trutt llrt, sltct'l ;urrrlltr'f ilrilfl ilo \\hot'c lho ix'rll)l(' :trt'. o,tt'tr llislurlt is <loing. THAI{I CATORIE Iti ttoltht'irsl of lltt'rc is llso. I littirrv llol]r I'r: "ttc\\' slrrltlrt.rllht' lri:lrt}P. .\llr.r' t i.itirt,' rrlrr' lltt' r'rrrlirris so itttlrrtt'lattt to "l \1:ls ilrr rrlti rr}irn r\.lttt ttttthltr't il llt tr'{1" of l,atin slrrrnctl lltr' no\\sl)ulx.r't{r rny PTRSERVIIIG l)(lrts. (L! nlr' arrrl rrlr'lis oI r'lrnritl. so llrirt t'r:rd. \\'hon lr!! sillt in Sirrt lrnttlt'r a uitilt'lto sltirl hc $rullr(l trl t)\tll fercnrlero lrrrrl '\'ort ,\rtrr,ticlrn lrisltop" ltnrl Irt r('rts, ('llt'ist's .tq lr{' strirl. rltite to hp si.rnrr'thinl: to lrrlp lhr' t'hru't'h antl lhe! citn stc lotr,' rr'orrlil hirrr. soructirnes r'lfr.etirrq ctrartges nnrl lt'fornrs rn r:lll'l i!{'t alrt,;rrl rrith thtt liirll ol gl.t)rt{f ru'cll as hcur' :rlxrut it," rt erirrl lrro rrr llrlct rvccks for his olfcli'tl ,n arlnl f illutirln ()f - llrirrliitt;1.' Pepsi-(ola thc sot'ilrl (|t(h'r' iln(l nrlliini{ lhc 'l'ltt' IIc sairl I u'ls ;r r:orrr- rlrruglrttl to coln(' ovcr fLom ltlr ltisltop lrrkl rrrtr lrrllt tlrul hc ('ltttrclt a t't'llit1.:tntl:r folt:r rrt lN NATAL, th()ugh tlrc tilil.tor rrrrrrrist lrrrt I loht Irirn tltal. tltt: \\'ils (ilt(' (,t' r'illagc to lt'arl tlrc k'ttr'f to hinl. lhr' !l'r,irt larctrdetor t'r'ilson lrr tlirlrr't lrltc il rlas "l'hetr llrt lirt's ot' tht olrlirr:rr'l' pcopl('- rs :r ltrrrflsst,rl l[;ttxrst ;rttrl 1tt'rrh- lre, I rldrtl r^t'ltool unit n'as tlatttllroklilsl lrrrrl tlral lrt lr:rrlrr.l BottlingCo. alrlv a t'olnnlrltist. il llrit- cltrtst' ltr' {.}$il('{l llt(! l;rtr(1. lfhlt I cncountclc(l in t$o llrr- Irt't'n .t'r,itt's.-."lrttl ]'{)lull.l star'torl in his houst- nttd lre bcgatr {o clrtrrt'lt irt' r'1'lt{' Indi.rnapolis, rililtt lri:rlrop luts accotttplislrotl so \\rrtlii,t \ lrlrtt, lrlr.lt r'tt Incl. l(r lfirfn trt r*irrl irttrl rvtitc. zililtt rlirlct'st,s. Jltai itntl Nllal, \r'o lr' lt('ltulg to hirrt." ;iir rnrrr'lr lhlt ()lt('()l tllo plit'sts u,as illttstt'att's soill(r oi tht,sc rlcvt hrp- \r) lrlall\' 1)ttrlrrist,stllitt lllr'\' tl{rn't ..\ lc\f lllollths lutt-l' thc old nllrrt \\ r. \r'r'il1 ttttrr lllr' ltrr.irl rlIrrrl irlrrltrsl rilr()k'{('ti(' frrr' his rtpti- lrt,lit'r{' r':lsilr': srr1111'rrf llrlrtt s;r). lll0nt s- slrllrt, "\\.r' rf('ri\ r'd ;r k'tter fronr his son, s lrt'r-tt tlrc [rislrrrp \rirs irtisrri. iilrr ('orlfiri('lll tllilt \r'i' lll:ll th{, llill)(,r i\ .irrst rnolr t:rlh. Il(r opcne(l it il(l l)t(ilti labolious- Ir;rrlr.rl as an olrviottslv u,clcontt' "if TWO YEARS ngo tht' Dirrct'c{, ryill lru srrr.t't'rslul." lrc s;rirl. lrrr{ ollrt.r's lri'lrt'r t' il lrt,r.lrrrsc trrlilrtirltt lt1 it of of Jltai in soullrwost (ioias. lhtrut lltottp trtctt tltlt't'. \\'(' r'ottli!lu(' tlti' nr':'k." N()lV! ! tltlv lrittc st't'tt tlritt;1s tkrnt'." Sirntehirl tltc (-()ll\r'l's.tli(rtt llrt sizt' of Irtlanrl $'ilh I IXrptrlu- llisltrrp l'lrrr:r'ni;r S;tlt'., ttlto ii'Jris is ll,r sr'i'i,ri{l i}r c.\crl{,.s (!l' tulttctl lo luntl lt'[uLrn anrl lllo FATHER EXPEDITO tohl iion :(rL),1)()(1.\\'ils il dt'.t'hIistiait :,;t:tltt'tl rrrr. lrislrolt (rll(' tlrt' \llll nrorr'rucnl irr rj ti'Potls ott l,niirt.'lrrtt'rir'rt b11 iztrrl alcc rrtatlc rrp frlr tllo nlost tilltl lrliltl, ltlll liirl lhlrt lrc t'r,;rrl llrc frrll tt'\l oI ".lrr:ttr I l, ll) \\ lr('lr ltr: tr';rs ) t,t :r frr'r,'st, :iic i!.!t'(')illIp |tirlor o.f llt: pN ()f tliltttl]' lltrl lt;rll sottottslt'. Maler el Magislra lrr llrt. rl anoflt)rtus larendat ol Ir;rs pLrt thc lc:isl possilrlc irrto 1lr'oplt t'atlrrriir' lir'ilt)rtrr, Iittttsas City, {;r)ulilr[ [thc Irlcsirl.nti llcliclcs r.lrurclr alt{l tll:lt,'{lrll' listt,ncrl rancht's. Irrrikltttgs, posuilrkt irttrr rrr llrrrrl tlrt' ltrrrst _irr rrItr. 'l'ht t'r'f0t ttt. llttl, trrrt Iou- cstablishrn('rtt {)f i,ill crltlc;rliorr of llrc pcrrllllr trrrrl ltits ltrirsrliir )ilrr'\t, {rrrr 11111,'1tl'il1 qr,tili{ ffiRPETFASFIIOF{S ||||Itu!|||||lri||il|il||||il|||||||rlnr|||||l[||il|||rrilt||||ll <'rrrrsistt'ttlll lvili(lc(l n palelrrtl- as llte natiott's r:apital ir tlrc ccn. to .sl's1'1t'llsst's otr Mal+r' ct Mag- 'lr-' ter of (ioias. harl blought ncur istic attittttle tltat rvorul lcurl lc to rend clch letter and stl. islre atttl ittr,itc J'ou lo lrc nv rkrinl for lhc peoph.'lvhal llrc'ir iairie, r\brrrrt lralf,rval' lhrorrr{h he rolds into Ihe afta, tn lncr0ilso Iilst pupil." h:rs sltrrttltl tlo for thcrnsch'c.- thtrt of pop1qlx1lpl1 antl ln inrpror t'd rt'llizeil hr. rvas lealll' rrnder- Lnter tc plsscrl hr';r t;ttltct. '['lte {'(,on()ntic situation. lt a ls o lrisltolt's It'rllllpr. pttlltOt' stantlirr;.1$hlt his srrn htrtl $ rittr,rr nrlis.\'hat. ()nc ol llrrt ttrcn sarv -rtrd Lrrotr{1lttfatttastir: inllatiorr anrl an llcrtor Salos. s'lrrr is clrlplain trl ho ircgan to cr;-- Lalttr he tltc [risltolr arrrl t he rr hrrle qyo111t. TEXTURED ''Nurv r!\'r'n toireher hit for the poor rrlrri ,uttot'phunar:r'. officialis uf tlrr,rlirr. aonlnlcltled, thc u,trrld is ittclutlint]1llrc lxrr-lr,rtrlr't.rilnle ollt DISCOUNI pltid incleasr.rl pricr'" but shalcrl Cu\(r, :rll {ftlliC\ lcir(.lt(,r' irt llre upelr to tnt'." lrr t isit. \\'lrik. tht hishop n.us 'l'lte litllc itr Ilr(' urcl'oirsc(l irrc,rrrrt, social rr orlt scltrrol. :rnrl tlri. hislt. r'ltl Iulrr's Ir.ulnitrt of lhc litlkitt:i rlilh sonrc of lhe ollrcl op's lirst lssi:tnnl irr lhc sot'jnl rtrdirncnt-i oi lt'nrling rvas pcr, In th('13 countlit.-t oi tht'rlio- lrtctt I askt,ri lht hlrltrrrtlcr', a ASPHALI PRICES "'l'lrt' nl{}\('nl('nt. lilkl rnc: liltlr Iraps l srnlll :rrhitlrrncnt-but eese lhcrc \\'('l'c urtl.r' tlrlt'c nriln nlnlc(l l,11rpoltlo, rvhal hc "llr"s rnalt'r'rrill lursIitals in lhc vil lor hittt iltl :lcc()tllplislrrr'rrttt o{ prit'sts.
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