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JUNEAU, ALASKA. FUNERAL RECORDS MASTER INDEX Jan 2, 1898 – March 20, 1964 MS 114 and MFMS 51: JUNEAU, ALASKA. FUNERAL RECORDS MASTER INDEX Jan 2, 1898 – March 20, 1964 Note: Individual funeral records described in this index may be obtained by contacting the Alaska State Library Historical Collections, Reference Services. Telephone: 907 465-2925 E-mail: [email protected] FUNERAL. RECORDS JUNEAU~ ALASKA. MASTER INDEX (REv. 12/88) TO THE FUNERAL RECORDS OF: THE C. W. YOUNG COMPANY. (MOR±UARY)J THE JUNEAU—YOUNG COMPANY (MORTUARY)J AND THE CHARLES W. CARTER MORTUARY COVERING THE PERIOD OF: 2 JANUARY 1898 THRU 20 MARCH 196’4, MASTER INDEX COPYRIGHT 1989 BY: GASTINEAU GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 3270 NOWELL AVENUE JUNEAU, ALASKA 99801 FUNERAL RECORDS JUNEAUI ALASKA OF THE C. WI YOUNG Co. (MORTUARY); THE JUNEAUYOUNG Co. (MORTUARY); AND THE CHARLES W. CARTER MORTUARY COVERING THE PERIOD OF: 2 JANUARY 1898 THROUGH 20 MARCH 196~ ORIGINALLY RECORDED IN: 19 VoLUMES MICROFILMED ON: 5 ROLLS OF 16MM MICROFILM THIS Is——--EILM No1 6(38-ER-i: MASTER INDEX FILM No. GGS—ER—2: VOLUMES LTHRU 6, INCL. FILM No. GGS—FR—3: VOLUMES 7 THRU 12, INCL. FILM No. GGS—FR—’4: VOLUMES 13 THRU 17, INCH FILM No. GGS-FR-5: VOLUMES 18 & 19. a) NOTE$: 1. EVERYIHING FOUND WITHIN THE COVERS OF THE ORIGINAL 19 VOLUMES HAS BEEN MICROFILMED) FUNERAL RELATED OR OTHERWISE. 2, FILMS GGS-ER-2 THROUGH 665-FR-S ALSO H (EACH) CONTAIN A “DICTIONARY OF PLACE NAMES” (A MINI—GAZETTEER) TOGETHER WITIhA MAPS/CHARTS SECTION TO~FACILITATE YOUR LOCATING PERTINENT PLACES. MICROFILMED BY: GASTINEAU GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY COPYRIGHT: JULY 1987 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Gastineau Genealogical Society is extremely grateful to Alaskan Memorial Parks, Inc. of Fairbanks, Alaska for making the records available to us; to the members of the Society who volunteered so manyhours of assistance in the preparation stage; and also to the following for their so very generous free use of their equipment and/or facilities in making photocopy—reductions of the original records in preparation for microfilming: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Juneau) and its Branch Genealogical Library (BGL); Juneau Time Savers, Juneau, Alaska; Xerox Corporation, Juneau, Alaska Office. Microfilming Equipment & Operation by: 0. R. Kent July 1987 FUNERAL RECORDS JUNEAU~ ALASKA. MASTER INDEX — PART I MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL INFORMATION INDEX AFFIDAVIT re: Funeral Records 1 Jan 1898 to 19 Sept 1946 01 524 KEY TO LETTER PAGE NUMBERS AGE SUMMARY, 34 Deaths 14 FFL BFL = Back FlyLeaf ALASKA MAIL SERVICE INFORMATION 08 BFL FFL = Front Flyteaf AVERAGE HEIGHTS TABLE 06 FFL IBC = Inside Back Cover BURIAL SERVICE CONTRACT IFC Inside Front Cover U.S. Public Health Svc. 05 BFL FLP = Following Last (numbered) Page in BUSINESS EXPENSE 1932 07 BFL Volume [Information added by GGS] CARTER MORTUARY PRICES 1936 09 FFL CASKET INFORMATION Letter of 14 June 1930 07 IBC CASKET SIZES 06 IFC CATHOLIC GRAVES INFORMATION 02 IEC DICTIONARY OF PLACE NAMES End of Film GGS-FR-2 DICTIONARY OF PLACE NAMES End of Film GGS-FR-3 DICTIONARY OF PLACE NAMES End of Film GGS-FR-4 DICTIONARY CF PLACE NAMES End of Film GGS-FR-5 DISASTER, The Islander • 15 August 1901 01 FLP • DISASTER, Juneau Landslide 22 November 1936 09 FLP DISASTER, The Princess Sophia 25 October 1918 03 FLP EMBALMERS’ License Numbers 1928—1934 05 BEL EMBALMERS’ License Numbers 1932/33 07 FFL EMBALMERS’ License Numbers 1934/35 08 IBC MASTER INDEX - PART I, CONT’D. EMBALMERS’ License Numbers 1936— 1939 09 BFL KEY TO LETTER PAGE NUMBERS EMBALMERS’ License Numbers 1938—1940 10 EEL BFL = Back FlyLeaf EMBALMERS’ License Numbers FFL = Front Flyteaf 1941—43 11 EEL IBC = Inside Back Cover EMBALMERS’ License Numbers IFC Inside Front Cover 1944 12 EEL FLP = Following Last (numbered) Page in EMBALMERS’ License Numbers Volume [Information 1945—47 13 FEL added by GGS] EMBALMERS’ License. Numbers 1948/49 14 IEC EMBALMERS’ License Payment Receipt 14 IEC EMBALMING ELUID, Purchase 05 BFL EEE, Perpetual Care (1953) 17 IBC FEES, Miscellaneous, etc. 16 IFC EUNERAL COMPLETE, Info. 10 BEL FUNERAL ETHICS EEL of Each Volume EUNERAL RECORD BOOK INSTRUCTIONS EEL of Each Volume EUNERALS/YEAR, Graph 1940—1963 19 BEL GRAVE REPORT, 4/2/1919 to 1/19/1920 04 075 GRAVE REPORT, 4/1/1920 to 4/3/1921 04 134 a LICENSE NUMBER, George O’Brien 15 BEL LOTS RESERVED, Evergreen 12 BEL LUMBER PURCHASE, C.W. Carter 07 IBC MAPS/CHARTS Section End of Eilm GGS-ER-2 MAPS/CHARTS Section End of Eilrn GGS-ER-3 MAPS/CHARTS S~ct ion End of Eilm GGS-ER-4 MAPS/CHARTS Section End of Eilm GGS-FR-5 MEDICAL EXAMINER APPOINTMENT 19 EEL MINISTERS, VOCALISTS, Etc. 17 IEC MASTER INDEX - PART I, CONT’D OUTSIDE BOXES, Dimensions 14 IEC KEY TO LETTER PAGE NUMBERS POINTS TO REMEMBER 07 EEL POSSIBLE OBITUARY PHRASES 17 EEL BFL = Back PlyLeaf SAILOR BURIAL COSTS 01 EEL FFL = Front Flyteaf VANDERBILT REEE, Map Showing 03 FLP IBC = Inside Back Cover WASHINGTON ODD EELLOW RATES 09 EEL IFC = Inside Front Cover FLP = Following Last (numbered) Page in Volume [Information added by GGS] FUNERAL RECORDS JUNEAU. ALASKA NASTER INDEX — PART II (REV. 12/88) COMPOSITE ALPHABETICAL SURNAME INDEX SPECIAL NOTE: THIs 12/88 REvISION OF PART II INCORPORATES THE STATISTICAL DATA FROM NASTER INDEX - PART IlL THUS ELIMINATING THE NEED FOR A SEPARATE (332 PAGE), PART III (SEE BELOW). CAUTION CAUTI ON CAUTION THE NAMES AS TYPED WITHIN THIS COMPOSITE ALPHABETICAL SURNAMES INDEX ARE BASED UPON OUR BEST “GUESTIMATED” INTERPRETATION OF THE ORIGINAL HANDWRITTEN VOLUME ENTRIES, USERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CHECK ALL POSSIBLE PHONETIC SPELLINGS OF THE SURNAME(S) THEY ARE RESEARCHING, ENTRIES HAVE BEEN ANNOTATED TO SHOW THE DECEASED’S BIRTH— DATE~ AGE, DEATH DATE, AND BURIAL DATE TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH DATA WAS AVAILABLE IN THE ORIGINAL RECORD. ADDITIONALLY: THE LETTERS SHOWN IN THE FAR RIGHT MARGIN SIGNIFY: D = BURIED IN DOUGLAS, ALASKA S = SHIPPED OUT OF JUNEAU AREA FOR BURIAL HOPEFULLY THIS BIRTH DATE, AGE, ETC. DATA WILL HELP YOU DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE SURNAMED INDIVIDUAL YOU’VE FOUND IN THE INDEX IS ACTUALLY THE PERSON YOU’VE BEEN SEEKING. WHILE GREAT CARE WAS TAKEN IN EXTRACTING THE BIRTHDATES, • ETC., WE DID NOT “DOUBLE—CHECK” OURSELVES ON THIS DATA. LIKEWISE WE DID NOT ATTEMPT TO VERIFY THE INITIAL DATA. DESPITE THE FACT THAT SOME OF THE DATA WAS OBVIOUSLY IN ERROR, IN MOST CASES WE EXTRACTED THAT DATA “AS Is” FROM THE INITIAL (ORIGINAL) ENTRY. MASTER INDEX - PART II COMPOSITE ALPHABETICAL SURNAME JNDEX Date of Date of ate of Age NANR YEOL-PAG~ Birth Death Burial, etq AALTO, August 18 047 91 17tct /9.53 22 &~t 19CR AALTO, Impi 11 082 .~..__-_— 4~o Q)nay/9c1 7ntatIPW AALTO, Maria N. 13 201 :!2f2f-~LZ€ .fft.. 2 *I’~.t <114. ~tt/t&. AASE, Harold 13 263 t2!e!~Jn1 91 .2vYiw /9i~s .z4ten AASEN, Andrew 10 245 — 44 ~na-n,4 7’~.LI99o ABBOTT, Donald William 16 128 £fl~~1?~3 i mc 13lanrn. 1953 IS)u.... 19≤.3 ABBOTT; Edna ~ 13 238 ‘1 Itt 17/6 flSç~p /1*4 ABBOTT, Martha 17 155 74a~i933 23 10 Oat I95~~ 5~I79SZ. - -. ABLE, Joe 03 FLP — Z.flJ~Ji9i8 — ABRAHAM, Inf ant 11 247 aa3cdy lIla 5j~_~ 2a at~ iqqg $44St #902 — ABRAHAM,. Joseph 03 124 1S7.2. 4’S!~?Smpl9/7 5$f4*atetP4 ABRAHANSON, John 07 022 - — .2lflnr/tSc flfln’l73p ABRAHANSON, Louis 03 010 ... — — / 9’aot 1q14 ACICERLY, Leslie 01 143 ._ 3ff ff&tcq.floo i4~.i7øo. ACOSTA, Jose 04 263 ~ i99’. .27 /Ve&~/9a3 /9LDCI/923 ADAMS, Cynthia Lou 18 139 .. — 24)aty/ffl 4s9c4ylfl~ ADAMS, Edwin Charles 15 123 Ifla-..1ST’ 79 c~a-ns, 7ca-,Co ADAMS, John D. 06 118 — Lo g2sb.c/ca72g4~ei9a7 ADAMS, John J. Jr. 17 209 23 ?flty /913 Sg S.fl*ty /957 5- ADAMS, Leila Phoebe, (Mrs. Alfred) 16 130 2’3’e’fl’ “ 123”’—flta ADAMS, Luella Mae 11 129 /1 ?1w.1fr73 48 loSq’191#l I44 p/99l ADAMS, Mary, Mrs. 14 137 U9me1I~a’t .2,4 #qm~gq~g S ADAMS, Robert M. 01 042 ~L. ADAMS, Susa 06 022 So lO4q~t9I6 //Sap/9~’o - ADANSON, Joseph Marion 18 079 7 m41 ‘na fl~ aa~t- l~s-q S 9a. 17ff ADEN, John, Mrs. 08. 136 58 I2flcr/9g4S5~ ~ .24 8 Øcsoa ADLAM, George 03 265 /9/7 ADONGA, Anna, Mrs. 07 006 .2(o /34sp/VSo 114te19..at ADZICH, Mirko 10 270 - 9ç flfl~~q/7~# 2’4P.~.I9¾’ AFRIC, Joseph 06 035 1919 .28 9ms~ei9/7 ,omat/9/7 AFRICH, Antone 09 266 fl$t.tItn6a~ #72ev/fl rI>Uul937t AFRICa, Frank 07 183 -. — .2Ia~l9s2 $Ia~CqI9nf’ AFTAIKEN, Fred 03 FLP ~_ a5~S 19/8 AGUDA, Victor • 13 179 ‘i9crnIyiflt 47’~ lSattI9VIo lMtaqIt*4 ~ — AR YET 01 FtP & 01 201 IS4~~/7CIf I?~t~~eP9O1 S AMECAC, Ernie 01 528 ±~/o aqr.t~a9o? — ABLERS, Jaunita 05 081 AJIO, Hetman !i~t’-~~”~ 1.3 fl Stc 19.25 3/.dat/rag 11 237 25 lap /SSc 1~.I 17$anc ‘91.2 u2+’9a..c lila AHOLA, Sakri Alerik 09 160 — SIt? — /7?rS. 1937 AIKENS, T. W. 02 022 — — /&fl1a.~./9/o /S?najj..19io AINSWORTH, Douglas 16 006 Sa.aItV.c, S’/ Sa~*.19s~j 9ae’wjgs~a AKER, Ole. 14 299 ~f2!~~~-IS91 lIt 71flf.fL. ~/9fl ALAGIKOLFF, Vladimir 03 045 ~ast~/el4. ALAN, Jaras 15 161 LS7naWL2 fl 1o9a.n “a_ I7~attJ9f( ALANEU, Otto 05 102 .Aw’tfl 98 ..Z flay I L flzay/ ALBAY, Annie 04 256 139anIt9S .~5 .~oSapI9a3 2351p/9.23 ~ (atvot) - that pa,maLa.t tArn.
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