BACTON PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Tina Newell 25 Shakespeare Road, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1TU
[email protected] 07767163706 Application Summary Application Number: DC/19/02542 Address: Land off Wyverstone Road, Bacton, IP14 4LQ Proposal: Submission of details under Outline Planning Permission 3270/16 Consultee Details: Name: Mrs Tina Newell Address: 25 Shakespeare Road, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1TU Email:
[email protected] On Behalf Of: Bacton Parish Council Comments Bacton Parish Council considered this application at its meeting held on July 9th. Council resolved to OBJECT to the proposal based on the following reasons: Planning policy GP1 states clearly that proposals should maintain or enhance the character and appearance of their surroundings and respect the scale and density of surrounding development. Policy H16 states to protect the existing amenity and character of primarily residential areas, the District planning authority will refuse development that materially reduces the amenity and privacy of adjacent dwellings or erodes the character of the surrounding area. The proposed plans show four bedroom houses, some of the largest on the development, to be sited adjacent to existing bungalows in Earlsbrook; plots 16, 15, 11, 10, 9 and 8. With local knowledge this would result in a loss of residential amenity and Bacton Parish Council would suggest the plans are changed to provide small single storey properties. The results from the Bacton Housing Needs Survey carried out in 2016 showed more people wanted 3 bedroom than 4 bedroom properties, the majority of those wanting to move to a smaller house, to free up equity, with larger gardens. Single people proved to have the greatest need and 66% of those wanting to move expressed the want to stay in their existing community.