Title: Site Location Plan Reference: 3270/16 Site: Land Adj Wyverstone Road Baeten MID SUFFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL SCALE 1 :2000 131, High Street, Needham Market, IP6 SOL Reproduced by permission of Telephone: 01449 724500 Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. email:
[email protected] ~ Crown copyright and database right 2016 www.midsuffolk.gov.uk Ordnance Survey Licence number 100017810 Date Printed : 02/11/2016 • •• •• •• •• Title: Constraints Map Reference: 3270/16 Site: MID ·suFFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL ~ SCALE 1:2499 131 , High Street, Needham Market, IP6 8DL Reproduced by permission of Telephone: 01449 724500 Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. email:
[email protected] C> Crown copyright and database right 2016 WNW.midsuffolk.gov.uk Ordnance Survey Licence number 100017810 Date Printed : 02/11 /2016 . ':,...,....."" _ ~• I -•-.:::r..=• DESION .--=.5- ·-12.0231100 Nod~ IAIObl-ltciii'Om fill dl'awii'IQ All Wf1ltlln ..._....toN ctMid:edtl'j 1hl c:ortractot WII"!,Gi~I'IOII!IMirlw!leGIIIIfyiiOBOO N 50fru.e ~ E~1ree1/h.. t.>b..r~n.d. !ff(M)}Af HOlJS(Nt; ~ RIW1' ~ Propc»ed ..1< land.c.aptq f()(; ( h<llc.lttle cdV. 1821' I 1!!2P n.t CP'I7"1""· ·~" ' Sd~Gd t.U' 2M' 11& •69"'1•· "6 Cp C.. port. 2M' ~woe crtll"".e 2 • 90s.ta. ~ I ~"""" ~ !Wi'fP fOIJ!Y 2M'Iwoe cr81""'"' s I • 90s.t.... I ~"""" ~ fot3 --- 22 Open field/ t:Arassi.N f'R!VAfE J'01,J51Nt; :2t'f'!lf'~ CP6Isq,,., 2 I :500SP'-""'ow cr96sq.m. I 2!l!lf'hauu cr69""·"'· 2 ~SP'- •87"1·"'· I~ ~~p"""" cr l02"1·"'· 6 '186Phau,.