Women's Party .On the Cards in N Am

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Women's Party .On the Cards in N Am • TODAY: RWANDA - WORLD'S WORST CRISIS EVER" UNITA 'PRAISE MANDELA • Govt pumps N$194 000 into labour training • CHRI$TOF MAlETSKY Amalhila said Ihe training amI of GOVERNMENT has. made a NAU, Agrifutura, had been given NSIOS 000 10 provide basic skills whopping NSl94 000 available training for farm workers countrywide, forlabourtrainingprojects, with 10 cater for the salaries of the instruc­ more than halrthe cake going to lors and for the maintenance of ve hi­ the Namibia Agriculture Union cles and equipment. (NAIJ). The NUNW neued NS7S 000 for The 'gram' comes from the 19941 training for its seven affiliates. This is 1995 Labour Promotion Fund and earmarked for worker education, or­ will be shared by NAU, the National ganisation and industrial relations and Union of Namibian Workers to ensure that every training co­ (NUNW), the Namibia National ordinator gets a share. The rcmainder Farmers Union (NNFU) and for au­ will go on maintenance of vchicles. diting purposes. Govcrnmcnt gavc NS JO 000 to The announcement was made by NNFU for thc cstablishment of union Government spokesman and Minis­ trainingprogrammcsand for the train­ ter of Information. Ben Amathila, at ing ofsubsistcnce farmers in modcm yesterday's Cabinet briefing. fanning techniques. It comes just three weeks after the Amathila said the remaining NS4 n . "I'rc.HIGH~. ~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cabinet made NS20 million avail­ 000 would be used for auditing pu r- , ,nd Look Who's Talking, flew Into Mokutl Lodge at Elosha on Tuesday. Travolta was one oflhe able to promote job creation. poses. • passengers on Lobombo, a Douglas DC4, built in 1946. The film star is a keen air enthusiast and The NS20 million was taken from The Labour Promotion Fund was Iw three aircraft of his own. The Douglas DC4 is flying across the world and the stopover at Mokutl the Government's budgeted emer­ establishcd in 198 1 with the objective was the first stage of its eighl-day trip which ends In Osbkosh. America. The night Is part gency fund of N$50 million and any of promoting general labour interests. historical series of flights to various locations worldwide being laid on by South African institution with clear-cut project pro­ labourrclations and training and edu­ This particular flight Is special in that the nnallocation, Oshkosh. Is the scene of an posals to promote j o~ creation cation of employees. display inVOlving between 12000 - 16000planes, ",Ithlbe Douglas DC4 taking a prominent countrywide can bid for a share of the It is administcred by a tripartitc The trip costs a mere $22 000 per person. Photo: Steve Morgan funds. Labour Promotion Fund Board. Stage set for oil bids 1;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,------1 • TOM MINNEY and a hundreds ofk i iometrcs of scabcd offshore Namibia. apar1 from five Five cops OIL COMPANIES are to blocks allocated in the first round. Women's party .on suspended start bidding again for. the The offshore area is dividcd into 5 second round of exploration 000 square kilometre blocks and on­ licences, in a follow-up to the shore into 10000 sq km blocks. Each F1VE police omens application should be for one block at Oshakatl were this successful first round .which onshore or for one or two adjaccnt the cards in N am week suspended as a brought five consortia here. blocks offshore. result of the alleged Bidding in the second round Addi ng to the interest could be new • GRAHAM HOPWOOD assault of a ~ wiU be from October I to July information about the promising ge­ forming policies on all issues in­ the police confirmed cluding the economy. 31 next year. ology off Namibia. In 1992 and 1993 ·yesterday. the Government-owned National Pe­ A NEW political party concen­ Latv io added that the party is trating on issues affecting women Constables P Interest may be lower than in the troleum Corporation of Namibia recruiting sympathetic men and Ityambo, ASO first round, three years ago. Chang­ is likely to contest the general hopes to have men in its leadership. (Namcor) contracted I1 160 kilome­ Uuton, VNdeuyeeka ing and generally low oil prices have tres of new seismic. gravity, and mag­ and presidential elections set for The party is currently recruiting and private oftlcers led oi l compani~s to cut their explD'­ netic surveys and 27 000 km of December this year. members toensure they have enough L Paulus and A ration budgets and many other new ae romagnetic surveys. The surveys suppor1 to register for the election. One of the leading members of the Shapaka alleKedly areas including Vietnam and the were done by firms Geco-Prak la, PGS new group, Hileni Latvio. confinned The need for the party arose be­ beat a suspect with Soviet Union are opening up. Nopec. Geoseis and 1. Anhur and yesterd ay that the Namibia Women's cause other political groups "are not poUce batons at . The Namibian Government has a Associates and informatiQn can be . Action For Equality Party (Nawafep) properly addressing women's is­ Oshakall on Friday. very high reputation for profession­ bought. is planning to take.part in the elec­ sues", Latvio said. Thesuspedw.",I. alism and integrity in deali ng with Hangala said in his press statement tions. With only six womenmembersof legeclly found la po&­ the delicate negotiations and this could that applicants will be evaluated con­ the National Assembly·and only two Latvio said Nawafep is keen to sessIooolslolenjlOOds encourage companies. Klaus sidering their willingness to do corn· increase the number of women in as Cabinet Ministers Latvio said and a M8kar0v pis­ Endresen, general managerof Norsk plete evaluation of the petroleum po­ parliament and lOp decision-making problems affecting women were of­ tol in the Oshlkanco Hydro, the only company so far to tential of their area including a pro­ ten forgonen or not prioritised. bodies. The party will also be taking township and the p0- have drilled an exploration well off posed minimum work programme and a SlTOng stand on crime. Latvio sin­ The party would be organising a licemen alleSedly Namibia. said: "The Government has \ spending, what they offe·r economi­ gledout the need for a more effective conference of members to elect a beat him to try and come out of the first licensing round cally. and their technical and finan­ responsetorapeand violence against leadership for Nawafep later in the force admissions with a first-class reputation interna­ cial capability to search and produce women. year. from him. tionally." oi l safely and cost-effeclively. She said Nawafep would also look Some women activists are re­ A case of assault As in the firsl round. there will be So far Norsk Hydro, leading a Nor­ at legal discrimination against ported to be sceptical about the new with Intent to do promolional seminars in London. UK, wegian consonium, is the first 10 dr!ll women such as the current laws on party, pointing out that par1ies fo­ grievous bodily harm (Seplember 14) and Houston. USA. a well off Namibia since independ- property rights. cusing on women did not do well in (September \5). Those areas open for She stressed that the party will be the South African elections in April. Conllnuld on piU- 2 bidding include Namibia's land area Continued on page 2 2 Thursday July 21 1994 THE NAMIBIAN Oil bids Namib Mills driver killed A BUS driul'.t Nutlb M1Us. Luku SbltdI:da, The Board of Directors and staff of I Coni. from PIGI , cUed .t .pproDaaatdy O5bOO 011 ~,. what ence. The findings are bJs bus colUded wltb. GRN Toy .. CI'lSllidllId strictly confidential al· tbe latenel:don la Katutun. the police reporttd though it was announced y~ y. ADother penoa suffered slight bald in Jan uary that nooil was found. ""Y~y ...... be poUce also Rported 25 cues of OQYX fI6lIEQIE6 Other companies are houIebraIkiD& rountrywide. 1'wmty~ oftbt c:ua ~ la WIDtIhoek.. Goods wltb:. comblDed behind sc~dule. poui­ valueofN$59085 were stokn. bly because of spending , delays. so drilling results t----------"---I expresS their heart-felt sympathy and wBlnot"'knowofonhi, 5 COilS suspended bidding round. Hangala said he- ex· Coni. trom page 1 I cralwillreferittothePros- condolences to the family, peeled most drilling ae- . eculOr-General for his de- .' tivlIY in the first .half of is being investigated cision," the police said i next year with at least four against the officers. a statement yesterday. the Hon. Minister of fisheries and Marine exploration wells in 1995. "On completion of the "No funhcrc1aboratic. " Each we ll requires con- said investigation U1e case on the merit of the cu Resources and staff on the untimely siderable back-up and dossier will be referred to can be supplied 10 lhe support serv ices and the lnspector-General for mediaatthispointintilTll' coastal towns are set to scrutiny whereaftcrtheof- as the investigatioo is stil passifl8 away of a highly capable son, be very busy. rice of the lnsptttor-Gen- sub judice." , :! brother, husband, friend and colleague, CATO FISHING CO. ~ v-:-:-:---,--=:-CW...,IN."DH=-O",E",K",)(",PTY"...:,l,.,LT,.,D=,:::--=-=::'!h 'Hltw:t'IOek - P 090. 200t22 . 14Ktupp Sir. , Tel. 229837 - Fax ; ~ " WaMs BIIy - Tel. 3951 Of 5634 - Fax: 6111 In Memoriam .Dr . Qaimo Kankondi Dr. Raimo Kankondi who died tragically on Monday nighl You were a very respected colleague and a loved friend. We will miss your excellent work. in fisheries, and your May Lord 8rant you his strefl8th and faith companionship. in time of sorrow Rest In peace. The Directors and Staff C8to Fishing company Namibia Mackerel Group (Pty) Ltd Trading as Ill1\! fiSHING (Pty) lll!. PO Box 1756, Wlndhoek, Namibia - lel: 239831 /2 (061) - Fax: 239833 NAMACK The shareholders, directors and staff of Namibia Mackerel Group (Pty) ltd (Namaci<) wish to exp<ess The directors, shareholders their sincere condolences ta the wife and family of and staff of Dr.
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