Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No.473 N$1.50 (GST Inc.) Friday August 12 1994


• TOM MINNEY FORMER MEMBERS of South Witbooi African-led troops in Namibia, dubbed the 'ex-Koevoets', are set on the to take three Government Minis­ ters and the Attorney-General to warpath

court today. CHRISTOF MALETSKY This will test the legality of the Government's bid to keep them outside Namibia until all their papers GOVERNMENT are screened. plans to launch an A notice of motion is to be seen urgently in the investigation into the High Court in which 29 applicants are suing the poor working Ministers of Home Affairs, of Defence, of Justice conditions and wages and the Attorney-General. They want to be allowed of domestic and to return to immigration officers by noon tomorrow farm workers and to be given provisional permits to enter Na­ Minister of Labour mibia. and Humab1pevelop­ The notice of motion says the court must consider ment Resources, the sworn legal statements of the 29 which were Hendrik Witbooi,yester­ taken by a legal team from lawyer Hein van Wyk day confirmed that a recently. The court order adds that the first re­ Commission of In~ifty spondent should allow the applicants ctnd their could be establishetl spouses and children to come.in, unless it can show soon. ' J.;, they are prohibited immigrants under a 1993 law. Witbooi said he was '~. The court will also be asked that they should get in the process of making provisional entry papers. These will order that they recommendations to should come back to a ChiefImmigration Officer in President Sam Nujoma Keetmanshoop or on September 9, the for the appointment of a date already set for a return court hearing in Commissiqn whose term Keetmanshoop, and they should bring their spouses of reference will include and any witnesses who can testify where they were an investigation into the cont. on page 2 cont. on page 2 Good harvest redicted - but livestock crisis looms

• TOMMINNEY 1995, with big cuts on imports of 173 000 tons in 1992/93 and 124 100 tons in 1993/94. The prev ious A VERY GOOD harvest of 120 300 tons is year's harvests were only 30000 tons in 1991/92 expected this year, now that all maize, sor­ and 69 900 tons the next year. ghum and millet is in, and this is even more The bulletin says some people will not have than the record 114 800 tons estimated in enough food this year in parts of the North where May. But there is very little grazing left in there are problems, and in some livestock herding many parts and farm animals are in poor areas of the N0rth-West and the South. The Gov­ condition in north-western regions. ernment's Emergency Management Unit is assess­ ing how much food these vulnerable groups will The information is in the August Crop and Food need but there is a provisional estimate that 10000 Security Bulletin issued by the Namibia Early metric tons of food aid and concessional food Warning and Food Information System in the imports will be needed. Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Develop­ The recent cold weather had its coldest point ment. when -12 degrees centigrade was recorded at This says Namibia will only need to import 87 Banl{ with CSIB. 900 tons of cereals in the marketing year to April cont. on page 2 For more details see page 5 ~t l ;:'1 2 f;riday I August J ~2,; 1994.' : THE,NAMIBIANI

~ f Ex-Koevoets ffiqunt legal challenge costs. decide if they were really were not allowed to enter, ,if From page 1 The crisis over the ex- Namibians ornot. A letter although this directive born. Koevoets began early on apparently written in June may turn out to be illegal. The court is also asked Monday, August I, when byPresidentSam Nujoma Eight hours later, to order Minister of Rome a convoy of some 20 vehi- to senior DTA member prompted by DT A politi­ "., Affairs Rifikepunye cles appeared at Chief Kaima Riruako <;: ians, they drove into Na­ :1 Pohamba to transport the Ariamsvlei borderpoint. c1aimedGovemment"has mibia. They were stopped 'l applicants and their fami­ These were former SA done everything in its and charged on three ;l lies back from Ariamsvlej. police memoers who had power to facilitate the re­ counts in Keetmanshoop. ,. ., to Mariental where their They were stopped :H served in SA-led forces tumoftheformerKoevoet ' I J • cars and other possessions during the independence members to the country of again at Mariental and this .·1 I have been since last Thurs­ war. They had been hO.me- . their birth". time arrested by immigra­

\ 1 1 :f CONGRESS 'OF 'NANSO i .( VENUE: OKAHANDJA SECONDARY SCHOOL it DATES: 26 AU~USt 1994 to the 30 AUGUST 1994 \. R~gistration at 16hOO on 26/08/94 :\, PARTICIPANTS .1' eEight delegates wom each Secondary School Branch " eAII Regional Executive Committees eAU Notional'Leadership Structures [, e20 delegates from UNAM e15 delegates frc;>rp other Tertiary institution 'branches it eDelegates from ~tHer students unions outside the country NB.:~" the nqmes of offi~i91 del~gates Sho~ld ' be send to the Head Offices;before . :~ 20th August .1994. . . I '. . . . I I~t . Associate members wishing to attend shoutd notify the Head Office in writing before the 20/08/94. All enquiries at Tel: 21309111 Gellah Makushe S.G. FORWARD TO THE IHISTORlC 10th ANNIVERSARY CONGRESS Probe for poorest workers

at "a leading bank in Witbooi said. From page 1 Namibia" which he ac- He maintained that in :} present remuneration cused of not" following the absence of repre­ i CITY. OF . WINDHOEK levels of the two sectors. the concept of affirma- sentatives from other Re said statistics gath­ tiveaction" which Gov- groups, their interests ered by his Ministry ernment wanted to pro- could not be fully under­ TENDER DPP 7/9'4 proved that wages in mote in the pri vate ins ti - .stood nor addresed "even these sectors were, in tutions. in such macro-important many instances, "ex­ He said a balanced af- issues of availing eco­ tremely low and not con­ firmative action policy nomic opportunities, ft­ SALE OF RE~I . DENTIAL BLOCK ERF 2908, du.cive to a living stand- and strategy had a very nancial support or ca­ " . D~ J·AGER S'TREET, KLEIN WINDHOEK ard " important part to play in . reer opportunities" to all The Minister was ad­ the process of employ- Namibians. dressing ilPproximately ment creation and pov- This was despite the Tenders by developers are hereby invited for the purchase of. .150 delegates from vari­ erty alleviation. fact that the particular residential Block Erf 2908', De Jager Street, Klein Windhoek. ousMinistries, Regional. "Perusing the compo- bank accepted deposits Councils, international sition of the directors, from clients .of all organisations and Non­ managers and other ex- groups. He charged that Copies of the relevant tender documents and Deed of Sale are Governmental Organi­ ecutive officers ofa lead- it was in such sations at a National ing bank in N ami bia one "imbalanced structures" obtainable against payment of a non-refundable fee of N$5,00 per Workshop on Sustain­ is struck by the fact that that affirmative action copy from the Property Manager (Central Areas and Commonage), able Human Develop­ all persons occupying was needed by applying ment. these high positions are measures that could PO Box 59, Windhoek or personally at the Municipal Offices, Neser In another develop­ members of one cultural erase such "unacceptable Street, Windhoek. ment Witbooi lashed out and linguistic group," inequalities".

Tenders in sealed envelopes marked . . Crop .and food outlook . "SALE OF RESIDENTIAL BLOCK ERF 2908, From page 1 deteriorated seriously fol- . ' good condition. lowing the dry and cold _ In the' c.ommercial ar- ·KLEIN WINDHOEK - TENDER·DPP 7/94" Keetmanshoop. There was winter and the condition eas of. Gobabis, . . snow at Aus and of animals in the .north-· Okahandja and must be addressed ' and delivered to the Town Clerk, P 0 ·Box 59·, Re I me ri n-g hau sen. western regions 'is poor; Otjiwarongo grazing is Windhoek or placed in the Tender Box, ~unjcipal Offices, Independ­ Rardap dam at Mariental though livestock else- fair to good but below av­ is now 27,5 per cent full, where are generally in fair erage but sparse in com- ence Avenue, Windhoek by not later than 12:00 on Friday, 30 much better than in the to good condition, the situ- munal areas. . September 1994. previous two years, and ation is likely to worsen Pastures are very poor so far there has not been rapidly in the months in Ohangwena, Omusati, news of irrigation restric­ ahead as grazing becomes Oshana and Oshikoto but No tenders which had not been received by post by that time and date tions. Rardap is the main depleted". animals are in good con­ place in Namibia where Grazing is very poor in dition as they are eating or had not been deposited in the Tender Box, will be considered. irrigated crops are grown Kunene and Erongo re- stalks and straw, although and 5 500 tons of winter gions'exceptaroundOutjo this is soon to run out. V HAILULU wheat is expected from the where itisfair. In Khomas, Ani mals are fair in I 000 hectares. Rardap and Karas the Kavango but veld fires TOWN CLERK' The worst news in the grass is very dry and scarce have destroyed some pas­ grazing. "Pastures have and animals are.in fair to ture there and in Caprivi. THE NAMIBtAN' •• Friday ' August 11,2 1994,. 3

Teacher N$111 million rush to fined for . sex crIme lend to Government JOSEF MOTINGA STEPHEN W • TOMMINNEY • TOM MINNEY equivalent yield the investors get. One big advan- Carlson, a volunteer THE Namibian Minerals Corporation, a ­ tage is that this gain is tax-free for Namibians. teacher at A Shipena based diamond exploration and mining company THERE WAS a record eagerness to lend A spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance said Secondary School in currently searching the sea off Namibia, is set to long-term funds to.t~e Government and a the strong response was "rather surprising". He Katutura, was sen­ appeal a recent court ruling. The fortunes ofNamco total of N$I~O,8 IDllllOn .was offered when said response to earlier issues of stock had shown tenced to a fine ofN$1 are of special interest as it could be the .next tenders for mternal registered stock were investors prefer to lend money shorter-term and so 000 or one year in company toput its shares for trading on the Nanlibian opened yesterday. ' ' ,. the Government was moving away from three year prison after he was Stock Exchange, in a joint listing with Canada's This turned'out-to be more than the Government issues. The response was "horrible" to an issue of found guilty of inde­ Vancouver Stock Exchange. needed, wh~Jeas usuatly they only get offered' aboutt . five year loa!) stock and this has been abandoned for. cently assaulting an The court appeal, which was allowed earlier this two-thirds or three'-quarters the cash 'theywant, ap,d . now. ,.,.'.' ll-year-old girl. month, is against a May 23 ruling in a dispute over in the end. the qoverryment decided to issue only ' The inte_rest rate js higherthan in previous issues Carlson was sen­ tenced to a further fine N$82,6 milliqn of stock. • but ,the spokesperson explained it is close to the an area off . This is a case against ofN$2 ()()() or one year Th~ 12th issue of in'ternal registered stock is over general level of interest offered on the money 'Benguela Concessions (Benco) and its former chief in prison for kidnap­ two years and 'carries a 12 per cent interest coupon. marke~ in South Africa and Namibia at present. In executive John Wilson who has now resigned. J , ping an eight-year-old Namco earlier proved that an agreement with The Govemment sold investors the stock atN$96,82 the early days >of Government loan stock investors girl. per N$l 00 worth of stock paper, and this gives an wanted higher rates of interest before they would He pleaded guilty to Benco for an exploration area did exist. Benco had overall yield equivalent to 13,78 per cent a year trust their money here, but he added that there is both charges when he denied and then sold the rights for US$60 million until redemption on August 15 1996. now acceptance of the Namibian Government as a appeared in the to Australia's BHP, another mining giant inter­ Internal registered stock is a way Government safe borrower and so interest rates are the same as Windhoek Magis­ ested in joining the search for diamonds off south- can borrow funds from private investors over the in South Africa. trates Court yesterday. , western Africa. long term. Each offers to buy the stock at a particu- Long-term interest rates seem to be climbing According to the However, the court said although the agreement larpriceandtheGovernmentthendecoides'whether again, partly because of worries in South Africa charges, he indecently had existed, it was too vague to be enforced. This is to accept the offers when tenders close. For every about the future in view of the many crippling assaulted a minor girl what Namco president Alastair Holberton wants to N$100 worth of stock issued, Government will pay strikes which industry there is encountering, by touching her pri­ appeal against. N$l00 when the stock is redeemed in two years' The latest stock will be listed on the Namibian vate parts and her time. In the meantime, the Government pays N$12 Stock Exchange and there may already be people breasts. interest per year for every N$I00 paper value of willing to buy it, if any seIlers come forward. The charge of kid­ stock and this, coupled with the difference between Getting this trading started wiIl help boost demand napping re lated to an Bail withdrawn the price offered and the redemption price, is the for the longer-term Government stock. in~ident on March 22 11 • JOSEF MOTINGA thiS year when ~arl s ?n invited a girl THE BAIL of two of the three men accused mto hiS car under false Caution urgedo.n land bill pretences and drove off of murdering Karl Seebach was withdrawn with her to the back of in the High Court yesterday pending the the Augustineum Sec- conclusion of the case. The three men are also CHRISTOF MALETSKY ensure that land is used efficiently and on a sus­ On1daryh' SclhooCI. I charged with robbery with aggravating cir- LEGISLA TION on n IS pea, ar son . tainable basis. The Land said he fe lt immense cumstances. Seebach was murdered at land reform, scheduled his Use Planning division is to be put on the table remorse and would house in Uhland Street in Windhoek on Junt: already assisting the when Parliament like to al?ologise to the ,18 1993. Minl,stry in d~ vi. sl !1g.and resumes later t his co,?plainants and Xarl Rooi and WiIlem Dickson's bail of N$200 performing land use month, may not their parents. h ' hd D 'd R . h b h Id ' planning methods for He had applied to a eac was Wit rawn. aVI 001 as een e In eliminate all land­ farms purchased for re­ missionary organisa- custody. related problems settlement. " tion in the United According to evidence before the court, the ac- facing Namibia at the Further, he fe lt land States to work in Na- cused had identified some of the items stolen from moment, Minister of use planning would posi" , m.ibia and had been . Seebach which had been retrieved from a pawn Lands, Resettlement tively affect the lives of here for two years. As shop. and Rehabilitation, many Namibians whose aresultofwhathehad A d' 1" 'd ff' Richard' Kabajani, · .. cc or tngtoapo Icewltness, evl enceo tnger- li,-:e)ihood depended di­ d one, hIS organisation . cautioned yesterday. had declared that he pnnts would not be led as there had been too many r.ectly or indirectly on Kabajani said the could !lD longer work police officers; at the scene. This bad made it ihe 'use of- land. ' policy formulation work " in Namibia. He is mar- difficult to trace the fingerprints which had been had already been con­ Addressing the ,issue ried a~d h i~ wi fe is in lifted f~om the scene . . cluded. of resettlement and re- Namibia. The case continues. Howeve(, he added, habilitation, Kabajani r!!!!!!!!!~I'===~' ~' ~=~~' .lL:::=:::::==:'- ":':""':====:::N;:::::=:::":::~==':-: '.j:::,-- the land policy might not said there were pro- -- necessarily eliminate all grammes focusing on, land-related problems poverty alleviati on and although it was bound to the improvement of the "put the wheel in mo­ quality of life of the dis­ tion". advantaged, especially Kabajani was address- BURNING ISSUE ... Upcoming legislation on the unemployed, ex­ ing a delegation attend- land may not solve all the problems Minister combatants, the landless ing a two-day National Richard Kabajani warned yesterday. and the displaced San Workshop on Sustain- community. "Sofarasig­ able Human Develop- established a section on this would enable the nificant number of peo­ ment in Windhoek, Land Use Planning with Ministry to address the ple have been resettled which ended yesterday the object of laying the question of land effec- countrywide and are en­ afternoon. foundation forplaimlng - lively and constantly. gage:d in different pro­ He said the Divisi(m " land.use activities. , '. "The-purpose of this ' duction pwgrammes," of Land Reform recently . . He said he qeli~v(:Q •. seCt i(;)fl )sYr~ci~ ~ l y to Kabajani'said. " . .

~ 4 FIiday August 12 1994 THE NAMIBIAN , 'Crime can be slashed •••

• CHRIS NDIVANGA hoek Chamber of Com- crime. are frustrated and that merce and Industry "I admit that the pic- frustration is gradually CRIME in Namibia can be prevented (WCCI) on Wednesday. ture sketcked looks being transformed into through combined efforts by the police, the At the workshop the bleak, but I realise that fear and insecurity. public and modern -policing methods, WCCI revealed the out- many law-abiding citi- "That fear and insecu­ Nampol's Commissioner Siggi Eimbeck said come of a opinion sur- zens have lost hope that rity eventually will lead this week. vey conducted among a solution to the crime to aggression against the the business community related problems can be criminals and against the "All that is needed is a of all law-abiding citi- in the city. found," Eimbeck said. authorities which are commitment, a plan, an zens of our Republic," According to the sur- He said crime has held responsible for the action and participation Eimbeck said. vey a large majority of reached a s~age when; it. lack Qf peace, stability, which is tailored to the The. senior police of- those contacted believe , affe~ts the s9cial, ~ t~e . ·fre·eelo,m and security." Namibian situation and ficer was speaking at a the Narnibian'police are "econ0111ic and the politi" • ~ Jies~i'd ;:t.ftermore than which can satisfy the workshop on crime or- , the . main contributing cal fibre "of the peopfe· .fbur years 6f independ­ wishes and expectations ganised by the Wind- factor to the'high rqte of and the country. People . ence/. and a fair share of tolerance, the Namibian people claim that the Namibian police has failed to execute its func­ tions according to their expectations. The Namibian judici­ p--~------I Your key to a top Job~----' ... I ary, especially the lower I . .. CPM Training on: I courts, are accused by () Personnel Management & Industrial Relations ~. I I o Business & Management communicati~ns Namibians as being in­ o Tourism & Travel Agency Management competent and are al­ I 0 Business Management/Administration ' I I 0 Stores Management & Stock Control " I leged to favour the crimi­ o Computers In Modern Management I 0 Office Management/ Administratio n nals, he said. 0 Princi ples o f Modern Manag~ment I o Business Bookkeeping &: Accounts "Law abiding citizens I 0 Modern Selling a nd Salesmanship have lost confidence and o Sales Management &: Marketing I 0 Everyday English for Everyone trust in our courts oflaw o Accounting for Managers I 0 Private Secretarial Duties and feel that they are not Each C .P .M . Program inc tudes a s ubs tantial Training M a nual , protected by neither the I " S tudy G uide. ~ e lf . A ssess ment T ests with Ans wers, e tc " to I ~~e0~~~tt)~f f~~5th:a~~n a~ e~i~~~~~an~~ s;ic~ ef~e l~ ~ I YOfL~n~e~~ s ~ judiciary nor by the I ~~x~~ ~e!eF~o~~o;o~~~c~~~d th iS a nnou n cement by A1RMA1L or I Namibian police," said ,t riJ' ~'~;':;~ """ " ...... :...... ~ I Eimbeck.

:1 C Address :. .""""'~ I According to Eimbeck I t!J ." Age:... I COLLEGE OF PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT NAMPOL's ineffectiveness was identified as contributing 83,8 per cent to the rising crime rate. On th~ corr~ct :~ ap~~o­ I PO. BOX 38 , WINCHESTER S022 5PF. ENGLAND, TE L & FAX UK 534-485485 J the picture WCCI Executive member Harold Schmidt is shown announcing the results of the p~lat~drob e 0 he FO l~e opinion poll. sou. . e to e p t. e ------, , pubhcnottobecomevlc- tims of crime, to support the public to maintain law and order and the internal security of the state and to co-operate with the public to estab­ Land, lish and secure peace, security, stability and prosperity. •••••••••• tbe primary source Eimbeck said several of his efforts and projects to involve the communi­ of our livelibood! ties in crime prevention had been brought to a standstill apparently for 1. We had a big debate on land reform in June 1991 . Isn't it? What has happened ever since that big Land conference? political reasons. 2. Government is currently planning to finalise a Bill on Land . What is the content of that given Bill? Does it reflect our aspirations? Will we be allowed to have an input? Ivory case Join us in Mariental for debate on Land, 400 delegates on their way postponed to the Peoples' Land Conference 4th - 8th Sept. 1994, Mariental BASIL Rol;>erts, 28, . and Josef Gaeseb, 33, were to appear before Let us analyze all the issues and the Windhoek problems that surround the question Magistrate's of Land. Come and assist one-another Court yesterday charged with the for .the d~sign of action .:- plans that may . leaej to tb.e speedy 'implementation of a i11egaI possession meaningfUl Land-reform programme. Of six elephant • ....,.,. _"'. i'.. .. tt,lsks, valued at N$1925074• We espe{:ially • • # . ,They were encourage women arrested on June to register! 28, 1993 in Windhoek. However, Contact us for registration as a participant:' Gaeseb was ab­ Windhoek: Telephone: 36029. * Fax: 32597 * sent and his bail Oshakati: * Telephone: 2100 * Fax: 20444 of N$1 000 was K'hoop: ~ Telephone: 2313 * Fax: 3082 provisionally for­ The said conference is to be held,under the auspices of "Ngo - Working Committee on Land Reform" feited to the state. The case was post­ poned to August 30. THE NAMIBIAN Friday August 12 1994 5

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6 Friday August 12 1994 THE NAMIBIAN

Right: HOLDING P-~'WLITI.CAL OUT FOR A HERO uV' ~""E"" LISTEFoI:'EiiI:i3 ... Katutura residents were literally PERSPECTIVE stepping over each other as everyone THIS should be a time when Namibians are tried to greet oQe of assessing what progress has been made by their Africa's heroes, South government since independence over four years African President ago. This process is vital if people are to make Nelson Mandela, informed choices when they go to the polls later when he visited the in the year. But the almost absolute strength of township on Tuesday the ruling party seems to negate this aspect of afternoon to' briefly _democratic process. view the Build Together Project. WHAT this means in effect is that even if Swapo had a dismal political record over the past five years, it could not be shaken at the polls, because it enjoys the overwhelming majority of support in this country. But while one cannot blame the ruling party for its extensive support base, one can at the same time express regret that it negates a fundamental part of democracy and makes the democratic All Photographs: process less vigorous than it might otherwise Christof Maletsky have been ifthere were a few parties which could truly make for a contest at the poll~. It is pretty obvious to all that there is no real threat to Swapo in our first parliamentary and presidential elections since independence, Popular President Pulls scheduled for December. While there are other parties in existence, none can do anything but halfheartedly attempt to take a few seats in parliament. Certainly there's no chance of an ousting, and Swapo is set for another five years Big Crowds In Namibia in government. Not that I am advocating an ousting purely for the sake ofit, but it stands to reason that if a few • CHRISTOF MALETSKY Rugby team selectors should snap up the man after he wrestled his precious (even two) parties were close competitors at the NELSON Mandela, President of polls, it would give our democracy a vigorous baby through a wall of bodyguards the "rainbow nation" has finally boost. Voters would then be forced to assess the and protocol defenders to score a touch­ various options in order to cast their ballot - come and gone, after his hectic down with the South African Presi­ there would be more serious thought given to the two-day stay in Namibia. dent! alternatives than is the case at present where He touched down at Eros Airport ' Wednesday's reception at the South emotion still rules. on Tuesday morning and proved to be African High Co mmission for I would venture to say that there may be fewer one of the most popular vistors ever Mandela and his Foreign Minister, people going to the polls than in 1989 and this seen in Windhoek, mobbed by report­ Alfred Nzo, tur,ned out to be a great will be the only way in which dissatisfaction with ers, photographers and fans wher" day fortwo youngsters, N atalie Jordaan the ruling party will be manifested in the coming ever he went. (9) and Wilfred Philander. elections. But win, they will, whatever the In fact the South African Presi­ "It was nice meeting him," the two margins. • dent's visit turned out to be an obsta­ commented before Natalie fainted, There is fairly widespread concern, even in cle course for the local media who' overcome in the packed room while Swapo ranks; at the general lack ofviable political had to fight through a solid wall of Mandela was addressing the gather­ opposition. Nothing would keep the ruling party security and snapping colleagues for ing. Luckily she regain conciousness every photo call. after a short while. ""'- on its toes like an opposition which is breathing down its neck in both the literal and figurative Journalists also needed the skills of A brave reporter from the South sense. an Indycar driver to keep ahead of the African Broadcasting Corporation fi­ There are varying views as to what can be done Presidential entourage as it swept nally plucked up courage to ask the about it. In my opinion one can merely hope that through the capital from one engage­ President how he was feeling after he the situation will change and that new and viable ment to another. was seen time and again wiping away parties with dynamic leadership emerge to offer Fredeny Kabunga from the Minis­ tears. a challenge to Swapo. try of Information was nominated "One of the things which worries I do not agree with those who think the answer Formula One champion after show­ my eye is attractive young ladies," he lies in handing out money with the declared ing offhis driving when transporting quipped before saying he was recover­ intention ofpromoting democracy and pluralism. journalists around town. ing from an eye operation. This is simply a superficial way of dealing with BE GOOD ... "and remember the occasion as I While Mandela was visiting the "In the past I experienced a drought the problem. will do" President Nelson Mandela told young Build Together Housing project in of tears, but now I have a flood of The time will come when the people are ready Wilfred Philander and Natalie Jordaan when Katutura, a proud father managed to tears," said the South African Presi­ for a change. And ifat that stage there is no party they met at the South African Embassy where present his baby to the President. dent. in existence that can offer it to them, it will Mandela was invited for tea. An onlooker suggested the National spontaneously come into being. What can be done in the meantime is to challenge and debate and discuss and review and generally stimulate a democratic culture. It would probably also make for more accountability ifthe electoral system were changed to accommodate constituencies. It is the process of opening up ' \ critical min~s which will probably stimulate the birth of new and credible options in the political Right : ' B YE sense. COMRADE ... It was Swapo have achieved some very important things not difficult to work since independence, not least of which is the out why President situation of peace in this country. But it might Mandela took far have achieved more ifit had been less complacent more time bidding about its support base. It would undoubtedly also farewell to Minister have contributed to a better Swapo all round, a of Mines and Energy, party which would have been more likely to H erma n Toivo ya stimulate debate in its own ranks and question Toivo. They were both imprisoned on constantly the calibre ofits leadership. It would have been more likely the people would have had Robben Island for a inputin decision-making, rather than the present long spell. 'top-down' authoritarianism of the party, and President Nujoma this would have benefited us all. (far right) and The point to be made is that it would be good for Foreign Ministers Swapo to have a strong opposition. I doubt that Alfred Nzo (centre) even the most committed cadres of the party a nd Theo-Ben would deny the need for this. Gurirab look on. THE NAMIBIAN Friday August 12 1994 7


Priori tise pro blem - s~ .Lvi 'n"g In educ'ation

THIS week Education Minister Nahas Angula painted a bleak picture of the present state of education as he dealt ' with the immense chal­ lenges facing his Ministry. He was presenting his annual review of education to the Prime Minis­ ter and senior staff of his Ministry. Before we give emphasis to the problem areas, we must again commend the Minister for being one of the few who accounts for the progress of their Ministries. In so doing, Angula has been =--- scrupulously honest about the problems in edu­ cation, not attempting to gloss over the draw­ backs or pretend that all is well when it is not. Among major problems identified by Angula is the vast difference between the numbers start­ ing education and those completing Grade 12. There appears to be a gradual dropping-out throughout the grades with thousands of learn­ ers receiving only a minimum of education - perhaps enough to be literate but not much AoeKA~Di4 more. The high level of students repeating grades also tends to clog up the system particularly in Grade 10 where learners seem to hang on as long as possible in an effort to improve their grades. "Mixed Ele~toraI .System There still appears to be resistance to formal education among traditional communities in - ,,00,:., Kunene and among the San (an astonishing 80 per cent of Bushmen children do not attend Favours Accountability school). It is clear from the statistics that many of the problems afflicting education are still a hango­ current set-up of regional ver from the colonial period -the Khomas region government, will not only serve to promote the ac­ fares best while the remote rural areas still ~:~!~~:t~!~r "_ countability factor of MPs suffer. 1994, under the head in g vis-a-vis the general elec­ The Ministry had the very difficult job of 'Parties must be account­ torate, but will also offer creating a unified system out of 11 bantustans. able to voters' . the regional council s a This it has done, but the imbalances still remain T fully concur with the platform to put issues of . in every aspect from the number of qualified views expressed by the regional concern directly teachers (highest in Khomas, lowest in Kunene) authorofthateditorial that ing issues of the day which rent second chamber (Na­ representing all the 13 re­ on the national political to the quality of school buildings. in as much as the system agenda of parliament. affect the lives of ordinary tional Council) and add gions will mean that the It is clear that despite considerable efforts of proportional represen­ citizens (but which might its 26 members to the cur­ particular concerns of the Furthermore, the en­ made by the Ministry staff there is still an tation is a fair system as it not be of immediate rel­ rent elected membership various regions will be larged membership of tends to benefit minori­ evance to the political of the National Assem­ aired directly in the na­ backbenchers will enable immense amount to be done to tackle the legacies ties and especially small agenda of a political party bly. We then have 72 MPs tion 's top political and leg­ parliament to more effec­ left by Apartheid and colonialism. parties, it does not pro­ and its defined 'constitu­ elected on the basis of pro­ islative chamber by those tively perform its watch­ Angula gave an incisive analysis of the prob­ mote the accountability ency ') will be neglected portional representation who owe their continued dog function over govern­ lems and as Prime Minister Rage Geingob factor of Members of Par­ as they will not find their and party li st (as at presence in parliament to ment, which, in turn, rein­ pointed out you first have to know the extent of liament vis-a-v is the gen­ way onto the national po­ present) whilst the re­ the regions concern ed. forces the accountability a problem before it can be fully dealt with. eral electorate. fac tor which is criti cal toa I itical agenda. It is against maining 26 will be con­ This they can do by way of However, we now need to have a similarly This is because (cou­ this background that 1 stitue ncy based MPs, motions and/or questions functioning pari iamentary clearcut account of how the Ministry is setting " pled with the party list) wish to add my voice to elected according to the to government ministers­ democracy. voters actuall y vote for the need for debate on the 1992 Regional Councils something they are cur­ The direct representa­ about tackling the problem areas. political parties and not "desirability oflooking at Act. Itis then uptoeachof rentl y unable to do in the ti on of regions in parli a­ Indeed the state of education is not just some~ for individual members of a different electoral sys­ the 13 regional councils second chamber. ment will become all the thing for the Ministry to scratch its head about parliament. Political par­ tem, accommodating both to elect/appoint two of Another positive devel­ more desirable if parlia­ - it is of vital concern to the rest of Government ti es then, become the con­ the proportional and con­ their members to repre­ opment for accountable ment continues to be and the nation as a whole. stituencies of such memo" stituency aspects, in order sent their regions directly government will result dominated by an ever The quality of education concerns us all as bers and not the people stronger ruling party. to bring government to the in the National Assembly from the fact that parlia­ learners, parents, employers and the commu­ directly . They therefore people". - the nation's primary leg­ ment will be able to sig­ In that event, the 26con­ nity at large. If our education system fails then tend to please the party islative chamber, rather nificantly enlarge the pool stituency-based MPs (who leadership and those who DIFFERENT than the National Council from which to appoint do not owe their primary our nation fails. ha ve influence on the party SYSTEM (which is merely a house parliamentary select/ allegiance to the party but The tasks of redressing im!>alances and im­ leadership or the decision-. oflegislative review) and standing committees to their regions/constitu­ proving overall quality have to be urgently ad­ making process within a I support a constitutional which is clearly subordi­ which will not be domi­ encies) will become an im­ dressed. party. amendment in terms of nated to the National As­ nated by deputy ministers portant check on the pro­ It is after all the youth who are the leaders of In that situation hon­ which we shall introduce sembly both in theory, pro­ (as is currently the case) pensity of a very strong the future Namibia, and it is vital that they be ourable members are then a mixed system which pro­ ruling party to get intoxi­ tocol, status and in prac­ who themselves are part given a good grounding and foundation through reduced to a situation of motes accountability at the tice. of _the very executive cated by its own power. a meaningful and enabling education. being 'delegates' (some same time as giving mi­ This change will be eve­ branch of government Therefore, the nation as would say puppets) of the norities (ie smal.l parties) rything but cosmetic. Each which the committees are a whole - and the develop­ Now that an assessment has been made, it is parties rather than 'repre­ a voice. of the 13 regions will have supposed to monitor and ment of our constitutional important that everyone have an input in finding sentatives' of the people. This can be done by ex­ direct representation in close-question. democracy in particular, the solutions and putting them into practice. They are then guided by panding the membership parliament via its two rep­ stands to benefit enor­ Perhaps some form of consultative conference the need to curry favour of the National Assembly resentatives. Their first CONCLUSION mously from a mixed sys­ on education problem-solving, involving the with the party bosses from 72 elected members loyalty is to their regions tem which promotes ac­ broad spectrum of Namibian society, could be rather than the interests of to 98 elected members Thus, the abolition of the countability at the same and their particular con­ embarked upon in order to prioritise what needs their natural constituents, plus the six appointed stituencies rather than the second chamber and the time as giving small par­ . i.e the people and/or their members - a total of 104 party leadership. concomitant enlargement ties a voice in direct pro­ to be done to improve the situation . own conscience. The end MPs. To achieve this, we The presence of26 con­ of the National Assem­ portion to their political We simply cannot afford to let the problem get result is that certain burn- need to abolish the cur- stituency-based MPs bly, while retaining the strength. any worse .

.to: : ") ' j'(.l rF'-\ t.. "'''j\'' J'" 't l'1 ~2-: 1994 t _, .rju,ay J,lgll& • ',' " YHE'N'AMfSIA'N Permanent Secretaries Too Young Says the PSUN :~.

An open letter to the many good policies and Prime Minister ideas, but has 'shot itself in the foot' byappoint­ AS a public servant, I E~;~ ing people too immature have followed with great to effectively and effi­ interest the report of the ~~~ ciently administer, con­ Auditor-General (in trol and guide the Public which he places blame tary. It should not be muItipleabilitiestocope to see these responsibili­ Service which ultimately for a lot of the faults in viewed as a position of successfully with this ties given to senior peo­ must 'i\nplement these the public service at the political leadership or responsibility. ple who have coped well policies and ideas. doors of the permanent political policy-making. For this reason the with many years of the Putting youngsters secretaries) and the re­ A PS is a public servant Public Service has strict rough-and -tumble oflife into such positions also sultantdiscussion in the with the responsibility rules regarding who can and who have gained damages morale of man­ media on who should of administering or man- be promoted as far as experience in handling agement staff below really be blamed for aging a Ministry in or- these senior levels. people etc. These quali­ them. wrongdoings or plain der to achieve the objec- Given the best possi­ ties no youngster can We need to take reme­ mismanagt;:ment. tives of the Government blecircumstances, lucky have, no matter how aca­ dial (!.ction before our There seem to be some of the day as influenced breaks and being a tal­ demically brilliant. land of hope is ruined. who think that the PSs by the respective minis- ented person who sus­ Yet look around and Luckily all PS's ' were are' not at fault imd sen- , ter.Heorshemustthere- tains a brilli'ant work count the number :>fPSs ' appointed on five-year ior public servants be­ fore ensure the Minis- record for a decade anda who have been ap­ contracts. 'These ' come low ~hem should ~ carry try's resources are effi.. half without faltering, a up for reappraisal soon. i ~ pointed in their early an 1. 'the'bulk 'ot the blame. I ciently put to use for the person can -asliire to be­ middle thirties. Herein The' Government must should like to raisesome effective attainment of ing a PS just short of his/ lies the dilemma,of the make use ofthis ~oppor­ '\0. /0 r" points concerning the theGovernment'ssocio- ' her 40th birthday. It is ' Public · S~rvice. '. It has tun)ty to.shedtthose PSs appoint~ent pr' PSs economic and political far more plausible to nothing to do with af­ who have shown they which should be borne cannot cope, and simply !' goals. count on good, solid and firmative action, because in minq when consider­ This is no small task. dependable persons no patriotic Namibian not renew their con­ ing how fit or otherwise 'In many cases it involves reaching such seniority should expect to reach tracts. they might be to 'run' br managing and directing more in the middle to such a level of seniority administer the day-to­ thousands of staff from l().te fortie,s or even fif- until well into his/her CONCERNED PUB­ day affairs of Govern­ labourers to profession: ties. 4Os. LIC SERVANT ment s(;!rvice. als, budgets of tens of Other qualities are Can we therefore ex­ WINDHOEK It is important to have millions and plan, equip­ demanded for success­ pCct these PSs to cope a correct concept of just ment and buildings ful handling of this post. competently with the Note: This letter has what kind of position is worth more. It has to be These are wisdom and task assigned to them? been shortened. -Ed that of permanent secre- a special person with maturity. One would like Our Government has Call On Govt Not To Privatise Ma~gettiE;anns

IT has come to our notice that the ers when they needed it. the colonial administration put up in the communal farmers, who are farm­ with the required boreholes, similar Cabinet has decided to privatise the The Mangetti area remained com- the Mangetti area was not a way to ing alongside the river because there to commercial farms. Most of the Mangetti farms. We the communal munal land even after the colonial claim Government ownership but to are no bore holes away from here, farms will be communal farms where farmers in K wangali area regard this Government made the fences because help communal farmers. This IS also demand that the Government stop two or more families will farm to­ decision as unconstitutional and ille­ the K wangali chief retained the right the case with. the agri<;uJtural schemi:: privatising K wangali communal area. gether. People will need tq ~ taught gal. There is no law which gives the to allocate land there like in the rest of established by the aBK which later Because the area along the river is to farm properly. We want self devel­ Government power to distribute land our traditional territory. This does not became the First National Develop- already overgrazed, we want to move opment so that the regional Govern­ to individu!lJs in communal, areas. , mean he can allocate land only to ment Corporation. They were meant into Mangetti' farms ourselves. We ment and traditional authorities must According to Article 102(5) of the Itwangali people but also to others, •for communal development. never grabbed land from anyone so be involved as to how the communal Constitution, the control and use of And this he has done already as we ' For this reason the Mashare Agri­ why should Cabinet privatise the onry farmer~ organise themselves with re­ communal land must involve the con­ know from some controversial in- cultural College was established to farms developed for us to move in. It gard farm maintenance and payments. sultation and consent of the local in­ stances where land was allocated to get qualified personnel to manage the is for us an irony that the present 'The Government can help estab­ habitants through their traditional well-paid Government officials who agricultural projects for the commu­ Government want to extend the un­ lish a communal empowerment fund leaders and regional councillors who should be in the commercial areas. nity. Now this college has been turned just practise of the colonial regime in to finance communal projects. The directly represent the people. The point stressed here is that Gov- into a base fOf development brigades the commercial areas to our commu­ agricultural projects should be man­ It is a natural law that land belongs ernment has no power to distribute or which is developing virtually noth­ nal lands, We have our own plan for aged by regional development boards to the people who live there. We privatise land in communal areas ex - ing. For the Kavango region this is a true development to which the Gov­ supervised and controlled by regional know from history that grabbing land ceptin the national interest, like build- . great loss, there is no other college of ernment have not yet responded. We Government without consulting the local people ing roads. Even in this case the Gov- its kind. This is again an instance challenge the Government to say why The election is at hand -let us hear leads to conflict and war. The fact that ernment has to remain accountable where the interests of the local people their privatisation plan is better than from accountable politicians. the colonial regime made the fencing by taking into consideration the le- are not considered. It should have ours. and the boreholes did not mean the gitimate interests of the people. been turned into a technical college or Our plan is that we are convinced SIMON HAUPINDI Mangetti area became Government Let it be abundantly clear that com- training centre. that for the sustainable use of com­ NKURENKURU property. The original aim was to munalland is not Government prop- To avoid conflict, it is necessary munalland it is necessary to control help the communal farmers to farm in erty although it is part of the state of that justice and fairness is seen to be the movement of people and animals Note: This letter has been shortened. a better way and to provide Namibia just like commercial farms. done by the Government, particularly by fencing. We want our whole re­ In several parts the handwriting was quanrantine area for communal farm- The fencing and boreholes which regards regional development. We gion to be fenced into proper farms indistinct. - Ed. Taking Issue With Latvio , Deliberate.Exclusion~ Of.. •Women? I ;) • ., . • SHOCKED by comments of friends in ures to do so, and the occurrences oflast ,. our Government that Mrs LatVio con- Wednesday led me to cancel both. TO MY understanding Nanso is a non-sexist, sation's behalf in the 'last thre~ ·year;. Someone nected her party to my marble venture, As usual I respect all old Swapo mem- apolitical organisation that aims 'to unite 'all stu­ 'other than.Miss LuiPert? SeCondly, the formation and that she without any mandate re- • bers and Plan figil~rs when scrutinisipg dents and to be the official voice of the students, of a coalition party is indeed a commend_able deed cruited people for the proposed mine, I a job application and allocate them if hence its constitution. but I mu~~ s~s , mat it would be of Q,o ,use to have reacted first at a press conference at- possible.MrsLatviowasnotandisnota My problem with them is the aspect of seemingly 'Qld' people in"the 'new' party. As ,we all 'know tended only by the NBC, to rectify the director of my firin. ,deliberate exclusion offemales at gatherings where &ome of thes~ pe.ople have a sad ~i_s!ory_ : and ~ new whole situation. I will not allow party politics to be official matters are relayed to the nation, eg, inter- party should include 'oewf faces. • Mrs Latvio was allocated for ajob as connected to my venture to damage the views, etc. To my dismay only some males are Admittedly there are quite' a few people who are assistant to the marketing director and good relations I have with the Govern- pelegates to speak on behalf of the organisation, hot happy with the ruling party's perform~ce in her husband as engineer for the mine ment and Namibia's people. except of course Miss Luipert. Is it perhaps not time the past years, but without a viabll! aJ~mative they equipment. I have her a blank question- DIETHER WESTPHAL to also include females at official gatherings in the are likely to vote for us again. They can also abstain nair~ to return to me, but sh~ faile~ to do MANAGING DIRECTOR ~~pa~ity of spok.esper~on. I am of the ~pinio? that from voting as this is a free country, not only on so, Instead she made copIes of It and MARBLE WESTPHAL ' It IS tIme to practIcally Implement the saId notion of paper but also in the true sense of the word. distributed them to people. Her husband equal rights for both male and female. never gave me any CV or copies to * Note: The Namibian was not invited to Is it also possible for Nanso to name one occasion BERNHARDT B KATAMILA support his qualification. Both theirf~i1- your press conference. - Ed. where a female addressed the media on the organi- WINDHOEK . THe-N·A1ilJB1AN' HeaI,th strike

bre'Wing in ·Angola N·D ~ · C. . I' , I . . I LtJANDA: TIieAngplan Health.Minister pleaded oon people. gola carriedfa' letter from I: NAMIBIAN;' DEVELOPMENt, .. " . 1 · yesterday with me

CITY OF WINDHOEK Applications are invited forDiploma in Agriculture at Ogongo CITY TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT Agricultural College: TENDER CT.2/94 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS

'; ""'. • 0" ., ~ .. 1\ , J. " ~;.,. ...' r,' " • The minimum entrance qualification is grade 12 or equivalent Tenders are hereby invited fro'm the' open ma'rket to fina.nce the first ph'ase "of qu~lifications, . with Mathematics, English language and CIMa. EBASIA ~nc;l . PROSPERIT,A Townships, These projects iovQlve the·devel- .' r ' , ,. • ! I" :3 science subjects (Biology, Agricultural ~cience, PhYSics, opment,of,RESIDENTIALand LI~HT It:-JO.USrRIAL erven. .. /' . Chemistry or Physical Science). Admission at Namibian agricultural colleges is made on a competitive basis. \ rr:~hder ' d()i:timents l ahd " iUustratidns of the complex are obtainable at the Municipal Applicants must have the above mentioned subjects passed ' ~uiICling, ~O , Indeperidence:Ave'nue, Windhoek, from th~ City Treasurer's with a "0" or higher. . Department at Roor,n 214 against cl non-refundable payment of N$30,00 per set of .two documents. . '. ,HOW TO APPLY: Contact the 90llege Qr your nearest rural development centres CL:.OSING DATE: 12:00 Friday 2 September 1994 for application forms. Submit a completed application form for ENQU;lRIES: Tel: (061) 391 2247 admission together with grade 12 results or certified copies of certificates and birth certificates or Namibian 1.0. before 30th P J G ENSLlN September 1994 and send it to The Principal, Ogongo CITY TREASURER Agricultural, College, Private Bag 5520, Oshakati 9000.

~ 10 Friday August "1 2 1994 -Hr., ..,,' -,- ''-·'t't't+'HHH+. THE NAMIBIAN , "/ '

JOHANNESBURG: A markets don 't improve in late rise in the bullion price Joburg Stock Exchange the near future, market Economic Indicators lifted gold shares on the focus is likely to switch to Yesterday's quotations for unit trust funds: Stock Ex­ els yesterday, although decidedly weaker as the after Wednesday 's sharp golds, which are expected FUND NAME Buy Sell Yi eld% change off their worst lev- counters elsewhere were market took a breather gains, to be better performers ABSA: GE 208,20 194,76 2,68 .,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil,I Gold rose to $ 3 7 8,50 in hO v er ~hde ne x t six mon ths, " Balanced 104,69 98,26 na ear Iy New York dealmgs e sal , Industri al 186, 19 174,18 2,12 after touching a low of Be llwether stock De Income 10 1, 13 99,94 11 ,00 $376, I 0 earlier in the day Beers ended 125c easier BOE: .~ before edgin g lower to at R 11 9,50 and associate Growth 247, 19 230,97 2,06 $377.75 at the local close, A ng los shed 350c to People's Income 103,50 102,41 10,54 NAMIBIAN DEVELOPMENT The all gold index ended R256,50, COMMUNITY: the day down 27 points at On the gold board, Vaal Growth Fund 163,65 152,92 4,43 2 195 compared with an Reefs c lipped 300c to COMMERCIAL UNION: CORPORATION intraday low of 2 I 79, R408,00, Western Deep Growth 179, 13 167,25 2,01 while the all share index slid 200c to R 198,00 and COMPOSITE: slipped 35 points to 5883 Sovaal decelerated 500c All Share Index 135,58 126,69 na and the industrial index to R 127,00, FEDLIFE: TENDER slumped 53 po ints to Am6ng industrials, SA Fedgro Growth 188,68 176,16 3,41 6641. Bre we ries lost 50c to Income 101 ,37 99,33 na A dealer said volumes R88,25, Safren eased 50c GUARDBANK: TENDER NO: 50/94 on the day had generally to R 11 ,25, Remb Beh Growth 3658,35 3403,03 2,80 been thin and there had dipped 50c to R 19,50 and Income 120, 11 11 8,85 11 ,59 been little enthusiasm on Malbak deflated 50c to Industrial 198,98 185,01 2,60 TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR THE the buying side after a R 18,50, Resources 245,87 228,63 3, 13 strong run thi s week, He ' Mining house Gencor Pro s ~erity 110,64 103,82 na CONSTRUCTION OF NEW RIVER - said that industrials were bucked' the general trend, Stablltty 109,04 102,60 na AND BOOSTER PUMP STATIONS AT under pressure on the day, notching upa 10-centgain IGI LIFE: GE 187,53 175,41 2,54 " Industrials are per- to a fresh peak of R 12,70 METBOARD: 329,06 307,83 2,20 THEMUSESEPROJECT+~90KM ceived as expensiv e at the , after some 275670 shares ~,~ tfun d 121 ,8 1 120,53 11 ,28 mo m'e nt a fte r recent worthR3,5-milliontraded t d ~ g 128,06 120,24 na WEST OF RUNDU. strong gains and if world in 102 deals, - Sapa-I-Net H,a nha e 19 I ncome 100,37 99,32 na METROPOLITAN: CLOSING DATE: 2 SEPTEMBER 1994 - 11 HOO Metlife GE 148,75 139,00 5,40 Land seizure MOMENTUM: GE 361 ,67 339,37 3,22 Documents are obtainable at Windhoek Consulting NBS: Hallmark GE 1409,58 1316,20 2,30 Engineers, 44 Bismarck Street @ N$50/document. accelerates Hallmark Income 100,1 8 99,18 na NORWICH: GE 687,00 641,58 2,41 ENQUIRIES: JAMES TURNER HARARE: Pres ide nt rule in southern Africa OLD MUTUAL: Robert M ugabe promised was needed to redistrib­ Investors 4304,68 4013,35 2,09 WINDHOEK CONSULTING yesterday to speed up the ute land to the black ma­ Sentinel 243,50 227,14 na ENGINEERS seizure of white owned jority, Growth 342,81 319,49 3,29 PO BOX 2484 farms for distribution to Land seizures under Top Companies 378,79 354,07 2,60 WINDHOEK landless black peasants, sweeping laws passed ,in Industrial 567,29 528,67 1,85 Mugabe said "the same 1992 have heightened ra­ Mining 545,52 508,53 1,94 zeal, enthusiasm and dedi­ cial tensions in this south­ Gold 216,96 202,29 3,00 Tel: (061) 37728 Fax: (38880) cation" that ended white ern African country once Income 110,52 109,34 11,05 ------., known for the harmoni­ SAGE: r----"IiI-'- .-Ift~A:i.~ .... ous relations between 10 Gen Equity 3473,54 3236,87 2,44 Resources 218, 19 203,62 2,65 million blacks and about Financial 646,25 602,66 na 100 000 whites, ~ 'I d' Income 216,99 214,82 naJI,,;,:'t\ Thecontroversla re IS- SANLAM: GE 2191,06 2048,00 2,92 :"11 tribution programme, Index ' 1757,97 I (i42,74 2,791: plagued by corruptipn and Prime Growth 645,80 603,68 3,23'/ mismanagement, and has Industrial 1360,87 1271,21 2, 74 , been widely criticized Mining 397,43 371,30 3, t{) even , from, within Income 96,31 94,82 11,92 , Mugabe's ruling party. , SOUTHERN: GE 301,79 282,25 2 ~27 <-, ( ~ ~- , ": Opposition groups ac- Mining 229,37 214,47 ,2,81 11 - 13 August cuse tile government of Pure 182,42 , 170,50 ",l.92 pushing ahead with land Income 598,48 586,51 Hl,C:: reform to bolster its flag- STANDARD BANK: ging popularity ahead of GE 1546,61 1543,14 4,35 " BERTIE'S MINCE MEAT, per kg elections scheduled early Income 91,72 90,77 1.0,98 next year. Gold 256,78 241,27 5,86 Mugabe, speaking at a Industri~1 136,52 128,61 4,83 N$16.00 ceremony honoring thou- International 149,68 140,30 2,24 USAMBARA COFFEE BEANS, 500g sands of black guerrillas SYFRETS: who died in a seven:year ,Growth 437,68 408,89 2,24 bush war that led to inde- Trustee 172,09 , 161,15 1,98 N$10,00 , 1980 'd Income 110,91 109,80 11,41 pendence 111 , sal , I 138 64 1127,26 11 ,11 land reform was delayed 111,00 EVERFRESH FULL CREAM MILK, 1L ~~Il~nced 104,57 na for years by a la~k of Prime Select i 19,45 111,68 na ' mon~y and expertise ,to UAL: GE 2943,78 2759,66, 3,48 N$2.50 acqUlreandcarveupwhlte M" 61151 ' mmg , 572,04 1,90 GANT'S BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE, 425g owned proper,tles. Selected 3062,19 2865,00 2,34 Mugabe said the gov- Gilt 1222,27 1210,05 12,18 N$1,75 ernment now had the Managed 1377',28 1297,84 7,39 power to reverse years of Max Income 1043,20 1032,78 11,23 colonial injustice. NAMIBIAN TRUSTS: 1 MORE MARGARIEN, 500g bloks "As we move into this OLD MUTUAL: accelerated phase of land Growth 227,56, 212,38 na N$2.50 reform, it is incumbent on Income 102,03 100.80 na each l;ll1d every Zimba~ SANLAM: YOURKDOG fOQQ" 10kg ,bwean'to st,and behind the Growth 110,40 ' le3,74 ' na ," N$17,OO ",' ,gove,rnmen~'; hesaid. " , Income .... 101,07 . 99,5~ , na '"U1",rider ,the" "1992 land Gold price• la~s ;' land ownets~~ot 't,ondon ilitemoon,SQld,fixirig: 377,60 US dollw:s an ~ -' appeal through the C9urts _ -ounce c6mpared with-376,70 at the morning fixmg. ,VARIETY FERTILIZER AT SP'ECIAt onc,e their properties have'" and' 378,30, at the Wednes,{iay afternoon fixing. ' been targetec!J?f s~izure. ,. ' ~ , ' d I~ius ~ollal' , > ~.. , ) The-gov~rnment " say,£ "' p~ 0 c " -;"" , ';" ' : ":<:,,~ . ' ,,, ,' liRICES~" , :. ' , . bo 4 ,000", ,,'h'te' "i _ '("s~rday's openmg yesteroay ,5 c~osmg , ),. ". ..' • !'.>.. ,a ut " w I arm 3"6150165 .,..''\'" 3,6085/00 _ ' ers, mostly the, descend- ' " _ , • ONLY WINDHOEK BRANCHES ants of British and South Financial rand ' • WHILE STOCK LASTS ~ AfriCan settlers, own most Yesterday,' s "opening yesterday(s closing ~ ofthe nation's'productlve 4,640016600 4,6350/65;50 .rland. Money market " 90 day BA rate: Yesterday'S opening yesterday's closing 11 ,00 11,00 '1~"9;l~r!lIl(.]~M'~I.' THE NAMIBIAN ·" ... . Friday August 12 199411

SAFE FROM THE MOB ... Bangladeshi -~ Moslem groups march in Dhaka yesterday protesting at the government's role in letting feminist writer Taslima Nasrin go abroad. Nasrin, who was living under death threats from Molsem militants for Applications in Writing to her writings on P 0 Box 6738, Windhoek - ' Islam, is now in ./ Sweden. Photo: ReuterviaNampa . . II~_


swindler jailed Rapidly expanding company throughout the LONDON: The daughter of a wealthy Nigerian Caribbean and Africa invites applications from family yesterday began serving a three-and-a­ those who aspire to succeed. half-year jail term in Britain for leading a welfare fraud conspiracy totalling more than a million pounds. Training will be provided at the company's Olu Atobatele, 22-year-old mother of three, was headquarters in all aspects of company business sentenced in London Crown Court on Wednesday for which includes a well established heavily personally making bogus c1ai ms for a total of 90 000 pounds over 20 months. demanded and already successfullline of She was described in court as one of 11 members of entries. a gang, mostly Nigerians, who either admitted or were convicted of conspiracy to defraud 'the Department of Social Security in the biggest such fraud scheme Very attractive remuneration opportur::J.ity for recorded in Britain. promotion and the prospect of travelling Atobatele, whose late father was a prominent Nige­ rian lawyer and tribal chieftain, lifted details from abroad. British death registers, and from British and African Tel: (061) 240747 and make appointment for editions of Who's Who, to make hundreds of bogus inteNiew. claims for income support between early 1992 and August last year, the court heard. During the week at 12hOO


. \ . . tA\-1S C,O\-1~ 1~\.l~ · \-1A~N~~~~ . .


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We are looking for a Namibian citizen to fill the .J'unior Shunter following position at our Windhoek branch : ~unt.f!.i0 I. SECURITY MANAGER • Windhoek • Walvis Bay. Otjiwarongo &(ari}grJfjB Min,imum requirements for this position at Trains Operating are Candidates must have a broad base of security expe­ • Grade 7 (Std 5) or an equivalent school certificate but prefe­ rience, particularly in the implementationand co-ordina­ rence will be given to ,Grade 110 (Std 8) candidates. Good RECEPTIONIST .. , tion of,security programmes. This experience would observance, co-ordination and adaptability skills and a reliable I, ideally have been gained In business and/or armed or. attitude. willingness to work a 45-hourworking week ~exemp- "1 . REQUtR'ED police forces . Knowledge of the retai~ and/or audit tion is in place from (Section 28 ~ 1 HB) and 30( 1) of the labour Private game sanctuary is looking functiofl would be an advantage and similarly first aid Act 6 of 1992) plus shifts, overtime, over weekends, on Sun- I experience. days and public holidays when required, and to be availabl& for a receptionist. Person must be Incumbent must have the ability to investigate and for 'medical examination and tests as prepared by the recruit­ fluent in English and preferably negotiate with tact and persuasiveness within knowl­ ment and selection department. edge and framework of procedures, which ensures speak German as well. protection of individual rights and which satisfies the Selected candidates will be appointed on probation in a trainee law. Knowledge and the ability to utilise basic manage­ position . Only after passing the relevant examinations will CHEF CUM CATERING ment skills to attain objectives, e.g. to motivate and candidates be considered for appointment in a permanent control personnel directly and indirectly. capacity. MANAGER Incumbent must be prepared to work abnormal hours when required . Focusing on safety at all times. Standing in for Junior Train Private Game Sanctuary is looking He must have a valid drivers licence and should have Assistants when required. Duties will include depot, yard pre­ for a chef cum catering manager. his own mode of transport. departure and arrival functions over and above en route duties as and when required. Person must be well experienced. The company offers a competitive salary for the right person, provident fund, medical aid and staff discount. TransNamib offers a market related remuneration package For further information please call If you are interested and possess the necessary quali­ based on qualifications, skills and experience, which includes or fax Jan Oelofse at 0651-4035 fications, please obtain an application form from the a housing loan, relocation assistance and medical and pension branch personnel manager or submit a CV to P 0 Box scheme. 362, Windhoek. Applications close on 20 August 1994. Interested candidates should contact Mrs H Lourens at (061) 298-2517 for further details. Prospective applicants may obtain application forms from the security office at the entrance to the TransNamib Head Office or from any Station Master In Namibia. Completed forms should be addressed to The Head : Recruitment and Selection, Room 258, 2nd Floor, TransNamib Bui,ldlng, Wlndhoek. Closing date: 26 August 1994. TransNamib Are you a women who: • Has experience in writing and editing articles? Limited The National Carrier of Namibia • Would like to work in a project that aims to challenge gender.discrimination through publishing a magazine? 84402 • Believes that access to information is a powerful tool of development? Sister Namibia is looking for a woman to join our team by fulfilling journalistic duties. You are required to have: • A B-degree or 3-year post-matric qualification. • Definite computer literacy . • English proficiency. • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines. • Layout skills and Desktop Publishing is an advantage. Your tasks will include: * Do interviews, research and write articles. * Take photos, typing and typesetting of articles. * Coordinate the planning and production of the magazine. Contact Estelle Coetzee at-tel: 061 - 230618 or send your typed CV to PO Box 40092, Windhoek. Closing date for applications is Friday, 26 August.

ELCIN NKURENKURU DEVELOPMENT CENTRE is an educational fann in connection to Nkurenkuru High School in Western Kavango. The fann is now just about ready built and we should start effective training of local farmers. That's the reason why we need in our team reliable ASSISTANT MANAGER The successful applicant must: * be self motivated, ready to participate all kinds of works on the fields, livestock section and forestry "* have a successful working experience in the readership and supervising . * have at least diplomil'in'agriculture and/or in forestry and working experience of mooem agriculture, economics and fann management * have a good knowledge of English and Kwangali languages

~" We offer: * plenty of challenging work * salary according t9 the working experience * free housing

Applications must be posted to: ELCIN NKURENKURU DEVELOPMENT CENTRE PRIVATE BAG 2133 NKURENKURU,RUNDU9000 For more information Tel: (067372) Nkurenkuru 5220

Closing date for applications: 30-09-1994 .. THE' N'AMtBIAN . ,.Friday August 12· 1994·13

}hJuntfUo Junior Train Assistant • Windhoek • Keetmanshoop • Otjiwarongo • Walvis Bay BafotfLodfje • Ariamsvlei and. Tsumeb Positions currrently exist at the above centres for persons in TEACHER possession of the following : At least Grade 7 (Std 5) or an equivalent schoo.l certificate but preference will be given to REQUIRED FOR Grade 10 (Std 8) candidates with Mathematics and/or Science as passed subjects. PRIVATE SCHOOL Good observance, co-ordination and adaptability skills. Willing­ OTJOMUISE ness to work a 45·hpur working week plus shifts, overtime, on Exclusive private school on a Sundays, over weekends and on public holidays as and when BROKERAGE private game sanctuary is looking the train service required . To be available for a medical examination and assessment as prepared by the recruitment for an experienced qualified and selection department. Requires teacher for Grade 1-7 +. Brokerage Admin Clerk Selected candidates will be appointed on probation in a trainee Teacher must be fluent in English, position. Only after passing the relevant examinations will Otjomuise Brokerage has an attractive have a four year qualification and candidates be considered for appointment in a permanent position for an efficient and enthusiastic four-year experience in teaching. capacity. Admin clerk with previous experience Focusing on safety at all times, duties will include depot, yard of insurance brokerage operations. For further information, please pre·departure and arrival functions over and above en route If you are computer literate and have call or fax 0651-4035. duties as and when required . accounting experience up to General .Ask for Jan Oelofse TransNamib offers a market re,lated remuneration package Ledger stage, an exciting opportunity based on qualifications, skills and experience, which includes awaits you. a housing loan, relocation assistance and medical and pension VACANCY ,scheme. Excellent career opportunities exist within the inter- We offer an attractive remuneration modal transport Corporation. .: package with merit bonuses and extra SWAKOPMUND SECONDARY . i It~ ~ ~ :.~ I benefits: " SCHOOL Interested candidates should contact Mrs H Lourens at PO Box 187 . (061) 298-2517 for further detail's. Tel.: 0641 503213 .1' . ~ • ~ • To apply for this position you must be Prospective appli.cants may obtai~ application forlT!s. from Applicants for the following teaching fluent in English and Afrikaans and the security office at the entra"1ce to thl! Tran~Namip Head should have the following .. . staff with effect 1994-09-01 are awaited: . ,. Office or frol'!l any Station Master in Namibia._Completed forms should be addressed to The Head : Recruitment 1. At least Matric BIOLOGY GRADE 11 (H) IGCSE and Selection, Room 258, 2nd Floor, TransNamib Building, 2. Two years experience on BCS Windhoek. ' Insurance Management Systems Qualifications: Category D 3. Accounting experience to General · Closing date: 26 Aug ust 1994. Ledger level Pleas~ forward to the Chairman of the 4. Experience in word processing (Word School Board: Perfect/Word) and spread-sheeting .. Application form. 156043 TransNamib (LotuslExcel) will count in your favour. ~ .. Health Questionnaire .. Limited The National Carrier of Namibia " you want to join us, please phone Proof of qualifications and g us at 221087 and ask for Namibian Citizenship or Work Permit . Hannes or Sophia. NU: 54403 .. Curriculum Vitae

CLOSING DATE: 24 August 1994 - --- ~ --HOERSKOOL-- ACAOEMIA----- A Challenging ·w The Academia Secondary School requires teachers for the following vacancies International Career from 1 January 1995. at the 1. History Gr 9 and 12, ReI'egious and Moral Education Gr 10; 2. Economics Gr 11 and 12, Accounting Gr 10 10 12; 3. English Gr 10 or 12, Religious and Moral Education Gr. 9; United Nations 4. Mathematics, Physical Science and Biology Gr 10 10 12: 2 Pos1s; Interesting International exposure, attractive compensation and 5. Afrikaans f"trSt Language Gr 10 or 12; benefits and possibility of a career with the United Nations. 6. Accounting Gr 8 10 12, Business Management Gr 10 10 12.

Candidates will be expected to apply on form 21544 (or 283) anc:! submit certified copies of certificates and testimonials with a detailed Curriculum The United Nations in cooperation with the Government of Namibia Vitae, Health Questionnaire (227) and Proof of Namibian Citizenship or a announces a competitive examination for the recruitment of administrative Residence Permit before 25 August 1994. officers and legal affairs officers for the United Nations. The Principal Private Bag 12015 AUSSPANNPLATZ The examination will consist of two written papers, which will be written Tel: 061-42404 in Windhoek from 30 January to 3 February 1995. Candidates must: Fax: 061-42462

* be Namibian nationals ---- * not be older than 32 on 31 December 1995. ~ HOERSKOOL ACAOEMIA ------* hold a first-level (undergraduate) university degree ·w * be fluent in either English or French The Academia Secondary School requires teachers for the following vacancies: Successful candidates will be allowed to pr9ceed to the oral examination and interview stage, which will be take place in N~w York or Geneva. 1. History Gr. 9 -12 2. Economics Gr 11 and 12 Application forms can be obtained from and retum~d to: Temporary posts: lSeptember - 31D,ecember 1994. Closing date for applications: THl)RSDAY, 25 AUGUST 1994 United Nations Development Programme 1st Floor Application~ must Qe addressed to; ~', .. '''l. \... Sanlam Building (' .."" Independence Avenue The Principal Private Bag 12015 WINDHOEK AUSSPANNPLA TZ

Closing date for applications is 9 September 1994. No late applications will TEL: 061 - 42404 be accepted. FAX: 061- 42462 14 Friday August 12 1994 THE NAMIBIAN

Namibia Broadcasting Corporation The NBC in Windhoek has an attractive vacancy for a Aanangeshefa ya HEAD: PERSONNEL

The ~uc~essfu 'l candidate will be responsible for the entire Personnel funCtion. Duties' include the formulation of personnel policies, recruitment and selection, personnel administration, loloka·iikulumuna compensation management, industrial relations, employee -,,,, . " ~ . counselling and the functional management of the Personnel ." • ABSALOM SHIGWEDHA HaroldSchmid,okwati kale yi li sigo Division. The incumbent will serve as a Senior Management omakonaakonongokaga opoopelesenda .83,3 OMW AA LU ogundji gwaanangeshefa member of the Corporation. ningwa po, oga eta moVenduka ayihe. Applicants should be in possession of behavioural science or a moVenduka, oye shi tala kutya aapolisi puuyelele kutya Yimwembyokayaliya Personnel Management qualification with at last eight years' moNamibia oyo yeli taya humitha komeho iikulumuna mo Venduka eta elondo Iyiikulumuna experience, two of which were spent in a managerial position. iilonga yiikulumuna moshilongo. oyi li uunene ya huma oyo wo ngaashi, oveta Membership of the Institute of Personnel Management (Namibia) p 0 m b a n d a neliko, mbyoka yali ya w ill serve as a recommendation. Shika osha li sha etwa try . Pethimbo oJyo tuu p a k u y e I a k ani t h a eta poopelesenda dhi li CLOSING DATE: 31 August 1994 puuyelele uu nambo ndjoka, aanangeshefa niilongo yilwe. 64,7 kumwe ayihe. poshigongi ayehe oya igidha iita Schmid okwa 0 m a u p yak a d h i Tl:le Corpo. ~~tion offers the following benefits: shomaindung iko shoka yokukondjitha lombwele aakali gOnkalathano oga li ga Competitive Salary sha Ji sha ningwa uungangaJa moshi Jongo poworkshop ndjika eta iikul umuna 13th Cheque k e h a n g a n 0 ashihe. kutyaokwaalonganawa poopelsenda 23,5 Pension Fund lyoWindhoek Chamber Oshilyo oshipitithi kopolisi, okuli oko taku omanga opolitika ye yi Medical Aid of Commerce and Indus- shehangano nd ik a, eta iikul umuna mbika yi eta poopelesenda 30,8. Group Life Insurance Aanangeshefa oya li Generous leave, sick leave and compassionate leave benefits. ye shi talako kutya, Stock Controller okwaaendelelapo iinima APPLICATIONS TO: kwopoli si na yilwe, oshi WINDHOEK li shimwe Human Resources Department A vacancy exists in the Procurement Department for a reliable PO Box 321 shomwaambyoka tayi person with. Grade 10 • the ability to communicate well in eta iikulumuna yi kale WINDHOEK lib. English (read, write and speak) • accuracy in basic arithmetic tayi indjipala nayi and stock counts. absolute proficiency with the required Telephonic enqu Irles: 061·2913142/3 duties as listed below. The successful candidate must also be moVenduka. willing to work irregular hours and perform shift work. A valid Jinima ngaash i Code 08 driver's licence will serve as definite recommenda­ okula n d i thapo tion . oombapi la dhoka hadhi Duties will include. receiving and verifying incoming stock sbangwa iipotha

HOERSKOOL ACAOEMIA--- and stock movements. issuing and distributing stock items dhopolisi, okuetha ._------and executing stock counts. operating a computerised inven­ aanadhologo yi iyake tory system . general stores duties related to storage and mondjedhililo, oyo The Academia-® Secondary School requires a handling of goods. naanaa yimwe Deputy Principal: TransNamib offers a market related remuneration package yomwaambyoka tayi eta based on qualifications , skills and experience, whi ch includes opo iikulumuna yi kale a housing IQan , .,relocation assista~ce and, medical , a~d PE?nsipn State Senior Secondary Subjects, administrative qualities and taY I fN f'I5'·: il1l cdd'ipala scheme. , , extra-mural activities. Wide experience in a promotional capacity, moVenduka. Interested candidates should contact Mr W C Dempsey at Poworkshop ndjika as well as a keen interest in school organization will be a strong (061) 298·2069 for further details. recommendation. opwa li wo pwa Prospective applicants may obtain application forms from hogolol wa okakomitiye, the security office at the entrance to the TransNamib Head hoka taka ka kala ka Candidates will be expected to apply on form 2/544 (or 2831 and Office or from any Station Master in Namibia. Completed ' submit certified copies of certificates and testimonials with a forms should be addressed to the Head : Recruitment and katuka onkatu, detailed Curriculum Vitae, Health Questionnaire (Z271 and proof of Selection, Room 258, 2nd Floor, TransNamib Buidling, kombingayiikulumuna. Namibian Citize.nship or a Residence Permit before 25 August 1994. Windhoek, Namibia. Okakomitiye haka ke na Closing date: 26 August 1994. ii lyo itano, omwa The Principal kwatelwa wo iilyo Private Bag 12015 yopolisi, iilyo AUSSPANNPLA TZ momahangano goomeme nosho Tel: 061-42404 yomahangano Fax: 061-42462 8li~i:e~~~~;~,, ~,,"e,ofN.m;bl' guukumwe miipindi.

t THE ROSSING FOUNDATION VACANCIES tttttht COMMUNITY FACIUTATOR OT JIKOTO HIGH SCHOOL HAS THE FOLLOWING VACANCIES FOR TEACHERS The Rassing Foundation has a vacancy for a COMMUNI1Y FACILlTATOR with a dynamiC personality, who will set up networks and linkages throughout Arandis with the many different interest groups, organisations and individuals 1 ~ H.EAD OF DEPARTMENT MATHEMATICS in that community. Requirements: Maximum: Degree and teaching diploma The ideal candidate should have: Minimum: Teaching diploma -A proven track record of good negotiation and conflict handling skills. Subjects: Mathematics and Science -Social Sciences Degree/Diploma -/lJ least five years experience In 1he social development field. -AbIlity to work wHh many different types of groups and people. 2. MATHEMATICS TEACHER - GRADE 12 -Fluent In English, AfrIkaans and preferably two local Namlblan languages. Requirements: Teaching Diploma The Rassing Foundation offers a competitive remuneration package, which Subjects: Mathematics and Ph. Science includes a negotiable salary, pension scheme, medical aid scheme and bonus. - 3. ENGLISH TEACHER GRADE 9 - 10 Accommodation will be provided in Arandis. .. Applications with CVs should b. adchued to: Requirements: Teaching Diploma The Assistant Director: Education Subjects: English PO Box 20746 WINDHOEK Closing date of applications: 12 August 1994 OR CALL Date of assumption: 19 September 1994 Ms. Clara Bohitile at (061) 211721 ONLY NAMIBIAN CITIZENS AND THOSE WITH A WORK PERMIT MAY if you have any enquiries in this regard. APPLY TO THE PRINCIPAL: P/BAG 2203, TSUMEB. Closing date: 25 August 1994 1. 4 Il' .,.-, "" j.. ' ,," 0:-': , , ' - ..

THE NAMIBIAN Friday August 12 1994 15 ------Veronika a dhipagwa

• OSWALD SHIVUTE MO NOOLl sha Hangwena gwedhina Raimo Nangolo okwa si ombaadhilila sho a tsuwa nombele omanaga esiku OmQkalimo a tseyika nawa gwomomukunda olyo tuu ndjoka Thomas Reinhold gwomomukunda Epumbu mOpg~ndjera me me Veronika Iindangungu mOndonga moshitopolwa sh Shana a Nakambale Ndakola okwa si eso si ombaadhilila sho a tsuwa nombele kumukwawo. Iyombaadhilila mEtitatu Iya ziko sho a tsuwa Omugundjuka Melayi Shewiya gwomomukunda anuwa kuntsezi ye nombele poondingosho Otshikutshomunkete mUukwambi mOshitopolwa dhopomukunda mpoka komatango lela. sha Musati okwa si ombaadhilila sho a dhengwa Nonande oshifo shika inashi tseya nawa kutya nekuwa kothingo, gumweokwa dhenwa naye nokuli olugodhi olwa li lwa etwa ku shike, molwashoka mOshipangelo sha Shikuku ta ehama noonkondo. Opoli si ya Kahao kaya li ya hala okugandja uuyelele Okamatyona koomvula 11 komomukunda koshifo shika manga, osha fa shi li ngaaka kutya Eeshoke mOukwanyama mOshitopolwa sha pokuma opwa li tapu uman~wa. Kakele kaashoka Hangwena okasi eso Iyomba.adhilila sho ka dhengwa ombelewa ya Komufala gwOpolisi mOshakati pa nokusakaakalimoyomomudhingoloko.Opolisioya .Omanyakwa mounyuni otaa ende taa xumu komesho mokufaneka Chief Inspactor Rauha Amwele, oya koneka lombwela oshifo shika kutya anuwa okalya po neenyala. Efano tali monika kolumosho apa, oshihongwafano omaidhipago goludhi ndoka, ihe kaya li naana yi olwishi nokunwa po okanamunate kaantu. shomupresidende waSouth Africa Nelson Mandela, sha fanekwa kenyakwa itula mo momakonaakono giiponga yatya ngaaka. Onesimus Kagolo okwa si ombaadhilila sho IimwelomoUnited Kingdom. EfanolaMandelaolimwelomomafanoomafele Omukuluntu gwOshipangelo shEpangelo sha ohauto moka a 1i ya gu ko kopate pokati kOshigambo ovawiliki novanamadina vamwe ovo va mewa nawa komanyakwa notava Shakati omundohotola Naftali Hamata okwa ti nOnandjokwe nokugalangata ko, omanga monika mongulu yomapungulilo oinima ikulu moLondon. Ondjuwo ei, Iipangelo yawo ohayi yakula noonkondo aanuuvu omusamane Chris Visser a zile ko Swakopmund oya shiivika nedina Madame Tussaud's Waxworks Mesuem. Ngomunhu ya monithwa iiponga pamaludhi ngoka noyendji nokwa kala ha longele mOokampanyb mOwambo, ito tale nawa, oto hale kutya owa tala moshipala shomunhu 00 fiIu-fitu, ohaya mane ne mo nokuli oondjenda dhawo a si eso Iyombaadhilila sho ohauto ye ya gu ko ngaashi Tyappa Namutewa ta tale efano eH nonghumwe. mlipangelo. kopate pOkandjengedhi nokugalangatako. "Iiponga mbyoka oye tu indjipalela, kutya nee Aanenentu moshigwana mboka ya kundathana • oyiihauto nenge oyokwiitsa noomwele nokwiiyaha noshifo shika otaya gandja omayele kutya, otwa Hileni I iIDangelaka noondjembo, moka aantu taya si notaya lemana manguluka, ethimbo otali endelele Iya uka komeho shoka tashi eta ekanitho moshigwana, komazimo noshigwana oshi na okweendela pamwe, shimwe OSWALD SHIVUTE ka zile mOhangena Erastus oka man a as hike nee nashi takamithe opo, ngeleotashi endele kedhina Ndafetwa oondjenda dhako . nenge tashi kapula Epangelo iimaliwa oyindji Omukalimo pamwe nethimbo shi kale shi utha nawa okugandja openzela koonakulemanekwa". g w 0 m 0 m u k u n d a I, , paendelopamwe ndjoka, ihe kashi longithe iilonga Omundohotola Hamata ta lombwele nomaipulo Oshaango mOndonga The Oshakati State omanene moshinima shika. yuulingilingi pokati mpoka nande oshoka otashi mO shitopolwa sha Kakele ka meme Veronika ngoka a dhipagwa imana po ashike shoshene. Shikoto okwa si eso Hospital Staff nombele, Opolisi oya tseyitha natango kutya "Omuntu ngele owa manguluka, itashi ti kutya Iyombaadhilia sho i omukalimo gwomomukunda Oshikunde popepi oto ningi shoka wa hala". Aakalimo mbaka taya imangeleke eti 1.08.1994 wish to express their deepest and nOmundaungilo mOukwanyama mOshitopolwa kumagidha. pegumbo Iyawo. Shoka sincerest condolences to the wife, shaeta eimangeleko inashi children and family of the late shiwika. Sigo' oompaka otashi vulika aakalimo Dr. Salom Tileinge Paulus. yomo Nooli mboka yi imangeleke ye thike nale We will all miss him. pomilongo ne Iw aampoka. Pokati mpoka oshifo shika osha May his soul rest in peace. kundana noluhodhi kutya meme Hertha Namukwambi okwa si eso Iyombaadhilila sho a dhipagwa komuholike gwe nondjembo omolu oontamanana ndhoka dha holokele po pokati kawo pegumbo lyawo. Okanona komvula • • yimwe noomwedhi ndatu Late Dr. Paul us Dr Salom ola fumvikwa mongula OMUKULUNTU gwOshipangelo yEtine lya zileko, ota fumvikwa ngula OLUPALE SO,CIAL CLUB shepangeloshaShakatiomundohotola mOshakati okuzilila mOngeleka Naftali Hamata okwa tseyitha kutya yaElcin. Ongula yonena pomulongo nakusa Ndohotola Salom Paulus okunaElongeloKalungalyoosadhaDr ngoka a manene oondjenda dhe Paulus mOsala yOshipangelo PRESENTATION moshiponga shohauto ongulohi shepangelo shaShakati.

Venue: rftHtL\1\~n Katutura Time: : 18h30 . . ··Date: (Friday, 12 August 1994 ... . ' " , ....OpIC: :'):':" . .. ;, (0'

Katutura~ A place to sleep or a place to work and do business? by Simon White 16 Friday August 12 1994 THE NAMIBIAN --- ~

FAX.36982 ~~~~~O~Ofg[Q) ~@Wfg~1T O~fg~fg~ ~ TEL. 36970 " -- liE. Special liE. Special liE. Special 1iI§1 'Services 1iI~1 Services 1iI§1 Services

CASH CHESHIRE HOMES LEARN MORE ... GROUP OF For your HiFis & TVs (NAMIBIA) EARN MORE ... ESTATE AGENTS Brand new CASH WITH A DIPLOMA Homes for children with IGHlAND physical disabilities in Salamander Court, De For your Fridges and FROM _ NOW Is the time to Inves Anamulenge and Katima H. rjtat~j Jager Street Freezers (any condition) In the NEW SOUTH. ACADEMY/ ~ Mulilo is holding its 4th fo«bI~~ PLOT FOR SALE 2 Bedrooms AFRICA OF " Annual General Meeting on 34 Hektar Lounge - dining room LEARNING R350 000 or nearest offer TO LET CASH Tuesday, 16 August 1994 8km from Windhoek only Open-plan kitchen Touch typing Plot 11 000 sqm - own PIONEER PARK EXT 1 10 minutes drive * starting at 19hoo sharp. 2 Bathrooms For your Lounge suite, * Intro to micro water supply N$22oo p.m. Townhouse: Electric Game fencing computers Venue: The parish hall, Own braai on balcony diningroomsuites, and - Enough space for your 3 bedrooms, stove, 2 bath­ Solar power stable block WordPerfect 5.1 etc. StObel Street (parking area Pool kitchen furniture * children. and their children rooms, lock-up garage, en­ Swawek power Study full time or part time between the Catholic Satellite Tel: 220012 and their children. closed garden. 3 Boreholes Courses commencing Hospital and the Convent). . 24 hour security 5 bedroom house, 3 PIONEER PARK 4 Horse stables daily Friends and interested Newly built house Ready on 01 September Open 08hOO - 19h30 garages. swimmingpool N$1700 p.m . Duplex Antiques & persons are cordially 3 Bedroom 1994 Windhoek Sanlam plus 2 bedroom-guest townhouse, 3 bedrooms, Old things 2 Bathroom N$2200 per month Centre and Swakopmund invited to attend. enclosed garden We buy and sell house (needs attention) Very big lounge Contact Sabine 229286 (w) Came/thorn ffHDREWS DRlVlHG Between primary and High Big dining room 222097 (h) FOR SALE Antique K.M.T. SCHOOL Schools Big kitchen with build-in 25 Garten Street for the best ner 1km from West Gate ACADEMIA cupboards TO LET P.O.Box 6716 llUWU1Hl profaslonal and Shopping Centre N$350 000 (nag) Huge pri­ rice : N$6oo 000,00 (Neg) LUXUry apartment, vate, very spaCIOUS, 5 bed­ Windhoek SW~UJlT personal service In serviced, fully furnished, Tel: 227756 town Please contact soonest: roomed home, 3 bath­ If you have a farm to sell in including colour TV etc. We restore furniture Elizabeth, rooms, TV roorn, lounge, the following districts: Five minute walk from Tel: 012 - 331 5148 dining room, double ga­ Gobabis, O~iwarongo, , Town centre Okahandja, Grootfontein. rage, servant's quarters, Tariff: Single: N$1oo per et hold of me, I am having HOME NURSING o storeroom. A real bargain night ~ potencial buyers. Study our wonderful six month BB not to be missed. Double: N$125 per night Diploma Course and gain DIn!!1I I Phone Peter at Tel: KLEIN WINDHOEK For further details phone knowledge that will be useful to t ~ 271017 or Andrew N$210 000. Two-bed­ Hennie at 35769 (all hours) you all the days of your life. at Tel: 231321. roomed townhouse under Apply: construction, one bath­ The Principal 24Klm We will take you room, lock-up garage. The Good Samaritan SLP~mT free for your Correspondence learner's licence We specialise In: Phone Ester at 222971 (all IGHlAND College of Home Nursing House on Sale p.a. Box 37174 * Computers 3 Bedroom house hours) or Ezanrie at 35633 Hrjfat~j Birnam Park * Hardware & Software Lounge (after 14hOO) DORADOPARK 2015L * Printers Kitchen This is your last chance to Please seod R2 for information and forms * Network etc. Bathroom own one of our beautifully designed houses. Flat RE.A.LOY Contact: Tel: 061 -;!20 398 (II tiSTihtiS cc The finishing touches are USED CARS & SPARES Garage Azor Hujarunguru All Makes Fax: 061 -220 398 Price: N$139 000- Tel: 224884 (W) your choice. Large Stocks including: Radiopage 52222 If you have a house to sell 240863 (H) wo three bedroom houses' • Trailers P.O.Box 22813 in any area betNeen N$30 immediately available for With effect from 1 January • Truck bodies. cabs, and Windhoek 386 & 486 PC's 000 to N$350 000, please occupation and only a few cab parts 27i Independence NOTEBOOKS contact: 1995, I need a small erven left . unfurnished, self contained Prices range from • Reconditioned engines. ",venue LASER PRINTERS WALDEMAR gearboxes, differentials Office hours: 223218 apartment close to UNAM N$139 000 We .tock: • Starter motors, alternators ./.0 After hours: 219160 city campus. Phone KARATE MULTI MEDIA KITS and generators 229801 during office hours Tel: 224884 (o/h) FAX MODEMS HOUSE TO RENT '- • Crankshafts HENNIE DE Jaques : 212922\~} SCANNERS KLEIN WINDHOEK For rent in Hochland Park: Azor: 240863 (AaIh) D&O SALES (PTY) LTD YRIES PRINTERS FURNISHED Large house - 6 bedrooms, • Cnr. Jet Park 1 Yaardwyn Rds, 5TH DAN Witfield , Boksburg, P.O.Box 13377, Immediate occupation study, 4 bathrooms, Witfield 1467. Tel : (011) 825-50111 Wide Selection of: Rent: N$36oo­ KHOMASDAL outside toilet, open plan 213/4 Fax: (011) 823-2424 ~ For Beginners and SOFTWARE This charming house 2 Bedrooms, kitchen, kitchen, dining, TV and • 31 -33 Main Reef Rd, Primrose, ACCESSORIES Sale Germi.ton, Tel: (011) 825-5293/4/5 advoncec:i classes, consits of: diningroom, garage and living area, swimming pool, E:II COMPONENTS 3 Spacious bedrooms BIC many extras, newly security system, double For adults ond SUPERB CARPET 2 Bathrooms renovated. Price: garage, storage room, N$3 FOR SALE juniors (From 8 CLEANERS REPAIRS Lounge with built-in bar N$145 000 transfer costs 700 per month. Phone Opel Kadett 1985 years) at: Pool/entertainment area included, BIC RfT, Dark green metallic We clean carpets, car UPGRADES 229801 duri ng office hours Walled-in, burglar bars N$6ooo (neg) interiors, lounge suits - from KJein WindhoeK MAINTENANCE Electronic gate / intercom KHOMASDAL Contact Linda at Tel: 43067 as little as N$35 (Head-qvarters) Lock-up garage (all hours) Contact us at 272261 from 3 Bedrooms, BIC, Price: • PioniersparK M-Net included N$148 000, transfer 14hOO SviderhoF Please phone for appoint­ included IG·HIAND PADDLESKI for sale N$700-oo. Otyrrpia ment rjtat~j Tel: 224904 (w) KHOMASDAL KHOMASDAL Tel : 220012 Walvis Bay 3 Bedrooms, kitchen / 3 Bedroom FREE BIBLE GROUP OF diningroom, TV room 1Y2 Bathroom CHICKEN GRILL NAMISEB ESTATE AGENTS lounge, BIC, garage, 2 Kitchen with cupboards For Take Away or COURSE TeI 225383 ELECTRONICS bathrooms, Price: Lounge Restaurant for sale, takes BY MAIL We repair radios, TVs 1 Garage N$171 837, transfer 12 chicken, N$8oo-00 from a friend in America. ltideos, Hi-Fis & discos. WE AUGUST SPECIAL!!! VERY BIG ERF For your FREE course included Tel: 220012 provide best service at a OKURYANGAVA PRICE N$150,000 please send your name competitve price. 3 Bedroom house and address (clearly Transfer included. el : 229165 or 240571 frolT KATUTURA NEW WALLSAFES writlen)!o: , Transfer fees included ,. 08hoo to 18hOO. for sale WORLD BIBLE SCHOOL N$90ooo 3 Bedrooms, lounge / KHOMASDAL Opposite Wernhil Park, Tal NAM1. P.O. Box 9346 .. .. .' diningroom, 2 bathrooms, 3 Bedrooms Security group B, Inside Street A.us!in. TX 78766 USA ~ GOREANGAB, Price: N$118 000-, transfer 1Y2 Bathroom measurments: Jackson Kaujeua costs included. Very big lounge 44 x 36 x 45crn MICO RENOVATORS KHOMASDAL, DO RA DO - call us for your musical PARK Kitchen with build-in N$7oo each entertainment. AND PLUMBING cupboards Plot & plan ACADEMIA Tel: 220012 WANTED WE ARE MAESTROS OF Lockable carport SERVICES 2 Bedroom houses from Spacious family home with OLD PETRO NAMIBIAN MUSIC Price N$150,000 Mazda Magnum Bakkle . N$77ooo swimmingpool, 5 bed­ For more information For all your interior and B3000 V6 in very good " In. -~: PUMPS & contact: 3 Bedroom houses from rooms, 3 bathrooms, BIC, .I~~i ~ , ENAMEL exterior renovation, condition, just like a new P.O.Box 7501 , Katutura, N$85 000- many extras, ! C;' SIGNS & one Namibia, Tel: (061) 223466 painting, iron and steel Price: 350 000 (neg) OTHER OLD Your agent: 0: or Fax: (061) 223899 work ( welding) and Contact: Azor Hijarunguru " GARAGE Johan Bean ROCKY CREST NEW at Tel: 224884 (w) or ITEMS interlockings Tel: 221282 Superb Carpet DEVELOPMENT 240863 (h) TOP QUALiTY SERVICE Opposite Concordia Call me now to avoid Cleaners PRIVAAT VERKOOP GUARANTEED College. 2, 3 and 4 disappointment - Uitbreiding 10, We clean carpets, FOR SALE For free quotation contact 3 slaapkamers, 1 toilet + bedroom houses from car interiors, lounge N$92 025 to N$161 184- Ideal Taxi, 22 passengers, Zeke: (011) 648 - 0836 32504 (0/,11) or 32532 (a/h) badkamer apart, ingeboude suits - from as little Transfer costs included Toyota Diesel Bus, (01 1) 643 - 1428 res kaste, volvloer matte, CONTACT: (Voetstoots). Very good diefweering, alarm, Prys : as N$35 TV - Audio Expert AZOR HUARUNGURU conditions for N$21 000 (onderhandelbaar) For further Information TV - VJdeo - HI-FI Service TEL: 224884 (W) O.N.C.O Contact us at 272261 Kontak 36970 (Hendry) . contact Cathy Woodman Phone 37700 240863 (H) Please phone 43275 for a from 14hOO of3979111 Tel: 212871 all hours test drive THE NAMIBIAN Friday August 12 1994 17

FAX. 36982 ~(t~&>&>O~Ofg@ ~@Wfg~1fO&>fg~~~ &> TEL. 36970

~ For .. For ~ Work Legal Legal Legal Legal ... Sale ... Sale IIaLI Offered m Notice m Notice m Notice m Notice 1989 VW Pick-up CIP, URGENT IN THE HIGH COURT OF IN THE HIGH COURT OF Quantity trailer springs , August 1994 NAMIBIA NAMIBIA 2. That this order be pub­ KHOMASDAl MOIOI 1800 sport, N$27900, Dep Freelance Market straps, lights, reflectors, N$5580, monthly N$691 In the matter between:- In the matter between:- brake linings, bol;ts, nuts, lished once in a local news­ Analysts and Research- SPARES x54 bearings, oil seals, fulertrans­ paper as well as the Govern­ ers SOUTH WEST AFRICAN SOUTH WEST AFRICAN ment Gazette as soon as Cash, Namibia Car Sales BUILDING SOCIETY BUILDING SOCIETY - mission parts, air compres­ Euromonitor, one of the possible and prior to the Re­ TOYOTA COROLLA Tel: 36700 133989 Plaintiff Plaintiff sor parts, air valves and fit· turn date herein OWNERS world's leading market and and tings 1986 Mazda 323, 1.5 information publishers, THEOPHELUS BEN TAAPOPI MUULE . Conditions of sale : By Order Of The Court N$17900-, Dep N$5370-, ' requires country-based BENESTUS Defendant 1. The sale will be held with­ We stock your car's UAHONGORA NOTICE OF SALE IN ' IN TH E HIGH COURT OF monthly N$540 x30 . market analysts and out reserve and the goods . windscreen Cash, Namibia Car Sales, Defendant EXECUTION will be sold to the highest NAMIBIA researchers to undertake NOTICE OF SALE IN Grille Tel: 36700 133989 bidder ' WINDI'iOEK, THURSDAY work on country con­ EXECUTION Plirsuant to a Judgment of 1 ~ JULY 1994 Bonnet .Pursuant to a Judgment of the above Honourable Court 2. The goods will be sold sumer markets. We also BEFORE THE HONOUR­ Fender 1991 Nissan Sebtra 1.6 the above Honourable Court granted on 8th day of July ''voetstoots'' . N$45900-, Deposit require freelanceers who granted on 1st day of July 1!il94 , the following immov­ 3 Payment shall be made in ABLE MR JUSTICE TEEK Headlight N$4590, monthly N$1188 are willing to carry out 1994, the following immov­ able property will be sold with­ cash or by Bank Guaranteed In the matter between INTERATLANTIC (NA­ Cornerlamp x54. product procurement able property will be sold with­ out reserve and voetstoots cheque Cash, Namibia Car Sales out reserve and voetstoots by the Deputy Sheriff of the Dated at Windhoek on this MIBIA) (PTY) LTD - Bumperlamp (buying sample products) by the Deputy Sheriff of the District of WINDOEK on Fri­ Tel: 36700 133989 the 03 August 1994 Applicant Bumper corner on behalf of our clients. District of WINDOEK on Fri­ day, the 19th day of August and Taillamp Please apply in writing day, the 19th day of August 1994 at 10HOO in the fore­ ENGEN NAMIBIA (PTY) 1991 Opel Record 3.8 1994 at 09H30 in the fore­ noon at Erf No 2222, J.BW Ford LTD - First respondent Lamp lenses Auto, N$59 900, Dep with details of relevant noon at Erf No 1307, Wanaheda, (Extension N08), Attorneys for Plaintiff Service parts N$5990, monthly N$1551 experience and CV to Wanaheda, (Extension N05), Gabarone Street, Windhoek cia Lorentz & Bone A.J. BARNARD N.O. - Second respondent Gaskets x54. Rosalyn Cropper, Tugela Street, Windhoek Standard Bank Chambers Cash, Namibia Car Sales Euromonitor, Plc., 87/88 CERTAIN :Erf No 2222, Independence Avenue Oilseals CERTAIN: Erf No 1307, Wanaheda, (Extension N08) Having heard Advocate Tel: 36700/33989 Turnmill Street, London Windhoek Brake parts Wanaheda, (Extension N05) SITUATE:ln the Municipality Fritzgerald, counsel for the ECl 5QU, UK SITUATE: In the Municipal­ of WINDHOEK REGISTRA­ applicant and Advocate 1991 BMW 318i, N$51900, IN THE HIGH COURT OF Window winders ity of WINDHOEK REGIS­ TION DIVISION "K" Coleman, Counsel for the Dep N$5190, monthly TRATION DIVISION "K" The "Conditions of Sale-In­ NAMIBIA In the matter between : Respondents on 11 July FOR SERVICE PHONE N$1344 x54. Legal The "Conditions of Sale-in­ Execution" will lie for inspec­ NAMIB MILLS (PTY) LTD · 1994, and having read the TINUS OR LANCE AT: Cash, Namibia Car Sales Notice Execution" will lie for inspec­ tion at the office of the Deputy tion at the office of the Deputy SherlffatWINDHOEKand at Execution Creditor Notice of Motion and other K HOMASDAL MOTOR Tel: 36700 133989 m SheriffatWINDHOEKandat the Head Office of Plaintiff at and documents filed of record SPARES NOTICE OF SECOND the Head Office of Plaintiff at Wlndhoek and Plaintiff's At­ MA. II KELEUa The Court reserved Judge­ 1992 BMW 325i N$110 TEL 061-211760/211766 MEETING OF CREDI­ Windhoek and Plaintiff's At­ torneys, Fisher, Quarmby & ONAMPI NDA WHOLE­ ment, thereafter on this day, 000, Dep N$ll000, TORS IN THE INSOL- torneys, Fisher, Quarmby & Pfeifer, at the undermen­ SALE - Execution debtor IT IS ORDERED monthly N$2850 x54. 1983 Cortina V6 N$16900- VENT ESTATE OF CECIL Pfeifer, at the undermen­ tioned address. 10 That leave be and is Cash, Namibia Car Sales tioned address. Dated at WINDHOEK this NOTICE OF SALE IN Cash, Namibia Car Sales JOHN SMITH hereby granted to dispense Tel: 36700 133989 Dated at WINDHOEK this 26th day of July 1994 EXECUTION Tel: 36700 133989 (W1/1994) 20th day of July 1994 In the Execution of a Judge­ with the forms and service 1989 Cressida 3L GLS Persuant to the Insolvent Act FISHER , QUARMBY & ment granted by the High provided for by the Rules of 1984 Cortina V6 N$18900 N$39 900, Dep N$7980, 1936, notice is hereby given FISHER , QUARMBY & PFEIFER Court of Namibia signed by this Court, and that this mat­ Cash monthly N$990 x48. that the ~ndersigned has PFEIFER ATTORNEY FOR PLAIN­ the Registrar of the High ter is heard as a matter of Court of Namibia on the 13th Cash, Namibia Car Sales ,Cash, Namibia Car Sales . been appointed as Trustee in ATTORNEY FOR PLAIN- TIFF urgency in terms of Rule 6( 12) Te.l: 36706/33989 TIFF - 108 SWABS Building day of May 1994, the follow­ 2. Thata Rule Nisi do hereby Tel: 36700 133989 the above Estate, and all ing movable property will be persons indebted to the Es­ 108 SWABS Building Post Mall issue calling upon the First Post Mall P.O. Box 37 sold on the 31 st day of Au­ 1981 Hi Lux 4x4 SICab, tate are required to pay their Respondentor any interested 1992 VW Kombi 2.5 N$85 P.O. Box 37 WINDOEK gust 1994 at Okavi Club, N$23900 debts forthwith. The Second party to show cause, if any, 900-, Dep N$850-, monthly WINDOEK EP/MH!l941 Oshakati at 12hoo in the fore­ Cash, Namibia Car Sales Meeting of Creditors in the noon on Friday 05 August 1994 at N$2224 x54. EP/MH!l946 Tel: 36700 133989 Insolvent Estate of Cecil John lxTiII 09:00 why an order in the Cash, Namibia Car Sales IN THE HIGH COURT OF Smith will be held before the lx Hi-Fi following therms should not Tel: 36700 133989 NAMIBIA Certian Big Pens 1990 Nissan Sani 2.4, 4x4, Magistrate of Keetmanshoop be made: In the matter between Certain Tape Radios N$69 900, Dep. N$6990, on Wednesday, 31 August 2.1 The the first Respondent 1987 Corolla 1.6 GLX Auto, Certain Children Wear monthly N$1810 x 54 1994 at 09hOO for: GO SUSPENSION AND is interdicted and restrained N$25 900, Oap N$7770, Certain Men's Wear Cash, Namibia Car Sales 1) Proof of claims AXLES (PTY) LTO - from proceeding with the sale monthly N$780 x30. IN THE HIGH COURT OF Certain Material Tel: 36700 133989 2) Receiving the Trustee's Plaintiff in execution from proceed­ Cash, Namibia Car Sales NAMIBIA Number of Sunglasses report AND Number of Pillows ing with the sale in execution Tel: 36700 133989 In the matter between:- of the motor vessels to 1994 Ford Explorer 2.2 3) Examination of Insolvent TRAILER AND ALLIED Number of Soap N$54 900, Dep N$5490-, Number of Watches wit"MFV ARK I" and "MFV 1984 MlBenz 280E, Auto SOUTH WEST AFRICAN EQUIPMENT (PTY) L TO U monthly N$1422 x54 J.A. Botrna BUILDING SOCIETY - lx Pot ARK 11" under case no 12391 N$29900, Dep N$14950, a TRAILERS AND ALLIED Number of Oil Cash, Namibia Car Sales Trustee Plaintiff and 94 scheduled for 15 July monthly N$768 x24. Number of suitcases Tel: 36700 133989 cia Lentin Botma & Van Der HENRY JACOBUS LOUW EQUIPMENT - Defendant 1994. Cash, Namibia Car Sales - Defendant Conditions of Sale 2.2 Declaring that the actions Heever "Voetstoots", Cash to thew Tel: 36700 133989 NOTICE OF SALE IN in rem instituted by applicant 1991 Nissan Patrol4x4 P.0.Box38 NOTICE OF SALE IN highest ~idder EXECUTION against the " MFV ARK 1" 2.4, N$59 900, Dep Keetmanshoop EXECUTION Dated at Windhoek this 3rd FURNITURE FOR SALE Pursuant to a Judgment of and "MFV ARKll" and pend­ N$5990-, monthly N$1551 Namibia day of August 1994 EXPATRIATES LEAVING the above Honourable Court In Execution of Judgement ing in the Cape of Good Hope x54 granted on 1st day of July Beech dining table & 8 of the High Court of Namibia, Provincial Division of the Cash, Namibia Car Sales 1994, the following immov­ Van der Merwe - Greeff chairs, beutiful bedroom given on the 25 March 1994 able property will be sold with­ Cnr. Bismarck & Church Supreme Court of South Af­ Tel: 36700 /33989 suite in yellow I brown out reserve and voetstoots aJudicialSaleby PublicAuc­ Streets rica under Case No AC1831 turned woods, cheval P.O.Box 2356 93 and CA184!93 be deter­ 1992 Ford XLT 4x4 V6 by the Deputy Sheriff of the tion will be held of the follow­ mirror, lamps; mahogany IN THE HIGH COURT OF District of Windhoek on Fri­ Windhoek mined by that Court persuant N$59 900, Dep N$5990-, ing, on 20 August 1994 at desk, armchairs, beds, NAMIBIA day, the 19th day of August to the provisions of Section monthly N$1551 x54 In the matter between 10hOO at the premisses of IN THE HIGH COURT OF linen, Karakul carpet, 1994 at 09HOO in the fore­ 4(1) and (2) of the Walvis Cash, Namibia Car Sales A.N. AMUTENYA - Plaintiff NAMIBIA terrace furniture, curtaining, noon at Erf No 1144, the Deputy Sheriff, 14 Bay and Offshore Islands Act AND WINDHOEK, FRIDAY 05 Tel: 36700 133989 benchtop oven, heaters, Khomasdal, (Extension No Outeniqua Street, Eras, F. THOMAS - Defendant AUGUST BEFORE THE Nol of 1994 in accordance cooler, fans, word­ 13), Alpha Street, Windhoek Windhoek HONOURABLE MR with the provisions of South 1988 Mazda Drifetr 4x4 processor AND MORE. .. NOTICE OF SALE IN CERTAIN :Erf No 1144, 1 Nissan 1400 Ballie Reg. JUSTICE MULLER, African Act No 105 of 1983 2.6, N$39 900, Dep Phone 229966 EXECUTION Khomasdal, (Extension No N38833W. ACTING as amended N$7980, monthly N$988 In persuance of a Judgement 2.3 That the costs of this 13)SITUATE:ln the Munici­ 1 Toyota Bakkie Reg In the matter between x54 of the above Honourable application are awarded to pality of WI NDHOEK REG­ INTERATLANTIC (NA­ Cash, Namibia Car Sales Court, the following goods ISTRATION DIVISION "K" N221 57W the first Respondent. MIBIA) (PTY) LTD ­ Tel: 36700 / 33989 will be sold by public auction The "Gonditions of Sale-in­ 1 Compressor 3. That Paragraph 2.1 ofthis TV- Audio Expert on Saturday 20 August 1994 Applicant Execution" will lie far inspec­ 2 Upright Drills order shall operate as an in­ TVI HiFi, Video Service I at 10hOO at 14 Outeniqua tion at the office ofthe Deputy and 1991 Ford Courier V6, terim interdict upon the issue Sales, Aerials I M-Net Street, Windhoek SheriffatWINDHOEKandat 15 Steel Stands ENGEN NAMIBIA (PTY) N$399OO, Dep N$3990, of this order pending the Re­ . Installation . 1 Lounge Suite the Head Office of Plaintiff at Quantity Mild steel off-cuts LTD - First respondent monthly N$ 1033 x54. turn Date of the Rule Nisi. Fully Licensed; Guaran­ 1 Television Set Windhoek and Plaintiff's At­ 3 Workbenches A.J. BARNARD N.O. - Cash, Namibia Car Sales 1 Radio-tape It is further ordered that tee, Free Pick-up and torneys, Fisher, Quarmby & Second Respondent .4. Tel: 36700 I 33989 1 Room divider 5 Mesh Lockers Delivery, Free Quote by Pfeifer, at the undermen­ this Ruling be published once Terms of sale: "Voetstoots tioned address.. 4 Boxes rear lights in a local newspaper as well request. Having heard Advocate 1991 Nissan 1400 N$26 and cash to the highest bid- Dated at WINDHOEK this 9 Racks with spare parts as the Government Gazette Fastest Repairs in Figueira, Counsel for the 900, Dep N$2690, monthly der. . 20th day of July 19~4 Windhoek Quantity suspension parts as soon as possible and prior 696 x54 Signed at Windhoek on this Applicant, and having read Same day service 8th day of August 1994 Quantity trailer axles the Rule Nisi issued by this to the Return Date herein Cash, Namibia Car Sales FISHER, Ql!ARMBY & Available Tel: 36700/33989 PFEIFER Quantity brake components Honourable Court on the 14 Legal Aid Directorate ATTORNEY FOR PLAIN­ July 1994 and other docu­ By Order Of The Court 1988 Nissan 1400 N$19 GORELICK'S 2 Towing couplings and mud­ Attorneys for Plaintiff' TIFF ments filled of record: Karuaihe & Conradie 900, Dep N$3980, monthly 2nd Floor guards 119 Independence A venue 108 SWABS Building IT IS ORDERED Southern Estate House N$493x48 (by OK) Mutual and Federal Centre Quantity trailer rims Post Mall 1 That the return date of the 250 Independence Avenue Cash, Namibia Car Sales Phone (061) 37700 Independence Avenue P.O. Box 37 Trailer hubs and suspension said Rule Nisi be and is Windhoek Tel: 36700 133989 Windhoek WINDOEK components Namibia Ref: S.J.Hack EP/MHlI937 hereby extended until 19 ," t ~ , I ! \ ,- .*"" J "" • "" .. \ ; ~. ' " ,. 18 Friday August 1~ 1 ,~94 TH~NAM(Bi'AN ' ''-

was 63 on Tuesday, will have wider powers than Sport Shorts ••. Sport Shorts Perreira. Zagalo won the World Cup twice as a player, in 1958 and 1962, and coached Brazil to Bebeto fined victory in 1970 in his second stint in charge from 1970-74. BRAZILIAN striker Bebeto is being fined 25 000 dollars a day by his Spanish club Deportivo for New Springbok crisis failing' to turn up for pre-season training, He has been absent since training resumed on Wednesday, JANNIE Engelbrecht, once again firmly estab­ lished as the Springbok rugby team manager after Euro record rugby boss Louis Luyt's climb-down on Wednes­ day night, has moved quickly to defuse a new crisis, WORLD champion Colin Jackson added a new 'Allegations of drunkenness and vandalism, made record to his roll of honour at the European Cham­ by New Zealand newspapermen to Afrikaans news­ pionships in 'Helsinki yesterday. Jackson, already papers in and Johannesburg, were the world'and'European 100m record holder, braved categoricallY,denied by EngeIbrecht. lashing rain to post a championship and stadium best 13.13sec in the second heat. ' , Klas unhappy SHAKING H.(\NDS .•• BP;s, G~rson K~tjimune, government imd public Gloiious end SWEDIS~ international Klas Ingeson, unhappy at affairs manager, and Remy Moens, main organiser and top competitor in PSV Eindhoven, could be on the move to Mersey­ the Trans Namib I,)esert Race with the sponsorship cheque ' fro~ BP ZIMBABWEAN goalkeeper Bruce Grobbelaar has side to join Liverpool. Namibia. " ended a glorious 13-year career with Liverpool by Manager Ray Evans has made a diret approach to joining English Premiership rivals Southampton. the Dutch club concerning the transfer of the 26- Grobberlaar moved from Anfield on a free transfer year-old midfielder, after more than 400 games for the Reds. Trans 'N amib race is back Bowe focused • MOTORING CORRESPONDENT challenge from our local Martina wins , , , . guys will come from Remy RIDDICK Bowe is quick to say he's not looking EXCItement IS mountmg tlOn, Moens in a Chenowith DEFENDING champion Martina Navratilova was past his Saturday night fight against Buster Mathis as off-road enthusiasts So far organisers h,ave Sandmaster powered by a extended to the limit on Wednesday night before Jr to a match with WBC champion Lennox Lewis. prepare themselves for the con~rmed at least elg~t 21 Golf engine and beating Alexia Dechaume-Balleret of France 6-3, Bowe hasn't fought since losing the IBF and WBA long , awaited Trans en~les from S~uth , A~n- Swakopmunder Fritz 3 ~ 6, 7-6 (7-4) in a second-round match in the heavyweight titles on points to Evander Holyfiel Namlb Desert Race, ca s off-road CIrcuIt, m- Stiemert in a zooty Baja Virginia Slims of Los Angeles women's tennis last November 6. which has been absent c1uding the event's 1986 Bug, This ofcourse does tournament. from the motorsport cal- winner Flippie Viljoen not can~el out 'rally The singles champion will collect 80 000 dollars, , endar for fi¥e years, and is driving a Sandmaster, champs Rolf and ' Hans Jorgino's plans being' revived after BP Other names we can Pretorius, who'll also be , Namibia came forward expect a~e ~arl van tackling the desert -in a Brazil's coach BRAZILIAN defender ~nd W,orJ d Cup star Jorg,lQho with a generou,s sponsor- Ren ~ perg m ,hIS class B space frame Sand master. , , plans t? lea:-,e Bayern MU?I?h at the end of the sI1ip ofN$5 000, , Americ ~n Raceco" cur- Adding to the excite- MARIO Zagalo has been appomted, ~razll' s next . upcommg season and could Jom the n~w. ,US ~rofe~- Dubbed the "kmg" of' rently Iymg second I~ the ment will be the field of coach to replace Carlos Alberto Parreira, who quit sional League. He was one of the key player~ on the off-road events, the Trans SA off- r~ ad champl?n- enduro bikes, 'which also after Brazil won the US World Cup. , Brazilian team which won the World Cup tJtle last Namib, Desert Race is , ships, and Dries Buys,m a includes some top action i~ his third stint as 'national coach'Zagalo, \Yho ' month in the United States, scheduled to take place on MazdaTurboRotaryplck- South Africans, But with f~ , :, ,", ' August 26 and 27, A~d tip, who is the Northern guys like Niki Pajewski, with an expected entry lIst Free State off-road cham- Gino Rossi, Gunther Hein Keep death off olir roads. of60 competitors, both in pion" , and Eckhard the car and the bike cat- On the home front, en- Waldschmidt in the line­ TE'NoER Don't drink and drive. egories, the stage is set for tries ha~e poured ~n up,it'sgoingtobeafierce TENDER NO: F1 /1 /10/1-112/94 'I somethrillingoff-roadac- countrywlde, and the, bIg , di ~e t~ ~th: :fi.. ~i~h " " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9iJld': ' The event'wlll kick'off Tenders ar;e invited for.: II1 ,. on Friday, 26 August, at CONSTRUCTION OF CITY OF WINOHOEK 13hOO with a 50 km speed CLASSROOMS AND ' section to determine the ~. ,. starting positions for the INSPECTOR'S OFFICES FOR event proper. The official RURAL NAMI~I"; start is on Saturday morn­ MODU LE 2,3,4 AND 6. ing at 07hOO, with a gru­ elling 471 km stretch fac­ ,:", ". ' ~. : " ';li TENDER"O ', P:P.'. 1-4/94 t • • .'. '. • : ing the competitors, ' .. j M' CLOSING DATE':' ; , I ,The route through the ~~ 2~l AUGl.!.ST 1994 at 11 HOO: AT THE .. " '" " desert is exactly the same : .f.,REGtON'AL OFFICES: WORKS, .. OF: ERVEN 95; as that of the lasteventrun :;. WINDHOEK;',OSHAKATI, RUNDU TENDER:SAL ' ~ 81'1 :08/5727, in 1989 - and has been ~. ,; ',' AND KATIMA MU Lltp , , ' , WINDHOEK FOR, aUSIN,ESS PURPO'SES given the green light from Nature Conservation and 'a"t'the " Namib InfonnatiOli: Com­ O~~u~ents ~; a~ailable , , office of the: ' petitors will kick off from Tenders be d~yelo'pers are hereby invited forthe'Pur.chas,e of Erven 95, Nonidas Hotel,' w,ith the . Department of Works '871 or 5727, vVindhoek for business purp'oses. - , route heading out tOwards REGIONAL OFFICE: WINDHOEK Henties Bay, turning into OSHAKATI the Spitzkoppe, bypass­ RUNDU Copies of the relevant tender documents and Deed of Sale are ing Arandis and back to Nonidas for the grand fi ­ KATIMA MULlLO obtainable against the payment of a non-refundable administrative fee nale, FORMAL CLOSING DATE: of N$5,00 per copy, from the Property Manager (Central Areas and Roger Griffiths, man­ OPENING OF TENDERS AT Commonage), P 0 Box 59, Windhoek or personally at Room 205, aging director of BP Na­ TENDER BOARD: 30 AUGUST mibia, ex plained what had Second Floor, Municipal Offices, Independence,Avenue, Windhoek. prompted BP to get in­ 1994 AT 11 HOO volved in the revival of the , '. Trans Nam.ib pesertRace, Amount payable at: GROUND Tenders in· sealed envelopes' marked " "The reason BP Namibia FLOOR FISCUS BUILDING: is getting back into f .• " SALE OF ERVEN 90 5, 871' OR 5727, VilNDHQEK FOR N$ 50,00 , .,.r , .. -. motors port, '1S mostly BUSIN~~~ PUR~OSES ~ ; ~, ~' ND" ER ; 8P~ ~1(9, ~n ; , :- ,: ," _- " product related,?' said Griffiths, saying,that they must be addressed ,~nd ,-, delivered to the Town Clerk:,' P Q"B9x '59, are launching a high per­ Windhoek or placed in the Tender Box, Municip'al Offices, formance lubricant next 2ti3:;j , week which is targeted at ;;~e:LEX: 980 3369 - f3\t7,O ~[~,: :~' st~> Independence Avenue, Windhoek by not later than 12:00 on Friday, o rally and racing engines, " F~: 36454 " , ' l " 2-September 1994. "People involved- in -:"SECRETARY: TENDER BOARD. motorsport of this kind will therfore be attracted No tenders which had not been received by post by that time and date to our products, and in REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA or had not been deposited in the Tender Box, will be considered. this respect it is drivers MINISTRY OF FINANCE: with a technical know­ ON BEHALF OF THE how that we are aiming MR. V HAILULU at." For further informa­ DEPARTMENT tion on this event, Remy OF WORKS TOWN CLERK Moens can be contacWd at 061 240280. THE·N'AMIBtAN ..- Fri,day Augu~t 12 1994 1-9

YOUD'g Warri:ors ILocal sport qiary From p;~ZO-==1 : Rehoboth and in Windhoek this week­ Okahandja. end. The Central Second The champion is ex­ displayed guts Division is divided in pected to be crowned to­ two groups Auas and morrow and will join the THE NAMIBIAN Under-I7 national team ,will advisor Peter Ueberjahn Khomas which are also winners from the vari­ go into their Section I opening encounter of the said after the match that split in two sections. The ous regions playing un­ Cosafa youth soccer tournament as the underdogs the youngsters had variou's regional second der the auspieces of the showed courage and de­ against Swaziland at the Orlando Stadium in leagues have also a se­ NNSSU in the grand fi ­ termination throughout cured a sponsorship. nal at Keetmanshoop on Soweto, Johannesburg next Monday at 09hOO. the friendly encounter. August 26-27. But one thing is certain together, proved that they "I am pleased with the p . -theYoungWarriorswill qo not lack talent and, performance of the young- epsl marathon . NFA does it again give a go~ account of above all, they are pre- sters. They are nO.t afraid THE Pepsi/TCL Half Rugby wmners , th~mselves m the tourna- pared to learn. to play and that IS what Marathon takes place at THE National Rugby IT is. a~azing the way the Namibia ~ootbap ment which ~s being held The~ lacked a littl~ in matt~rs mo~t. Tsumebtomorrow. With Union announced the AssocI~bon can masterfully manoeuvre Itself o~t , for the first time. ' coheSion (something "Itls also Important they th I t" " f h Cl b . th· ·t· ' t' h -"'-bl' ' All h . . ,. h' h ' b d . b S . . e ucra Ive pnzes on Winners 0 t e u o ft rou ble Ieavmg elr crllcs ea 109 Um e pl'1 t e partlclpatmg w IC IS oun tOlmprove eat KW tomght.1t Will fti th . ed ' 1000 ' O n Iya fiew wee" k s ago I·tl 00 ked as I·fth e new season' teams, except N ami'b' la, once' th ey hidaye paye to- bo ost thelr' morale lor&" the'.0 er eracelsexpect : . would never get otT the ground, let alone secure a have establ isbed under-I 7 gether more frequently) Cosafatoumament. How- toh~ttract a large field of 1. 1 QP8 ,Cohn L sponsor at this late stage of the year. leagues in their domestic but the young players dis- ever, there is still a lot of at etes. . : Lau.tenb~ch, 2. 1067 But I was summoned to the office of the 'Football programmes,,! Namibia is played guts and a very polishing and shaping to The race. will consist Chns Smith, 3. 1036 Jo Associationbysecretarygeneral,SteveGardhausen fielding an under-17 ~ ide strong will to win. be done. I love these kids," . of a 7,040 kilometre lap, Eagleton,.4. 1037 Leon on Wednesday afternoon where he announced that for the first time. SKW FC will agree that Ueberjahn admitted. which. will be complet~d Hemmes, S. 1066 JMM the NFA had secured a sponsor for the lehgue.Butiftheirperformance the under-17s enjoyed * The youngsters will three times. ~er~cew.. ll Moore, 6. 1 063 J~ Gardhausen said the official announcement would against Central Second most of the ball posses- pay a courtesy call on the be competed In five dlf- Swartz, 7. 1001 Wolfle be made after tomorrow's National Football League Division outfit, SKW FC sion and scored the only Ministry of Youth and ferent categories. The Zimmer, 8. 1,068 Paul replay match between Orlando Pirates and Tigers. is anything to go by, these two goals of the outing to Sport at IlhOO tomorrow overall winner will re- Engelbrecht,9. 1053 FP "And," Gardhausenadded' "theNFACuphasalso juniors will put up an ex- win 2-0 during Wednes- before their departure to ceive N$400.' du Plessis, 10. 1086 JS found a sponsor but the announcement will only be cellent fight in South Af- day evening's friendly tie South 'Africa for the Ne!. 11. I 064FN Junius. made next Tuesday." rica. The youngsters, play- at SKW. Cosafa tournament in 10- Schools soccer The following people I walked out of the NFA offices a very happy but ing in their very frrstmatch . German-born technical hannesburg. must also .collec,t their !>~zzled man - just how do these guys manage to do , ' . THE semifinals and fi- prizes from the first It. BA '11 b n b k wereleadmgl-Owlthonly nal of the -Coca Cola draw:l013HelgaZimny Just befor.etbe start of the soccer season, Wl Oll ce ac two ~.nute~ of full time Schools Soccer Cham- and Este'lle de Klerk, Gardhausen told me ~hat the NFA had secur~ a . . . ' remammg m ~e game, pionshipsfor the central 1020 A Herzberg, 1064 sponsorship and that It was only a matter of bme I From page 20 I 1ng the Igame I~to dlsre- h~ve announced ~at they region will be finalised FN Junius (x2) and 1 024 before the announcement would be made. ' ;pute. Will appeal agamst the t & d'f& ' t 'L F h · B ' ... Th'" ... d ' . . I h ' a lour t leren venues ouc e. Who is this guy trying to kid, Ithought. B utaccord mgtooolslt e oHarges stem ,rom eClslon to rep ay t e How could the NFA expect any business to invest in , is only a matter of time the disputed qu!iTterfinal match. ' football after[ all the recent problems in football ,before we overcome ~ur e~counter in .th~ Mighty . Pro 'tuben prin,z said, administratiOn. problems and play like a Champions toumame!lt "We were badly affected But maybe a spokesman for lone oHhe sponsors cham~ion ~am a.gai~:" bet~een Stars ll',ld Civics in this decis.ionand we?Q who has inv~ a substantial amount of money in Only tlme.wlll telllfhe IS which was stopped after not agree wlth1he verdict the game in the past, was right when he said: right. angry Stars sUPPorters in- of the NFA's Disciplinary "Soccer is a very popular game all over the world. Boois also announced vaded the pitch. Committee. We will cer- It is played and watched by thousands of people. that Black Africa's AGM The NFA announced tainly appeal," Prinz as- "It is the national game in this country and is will be held next Satur- that Stars will have to pay serted. • WEIGHTI CIRCUIT WEIGHTS ' regarded as the people's sport. Just tell me another day" August 20. r the money to Ramblers * S tars play Young sport that is played and watched by more people * The NFA has an- FC,thetournamentorgan- Onesatthelndependence than football 'in this country. • nounced that Stars coach isers, who in return must Stadium tonight at • AEROBICSI FITNESS CLASSES "Business people are not stupid. They expect Gary Sales received a recompense Civics. And (l9h30) while Civics will KARATE - GOJU RYU FOR something for their money. Their first priority is to warning and Stars were the match will be replayed. enjoy a welcome rest this • markettheirproductandanyinvestmentinfootball fined N$I 000 for bring- Civics however, who weekend. ADULTS AND JUNIORS is a very wise move, because the mileage tbey receive from sponsoring football is very good. TransNamib - Desert Rollers v. Eastern • AIKIDO Putting money into football is like directly feeding I-ii~tu~e~ --ft.~m page 20 I Jumpers (l3hOO); TransNamib v. the nation." Epukiro Chiefs (IShOO). , Nomtsoub Stadium, Tsumeb: Group A • SAUNA Maybe that is why firms like Namibia Breweries KhomasB: - Punyu Benfica v. Ace Maize Chief are still prepared to take the risk of investing in Saturday: Rehoboth - Crusaders v. Santos (lShOO). football. ' Hotspurs (I ShOO). • MASSAGE Kuisebmond Stadium, Walvis Bay: Football owes Namibia Breweries a great debt of Sunday: SKW B - Khomas Rovers v. Group B - Kraatz Welding Eleven Ar­ gratitude - there is now an incentive for the players Hungry Lions (14hOO); Future Boys v. rows v. Interatlantic Blue Waters and their clubs and soccer fans will get better Crusaders (16hOO). TEL: 225383 (13hOO). competition anCl hopefully the stadiums will be AuasA: Sunday: packed to capacity once more. Saturday: SKW B - Challengers v. Afri­ Independence Stadium, Windhoek: This is manna from heaven for the NFA whose job can Blizz~ds (1 ShOO). Group C - Young Ones FC v. Namib is now to put the game back in its rightful place at Gobabis - ' Eastern Chiefs v. Maroon Woestyn (13hOO). Group A - Mukorob the top of the tree. Brothers (I ShOO). Pelagic Tigers v. Auto Centre Nampol AfRICAN CYCLES The fans want competitive football and better AuasB: FC (lShOO). organisation could convince more businesses to Saturday: Okahandja - Spoilers v. Okahandja Stadium: Group B - Liver­ invest in football. With more sponsorship the game Arcadia (1 ShOO). , ,/ ,.-,~ Tel: (061) 228130 Fax: (061) 225889 pool v. Black Africa (lShOO). will grow and there will be more opportunities for SKW A - SKW FC v. Golden Rivers Tal Street 86 ' Wlndhoek. iY (next to Geka House) talent to develop from the grassroots. (l7hOO). National Second League

NSL Castle League ,. " • ~ ). t. -., ~ -". ~ "'" Good luck Young Meteor Second Division ~: - j ~ . ... ~ .. '/ -".. ,_of' \ \ ~ \. Saturday: Tonight (Friday): "\ I. c ' \11 - \\.:~'1 \ "1 \' Grootfontein - Chelsea v. Northern Pi­ \ ., ,.-1 Warriors! Athlone Stadium - Cape Town Spurs v. I ' .... ' •• \J\ • +.), J-I../ rates (l4hOO); Leopards v. Dynamos Vaal Professionals (20hOO). Our national under-I7 soccer side will compete in (ISh40). Saturday: their first major international competition when Rundu - Cuca Tops v. ' United Stars Rand Stadium - Iwisa Kaizer Chiefs v. they represent Namibia at the inaugural (l4hOO); Rundu Chiefs v. Rundu Pi­ Celtic (lShOO). Ohatu landifa: Confederation of African Football Association's rates (lSh40). Sunday: junior championships in South Africa next week. Otavi.- Touch & Go v. NFP Rangers Chatsworth Stadium - Manning Rang­ , The Young Warriors will start their campaign (1 ShOO). ers v. Wits University (lShOO). against Swaziland in the opening Section 2 outing at Sunday: . Berea Park - City v. Amazulu eOiyaha the Orlando Stadium in Soweto on Monday morning Grootfontein - Northern Pirates v. Dy­ (lShOO). at 09hOO. Namibia is pitted against Zambia, South namos (14hOO); Leopards v. Chelsea Charles Mopeli - Qwa-Qwa Stars v. eOikefa Africa, Malawai and Swaziland in Section 2 with (lSh40). Orlando Pirates (I ShOO) . . Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Botswana and Mozambique Rundu - Rundu Pirates v. Cuca Tops Ellis Park - Moroka Swallows v. Hel­ eEembashikela making up Section 1. (l4hOO); Rundu Chiefs v. United Stars lenic (1 ShOO). On behalf of all the readers of The Namibian, I (lSh40). Pietersburg - Real Rovers v. Umtata wish the Young Warriors and their coaches, Bucks (1ShOO). Ohatu pangele Herlllan Katjiuongua and Peter Ueberjahn, a Central Second Division King's Park - Royal Tigers v. Ellerines emmbashikela, otuno ilenda successful tournament and whatever happens - let Sundowns (IShOO). aihe vando kondado ili sportsnianship prevail. Sunday: Tembisa - Witbank Aces v. D' Alberton Good luck to our future stars! KhomasA: Callies (15hOO). ~~ l,1 ...

20 Friday August 12 1994 THE NAMIBIAN

Local sport diary Press racing THE Tony Rust Track SPORT outside Windhoek is the place to be on Sun­ day morning when lo­ cal press teams will Stop Press ... Stop Press lock horns in the inau­ gural Total Tara Rally at I1hOO. ••••_ - The event will be a great opportunity for members of the media to find out what it is like on a race track. FLASHBACK ... netball action from the final national team trials at the Central Netball Courts The race will be con­ last Saturday. The Pepsi National Club Championships will be played at Keetmanshoop this year. cluded with a braai at The event will be staged from August 26 to 27. 13h45. Soccer action THE th ird round of the BA will bounce back NFA National Foot­ ball League kicks off Fixtures... Fixtures with the clash between traditibnal rivals Af­ Sales cauti'o'ned for rniscondu'ct... rican Stars and Young Namibia Football Ones FC at the Inde­ AssociationCNFA) • CONRAD ANGULA pendence Stadium African Stars outspoken coach, Gary Sales, was starting at 19h30. cautioned for misconduct after a Namibia Altogether eight NFA National Football League Footbitll Association disciplinary hearing on' matches are scheduled Wednesday evening. at four different ven­ Tonight (Friday): This news was only every one of their three ues around the coun­ Independence Stadium, Windhoek: Group C -, overshadowed by the an­ opening league matches try this weekend, African Stars v. Young Ones FC (19h30). nouncement that the despite fielding the same inlcuding four derbies. Saturday: NFA has secured a new team which won most of A sponsorship for the Independence Stadium, Windhoek: Group B - sponsor for the national the country's major cup league will be an­ RamblersFC v. Namib Woestyn (13hOO); Group league to be named to­ competitions, except the nounced tomorrow. A - Namsea Orlando Pirates v. Mukorob Pelagic morrow afternoon. league championships, Tigers ('15hOO). In addition, national last year. Rugby Football League giants, BA, as they are known Continued on page 19 • tournament Black Africa have lost to their thousands of fans LOCAL rugby fans will see school rugby at its best when the country' s top eight ENTERTAINMENT schools clash in the COMPLEX semifinals of the Met­ ropolitan Cup for high Feedin-g the Nation with Music schools. The National Rugby Stadium was filled ~: with excitement last ----~-.... THE GUARDIAN ..• Herman Katjiuongua was weekend when the recently appointed as coach of the Namibian schools battled their under-17 national side. The Otjiwarongo-based way through the quar­ school teacher's first test will be next week when terfinals. he guides the Young Warriors in the inaugural Cosafa Under-17 Championships in South Africa. The action starts at Herman studied soccer coaching in Germany. 09hOO today.

around the country, suf­ Black Africa visits a Hockey league fered identical 2-0 de­ fired-up Liverpool at feats at the hands of Okahandja on Sunday. THE Swabou national women's . hockey Interatlantic Blue Wa~ Liverpool are very hun­ ters and Prestige Prop­ gry for a victory after resumes this weekend p~: erties Civics FC and two consecutive draws w i th fro nt-runners were also downed 1-0by recently and past history Ramblers facing ackson Kraatz Welding Eleven has shown that BA do United in a top-of-the­ Arrows. not have a good away log outing at the Un­ And to add to their record against Oscar ion Grounds tomor­ Kauieua trou bles, Seth Boois, the Mengo's side. row. man who guided the Liverpool have slowly Two matches are Lively Lions to three cup but surely started to re­ scheduled in the First victories last year, was capture their form and if Division with twooth­ not on the bench when their past showings ers in the Second Di­ Mukorob 'his team made such a against Civics and Ar­ vision. The action dismal start to the sea­ rows are anything to go starts at 13hOO, with son. by - then BA is in great the final two matches Boois, or Orlando as danger. set for 14h15. the no-nonsence former Former Ace Maize star defender with Black Chief Santos dribbling Second league Africa is known, is re­ sensation Stephen THE Central Second covering at home from Augumeb, tenacious Division soccer league an operation on his arm Killian Kavari, hard­ kicks off in four dif­ and foot. tackling national team fe rent towns this However, Boois defender Bimbo Tjihero weekend. Five Saturday Nigh~ Special vowed from his sick -bed and Zambian midfield matches are scheduled that Black Africa would maestro Kasebe are set for the SKW Field in bounce back with a bang to be the architects of Windhoek and one "and people will start Black Africa's downfall. each at Gobabis, talking about the excit­ For further enquiries, kindly contact Tel: 216669 or 216684 ing Lively Lions again." To page 19 To page 19 , I t.· . '.'",f \~,I." "',t.· -.t.

the Jakob Soul Primary School go all out to show their dancing skills to the 300-strong crowd. Left: WE ARE ONE ... An Oshiwambo-speaking member of the Stampriet community delightedly shows off his traditional water carrier during the celebrations. Stampriet.Shows -T.b,e.Way!

• CHRISTOF MALETSKY dances as the people presented a pointed out that in the past culture sidelines didn't wait long before horse. But he dusted himself down united cultural front. had been used to divide people joining the vigorous Namastap. and was back in the saddle as if A SMALL town off the Visitors from all corners of Na­ through the Bantustan system. But Soon the space was packed as the nothing had happened. beaten track became the mibia came to celebrate the annual the Stampriet gathering was living youngsters cheered on their elders. Thereafter everyone sat together scene of a vivid and varied Cultural Festival organised by mem­ proof that Namibian culture sur­ The dancing changed almost ef­ for a community meal. It looked as display ofNamibian culture bers of the Khaibasen Community vived the Apartheid onslaught and fortlessly from Namastap to if the day was over as people last weekend. Project in conjunction with newly­ is reviving since Independence. Langarm, then Bushman-style, wended their way home. But it was The remote community of established Auob Fishing Company. "Today we can use culture to Herero steps to finally a glimpse of only a brief intermission as the Stampriet doesn't often make the The day started quietly enough know and understand each other some Owambo traditional moves. community came back for more. headlines, but in the midst of pov­ with a scripture reading from Pas­ better," one speaker said. The people busy enjoying the As the sun turned orange the erty and difficult living conditions tor Julianne !Naruses before the But the day was far from just displays were treated to an extra people swamped the community residents are st ill able to celebrate approximately 300-strong crowd speeches. Soon the dust was whirl­ thrill when six young riders ap­ hall and danced into the early hours the richness of their traditions. sent their finest singing voices echo­ ing as the dances started. proached on horseback. Racingand of the next morning: The biggest During a day-long festival at the ing through the normally sleepy First a group of Nama women in dressage skills soon st ole the smiles were reserved for the direc­ town, situated 65 kilometres from town with a rousing version of their traditional long dresses took crowd's attention. The drama al­ tors and shareholders of the Auob Mariental, Namastaps mingled with Land Of The Brave. to the open piece of ground that most turned tragic when one of the Fishing Company who helped to traditional Herero songs and San Several speakers at the day acted as a stage. The men on the young men was thrown from his continued on page 2 The new Club latino STORMS BACK with Friday - The special for the month August You pay on Friday and get a free ticket for Saturday Night DJ Frankie lee and DJ lantis will entertain you. ~Matinee with DJ Frankie lee and DJ lantis ,--- i

SHOWING THE W AY ... Two young parents waste no time to show the kids the best way to master the Langarm while the baby on the m ot her's back keeps an eye on the proceedings. Photos: Christof Maletsky 2· Friday August 12 1994 THE. NAMIBIAN WEEKENDER

Stampriet Alive With Culture [ SoundBit~s , J

LFROMPAGE1 ful business people had not forgotten their roots make the day poss ible. in the parched soil of Atthe beginningofthe their home town. day the fishing company, For the community it whose principal players . was only the start of their hail from Stampriet, cultural revival. made a generous dona­ "We will meet again tion of N$IS 000 for on October 30 at the (I .{ community projects . inauguration of our new Another N$I 000 went church," promised one to the Jacob Soul Pri­ teacher as the Auob Fish­ mary School. ing Company delegation T he were about to leave the


. , PANTSULA BOY ... This youngster caught the photographer's eye when he opted for a Mapantsula dancing style amid the common Namastap and Langarm.

PEOPLE were were strapped in the chair screaming, children and killed by a 2 200 volt cried, while women A Namibian Let Loo'se. In electric shock. The per­ could be heard , . son nonna11y died within pleading for the lives of 60 seconds. their relatiyes, Fortunately most, if T YAP P A Londonls House Of Horror not all, of thess gruesome NAMUTEWAreports. ways of meting out jus­ Fortunately the sounds tice have now been abol­ were onl y recordings and The scene of all these Museum in London, UK. torture from down the famous and infamous ished. the tableaux of barbarism mock atrocities is the The macabre chamber centuries. people. and torture from which world-famous Chamber features various wax­ It is part of the larger Among those you can' they emanated made out of Horrors in Madame work figures in numer­ museum which features meet not quite in the flesh of wax. Tussaud's Wax works ous acts of crime and lifelike models of many are US President Bill Clinton, Helmut Kohl of Gennany and Michael Jackson. Even Nelson Mandela, in Windhoek this week, has an uncanny likeness in this London tourist at- . traction. . . The museum is always . crowded by"tourists from . all cometS of tbe world who ' want -to 'see these wonderful handiworks. - And most want to see the grimly fasc inating Chamber of Horrors. This is a place which demonstrates how peo­ ple were killed in cold blood years ago in dif­ ferent countries. There is a model guil­ lotine, a blade once used by the French to execute OUCH! .•. A waxwork priest is killed by means people by cutting off of a garrotte. This is an instrument of ALMOST THE REAL THING ... The Namibian's own Mr T, reporter Tyappa Namutewa, meets their heads. strangulation used in Spain from the 17th century a waxwork version of the more famous Mr T from the A-Team in Madame Tussaud's Museum in Also among the exhib­ until 1979. A metal collar clamps the neck in London. its is an electric chair, position while a sharp point pierces the spine. l l •• I 1.1 .. : 1 ,~ '4 ,4,C.'I'.'i • I j. \' THE NAMIBIAN WEEKENDER Friday August '12 1"9943'


-~ Settling For Less ; Hoping For ·More

• ABSALOM SHIGWEDHA SCHOOL DAYS EVERYONE has a dream of In a move which 10landa says what they would like to be shaped her present attitude to life, doing which keeps them going . her parents · transferred her to the duting the more ordinary . independent Ameps school at routines of life. Most.ofus feel . Gibeon in 1988. we could be doing something. "My parents sent me to Gibeon, more fulfilling and valuable because they thought the school than our, present reality. was.offering good education since it resisted Bantu education and even This experience is all too com­ used English-as medium of instruc­ mon for Namibian school-leavers tion while most of the schools used who even if they matriculate often Afrikaans at that time," 10landa find they cannot get the job or the explains. educational opportunity they really "Through schooling at Ameps I want. came to understand things in gen­ For some it's a question of biding eraLFor example, I came to realise their time while others just give up that the history we were taught In hope. But shop assistant Jolanda the former interim Government 'Jay-Jay' Jonas is still planning a schools was really far from the' brighter future for herself. truth." 10landa works at a fashion shop selling material in Windhoek. CITY LIFE Shopwork was not her ambition while at sc hool , but nevertheless Her working day starts at 09hOO she does her best to please the cus­ although she leaves her Soweto tomers. home by taxi much earl ier. When Jolanda completed her If she has spare time in the day Grade l2atGibeon's AfricanMeth­ she will often visit the library as she odist Episcopal Private School, her loves reading. "After work, I go eventual aim was to become ajour­ jogging-to keep fit and keep my nalist. weight down," she says. It was not just an idle daydream 10landa says she rarely gets an­ to while away boring school hours. gry adding that she likes all those In 1992 Jolanda was the first stu­ who like her. Her heroes are Presi­ dent in the school to support the dent Sam Nujoma and South Afri­ idea of a Briti sh volunteer teacher can President Nelson Mandela. of' starting 'a school newspaper, lolanda maintains that she is too which was later given the name HIGH HOPES ... Jolanda Jonas serves in a shop while hoping to one day study journalism. young to think about marriage, say­ Ameps Times. ing "maybe in 10 year's time" she She became the political writer trated, however, and she found her­ skills to be learnt as a shop assistant ers. will think about it. for the -newspaper - an experience self with thousands of other school­ as anyone who has been rudely "Even VIPs come to. the shop. I As with many young Namibians which inspired her to seek further leavers competing in the open job treated in Windhoek' s shops knows. have served Angolan President Jose circumstances have forced her to studies in journalism. "The news­ market. "When I first came here in Au­ Eduardo Dos Santos, Africa's change her plans but she is still paper was quite a difficult thing to "When I finished school in 1992, gust 1993, I used to get frustrated wellknown singer Pepe Kalle, and . aiming high. At the moment she is do and required a lot of concentra­ things became so tough that I just because I ' was shy of the people South African poet and playwright applying for a bursary to study law tion. Sometimes we had to leave decided to look for any kind of job. coming to the shop. But my boss Gcina Mhlope." at the University of Namibia. our schoolwork to go and interview Even if I am not earning a lot of encouraged me not to be afraid. It Born in 1974 in the coastal town But she hasn't forgotten her first people on many different topics," money here, I cannot leave the job was just because I had never dealt of Swakopmund, Jolanda started dream - that of journalism. "If I get 10landa adds. because it pays for my daily bread," with customers before." her primary education in 1981 at a chance of studying journalism she says. She later realised that a lot of the Gonteb Primary School and later elsewhere, I will definitely nothesi­ FRUSTRATIONS The 20 year-old 10landa adds that people were coming to the shop and went on to the Vrede Rede Senior tate to go for it". she is still happy with her work buying because of her friendly ap­ Primary school in 1982. Both Despite disappointments Jolanda Her hopes of studying journal­ even though it is not what she had proach. She has also made friends schools are in Swakopmund's is still confident she can achieve ism straight after school were frus- really hoped for. And there are still among some of her regular custom- Mondesa township . . her dream.

'3I/e'~ ~ ~ de ~", DAUTOMARK 4 Friday August 12 1994 THE NAMIBIAN WEEKENDER

I N V E S T ,M ENT bad quarter as long-tenn managers at Norwich interest rates rose by 1,5 continue to dominate Norwich Leads The Unit Trust Race per cent and this meant the performance the capital value of their investments fell. South­ figures for general value of the investments leader for three-seven equity unit trusts, ern Income Fund did best the, fund is invested into years. UAL Mining and but managed growth of according to the latest and it is growth in this Resources led over longer only 3,55 per cent over 'Unit Trusts Survey' periods of ten years and whioh is used to measure the three month period. from the University of the unit trust perform­ more. Pretoria's Hugo ance. Gold funds did not do INDUSTRY GROWS Lambrechts. The Johannesburg so well and Old Mutual Norwich had an excel­ Stock Exchange all-share Gold Fund was best over Since 1990 the number of lent year to June 30 and index (the most average one year but only pro- unit trusts available to in­ the growth in value of its indicator of levels) rose months to June 30, their and Old Mutual investors' ers are optimistic shares duced 15,3 per cent re- vestors in the common units was equivalent to by only 9,4 per cent over average rise was 31,3 per Fund was ahead of the offer the best return. turn. The weighted aver- monetary area has at least 56,4 percent rise in 12 the last three months, cent a year. pack on ten-year perfonn­ Some unit trusts spe­ age of the five industrial doubled. The value of as­ months. Unit trusts are even though by June 17 it Funds managed by ance. Guardbank Growth cialise in particular sec­ funds was 32,7 per cent· .sets they manage has pooled investment funds was a whole 17 per cent Norwich and by IGI both Fund is top over 12, 15 tors. Among these, the with Old Mutual and grown by two and a half where investors put their up on its March 31 price rose more than I 6 percent and 20 years. In general weighted average annual Guardbank producing the times. South Africa's As­ money in and it is invested before falling back in the in three months. Norwich the funds invested heav­ rate of return was 39,1 best short-term results sociation of Unit Trusts into shares and other in­ last two weeks of the pe­ is now also the front-run­ ily in shares and kept only percent. Old Mutual Min­ and Standard Bank keep- . sa'ys it is considering vestments by professional. riod. The weighted aver­ neroverthree years, Over about 10 per cent of their ing Fund was top per­ ing much of its funds in whether to open an office managers. The value of age of the general equity the longer-term Syfrets assets in cash, one of the fonner, returning 54,9 per ' liquid'assetswhich,like with permanent staff to . each unit in the fund unit trusts perfonnance Growth Fund was leader lowest levels ever. This cent before costs are con­ cash, are easy to dispose handle the growing indus­ changes according to the shows that during the 12 over five and seven years is a sign that fu,?d manag- sidered and was also the of. Income funds had a try. African Stock Markets Are On The Increase

. ~~ THERE IS A growing drive to expand Association (Asea). Thi s is keen-to help USA U.S. Agency For International Development stock markets in Africa, with 14 mar­ African entrepreneurs realise the poten­ ~ kets up and running by the end of last tial of a stock ma~ket for raising finance AFRICAN TRAINING FOR LEADERSHIP AND ADVANCED SKILLS (ATLAS) year. and other backing. As African econo­ PROGRAM 1995 - 1996 ACADEMIC YEAR Namibia 's stock market is relatively mies move towards more liberal poli ­ The United States Agency for International Development (USA ID) is pleased to announce the advanced, with its small computers. cies, stock markets are set to benefit the ATLAS Program. The ATLAS Program is a scholarship program funded by the US Government through Other stock exchanges such as Nairobi most. and Harare work on a call-over system. "The experience of Zimbabwe shows USAID and administered through the African American Institute (AAI) in New York. The goal of the Here the share d.ealers sit on rows of that when foreign investors enter a for­ programme is to improve the ability of African institutions and organisations to plan and to promote chairs and as the name of a stock is read merly closed stock market, share prices sustainable development. out, the traders discuss their buy and sell go through the roof," according to one orders. report, citing Asea president and chair­ The objective of the program is to strengthen leadership and technical abilities and enhance the Trading may be restricted to a few man of the Nairobi exchange Jimnah professional excellence of individuals serving in Namibian public and private sector entities, including shares and may only happen in one or Mbaru. universities, research centres and other key development institutions. The scholarships may be in the two hourly sessions each day, to leave The Johannesburg Stock Exchange is following skill areas: time to clear up and sort out any other helping other markets by offering ideas deals. There are proposals to link re­ and expertise as well as technology and Disaster Management Public Health gional stock markets, for instance in a rules. Other stock exchanges can study (Relief and Development Planning) (focus on AIDS / HIV Epidemiology) process such as dual -listing of various regulations such as the requirements for shares. This would mean a step towards a share to be allowed to list for trading on Education Natural resources creating a single linked market for Af­ the exchange. International donors are Administration and Management Natural Resource Management rica. also providing their support to what could Assessment and Testing Ecotourism Management and Development Stock markets in Africa are joined become a prime way of mobilising capi­ Education Economics Fisheries Biology (marine or pelagic) through a African Stock Exchanges tal for Africa's business development. Curriculum Development Natural Resource Economics Strategic Planning Biodiversity / Ecology (desert focus) AFRlCA'S STOCK EXCHANGES

Teacher Training Land Use Planning c-tzy LiIted fJd. M.uc ...... 1ption (_I A~ pie Grvwth in Joc:.I indes University Administration Environmental Impact Assessment BotawlllA 11 265.2 7.5 40.7 Management Information Systems Water and Hydrology ." .. " ,. , ...... ,," " " Cot.e d'lvoire ~on-formal Education / Adult Education 23 330 01, -1.9 Planning and Finance private Sector! Parastalal Management ~ __.. _ ... 5.73 ___ 1,~ _ 6.5 52.6 Human Resources Development / Personnel ..Ghana...... 15 118.5 7.5 6.4 Democracv and Governance Management ~1.'. __ _ _.. ~...... _. __ ... _ __ 1,1~ .. . 1~ ... __ 63 . M,uritius 30 766 11 .4 58 Political Science ...... •...... •....••.•.•... Moroa:o 60 3,160 16.5 42.3 Human Rights public Administration and Finance N.~~ 5 "'-- 3,700 9 . ~ ... _.. 01, Social Welfare Systems Planning Applied Economics Organizational Development / Management ~~...... 1.6I!...... 1 , ~14_ ...... _... _...... 6 .. ~ ...... « .8 Public Expenditure and Accounts !icI~tIJ . ~<=!' _ ...... 6I!~ ...... __ .. 2. 17,OOO _ l~ : ! .. __ .. _...... ~. _ 6 Journalism / Communication / Social Marketing Town Planning Swuiland 3 97.4 9.75 oIa .,' ..... -, ..... , - , .. ,"'...... ,-, ...... ,' ...... • ." .•...... ', ...... -,.,. ~...... 1.3 ...... ~!.l ... _...... __ 1 .1 : ~ _ 41

WHO SHOULD APPL Y: ...... ZamIU ,,, ...... New,,.,...... New...... New...... New USAIDhas established two special requirements for ATLAS : Zimbabwe 63 1,180 12.6 101.4 1) The beneficiaries should primarily be formerly disadvantaged Namibians and at least 35 percent of . Total 1,lIII0 230,778 10J1 4U participants should be women, and w~u=~~E7.I~=------~1~~~3~~~T~1 1 2) a!l trainees must be nominated by their Ministry or Employer, as part of a Staff Development Plan. Candidates may come from the public sector, from the private sector or from non-governmental Note: Some of these figures are out of date, including those describing the Namibian Stock organisations. Your organisation must pay for your round trip air fare and hold your position for you Exchange. as well as continue to pay a salary or stipend.

WHERE AND HOW TO APPL Y Have your employer nominate you for ATLAS, as part of the organisation's Staff Development Plan. Pick up an application form at USAID Fill out the application form and submit it with your employer's nomination by September 30, 1994. . The employer's nomination must include a brief description of how your nomination fits within the staff development plan and will strengthen the nominating organization; and that your organisation will pay round-trip transportation costs and salary or stipend during your training. You will be contacted in October regarding your status.

DEADLINES All nominations must be received by USAID / Namibia not later than September 30, 19~4 for the 1995 - 1996 academic 'I year, beginning September 1995 Enquiries for more information can be directed to: B. Belding or Belinda Kock at USAID (Phone (061) 225 935, Fax (061) 227 006) 6th Floor, Southern-Life Tower, Post Street Mall THE NAMIBI,AN WEE;KENDER Friday August 12 1 ~94 5

Shawn Phillips Live In Windhoek SEX - The Cure AMERICAN cult hero and super star, Shawn Phillips will be appearing in Windhoek for For Stress ... But one performance only on Thursday, Au­ gust 18, at the National Theatre of Namibia at 20h30. ltts Better To It was standing room only during a recent tou r of South Africa and appearances at the Sleep Alonel Grahmstown Arts Festi val for the legendary folk. hero of the sixties and seventies. LONDON: There was good news and bad "two of his albums, Second Contribution news this week from the frontiers of British which ,featured his signature tl:Jnes, 'The Bal­ sex research. lad of Casey Deiss' and 'Woman' and Faces Good: Sex cures headaches. with 'We' and 'Hey Miss Lonely' achieved Bad: Sharing a bed disrupts sleep. gold status in South Africa and are still selling Kaye Wellings, director of the Sexual w~1I on CD some, 20 years later. 'He has Health Programme at the London School of produced more t~an 15 albums, many of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said re­ which shot into the Top 10 in the USA and search had shown that sex stimulates the elsewhere. production of endorphins - the body's own His two-hour performance refl ects th e evo­ feel-good hormone. This induces euphoria and an analgesic lution of an extraordinary artist and the spirit effect that can sooth headaches, she wrote' in of a gen eration, which Ph illips expresses the magazine 'Which? Way To Health'. with the dynamism and insight gained from "The combination ... makes sex a great way rich personal experience. Described as "the to beat stress and its damaging effects on the most accessible artist ever to tour South heart, circulation and immune systems," she Africa - local or international" by a Star critic, said. However Francesca Pankhurst and Shawn Phillips dazzles with the sheer diver­ James Home of Loughborough University sity of his musical abilities from full orchestra­ studied the sleep patterns of46 couples, sleep­ tion to country, folk and jazz contributions. ing alone and together, and found the sub­ In addition, musicians who are interested in jects got a much better night's sleep alone. The subjects kept detailed sleep logs and attending a workshop with Shawn Phil ~ ips wore tiny computerised monitors to measure may contact Leon Beukes at the National and record nocturnal movements, the team Theatre of Namibia on telephone (061 ) 37966 wrote in Sleep, the journal Of the Sleep Re­ before Monday, August 15. search Society. Tickets at N$40, N$45 and N$50 for the When one partner moved in bed, the other show can be pu rchased from the NTN box moved too, usually within 30 seconds, dis­ offi ce from 09hOO to 12hOO and 14hOO to rupting sleep. Movements were far less fre­ 16hOO, quent without a partner. * The organisers say that if the demand for MUSIC MAN ... Shawn Phillips, the voice of a generation, will be "If only we could all afford separate bed­ tickets is high, a second performance could appearing in Windhoek for one performance only on Thursday, rooms, we would sleep better," said Pankhurst. - Sapa-AFP be sch~duled for Friday night. August 18, at the NTN. Don't miss this one!

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lar new coverage grows increasingly exploitative Substitute Teacher A holiday in the cou ntry the station' s manager 20hOO: News turns into a ni ghtmare faces the to ughest choice 20h24: Harts Of The for Kcvin when he is of his career. West stung by Cl sini ster fl ying Home ALone With insec t. Friends 19hOO: Sport 21h09: Beverly Hills 20hOO: News 13hOO·14hOO: 90210 (final) 20h34: Sport World News Home Again 20h40: Story Writing 16h56: Opening 21 h54: The Whoopi Competition 17hOO: Babar GoldbergShow World News 21hOl: Movie: Elephants Best Friend This week featuring 13hOO.14hOO t A Lynx Named Kunak 17h24: Kissyfur (final) mus ic legend Qui ncy World ~e~ s A nature movie about the 171148: Racoons Jones. and World.... " '. relatiooship between a Search And Rescue 22h15: Movie: R'ep~rt . m,. ah, apd a lynx. 18h12: Bush neat The Last Starfighter 16h56: OpE!ning . 22hl0: Urban Angel A fascinating nature se­ A young man who is a 17hOO: Tiny Toon Angellf ri es which introduces video game whi z is re­ - Adventures The murder of a boy children to the amaz ing cruited to fight in an io­ FACE TO FACE ... with one of the strange creatures of the deep in 17h21: Charlie Chalk leads Victor and the po­ worldof Australian wild­ ter-galactic war. Star­ Aquaventure, a new series which starts on Wednesday next week at The Mountain That lice to an unlikely supect life. The series explores ring: Lance Guest, 18h20. Moaned - the' teenager's girl­ the natural environment Catherine Mary Ste\y- .' ... 17h36: Wild Guess friend. , of Queensland in a chal­ ard, Robert Preston 171147: Kiddies 18h28: Window On dary cattlemen - the men 18h04: Streetwise 22h58: Insight lenging and info rmative 23h52: Heartlight City , Entertainment Th ~ W?Fld ","". f~OdT ~n 9wy'; ¥j~r- \ ~01· (final) Every Ninety Seconds way. 19h~~: F.:~ 11-~2 u se ~ t0w ng · th.n:'c~~t "' Mo ney Tal~s A television ~ t ation is 18h35: World Chart In whIch three grb~n~' W§.r, . ~. ~, ~ . 18h33: The Tomorrow finally number one in the Show . 1 !~I II\ll lll :i~~i!~~ 1 '4 1 f.~~:~~~~[r~i;/si~o~ men experience the joys 21h11: The Public Eye People 11 ratings. But when popu- 19h24: Filler 10hOO: Date on friendly family business of motherhood. Katja Berker and Usi Sunday that has been establ ished 19h33: Sport: GiIlette Hoebeb present another 13hOO·14hOO: for 30 years arid is the World Sport in-depth report. World News hub of the community's Special 211142: Local Heroes, 14h OO: Educational soc ial scene where you 20hOO: News Global Change Programmes can eat, drink, watch vid­ 20h24: Snowy (final) 17hOO: Tin Tin eos, play dominos and if Snowy is an epic Aus- 22h41: Classical Music 17h24: Mighty Mouse you are lucky - get a hair­ tralian drama set in the Shows And Friends cut. mountains of the legen- NBe Must Get With It! THE NBC has sadly miscalculated the trans· jls well, apparently. mission time of Traditional Stories. Coming as This is not the only 9me the NBC has done it does as prime time, viewers will undoubtedly this, but probably never with such potentially switch from this programme to M·Net. serious consequences. After all, who wants to watch a bunch of In fact, as a matter of policy, the Corporation people in colourful caftans telling stories that should clearly instruct their people to state on belong in the children's slot. the screen for the benefit of all viewers 'that the LOST IN SPACE ... Centauri (Robert Preston), Alex Rogan (Lance This is not to say the stories (although some· said material does not depict the news event for Guest) and an unidentified reptilian alien in scenes from the The Last times rather silly and even plagiadsed) don't which it is being used. Starfighter, Saturday night's movie. (Please use both Pixs) deserve a place somewhere, but then rather in It's the least they can do to keep viewers the early part of the evening, because they're accurately informed. If not, the repercussions really not for adults, unless they're slightly could be severe, and in the case in question, backward. many people made a call to arms because of Of course, viewers who are entranced with what they perceived as a threat to the nation's the likes, of Ebba Kalondo and others can get security, and which was really less than 30 men their fill watching them read the stories. with their families. Do reschedule this progamme, NBe • it's With elections coming, the NBC should make really not for prime time viewing, and besides certain it doesn't become part of the propa· which, it often goes on longer than the TV ganda machine of any party. schedule indicates. And how about being a bit more on the ball Viewers tend to get irate if The Fresh Prince with the sports news, particularly in a country of Bel Air doesn't come on schedule! . where sport is highly popular. . Someone should be getting a rap over the Often the NBC fails to give the highlights and knuckles for last week'stransmission ofa news results ofthe sports news ofthe day· instead we report on Koevoet members who crossed the generally get a pre·recorded package of 'soft' border illegally. sports news. Footage of Casspirs bristling with guns and This has its place but surely it could be done armed men was used extensively and the word in addition to the breaking sports news, local 'file' flashed on screen for a few seconds. and international. One can well imagine why many viewers, 01' is it too much of a hassle for the sports some of whom would not know what 'file' was, desk. Sports fans want to be kept up to date on pictured an 'armed invasion' • our President a daily basis! ...... _- THE NAMIBIAN WEEKENDER Friday August 12 1994 7

14h50: The Adven­ And The Zee 19hOO: Wild South tures of Grady Zone 19h35: Lorenzo's Oil Greenspace 06h55: The Adven-', (PG 13) 15hOO: The Flintstones tures OfTintin A little boy starts losing 15h30: Take Off 07h20: Doug his speech and hearing - An informative and en­ 07h50: Bush School and his dis~il u g ht par- tertaining award-win­ (KTVends) ents learn their chi ld is ning series in whiGh chil­ (Prem ium Time) suffering from an incur- dren are encouraged to 12h30: A Kind Of able disease. He has less let their imagination run Magic than two years to live. wild and explore their A spectacular magic and Refusing to accept this, talents. comedy series with ill u- they start their search for (KTVends) sionis t Waync Dobson a cure for their now para- (Open Time) and former model Linda lysed son. Starring: Nick (KTV starts) 16hOO: Wings Lusardi. ' Nolte, Susan Sarandon, 09hOO: The Elephant 16h30: IJoving 13hOO: Beauty And Peter Ustinov Show 17hOO: Egoli The Beast 211J45: Supersport 09h30: Egoli (repeat) 17h30: Good Advice 14hOO: Broken Ar r;ow Goif: Live coverage of 1OhOO: Yo ung Doctors (Premium time) (A) the 1994 US PGA cham- In Love (18) 18hOO: A 70s Celebra­ CHILD OF THE 60s ... Dave Barry has a problem in the new sitcom 15h30: Entertainment pionship from Southern (KTV starts) tion: The Beat Dave's World starting on Thursday next week at 17h30. Watch Now Hills Golf Club, Tulsa, 14hOO: The Further Is Back Harry Anderson (last seen in NightCourt) as a member ofthe rock (Open Time) Oklahoma Adventures of A celebration of the 'n' roll generation with a mid-life crisis. 16hOO: Supersport OOhOO: Supersport Superted music of the 70s, featur­ Live coverage of, the Motorsport: Coverage of the IndyCar series A teddy bear becomes ing performances by the Maldives - The 06h05: Bumpety Boo fi rst two days of the US qharity Shield match from Mid-Ohio, Ohio the cuddliest hero in the Bee Gees, Donna Sum­ Ari Atoll 06h45: The New PGA championships between the winners of 01h45: Internal universe. mer, Meat Loaf, Olivia An exploration of some Adventures Of (Premium Time) tne FA Cup, Manchester Affairs (18) 14h30: Magilla Gorilla Newton-John, Sonny of the world's most spec­ Winnie T he 18hOO: Home Un ited, and the runners 03h35 The Stranger 14h40: Yippee, Bono and others. tacular diving spots. Pooh Improvement up of the Premiersliip Within (13) Yappe.e and 19h45: Logan's Dive 20hOO: Firestorm: 07hl0: Marsupilami 18h30: The Commish League, Blackburn Rov- 05h05: Transmission Yahooey The World: 72 Hours In 07h45: Teenage 19h30: Rich And ers. ends Oaklands Mutant Ninja Famous (18) (Premium time) (PG13) Turtles Ten years after their col­ 18hOO: Carte Blanche A bush fire in the hill 08h35: The Jetsons lege days, two women above the Californian 09hOO: Journey To are still friends. The one city of Oakland is soon The Heart Of is a successful, unmar­ put out. However, strong The World ried author, the other is a winds later fan the em ~ 09h30:BilINy~The wife and mother who left bers and the fire rages Science Guy university to marry be­ wildly 'out of control, Hosted by comedian and fore,she could graduate. threatening lives. The real-life science teacher Each env ies the other her new fire chief also bat­ Bill Nye, this pro­ happy life. Starring: tles with poor communi­ gramme uses humour to Jacqueline Bi sset, cations and scepticism teach the wonders ofsci­ Candice Bergen, David from his men. Starring: ence to young people. Selby Jill Clayburgh, LeVar (KTVends) 21h30: Supersport Burton, Michael Gross 10hOO: Lady Boss Golf: Live coverage of 21h35: Supersport: 13hOO: Earthworks the 1994 US PGA cham­ Golf: Coverage of the An environmental pro­ pionships from Southern 1994 US PGA champi­ gramme about the won­ Hills Golf Club, Tul sa, onship from Southern ders of nature. Oklahoma Hills Gold Club, Tul sa, 13h30: Supersport 23h30: Cadillac Man Oklahoma Rugby: The World of (18) 00h35: The Stranger Rugby 01h05: Curly Sue (A) Within (13) Tennis: 1994 APT ten­ 03hOO: Reversal Of 02h05: RamblingRose nis highlights Fortune (13) (18) Rugby: Live coverage 05hOO: Sixty Minutes 04hOO : Under Siege of the match between (16) Natal and Eastern Prov­ ince Soccer: Best of English (KTV starts) 06hOO: Babar 06h30: Captain Zed

l>OlitiCalmachE., thlf her(ik' niin Who ., , , '. 91) the beaches at Dieppe~ " • naval bombardmlmi'J>rior t6the Pulitzer to mount the Allied attack on " nie,ppe Q,Pens in 1942 in B~it" la~ding of tb~ troops. ' """ i~ t, is aarry And,erscjn i~his first S hel, a Wealth), plastic surgeon, Dieppe dudng World War II, "' aln,~ where Canadian troops have But political considerations be- role si~<;e Night Court. .. .. has plenty of {rce time to be the involving such key historical 'been stationed for nearly three gin to eat away at the original Meshach Taylor of"Designing perfect parent - an~ to coach figures as Lord Mountbatten, ', years awaiting fighting orders. plan: battleships and bombers Women co-stars as Dave'.s col- the soccer team that Dave's SirWinstonChurchill,General An~ious to getinto the fray, tbe that were promised are not deliv- lege buddy SheI. The :;upporting eight-year-old son Tommy plays Bernard Montgomery and Ma- soldiers '.' are becoming increas- ered and intelligence information cast includes American Top 40s in. jor-General Hamilton Roberts. ingly restless and frustrated. can no longer be trusted. Eventu~ ,Shadoe Stevens, who recently vis- The other extreme is Kenny, It also depicts the lives and Meanwhile, Prime Minister ally thesoJdiersare left with noth-' ited South Africa, as Kenny. a handsome and domestically loves'offive fictional characters' Wins ton Churchill (WB nrydon) ingbut the will to fight. Dave Barry is a guitar-playing impaired bachelor who has one - a few of the 3 000 brave sol- has frustrations of his own. The The lone voice of dissent, com- 40-year-old man with a wife, two eye on the ladies and one eye on diers for whom the war ended war is at a low,ebb for the Allies. mander of the Canadian troops kids, a dog, a successful career as the mirror as he searches for in the bloodbath of August 19, The Russians and Americans .. Major-General Hamilton a syndicated newspaper column- any signs of receding hairline. 1942. are demanding that a new front Roberts (Gary Reineke), knows ist for the Miami Record Dis- Also on hand to complicate The final battie scene is played be opened up and Churchill'svot- the attack is doomed but is or- patch. , theirlives is Kenny'ssecretary, out as a grotesque ballet, an ing'public is clamouring {or bold de red to go ahead ... As a card-carrying member of Mia (JC Wendel) who, with " acute and powerful reminder and decisive action. * The hit sit-corn Dave's World the rock ' n roll generation, the more drive than talent, aspires of the deadly interplay between Lord Louis Mountbatten (Vic- is the first of three new series crux of Dave's problem is that to replace Dave as America.'s 'polities and ideals. tor Garber ), Britain's favourite starting in Open Time in August. he's not easing gracefully into pre-eminent humorist. This power{ul film drama- hero, seems to be the perfect can- ' A child of the 60s tries to cope middle age, and he .can't decide Catch n a ve's World on tizes the events that culminated didate'fo mount a raid against the with the absurdities and respon- whether his goal should be to Thursday, August 18 at 17h30. 8 Friday August 12 1994 'THE NAMIBIAN WEEKENDER

Listen T·o Laurika ••• LA URIKA Rauch will be performjng in the WHATfS-OH National Theatre of Namibia in September at the invitation of the Hervormde CllUrch Windhoek. The popular Afrikaans fol.k singer will give two shows only onthe same day, Friday, September 16, at 19hOO and 21 hOO, She will be si ngi ng a selection of her well-known 'mood' songs like Op Blouberg Se Strand, Stuur Groete Aan Mannetjies Roux and the more recent Die Gang as well as her signature tune Kinders Van Die Wind, Butthe highlight of the evening will -be' her latest song, Hot Gates which held audiences in Europe and South Africa spell­ bound, Hot Gates was written by Laurika's husband, Christopher Torr, and it is her most powelful social statement todate, The song starts innocently enough with various place names like London, , Rome, Berlin but then take a different turn when the auidence is transported from Boipatong to Buda­ pest and from Sarajevo to Sebokeng, After it was performed for the first time as part of Laurika After Dark in the famous After Dark restau­ rant in Pretoria, Beeld's columnist wrote: "Hot Gates hits where it hurts and where the often dor­ mant conscience is forced to respond, The very plain last verse is utter irony, For this reason alone it is worthwhile seeing the show," Laurika completed a very successful tour of Eu­ rope in January this year. In December 1993 she performed with the Metropole orchestra in Utrecht, the Netherlands, in front of an audience of 13 000. After her show in Amsterdam, Stan Huygens of De Telegraaf, a newspaper with a readership exceeding three million wrote: "The last English song of the show has been written by her husband and is called Hot Gates. This song dramatically fires at the audi­ ence, the battles of mankind, from Carthage to Dresden and from Hiroshima to Sharpeville. The song has not yet been recorded. It can reach the hit parades of the world." Of Hot Gates, Laurika herself says: "The song has immediate impact. The audiences react in much the same way as they did when I fir~t'performed Stuur ... Groete Aan Mannetjies Roux, before it was re­ corded. The concerts are partially sponsered by AKSWA and Ritz Reise. Tickets can be obtained from Hobbidde in Wernhil Shopping Centre (next to SONGBIRD ... Laurika Rauch wjll be giving two performances on Model) at N$25 a person. Hobbidee is open daily Friday, September 16, at the NTN. between 08hOO and 17hOO, telephone: 32312. Cantare Right: GOLDEN Sings For MUSI C ... from the band Golden Peace Sounds who will be playing for the THE Cantare Audire Langarm Dance to Choir, the only Afri­ be held at The can choir chosen to Warehouse on take part in the Missa Saturday, August Pacis Peace Con­ 13. cert, leftthisweekfor The golden boys are . Bonn. (back from left) The choir will be Theo Minnaar representing Na­ (keyboards), Benny mibia, the African Maart (bass), Dr continent and the Lawrence whole of the Third (saxophone) and World by singing the Henry Samson Credo part of this (guitar). Sitting in Peace Mass. front is Igsaan Frances Mbuere Davidson (drums). and Hermien The band will Coetzee were cho­ provide the sen as soloists for authentic music,and the Credo. all is needed is a The' concert will . large crowd ready take place in the to dance the night· Rheir,aue Park in away. The Bonn with an invited Warehouse has also audience of 2 500 announced there and more than 100 will be super prizes 000 visitors ex­ for the best pected to attend the dancers. event. THE NAMIBIAN WEEKENDER Friday August 12 19949

Q: 'When is an invasion NOT an invasion? A: When it's electiol1 time

• ByRAMBO Katuutire can .organise a recep­ NOW THAT the Battle .of ti.on c.ommittee- .of l.onely .oryx Ariamsvlei is .over we can all g.o while M.oses can m.obilise an army back t.o .our n.ormallives safe in .of springb.ok t.o drive them back the kn.owledge that Brave M.oses int.o .orbit. and his unquiet min.ority will Y.ou may sc.off, but it's n.ot s.o always stand up f.or us when the lmlikely. After all a number .of spectre .of a ragged band .of Itwardly sane men and w.omen w.omen and children appears .on h 'l ve rep.orted seeing str~nge the b.order. H~ hts in the sky. We must marvel at the c.ourage . In fact y.ou can sc.off because I .of Brave M.oses and thank him in have sad news f.or th.ose .of y.ou the annals.of .our hist.ory fQr cast­ .oping t.o c.ommune with extra­ ing .out the evil enemy t.o sit with­ terrestrial beings. Th.ose lights .out blankets and f.o.od at Nak.op. m.oving up and d.own the dunes at What a w.onderful, humane deed! night are n.othing but the head­ Alm.ost as go.od as the letter .on lights .of trucks dumping t.oxic the Unam inquiry which thank­ waste c.ourtesy .of .our latest c.on­ fully everyb.ody ign.ored. cession h.older in that area. (Guess Please, if electi.ons bring .out · wh.o? Yes him.) these qualities in peQple - can't Anyway en.ough rum.our-m.on­ we st.op n.ow and declare a .one­ gering f.or this week. As if y.ou party state. d.on't get enQugh rumQurs any­ It seems l.ow-sh.ots and crass way. And if there's a lack .of tall p.oliticking are g.oing t.o be the st.ories d.oing the r.ounds there'll .order .of the day fr.om this p.oint always be s.omecrackp.ot ready .onwards - whether its the dema­ t.o ring up Open Line t.o tell us g.ogues .of the DTA wh.o can be some.one's g.oing visiting the sh.ops trusted t.o tribalise an issue be­ WELCOME TO NAMIBIA ... Another invasion successfully repelled. This time a German tourist injecting apples with HIV. f.ore its even an issue .or the knee­ distantly related to Curt von Francois gets that special 'Ariamsvlei treatment'. The .other fav.ourite this week jerk s.o-called militants .ofSwap.o. was that J\)nas Savimbi was in The .only g.o.od thing ab.out a spend m.ost .of their time sn.oring its fl.o.oded). The .only way t.o c.ope will be t.o State House having a secret nat­ .one-party state w.ould be that at in parliament anyway. Thank G.od the presence .of regard all p.oliticians as a surreal ter with Mandela and .our very least it w.ould rid us .of the DTA. Every.one agrees that K.oev.oet Mandela .overshad.owed the f.orm .of entertainment. A bit like .own Pres. Plausible I supp.ose. Their welc.ome arrangements f.or were a bunch .of murder.ous bas­ cheap p.olitics f.or a few days. Next the Muppet Sh.ow. Either that.or But then even if he had really the ex-K.oev.oets apparently went tards. Only the relics .of Apart­ week Brave M.oses can declare thr.ow the TV .out .of the wind.ow, been invited Brave M.oses w.ould .on a bit t.o.o l.ong and turned int.o heid say .otherwise. But war has a war.on pe.ople injecting fruit with bury the radi.o in y.our yard and have pr.obably tried t.o l.oad him a sn.oring party - which is what habit .of thr.owing up murderQus Aids (piece.of advice: d.on't listen bec.ome an illiterate Buddhist back .on t.o the plane"under the they were d.oing at the m.oment bastards unf.ortunately. t.o the chat sh.ows they can ruin m.onk until December. guise .of repelling a c.oup pl.otted the gallant NDF c.ocked their S.o if the ex-K.oev.oets and their your mental health) and Cranky Actually I think we sh.ould send in Jamba. AK47s, flung their insults and wives and children are t.o be cast Katuutire can c.ome t.o their res­ all the cl.owns, turnc.oats, and Still n.ot all rum.ours turn .out t.o .ordered the bus driver int.o S.outh .out int.o the .outer darkness then cue claiming the indiscriminate sp.outers .of p.ointless rhet.oric t.o be c.ompletely untrue. Remem­ Africa. surely the tQrturers .of Lubang.o victimisati.on .of .oranges. the middle .of the Namib desert t.o ber when the Citati.on Ultra ar­ S.o much f.or the DTA. Butthen sh.ould at least be put .on guard And t.o think "We have an.other watch f.or an invasi.on .of little rives that y.ou read ab.out the sec­ They duty.on Kasikili (preferably when f.our m.onths .of this tQ g.o. men fr.om the Planet .ond THAT JET.on this Dal!e first.



" I Contract -.'-, I Contractual . Law - Conundrums The morning seminar will cover the basic The afternoon seminar will cover 26 principles of contract: offer and acceptance; contractual problems deall'ng with: breach and its consequences; damages extension of time and penalties; mon'etary penalties and the Conventionall?enalties claims; payment; sUb'-contract matters. Act; common I,a{'" contracts; variation orders; The questions an d their solutions will be IN amendments; ;,on erou s conditions,, given with refer'ence to case law.

111 COST: R250.00 per half day seminar, PRESENTER: C. Binnington Pr Eng, 10% discount for attending both. Senior Partner Binnington Copeland VE!lUE: Kalahari Sands., & Associates, Engineering and DATE : 18 August 1994. Construction Contract Consultants.

])[NNINGTON COPEJJAND ~ i\&)()ClATE6 Engineering & (onstruction (ontroq Consultonts Vour Pq rtners In Project ~rogress ~ 'JP For full detaits qf th~ p~2 ~rall];l"e an~ a booking form phone Bit\n\n~ton Copeland & Associates on (0l1P89,1104'or fax (0111886-4531, Book e8rly, J ~e8ts are limited! ';!i'ifl'U III"z I •

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Quick Crossword _No.22 _ Seven-day Stars

by Sheyna Vidal - Week beginning Sunday August 14

AQUARIUS Jan 21 to Feb 19 Aquarians have lost their impetus and are drifting lazily on a tide of apath y. You need to summon up the determinati on to propel yourself back on course. Lucky colour brown; lucky [!J number 9.

PISCES Feb 20 to Mar 20 ~n this week's competiti ve situation, meri t won' t be enough ~ to gain a coveted pl ace or prize. Pisceans will have the advantage of a personal recommendation. Lucky colour Teach yourself to Play ~ ,.orange; l lJc ky number 3. . Chess and win N$1 DO! ARIES Mar 21 t~ Apr 20 A choice between two highly attractive propositions will be THE first answer drawn this week was not correct hard to make and li kely to disappoint someone who disagrees so there is no winner for Competition No I I. The with your information. But please yourself. Lucky colour prize money donated by City Savings and Invest­ sil ver; lucky number 11 . ACROSS DOWN ment Bank is carried over and becomes N$200 for ~ 7. Nomad (5) 1. Uncertain (10) TAURUS Apr21 to May 21 Competition No 12 or N$300 fo r today's compe­ 8. Succeed (7) 2. Incident (5) tition if there is no winner again. 9. Frankness (7) 3. Threesome (4) When it comes to a clash of wills, you normall y emerge The correct answers for Compe' ition No I I are: 10. Rigid (5) 4. Scanty (6) triumphant. Not this week. You are about to meet your match 12. Remarkable (10) I. f7-f8 = N mate (Note if a pawr, reaches the last 5. Beach (3-5) in a mind even more impervious to argument than yours. 15. Not working (3,2,5) 6. Cloy (7) Lucky colour black; lucky number 7. rank it changes to any piece exce;)t another pawn 18. Of sound (5) 11 . Sea-plane (6-4) 19. Adage (7) ~ or a king) 13. Authorised (8) 2. h6-h7 mate 1. Make ready (7) 14. Stupefied (7) GEMINI May 22 to June 21 . Fragrance (5) 3. Ra7-g7 mate 16. Torn (6) A welcome boost to your ambitions is coming to lift your 17. Devil (5) sagging spirits in a week oflucky breaks and happy acc idents. 4. Bb l-a2 mate 20. Spoken (4) Travel opportunities will be involved. Lucky colour blue; For today's competition answer the following ques­ lucky number I. tions on the form below. FOR THE SOLUTION ~ TO CROSSWORD CANCER June 22 to July 23 NO 22, SEE PAGE 12 ~ c ~ Not all th is week's visitors wi ll be welcome ones, and those you least want to see are like ly to stay the longest. A period ~\ C~) of irritating interruptions is here. Lucky colour green; lucky number 12.

LEO July 24 to Aug 23 The strength oflove or friendship is about to be put to the test, and loyalties may be div ided when it comes to choosing Diagram I . 2be. twee'"n on"e or. the. other.. . , Lucky colour gold; lucky. .., number, . Diagram I ~ VIRGO Aug 24 to Sept 23 a) What is White's best move from the options below in diagram I? Unexplored spheres of acti vity hold a threat of danger for i) d5xNc6 ii) Qd l-a4 iii) Bf3-g4 iv) you name it Virgoans, who will be wise to confine themselves strictly within the bounds of their experience. Lucky colour purple; b) Find White's Knight and name its square lucky number 5. c) Find Black's Bishop and name its square ~ LIBRA Sept 24 to Oet 23 Diagram 2 Don't be too downhearted when the people on whom you d) White's Bishop can threaten the Black Rook have pinned your hopes let you down .. Less likely associates from two squares. What are these squares? Name will emerge to save the situation. Lucky colour white; lucky the stronger move first. ~ number'lO. SCORPIO Oet 24 to Nov 22 CHESS COMPETITION NO 13 Superficial charm and a silver tongue will be hard to resist, To enter the CSIBfThe Namibian competition [Jl] but th e~ conceal an inner defect of disastrous unreliability. Resist the blarney. Lucky colour yellow; lucky number 4. fill out the entry form below in block capitals. The first entry drawn after the closing date will SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 to Dee 20 win if correct, If not correct the N$I 00 prize donated by the City Savings & Investment Bank Someone you had largely forgotten is about to return to your v. ill be carried forward and added to next social orbit - and perhaps to your affections. Past pleasures are week's prize. Only o riginal answer forms from ~ being reawakened. Lucky colour red; lucky number 8. The Nami bian will be accepted (no photocop­ CAPRICORN Dee 21 to Jan 20 ies). The closing date is Wednesday, August 24 1994. Send your entry fo rm to Chess Comp 13, Events and circumstances are combining to make you re­ PO Box 6628, Windhoek. examine your commitment to a cause. Emerging truths may 1.------;1 destroy erstwhile enthusiasm. Lucky colour blue; lucky I CHESS COMPETITION No 13 ~ number 6. I a: ...... b: ...... Calvin and Hobbes by Bi ll Watterson I I c: ...... av.. , \TS i <;00\)1'-11:.')'), ~(J't.( D\\) : d: ...... ~ ~ ~~ HA.\

Estate and Vehicle Auction Saturday 1~th of ,"ugust at 1 0 a.m. Deciulsed Estate Mr. Vierra The fOIl;)".Mng

.. --... -.;z.fi Lounge Swite- Wardrobes- freezers- Wall units­ Micro Wave Oven- Typewriters- Vacutlm Cleaners­ TV's- Hi -Fi's- Beds- Dishwasbers- ~ew Lawn mowers- Coffee Tab!es- KitGhen Chairs- Trunks­ Filing Cabinets-' Anc!' many f\lore Items , [ off t:he . record.] IMMEDIATEL Y AFTERWARDS +- 60 Motor Cars MOstL Y WITHOUT RESERVES! Bank Repossession's - Company Cars - DeceaSed Estates Private Entries- Sedans- Bakkies- Buses, Sounds\ For. ',.' .AIL Viewing: Morning of Al./Ction from 8, a,m, Terms: Cash or Bank guaranteed cheques only on day of Auction , OERRYS . \ot\s! ill1q ~\ . ,~ $7 . ~~ ~ ~ The Best Dance Album 'In The World .:.. Tel: 061 -31421 or 22778S

A MONSTER campil!l­ tian and definitely ane af the best to. hit the shelv es this year. The tempo. is set fram the opening track Daap, whic h recently tapped the British charts, No. chance to catch yaur breath '" it gaes straight into. No. Limit by 2 Un ­ limited. Twenty Hi-N-R-G tracks to. fill any dance flaar. Other well-known names featured are Twenty 4 Seven - whase Open 7 Days a week latest album is currently This Weekend 12 and 13th August whipping up a starm in Carolina, Erasure with (Technotronic featuring Windhaek - with Slave Take A Chance On Me, Felly), I Wanna Dance ­ Featuring: Ta The Music, and Saul II Saul - Back Ta Melodie MC, 3 A.M. Swedish graup Ace; af Life, Heaven 17 with Eternal (The KLF fe a­ Driveshaft Base with their chart­ their Brathers in Rhythm turing The Children of buster All That She Remix - Temptatian, the Revolution) and Big 22hOO till late Wants, while Enigma Mare and Mare with F ul1' (Inner City) are Light meals available weigh in at Number 17 Captain Hallywaad and among the other tracks. with Sadeness far a all -female graup Def The dance tempo is Be there or' be square change of pace. Dames Dape with I'm varied well. An essen­ Also. pumping out the Ganna Shaw You. tial dance album. - JS beat are Shaggy with Oh Pump Up The Jam The Mask And Mirror - Loreena McKennit

THE Mask And Mirror Top Ten CREATIVE USE O_SCRAP - is rich in musical and LONDON: Love Is cultural cross-fertilisa­ All Around by Wet NATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1994 tian. The red-haired Ca­ Wet Wet topped the CaJ.liJlg all oreative Namibians/// nadian draws from 15th British singles chart century Spain, the Sufis this week for the third There will be a national exhibition of The Creative Use fram Egypt, the Celts - week running. of Scrap. This is organized by the Environmental and if yau liked Mike This weeK's top sin­ Education Project team of The Rossing Foundation, Balt's Caravan, this gles, as listed by Gal­ sponsored by USAID. ane's for ya u. lup Poll Ltd, with last Instruments include This cOll1petition is open to all Namibiana, w-hether week's places in you'reanadultorschool pupll; anartistortaxidriver. the tabla, esraj, brackets. uilleanpipes, bauZQukis, I. ( I) Love Is A ll bodhrain. balalaikas, udu C~tego ries include: jewe lle ry, t oys, househ old it ems, Aroulld - Wet ' Wet 'fantafiy s culpture, textile creatioI ,s, mus ical drums, sitars with much Wet '" .' , instrUnients a n d e ven t eaching a ie LS. (All creations to be cella backing. Also. lots 2. (7) No More - . made chiefly from scrap, but may include some natural af fiddles and Oldfield­ Maxx materials such as clay, grass, bark, wood, stone, shells, saunding electric guitar. 3. <;38) What's Up - leather etc.) Far thase nat fam iliar DJ Miko with Loreena an every track appears County Monaghan. Mar­ 4. (2) Searching­ Regional exhibitions will be held 1 - 10 October at McKennit's music - it in English, German, rakesh Night Market China Black , 22 different centres. saunds like a cross be­ Spanish and Italian. saunds like one would 5. (5) Compliments ".l"he Kholl1as (Windhoek) regional exhibition 'Will b. tweenEnyaand Steeleye Dark Night Of The expect a night market On Your Kiss - Red h.ld f'roll1 18 - aa Octob.r at Tl1e Rossing Poundation Span with a little Enigma Saul is a paem by mystic during Ramadan to. Dragon Education Centre Hall, Rand Str•• t, KhoDUlsdal. All (thaugh the music is writer St Jahn af the sound - fiddles, balalai­ 6. (4) Crazy For You much less farmulistic Cross - a religiaus piece - Let Loose entri.s in this area lI1uat b. submitted on or b.f'or. th. kas and accordions. 17 October. and camputerised). which can be interpreted A tapestry af so.unds 7. (3) I Swear - AlI- The lyrics are printed as a beautifullave paem. that seduces any techno­ 4-0ne Entries lI1118t be clearly labeJ led "With D.aD1e, addr.... , an the CD sleeve and Banny Swans is a typi­ tired ear. - RL 8. (9) Regulate­ cat-:-gory, and age (U you ar'. a school pupll). background infarmatian cal traditianal piece fram Warren G And Nate Dogg The f'inal exhibition of all sE;lected entries will be held 9. (31) Midnight At at the National Art Gallery t'l Windhoek. This will take CD World is situated in the Old The Oasis - Brand place from 4 - 19 November a.nd prizes will be awarded. Breweries Building, New Heavies 10. (-) Lifeforms­ For any further information. please contact Jenny Davis Tal Street, on the first floor. Future Sound Of or Corrie van Rooyen on (061) 211721 during office London. - Sapa-AP hours. 12 Friday August 12 1994 THE NAMIBIAN WEEKENDER

Right: KICKING HIGH ... Getting to grips with kick boxing tech­ niques at Wycombe Sports centre in southern England. Here, Kirsty Welham aims a blow at Cory Ca­ nine, the current Brtish Kick Boxing Champion. The martial ar t is a form of Kung Fu and the World Championships were held in the USA with 73 countries competing recently. Photo: LPS

Winner NoS8 WINNER No 58 in our Spot the Word competition is Garima Saxena of PO Box 9530, Eros, Windhoek. Congratula­ tions! Your entry was .. Name: ...... the first correct one drawn in which the Address: ...... word ALBUM was identified the cor­ rect number of times. Please 'phone Liz Graig at 36970 . (No entries by employees of The Namibian or I to arrange to col­ their immediate families) lect your prize. To all of you who didn't make it this DEEP IN CONVERSATION ... Dave Smuts (left) and photographer Tony Figueira discuss one of time, keep on try­ his portraits at the opening of the exhibition Tribute to Women at the National Art Gallery. Attention all my Clients ing. Photographs were auctioned to raise money for the Red Cross Ombili Day Care Centre and the .I Good luck! exhibition will continue till August 18 . .Diana Lies Low

WEST TISBURY, MASS: Many people knew; few told. Maybe that's why Princess Diana decided to spend her vacation on Martha's Ka1hy Cloete Vineyard. I have got my Salon at home. It was five days after the Princess arrived by You all are welcome. plane Thursday a week ago that her location on You can visit me at the island off the coast of Massachusetts was Chrysler Street- 4386- confirmed: Diana is staying at an 18th century Khomasdal. clapboard home rented by Paulo Tarso Flech de Lima, Brazil's Ambassador to the United Tel: 213219 States. The cottage is on one of the many secluded, almost inaccessible, sections of the island that make it popular with people who jealously -COMPETITION - guard their privacy. "She knows it was one of the very few places GRACE CHURCH in the world where she could be surrounded by nice people and it would be hard to be found by the press," said the Ambassador's wife, Lucia Please note that the de Lima. Employees of the Edgartown Yacht Club closing date for the said they saw the 33-year-old estranged wife of Prince Charles sailing last Friday with top US competition is media personality Waiter Cronkite. Across the Atlantic Ocean, her sons, Princes 1 November 1994 HarrY ,and William are on vacation with their father. and the draw will take - Sapa-AP place on Solutions to Crossword No 22 Across! 7 Rover; 8 Prevail; 9 Candour; 10 Stiff; 12 SUNDAY, Noteworthy; 15 Out of order; 18 Sonic; 19 Proverb; 21 Prepare; 22 Aroma. Down: 1 Precarious;2 Event; 3 Trio; 4 Sparse; 5 Sea· shore; 6 NOVEMBER 1994. 6 Satiate; 11 Flying-boat; 13 Official; 14 Stunned; 16 Ripped; 17 Demon; 20 Oral.