
BEAST Concerts in 1994

Norwich, 7th February Manchester, 22nd February Nottingham, 18th March More about BEAST concerts:- The Acousmatic Experience, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 7th - 10th April Concert news Edinburgh, Scotland, 17th May Concert archives London, 11th November Birmingham, 13th November Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Huddersfield, 18th November

Rumours, Birmingham, England, 4th - 5th December

7th February 1994

Norwich, England

Sound diffusion for the

22nd February 1994

Manchester, England

Sound diffusion for the Sonic Arts Network

18th March 1994

Nottingham, England

Sound diffusion for the Sonic Arts Network

The Acousmatic Experience, 7th - 10th April 1994

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

A series of concerts performed by BEAST.

7th April

8.15 pm

Karlheinz Stockhausen -

8th April

8.15 pm

1. Yves Daoust - Suite Baroque: toccata 2. - Pair/Impair 3. Yves Daoust - Suite Baroque: "Qu'ai-je entendu" 4. Kees Tazelaar - Paradigma 5. Yves Daoust - Suite Baroque: "Les Agrémants" 6. Barry Truax - Basilica 7. Yves Daoust - Suite Baroque: "L'Extase" 8. Denis Smalley - Wind Chimes

9th April

2 pm

1. Barry Truax - The Blind Man 2. - Dedans/Dehors 3. Francis Dhomont - Espace/Escape 4. Jan Boerman - Composition 1972

8.15 pm

1. Michel Chion - Requiem 2. Robert Normandeau - Mémoires Vives 3. Bernard Parmegiani - Rouge-Mort: Thanatos 4. Erik M. Karlsson - La Disparition de l'Azur

10th April

2 pm

1. & - Synphonie Pour un Homme Seul 2. John Oswald - Plunderphonics [extract] 3. Carl Stone - Hop Ken 4. Mark Wingate - Ode to the South-Facing Form 5. Erik M. Karlsson - Anchoring Arrows

8 pm

1. Trevor Wishart - Red Bird 2. Patrick Ascione - Chants Sphérique

17th May 1994

The Debating Hall, Teviot Row Union, Edinburgh, Scotland

1pm BEAST + John Wesley-Barker (flute)

1. Robert Dow - Le Lethe 2. Natasha Barrett - Trompe lUoile 3. Joseph Hyde - SEVen.waVES

7pm BEAST + The Contemporary Music Ensemble, conducted by Jeremy Cull.

1. Mathew Adkins - Phoenix Games 2. Alistair MacDonald - Kilim 3. Simon Hall - Transcending the Body and Soul 4. Jonty Harrison - ... et ainsi de suite 5. *** INTERVAL *** 6. Robert Dow - Glass, Water: Enthalpy of Solution 7. Pete Stollery - Shortstuff 8. Adrian Moore - Traversing the Coulure

11th November 1994

Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, England

A performance of 's Momente, with the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group (BCMG).

13th November 1994

Adrian Boult Hall, Birmingham, England

A performance of Karlheinz Stockhausen's Momente, with the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group (BCMG).

Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival,18th November 1994

Huddersfield, England

A performance of Karlheinz Stockhausen's Momente, with the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group (BCMG).

Rumours, 4th - 5th December 1994

Midlands Arts Centre, Birmingham, England

Sunday 4th December 1994

Music by Javier Alvarez, Pete Stollery, Phillippe Le Goff, Andrew Lewis, Justice Olsson and Rodrigo Vellosso.

Monday 5th December

Music by Serge Arcuri, Robert Dow, Simon Hall and Kim Dyett.

Electroacoustic music studios BEAST Concerts in 1993 Concerts in 1995