Margaret Anne Schedel Composer, Sound Artist, Author 415-335-7555
[email protected] Education University of Cincinnati, College Conservatory of Music 2007 DMA in Music Composition, cognates in Electronic Music and Arts Administration State University of New York at Buffalo 1999 Non-matriculating student in Music Composition Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University 2001 MM in Computer Music Composition Goucher College 1996 BA in Computer Music and Theory & Composition Employment Stony Brook University 2007-Present Associate Professor of Music Teach private composition students and classes in music department focusing on music technology and 20th/21st century music. Member of equipment and acquisitions, concert and colloquium committees. Co-Director of Computer Music. In charge of four studio TA’s. Affiliated with Art, Applied Math and Statistics, Bio-Medical Informatics, Computer Science, The Institute for Advanced Computational Science, Tech and Society, and Theatre Arts. Chair Department of Art 2019-Present External chair for department in receivership. Set vision for department, manage faculty service responsibilities, oversee staff of 5, communicate with Dean, articulate department missions to internal and external constituencies, evaluate performance of staff and faculty, oversee all appointments, reappointments and promotions, equitably administering the department budget, establishing teaching schedules and work assignments of faculty staff and students. Fulbright Mentor 2019-2020 Main contact for Fulbright Scholar coming to the Stony Brook to study how to preserve interactive multi-media installations. BMI Project Manager 2019-2020 Lead teams of pathologists and computer scientists to develop ground truth databases for cancers using computer vision. Define tasks for grant-writing and articles, establish best practices for recognizing contributions, design UX for pathologists to tag images, standardize neural-network tagging for communication between algorithms.