Delia Derbyshire (1937–2001) 1962 Dartington Summer School
News Delia Derbyshire (1937–2001) 1962 Dartington summer school. France). The Gold Pierre was Later, in collaboration with Brian awarded to Ludger Bru¨ mmer (Ger- Hodgson and David Vorhaus, she set many) for Nyx, and the Silver Pierre Delia Derbyshire, British pioneer of up Kaleidophon, an independent stu- to Jonty Harrison (UK) for Abstracts electronic music, died in Northamp- dio where she worked on the classic for tape and large orchestra. No mag- ton, England, on 3 July 2001, aged album Electric Storm (1968), which isterium was awarded. Residencies 64. Born in Coventry, England, she was credited to White Noise and re- went to Abdul Wahid Hasnizam (Ma- was educated at Coventry Grammar leased on Island Records. This studio laysia) for Fatihah, Paavo Impio (Fin- School and Girton College, Cam- continued to put together electronic land) for Kaleva, Mei-Fang Lin bridge, graduating in music and music for the London theatre of the (Taiwan) for Interaction, Felipe Perez mathematics. She joined the British late 1960s. In 1973 she left the BBC Santiago (Mexico) for Ofaniel (angel Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in and after a short period with a pri- de la luna), Juan Pablo Sorrentino 1960 as a studio manager and trans- vate studio she gave up composi- (Argentina) for Mi Primer Cello, and ferred in 1962 to the Radiophonic tional work for many years. Rogelio Sosa (Mexico) for Tenso II. Workshop, where she remained until Recently, she had returned to take In the category for electroacoustic 1973. During that time she produced an interest in electronic music, en- music alone, prizes were awarded to music and sound for almost 200 ra- couraged by members of a younger Natasha Barrett (UK) for Utility of dio and television programs.
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