Implementation of cleaner production in small industry of Amplang crackers in Ketapang district of West

S. Wardiyatun1, Purwanto1,2 1Master Program of Environmental Science, School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University, Semarang - 2Department of Environmental Science, School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University, Semarang - Indonesia

Abstract. Implementation of cleaner production in small industry of amplang crackers can prevent or reduce negative impact to the environment due to the lack of Non Products Output (NPO) or waste generation from production process. The purpose of this research is to know the cleaner production opportunity that can be applied in small industry of crackers amplang "Mega Bersaudara" in Ketapang district of West Borneo and to analyzing the advantages gained from the application of cleaner production opportunity. This research is a descriptive research with observation, measurement and interview method. The results show that the implementation of cleaner production can provide positive economic benefits in the form of production cost savings and increased profits obtained within a year by reusing NPO into new products worth selling. Benefits from the environmental side in the form of reduction of liquid waste generation and solid waste from crackers amplang production process so as to prevent environmental contamination.

1. Introduction Small industry of amplang cracker is one kind of small industry engaged in the field of food which in the process of its production potentially cause environmental pollution due to the generation of waste generated. Based on Law Number 32 Year 2009 on Environmental Protection and Management, any business other than profit should be able to maintain the environmental sustainability by minimizing waste generation that formed solid waste, liquid waste and foul smell as a by-product of a production process and Capable Processing waste into products that have resale value. Cleaner production is an effort to protect the environment by focusing on the prevention of waste generation. Initial prevention efforts in the form of reduction of waste resources by increasing the efficiency of the use of materials, energy and water in the production process resulting in minimal waste generation and reuse of waste through recycling into products that have a sale value to create profits without reducing the production capacity, resulting in increased efficiency because Managed to make savings from the beginning of the production process. Cleaner production provides two advantages at once that is minimizing the formation of waste so as to protect the environment and second is efficiency in the production process so as to reduce production costs (KLH, 2017). According to Indrasti & Fauzi (2009) cleaner production aims to increase productivity by providing better levels of efficiency in the use of raw materials, energy, and water, promoting better environmental performance through the reduction of sources of waste and emissions generation and


reducing the impact of the product on Environment from product life cycle with eco-friendly design, but cost-effective. Assessment of the application of cleaner production opportunities is considered to be necessary in the small amplang cracker industry by applying the basic principles of cleaner production that refer to the concept of 1E4R (Elimination, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recovery), which leads to the concept of zero waste rather than the end of pipe approach, is expected to increase profits both on technical feasibility, economic and environmental feasibility (Purwanto, 2013). Because based on the results of the study of the application of cleaner production for the cracker industry by Probowati and Burhan (2011) can save 5% wood fuel usage, as Aryanti (2014) study on the implementation of cleaner production in the environmentally friendly industry decreases the percentage of Non Output Product (NPO) in production process of nata de coco equal to 6,95%. Another example of successful implementation of cleaner production is the use of energy efficiency of the plant as much as 5% of total power consumption (KWh / ton of raw material) in the feasibility study of energy management system of rice processing industry in Vietnam (Cong & Hien 2016). Amplang is a typical crackers or of Borneo made of mackerel fish (Scomberomorus Commerson) taste savory and crunchy. Very easy to find throughout Kalimantan because the fish that is the main ingredient of making the amplang cracker very abundant. This small industry of amplang cracker "Mega Bersaudara" is a family business handed down from generation to generation located in the small industrial center of amplang cracker Kauman, Benua Kayong Subdistrict in Ketapang District, . The production of amplang crackers consists of cleaning and weeding process, fish meat milling, dough making, slicing of dough and the final process of frying of amplang crackers. Potential liquid waste generated during the cleaning and washing process of fish, washing equipment and sterilization of the room at the time of production. While solid waste comes from parts of fish that are not used anymore in the production process (head, entrails, fins and tail). So far there is no environmental management in the small industrial center of the amplang crackers because they do not have WWTP so that the waste directly discharged into the environment without a process first. The purpose of this research is to analyze the step of applying cleaner production in one small industry of amplang crackers based on environmental, technical and economic feasibility so that the small industry of amplang crackers production becomes more environmentally friendly with the reduction of water, material and energy consumption.

2. Method This research is a descriptive research using qualitative and quantitative research approach to examine the effort of applying the concept of cleaner production done on small industry of amplang cracker "Mega Bersaudara" located in small industrial center of amplang cracker Kauman, Benua Kayong Subdistrict in Ketapang District, West Kalimantan. The research period is between May-July 2017. Primary data obtained through observation, interview, measurement and documentation combined with secondary data to be analyzed. The research was conducted through 3 stages: observation, identification of production process of amplang cracker in terms of the use of materials, water and energy and waste generation (NPO) with mind mapping method, and analysis of the results of the application of clean production alternatives.

3. Results and Discussion

1.1. Production process of amplang cracker The production process of amplang cracker 4 times a week or 15 times production in a month with one mackerel production as much as 20 kg. The production process and the mass balance of the envelope crackers can be seen in Figure.1.



Fresh Fish 20 kg

- Water 180 L Water 180 L Cleaning / weeding process - Fish Waste 5 kg

Milling Fish Meat - Grlled Fish Meat 15 kg 15 kg - 38 kg - Remaining tapioca - Salt 3 kg Making Dough starch sieves 0,5 kg - 1 kg 71,5 kg - Garlic Skin - Water 15 L

Cutting Dough Remaining tapioca & Tapioca 2 kg 71,5 kg dough 0,5 kg

- Cooking Oil 40 L Frying Process Used Cooking Oil 15 L - Gas

Amplang Cracker 73 kg Figure 1. Flow diagram of the production process and the mass balance of the amplang crackers

1.2. Review of implementation of cleaner production The study of the application of cleaner production to the production of amplang crackers is grouped into:

1.2.1. Material Preparation Fresh fish obtained from the supplier is processed at the time of preparation of the material, cleaned or weeded to separate head, stomach contents, fins and tail. Then the fish washed before the filet to separate the fish meat from bone and skin. At the time of this preparation the water usage of 2.7 m3 per month or 180 L per once production is used to wash the fish, the remaining water of the 2nd fish was still good can be reused for the first watering the floor where to clean the fish, then just watered again with water Clean so it can do a little water savings. At weeding stage fish produced solid waste as much as 5 kg consist of fish head, stomach contents, bone, fin, tail and skin. Fish heads can be sold back to neighbors, as well as fish skins can be reused by processing them into fish skin chips. But the contents of the fish, fins, tail and fish bone directly discharged environment without being processed causing unpleasant odor and a cause of air pollution around the small industry of amplang crackers. Fish bone waste can be utilized to produce hydroxyapatite (HA) is a material to reduce heavy metal contamination in water pollution that is still unknown to the general public (Mamat, I. etc. 2013).

1.2.2. Dough making and dough cutting At the stage of the process of making the dough to produce solid waste in the form of residual sieve tapioca starch as much as 0.5 kg, the remaining tapioca sacks and leftover garlic skin. While the process of cutting the dough leaves a little remaining tapioca and remnants of dough that stuck to the


basin or table where the print / cut batter approximately 0.5 kg collected by workers to fry as dwarf amplang cracker. The remaining tapioca starch sieves are collected for resale on the collectors to be used as a mixture of fodder. The remaining tapioca sacks sold to collectors in addition to reducing waste can also increase profits. Garlic skin has potential as an alternative energy source can be used as raw material of bioethanol, where there are 26.58% total carbohydrate, 18.62% cellulose and 0.4% protein, carbohydrate and cellulose content of garlic can be hydrolyzed into glucose, if in fermentation Will be ethanol (Sugave, 2014).

1.2.3. Frying Process In the process of frying cooking oil is used only 2 times no more because it will affect the taste and quality of the amplang crackers. The frying oils are sold back to collectors for sale at low prices, this is not a real cleaner production opportunity. Because large amount of used cooking oil can be used as raw material for making bath soap, by saponification reaction free fat content from used cooking oil mixed with basic source of soda qie (Ningrum & Kusuma, 2013). The purpose of this feasibility study is to determine the choice of cleaner production that may or may not apply to small industries of amplang crackers, in terms of ease of implementation, cost options and viewed from the side of the benefits to the environmental impact caused after the option is implemented. The results of feasibility study of cleaner production options are presented in Table 1. Table 1. feasibility study of production amplang crackers number process Problem Alternative Economic benefits Environmental solutions benefits 1 Weedin - Solid - Shell fish heads - Increase revenue - Reduce solid waste g & waste pollution cleaning generation - Make fish skin - Increase revenue - Reduce solid waste chips pollution - Processing fish - Increase revenue - Reduce solid waste bones into HA pollution - Reduce solid waste - Processing the - Increase revenue pollution fish bones & fish entrails into flour - Liquid - Reuse water used - Reduce liquid waste waste pollution fish washing to - Reduce the cost generation flush the floor of water use - reducing air - Make bio gas from liquid waste pollution - Increase revenue water mixture of fish and fish blood

2 Making - Remaining - Sell the - Increase revenue - Reduce solid waste & tapioca remaining pollution starch tapioca sieve as cutting dough sieves feed material - Leftover - Process garlic - Increase revenue - Reduce solid waste garlic skin skin as a pollution bioethanol

making material - Remaining - Increase revenue - Reduce solid waste tapioca - selling tapioca pollution sacks sacks to the collectors 3 Frying Used - Make bath soap - Increase revenue - Reduce solid waste with basic pollution cooking oil ingredients of used cooking oil - sell used cooking - Increase revenue - Reduce solid waste oil to the pollution collectors


1.3. Financial feasibility studies The feasibility analysis of the opportunity of applying cleaner production to the production process of ampalang crackers based on the 1E4R strategy is calculated per year:

1.3.1. Recycling of fish wash water to clean the floor of the weeds does not show significant benefits, but this does not increase the cost of electricity and water use.

1.3.2. Resell fish heads to neighbors. Each time the production process there are solid waste of fish left unused in the production process as much as 5 kg, including as much as 2 kg fish heads sold for Rp. 10.000, - / kg. So within a year obtained additional profits of Rp. 3.600.000, - (2 kg x Rp 10,000, - x 15 production / month x 12 months / year).

1.3.3. Fish skin chips. The remaining solid waste fish in the form of skin as much as 1 kg, if dried to make fish skin chips will shrink to 8 ounces only. In the process plus 20% salt from the weight of the fish skin, then within a year obtained additional profits of Rp. 5.400.000, - (0.8 kg x Rp 40,000, - x 15 production / month x 12 months / year). After deducting capital for salt as additional material in the drying process as much as Rp. 360,000, - for a year (2ounces x Rp 10,000 / kg x 15 x 12 months / year).

1.3.4. Remaining tapioca starch sieves. The remaining sieve of tapioca flour as much as 0.5 kg each production resold at a price of Rp. 2000, - / kg. So within a year obtained additional profits of Rp. 180.000, - (0.5 kg x Rp 2.000, - x 15 production / month x 12 months / year).

1.3.5. leftover garlic skin. Because the amount is too little to be processed into bioethanol manufacturing materials and the lack of information sources how the technology and how to process it, then for a while leftover garlic skin waste just burned.

1.3.6. The remaining tapioca sack The tapioca sack sells for Rp. 2000.- per pieces, a month collected as many as 6 bags then a year get Rp. 144,000, - (6pieces x Rp 2000, - x 12 months / year).

1.3.7. Remaining tapioca & dough. The remaining tapioca and dough attached to the basin as well as the table where the cutting dough approximately 0.5 kg is collected by the workers to be fried as a dwarf amplang cracker and sold Rp. 40.000, - / kg. So within a year obtained additional profits of Rp. 3.600.000, - (0.5 kg x Rp 40,000, - x 15 production / month x 12 months / year).

1.3.8. Used cooking oil. Oil frying pan is not processed into bath soap because it requires new technology, tools and investment to produce it, so that used cooking oil sold to collectors for Rp. 240.000, - / 40 L or Rp. 6.000- / L, within a year obtained additional profits of Rp. 16.200.000, - (15 L x Rp 6,000, - x 15 production / month x 12 months / year).

Conclusion From the results of this study can be drawn the conclusion that in terms of economic benefits of the application of cleaner production in a small industry of amplang crackers with 1E4R strategy can


reduce production costs, by saving energy and water usage. There is an increase in profit or income by reusing waste generation from each stage of production of amplang crackers obtained by Rp. 29,124,000, - per year or Rp. 2,427,000 per month. Implementation of cleaner production also decreases the percentage of non-product output (NPO) that provides environmental benefits in the form of wastewater generation reduction of 2,700 liters / year (8.3%) and reduction of solid waste generation 720 kg / year (66.7%)

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