Lucie Vítková (1985, Boskovice, CZ); +1 347 967 2997;
[email protected]; I am a composer, performer and improviser of accordion, harmonica, voice and dance from the Czech Republic. My work pursues two lines of enquiry: my compositional practice focuses on sonification (compositions based on abstract models derived from physical objects), while my improvisational practice explores characteristics of discrete spaces through the interaction between sound and movement. Recently, I have become particularly interested in the question of social relationships in music and their implications for the structural organization of musical pieces. I explore this theme in all aspects of my work. Education: [2013-present] Janacek Academy of Music and Performing Arts Brno (JAMU Brno), CZ: Doctorate in composition and music theory (Ph.D.) with Peter Graham; in the academic year 2014/2015 recipient of Nadace Český hudební fond scholarship. [1/2016-1/2017] Columbia University NYC, USA: Visiting scholar with Prof. George E. Lewis. [2/2015-12/2015] Universität der Künste Berlin, DE: Recipient of Erasmus Scholarship for studies in composition and music theory with Marc Sabat. [9/2014-1/2015] Universität der Künste Berlin: Recipient of DAAD scholarship (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst). [2011-13] JAMU Brno: Master’s Degree (MgA.) in composition with Martin Smolka and Peter Graham, including the following international exchanges: [2011-12] Royal Conservatoire The Hague, NL: Recipient of Erasmus Scholarship for studies in composition with Martijn Padding, Cornelis de Bondt, Gilius van Bergeijk and Yannis Kyriakides, and in sonology (a subset of sound studies) with Paul Berg, Joel Ryan, Peter Pabon, Richard Barrett and Kees Tazelaar.