PEACE Info (February 3, 2021)

− Ethnic armed groups condemn military's coup − Ethnic Parties Peace Team (PPST) condemns the coup, calls for peaceful solutions and appeals for support from the UN − Parties Call on Myanmar Military to Accept Election Results − Myanmar’s Legally-Elected Lawmakers Denounce Coup, Call for Release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi − Myanmar Military Give MPs 24 Hours to Leave Naypyitaw − Myanmar Military Govt Files Cases Against Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, President − Myanmar’s Medics Launch Civil Disobedience Campaign Against Coup − Teachers, students join anti-coup campaign as hospital staff stop work − 'Civil Disobedience Campaign' intensifies across Myanmar − Chin youth organizations condemn military coup − China and West Differ Over Term for Myanmar’s Military Rule − G-7 Condemns Myanmar Coup − Mobile Internet Connectivity Restored to Western Myanmar − Myanmar Military Regime Appoints Governing Body − Burma Coup Leaders Name Former KNU Leader in its State Administration Council – Karen Community Shocked and Outraged at Perceived Treachery to its Cause − အ�ဏ�သ�မ�� အစ���ရ��င�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� ဆက�လ�ပ�မည�ဟ� အပစ�ရပ� ၁၀ ဖ�����ကည� − တပ�အ�ဏ�သ�မ��မ�က�� အပစ�ရပ�တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င�အဖ����တ� ကန��က�က� − ကရင�လက�နက�က��င�အဖ���အစည��မ��� �ပန�လည� �ပ�င��စည��ရန� KCG �တ�င��ဆ�� − ကရင��ပည�နယ�မ�� က��ယ�ပ��င��ပဌ�န��ခ�င�� က�င��သ�ံ�မယ�လ��� KCG ��ကည� − ပဒ��မန���င�မ���မ�င�၏ လ�ပ��ဆ�င�မ� အ��လ�ံ� မ�မ�တ�����င�� မပတ�သက���က�င�� �ကအ�န�ယ� ထ�တ��ပန� − �န�ပည��တ��က လ�တ��တ��အမတ��တ�က�� ၂၄ န�ရ�အတ�င��ထ�က�ဖ��� ဖ�အ���ပ� − “အ�က�င��ဆ�ံ�က�� �မ���လင��သလ�� အဆ���ဆ�ံ�က�� ရင�ဆ��င�ဖ��� �ပင�ဆင��နတယ�”- �ဒ�က�တ��က���စ��ဦ� − စစ�အစ���ရန�� မပ���ပ�င���ရ� ဆန��က�င�လ�ပ�ရ���မ�အရ��န� �မင��လ� − စစ�အ�ဏ�သ�မ��မ�က�� �က��င��သ��မ��� ဒ�မ��ကရက�တစ�တပ�ဦ� ဆန��က�င�ကန��က�က� − တရ��နည��လမ��က� ယ����ပ ��င�အ���င�ရမ�က�� အသ�အမ�တ��ပ�ရန� SNLD တ��က�တ�န�� − SNLD ပ�တ�ဥက��အ�ဖစ� ဦ�စ��င����န��လ�င�က�� �ရ��ခ�ယ�တင���မ�က� − အ�ဏ�သ�မ��မ���မ�က�ဟ� အ�မရ�ကန�အတည��ပ�၊ �မန�မ�က�� �ပ�မည��အက�အည�မ���ရပ�ဆ��င��မည� − �မန�မ�တ�င� စစ�တပ�အ�ဏ�သ�မ��မ�အ�ပ� ဂ��-၇ အ�ပ�စ� ��တ�ခ� − က�လလ�ံ�ခ�ံ�ရ��က�င�စ� အစည��အ�ဝ�၌ �မန�မ�အ�ဏ�သ�မ��မ���င��ပတ�သက��ပ�� ��ကည�ခ�က� မထ�တ����င�ခ�� − �မန�မ�စစ�အ�ဏ�သ�မ��မ� ���င�ငံတက�တ�ံ��ပန�မ� မတ�ည� − ရခ��င�တ�င� က�လရ�ည� ပ�တ�ထ��သည�� အင�တ�နက� �ပန�ဖ�င���ပ� − စစ�အ�ဏ�သ�မ��မ���က�င�� IDP အ��ခအ�နစ���ရ�မ�


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Ethnic armed groups condemn Myanmar military's coup By AFP | 03 February 2021 Myanmar's ethnic armed groups condemned the military Tuesday for ousting Aung San Suu Kyi's government and signalled a halt to the country's long-running peace process, citing a lack of trust in the army. Myriad armed rebel groups control an estimated one-third of Myanmar's territory, some fighting for decades against the state for more autonomy. When the military seized power on Monday following a coup, the army announced a ceasefire with the ethnic armed groups to extend until the end of February. The army said it would continue to discuss the peace process with some insurgent groups in the border regions, the details of which Suu Kyi's government had spent years negotiating. But the military's overture for talks was met with scepticism by some rebel groups. "How can we discuss with them when they staged a coup? This is not the norms of democracy," said Major Kharm Sarm, a spokesperson for the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) in Myanmar's north. He said it would be impossible to hold a political dialogue without a democratically elected government. "Among the political parties and the ethnic armed groups, we have lost trust in them." The Karen National Union (KNU), an ethnic armed organisation in the southwestern Karen state, said Tuesday in a statement it was "worried and concerned for Myanmar's future". The army's actions "show no seriousness over solving the political crisis", it said. "It will badly harm the future of the country, which already has many challenges," said the KNU, urging a peaceful solution and calling for Suu Kyi's release. © AFP ------

Ethnic Parties Peace Team (PPST) condemns the coup, calls for peaceful solutions and appeals for support from the UN Wednesday, February 03, 2021 | by - Saw Thonya (NMG)

The Peace Process Steering Team (PSST), a group consisting of ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) that have signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), held a special meeting on the current political situation in the country.

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The PPST meeting in pursuit of national reconciliation and building federal union concluded with common positions on the current political situation and peace process after a thorough discussion.

The PPST Statement:

1).We condemn the Myanmar military’s way of addressing the current political crisis by carrying out a coup d’état.

2).We demand the immediate and unconditional release of all leaders who are detained and arrested.

3).We urge the resolution of political problems by peaceful means and negotiation, rather than by force of arms.

4.) We stand firm on the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) and act accordingly regarding the peace process.

5.) We call for the unconditional declaration of nationwide ceasefire.

6.) We will collaborate with the public in seeking solutions, as we are aware of the difficulties faced by the people by the coup as well as the global pandemic (COVID-19).

7.) We call on the support of the international community including the UN in resolving the current crisis.

PPST spokesperson Col Khun Okkar said: “The main point is we don’t accept solving the current political crisis by force of arms. We stick to the policy of solving the political problem by political means. We call for unconditional release of the detained leaders and solving the problems by peaceful means.”

“We will cooperate with the people in the country, and need the support of the international community to find a solution. We will continue to support the peace process according to the NCA path, as we have signed the NCA. We should not halt the peace process,” he added.

The ten NCA signatories are: the Karen National Union (KNU), the Chin National Front (CNF), the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF), the KNLA/PC, the Pa-O National Liberation Organisation (PNLO), the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), the New Mon State Party (NMSP) and the Lahu Democratic Union (LDU). peaceful-solutions-and-appeals-support-un ------

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Parties Call on Myanmar Military to Accept Election Results

By Nan Lwin Hnin Pwint | 3 February 2021

Yangon — Political parties say they want Myanmar’s military not to hold a new election but to accept the result of the 2020 general election.

After seizing power in a coup on Monday on the pretext of electoral fraud in the November election that brought a landslide victory to the National League for Democracy (NLD), the Tatmadaw (military) declared a state of emergency for a year followed by a new election with the military handing power to the winner.

“Regarding another election, I want [the Tatmadaw] to thoroughly review the 2020 general election. I want it to accept the results,” said Aik Mong, chairman of the Ta’ang National Party, which won five seats in the Union Parliament and seven seats in the Shan State parliament.

Nai San Tin of the Mon Unity Party, which won five Union seats and six Mon State seats, expressed doubts about whether the military would hand over power.

“We don’t know how far the military will go in its takeover. I think it is unlikely that it will hold another election in a year and hand power to the winner,” he said.

Theh Reh, general secretary of the Kayah State Democratic Party, which won five Union seats and three Kayah State seats, suggested reviewing results in constituencies where there were alleged irregularities rather than holding a nationwide election.

“It is costly and both the people and election organizers will be too tired to hold a new general election across the country. It would be better to review the election and take legal action in constituencies where there was fraud and then think about how to form the government,” he said.

The party condemns the military’s coup on the pretext of electoral fraud, said Theh Reh, urging the Tatmadaw to solve issues through talks with the NLD.

The NLD, which won over 83 percent of the vote, released a statement calling for the release of all the detainees, including President U Win Myint and State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and recognize the general election results, which the Union Election Commission (UEC) had confirmed.

The Tatmadaw has also arrested the chairs of NLD chapters and seized photos of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, NLD flags and documents from its offices.

“It is time the people and those in the government act to prevent the history of Myanmar from being stained,” said NLD central executive committee member U Aung Kyi Nyunt.

Daw Hnin Hnin Hmwe, joint general secretary of the New Democratic Party of a New Society, said: “The military quoted the 2008 Constitution saying, ‘The sovereign power of

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the Union is derived from the citizens’. The election results showed people handing power [to the NLD]. It is totally unacceptable to turn a blind eye and revoke the results.”

Karen National Democratic Party chairman Mahn Aung Pyi Soe said the issue must be peacefully resolved through talks.

On Jan. 29, diplomatic missions in Myanmar released a joint statement urging the Tatmadaw to adhere by democratic norms, saying they oppose any attempt to alter the outcome of the election or impede the democratic transition.

Twelve domestic civil society organizations engaged in election monitoring released a joint statement asking the Tatmadaw and all political parties to accept the election results.

The Tatmadaw, which has repeatedly expressed its distrust in the UEC, said it would appoint a new electoral body to organize the next election.

Translated from Burmese Thet Ko Ko results.html ------

Myanmar’s Legally-Elected Lawmakers Denounce Coup, Call for Release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

By Nan Lwin | 3 February 2021

YANGON—Lawmakers from the National League for Democracy have demanded that the military regime respect the results of the Nov. 8 election and stop all activities that prevent the convening of a new Parliament.

Just after military took legal action against party chairperson-cum-State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint under the Export and Import Law and Natural Disaster Management Law respectively, the NLD lawmakers signed a statement to show their solidarity opposing the coup.

In a statement, the lawmakers said that they are elected members of the (Union Parliament) by a majority vote of the people. They said that lawmakers have already received certificates of election from the Union Election Commission (UEC).

According to the 2008 Constitution, the official term of a lawmaker is five years and no one has the right to revoke that term of office as long as the Constitution is in force, the lawmakers said.

In the statement they also called for an immediate release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, U Win Myint and other detainees.

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The parliamentarians said that they pledged to stand with the people in defiance of the military coup and remain loyal to the cause of democracy. They pledged their loyalty to the fundamental rights and interests of the state and its citizens as elected representatives.

The NLD won Myanmar’s Nov. 8 general election in a landslide. NLD candidates won 920 of the 1,117 elected seats nationwide, including seats in both houses of the bicameral Union Parliament and the state/regional parliaments, as well as ethnic affairs minister posts.

On Feb. 1, the military staged a coup just hours before the new NLD-dominated Parliament was set to convene, claiming it was forced to act over what it called electoral fraud in the Nov. 8 general election and the civilian government’s failure to address the issue.

Following Monday’s coup, the lawmakers were confined in Naypyitaw’s government guesthouse —guarded by soldiers. On Wednesday, the Myanmar’s military gave lawmakers 24 hours to leave, despite having initially given them until Feb. 6. coup-call-release-daw-aung-san-suu-kyi.html ------

Myanmar Military Give MPs 24 Hours to Leave Naypyitaw

By San Yamin Aung | 3 February 2021

YANGON — Myanmar’s military has given elected parliamentarians 24 hours to leave Naypyitaw’s government guesthouse, despite initially giving them until Feb. 6.

MPs arrived in the capital to attend the first session of the new parliament on Monday but the military staged a coup hours before the session was due to begin and confined representatives to the guesthouse.

Re-elected NLD Upper House member U Aung Kyi Nyunt said they were given 24 hours to leave and that army trucks would take them away.

The NLD had earlier arranged for parliamentarians to stay until Feb. 6. However, their removal came after demands were raised on Facebook to convene the parliamentary session in the guesthouse as they exceeded the minimum requirement for half of the representatives to hold a valid the session.

U Aung Kyi Nyunt said the MPs are preparing to leave.

“I support the civil disobedience movement. We have a plan,” he added.

Sai Thiha Kyaw, a Shan Nationalities League for Democracy Lower House parliamentarian for Mongyai Township in Shan State, has left the guesthouse.

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Speaking to The Irrawaddy on Wednesday afternoon, the re-elected MP, who is heading back to Mongyai, said the party will meet to decide on the next steps.

“As an elected representative, I will follow my constituents’ wishes,” the Shan representative said.

The military arrested NLD leaders State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, President U Win Myint and other leading NLD members, government ministers and political activists on Monday. Many are still being held in custody. naypyitaw.html ------

Myanmar Military Govt Files Cases Against Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, President By The Irrawaddy | 3 February 2021

YANGON—The military regime sued Myanmar President U Win Myint and State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi under the Export and Import Law and the Natural Disaster Management Law respectively on Wednesday, two days after their detention following a coup.

The duo were remanded in custody (from Feb. 1-15) by the Dekkhina District Court in Naypyitaw for further investigation—a move to legalize the detentions of the two leaders, who have been in custody since Monday morning.

According to the remand request letter submitted by police, the president was sued under Article 25 of the Natural Disaster Management Law for breaching campaign guidelines and COVID-19 restrictions set by the country’s health ministry.

According to the police statement, the 70-year-old president is accused of violating the restrictions by “greeting a National League for Democracy campaign rally with his wife and daughter at the gate of his presidential residence in September.”The statement claimed that the rally was attended by around 760 people. Even though the ministry set a maximum attendance of 50 people for political campaign events amid COVID-19, other political parties staged mass rallies as well.

If found guilty, the president would face a maximum three-year prison sentence.

Meanwhile, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been in custody since 7.00 a.m. on Monday, is accused of “illegal importing and using of radio transmitting and receiving equipment” at her residence in Naypyitaw. The devices are widely available on the market in Myanmar.

The police said nine ICOMs used by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s security team were found during a search by a team from the Commander in Chief’s Office (Army) on Monday morning.

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She is accused of breaching the Export and Import Law, which bans the importing of restricted items without permission.

If found guilty, the 75-year-old would face three years’ imprisonment.

It is not clear from the remand order whether the President and State Counselor are being held in jails or are under house arrest.

Following the lawsuits on Wednesday, Malaysian MP Charles Santiago, chair of ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR), described the charges as “ludicrous”. He called the action “an absurd move by the junta to try to legitimize their illegal power grab from Myanmar’s democratically-elected government”, referring to the NLD’s landslide victory in November’s election.

“We have been here before. ASEAN and the international community all know where this is likely to head: back to a ruthless military dictatorship. They must respond urgently and comprehensively to secure the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and all other political prisoners and help restore democracy,” he said. san-suu-kyi-president.html ------

Myanmar’s Medics Launch Civil Disobedience Campaign Against Coup By Zaw Zaw Htwe | 3 February 2021 Yangon General Hospital staff show solidarity as part of their civil disobedience movement against military coup. / Htet Wai / The Irrawaddy

Yangon – Medical staff from more than 110 government hospitals and health departments at about 50 townships across Myanmar have launched a civil disobedience movement against Monday’s military coup.

By Wednesday evening, staff from government hospitals and health departments in around 50 townships had joined the movement against the coup, according to Dr. Hein Wint War, a campaign member.

Several hundred doctors and other medical staff are on strike against the coup and other medics are organizing a red-ribbon campaign against military rule while still working.

Ribbons are pinned to staff clothing and three-finger salutes are raised to show solidarity with the ousted National League for Democracy (NLD). The gesture was used in Thailand after the May 2014 coup and comes from the Hunger Games films.

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Dr. Lynn Latyar, a surgeon at the 500-bed Lashio Government General Hospital in northern Shan State, told The Irrawaddy on Wednesday that 38 out of 40 doctors and 50 out of 70 nurses have joined the movement and are not going to hospital.

“We totally oppose the coup. This is violence towards our elected government. We totally condemn this violence,” Dr. Lynn Latyar said. “We hope our people understand. We want everyone to know we cannot serve under an unelected administration.”

Government doctors are planning to give free treatment to patients with medical records issued by government hospitals at private clinics, he said.

Dr. Lynn Latyar said protests will continue against the military until the elected government returns.

Another campaigner, Dr. Hein Wint War, called on civil servants, civil society organizations, trade unions and the public to join the movement.

Staff at Mandalay’s 500-bed Orthopedic Hospital left work on Wednesday as the part of the civil disobedience movement. / Zaw Zaw / The Irrawaddy

“Nothing is impossible if we are united,” Dr. Hein Wint War said. “Don’t forget Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who said the country depends on its citizens.”

The detained state counselor has called on the public to oppose the military coup.

The “Chair NLD” Facebook page hours after she was detained posted: “Resist the coup resoundingly.”

The civil disobedience movement is calling for the release of President U Win Myint, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other government figures.

It also called for parliament to convene with its recently elected parliamentarians.

Meanwhile, some staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, have joined the civil disobedience movement.

Yangon residents on Tuesday and Wednesday nights banged pots and pans to protest against the coup. campaign-coup.html ------

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Teachers, students join anti-coup campaign as hospital staff stop work

February 3, 2021 | By FRONTIER

Medical workers in Mandalay join the civil disobedience campaign in protest of the military coup on February 3. A civil disobedience campaign launched by hospital personnel in response to the military coup is gaining momentum and has been joined by teachers, students and engineers at military-linked enterprises.

A civil disobedience campaign launched by medical workers in response to the February 1 military coup is escalating and has been joined by teachers, students and engineers who work for a military-linked mobile operator, Mytel, and a partner, Viettel Construction Myanmar.

Although most civil servants in Myanmar remain at their desks, employees at nearly 100 government hospitals did not go to work today. After announcing their strike yesterday, they have since been joined by postgraduate students at the University of Medicine 1 in Yangon and the University of Medicine in Mandalay.

A Facebook page launched in support of the campaign yesterday afternoon has already attracted more than 170,000 followers.

A postgraduate student at the University of Medicine 2 in Yangon said she went to the Yangon Children’s Hospital today but returned home after discovering that students from the University of Medicine 1 had not reported for work.

“Most of the students at the [hospital] are from the University of Medicine 1,” she said, adding that no doctors had reported for work at the children’s hospital either.

“I think students from the University of Medicine 2 will also join the movement,” she told Frontier.

Meanwhile, seven teachers’ groups, including the powerful Myanmar Teachers’ Federation, have announced that they are joining the civil disobedience movement. Their members stopped working today because they oppose the coup, they said.

The MTF alone has more than 100,000 members throughout the country, at higher and basic education institutions, private schools and monastery schools.

In Sagaing Region, 71 engineers from 12 towns who are employed by the partly Tatmadaw- owned telecommunications operators Mytel and partner VCM, which operates and

Page 10 of 40 maintains the Mytel network, resigned their positions today and said they would fight to restore the elected government.

Ko Thiha Zaw, a technical manager at Mytel, told the Monywa Gazette they had quit because they do not accept the coup.

Meanwhile, officials at the Ministry of Finance and Planning dismissed rumours circulating on social media that employees of the Internal Revenue Department intended to stop work in protest at the coup.

As more workers join the movement, concern has also grown among participants about the possibility of a crackdown by the military government.

An assistant surgeon at Nay Pyi Taw’s 1,000-bed General Hospital told Frontier that rumours were spreading that legal action will be taken against medical personnel who have joined the civil disobedience campaign.

“I heard that the military has said it will replace us with military doctors, and they will soon collect the names of doctors who are not going to work,” she said. “I don’t know if the rumour is true but our superiors have assured that they won’t accept it if the military tries do that. I don’t know how the hospital is running today because we are not there.”

Meanwhile, more than 1,500 youth volunteers organised by the Yangon Region Youth Affairs Committee who for the past 10 months have been assisting in the fight against COVID-19 have announced that they intend to withdraw their services.

To ensure that the public continues to have access to health care, medical workers have established a “Democracy Clinic” that is providing online consultations.

Although NLD chair Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is believed to have called for non-violent resistance to the military takeover via typed letter posted to her official Facebook page on Monday, there has been no such call from the party organisation itself. However, NLD lawmakers have used their social media accounts to praise the striking medical personnel. MP Ko Phyo Zeya Thaw (NLD, Zabuthiri) has uploaded a video expressing strong support for the strike by medical personnel, saying that “nobody, including me, likes the military government. We need to protest in a non-violent way before taking to the streets. I want to invite public servants at all levels and in all government departments to become involved in this movement.” hospital-staff-stop-work/ ------

'Civil Disobedience Campaign' intensifies across Myanmar

Hmue Angel | 3 FEB 2021

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More than 80 hospitals across Myanmar have joined the 'Civil Disobedience Campaign' launched by healthcare workers in protest of the state of emergency declared by the Tatmadaw (military).

"We would like to urge not only healthcare workers but also civil servants from other institutions to take part in this campaign. We can achieve our goal by working together in unity, we can't make it come true on our own. So, please be part of it," said Dr Hein Wint War, a participant in the campaign.

Health-care workers in 40 townships including doctors and nurses from 80 hospitals, universities, institutes, department of medical research, Food and Drug Administration under the scope of the Ministry of Health and Sports took part in the campaign.

Many doctors and medical staff members from other districts also showed their support for the movement by launching red ribbon campaigns at their respective hospitals. Statements were issued by many institutions demanding the release of the state counsellor and other political leaders.

Doctors from the Yangon Hospital Emergency Department will be ready to treat patients requiring emergency care. It also announced that members of the public in support of the military and those injured in pro-military rallies will not be treated by any means. - Translated myanmar.html ------

Chin youth organizations condemn military coup Wednesday, February 03, 2021 | by - Salai Benezer (KMG)

The Chin Youth Network Chin has strongly condemned the military coup declaring “ we call for the immediate release of all persons being detained by the Tatmadaw, and to quickly hold political talks with ethnic parties, ethnic armed organizations, political parties and CSOs in order to seek the solution to the political problems.“

The Chin Youth Affairs Committee also issued a statement dated February 1st, calling on the military “to heed the desires of the people in the November 8 election, respect the election results and abide by democratic norms. The committee strongly objects to the detention of the President, the region and states cabinet members, the parliamentary speakers, lawmakers and activists.”

On February 1st, the Tatmadaw seized power citing Section 417 of the Constitution. The military claimed the UEC had failed to deal with the Tatmadaw’s allegations of “more than

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10 million alleged vote frauds” in the 2020 General Elections. Documentation or evidence of election fraud to back up claims by the military and the USDP has never been presented to the UEC elections commission.

The Acting President U Myint Swe, a Tatamadaw General who was appointed by the military as a vice -president in the NLD government, announced the order No-1/2021 on the morning of February 1st, declaring a State of Emergency and the handover of the country’s legislative, judicial and executive powers to the armed forces chief.

The Chin youth organisations said the coup would set back human rights and democracy and would not recognize the military government. ------

China and West Differ Over Term for Myanmar’s Military Rule By Nan Lwin | 3 February 2021

YANGON — While western nations have condemned the coup in Myanmar, the Chinese state-owned avoids the term, referring instead to “a major cabinet reshuffle”.

The US State Department called the military take-over and detention of civilian leaders a coup which would trigger restrictions in American assistance to Myanmar. Washington will review its assistance programs to ensure they align with conditions, it added.

However, the US will continue programs that directly benefit civilians, including humanitarian assistance and democratic programs, it said.

The State Department added that it will continue to call on Myanmar’s military to unconditionally release all detainees, saying the coup puts democratic progress at “grave risk”.

“A very small circle of Burma’s military leaders have chosen their own interests over the will and well-being of the people,” the statement said.

On Wednesday, the G7 foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and US and representatives of the European Union also condemned the coup.

The G7 foreign ministers called on the military to end the state of emergency, restore power to the democratically elected government, release all those unjustly detained and respect human rights and the rule of law. It said: “The November election results must be respected and Parliament should be convened at the earliest opportunity.”

China has failed to condemn Myanmar’s military, which formed a new cabinet largely made up of current and former generals, along with some members of its political proxy, the Union Solidarity and Development Party.

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China’s Xinhua News Agency labeled the military’s action a major cabinet reshuffle and did not refer to the seizure of power.

In early January, Beijing dispatched its foreign minister, Wang Yi, to Myanmar as a part of his first Southeast Asian tour of the year. He expressed China’s support for the new government and its hope to accelerate the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) during the next parliamentary term.

In his congratulatory statement, Chinese President Xi Jinping said under Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s leadership Myanmar would enjoy greater achievements and realize prosperity.

In a press briefing, Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry, called for stability in Myanmar, hours after the coup.

He said Beijing hopes all parties can properly handle differences constitutionally, safeguarding political and social stability.

Myanmar plays a vital role in the BRI, particularly providing China access to the Indian Ocean through the Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone in . Xi has repeatedly called on Myanmar to cooperate on the practical implementation of the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC), which is part of the BRI.

China has made several efforts to start CMEC projects but none are yet to get off the ground under the NLD. The NLD government showed a cautious approach to the BRI projects, saying that it must ensure they are commercially viable and follow Myanmar’s development plans.

The NLD has sought third parties to review whether the BRI projects are commercially viable and whether the Chinese proposals are reasonable, including their cost. rule.html ------

G-7 Condemns Myanmar Coup By VOA News | February 03, 2021

European Council President Charles Michel, right, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, left, speak after a video- conference with G7 leaders at the European Council building in Brussels, Monday, March 16, 2020.

Foreign ministers from the G-7 group of nations on Wednesday condemned the coup in

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Myanmar and expressed deep concern about the detention of Aung San Suu Kyi and other political leaders.

"We are deeply concerned by the detention of political leaders and civil society activists, including State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint, and targeting of the media,” the foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States said in a statement.

They called on Myanmar’s military to end its declared state of emergency and to allow unrestricted humanitarian access to support the most vulnerable people in the country.

"The November election results must be respected and Parliament should be convened at the earliest opportunity,” the G-7 ministers said.

Wednesday also brought a work stoppage by staff at 70 hospitals and medical departments in 30 towns to protest the coup.

A statement from the newly formed Myanmar Civil Disobedience Movement said the army had put its own interests above a population facing hardships during the pandemic that has killed more than 3,100 people in Myanmar.

A metal basin is used by a resident to hit the window grill to make noise during a noise barrage campaign in Yangon, Myanmar, Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2021.

A U.S. State Department official told reporters Tuesday the government had officially declared the military takeover earlier this week a coup, a designation that “triggers certain restrictions on foreign assistance to the government.”

The official said the United States “will take action against those responsible,” but will continue programs that help the country’s citizens, including humanitarian assistance and democracy support initiatives.

The Myanmar military said its seizure, set to last one year, was necessary because the government had not acted on claims of voter fraud in November elections that were overwhelmingly won by Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy party. A new session of parliament had been due to begin Monday.

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday the United States will need “the help of our friends and allies” to pressure Myanmar’s military.

“It is time for freedom-loving nations to stand up for democracy and impose their own meaningful costs on the military junta,” McConnell said.

The NLD has called for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint and other party leaders.

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A child holds a picture of leader Aung San Suu Kyi in Bangkok, Feb. 3, 2021.

U.S. officials have “not been able” to speak with NLD members, the State Department official said, and added that “most of the senior officials are under house arrest.”

Myanmar, also known as Burma, has long struggled between civilian and military rule but until the coup had been enjoying a hopeful transition to democracy.

A British colony until 1948, Myanmar was ruled by dictators backed by the military from 1962 to 2010.

An uprising in 1988 pushed for an election in 1990, which the NLD party won in a landslide, but the elected members of parliament were imprisoned, and the dictatorship continued.

Aung San Suu Kyi, the daughter of Myanmar's independence hero, General Aung San, who was assassinated in 1947, emerged as a leader in the pro-democracy rallies and in the NLD. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 while under house arrest.

In 2010, Senior General Than Shwe announced the country would be handed over to civilian leaders, who included retired generals. They freed political prisoners, including the lawmakers from the National League for Democracy, and Aung San Suu Kyi, who was elected in a 2012 by-election and later became the state counsellor of Myanmar.

But Aung San Suu Kyi, 75, while popular among Myanmar’s Buddhist majority, has seen her international reputation decline over her government’s treatment of the country's mostly Muslim Rohingya minority.

In 2017, an Army crackdown against the Rohingya, sparked by deadly attacks on police stations in Rakhine state, led hundreds of thousands of Rohingya to flee to neighboring Bangladesh. The International Criminal Court is investigating the country for crimes against humanity.

Nike Ching contributed to this report. ------

Mobile Internet Connectivity Restored to Western Myanmar By Min Aung Khine 3 February 2021

Sittwe, Rakhine State — Mobile internet services have resumed in areas of Rakhine and Chin states, a day after Myanmar’s military (the Tatmadaw) seized power in a coup.

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A mobile phone tower in Kyauktaw Township. / Min Aung Khine / The Irrawaddy

In June 2019, the authorities imposed an internet blackout in eight townships in Rakhine State — Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, Mrauk-U, Kyauktaw, Minbya, Myebon, Maungdaw and Buthidaung — and Chin State’s Paletwa Township, citing security concerns over fighting with the Arakan Army.

Internet services resumed in some townships in September 2019 but the government reimposed a blackout in February last year before resuming 4G services in Maungdaw in May.

In early August, the government restored mobile internet to Buthidaung, Ponnagyun, Kyauktaw, Rathedaung, Mrauk-U, Minbya, Myebon townships in Rakhine State and Paletwa but limited connectivity to slow 2G service.

“Internet connection restored last night. I have no comment on it. We don’t need to give thanks for it. We are entitled,” said Buthidaung resident U Aung Thaung Shwe.

Kyauktaw Township resident Ko Kyaw Hla Myint also confirmed that internet services resumed on Tuesday night.

Paletwa resident Bu Htan Paing said internet access resumed in his town but the signal was weak.

Proposals were submitted to the Rakhine State parliament in June 2019 and January 2020 to resume connectivity in northern Rakhine and Paletwa. The parliament approved the proposal on both occasions and civil society organizations and activists frequently called for the resumption of unrestricted internet services, but the blackout remained.

Translated from Burmese by Thet Ko Ko myanmar.html ------

Myanmar Military Regime Appoints Governing Body By The Irrawaddy 3 February 2021

The Myanmar military regime formed an official national governing body on Tuesday, one day after staging a coup against the democratically elected National League for Democracy (NLD)-led government.

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Christened the “State Administrative Council” (SAC), the 11-member body is largely made up of military officials and led by military chief-cum-coup leader Senior General .

Among the 11 council members are three civilians. Two of these—New National Democracy Party chairman U Thein Nyunt and National Democratic Force chairman U Khin Maung Swe—are members of parties seen as political foes of the ousted NLD. The third is former Karen National Union leader Padoh Mahn Nyein Maung, who mounted an unsuccessful run for a Lower House seat representing ’s Pantanaw Township for the Karen People’s Party in last year’s general election.

U Thein Nyunt and U Khin Maung Swe are former NLD members who split from the party in order to take part in the military-organized 2010 election and served as members of Parliament until 2015.

In addition to Snr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, the other seven members are deputy military chief Vice Senior General Soe Win as vice chairman; Lieutenant General Aung Linn Dway as secretary; Lieutenant General Ye Win Oo as joint secretary; and General Mya Tun Oo, Admiral Tin Aung San, General Maung Maung Kyaw and Lieutenant General Moe Myint Tun as members.

The council has also appointed State and Regional Administrative Council chairmen, a position equivalent to that of chief minister, for Myanmar’s 12 states and regions; as well as Self-Administrative Council chairmen for the country’s six self-administered zones, which are administered by the ethnic Naga in Sagaing Region and the ethnic Danu, Pa-O, Palaung, Kokang and Wa in Shan State.

Some of the state/regional SAC members are from ethnic political parties.

The Kachin State Administrative Council chairman is U Hket Htein Nang, a former Upper House parliamentarian from the Unity and Democracy Party of Kachin State, which is affiliated with the military-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party.

The appointments to the regional administrative councils for Yangon and Ayeyarwaddy regions have yet to be released.

In a series of appointments and dismissals, the military-led SAC also replaced other key officials.

Attorney-General U Tun Tun Oo has been replaced by Daw Thida Oo.

Union Auditor-General U Maw Than has been replaced by Dr. Kan Zaw, who served as minister of planning and economic development under the U Thein Sein government.

Central Bank of Myanmar chairman U Kyaw Kyaw Maung was replaced by U Than Nyane, who served in the same position under the previous military regime and is an adviser to KBZ bank.

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Naypyitaw Council Chairman Dr. Myo Aung has been replaced by Dr. Maung Maung Naing. body.html ------

Burma Coup Leaders Name Former KNU Leader in its State Administration Council – Karen Community Shocked and Outraged at Perceived Treachery to its Cause Wednesday, February 03, 2021 | Karen Information Center

A former Karen National Union leader, Mahn Nyein Maung, has generated heated discussion among the local and international Karen community by accepting a key role in the military junta’s newly formed State Administration Council.

Mahn Nyein Maung, resigned from the Karen National Union’s Executive Committee member to run in the 2020 general election as a representative of the Kayin People’s Party was named a member of the ‘State Administration Council’. His attempt to win a parliamentary seat resulted in failure as he failed to win the votes needed in his hometown to the National League for Democracy’s candidate.

Mahn Nyein Maung is known to be a constant harsh critic of the NLD and for his often confusing political positions.

A source from within the KNU leadership (who asked not to be named) told Karen News that the news of Mahn Nyein Maung joining the administration did not come as shock to them.

“We were not surprised to see Mahn Nyein Maung’s name on the list. This may have been planned for sometime – it might not be the last shock.”

Karen communities around the world were shocked to see a Karen leader included in the military junta’s newly formed administration and bitterly denounced Mahn Nyien Maung. A common thread expressed on social media was the calling of Mahn Nyein Maung as traitor to the Karen people and its cause and that he should be ashamed of his actions.

A directive 9/2021 from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Service on February 2, 2021, named 11 members of a ‘State Administration Council’ to be led by Senior General Min Aung Hlaing. Mahn Nyein Maung was named as a member of the council.

Manh Nyein Maung was contacted to comment about the directive and his naming, but said he didn’t have anything to say about it.

The 11-member ‘State Administration Council’ included eight military officials and three civilian leaders – Senior General Min Aung Hlaing as Chairperson, Vice- Senior General Soe

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Win as vice chairperson, Lieutenant General Aung Lin Dway as secretary and Lieutenant General Ye Win Oo as joint secretary and the other seven members included General Mya Tun Oo, General Tin Aung San, General Maung Maung Kyaw, Lieutenant General Moe Myint Tun, Mahn Nyein Maung, U Thein Nyunt and U Khin Maung Swe.

Mahn Nyein Muang was a member of the KNU executive committee until recently before he participated in the 2020 general election as a Pyithu Hluttaw (House of Representative) candidate for the Yangon-based Kayin People’s Party in the constituency of his hometown Pantanaw Township in Ayeyawaddy Region.

Karen News is led to understand that officials of the Kayin People’s Party are also unaware of the appointment of Mahn Nyein Maung as a member of the ‘State Administration Council’. state-administration-council-karen-community ------

အ�ဏ�သ�မ�� အစ���ရ��င�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� ဆက�လ�ပ�မည�ဟ� အပစ�ရပ� ၁၀ ဖ�����ကည�

By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 3 February 2021

တပ�မ�တ��အစ���ရ��င�� �ဆ�င�ရ�က�မည�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� လ�ပ�ငန��စ��တ�င� တ���င�ငံလ�ံ� ပစ�ခတ�တ��က�ခ��က�မ� ရပ�စ��ရ� သ�ဘ�တ�စ�ခ��ပ� (NCA) အတ��င�� ရပ�တည� �ဆ�င�ရ�က�သ���မည��ဖစ���က�င�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� လ�ပ�ငန��စ�� ဦ��ဆ�င�အဖ��� (PPST)က သတင��ထ�တ��ပန�သည�။

NCA လက�မ�တ� �ရ�ထ���ထ���သ� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င� ၁၀ ဖ����ဖင�� ဖ���စည��ထ���သ� PPST က လက�ရ�� �ဖစ� �ပ��န�သ� ���င�ငံ�ရ� အခင��အက�င����င�� စပ�လ����၍ အထ��အစည��အ�ဝ�တရပ� က�င��ပခ���ပ���န�က� ဇန�နဝ�ရ� ၂ ရက�တ�င� ��ကည�ခ�က�တ�စ�င� ထ�တ��ပန�ခ���ခင�� �ဖစ�သည�။

တပ�မ�တ��ဘက�က အပစ�ရပ�တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င�အဖ���မ�����င�� �ဖစ����င�သမ� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� ပ��မ��ခ��င�မ�ရန� �ဆ������ သ���မည�ဟ� ��ပ�ဆ��ထ����က�င�� PPST ��ပ��ရ�ဆ��ခ�င��ရ��သ�၊ ကရင�အမ����သ��အစည��အ��ံ� ( KNU) အ�ထ��ထ� အတ�င���ရ�မ��ခ��ပ� ပဒ���စ�တ�ဒ��မ��က ဧရ�ဝတ�သ��� ��ပ�သည�။

ပဒ���စ�တ�ဒ��မ��က “အ�ဒ� �ဖစ����င�သမ� ဆ��တ��လ� တခ��တ�� သ�တ���က ��ပ�ထ��ပ�တယ�။ က��န��တ���က NCA ပ� လမ����က�င�� အတ��င�� �လ��က�လ�မ��တ�� အဖ����တ� �ဖစ�တ��အ���လ���စ�� �ဖစ����င�သမ�ဆ��တ�� အ��ခခံက�� ဘယ�လ�� အဓ�ပ��ယ�ဖ�င��လ� ဆ��တ� သ��အ�င��က ���စ��မယ�။ �ဖစ����င�သမ�က�န အတ�တက� အ��လ�ံ�သ������င�တ�� ပ�ံစံ�ဖစ��အ�င� အ��ဖရ��သ���ဖ��� က��န�� တ��� �ဆ������ထ��ပ�တယ� ” ဟ� ဆ��သည�။

���င�ငံ�ရ� �လ�လ�သ�ံ�သပ�သ� ဦ�သန��စ������င�က PPST သည� လက�ရ�� အ�ဏ�သ�မ��မ�က�� သ�ဘ�မတ���က�င�� ��ပ� �က��ထ���သ��လည�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�လ�ပ�ငန��စ��က�� NCA ပ� လမ����က�င��အတ��င�� စစ�အစ���ရ��င�� ဆက�လက� �ဆ������ သ���မည��သ�ဘ� ရ��သည�ဟ� သ�ံ�သပ�သည�။

NCA လမ����က�င��သည� အပစ�အခတ� ရပ�စ��ရ�အတ�က� အလ�ပ��ဖစ����င��သ��လည�� �မန�မ����င�ငံ၏ �ပည�တ�င�� စစ� �ပဿန�က��မ� ��ဖရ�င�����င�လ�မ��မည� မဟ�တ�ဟ�လည�� ၎င��က ��ပ�သည�။

ဦ�သန��စ������င�က “ဘ��ဖစ�လ���လ�ဆ���တ�� သ�တ���တ�လ��က�လ�ံ� �တ�င��ဆ�� တ��က�ပ��ဝင�လ�တ�က ဖက�ဒရယ� အခ�င�� အ�ရ��တ� ရရ��ဖ���။ တန��တ��ရ�န�� က��ယ���ကမ�� က��ယ�ဖန�တ��ခ�င��။ အ�ဒ� ဖက�ဒရယ� အခ�င��အ�ရ�ဆ��တ�က

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စစ�တပ�ဆ� မ�� �တ�င��လ���ရတ� မဟ�တ�ဘ��။ စစ�တပ�ဆ��တ� ဒ�မ��က�ရစ�အဖ��� မဟ�တ�ဘ��။ တ�သ��တသံတမ�န�� အဖ���အစည��” ဟ� မ�တ�ခ�က��ပ�သည�။

ယမန��န�က ထ�တ��ပန�သည�� PPST ၏ ��ကည�ခ�က�တ�င� လက�ရ�� ���င�ငံ�ရ� အက�ပ�အတည��အ�ပ� �မန�မ��တပ�မ�တ��မ� အ�ဏ� သ�မ��ယ�သည�� နည��လမ���ဖင�� ��ဖရ�င���ခင��က�� ဆန��က�င�ကန��က�က���က�င��၊ ဖမ��ဆ��ထ�န��သ�မ��ထ���သ� �ခ�င���ဆ�င�မ��� အ��လ�ံ�က�� �ခင��ခ�က�မရ�� အ�မန�ဆ�ံ� လ�တ��ပ�ရန���င�� တ���င�ငံလ�ံ� အပစ�အခတ� ရပ�စ���က�င�� �ခင��ခ�က�မရ�� ��ကည��ပ�ရန�လည�� �တ�င��ဆ�� တ��က�တ�န��ထ��သည�။

အမ����သ��ဒ�မ��က�ရစ�အဖ���ခ��ပ� (NLD) အစ���ရ��င�� ���င�ငံ�ရ� ည����င��မ�မ��� �ပ�လ�ပ�ရန� PPST က�� NCA လက�မ�တ� ထ��� ထ���သ� တ��င��ရင��သ��လက�နက�က��င�အဖ���မ���က ၂၀၁၆ ၌ စ��ပ�င��ဖ���စည��ခ���ပ�� စတင�ဖ���စည��ခ��န�တ�င� KNU က ဦ��ဆ�င�ခ��သည�။

ထ����န�က� PPST အဖ���အတ�င�� သ�ဘ�ထ�� က��လ��မ�မ��� �ဖစ�လ�ခ���ပ�� KNU က ၂၀၁၉ �မလတ�င� ��တ�ထ�က�စ�တင�ခ�� �ပ���န�က� လက�ရ��တ�င� ရ�မ���ပည��ပန�လည�ထ��ထ�င��ရ��က�င�စ� ( RCSS) က PPST က�� ဦ��ဆ�င��နသည�။

�ပ��ခ��သည�� NLD အစ���ရ လက�ထက� ၅ ��စ�တ� က�လအတ�င�� NCA လက�မ�တ�ထ���ထ��သည�� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက� က��င�အဖ���မ����ဖင�� ဖ���စည��ထ���သ� PPST ��င�� အစ���ရတ���အ�က�� ၂၁ ရ�စ� ပင�လ�ံ�င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�ည�လ�ခံ ၄ �က�မ� က�င��ပ ���င�ခ���ပ�� �ပည��ထ�င�စ�သ�ဘ�တ�စ�ခ��ပ�အတ�က� စ�စ��ပ�င�� အခ�က� ၇၁ ခ�က� သ�ဘ�တ�ည����င�ခ��သည�။


တပ�အ�ဏ�သ�မ��မ�က�� အပစ�ရပ�တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င�အဖ����တ� ကန��က�က�


တပ�မ�တ��က လက�ရ���ဖစ��ပ��နတ�� ���င�ငံ�ရ�အက�ပ�အတည���ပ�မ�� အ�ဏ�သ�မ��ယ�တ��နည��န�� ��ဖရ�င�� လ��က�တ�က�� ဆန��က�င�ကန��က�က���က�င�� NCA အပစ�ရပ�လက�မ�တ�ထ���ထ��တ�� အပစ�ရပ� ၁၀ဖ���က ��ကည�လ��က�ပ�တယ�။

အ�ဏ�သ�မ���ပ���န�က��န��ဖစ�တ�� �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ� ၂ ရက��န�မ��ပ� တစ����င�ငံလ�ံ� ပစ�ခတ�တ��က�ခ��က�မ� ရပ�စ��ရ� သ�ဘ�တ�စ�ခ��ပ� (NCA) လက�မ�တ�ထ���ထ��တ��အဖ��� ၁၀ ဖ����ခ�င���ဆ�င��တ�န�� ဖ���စည��ထ��တ�� �င�မ��ခ�မ�� �ရ�လ�ပ�ငန��စ�� ဦ��ဆ�င�အဖ��� (PPST) အထ��အစည��အ�ဝ�က�� �ခ�ယ��ပ�� တပ�မ�တ�� အ�ဏ�သ�မ��တ�က�� ကန��က�က���က�င�� ထ�တ��ပန�လ��က�တ�ပ�။ အ�ဏ�သ�မ��လ��က�တ�ဟ� ဒ�မ��က�ရစ� �ပ���ပ�င��လ��ရ�က�� �န�က��ပန�ဆ���နတ���က�င�� ���င�ငံ�တ�� အတ��င�ပင�ခံပ�ဂ� ��လ� �ဒ��အ�င�ဆန��စ��ကည� အပ�အဝင� ဖမ��ဆ��ထ��သ��တ�က�� အ�မန�ဆ�ံ��ပန�လ�တ��ပ�� ည����င���ဆ������တ�မ���� လ�ပ�သင��တယ�လ��� PPST အဖ��� ��ပ��ရ�ဆ��ခ�င��ရ��သ� ကရင�အမ����သ�� အစည��အ��ံ� (KNU) အ�ထ��ထ�အတ�င���ရ�မ��ခ��ပ� ပဒ���စ�တ�ဒ��မ��က ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

“ဒ�မ��က�ရစ�အ��ပ�င��အလ�က��သ���ဖ��� လမ��ခ�လပ�မ��ရ���နတ��က�လမ�� အ�ဏ�သ�မ��လ��က�တ�� က�စ�က�တ�� ဒ�က ဒ�မ��က�ရစ��ပ��ပင���ပ�င��လ�မ��တ�က�� �န�က��ပန�ဆ���စ�ပ���တ�� ဖက�ဒရယ�ဆ�� �ဝ�သ���တ��ပ��ဗ��၊ ဒ�က တစ����င�ငံလ�ံ�ရ�� ရည�မ�န��ခ�က�က�� လက�ခံထ��တ�� ရည�မ�န��ခ�က�က�န �န�က��ပန�ဆ�တ�သ���တ�� သ�ဘ�က���မင�တ��အတ�က���က�င�� ဖမ��ဆ��ထ��တ�� �ခ�င���ဆ�င��တ� အက�န�လ�ံ��ပ�� ���င�ငံ�တ�� အတ��င�ပင�ခံ �ဒ��အ�င�ဆန��စ��ကည� အပ�အဝင� ခ�င��ခ�က�မရ���ပန�လ�တ��ပ��ပ���တ�� ည����င���ဆ�����င�တ�� အခင��အက�င�� ဖန��တ���ပ���တ�� သ���သင��တယ�ဆ���ပ�� အ�ကံ�ပ�ထ��တ�ပ�”

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�င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�လ�ပ�ငန��စ��က�� NCA လမ����က�င��အတ��င�� ရပ�တည��ပ�� �ဆ�င�ရ�က�မ���ဖစ���က�င��၊ တစ����င�ငံလ�ံ� အပစ�အခတ�ရပ�စ���က�င�� �ခင��ခ�က�မရ�� ��ကည��ပ�ဖ��� တ��က�တ�န����က�င��လည�� အပစ�ရပ� ၁၀ ဖ���က ထ�တ��ပန�ခ�က�မ�� ��ပ�ထ��ပ�တယ�။

NCA လက�မ�တ��ရ�ထ���ရ�မ�� တပ�မ�တ�� က��ယ�စ��လ�ယ��တ�၊ အစ���ရက��ယ�စ��လ�ယ��တ� ပ�ဝင��ပ�� လက�ရ��မ�� အစ���ရ က��ယ�စ��လ�ယ��တ�က မရ��တ�� သ�ဘ��ဖစ�သ���တ���က�င�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�ဟ� ရပ�ဆ��င��သ���တ�� သ�ဘ�မ�����ဖစ��န���င��ပ�� အ�ဏ�ရယ�ထ��တ�� တပ�မ�တ��အ�နန�� ည����င���ဆ���������င�တ�� အ��ခအ�နမ���� ဖန�တ���ပ�ဖ��� လ��တယ�လ��� ပဒ��တ�ဒ��မ��က ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

အပစ�ရပ� ၁၀ ဖ���ထ�မ��ပ�တ�� ရ�မ���ပည��ပန�လည�ထ��ထ�င��ရ��က�င�စ� (RCSS) ကလည�� တပ�မ�တ��က ဒ�မ��က�ရစ� အရပ�သ��အစ���ရဆ�က�န အ�ဏ�သ�မ��ယ��ပ�� အ�ရ��ပ�အ��ခအ�န ��ကည�လ��က�တ�ဟ� ယ�ံ�ကည�မ� တည��ဆ�က��ခင��န�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�လ�ပ�ငန��စ���တ�က�� ထ�ခ��က��စ�ပ�� ဒ�မ��က�ရစ�န�� ဆန��က�င� တ���က�င�� အ�ဏ�သ�မ��တ�က�� ကန��က�က�တယ�လ��� RCSS ��ပ��ရ�ဆ��ခ�င��ရ��သ� ဗ��လ�မ��ခမ��စံက ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

“RCSS အ�နန�� �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ� ၁ ရက��န�ကတည��က အခ�က��လ�ခ�က�န�� ထ�တ��ပန�ထ��တယ�၊ ပထမအခ�က�အ�နန�� အ�ဏ�သ�မ��တ�ဟ� ယ�ံ�ကည�မ�န�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�တည��ဆ�က�တ�က�� ထ�ခ��က��စတယ�ဆ��တ��အ��က�င��၊ ဒ�တ�ယကRCSS က ဖက�ဒရယ�န��ဒ�မ��က�ရစ�အတ�က� �ပည�သ�လ�ထ�န�� တသ��တည��ရပ�တည�သ���မယ�ဆ��တ��အ��က�င��၊ တတ�ယတခ�က�က အ�ဏ�သ�မ��တ��အတ�က�NCA ရပ�တန��သ������င�တယ�ဆ��တ��အ��က�င��န�� �န�က�ဆ�ံ�တစ�ခ�က�က သက�ဆ��င�ရ� အစ�အဖ���အသ��သ���တ� �တ��ဆ�ံ�ဆ������ဖ��� တ��က�တ�န��တ� အ��လ�ခ�က�ပ�”

NCA စ�ခ��ပ�အတ��င�� ���င�ငံ�ရ��ဆ������တ��အခ� အစ���ရအစ�အဖ���၊ လ�တ��တ��အစ�အဖ���၊ တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င�အစ�အဖ���န�� တပ�မ�တ��အစ�အဖ���ဆ���ပ�� ဒ�အစ�အဖ��� အ��လ�ံ�က �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�ည�လ�ခံမ�� �ဆ�������ပ�� ���င�ငံ�ရ� သ�ဘ�တ�ည�ခ�က�က�� လ�တ��တ��မ�� �ပ�ပ���အတည��ပ�ရတ��ဖစ�ပ�တယ�။

တပ�မ�တ��က အ�ဏ�တစ���စ�သ�မ��ထ���ပ�� လ�တ��တ��လည�� မရ��တ���က�င�� ���င�ငံ�ရ� �ဆ������ပ��က ရလဒ��တ� အတည��ပ�လ��� ရ���င�တ���က�င�� တစ���စ�အတ�င�� ���င�ငံမ�ဖစ����င�ဘ��လ��� RCSS က ယ�ဆ��က�င�� ဗ��လ�မ�� ခမ��စံက ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

အပစ�ရပ�လက�မ�တ�မထ���ရ�သ�တ�� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င�အဖ����တ�န�� ဖ���စည��ထ��တ�� FPNCC အဖ��� ကလည�� တပ�မ�တ�� အ�ဏ�သ�မ��တ�န�� ပတ�သက��ပ�� ��ကည�ခ�က�ထ�တ�မယ�လ��� သတင���တ� ထ�က��ပ��န ပ�တယ�။ အ�ဒ�က�စ�န�� ပတ�သက��ပ�� ကခ�င�လ�တ���မ�က��ရ�တပ�မ�တ�� KIA၊ တအ�င��အမ����သ��လ�တ���မ�က� �ရ�တပ�မ�တ�� TNLA န�� ဝ �ပည��သ��စည��ည���တ��ရ�တပ�မ�တ�� UWSA ��ပ��ရ�ဆ��ခ�င��ရ��သ��တ�က�� �မ��မန��ဖ����က ���စ��ခ���ပမယ�� ဆက�သ�ယ�လ��� မရ�သ�ပ�ဘ��။

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“အ�ဏ�သ�မ���ပ��တတ�လ�တ�� အစ���ရက အစ���ရတရပ��ဖစ�သ���ရင� သ�တ���က NCA �ပ�မ�� ဘယ�လ��သ�ဘ� ထ��လ�၊ အရင�ထ���ခ��တ��အခ�က��တ��ပ�မ�� ဘယ�လ��သ�ဘ�ထ��လ�၊ အရင�တ�န��က ည��ထ��ခ��တ�� �ပည��ထ�င�စ� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� သ�ဘ�တ�ည�ခ�က�အ�ပ�မ�� ဘယ�လ��သ�ဘ�ထ��လ� ဒ�ဟ��ပ�မ�� မ�တည��နလ�မ��မယ�၊ အကယ�လ��� အခ�အစ���အ�နန�� �ပ��ခ��တ��ထ���ခ��တ�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�စ�ခ��ပ��တ�က�� အသ�အမ�တ��ပ�တယ� NCA က��လည�� ဆက�လက��ဆ�င�ရ�က�မယ� သ�ဘ�တ�ည�ခ��တ��ထ�မ��ပ�တ�� �ပည��ထ�င�စ� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� သ�ဘ�တ�ည�ခ�က��တ�က��လည�� ဆက�လက��ဆ�င�ရ�က�မယ�ဆ��ရင��တ�� EAO �တ�န�� ခ�အစ���ရ�က��မ�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ��ဖစ�စ��က ဆက�သ����နမယ�� အလ��အလ��တ��ရ��တယ�”

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ကပ��ရ�ဂ� COVID-19 ��က�င��န�� လက�ရ�� ���င�ငံ�ရ� �ပဿန�အ�ပ� အင�အ��သ�ံ� ��ဖရ�င��တ���က�င�� �ပည�သ�လ�ထ�တစ�ရပ�လ�ံ� �တ���က�ံ�နရတ�� အခက�အခ��တ�က�� သ�ဘ��ပ�က�န��လည��ပ�� �ပည�သ�လ�ထ�န��အတ� ပ���ပ�င����ဖရ�င��သ���မယ�လ���လည�� အပစ�ရပ�အဖ����တ�ရ�� ထ�တ��ပန�ခ�က�မ�� ��ပ�ထ��ပ�တယ�။

က�လသမဂ�အပ�အဝင� ���င�ငံတက�အသ��င��အဝ��င��က��လည�� လက�ရ���ဖစ��ပ��နတ���ပဿန��တ�က�� က�ည���ဖရ�င���ပ�ဖ���လည�� အပစ�ရပ�အဖ����တ�က �တ�င��ဆ��ထ��ပ�တယ�။


ကရင�လက�နက�က��င�အဖ���အစည��မ��� �ပန�လည� �ပ�င��စည��ရန�KCG �တ�င��ဆ��

သတင����င�� မ�ဒ�ယ� က�န�ရက�၊၂၀၂၁ ခ���စ� �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ�လ ၃ ရက�။

�န�ပည��တ��တ�င� တပ�မ�တ��က အ�ဏ�သ�မ��ယ�မ� �ဖစ�ပ���ခ��န�တ�င� KNU ထ�န��ခ��ပ�နယ���မမ���က�� က� က�ယ�ရန�အတ�က� ကရင��လက�နက�က��င� အဖ���အစည��မ��� တစ�စ�တည���ပန�လည��ပ�င��စည��ရန� KNU Concerned Group က တ��က�တ�န�� �တ�င��ဆ��လ��က�သည�။

ကရင��င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ��က�င�စ� KNLA/PC ၊ ကရင�အမ����သ�� ဒ�မ���ရစ�အက�����ပ�တပ�မ�တ�� DKBA ၊ကရင�နယ� �ခ���စ�င��တပ� BGF တ���က�� KNU/KNLA ��င�� �ပန�လည�ပ���ပ�င��ရန� KNU Concerned Group က တ��က�တ�န�� �တ�င��ဆ��ထ���ခင�� �ဖစ�သည�။

တပ�မ�တ��က အ�ဏ�သ�မ���ပ���န�က� �ဖစ��ပ�လ�မည�� ���င�ငံ�ရ� အခင��အ က�င�� အ��ခအ�နမ�����က�င�� တစ�စ�တစ�စည��တည�� �ပန�လည��ပ�င��စည��ရန� လ��အပ�သည��အတ�က� တ��က� တ�န�� �တ�င��ဆ��ရ�ခင�� �ဖစ�သည�ဟ� KUN Concerned Group က ��ပ��ရ�ဆ��ခ�င��ရ��သ� ကရင�အမ����သ�� အစည��အ��ံ� KNU ဒ�-ဥက�� (�ဟ�င��) ပဒ���န��စ�ဖ���ရ�စ�န� က ��ပ�သည�။

“အခ�အခ��န�မ��က�တ�� က�မတ��� အထ��သ�ဖင���ပ�� က�မတ��� ကရင�တ��င��ရင��သ�� �တ��လ�န��ရ� အဖ���အစည�� �တ�ရယ�၊ အရင�က က�မတ��� အ�ပ�ခ��ပ��ရ�နယ���မက�� က�မတ��� ခ�ထ��တ�� �က��သ���လ နယ���မက�� က�မတ��� က�က�ယ��ပ��ဖ��� က�က�ယ��ပ���တ�� အ�ပ�ခ��ပ��ရ�စနစ�က��လည�� က�မတ��� ဆက�လက��ပ���တ�� ထ�န��သ�မ�� က� က�ယ�ဖ��� လ��အပ��နတယ�။ အ�ဒ���က�င�� က�မတ��� �ဖ���ပတ��ဖစ�တယ�။ အ�ဒ���က�င�� က�မတ��� ကရင�လက�နက� က��င� အဖ���အစည��အသ��သ��က�ပ���လ ဒ�က�� အ�ရ��က��တ�� အခ��န�အခ��ဖစ�တယ�။ �ပည�သ�လ�ထ�က�� က�မတ��� အ�ပ�ခ��ပ��ရ�နယ���မက�� အ�ပ�ခ��ပ��ရ� စနစ��တ�က�� က�က�ယ����င�ဖ���အတ�က��ပ�� အ�ဒ� KNLA န�� �ပန�လည� ပ�� �ပ�င��ဖ��� အ�ဒ�ကလည�� က�မတ��� �တ�င��ဆ��တ� �ဖစ�တယ�။”

�ရ���က�က�ပ��တ�င� အ���င� ရရ��ထ��သည�� NLD အစ���ရထံမ� တပ�မ�တ��က အ�ဏ�သ�မ��ယ�လ��က� သည��အ �ပ� �ပင��ထန�စ�� ��ံ�ခ�ကန��က�က�သည�ဟ� �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ�လ ၃ ရက��န� KNU Concerned Group ၏ ထ�တ��ပန� ခ�က�ထ�တ�င� ထည��သ�င��ထ��သည�။

ထ���အတ� တပ�မ�တ��မ� ယခ�က��သ��� စစ�အ�ဏ� သ�မ��၍ ဖ���စည��လ��က�သည�� အ�ပ�ခ��ပ��ရ� လ�ပ�ငန��မ���က�� မ�မ� တ��� KNU Concerned Group မ� လ�ံ�ဝလက�မခံ��က�င����င�� ကရင���တ��လ�န��ရ� နယ���မအတ�င�� မ�မ�တ��� KNU ကရင�အမ����သ�� အစည��အ��ံ�မ� ခ�မ�တ�ခ��သည�� �က��သ���လ အ�ပ�ခ��ပ��ရ� စနစ���င��အည� က��ယ�ပ��င��ပ ဌ�န��ခ�င��က�� အ��ခခံ၍ �ဆ�င�ရ�က�ထ�န��သ�မ�� က�က�ယ�သ���မည� �ဖစ�ပ�သည�ဟ� KNU Concerned Group ထ�တ��ပန�ခ�က� ဆ��သည�။

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“KNU နယ���မမ��ရ���နတ�� တပ�မဟ� ၇ ခ�ရ��တ��ပ�� တပ�မဟ� ၇ ခ� ခ���င� ၇ ခ�မ�� တစ�ခ����က တပ�မဟ� ၄ မ�� ဆ��ရင� တနသ��ရ�တ��င��မ�� ရ���နတ��ပ���လ ဒ��ပမယ�� ကရင�အမ���စ� �နထ��င�တ�� �ဒသ�တ��ဖစ�တယ�။ တပ� မဟ� ၃ မ�� ဆ��ရင�လည�� တကယ��ကည��မယ�ဆ��ရင�လည�� အရင�က အစ���ရက လ�ပ�ခ��တ��တ�� ဒ�က ပ�ခ�� တ��င���ဒသ�ဖစ�တယ�။ ဒ��ပမယ�� က�မတ���KNU အ�ပ�ခ��ပ��ရ�စနစ�က�� �ဖ���ပတ�က�တ�� ဒ�က�တ�� က�မတ���KNU အ�ပ�ခ��ပ�မ��အ�က� မ��ရ��တယ�။ က�မတ��� ��ပ�တ� KNU အ�ပ�ခ��ပ�မ�က �က��သ��လ� အ�ပ�ခ��ပ�မ� �အ�က�မ��ရ��တယ�။ အ�ဒ� တပ�မဟ� အသ��သ���တ�က ကရင��ပည�နယ� တစ�ခ�တည�� မဟ�တ��ပမယ�� ဒ�က �တ�� က�မတ��� အ�ပ�ခ��ပ��ရ�စနစ�က�� KNLA က ခ�ထ��တ� �ဖစ�တယ�။ �က��သ���လ အ�ပ�ခ��ပ�မ� စနစ��ပ�� ဒ�က�� က�မတ��� ��ပ�ခ�င�တ��ဖစ�တယ�။ အ�ဒ���က�င�� ဒ�က��လည�� အရင�က အ�ပ�ခ��ပ�မ�စနစ�က�� ဒ�က���ပန��ပ���တ�� က�မတ��� ဒ�က��ထ�န��သ�မ�� ဖ��� အ�ဒ�က�မတ��� ��ပ�တ��ဖစ�တယ�” ဟ� ပဒ���န��စ�ဖ���ရ�စ�န� က ��ပ�သည�။

ထ���အ�ပင� တပ�မ�တ��မ� စစ�အ�ဏ�သ�မ��သည�� စစ�အစ���ရအ�� ���င�ငံတက� အသ��င��အဝ��င��မ���မ� အသ� အမ�တ� မ�ပ�ပ�ရန� KNU Concerned Group အ�လ�အနက�တ��က�တ�န��ထ��သည�။

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ကရင�လက�နက�က��င� အဖ���အစည���တ��ဖစ�တ�� DKBA၊ KNU/KNLA၊ PC BGF စတ��တ�ဟ� KNLA ကရင�အမ����သ��လ�တ���မ�က��ရ�တပ�မ�တ��န�� ပ���ပ�င���ပ�� �က��သ���လ တပ�မ�တ�� တရပ�အ�နန�� ကရင�အမ����သ���တ�န��အတ� တ��င��ရင��သ���ပည�သ�လ�ထ�က�� က�က�ယ��စ�င���ရ��က�သ���ဖ���၊ တပ�မ�တ��က အဓမ�စစ�အ�ဏ�သ�မ��တ�က�� �ပည�သ�လ�ထ�အ�နန�� လ�ံ�ဝလက�မခံဘ� ဆန��က�င�ဖ���န�� စစ�အ�ဏ�သ�မ��တ�က�� ���င�ငံတက�က အသ�အမ�တ�မ�ပ�ဖ���လည�� တ��က�တ�န��လ��က�ပ�တယ�။

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Published By DVB | 3 February, 2021

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Published By DVB | 3 February, 2021

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By Nang Seng Nom - February 3, 2021

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Published 3 February 2021 | ဉ�ဏ�လင��ထ�န��

ရ�မ��တ��င��ရင��သ��မ��� ဒ�မ��က�ရစ�အဖ���ခ��ပ�ပ�တ� (SNLD) ပ�တ�ဥက��တ�ဝန���င�� ���င�ငံ�ရ�မ� ဦ�ခ�န�ထ�န��ဦ� အန��ယ�ခ���သ���က�င�� ပ�တ�ဥက�ဌအ�ဖစ� ယခင�ပ�တ�ဒ�တ�ယ ဥက�� (၁) ဦ�စ��င����န��လ�င�က�� �ရ��ခ�ယ�တင���မ�က�လ��က���က�င�� SNLD ပ�တ�က �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ� ၃ ရက�တ�င� ထ�တ��ပန�သည�။

Photo: Shan Nationalities League for Democracy

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Published By DVB | 3 February, 2021

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By The Straitstimes | 03 February 2021

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By AFP | 03 February 2021

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03 �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ�၊ 2021 | နန���လ�င�ဝ�

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