PEACE Info (April 20, 2021)

− Burma’s Interim Govt Promises Representation For Ethnic Nationalities − Views on the declaration of the NUG − CHRO welcomes formation of (NUG) the parallel government − Regime Disputes Protest-Related Death Toll Compiled by AAPP − Prominent Protest Leader Escapes Arrest by Myanmar Junta − The fear of arrest is keeping Nay Pyi Taw quiet − Interview: ‘Military Leaders Are Afraid of Letting Their Power Go’ − EU Sanctions 10 More Myanmar Regime Members But Some Still Missing − ASEAN Summit on Myanmar Should Include NUG, Not Legitimize Junta − At ASEAN Meet, Malaysia to Push Myanmar Junta to Allow in Observers − Guterres and Ban Ki-moon call for ASEAN to act on Myanmar − Ethnic Kachin Armed Group Launches Multiple Attacks on Myanmar Military − Attacks RCSS Base Along Thai-Burma Border − IDPs in Paletwa Township in need of assistance − စစ�အ�ဏ�ရ�င� အ�ပ��တ��င� ပ�က�သ�န��ရန� အ�က�င��ဆ�ံ� အခ��န��ဖစ���က�င�� �က��က�လ ဒ�သမ�တ��ပ� − NCA ခ�����ဖ�က�သ�မ�� စစ��က�င�စ�မ���သ��ဖစ���က�င�� KNU တပ�မဟ� ၅ �ပန�လည�ရ�င��လင�� − အမ����သ��ည���တ��ရ� အစ���ရက�� ရခ��င��က��င��သ����င�� လ�ငယ�အစည��အ��ံ� � က �� ဆ � − တစ����င�ငံလ�ံ�မ�� အ�ယ�က� ၉၀ �က��� အဖမ��ခံရ၊ တစ�ဦ��သဆ�ံ� − စစ�တပ�က �ပည�သ��တ�ဆ�က�င�န��ပစ�ည���တ�ပ� မတရ��သ�မ��ယ�မ�မ���လ� − အ�ဆ�ယံ �ဆ������ပ��အ�ပ� CRPH အ�က�င��ဆ�ံ��မ���လင�� (ဦ�ထင�လင���အ�င�) − ဖ�အ���ပ�မည�� အ�ဆ�ယံ အစည��အ�ဝ�က�� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ�မ���က�� မင���အ�င�လ�င� မသ���ရ� − ဘ���က�င�� စစ��က�င�စ�က�� တ��တ�က ရပ�ခံက�က�ယ��နတ�လ� (�ဆ�င��ပ��) − �မန�မ����င�ငံ၏ အမ����သ���ပန�လည�သင���မတ��ရ�၌ အ�ပ�သ�ဘ��ဆ�င�လ�က� ပ�ဝင��ရ�အတ�က� အ�ဆ�ယံက�� �ထ�က�ခံ��က�င�� တ��တ����င�ငံ�ခ���ရ�ဝန��က��က က�လသမဂ�လ�ံ�ခ�ံ�ရ��က�င�စ�၌ ��ပ��က�� − �မန�မ��ဒ�မ��က�ရစ��ပန�လည�ထ��ထ�င��ရ� ကန�န�� အ����ယ���င�ငံ�ခ���ရ�ဝန��က�� ��စ�ဦ��ဆ������ − �မန�မ��အ�ရ� ��ပလည��စ�ရ�အတ�က� ��ဖရ�င���ဆ�င�ရ�က�ရန� ဂ�တ�ရက�စ���င�� ဘန�က�မ�န��က အ�ဆ�ယံက�� တ��က�တ�န�� − စစ��က�င�စ�အဖ���ဝင� အရပ�သ��မ���က�� EU ဒဏ�ခတ�အ�ရ�ယ� − တ���င���မ ���နယ�ရ�� စစ��က�င�စ�တပ�စခန��ငယ� ၂ ခ�က�� �ကအ��င��အ သ�မ��ပ��က� − အ�ကမ��ဖက�စစ��က�င�စ�၏ ခမရ ၃၈၉ တပ�စခန��က�� �ကအ��င��အသ�မ��ပ��က� − ဖ��ကန���မ ���နယ�တ�င�� တ��က�ပ��မ��� သ�ံ�ရက�ဆက�တ��က�ရ���န − တ��က�ပ��မ�����က�င�� ဖ��ကန�� လ�ံ�ခင���ဒသ အ�မ��ထ�င�စ� ၂၀၀ �က��� စစ��ရ��င��နရ − နမ�တ� စစ��ရ��င� (၂၀၀၀)�က��� စ��နပ�ရ�က�� ခက�ခ��န − သံလ�င��မစ�အတ�င�� သ���လ�သည��စက��လ� ထပ�မံပစ�ခတ�ခံရ


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Burma’s Interim Govt Promises Representation For Ethnic Nationalities By Network Media Group | Monday, April 19, 2021

The Committee Representing (CRPH) said members of the National Unity Government (NUG) will include more from Burma’s ethnic communities.

The shadow government consisting of lawmakers overthrown by the military regime during the February 1 coup promised to invite more ethnic nationalities. Kachin, Karen, Karenni, Mon, Chin and Ta’ang representatives already are included.

According to a statement during its April 16 launch, Burma’s former president, Win Myint, was appointed as the president of NUG and Duwa Lashi La, an ethnic Kachin, is the vice president.

Currently, the military is detaining Win Myint. , also arrested, is the new government’s state counsellor, a position she held before the coup.

The “Interim” government plans to establish a political road map through its Federal Democracy Charter, revealed on March 31 after it announced the annulment of the controversial 2008 Constitution. The charter supports the formation of a federal union, which the ethnic nationalities have demanded for decades.

CRPH will be concerned with legislation while NUG will administrate. Additionally, CRPH will appoint officials for its judicial branch. A special committee will handle the formation of state and regional governments. ------

Views on the declaration of the NUG Tuesday, April 20, 2021 | By - Saw Thonya (NMG)

The public, politicians, activists and EAOs have welcomed and supported the declaration of the formation of the interim National Unity Government by the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH).

The following are the views of political observers and officials of ethnic parties and the EAOs, on the formation of the NUG.

Naing Banyar Mon-Director of the Federal Affairs and Policy Center

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I understand that the NUG is based on the principle of all-inclusiveness. Although not all ethnics and democratic forces are included in the NUG yet, efforts are being made to ensure the inclusion of all parties. As it paves the way for inclusion it is a better form of democratic government. I also understand that, the united government composed of all ethics will emerge in building the future union.

Phado Man Man, Spokesperson of the KNU/KNLA (brigade-5 Mutraw (Hpapon) District

It can be said that now we have a sense of direction and a destination with federalism as the fundamental principle of the NUG charter. We will achieve the political goal we want if we implement it in accordance with the charter. That’s why I support and welcome it. In my opinion, the NUG is still in the stage of the revolution. It is not yet able to exercise and build government institutions which have the freedom to implement their programmers. The NUG has many limitations due to the military council’s crackdowns. That’s why the NUG is unfinished work. Cooperation of all ethnic political parties and especially the EAOs is needed.

U Kwan Haung Aung Kham, ex-chair of the Kachin Democratic Party

Those from other States should be included in the NUG. I think the people should not blame the CRPH. In my view whether it is good or not and whether it achieves success or not will depend on their work and I think the CRPH is trying its best. Marching towards a federal country calls for all-inclusiveness. The CRPH needs to hold discussions with all parties. I view the NUG as a central government rather than the federal government.

Khu Thae Yal, General Secretary of the Kayah State Democratic Party

In my view, the situation heading to the federal democracy system takes shape to a certain extent. I don’t know how the practical implementation will be. But it is an acceptable beginning. As we mentioned earlier, our ethnic parties proposed that the country needs to form such a national unity government. We have sought various means to solve the political problems in Myanmar. There are agreements contracts signed between ethnics. To be honest, it is

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like the Panglong Agreement and the agreements signed in around 1988. It needs practical implementation rather than just on paper.” ------

CHRO welcomes formation of (NUG) the parallel government Tuesday, April 20, 2021 | By - Salai Benezer (KMG)

The CHRO honors all elected cabinet members of the National Unity Government. we send our best wishes for all those who will try to forge a new democratic path for our conflict-torn country amidst bloodshed and grief.

Chin Human Rights Organization (CHRO) welcomes the formation of the National Unity Government formed by the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), according to its statement on April 17th.

Salai Za Uk Ling, Assistant Executive Director of the CHRO said: “The main point is they emerge from widespread consultation with ethnic peoples organizations. On the other hand, the army regards themselves as the government after illegally grabbing power. We welcome and support the NUG in its work for the public and the implementation of human rights, democracy and federalism.”

“But the NUG needs to think about the fact that the successive governments failed to conduct an analysis on the source of oppression against the minorities and change it. I think now is the best time for the current government to correct the past mistakes after doing a thorough review.”

In its statement, the CHRO urged the people that how different races, religions and politics are, all Myanmar citizens should stand in unity behind the NUG.

All together we need to protest against the lack of legitimacy of military leaders who operate using illegal means and violent means. ------

Myanmar Regime Disputes Protest-Related Death Toll Compiled by AAPP By | 20 April 2021 After being accused of inflating the fatality lists, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) said it can totally guarantee the death toll it has documented.

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AAPP, a human rights organization founded in 2000, has been documenting the fatalities and arrests at the hands of the military regime’s forces following the Feb. 1coup.

Citing the records of its police force, the military regime said via state-owned television and newspapers on Monday and Tuesday that only 258 people were killed between Feb. 1 and April. 15.

Meanwhile, the AAPP announced that a total of 726 people have been killed by the junta.

The junta also maintained that of its total of 258, 247 were killed during counter-attacks by the regime’s forces when they were assaulted while removing roadblocks.

The other 11 died under different circumstances, the regime said.

The military regime also denied responsibility for the death of 20-year-old high school student Ma Mya Thwet Thwet Khine, who was hit with a live bullet in Naypyitaw on Feb. 10, when riot police dispersed protesters.

It also denied responsibility for killing a 19-year-old girl, Kyal Sin, who was shot in the head during a crackdown on an anti-regime protest in Mandalay in March.

The regime said in state-run newspapers on Tuesday that both girls died because protesters were shooting at each other.

The military regime also claimed that the AAPP had listed 76 more fatalities in Bago on April 9 without having any personal information.

The regime said that only four “rioters”—the military’s euphemism for anti-regime protesters—were killed and 36 were arrested during the April 9 raids at Bago, which is 98 kilometers from .

About 4 a.m. that day, more than 250 of the military regime’s troops launched attacks on four residential wards—Shinsawpu, Hmawkan, Nantawyar and Ponnasu—which are anti- regime strongholds in Bago.

While trying to remove roadblocks erected with sandbags by the anti-regime protesters to protect the protest assembly areas, troops opened fire with automatic weapons and heavy explosives against defense team members and night watchmen guarding the areas.

Photos also show the tail of a rifle grenade and some unexploded rifle grenades found by local residents.

The junta’s troops deployed in the wards for days, and all entrances into the wards were closed with police lines. The forces continued shooting in the wards until April 11, according to a Bago resident.

The wards were deserted as no one dared to go outside, and many of residents had fled their homes.

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No ambulances and social organizations giving medical assistance and free funeral services were able to go into the wards to pick up the dead or give medical treatment to the wounded.

U San Min, who is in charge of the documentation and research department of AAPP, told The Irrawaddy on Tuesday that the regime’s forces have destroyed all trace of evidence on the massacre in Bago on April 9.

However, the AAPP has received the personal information on 27 out of the 82 killed by the junta’s troops in Bago that day, he added.

AAPP also said that they are still verifying the personal information on the other 55 killed.

According to U San Min, AAPP is documenting all deaths caused by the regime’s forces during their raids, crackdowns, interrogation and shootings, verifying each case.

“We have listed the death toll thoroughly. So, the numbers will never be inflated. Actually, the numbers are believed to be higher than the recorded lists as there are many cases [in which] we don’t have information,” U San Min said.

As of Monday, nearly 740 people have been killed by the junta’s forces during their raids, crackdowns, arrested and random shooting.

Those killed are included anti-regime protesters, NLD party members, bystanders, pedestrians and civilians, said AAPP.

More than 3,200 people including elected leaders, NLD party members, election commissioners, doctors, protesters, journalists, writers, artists and civilian have been detained.

In spite of the killings and arrests, tens of thousands of people across Myanmar continue to take to the streets to protest against the military rule. death-toll-compiled-aapp.html ------

Prominent Protest Leader Escapes Arrest by Myanmar Junta By The Irrawaddy | 20 April 2021

One of Myanmar’s most prominent anti-regime protest leaders has escaped arrest after junta security forces failed to capture him at his home on Monday.

Soldiers and police—some in plainclothes—arrived at Ko Tayzar San’s apartment in Mandalay and forcibly entered by smashing down the door.

The protest leader was not there at the time of the raid as he has been in hiding elsewhere.

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Ko Tayzar San at a protest on April 14 in Mandalay.

The failed attempt to detain the 32-year-old comes a few days after the regime seized another protest leader Ko Wai Moe Naing in Sagaing Region’s Monywa. His mother said she has lost contact with her son since then and is worried about his safety.

Ko Tayzar San has become a familiar face in Mandalay, Myanmar’s second-largest city, since early February for being at the forefront of anti-regime protests. He is known for his leading role in organizing the first ever protest against the junta in Myanmar just a few days after their Feb.1 coup, while other activists in the country were still deliberating their course of action.

Following that first protest in Mandalay, anti-regime rallies started taking place across the country.

Former US President George W. Bush, Ko Tayzar San, Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama and Laura Bush in 2016.

After the failed raid on his home on Monday, Ko Tayzar San wrote on his Facebook page that he had abandoned the place for some time.

“But they rampaged through the whole apartment and took everything,” he said.

The protest leader said he was upset that his collection of books at the apartment was ‘robbed’ by the regime’s troops. Ko Tayzar San is also an executive director at a free library in Mandalay.

“The Tatmadaw (Myanmar’s military) has become a gang of robbers. It would be gut- wrenching for its founder General Aung San,” he wrote. Aung San established the Myanmar military 79 years ago and was also the father of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s detained leader.

Ko Tayzar San said the raid and robbery were testaments to how Tatmadaw troops have behaved in the country’s ethnic areas, where fighting between the army and ethnic armed groups has raged for decades. Extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests, arson and looting by the army have been widely reported.

“Now we have experienced it personally,” he said.

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“It also proves that they [Tatmadaw] are our common enemy who have been hindering our attempt to establish federal democracy in the country,” he added.

Before Ko Tayzar San came to prominence as a protest leader, he trained as a medical doctor but worked as a librarian and NGO worker with a focus on public health, political education and youth capacity building. myanmar-junta.html ------

The fear of arrest is keeping Nay Pyi Taw quiet April 20, 2021 | By FRONTIER Ruthless crackdowns, including mass arrests, have largely quelled protests in Myanmar’s capital, but the regime has struggled to crush the spirit of the Civil Disobedience Movement despite prosecuting leading members. Protesters hold posters with the image of detained civilian leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi during a demonstration against the military coup in Nay Pyi Taw on February 28. (AFP)

When anti-military protests erupted in the wake of the February 1 coup, few areas of the country remained silent.

Even in the administrative capital Nay Pyi Taw – purpose-built, in part, to insulate the military from popular uprisings – tens of thousands joined mass demonstrations.

The Thapyaygone roundabout in Zabuthiri Township became a focal point for demonstrations, with protesters rallying around the junction’s Bogyoke Aung San statue.

On February 9, security forces opened fire there, shooting 19-year-old Ma Mya Thwe Thwe Khine in the head. For ten days the teenager clung to life at a Nay Pyi Taw hospital. On February 19, Mya Thwe Thwe Khine died, becoming the anti-coup movement’s first martyr.

Since then, the military and police have ruthlessly, murderously cracked down on demonstrations across the country, with the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners estimating they have so far killed more than 730.

But before the deadly crackdowns got underway elsewhere, security forces had long before quelled protests in Nay Pyi Taw.

An uneasy calm now prevails, with residents telling Frontier that an overwhelming military presence and the constant fear of arrest have worked to keep opposition in check.

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Mass arrests begin

The round-ups began on February 18, as Mya Thwe Thwe Khine still clung to life. Police arrested at least 10 people and confiscated dozens of cars and motorbikes that, more than two months later, have still not been returned.

In the following days, security forces stepped up enforcement of restrictions on gatherings of five or more people. When tens of thousands gathered at the hnin si (rose) roundabout in Pyinmana for the nationwide 22222 uprising, security forces broke up the gathering with live rounds.

Junta forces even silenced the 8pm banging of pots and pans – a nightly ritual throughout the rest of the country – by firing live rounds into the air to terrorise residents in two Zabuthiri wards on February 25, then did it again in an adjacent ward the next night. A resident there told Frontier the ritual has largely quieted since.

Demonstrators quickly changed tactics. When another nationwide call to protest went out for February 28, activists in Nay Pyi Taw chose less prominent locations that were more difficult for police and soldiers to reach.

But even these small shows of dissent have largely disappeared. When small groups of mostly young people march even through isolated wards and quarters, security forces are quick to respond and make arrests, residents say.

Nearly 300 people were arrested at protests in the second half of February. While most were later released, several deemed protest leaders and participants in the Civil Disobedience Movement remain in custody and are facing various charges.

U Tun Hmwe, a Nay Pyi Taw resident, said authorities have yet to release his son, who is in his early 20s. His son, who he declined to name for security reasons, was arrested along with 36 others at a demonstration on March 15 that brought more than 100 people onto the streets; he and another participant about the same age as him remain in custody, suspected of “leading” the demonstration. Tun Hmwe said his son may have urged his friends to join, but he was no activist or organiser.

His son has been charged with violating COVID-19-related bans on large gatherings under section 25 of the 2013 Natural Disaster Management Law, which carries a maximum three- year sentence.

Police have not returned the hundreds of cars, motorbikes, mobile phones and other personal items they’ve seized from protesters, residents say. Rumours abound, on social media and elsewhere, that police will return seized property if bribed, but claimants that Frontier spoke to say they don’t know where to go or who to bribe.

A Pyinmana man whose motorbike was seized during a February 22 protest said he had been variously told by neighbours that his property could be returned for a payment of K30,000, K50,000 or K100,000.

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“But you don’t know for sure where to go. When you do ask, they just pass the buck. Lawyers have promised to make enquiries but have said nothing yet,” he said.

Crushing the CDM

As the centre of government, Nay Pyi Taw has been a focal point for the CDM. Although there is no accurate or complete tally of striking public servants in Nay Pyi Taw, a member of the CDM Support Team there estimated that about 3,400 people across virtually every ministry have have enrolled for support since walking off the job, but the total number who’ve joined the CDM in the capital is believed to be far higher than that.

Civil servants who joined the CDM began protesting in early February at junctions surrounding Zabuthiri’s Myoma Market, which many government workers pass on the way to their offices. But after a prisoner transport truck was permanently stationed there in the beginning of March, protests shrank to vanishing.

Still, striking civil servants say more government employees are joining the CDM in Nay Pyi Taw. Some have gone into hiding or returned to their hometowns for fear of arrest, which has also contributed to the dwindling visibility of the resistance in the capital.

The authorities have used an array of tactics to try and coerce civil servants back to work. Some have been forcibly evicted from their staff housing by soldiers. Spouses of striking civil servants who also work for the government have faced demotion or termination. Frontier spoke to one Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement employee who joined the CDM and saw his wife, who also works at the welfare ministry, demoted. He said that despite the retribution against his wife, he will continue in the CDM.

Others are facing legal action. Social media posts from parliamentary staff suggest at least 48 Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Office employees, 18 Office employees and 17 staffers at the Office have been suspended for breaching the Civil Service Law by joining the CDM.

A female Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Office employee told Frontier on March 20 that more than 90 have joined from her office.

Frontier could not verify this figure, but did speak with one participant from the office who said authorities have suspended anyone who joined the movement before February 15, and that those who have joined since have not yet been suspended but have been urged to return to work.

Another staffer who joined the CDM in early February and was suspended said she will never return “until the people’s government is back in power”, because the hluttaw is “where the people’s hopes are implemented”.

She estimated the three offices had more than 1,000 staff before the coup.

In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 11 employees have been charged under sections 505-A and 505(b) of the Penal Code with incitement for joining the CDM. Page 10 of 52

On March 11, eight employees in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation’s Cooperative Department were convicted of disobeying an order from a public servant under section 188 of the Penal Code for joining the CDM and sentenced to three months’ imprisonment.

The CRPH, comprised of ousted elected lawmakers and acting as a parallel government in opposition to the military, has said all military council orders are unlawful, and that striking civil servants do not have to obey them. The committee has also pledged to compensate civil servants who have joined the CDM, and will honour their sacrifices when a new, elected government takes power.

The decision to join the CDM remains the main form of protest in Myanmar’s political power centre.

One Zabuthiri man who was active in the early protests at the Thapyaygone roundabout said people in his township don’t dare demonstrate anymore. Occasionally in Pyinmana, he said, some “flash” protests – lasting no more than 20 or 30 minutes – still pop up, with demonstrators dispersing before police can arrive, but even they are growing rare.

A Pyinmana man said people have prioritised ways of dissenting that avoid security force crackdowns.

“We still have protest rides on motorbikes, but not as many as before, [and we] avoid confrontations with the police,” the young man said.

By the second half of March, police had removed the last of the pro-democracy and anti- military signs and posterboards that still remained scattered along Nay Pyi Taw’s roadways – the last physical indications of a populace in revolt.

But while the familiar quiet of the purpose-built capital has returned, the police trucks and prisoner transport vehicles permanently stationed at once-popular protest sites throughout town belie the appearance of peace. ------

Interview: ‘Military Leaders Are Afraid of Letting Their Power Go’ 2021-04-20 Major Hein Thaw Oo in an undated photo. Photo courtesy of Major Hein Thaw Oo

Major Hein Thaw Oo from the Myanmar military’s 99th Light Infantry Division recently went AWOL from his army base in Meiktila, Mandalay region, to join anti-junta protesters in northeast Shan state. He is the highest-ranked

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known military defector who has rejected the army amid bloody crackdowns on demonstrators and other civilians in the aftermath of the military’s coup on Feb. 1 that overthrew the democratic government of country leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Hein Thaw Oo’s division is notorious for its involvement, along with the 33rd Light Infantry Division, in the brutal military-led crackdown on Rohingya Muslims in northern in 2017, which left thousands dead and drove 745,000 others out of the country to Bangladesh. He says that several military officers and soldiers from his outfit want join the protests and civil disobedience movement against the military regime. But they are unable to defect because they have been offered financial incentives and other economic opportunities — both legal and illegal — to stay loyal to the army, and also because their families are tightly controlled by senior officers.

In an exclusive telephone interview with Washington, DC-based reporter Khin Maung Soe of RFA’s Myanmar Service, Hein Thaw Oo discusses why he turned on the military and what protesters and the shadow government need to do in order to remove the junta. The Q&A has been edited for length and clarity.

RFA: Why did you decide to leave your military post without permission?

Hein Thaw Oo: The new officers who were appointed recently are pretty corrupt. They oppress the staff below them no matter how upright they are. If you are upright, you will never get promoted for sure. By the time you become a major in the military, you have been there long enough and you know them pretty well. They use all kinds of tactics to make sure such officers don’t quit. When you get to a high-ranking level, they are pretty concerned that you might betray them, so they offer you all kinds of opportunities, even though low- ranking soldiers are starving and barely surviving. In which other countries are soldiers forced to eat the bark of a banana tree? They take action against low-ranking military officers for accepting bribes 200,000 or 300,000 kyats (U.S. $140-210). But they turn blind eyes to the high-ranking officers who take in 300 million kyats (U.S. $203,400) or as much as a billion kyats (U.S. $678,000). The military guarantees that an officer can resign after 10 years of service, but [in reality] they don’t allow anyone who wants to resign to leave. They give the excuse that an officer is required to own a house in order to resign. It’s unpractical because those in service on the front lines can’t afford to buy a house on their salaries. All the officers resort to corruption and take bribes as they continue their service. I decided that I could not continue this way any longer, so I left.

RFA: What do you think about the military coup?

Hein Thaw Oo: They [the military] always have plots for coups. They are not new. Military leaders are afraid of letting their power go.

RFA: Were you aware of their plan for the recent military coup?

Hein Thaw Oo: Yes, I was.

RFA: Since when did you know about the plan?

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Hein Thaw Oo: I saw it coming as early as 2015 before they transferred the power to the National League for Democracy. I heard more revealing information in the last two years.

RFA: What kind of information?

Hein Thaw Oo: Before the (Nov. 8, 2020) election, the commanders of Special Command Division of the Ministry of Defense, who are of the lieutenant-general rank, toured the military command divisions across the country. They lectured soldiers about the consolidation of intra-military unity. It is a topic they frequently spoken about before. They asked them to make sure that none of the military units broke away no matter what the pressure was from outside elements. As I reflected on some of the speeches they had given before the elections, I knew that a military coup was coming.

RFA: What’s needed for the Spring Revolution, as the protest movement is called domestically, to succeed?

Hein Thaw Oo: There needs to be unity among ethnic armed groups. There is unity among the people in their minds, but it cannot be implemented on the ground. That’s because there are informers and spies among the people. The unity of the people must be formalized. There is a common motto among world militaries that a soldier needs to know about his enemy and about himself. If you fight a battle without the knowledge of these two, you will lose. If the civil disobedience movement continues, there could be less need for outside aid. But if it fails, there will be greater need for outside aid. If you are going to do something, you have to make plans, keeping in your mind your potential losses and gains. Otherwise, more and more lives will be lost. You need to elect a good leader and follow the leader’s guidance. In a war, whoever survives the battle will write its history.

RFA: How do you assess the strength of the Myanmar military?

Hein Thaw Oo: Among the infantry soldiers, some are fighting the battle on the front lines, while others are not going to the front lines. There are many soldiers who are not familiar with battle. They might be able to fire a gun, but they won’t hit the target. At most, there are only around 200,000 soldiers who can skillfully fire a gun. But, in the end, the decisive factor for winning a battle is not the guns. It is the artillery and the operations behind them.

RFA: If the plan to establish a federal army goes forward, what are the chances that Myanmar soldiers will defect and join the new force?

Hein Thaw Oo: If that is the case, then it depends on how much guarantee they have for security for themselves and for their families. The majority of the soldiers want to take the side of the just organization, but they are locked up in the incentives. They are prevented from doing so by fear. They are also hampered by deeply rooted beliefs. They also worried for their families. They are afraid that their families might be punished for their actions. Some are given wealth, possessions, and positions to stay. If the plans for a federal army succeed and the organization is successful, then it will erase their fears, and they will join it in droves. If the opposing sides can establish a free territory or a base in a city, then we will see divisions within the military.

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RFA: Are there other officers and soldiers in the military who are considering leaving without permission?

Hein Thaw Oo: Yes, there are, and they might be thinking about the route they will take.

RFA: Will you work with the newly formed National Unity Government?

Hein Thaw Oo: It depends on what happens next. If they need me, then I am willing to help them.

Reported by Khin Maung Soe for RFA’s Myanmar Service. Translated by Ye Kaung Myint Maung. Written in English by Roseanne Gerin. ------

EU Sanctions 10 More Myanmar Regime Members But Some Still Missing By The Irrawaddy | 20 April 2021 Members of Myanmar’s military council.

The European Union imposed sanctions on 10 more junta members, including its ethnic minority representatives, and two military- controlled conglomerates on Monday.

The latest sanctions target nine members of the State Administrative Council (SAC), the junta’s governing body, and its information minister, U Chit Naing, who is responsible for issuing military propaganda.

The EU said the sanctions include asset freezes and visa bans on those involved in decision- making, undermining democracy and serious human rights violations.

At least 739 people have been killed and 3,261 detained by the regime since the military takeover on Feb. 1, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners.

The EU imposed sanctions on U Chit Naing, saying he was responsible for spreading disinformation through the state media. It said he was also “directly responsible for decisions that led to the crackdown on Myanmar media”.

After taking over the ministry, he outlawed the words “coup”, “military regime” and “junta” in the independent media. On March 8 he removed the operating licenses of Mizzima, , 7Day News, Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) and Khit Thit Media, all of which had covered the protests against military rule.

Seven ethnic-minority SAC members are included on the sanctions lists.

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Mahn Nyein Maung, a former Karen National Union leader and ex-political prisoner, ran unsuccessfully for the Lower House in ’s Pantanaw Township for the Karen People’s Party in the Nov. 8 general election.

Rakhine politician Daw Aye Nu Sein was on the Arakan National Party’s policy board and the party’s spokeswoman. Kayah politician Saw Daniel was the vice-chairman of the Kayah State Democratic Party until his dismissal from the party for joining the SAC.

Dr. Banyar Aung Moe, a central executive committee member of the Mon Unity Party, was appointed to the SAC on March 17, leading to the resignation of many party members.

Shan politician Sai Lone Hseng was a Shan State speaker representing the military-proxy Union Solidarity and Development Party.

Two other members of ethnic minorities on the SAC, Jeng Phang Naw Taung and U Moung Har, also face EU sanctions.

New National Democracy Party chairman U Thein Nyunt and National Democratic Force chairman U Khin Maung Swe are on the sanctions list. Both are former National League for Democracy members who quit to take part in the military-organized 2010 general election and they served as MPs until 2015.

Myanma Economic Holdings Public Company Limited (MEHL) and Myanmar Economic Corporation Limited (MEC) have been also been sanctioned by the EU. The two conglomerates are a key source of income for the junta. They control a range of banking, trade, logistics, construction, mining, tourism and consumer goods businesses.

The EU said its decision is “a sign of the EU’s unity and determination in condemning the brutal actions of the military junta and aims at effecting change in the junta’s leadership”.

The 27-member bloc said its sanctions targeted the economic interests of the coup leaders and aim to avoid harm to the people of Myanmar.

Some are still missing

In March, the EU issued a freeze on assets and a visa ban for coup leader Senior General and nine other senior officers who are SAC members and for the new head of the election commission.

The EU’s latest sanctions on Monday target civilian members of the SAC and one minister.

Other key SAC members have evaded sanctions.

Foreign minister U Wunna Maung Lwin, a key member of the UDSP, also served as foreign minister under President U Thein Sein when he worked with his counterparts in Asean, a role he reprised on his recent trip to Thailand. He met the Thai and Indonesian foreign ministers weeks after the military coup.

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(Top: Left to Right)U Aung Naing Oo, U Ko Ko Hlaing (Bottom: Left to Right) U Wunna Maung Lwin, Daw Thet Thet Khine

Also missing is the regime’s investment and foreign economic relations minister, U Aung Naing Oo. Despite his military background, he was appointed Myanmar Investment Commission chief under the ousted National League for Democracy government. With the experience he gained under the NLD government, he is now the economics czar for the regime.

The junta’s minister for social welfare, relief and resettlement, Daw Thet Thet Khaing, was a military-friendly politician long before her ministerial appointment. Before the 2020 general election, she met Senior General Min Aung Hung to seek help if they were mistreated by the NLD during the election. She is a former NLD member.

International cooperation minister U Ko Ko Haling used to be an adviser under U Thein Sein’s government in the early 2010s. He is a staunch supporter of China and he is an adviser to Yunnan University’s Center for Myanmar Studies. He has backed China’s policies towards Hong Kong and Taiwan.

These ministers have all received severe criticism from pro-democracy supporters who have demanded western countries impose sanctions on them. still-missing.html ------

ASEAN Summit on Myanmar Should Include NUG, Not Legitimize Junta By The Irrawaddy | 20 April 2021

ASEAN will hold its summit on Myanmar in Jakarta on April 24 amid concerns that the gathering will lend legitimacy to the junta, which has been murdering its own people daily since grabbing power from the country’s elected government on Feb. 1.

Coup leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing has confirmed his attendance at the summit. If he does make an appearance, he must be condemned and held accountable by ASEAN members. Why? Since joining the regional grouping in 1997 Myanmar has been its problem child and its weakest link.

If at the last minute Snr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing becomes too afraid to face the music, he will likely join the summit via teleconference from Myanmar. If he does that, he will show that he is not only a criminal, but also a coward.

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The illegitimate coup and the slaughter it has unleashed in Myanmar have only diminished ASEAN’s standing in the world and exposed its utter lack of credibility in tackling such crises.

On the one hand, the coup and the regional reaction to it have highlighted the fact that a substantial portion of ASEAN’s members arFnuge ruled by authoritarian governments; predictably, these countries have refused to condemn the regime in Myanmar.

Having said that, Indonesia and Singapore have voiced an unusual degree of concern by ASEAN standards, and are taking an active role in seeking a resolution.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday called for leaders across Asia to increase their efforts at finding a peaceful solution to the bloody crisis in Myanmar.

Speaking during a Security Council meeting on cooperation between the UN and regional and sub-regional organizations, he highlighted the relationship with ASEAN, underlining the bloc’s important role in diplomacy, conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

“Today, ASEAN’s role is more crucial than ever as the region faces an urgent crisis in Myanmar”, Guterres said. “I have repeatedly called on the international community to work, collectively and through bilateral channels, to help bring an end to the violence and the repression by the military.”

“I urge regional actors to leverage their influence to prevent further deterioration and, ultimately, find a peaceful way out of this catastrophe.”

Reiterating the line Beijing has taken since the coup, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told the council Monday that it should look to ASEAN to lead the way on Myanmar.

“Supporting ASEAN’s constructive participation in Myanmar’s domestic reconciliation process in an ASEAN way and de-escalating tension in Myanmar serves the interests of the people of Myanmar and the international community,” he said.

China and Russia have blocked efforts to take action against the Myanmar regime, or even to condemn the coup, through the UN Security Council. This has prompted a wave of anti- China protests in Myanmar and a boycott of Chinese goods.

Controversial invitation

There was initially some debate over whether representatives of the regime should be invited to the summit, given the amount of blood that is already on their hands. Opponents questioned the value of giving a murderer a seat at the table. However, if ASEAN members—particularly Indonesia and Singapore, along with Malaysia—plan to use the occasion to roast the senior general and demand an immediate solution to the Myanmar crisis, it is worth inviting him. ASEAN needs to find a way to talk to him without lending him or his murderous junta a hint of legitimacy.

Last week, lawmakers from Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s party, activists and some ethnic leaders including ministers of the ousted government formally announced the establishment of a

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National Unity Government (NUG) aimed at bringing together opponents of military rule to hasten the restoration of democracy. The NUG called for international support and recognition. Under the NUG, detained President U Win Myint and State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi retain their positions.

U Moe Zaw Oo, the NUG’s deputy minister of foreign affairs, said ASEAN had yet to reach out to the new government. Ethnic minority politicians have not been contacted either.

“If ASEAN wants to help solve the Myanmar situation, they are not going to achieve anything without consulting and negotiating with the NUG, which is supported by the people and has full legitimacy,” he told Voice of America’s Burmese service.

“It’s important that this military council is not recognized. This needs to be handled carefully,” he said.

Some members of Myanmar’s National Unity Government

Former US ambassador to Myanmar Scott Marciel agreed that ASEAN needs to be clear that it is not recognizing the junta of member- state Myanmar and must talk with the NUG.

“ASEAN’s agreement to let Min Aung Hlaing represent Myanmar at the upcoming summit raises the stakes for the bloc,” Marciel said via Twitter over the weekend.

“To avoid major damage to its standing, ASEAN needs to consult with the NUG and come out of the summit with tangible actions to show it is not accepting the junta.”

According to Simon Adams, executive director of the Global Center for the Responsibility to Protect, the only appropriate place for Snr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing is behind bars.

“General Min Aung Hlaing is responsible for crimes against humanity and belongs in handcuffs. He should be arrested under universal jurisdiction if he leaves Myanmar,” Adams tweeted over the weekend.

There is doubtless nothing the oppressed people of Myanmar—particularly the parents of the children who have been killed by the junta’s forces since the coup—would welcome more than the sight of the coup leader handcuffed and sentenced to a lengthy jail term. In reality, that is not likely to happen, however.

Dewi Fortuna Anwar, an international political expert at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), told BenarNews, “Of course [Daw Aung San] Suu Kyi’s camp needs to participate in the meeting.”

“The presence of the military junta at the ASEAN summit will definitely complicate consensus. However, without the presence of the junta, ASEAN’s efforts to find a solution to the Myanmar conflict will not be successful.”

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Dewi said ASEAN should press the junta to end its violence and open up access to humanitarian assistance from the international community.

“An inclusive dialog process must involve all major components of Myanmar society to restore political stability, security and democracy in Myanmar,” she said.

It is important that NUG representatives be invited to the summit to hear their concerns and vision for Myanmar’s future.

There are fears that the current Myanmar regime will, like its predecessors, receive diplomatic cover from ASEAN and use it as a shield. This must not be allowed to happen. Still, some see the presence of Myanmar’s military leader at the summit as a necessity if any progress is to result.

“If ASEAN wants to push for an immediate end to violence, open access to humanitarian aid, then the most appropriate thing is to talk directly to the military. I think this is a very important opportunity,” Teuku Rezasyah, a lecturer in international relations at Padjajaran University Bandung in Indonesia told BenarNews.

Whatever truth there is in that position, it’s equally clear that the presence at the summit of regime officials alone won’t suffice; Snr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing in no way represents the people of Myanmar. It is imperative that ASEAN invite elected representatives to the summit. That would go some way toward persuading the international community and Myanmar’s people of the bloc’s credibility as an actor in resolving the crisis. legitimize-junta.html ------

At ASEAN Meet, Malaysia to Push Myanmar Junta to Allow in Observers 2021-04-20 Indonesian police direct cyclists taking part in a rally to show their their support for democracy in Myanmar near the Myanmar embassy in Jakarta, April 17, 2021. AFP

Malaysia, during a special ASEAN summit Saturday that the Burmese military leader is expected to attend, will press the junta of member-state Myanmar to allow observers from the regional bloc into that country, the top Malaysian diplomat said Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Hisham Hishammuddin also announced that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin would attend the summit in Jakarta. That would make Muyhiddin one of only four leaders confirmed to participate, so far – in addition to Myanmar’s Min Aung Hlaing – in Page 19 of 52 what was supposed to be a high-level meeting of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations to discuss the post-coup turmoil in Myanmar.

“We hope that with our discussion in Jakarta, Myanmar will agree to receive representatives from the ASEAN chair Brunei or from the ASEAN secretariat in Jakarta to observe and help Myanmar back to normalcy,” Hishammuddin told reporters, according to a video he posted on Twitter.

The “normalcy” that Hishammuddin was referring to was pre-coup Myanmar.

Since the Myanmar military toppled Aung San Suu Kyi’s elected government on Feb. 1, the government’s armed forces and police have killed more than 700 people – mostly anti-coup protesters – according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, a Myanmar human rights group based in Thailand.

Hishammuddin said he reiterated Malaysia’s stand on the situation in Myanmar to the United Nations chief late on Tuesday.

“Just now, received a phone call from U.N. Secretary General António Guterres. Spoke on Myanmar and reiterated Malaysia’s stand that the violence must stop; the political detainees must be released; and an ASEAN rep [representative] must be allowed to meet with all parties involved,” Hishammuddin said.

Malaysia and Indonesia had spearheaded the call for an ASEAN leaders’ summit on the crisis in Myanmar, a move that was strongly supported by Singapore. The ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta formally confirmed on Tuesday that its offices would be the venue for the meeting on Saturday.

But as of Tuesday, Muhyiddin was only the fourth ASEAN leader, after Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah and Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, to confirm that he would be going to the summit at the bloc’s headquarters in the Indonesian capital.

Also on Tuesday, Brunei said that Prime Minister Bolkiah would chair the April 24 meeting, Reuters reported, citing a statement from his office. The sultanate on Borneo Island is this year’s holder of ASEAN’s rotating chairmanship.

Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-o-cha, a former junta chief, won’t be attending, he confirmed on Tuesday.

“Regarding the ASEAN summit I decided to send [Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister] Don Pramudwinai to attend and I know that many countries are also sending their foreign ministers,” Prayuth told reporters.

How this affects ASEAN’s response to the grim situation in Myanmar remains to be seen.

Notably, a special meeting of ASEAN foreign ministers, called shortly after the military coup, failed to reach a consensus on demanding the immediate release of Myanmar’s civilian

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leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, and others detained by the military. Instead, ASEAN merely called for a halt to violence in Myanmar and urged dialogue to end the crisis.

Muhyiddin ‘will remain firm’ on Malaysia’s stand on Myanmar

ASEAN has been lambasted for not being able to reach a consensus on how to deal with Myanmar’s junta in the more than two months since the coup and ensuing bloodshed carried out by the government forces. The regional bloc, after all, has its share of former military leaders and one-party states, such as Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.

On Monday, U.N. chief Guterres also said he was disappointed by divisions within ASEAN that have prevented a united response from the regional grouping on Myanmar.

Malaysia’s foreign minister said Muhyiddin would reiterate to the Burmese junta that it must end the violence and release all political detainees.

“General Min [Aung Hlaing] will attend [the meeting]. Coincidently, he will be seated next to us but we are firm with our stand and principles as stated by the Prime Minister previously,” Hishammuddin said.

“[T]he Prime Minister will remain firm on the Min [Aung Hlaing] stand during the meeting that we will attend on Saturday. I will inform other countries’ foreign ministers when I met them on Malaysia’s stand and what the Prime Minister will bring to the ASEAN leaders meeting,” Hishammuddin said.

In the run-up to the special meeting officials from across ASEAN, including host-nation Indonesia, have mostly been tight-lipped about the summit. The ASEAN Secretariat’s statement Tuesday was similarly very short on details – it did not even say the meeting would discuss Myanmar.

Officials at the secretariat did not immediately respond on Tuesday to follow-up queries from BenarNews, an RFA-affiliated online news service, about the statement.

Meanwhile, there has been a renewed backlash against ASEAN after word came out that Min Aung Hlaing was invited to the April 24 meeting.

On Tuesday, an Indonesian coalition of civil society groups – including Amnesty International Indonesia, Milk Tea Alliance Indonesia and Forum Asia –said it deplored and rejected the participation of the Burmese junta chief.

The coalition said Myanmar must be represented by the “legitimate” National Unity Government (NUG) at the ASEAN summit. NUG is a parallel government launched Friday that comprises lawmakers who won seats in the November 2020 election, which the Myanmar military overturned by force.

The coalition also said ASEAN must secure a guarantee from the junta to allow health and humanitarian groups into conflict areas in Myanmar.

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And it urged the Indonesian government to work with ASEAN to investigate Myanmar military personnel involved in the killings of unarmed civilian pro-democracy protesters.

Irine Putri, a lawmaker from the ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), had said earlier that Min Aung Hlaing should not be welcomed in Jakarta and ASEAN should invite NUG representatives.

“The government of Indonesia must not grant recognition to the junta as the legitimate government of Myanmar, because this regime has massacred civilians and suppressed the democratic movement,” Irine said in a statement on Monday.

The NUG, for its part, deplored Min Aung Hlaing’s expected presence at the Jakarta meeting.

“If ASEAN is considering actions related to Myanmar affairs, I would like to say it will not work unless negotiating with the NUG, which is supported by the people and has full legitimacy,” NUG Deputy Foreign Minister Moe Zaw Oo told Voice of America on Sunday.

Reported by BenarNews, an RFA-affiliated online news service. ------

Guterres and Ban Ki-moon call for ASEAN to act on Myanmar By AFP | 20 April 2021 United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Photo: EPA

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and his predecessor Ban Ki-moon on Monday urged governments in southeast Asia to push to end the crisis in Myanmar, during a video conference of Security Council leaders.

"I urge leaders to take immediate and concerted actions," said Ban ahead of a special summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on Myanmar on Saturday in Indonesia.

"They should agree that a high level delegation will visit Myanmar to engage with all relevant parties. I am sincerely appealing to ASEAN leaders to step up together with the United Nations to help the people and country of Myanmar."

He said he regretted divisions within ASEAN that have prevented a united response, and called for the UN Security Council, which has also been split over Myanmar, "to act decisively to prevent the worst in Myanmar and beyond."

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Guterres said that "ASEAN's role is more crucial than ever as the region faces an urgent crisis in Myanmar.

"The situation requires a robust international response grounded on a unified regional effort.

"I urge regional actors to leverage their influence to prevent further deterioration and, ultimately, find a peaceful way out of this catastrophe."

Junta leader Min Aung Hlaing is expected to join the ASEAN summit -- his first official overseas trip since the February coup that ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

The army has moved to quell mass protests against its rule, killing at least 730 people according to a local monitoring group. ------

Ethnic Kachin Armed Group Launches Multiple Attacks on Myanmar Military By The Irrawaddy | 20 April 2021 KIA fighters. / The Irrawaddy

Ethnic armed group the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) attacked a police outpost in Maden Yang village in Lone Khin village-tract in Kachin State’s Hpakant Township around 7pm Monday. The number of casualties is still unknown.

“We heard gunfire and explosions until 9pm. Locals are planning to flee from their homes as gunfire has been heard every night recently,” said a local resident.

The KIA’s Battalion 6 has been attacking outposts of the Myanmar military’s Division 33 in Hpakant Township. On Sunday night and Monday morning, it attacked two military outposts near Gensi village in Lone Khin village-tract and Aungbarlay village, according to local residents.

“Myanmar’s military bombed with jet fighters around 9am this morning and residents from both Gensi and Aungbarlay had to flee. Around 1,000 people from both villages have fled,” said a Gensi resident on Monday morning.

The KIA has warned local people to flee to safe places.

Local residents said the KIA occupied the two military outposts on Monday morning. KIA information officer Colonel Naw Bu confirmed the armed group’s ongoing fighting with

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Myanmar’s military in Hpakant, but said he had been unable to contact commanders on the ground and thus did not know exact details.

“Recently, as a preemptive measure, our troops at the front lines are seizing military outposts depending on the situation. Headquarters did not instruct them to occupy this or that outpost. The commanders on the ground assess the situation and decide which outpost to attack. Especially, we are focused on retaking control of outposts that we had previously lost to the military,” said Colonel Naw Bu.

The two bases the KIA attacked on Sunday and Monday were formerly outposts of the KIA’s Battalion 6. The KIA lost them to Myanmar’s military in 2016.

Fighting between the KIA and the Myanmar military broke out again in June 2011 after a 17- year truce collapsed. Clashes virtually ceased from December 2018 to January of this year as the two sides were in the process of negotiating a bilateral ceasefire.

Following the junta’s Feb. 1 coup, the KIA asked the military’s Northern Command not to harm peaceful Kachin people protesting against the regime.

But tensions grew after two civilians were shot dead in a crackdown by the security forces on anti-regime protesters in the Kachin capital Myitkyina a month later.

Since then, the KIA has carried out a series of attacks on police and military outposts in Injangyang, Momauk, Namtu, Hpakant, Tanai and Shwegu townships. The KIA has also occupied the strategic Alaw Bum base near the border with China. attacks-myanmar-military.html ------

Tatmadaw Attacks RCSS Base Along Thai-Burma Border By SHAN - April 20, 2021

The Burma army shelled the Restoration Council of Shan State’s (RCSS) Loikaw Wan base on the Burmese side of the Thai-Burma border, with some shells landing in areas where civilians live.


An RCSS officer told SHAN the military attacked it with two rounds of 120mm mortar at around 5:40pm on April 18. According to the officer, no one was hurt but ten families sought shelter at a safer location.

Over 6,000 Shan civilians live at 5 internally displaced persons camps along the border. Many fled fighting between RCSS and

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Burma Army a long time ago.

Tachileik Township Border Committee wrote to their Thai counterpart on March 30 informing them of plans to attack RCSS’s southern bases along the Thai-Burma border. The letter followed a visit by Burma Army Chief Snr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing to eastern Shan State.

Before Min Aung Hlaing’s trip, RCSS Chairperson Gen Yawd Serk told Reuters and CNN the ethnic armed organization strongly condemns the regime’s killing of unarmed civilians, vowing to stand with the people if the bloodshed continues.

“Burma Army is crazy just like a yaba addict,” an RCSS officer in Loi Kaw Wan camp told SHAN in late March after news of the letter was leaked.

Shan civil society organizations requested the Thai government to allow Shan IDPs (internally displaced persons) shelter in Thailand if the camps along the border fall under attack.

RCSS signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) in 2015 and a bilateral ceasefire in 2012. After the military took over the country, the ten NCA signatories condemned the February 1 coup through its Peace Process Steering Committee. ------

IDPs in Paletwa Township in need of assistance Tuesday, April 20, 2021 | By - Salai Benezer (KMG)

Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Paletwa and Sami in southern Chin State may face difficulty in the rainy reason, if the IDPs camps cannot be repaired in time according to the CSOs.

The IDP camps in Sami of Paletwa Township are in urgent of repair as the makeshift camps built with bamboo decay. Every month, the WFP provides them only with rice, edible oil and salt. But health care is weak,” said U Zaw Li Aung, Director of the Peoples Hope which is closely providing assistance to the IDPs.

There are five IDP camps in Sami Township, where around 3,000 populations from over 800 households have taken shelter.

U Zar Ni, from a CSO in Paletwa Township, said: “The IDPs in Paletwa may face difficulty in the rainy season as their bamboo houses are damaged. The houses were built with bamboo last year. The roofs are CI sheets. We need to repair houses if the IDPs are unable to go home.

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“We are unable to provide aid to the IDPs as there are no donors and funds. The major difficulty of the IDPs is to buy foods and firewood.” U Zar Ni added.

There are ten IDP camps in downtown Paletwa Township, where around 5,000 populations from over 1,000 households are taking shelter.

The roofs of nearly 400 IDP houses in Paletwa Township were blown off by strong winds on the evening of April 4th.

The IDPs in Paletwa Township no longer get assistance from the State Administration Council since the army took the country’s power on 1st February.

Due to the current political situation, the INGOs also are unable to provide regular assistance to the IDPs before.

Thousands of locals have been taking shelter at the IDP camps in downtown Paletwa and Sami due to the intense fights between the army and the Arakan Army (AA) since early 2020. ------

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အမ����သ��ည���တ��ရ� အစ���ရက�� ရခ��င��က��င��သ����င�� လ�ငယ�အစည��အ��ံ� �က ��ဆ��

By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 20 April 2021

AASYC အဖ��� စစ�အ�ဏ�ရ�င� ဆန��က�င��ရ� လ�ပ�ရ���မ�မ��� �ပ�လ�ပ��နစ�� / AASYC

အမ����သ�� ည���တ��ရ�အစ���ရအဖ��� (NUG) အ�� ရခ��င��ပည�လ�ံ�ဆ��င�ရ� �က��င��သ����င�� လ�ငယ�မ��� အစည��အ��ံ� (All Arakan Students Youths Congress) က �က ��ဆ����က�င�� ဧ�ပ�လ ၁၉ ရက� ရက�စ���ဖင�� ထ�တ��ပန�လ��က�သည�။

NUG ၏ အ�ပ�စ�ဖ���မ�၊ က��ယ�စ���ပ�မ�၊ လမ��စ��၊ လ�ပ�ငန��စ��ဆ��င�ရ�မ�����င�� ပတ�သက�၍ မတ�က���ပ���သ� အ�ပ�စ�မ���အ�က�� �ပန�လည� သ�ံ�သပ�စရ�မ��� ရ���က�င�� ရ�����င��သ��လည�� ယ�န� အခ��န�တ�င� အမ����သ��ည���တ��ရ� အစ���ရအဖ���သည�၂၀၀၈ ဖ���စည��ပ�ံက�� ဖ�က�သ�မ���ရ�၊ နယ�ခ���ဝ�ဒ လ�မ�����က��ဝ�ဒ��င�� အ�ဏ�ရ�င�စနစ� ပ�ပ��က��ရ�၊ ဖက�ဒရယ�ဒ�မ��က�ရစ� �ပည� �ထ�င�စ� တည��ဆ�က��ရ�တ���အတ�က� မ�ဖစ�မ�န လ��အပ��နသည�� �က��က�လအစ���ရအ�ဖစ� AASYC အသ�အမ�တ��ပ� ��က�င��လည�� ထ�တ��ပန�ခ�က�တ�င� �ဖ���ပထ��သည�။

AASYC မ� အ�ထ��ထ� အတ�င���ရ�မ�� က��တ�န�ဦ�က “က��န��တ��� �က ��ဆ����က�င�� ထ�တ��ပန�ရတ�� အဓ�က ရည�ရ�ယ�ခ�က�က မတ�က���ပ��တ�� အင�အ��စ��တ�၊ အထ��သ�ဖင�� ဗမ�တ��င��ရင��သ��န�� ဗမ�မဟ�တ�တ�� အ�ခ�� တ��င��ရင��သ���တ��က��မ�� အ�ပန�အလ�န� န��လည�မ�၊ ယ�ံ�ကည�မ� တည��ဆ�က����င�ဖ���ဆ��တ�� �မ���လင��ခ�က�န�� NUG က�� �က ��ဆ��တ� �ဖစ�ပ�တယ�” ဟ� ဧရ� ဝတ�သ��� ��ပ�သည�။

ယင��အ�ပင� AASYC အ�န�ဖင�� NUG သည� �မန�မ����င�ငံတဝ�မ��လ�ံ�မ��ရ��သည�� အ�ဏ�ရ�င�ဆန��က�င��ရ� အင�အ��စ�မ���က�� က�ယ�က�ယ��ပန���ပန�� စ�စည���ပ����င�မည�� အင�အ��စ� တရပ�အ�ဖစ� ���မင�သလ�� အဖ����ပ�ခံ ဗမ�တ��င��ရင��သ���ပည�သ�လ�ထ���င�� �မန�မ����င�ငံလ�တ�လပ��ရ� ရသည��အခ��န�ကတည��က ယ�န�အထ� တန��တ��ရ�အတ�က� တ��က�ပ��ဝင��န�က�သ� တ��င��ရင�� သ�� လက�နက�က��င�အ�က�� သ�ဘ�သဘ�ဝအရ�ရ�၊ လက��တ��အရပ� ခ��တ�ဆက��ပ����င�မည�� အင�အ��စ�တခ� အ�ဖစ� �မ���လင����က�င�� ယင��ထ�တ��ပန�ခ�က�တ�င� �ရ�သ��ထ��သည�။

၂၀၂၁ ခ���စ� ဧ�ပ�လ ၁၆ ရက�က NUG အ�� ဖ���စည��လ��က���က�င�� �ပည��ထ�င�စ�လ�တ��တ�� က��ယ�စ���ပ��က��မတ� (CRPH ) က ��ကည�ခ���ပ�� ယင��အစ���ရအဖ���တ�င� NLD ပ�တ� ထ�ပ�ပ��င���ခ�င���ဆ�င� သမ�တ�ဟ�င�� ဦ�ဝင���မင��၊ �ဒ��အ�င�ဆန��စ� �ကည�တ��� အပ�အဝင� ကခ�င�၊ ကရင�၊ ခ�င��၊ မ�န�တ��င��ရင��သ���ခ�င���ဆ�င�မ��� ပ�ဝင��ကသည�။

သ����သ�� NUG တ�င� ရခ��င����င�ငံ�ရ�သမ��မ��� ပ�ဝင��ခင��မရ���ပ၊ သ����သ�� ရခ��င�စစ�တပ� (AA)က�� ဖ�တ��ခ��သ��လည�� က��ယ�ပ��င�ရည�မ�န��ခ�က� ရ��သည��အတ�က� ပ�ဝင����င��ခင�� မရ����က�င�� စစ�ဦ�စ��ခ��ပ� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ�ထ�န���မတ����င�က Twitter မ�တဆင�� ��ပ�ဆ��ခ��သည�။

လက�ရ��တ�င� ရခ��င�အမ����သ��ပ�တ� (ANP)မ�� အ�ဏ�သ�မ��စစ�တပ���င�� ပ���ပ�င��လ��က�သည��အတ�က� သမ��င��တရ��ခံ အ�ဖစ� လက�ည� ���ထ��� မခံလ��သ� ပ�တ�ဝင�တခ����က ��တ�ထ�က�မ�မ��� ရ���န�ပ��၊ ANP �တ�င��ဆ��သည�� �ပည�နယ�အဆင�� အ�ဏ�ခ���ဝမ� ��င�� ပတ�သက�၍ စစ��က�င�စ�က လတ�တ�လ� လစ�လ�����ထ��သည�။

ရခ��င��ပည�လ�ံ�ဆ��င�ရ� �က��င��သ����င�� လ�ငယ�မ���အစည��အ��ံ� ( AASYC) အ�န�ဖင�� အမ����သ��တန��တ��ရ� ၊ က��ယ��ကံ �ကမ��က��ယ� ဖန�တ��ခ�င�� ရရ���ရ�၊ ဒ�မ��က�ရစ��ရ�၊ လ��အခ�င���ရ���င�� တရ��ဥပ�ဒ စ���မ����ရ�၊

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အဆ��ပ� ရခ��င��ပည�လ�ံ�ဆ��င�ရ� �က��င��သ����င��လ�ငယ�မ��� အစည��အ��ံ� (AASYC) က�� ၁၉၈၈ ခ���စ�အ�ရ� က�လ �န�က�ပ�� င�� �ပည�ပသ��� �ရ�က�ရ���သ� ရခ��င��က��င��သ�� လ�ငယ�မ���က တည�တ��တ�တည�� စ��ပ�င��က� ၁၉၉၅ ခ���စ� �အ�က�တ�� ဘ�လ ၆ ရက�တ�င� ထ��င�����င�ငံဘန��က�က��မ ���၌ စတင�တည��ထ�င�ခ����က�င�� သ�ရသည�။


တစ����င�ငံလ�ံ�မ�� အ�ယ�က� ၉၀ �က��� အဖမ��ခံရ၊ တစ�ဦ��သဆ�ံ�

�နရ�န��က��� (ဝ�ရ�င�တန� ဒ�စ�) | 2021-04-20

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စစ�က��င��တ��င�� ကန��ဘလ��မ ���မ���တ�� Institute for Strategy and Policy - Myanmar (ISP - Myanmar) လ����ခ�တ�� �မန�မ��မဟ�ဗ��ဟ�န�� မ�ဝ�ဒ�လ�လ��ရ�အဖ���မ�� အလ�ပ�လ�ပ��နတ�� က���အ�င�မ����ထက�က�� ဧ�ပ� ၂၀ ရက�၊ ဒ��န� �န�လယ�မ�� စစ��က�င�စ�တပ�ဖ���ဝင��တ�က ဝင��ရ�က�ဖမ��ဆ��သ���ပ�တယ�။ "ရ��ထ�ကအ�မ�က�န �မ ����ပ�သ����ပ�� အင�တ�နက�ဆက�သ�ယ��ရ�ရတ�� လက�ဖက�ရည�ဆ��င�ထ��င��နတ��အခ��န�မ�� ဝင�ဖမ��သ���တ� လ���" မ�သ��စ�ဝင�တစ��ယ�က�က RFA က�� ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

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20 ဧ�ပ�၊ 2021 | အင��ကင�����င�

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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 20 April 2021

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Published By DVB | 20 April, 2021

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Published 20 April 2021 | Ref: Global Times

(Photo: Global Times)

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20 April 2021

Photo - AFP

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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 20 April 2021

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Published By DVB | 20 April, 2021

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Published By DVB | 20 April, 2021

ကခ�င��ပည�နယ�၊ ဝ��င���မ���မ ���နယ�ရ�� အ�ဏ�သ�မ��စစ��က�င�စ�ရ�� ခမရ ၃၈၉ တပ�စခန��က�� သ�မ��ပ��က����င�ခ��တယ�လ��� ကခ�င�လ�တ���မ�က��ရ�တပ�မတ ေ�� (�ကအ��င��အ) ဘက�က အတည��ပ���ပ�ပ�တယ�။

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20 ဧ�ပ�၊ 2021 | �င�မ��ခ�မ��

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By SHAN - April 20, 2021

သ�မ���ပည���မ�က�ပ��င�� နမ�တ��မ ���နယ� စစ��ရ��င��ပည�သ�မ��� (၂၀၀၀) �က��� အတ�က� စ��နပ�ရ�က�� အခက�အခ� ရ���န��က�င�� စ�ံစမ��သ�ရ��ရသည�။

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