Gontrol of Gity Skyline Lndispensable for Protecting Harbour Vista Once Kai Tak Have Gone
(c4-2) Gontrol of Gity Skyline lndispensable for Protecting Harbour Vista Once Kai Tak Have Gone Richard L.K. YU BAAS MScUP MHKIP MRTPI RPP(PRBHK) Member, Urban Design Group, U.K. Chatered Town Planner NomomeÍic Design and Planning Consultants Synopsis Th€ ma¡tr urban area ofHong Kong is encircled by a number of undulating hills with a Victorla llarbour at the center which hrd beeome the most famous fcåture of the clty. wlth the relocåtiotr of the K¡i Tak a¡rpoñ of Hotrg Kong which w¿s sit[âted ¡midst the city centre in July 1998, the h€ight restrict¡on of buildings imposed based on aeronautical safety reasons over the surrounding Kowloon area x,¡s relaxed, bu¡lding heights on Kowloon side have therefore been ållowed to increase dr¡m¡ticatly. Howeve¡, it is understood that the Llon Rock in the Kowloon Peninsula and the Victori¡ Pe¡k in the Hong Kong Island h¡ve been playing signilicant rol€s in complementing rnd contributing to the vicw and meaning ofthe H¡rbour. It follows that ¡f there is no surrogate urbân d€sign control meesures in the ne¡r future to monitor build¡ng heights after Ìelax¡tion of the beight control, ultra-hlgb rise buildings will inevitably be büilt sporadically in large pârts of the city ¡nd the harbour vista will d€nn¡tely be undermined- In order to avoid this undesirable situation from happening, surrogate measures restricting helght of buildings psrticularly alorg Koll loon sides of the harbour should be immediately implemented, Cities around the world iflcluding Paris, London, Seoul and even Beijing sll have effective urban design meâsures named Urban Skyline Protìle Control Strategy on controlling the building height in order to preserve the distinctive urbån form and visual characteristics of the city.
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