Tunnel Visionary The social effects and impacts of sub-sea tunnels on the Faroe Islands Renno Hokwerda s2234750,
[email protected] Master Thesis (20 ECTS) Master in Environmental and Infrastructure Planning (MSc) Version 1.1 after final submission*, 23rd of September 2017 Supervised by dr. T. Busscher Assistant Professor Infrastructure Planning,
[email protected] Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, the Netherlands Disclaimer. The thesis that you are currently viewing is a revision of the final submission that was graded (7.3 out of 10) by the supervisor and co-supervisors. The revision is restricted to stylistic and linguistic updates as well as slight modifications in the conclusions. The original document that was submitted is available on request. The content of the main body, appendices and most of the conclusions is identical to the final submission of 31-08-2017. All images and visualisations in this publication were made by and are courtesy of the author. The thesis or parts of it should not be reprinted or redistributed for commercial purposes without the prior approval of the author. Educational or scientific use is exempt under a non-commercial license. For questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact the author. © Renno Hokwerda, Groningen, 23-09-2017. Word count: 18,500 (main body) Um tú hevur spurningar, viðmerkingar ella hugskot, so ert tú hjartaliga velkomin (?) at senda mær mail yvir
[email protected] ella yvir Facebook. Better image resolutions and more graphics are available online through www.flickr.com/photos/ 31322479@N04/albums/72157688681622045 (or type my name in Google).