West African languages Linguistic theory and communication Edited by Nina Pawlak Izabela Will West African languages West African languages Linguistic theory and communication Edited by Nina Pawlak Izabela Will Reviewers Jadwiga Linde-Usiekniewicz Anne Storch Commissioning Editor Ewa Wyszyńska Proofreading Bożena Lesiuk Cover Design Anna Gogolewska Illustration on the Cover siloto/shutterstock Layout and Typesetting Dariusz Górski Published with fi nancial support from the University of Warsaw Published with fi nancial support from the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw Published with fi nancial support from the University of Warsaw Foundation © Copyright by Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2020 Nina Pawlak ORCID 0000-0001-6949-3921 Izabela Will ORCID 0000-0002-2797-1160 ISBN 978-83-235-4623-8 (print) ISBN 978-83-235-4631-3 (pdf online) ISBN 978-83-235-4639-9 (e-pub) ISBN 978-83-235-4647-4 (mobi) Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 00-838 Warszawa, ul. Prosta 69 E-mail:
[email protected] Online bookstore: www.wuw.pl 1st Edition, Warsaw 2020 Print and binding POZKAL Contents General abbreviations and symbols . 7 Standard glossing labels . 7 Introduction Nina Pawlak, Izabela Will . 9 PART I. WEST AFRICA AS A LINGUISTIC AREA Measuring phonological complexity in West African languages Gian Claudio Batic 23 Innovative features of nouns and pronouns in Chadic languages of the Nigerian Gongola-Benue basin Sergio Baldi, Rudolf Leger . 46 Methodological and technical challenges of a corpus-based study of Naija Bernard Caron . 57 PART II. STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF LANGUAGES AND THEIR THEORETICAL FRAMES Clause chaining in Bambara Valentin Vydrin . 79 Categorization of phasal polarity items in Bambara (Mande) Klaudia Dombrovsky-Hahn .