VOL. L No. 2 US INCREASES SUPPORT for SOUTH AFRICA Own Economic, Military and Pol- Itical Interests
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NEWSLETTER OF THE MATERIAL AID CAMPAIGN FOR ZANU VOL. L no. 2 US INCREASES SUPPORT FOR SOUTH AFRICA own economic, military and pol- itical interests. Th •. I.M.F. is On November 3, 1982, clearly used to maintain and dee- the Special Com- pen imperialist control over the mitee of the Inter- Third World. national Monetary The current I.M.F. loan to o Fund met in Wash- South Africa reflects increasing ington, D. C. and ap- support by u.s. led imperialism proved a 1.0? billion for the white settler colony of v dollar loan to South South Africa and is needed by Africa. The loan was pushed thr- South Africa to meet its military ough by the u.s. even after the and economic needs at this time. world community at the U.N. voted South Africa is involved in overwhelmingly to oppose the loan. a heightened state of war in a The u.s., England and West Germany period of ecenomic decline.The were the only, member states of war in Namibia, attacks on neigh- the U.N. to vote in favor of the bouring independent African states, loan. The I.M.F. has proportional covert operations such as the voting based on the amount of attempted coup in the Seychelles money contributed. Therefore, and increasing repression at home even though all the African coun- against the African majority are tries voted against the loan, the all reactions to the strengthen- u.s. and the other imperialist ing of the front line states es- countries control the I.M.F. and pecially with the liberation of set its policies based on their Zimbabwe as a vanguard against Mas? struggle :i Azania (Soweto 1976) continues to g'ow and intensify the South African regime. This, - visits to South Africa by amer- heightening strength, the escal- ican entertainers in the face of ation of the mass struggle inside UN mandates against the cultural Azania , the building of the arm- support of South Africa. ed struggle and the economic - The $1.0? billion IMF sanctions imposed on South Africa Economically and financially by the U.N.for South Africa's ille- u.s. imperialism's investments gal occupation of Namibia, have all are substantial and increasing, put great strain on the South Afr- u.s. industry, especially "defense" ican economy and its ability to and other related industries rely wage war. South Africa spends one on the strategic minerals that are million dollars per day to carry out extracted in Azania and the rest its war in Namibia, so this loan of southern Africa. Substantial will pay for the illegal occupation profits are made there because of of Namibia and all South Africa's the super-exploitation of African security needs at home and abroad. labor, u.s. financial investments The u.s. support for South Africa is have doubled in the past 10 years becoming more and more open, as seen from 1.1 billon dollars to 2.63 by the pushing through of this loan. billion dollars. In 1972-73 Citi- Militarily, South Africa is bank was involved in 27 loans to vital to the needs of imperialism. South Africa totalling 1.6 billion It maintains direct control of the dollars. Chase Manhattan, the southern part of Africa.It is also First National Bank of Boston and a place for the u.s. airforce and the Republic National Bank also navy to use as bases to control the have hugh holdings there, u.s. Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Just auto and oil companies are oper- recently, the export of 6 u.s. ating numerous facilities, just- planes to be used by the South ifying their presence there by using the Sullivan Principle that African airforce as air ambulances mandates a token number of Africans was approved. South Africa is an be employed in u.s. companies in area of intelligence gathering for South Africa. The sub-group on the u.s. particularly via satellite nuclear export co-ordination and it is the force that maintains (including officials from the Ee- the instability of Southern Africa partment of State, Defense, Com- and the continued exploitation of merce and Energy) is considering the rich land, labor and resources South Africa's application for a in the area. large hot isostatic press used in To enhance the ability to do all nuclear technology. In all, 19.5$ of these things, the u.s. breaks of all foreign investments in international law: South Africa are from the u.s. - two years ago, shells for the u.s. Economists put forward that I50m.m. cannon that can be used for the economic crisis in South Af- tactical nuclear weapons were sent rica is because of the sharp drop to South Africa from Vermont via in gold since 1980. That is only Canada. partically true. South Africa has - in September, 1981 the u.s. been in crisis ever since 19?6, issued visas to the springbok and the wave of sustained up- rugby team to come to the u.s.to risings that followed the mass build support for South Africa. eruption in Soweto. These - in September 1982 2,500 shock uprisings and the student boy- batons were sent to South Africa. cotts of 1976, came out of a long Their 3,500 volt charge is used history of struggle in Azania to terrorize prisoners and to against the regime. The uprisings attack strikes & demonstrations. sparked by Soweto precipitated -the recent State Dept. author- the present economic and poli- ization allowing american tical crisis. South Africa is diplomats to visit the "home- still paying for the replace- lands" (bantustans) . •> ment of the facilities, both CHAIRMAN POKELA OF THE PAC AT THE UN billion) was needed to enable the Chairman Nyati Pokela South Africans to pay for their of the Pan Africanist continued agressicn against Nami- Congress of Azania bia and Angola, and the racists (PAC) addressed the "regard it as a license to commit United Nations twice aggression against neighboring recently. On Nov- and far off African states...The ember 5, 1982 he overt and covert assistance given spoke before a ses- to the South African racists by sion of the U.N.'s Special Com- the United States, Britain, France, mittee Against Apartheid. The West Germany, Switzerland, Japan, occasion was the presentation and the close cooperation that by the U.N. of its Human Rights exists between the racists in oc- Award for those who have made a cupied Azania and the Zionists in contribution to humanity, and occupied Palestine has also been specifically in this case, in sup- instrumental in the racists inten- port of the liberation of Azania. sifying repression and suppression Chairman Pokela delivered a internally". major address to the General As- Chairman Pokela did continue sembly on Nov. 9th, making a re- to call for mandatory sanctions port to the body on the situation as an important contributory form in Azania, and to strengthen the of struggle. But given the reac- U.N.'s resolve to push forward its tionary violence of the racist full program in support of the regime and the refusal of the west- Azanian liberation struggle. In ern powers to implement sanctions this address, he stressed that ''the oppressed people of Azania apartheid could only be elimina- long decided to employ whatever ted by the full restoration of means at their disposal to rea]- the rights of Africans, and that ize their inevitable victory. the U.N. was duty bound to insure They consciously chose the path of this. All other political arrange- armed struggle...not because they ments such as the "power sharing" love violence, but because they proposed by the whites to rule know full well that it is the only with the passive cooperation of true path to liberation in the the Indians and coloreds was just face of racist intransigence and another way to stop the African western connivance'1. He ended his majority. address calling "on the people of Concerning the imposition of the world who cherish justice and sanctions, Chairman Pokela said: are resolutely opposed to all forms "The reasons for this reluctance of exploitation to launch a major on the part of the western powers international campaign against all are not difficult to find. True those who overtly or covertly con- apartheid is abominable, but it nive with the South African racist is also very profitable. Western regime." investment, in defiance of inter- Chairman Pokela, while in New national calls for sanctions York City, was the guest of honor against the apartheid regime, has at a reception Nov. 6th in the been steadily growing... Such in- Harlem State Office Building, where vestments do not constitute pres- he was enthusiasticly received by sure for change, but an active supporters and members of the Har- form of encouragement for aparth- lem community. Chairman Pokela als eid." participated in a program in his Chairman Pokela also spoke honor sponsored by the National of the recently approved IMF loan' Black United Front held on Nov. to South Africa. The money ($1.0? 12th at Medger Evers College in Brooklyn NY. people in the u.s. to support the MEW AFRIKAN & WHITE ANTI-IMPERIALISTS right of New Afrikan nation to —TARGETS THE STATE'S ATTACK wage armed struggle for land, independence and socialism - the On November 18, 1982 the same goals and strategy of African u.s. government issued the most liberation movements throughout massive political conspiracy again- the continent.. It was largely st revolutionary forces in recent through its relationship to the years, 11 people - Dr.