55 Together We Build Bridges of Trust Over the Nistru

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55 Together We Build Bridges of Trust Over the Nistru Nistru Stories: Changes that Change Us TOGETHER WE BUILD BRIDGES OF TRUST OVER THE NISTRU NISTRU STORIES CHANGES THAT CHANGE US 55 TWO INFO-CENTRES IN CHISINAU AND TIRASPOL PROMOTE TOURIST ATTRACTIONS ON BOTH BANKS OF THE NISTRU RIVER .......... 7 BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS FROM BOTH BANKS HAVE BUILT UP THEIR CAPACITIES ...................................................................... 10 7 INDEX MARKET SURVEYS ON THE LEFT BANK OF THE NISTRU RIVER ARE NOW ALSO AVAILABLE IN CHISINAU .........................................12 MORE INTERNATIONALLY CERTIFIED EXPERTS IN THE EXPORT CONSULTANCY MARKET ................................................................13 THE FIRST EXPERTS IN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT RECEIVED INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATES ....................................................... 14 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT A YOUNG WOMAN FROM SOLDANESTI HELPS PEOPLE REGAIN A HEALTHY SMILE ........................................................................ 15 SOCIAL AN ENTREPRENEUR FROM TIRASPOL PRODUCES BIODEGRADABLE TWINE FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES ................................ 16 INFRASTRUCTURE THE BONDARI FAMILY TEACHES TEAMWORK TO EMPLOYEES AND EMPLOYERS ............................................................................ 16 RENOVATION A TRADITIONAL BUSINESS AT EUROPEAN STANDARDS: SHEEP CHEESE PRODUCTION .................................................................20 COOPERATION THE WOMAN WHO ABANDONED TEACHING AND BECAME A SUCCESSFUL BEEKEEPER ................................................................22 OF CIVIL SOCIETY COPANCA RESCUERS AND FIREFIGHTERS ARE MORE EFFECTIVE IN EXTREME SITUATIONS ......................................................... 25 THE BRIDGE BETWEEN HIRBOVAT AND PROTEAGAILOVCA UNITES VILLAGES AND FAMILIES .........................................................26 REZINA DISTRICT HOSPITAL HAS THE MOST MODERN COMMUNICABLE DISEASES TREATMENT SECTION ..................................... 27 25 BETTER CONDITIONS FOR SPORTS PEOPLE FROM BOTH BANKS OF NISTRU .................................................................................28 A UNIQUE PROJECT: CHESS UNITES THE BANKS OF NISTRU .........................................................................................................30 THE CULTURAL CENTRE FROM SLOBOZIA-DUSCA – THE SCHOOL OF TALENTS RENOVATED BY THE EU ...........................................33 REASERCHERS FROM BOTH BANKS OF NISTRU RIVER JOINTLY STUDY SEVERAL ASPECTS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT .........36 HOLERCANI AND TIRNAUCA VILLAGES FOUND THEMSELVES ON THE PAGES OF A BOOK OF TALES AND LEGENDS ................ 41 A CULTURAL FERRY BROUGHT TOGETHER 15 VILLAGES FROM BOTH BANKS OF THE NISTRU............................................... 43 41 ACCESS TO PALLIATIVE CARE ON THE LEFT BANK OF THE NISTRU .................................................................................... 46 SCHOOLS FOR PARENTS OPENED IN CRIULENI AND TIRASPOL ........................................................................................ 47 URBAN GENERATION – THE FESTIVAL OF STREET CULTURE IN CHISINAU AND TIRASPOL ................................................... 48 TIGHINA FORTRESS CONQURED BY ART ......................................................................................................................... 50 NISTRU STORIES CHANGES THAT CHANGE US 1 PREFACE The European Union in its long-term partnership with implemented more than 170 common initiatives/ the Republic of Moldova is committed to supporting projects, engaging communities, local authorities, a viable settlement of the Transnistrian conflict civil society, companies and citizens from both banks and of supporting a post-conflict rehabilitation. in collaborative work, benefitting in total more than This commitment is reconfirmed in the Association half a million people. These joint initiatives not only Agreement that both partners signed. contributed to a significant increase in people’s Since 2009, the European Union has been contributing living standards but moreover they created the to the peaceful settlement of the Transnistria conflict necessary preconditions for a viable settlement of the by encouraging contacts between both banks of the Transnistrian conflict. Nistru river at various levels and fostering dialogue at a technical level through Confidence Building Measures The European Union is proud to be a trustworthy vector programmes. Confidence-Building is one of the oldest of stability and peace in the Republic of Moldova. European initiatives in the Republic of Moldova. For this reason, the European Union has decided to extend its activity and build a new Confidence-Building But concretely, what do Confidence Building Measures Measures programme based on the achievements, mean for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova? They experience and knowledge gained over the last aim to ensure that the commitment in the Association decade. The programme will also open new fields for Agreement stating that the Transnistrian issue will cooperation, such as the conservation and restoration constitute one of the central subjects on the political of common historical heritage, as well as support dialogue agenda and cooperation between the Parties for the local development of media content for local is concretely translated into reality by direct support to audiovisual media. the population, such as financing the renovation of social infrastructure facilities like houses of culture, sport halls, We are convinced that this new programme will bring equipment and refurbishment of medical centres or of communities from both banks of the Nistru River emergency centres. It is also synonymous with support closer while ensuring a sustainable development in to businesses, the development of local community partnership and cooperation for wellbeing of the entire and of civil society, etc. All these projects are also population. people-to-people joint initiatives whose impact turns Peter MICHALKO, into development and increased confidence and trust European Union Ambassador between citizens living on both sides of the Nistru River. to the Republic of Moldova In almost 10 years, the European Union through its programme of Confidence-Building Measures has 2 INTRODUCTION Ten years ago, we set ourselves the ambitious task of By working together, the EU and UNDP have reached bringing together sides that have drifted apart over even the most remote and forgotten people, bringing a decade ago and build bridges of confidence and development benefits. trust and establishing platforms for strengthening relationships, collaboration and cooperation between We still have far to go and we will continue to pursue the communities on both banks of the Nistru river. these innovative reforms in partnership with Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova. Since, with financial support of the European Union, Finally, I want to extend my sincere appreciation to all four phases of Support to Confidence Building who worked so hard to implement such an ambitious Measures Programme have been implemented. During agenda. Behind every successful result is a team of this period, the programme has achieved impressive talented and committed professionals that are pushing results, but also has greatly evolved, building on lessons the boundaries of what is possible in development. We learned and multiplying the successes achieved in are also grateful to all our partners who contributed each of the previous phases. We estimate that only their resources, time and expertise to help us to during the fourth phase of the SCBM Programme more build trust and improve livelihoods of people and than 200’000 people from both banks have improved communities on both banks. livelihoods and access to services, out of which 40% are estimated to be from the left bank. Dafina GERCHEVA, UNDP Resident Representative But the highest value for the positive impact of implemented projects at the level of local communities was due to the involvement of people from both banks and their commitment to our common objectives. The notorious results achieved so far by the Programme, in particular on the left bank, are due to the unbiased role of UNDP as a promoter of the social cohesion, impartiality, accountability for results, flexibility and ability to engage creatively with diverse stakeholders, but also to the excellent cooperation established with our partner the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova. NISTRU STORIES CHANGES THAT CHANGE US 3 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW TOGETHER WE BUILD BRIDGES OF TRUST OVER THE NISTRU OUR OBJECTIVES The Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme aims to increase trust between communities on both banks of the Nistru River through collaboration Period and joint initiatives aimed at raising their living standards. The fourth phase of the The EU has offered funding to support various initiatives of implementation: SUPPORT TO in local communities, businesses and civil society from both banks in the following areas: CONFIDENCE 2015–2018 • Business development, BUILDING • Improvement of infrastructure. MEASURES The Programme PROGRAMME had a total starting in 2015 to 2018 was budget of funded by the European Union and Over 200,000 women and men were direct implemented by the United Nations 10 MILLION beneficiaries of the Programme’s activities. Development Programme. EURO Over 1,100 jobs were created. TOGETHER WE BUILD BRIDGES OF TRUST OVER THE NISTRU BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AT LEAST THERE WERE A TOTAL OF 102
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