Europe Day to be celebrated in on the 10th of May 2009

For the first time the Delegation of the European Commission to Moldova welcomes wide public to join the celebrations of Europe Day in a large scale event. Organized on the 10th of May, Europe Day is an occasion to bring Europe and European values closer to Moldovan citizens.

Chisinau, April 22, 2009 - Festivities will start on Sunday, the 10th of May, 15.00 on the National Opera Square with a European Fair, where all EU-funded projects will host stands to call attention to Moldova-EU cooperation and continue with an outstanding concert.

“We want Moldovan citizens to know why we, the Delegation of the European Commission, are here, what we are doing and how the population benefits from our work”, explains the Head of the European Commission Delegation to Moldova, Cesare De Montis. “We want to show to wider public what assistance we are offering to the Republic of Moldova, what are the concrete projects funded by the European Union, what is their aim and what are the results that we have achieved together”, added Mr. Ambassador.

For this purpose, around 30 tents of various EU funded projects in Moldova will be assembled on the National Opera Square. Projects representatives will offer practical information on how they work and what are the results of their efforts. How young people may study in Europe, how the EU helps us promote exports and attract investments, what equipment was offered to Moldovan Customs Service and other information will be presented to the public.

This project is funded by the European “EU Information and Visibility in Moldova” Union Project implemented by Synergy Eur/Est European Commission Delegation to Moldova Str.Bucureşti, 68 Chisinau, MD 2012 12 Kogălniceanu st., Tel.: (+373 22) 23 34 23 Chisinau, MD 2001 Fax: (+373 22) 23 78 41 Tel: (+373 22) 50 52 10 [email protected] Fax: (+373 22) 27 26 22

"The European Union is made up of 27 Member States who have decided to gradually link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, during a period of enlargement of 50 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders".

The European Commission is the EU’s executive body.

Starting with 19.00 Moldovan singers known for having brought Moldova to Europe through the will perform: Natalia Barbu, Natalia Gordienco, Geta Burlacu. Next to them will sing Sun Stroke Project, Olia Tira and Alexa. The concert will be finalized by a live performance of Snails and notorious Zdob si Zdub.

For the first time Europe Day was celebrated in Moldova in 2006. In European countries, Europe Day is marked on 9 May in order to commemorate the Schuman Declaration, which is believed to be one of the founding blocks of today's European Union. Europe Day has become one of the symbols of the European Union, along with the flag, the anthem, the motto and the single currency, the euro, identifies the political entity of the European Union. * * *

Contact person:

Tudor Stefan, Synergy Eur/Est – Communications, Research & Public Affairs + 373 22 233 423 + 373 069143488 [email protected]

This project is funded by the European “EU Information and Visibility in Moldova” Union Project implemented by Synergy Eur/Est European Commission Delegation to Moldova Str.Bucureşti, 68 Chisinau, MD 2012 12 Kogălniceanu st., Tel.: (+373 22) 23 34 23 Chisinau, MD 2001 Fax: (+373 22) 23 78 41 Tel: (+373 22) 50 52 10 [email protected] Fax: (+373 22) 27 26 22

"The European Union is made up of 27 Member States who have decided to gradually link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, during a period of enlargement of 50 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders".

The European Commission is the EU’s executive body.