Annual Social Report 2009

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Annual Social Report 2009 Annual Social Report 2009 MINISTRY OF LABOUR, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND FAMILY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA ANNUAL SOCIAL REPORT 2009 Chisinau • 2010 1 Annual Social Report 2009 2 Annual Social Report 2009 FOREWORD The year 2009 marked a decade since the reform of social protection system started. It is a good possibility to assess the performances of reforms implemented during this period and to identify the problems met by the system during the ascension to social democracy consolidation. The social reforms initiated by the end of ‘90s, were deeply marked by the tough effects of transition peri- od, emphasised predominantly on the poverty and inequality reduction, representing a mean of intervention and person state support in the complex of problems generated by the revealed social realities. In parallel with the reconsideration of social protection system, a range of activities were undertaken with the purpose to consolidate social cohesion and integrated treatment of such problems as: (i) gender inequality in the society; (ii) discrimination, and (iii) domestic violence. During this period, the most important reforms were implemented in the field of labour market, such as: (i) adoption of the new Labour Code; (ii) development of mid-term strategic measures on employment; (iii) establishment of labour insurance system; (iv) development of reformed vision of salary system etc. Since 2000, the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family develops the Annual Social Report, which represents the main monitoring instrument of development dynamics and impact of sectorial policies: (i) la- bour market policies, (ii) social protection policies: social insurance and work, (iii) policies of prevention and fight with adverse social effects (human traffic, domestic violence, abandon and institutionalisation etc.). The Annual Social Report may be seen as a relevant information source for sectorial subdivisions, admin- istrative state structures, scholars, donor community and the members of civil society active in the social field, and comes to outline the main problems of policies implementation during the last decade, as well the mid- term trends, simultaneously, presents proposals and recommendations for certain situations. For the contribution to 2009 Social Report development, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all specialists of Ministry subdivisions and structures that implement social protection policies, and to our part- ners from non-governmental sector, and I do hope that this report would contribute to a better understanding of reforms promoted by the Ministry and could offer comprehensive answers for many social problems. Valentina BULIGA, Minister of Labour, Social Protection and Family 3 Annual Social Report 2009 CONTENTS Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................3 List of abbreviations ...............................................................................................................................................................10 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................................................11 1. DYNAMICS OF SOCIAL–ECONOMIC INDICATORS ........................................................................12 1.1. Social-economic development ...........................................................................................................................12 1.2. Dynamics of demographic variables .................................................................................................................14 2. LABOUR MARKET IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA .....................................................................20 2.1. Employment ...............................................................................................................................................................20 2.2. Unemployment .........................................................................................................................................................24 2.3. Labour market policies ...........................................................................................................................................26 2.3.1. Services of dismissal preliminary notice ................................................................................................. 26 2.3.2. Management of vacancies ........................................................................................................................ 26 2.3.3. Labour mediation ........................................................................................................................................ 27 2.3.4. Public works .................................................................................................................................................. 29 2.3.5. Professional information and counselling ............................................................................................ 30 2.3.6. Professional orientation and training ..................................................................................................... 30 2.4. Passive measures of social protection of unemployed ..............................................................................31 2.5. Labour force migration ..........................................................................................................................................32 2.5.1. Immigration in the Republic of Moldova of foreign citizens and stateless persons .................... 33 2.5.2. Emigration of citizens of the Republic of Moldova for working purposes abroad ...................... 33 2.5.3. Policies promoted in the field of labour migration .............................................................................. 35 2.6. Personnel professional formation and their placement in the labour market .................................37 2.7. Salary policies ............................................................................................................................................................48 2.8. Conclusions. Recommendations ........................................................................................................................52 3. SOCIAL INSURANCE .......................................................................................................................54 3.1. Public system of state social insurance. General aspects ..........................................................................54 3.2. Analysis of social insurance pensions system ................................................................................................54 3.2.1. Demographic context ................................................................................................................................. 54 3.2.2. Dynamics of the number of pensioners.................................................................................................. 55 3.2.3. Analysis of social insurance contributions............................................................................................. 58 3.2.4. Pensions of agricultural employees ......................................................................................................... 59 3.2.5. Analysis of social insurance pension quantum ......................................................................................59 3.3. State social insurance pensions ..........................................................................................................................61 3.3.1. Age pensions ................................................................................................................................................. 61 3.3.2. Disability pension ........................................................................................................................................ 62 3.3.3. Survivors pensions ....................................................................................................................................... 63 3.3.4. Pensions for some categories of citizens ................................................................................................ 63 3.4. Social insurance allowances ................................................................................................................................64 3.4.1. Allowance for temporary incapacity of work ....................................................................................... 65 3.4.2. Maternity allowances ................................................................................................................................. 66 3.4.3. Unique birth allowance ............................................................................................................................. 66 3.4.4. Monthly allowance for child care until 3 years .................................................................................... 67 3.4.5. Monthly allowance for sick child care ..................................................................................................... 67 3.4.6. Aid in case of death ..................................................................................................................................... 68 3.5. Insurance in case of accidents at work and professional
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