WAYS OF TALKING ABOUT THE PAST: 1 THE SEMANTICS OF -IN- AND =IN IN BUNUN Sihwei Chen Haowen Jiang Academia Sinica Peking University
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract This paper assesses the semantics of two homophonous markers, -in- and =in in Isbukun Bunun (Formosan, Austronesian). While both markers are used to express some kind of anteriority reading, there is no consensus about their semantic category. By presenting new empirical evidence, we offer an alternative analysis for both markers. We argue in detail that -in- is an existential past tense marker, which is in line with Jeng (1999) and De Busser (2009) but differs in many important details. We also suggest that =in is a discourse-level change-of-state marker, in contrast to the dominant view. This study not only suggests that temporal components can be associated with different categories cross-linguistically, but also has implications for analyzing similar markers in other Formosan languages. Keywords: past tense, perfect aspect, inchoativity, Isbukun Bunun, existential past ISO 639-3 codes: bnn 1 Introduction This paper assesses the semantics of two homophonous markers, -in- and =in in Isbukun Bunun (Formosan, Austronesian). The former is an infix and has an allomorphemic variant -i-,2 while the latter is an invariant enclitic attachable to various lexical words. We choose to look at the two markers for a number of reasons. First, their phonological identity raises the question of how their use differs. Second, while both markers are used to express some kind of anteriority reading, there is no consensus about their semantic category.