Why Spelling Reform? a Review of the Reasons with a Focus on Danish
Student information Name: Emil O. W. Kirkegaard Student ID: 20103300 Discipline: Linguistics, bachelor Advisor: Peter Bakker English resumé: In this thesis, I discuss language reform with a focus on orthographic/spelling reform. I briefly review the some prior cases of language reform. I then discuss the motivations for and against reform spellings. For this I draw upon work from psycholinguistics, educational linguistics (phonics), experiments with simplified spelling systems and cross-country comparisons. Then, I review the Danish orthography and its problems. Finally, I review my proposal for a Danish spelling reform, Lyddansk. Dansk resumé: I denne opgave diskuterer jeg sprogreform med et fokus på ortografisk/stavemæssig reform. Jeg gennemgår kort nogle tidligere tilfælde af sprogreform. Derefter diskuterer jeg grundene for og imod en reform af stavemåderne. I min diskussion inddrager jeg værker fra psykolingvistik, uddannelseslingvistik (phonics), eksperimenter med simplificerede stavesystemer og tværnationale sammenligninger. Efter det så gennemgår jeg dansk retskrivning og problemer med den. Til sidst, så gennemgår jeg mit forslag til at reformere danske stavemåder, Lyddansk. 1 Why spelling reform? A review of the reasons with a focus on Danish Emil O. W. Kirkegaard1 1. Introduction After stumbling across the book Cut Spelling (Upward, 1992), I discovered clear parallels between the problems of English spellings and those of Danish, and that the two lent themselves to similar means of reform. Thus I began a proposal, including a few statistical studies of Danish (Kirkegaard, 2010a, b, c), which culminated in the publication of a short book, Lyddansk (Sound Danish; Kirkegaard, 2010d). It was concerned almost exclusively with the linguistic details of specific reform proposals, rather than the more sociopolitical aspect of language reform.
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