
Q.11 Three go to most often for the latest research www.sun.com/blueprints www.opensolaris.org (home site for whatever project-of-the-week I'm working on) Google ietf.org acm.org USENIX.org /headlines silicon.fr Slashdot LOPSA SANS ISSA www.USENIX.org www.pdl.cmu.edu www.storageconference.org samag.com sunmanagers.com sun.com Google.com cnet.com Slashdot.org ibm.com .com redhat.com Google.com; securityfocus.com; ACM digital library IEEE Explore Google lopsa.org Google in response to article finding ars technical assorted Google, Google, Google http://lwn.net https://www.Google.com/reader Most of the computer security information I read is mainly available via blogs so I have 30 of them aggregated to keep up. Google ACM Practice and Experience Google Google and Google - then to whatever site Google turns up. Google.com sun.com Slashdot.org www.lightbluetouchpaper.org Mostly use Google www.Google.com www.sun.com/bigadmin OSnews Slashdot Whatever I get from the #lopsa IRC channel. :-) ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Google Google.com ACM IEEE OS News Google.com numerous technical blogs www.sans.org www.ieee.org citeseer USENIX acm Google USENIX oreilly www.Linuxdevices.com Google acm.org USENIX.org www.sun.com any hosting open source software and documentation Google ieee Google Blogs from reputable authors SecurityFocus USENIX .org, .com, perl.org

1 postgresql.org (albeit via an reader) I can't name three sys admin sites I visit daily for the latest research. I don't know of any. USENIX.org, acm.org, computer.org (the digital libraries) Slashdot, Eightbar, internal blogs www.cio.com www.networkworld.com www.cisco.com docs.sun.com www.Google.com milw0rm securityfocus Google www.USENIX.org www.acm.org www.ieee.org www.acm.com www.pointyhair.com www.Google.com acm.org ietf.org USENIX.org citeseer.ist.purdue.edu Google.com emc.com, digg.com, Slashdot.org acm.org isc.sans.org lwn.net /. USENIX.org www.acm.org http://lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/ www.sun.com/bigadmin www.anandtech.com onlamp.com -kernel.org, .net, byteandswitch.com use.perl.org www.openbsd.org http://www.research.att.com/~bs/ sun.com ibm.com hp.com Varies-- I typically "Google" a topic and follow it from there. Many topics have their own web sites. Also "super sites" such as sourceforge. Specific sites such as redhat.com or CentOS.org are common for my work. www.gmail.com www.Slashdot.org www.wikipedia.org Google.com IEEE ACM Google Scholar, IEEE explore, Dark Reading Slashdot symantec Google Google.com Google. O'Reilly. IBM Developer Works. scholar.Google.com dl.acm.org ieee.org Google.com Slashdot.org www.tldp.org and switch infoworld acm.org USENIX, ACM, IEEE Slashdot.org Dell.com opensuse.org Rely on journals, papers and textbooks, not web sites. Google ... SANS/ISC ... IEEE Portal ACM Portal Google (!) ibm.com Google.com lopsa.org Google.com Google OpenGroup

2 Slashdot Linux-watch.com Linux.com die.net forums for a particular vendor www.Google.com www.yahoo.com ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore digital library, Slashdot.com :) scholar.Google.com www.USENIX.org portal.acm.org Slashdot.org www.hp.com www.sun.com www.cpan.org www.php.net The ACM Guide to computing literature (http://portal.acm.org/guide.cfm), Google, Citeseer. Lambda-the-Ultimate, Caml mailing list, Haskell mailing list. Google Google Scholar http://portal.acm.org/dl.cfm http://www.sigops.org/ http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/dynhome.jsp Slashdot.org isc.sans.org onlamp.com USENIX security, ACM CCS Google :) faculty and student web pages university tech report ACM Digital Library USENIX Conference Proceedings IEEE Explore www.Google.com .watch.impress.co.jp itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp Google scholar, acm technews Google.com python.org, Google.com, arstechica.com Google.com citeseer.ist.psu.edu acm.org, USENIX.org, Slashdot.org www.Google.com USENIX, ACM, IEEE. Lot of them. RedHat, Sun and SuSe related sites. pd.acm.org Google.com /. http://www.ogf.org/ http://www.ietf.org/ http://www.gridsphere.org/gridsphere/gridsphere Google and wherever that leads me it depends what you mean by "go to most often". I generally start from Google or sometimes Citeseer. These then take me to USENIX, ACM or IEEE pages. I *really* like that USENIX makes proceedings available on-line immediately for members, and for everyone after a year - *way* better than ACM or IEEE (and as a contributor to conferences, it irks me that they strive to make $ off of my papers appearing in their venues) www.sans.org / isc.sans.org version2.dk www.USENIX.org / www.sage.org voip-info.org Linux-mag.com lwn.net http://ieeexplore.ieee.org http://portal.acm.org Google ACM digital library IEEE express en.wikipedia.org Google.com (wherever those two point me) Google (for a search) http://portal.acm.org/portal.cfm http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ http://www.scopus.com/scopus/home.url

3 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ http://www.scopus.com/scopus/home.url lwn.net acm.org Linuxdevices.com lwn.net Google.com LinuxWorld, Wired, Cnet News, NetworkWorld scholar.Google.com acm.org (university library) www.science.org www.nature.org www.ieee.org rootprompt.org USENIX.org jres.org undeadly.org, cccure.org and perhaps securityfocus.com + RSS feeds, actually RSS feeds are more the usual stuff I go to and surfing is more random freshmeat.net http://nauges.typepad.com/my_weblog/index.rdf http://www.itmanagersjournal.com/ sans.org w3c.org ieee.org gartner, sans www.pcworld.no, www.itavisen.no, www.sans.org http://www.redhat.com/ http://www.caspur.it/ http://www.hp.com/ http://www.news.com/ http://www.Linuxjournal.com/ http://www.oracle.com/technology/index.html Google citeseer www.osnews.com www.Linuxtoday.com www.securityfocus.com http://www.ieee.org http://www.acm.org http://www.springer.com USENIX, IEEE, Groklaw http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/ http://www.acm.org/ http://www.dlib.org/ www.Google.com www.acm.org www.sans.org http://dblp.uni-trier.de http://www.iacr.org http://www.USENIX.org http://ieeexplore.ieee.org http://scholar.Google.com www.computer.org scholar.Google.com www.wikipedia.org LWN.net http://www.sans.org/ http://www.issa.org/ http://www.digitalbond.com/ http://www.eetimes.com/ http://www.schneier.com/blog/ http://taosecurity.blogspot.com/ I have to say Google.com. Sorry for the stupid answer, but that's it.. www.Google.com www.Microsoft.com http://www.svextra.com/blogs/gmsv/ http://portal.acm.org/dl.cfm Google.com (but then, you knew that already) Google.com .org www.idclatin.com Google ISI WoK, ACM Portal, IEEE eXplore Google citeseer dblp USENIX wikipedia www.bundesbrandschatzamt.de/~baron/news

4 www.Google.com www.ieee.org www.acm.org USENIX.org Google.ie www.USENIX.org, Slashdot.org, www.theregister.co.uk securityfocus.net, sans.org, securitytracker.com http://securityfocus.com/ http://Slashdot.org/ gartner.com burtongroup.com sans.org Apart from USENIX : acm.org, ieee.org, cert.org and more USENIX.org freebsd.org acm.org www.cfengine.org www.sourceforge.net www.pmi.org www.Google.de Google blogs Google secunia Google.com www.cfengine.org www.sage.org www.Slashdot.org www.digg.com (Technology page) http://www.USENIX.org/ http://www.snia.org/ http://www.ieee.org/ www.computer.org www.acm.org www.USENIX.org USENIX Heise Security Goole (to find others) http://stinet.dtic.mil/ http://www.govitwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/eac/knowledgebaseCategory/0,,s id63_tax302314,00.html Company intranet, USENIX.org, v2.dk http://Google.com http://metalink.oracle.com http://Slashdot.org ieee, acm, specific universities USENIX, ieee - but my job is not really research oriented Google USENIX sun documentation EETimes LinuxDevices TheDeal http://www.ibm.com/developerworks http://lwn.net http://ubuntu.com Google.com acm.org www.guardcentral.com www.sans.org powerlink.emc.com .com sun.com www.Google.com USENIX.org Lopsa.org Wikipedia.org Tucows yahoo and engines I read journals to find the latest information. I typically use the web only to retrieve PDF files to print paper copies. Google.com ACM portal Google educause USENIX stc.org stcboston.org Google.com www.redhat.com sourceforge.net Google.com www.fedora.org Google Slashdot

5 Google. Citeseer. I have a Google news alert for "Linux" in my feeder. Digg/Slashdot: I'm leaning back to Slashdot on this since Digg has become far too juvenile in the comments. The stories are news, but Slashdot has better educated comments which are the real gems. Finally, just a Google search. Slashdot, CNet, NetworkWorld Google scholar, ACM Portal, Web of Science Google.com Slashdot, Sun and it's related tech articles http://lwn.net http://Dell.com/enterprise http://redhat.com http://planetsysadmin.com http://www.Google.com ?? .com, cisco.com, internet mailing lists, Linux weekly news (lwn) freshmeat.net, distrowatch.com, Google.com Engadget, Hack a Day, and . Google http://portal.acm.org/dl.cfm http://www.computer.org/portal/site/csdl/index.jsp http://lambda-the- ultimate.org/ freebsd.org Google, sourceforge, I usually don't go to web sites for this kind of information. Slashdot.org, osnews.com, computerworld.com portal.acm.org scholar.Google.com www.uky.edu/Libraries USENIX.com, Slashdot.org, ddj.com http://Google.com http://lopsa.org http://Slashdot.org Google.com, trustedcomputing.org USENIX proceedings Slashdot Oreily's Safari portal.acm.org, ieee.org, www.USENIX.org (in no particular order) Google, FreeBSD.org, php.net Google Newsforge, Debian Administration, Howtoforge www.sun.com/bigadmin www.oreilly.com assorted blogs USENIX.org sun.com alleyinsider.com Google, freshmeat.net LOPSA.org, SAGE.org, SecurityFocus.com programming.reddit.com USENIX.com acm.com www.USENIX.org www.freebsd.org Slashdot.org USENIX, ACM, Slashdot cisco.com, and Google... SANS.org USENIX IEEE userfriendly, ... wait ... Slashdot.org freshmeat.net news.com I read journals rather than use the web, because they are available when computers and Internet connections are not.

6 computers and Internet connections are not. vendors SANS Google www.USENIX.org www.sage.org www.opengroup.org CNET, ACM, USENIX Slashdot.org digg.com Security Focus, National Vulnerability Database, IEEE, ACM portals, Google ACM digital library IEEE Explore Computer.org Digital Library http://taosecurity.blogspot.com/ http://Slashdot.org/ http://jeremiahgrossman.blogspot.com/ I don't find any website particularly useful to track research. Instead, I'm slowly building up a collection of RSS feeds that I follow in my RSS reader to keep my self up to date. wikipedia Microsoft Websites, ugu, Webopedia Google, Google, and Google, sadly gmane.com Google.com tldp.org Google, sun, mysql http://Slashdot.org/ http://www.computerworld.com/ http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/ www.computer.org www.acm.org reddit, digg, securitycatalyst.org Google USENIX Personal contacts/network www.USENIX.org www.acm.org www.boogiejack.com www.hp.com/software acm.org Google.com USENIX.org lwn.net, osnews.com, Linuxtoday.com www.Slashdot.org securityfocus.com www.Dell.pt www.ibm.com www.cisco.com USENIX, ACM Google.com USENIX.org, sans.org, portal.acm.org Slashdot.org sun.com/bigadmin developer.apple.com www.cs.ubc.ca/rr www.library.ubc.ca www.amazon.ca programming.reddit.com LinuxDevices www.USENIX.org www.sans.org www.php.net Google.com, wikipedia.org Conference proceedings (USENIX, acm, ieee, dblp). USENIX.org sun.com/bigadmin Slashdot.org portal.acm.org dl.acm.org lwn.net http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/ http://www.planetmysql.org/ http://www.planet-php.org/

7 Google Slashdot bigadmin/sunsolve Google Google.com citeseer.ist.psu.edu lwn.net I look around quite a lot but pages referenced by login are common ands some Swedish sites. Google, acm digital library, safari books Slashdot Insecure F-Secure http://Slashdot.org/ http://www.lambda-the-ultimate.org/ http://undeadly.org/ AT&T Library (internal, has access to publications from many organizations) USENIX, ACM, IEEE digital libraries. Google conference websites www.sans.org www.cisco.com www.cert.org generally, i subscribe to many RSS feeds and get information that way www.eclipse.com www.siam.org cant really say off hand Google.com acm.org USENIX.org undeadly.org lwn.net lopsa.org acm.org USENIX.org Linux.com www.ietf.org sourceforge.net ieeexplore.ieee.org Corporate library, ACM acm.org USENIX.org bcs.org.uk BayLISA.org, SANS.org, lopsa.org - these aren't quite research sites, but I'm not actually at the research level in my field of system administration. www.Google.com www.ietf.org www.sun.com www.Google.com government websites Slashdot internet magazine Cisco oreilly isc.sans.org www.educause.edu (federal policy programs, other) http://www.milw0rm.com/ It varies, start with Google and see where that leads. webbalert.com, .com, Slashdot.org www.Slashdot.org planetmysql.org planet.perl.org acm.org, ieee.org, USENIX.org Varies: Search via Google Ars Technica, sun.com. I visit dozens of sites a day. ACM, IEEE, LOPSA www.Google.com kerneltrap, undeadly.org, bsdnews Microsoft, Slashdot docs.sun.com www.solarisinternals.com Oracle, Sunsolve, Company internal Internal websites at my company

8 www.sun.de www.USENIX.org www.sap.de http://www.oreillynet.com http://code.Google.com http://freshmeat.net milw0rm packetstormsecurity undeadly.org www.USENIX.org others as directed by Google virtualization.info ACM digital library RSS feeds and mailing lists USENIX (www.USENIX.org) FIRST (www.first.org) Google (web site for whatever OS I'm installing/supporting today) http://www.joelonsoftware.com/ USENIX, O'Reilly, ACM Google.com USENIX.com www.USENIX.org www.Google.com Google USENIX security Slashdot.org apache.org oreilly.com www.infoq.com Local archive of ACM Portal www.sun.com www.opensolaris.org osnews.com http://www.USENIX.org/events/sec07/ http://www.ieee- security.org/TC/SP2007/oakland07.html http://www.isoc.org/isoc/conferences/ndss/07/ oreillynet.com USENIX.org Google lopsa.org. planetsysadmin.com portal.acm.org http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/ scholar.Google.com Google (:-), ACM portal, conference web sites www.sun.com Various others but avoiding ad-intensive sites like techtarget.com lwn.net www.sans.org, www.ercim.org, www.cansecwest.com www.hwb.no www.digi.no www.glasshouse.com www.Google.com ACM DL IEEE Xplore Google Scholar Schneier on Security Dark Reading 451 Group Google.com kldp.org USENIX.org theregister.co.uk NANOG mailing list various blogs Slashdot, Google, manufacturer/vendor Sunsolve.com, IBM for AIX support, Redhat Google Google Google lwn.net Slashdot.org lopsa.org computerworld Linuxworld Slashdot Slashdot USENIX/NSDI/OSDI SIGCOMM/SOSP Google, Google scholar Google, Google, Google

9 sunsolve, Google, Slashdot.org kerneltrap.org lwn.net wikipedia, Google search, colleague or university web pages. I do security work. My research depends on security announcements found in a variety of locations. I also do personal research on my Linux Solaris and FreeBSD systems. PHP.net perlmonks.org Google.com 1) Paid research organizations e.g. Gartner; Burton; Forrester 2) Solaris system admin sites 3) various OSS project sites isc.sans.org us-cert.org wikipedia.org osnews.com Google securityfocus.com FIRST HTCIA Security Focus Forrester Gartner Google Google.com pubmed.gov Google.com, support.Microsoft.com, freebsd.org school web site (www.cs.columbia.edu) lwn.net FAST ACM SOSP Storage Trade Magazines Slashdot.org scholar.Google.com, USENIX, SAGE Google Google Google safari.oreilly.com www.Google.com Slashdot.org Google.ca Google. Specific project sites. i.e., www.cfengine.org, etc. sun.com http://www.sunhelp.org/Unix-sysadmin-resources/ http://sunfreeware.com/indexsparc8.html Slashdot.org .com www.sun.com www.oracle.com www.planetsolaris.org USENIX.org www.nanog.org www.Google.com www.cisco.com lwn.net Google.com Slashdot.org SAM and ACM epubs http://www.Google.com http://www.forrester.com http://www.USENIX.org I can't think of only 3 that provide enough information to be representative of the rest. http://www.sans.org/ http://www.schneier.com/blog/ http://www.macosxhints.com/ I don't have any specific sites that I regularly consult. I often go to newsgroups for specific questions. Google.com Slashdot, user forums & several magazines. Linux Magazine NetworkWorld Slashdot acm.org digital library, Google, Wikipedia

10 Google, citeseer Google, ACM, IEEE Slashdot, Ars Technica, vendor sites. http://www.highscalability.com/ http://www.wired.com/ http://Slashdot.org/ Google.com wikipedia.org Slashdot.org Slashdot.org o'reilly.com Slashdot Google.com Slashdot acm USENIX computer society http://blog.jackvinson.com/ http://www.thecontenteconomy.com/ http://blogs.spectrum.ieee.org/riskfactor/ planet.debian.org Slashdot.org acm, ieee, USENIX acm.org perl.com, lwn.net, Google.com :-) www.networkworld.com www.Google.com www.computer.org, www.USENIX.org, www.comsoc.org acm ieee Linux forums Linuxquestions.org Google USENIX redhat Google http://www.sigsac.org/ccs.html http://www.USENIX.org/events/sec07/ http://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP-Index.html stopped going to websites for this - just use a big RSS feed mashup theregister.co.uk Usenet in general wwww.Slashdot.org wwww.gmane.org wwww.debian.org news.com,Linuxtoday.com,acm.org Securityfocus.com, TechTarget and USENIX. Slashdot.org, Linux.com, sun.com citeseer Google (+ scholar) personal web sites honestly, Google. Also sunsolve.sun.com sun Search engines ACM Portal, USENIX conference proceedings, IEEE library Google, ACM, IEEE. I mainly rely on books. http://Slashdot.org, http://www.theregister.co.uk/ www.space.com Google scholar acm (when I have a research library connection) library conference-proceedings-that-just-got-announced-this-month.com (this doesn't actually exist)

11 IEEE, ACM, USENIX Google www.sans.org rss feeds Google RedHat VMware IEEE digital library, ACM digital library, USENIX archives computerworld Slashdot.org theregister.co.uk www.Google.com citeseer.ist.psu.edu www.acm.org www.isaca.org, www.pmi.org, www.wikipedia.org I primarily use Google Reader, which I have configured to look at many blogs (and blog aggregators). Sun's Big Admin site USENIX site ZDNet site oracle.com/technology sun.com USENIX.org Google.com I use Google to search out individual topics of research and interest IEEE Springer Slashdot I have no idea. I use the ACM web site quite a for papers. http://www.securityfocus.com http://www.acm.org http://ieeexplore.ieee.org www.byteandswitch.com Google, Slashdot, nvd.nist.gov www.opensolaris.org taosecurity.blogspot.com Many blogs sans.org, securityfocus.com, Google.com/reader O'Reilly USENIX other lwn.net news.com byteandswitch.com www.Google.com Google www.Slashdot.org www.Dell.com www.opensuse.org USENIX, Sage, Gartner Google Slashdot blogs.sun.com http://eprint.iacr.org/ http://www.springer.com http://portal.acm.org/dl.cfm ACM, USENIX, Google www.Google.com www.oreilly.com www.redhat.com theregister.co.uk Slashdot.org technews.acm.org Netapp.com Sun.com Google.com RSS feeds, not web sites. Slashdot.org search engines (Google, search.techtarget.com) news.Google.com ACM IEEE

12 USENIX, SAGE, Google generally not looking for latest research - much more application-specific. Linux Today, SlashDot.org & Google ACM digital library IEEE digital library USENIX digital library IEEE Xplore ACM Portal Google Scholar SecurityFocus, DarkReading, Slashdot Slashdot.org, freebsd.org, Google cite-seer Slashdot, byteandswitch, theregister acm.org http://www.oreillynet.com/sysadmin/ Slashdot.org Ohiolink ACM Google Scholar rarely visit website -- I use Google www.USENIX.org www.zdnet.com www.infostorage.com www.Google.com www.USENIX.org www.acm.org I wear multiple hats, so I don't have a "field". Google, to find sites. I also subscribe to mailing lists of interest and follow the appropriate Usenet newsgroups. USENIX delivers an unique product; please don't ape some other web site design just because it is "kewl". Google.com IEEE, ACM, O'Reilly Safari This is such a broad question as to be almost completely impossible for me to answer. My role is so varied that the sites that I visit change almost daily depending on requirements. IT Toolbox ACM www.Google.com, www.sans.org, www.USENIX.org USENIX, IEEE Computer Society, ACM www.Google.com www.securityfocus.com scholar.Google.com www.acm.org/dl www.Google.com www.Google.com Wikipedia IEEE Digital Library ACM www.Google.com www.USENIX.org USENIX.org sans.org Google.com :) USENIX.org acm.org ieee.org http://www.USENIX.org/ http://isc.sans.org/ http://www.securityfocus.com/ http://support.Microsoft.com/ Google.com, search for subject en.wikipedia.org, to get very basic framework for then find authoritative material www.USENIX.org opensolaris.org www.sun.com lambda-the-ultimate.org, www.parleys.com, blog.plt-scheme.org acm.org,

13 internal net www.Google.com met.no Mostly searching for info on the net, no specific main site Google.com, news.ycombinator.com, ... www.Google.com http://Slashdot.jp http://Slashdot.org ACM Digital Library www.postgresql.org http://www.cpan.org/ http://search.cpan.org/ www.oracle.com www.Slashdot.org www.sun.com portal.acm.org ieeexplore.ieee.org USENIX.org lopsa.org redhat.com apache.org heise.de golem.de debian-administration.org www.heise.de theinquirer.net www.nagios-portal.de Use blogs but fwiw education matters etc Slashdot, Google w3c.org computer.org acm.org USENIX.org Search far and wide, so no three special ones, sorry. acm.org Linux.org ieee.org I mainly use mailing lists - bugtraq, various FreeBSD lists, various IETF lists. For papers, I would look via Google/Google scholar and go to IEEExplore, ACM, USENIX, I go to such a variety, there really aren't three that actually stand out. Mostly though, I just go to Google and search for things. ACM DBLP IEEE Google Scholar ACM, IEEE, Springer, LWN ACM, USENIX, Blogs http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/ http://www.acm.org arstechnica.com realworldtech.com Google.com Slashdot.org security focus tao security redhat Google sourceforge Google private mail lists www.sun.com, www.USENIX.org, www.sans.org www.freebsd.org www.Slashdot.org www.newsforge.com Google.com sun.com ibm.com Slashdot freshmeat USENIX acm.org ;Login: A huge list of blogs and now.netapp.com www.Google.de http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/home/index.html www.sage.org www.Google.com, www.wikipedia.org, http://isc.sans.org/ http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/hubs/sysmgmt/ http://www.sans.org/ http://www.pmi.org/

14 http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/home/index.html http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/blogs/indexPerf.html http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/blogs/indexHard.html Google Google is about all I check these days. sun.com Slashdot.org USENIX.org www.sun.com www.sunsolve.com Google Google Google www.Google.com www.hpcwire.com www.acm.org Google Google Google Slashdot, bigadmin, nist.gov I don't use websites so much as I use search engines like Google to find information and websites about the topics that I'm currently immersed in. I will often build an opinion and direction based on information that I read from different sources. Unfortunately, this gives me a view of the world through the lens of Google, but often that is more than adequate for me to complete the task at hand. I use SAGE and other mailing lists to keep abreast of discussions regarding best practices, technologies, and arising problems with various aspects in my field. I read theregister.co.uk, Slashdot, and technology blogs on occasion. acm USENIX ieee I use RSS and list aggregators to get most of my information. sun.com, veritas.com,USENIX.org http://www.physorg.com/ http://www.newscientist.com/ http://Slashdot.org/ www.Google.com csrc.nist.gov sun.com, hp.com, Slashdot.org, ACM Digital Library, Google, Technology Blogs Slashdot arstechnica ieee ACM Technews Linuxtoday.org securityfocus.com www.sourceforge.net www.ieee.org www.USENIX.org In general, I subscribe to lists and so this information finds me USENIX sigcomm sigops acm portal acm.org, ieee.org, USENIX.org System Administration has research?! http://www.Google.com, http://www.Google.com, http://Slashdot.org USENIX.org, acm.org, Slashdot.org Google kerneltrap books24x7 http://www.theserverside.com/ http://portal.acm.org/ http://www.oracle.com/

15 www.Google.com computer.org, forums.cpanel.net, Google.com Google.com www.chronicle.com www.sans.org the rest are a toss-up Slashdot Linuxtoday Google Unix vendor sites (www.sun.com/bigadmin, other) (www.openbsd.org, .org, openssl.org) sites following news groups http://www.solarisinternals.com http://www.opensolaris.com http://www.USENIX.org IEEE conference proceedings ACM Library scholar.Google.com IEEE Google.ca sunsolve.sun.com USENIX.org, sage.org, blogs.sun.com http://www.acm.org http://www.ieee.org http://www.USENIX.org educause.edu, Microsoft.com, Google.com www.Google.com www.sigcomm.org www.sigmobile.org Google.com wikipedia.org tldp.org Google.com Gartner, ACM, Forrester Vendor web sites ACM, IEEE, USENIX acm.org/dl/ iiie.org sun.com osnews.org Google SANS Internet Storm Center ACM. Actually, I don't think I go to any others. Security Focus, SANS, GuardCentral.com wiki.centos.org www.clustermonkey.net www.sun.com Google Slashdot tldp.org www.sun.com www.sans.org Google Slashdot.org Google.com www.Google.com www.Google.com www.heise.de www.heisec.de, www.sans.org Google searches, sans, USENIX ACM digital library IEEE digital library my own research grants' websites acm.org, Google Google IEEE Explore IEEExplore, ACM Digital Library Google.ca