Matas A/S Annual Report 2017/18 (1 April 2017 – 31 March 2018)
Matas A/S Annual Report 2017/18 (1 April 2017 – 31 March 2018) Matas A/S, Rørmosevej 1, DK-3450 Allerød, Denmark, CVR no. 27 52 84 06 Five-year key financials DKKm 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Statement of comprehensive income Revenue 3,344.5 3,433.3 3,426.1 3,463.4 3,419.1 Gross profit 1,541.3 1,595.0 1,604.5 1,611.8 1,549.3 EBITDA 599.8 660.5 652.1 620.1 534.5 EBIT 464.4 526.2 513.6 475.1 368.9 Net financials (82.5) (64.5) (36.5) (38.7) (19.7) Profit before tax 381.9 461.7 477.1 436.4 349.2 Profit for the year 248.9 340.3 364.5 338.7 280.3 EBIT 464.4 526.2 513.6 475.1 368.9 Amortisation, intangible assets 99.3 99.0 101.4 102.3 109.9 Amortisation, software* (22.8) (23.1) (25.4) (26.3) (32.7) Special items 29.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.1 Special items, impairment 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.3 EBITA 570.8 602.1 589.6 551.1 471.5 Special items, change of CEO - - - - (12.7) EBITA before special items (guidance) - - - - 458.8 Adjusted profit after tax 374.1 397.5 422.5 398.0 356.2 Statement of financial position Assets 5,487.6 5,336.8 5,315.3 5,270.6 5,303.6 Equity 2,599.9 2,643.5 2,658.3 2,572.5 2,620.9 Net working capital (121.1) (77.4) (172.0) (158.0) (127.3) Net interest-bearing debt 1,623.3 1,564.4 1,423.6 1,515.0 1,471.9 Statement of cash flows Cash flow from operating activities 350.0 422.3 566.9 482.6 383.6 Investments in property, plant and equipment (39.9) (27.9) (45.4) (43.3) (51.7) Free cash flow 173.8 360.2 496.6 348.1 281.5 Ratios Revenue growth 4.5% 2.7% (0.2)% 1.1% (1.3)% Underlying (like-for-like) revenue growth 3.4% 1.5% 0.3% 1.3%
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