
TîIK r.4>V.V tXD T«lt.tCCO IX INDIA.

^ Pawn (properly pan) is a luxury much cs- Sis Kavages iu <;crni DiHcase— •emed l>y the natives of India. Itcousists Nature lias n Sarr$;iiard. !' the fresh leaf of the betel-vine (Piper While cholera has been undoubtedly epi- ,etel), in which i? placed a little red cat- demic in India for centuries, it M’as first ilm, betel-nut, and qmck-lime ; spices are recognize»! and described by European phy- iso often added, and sometimes a piece of sieiaiKH in Asia at the lime of the terrible ,ry tobacco. Cloves and a piece of the root outbreak iu iN-ngal in l«Sl7-^^o far as •f the bctel-vjne are sometimes added medi- mo»lcrii iiH-di<’im.’ is cnicermsl^^lPR: disease inally, tor colds and coughs, for pawn is was iinkiioM’ii «nui! liiat dalt .Many are ; *so r^arded as a stimulant. If a native tlic plagues ami iicsls that li e nivaged ' opium eater, lie a<> ])l;i.gue, iy]i!ins, piiM’i fever, ly addiK^'\iav*'e been made, the leaf is fold- plu>id fever, ergiilism, »iipiithcr ed in way and eaten w'itli its putrid pneumonia, small-pox, contents. X 'V'l.ie betel-leaf is obtained iiavc played havoc in M’liole T from a ctrOper extensively cidtivated decimated tin: population oD by the' lliit-vlus, wlio regard it as very of these scourges have cpiitt sacred ; and it is witli the greatest dif- VOI.. 1. ALEXANDRIA, OXT., I'RIDAY, SELT, 23, 1892. NO. 34 and not one of them now p ficulty that any one who is a follower of domic form to any greac exten another religion can (jl)lain admittance era, hoM’evor, M’as not amon? into a planlation of betel-vines. Tlie betel- destroyers of mankind in E' nut is obtained from the areca palm, and Cholera prevailed in France and ]t,aly in AGKICULTÜRAL. should be jmrmilted so low tliat a man can- L.14VLESSNE.S8 l.\ TONDHI.V first a])pearancc ther»: ’wa. is so called simiily because it ia eaten with 18'*>3 and 1884. ’The last severe (“jiidemicin not M’alk under them stamling upright. years 1S30 ami lS.32, M’he- the betel-leaf. (lOrmany was in iSli'J, «luring the Gcrman- 'The most profitable purpose for M'hicli we French Oillcials llehl Toi’ ltniis«>in Itaiids way of Russia, in the sain The visible eiTect of eating pawn is that THE OLD BARGE, Austriaii wav. can grow winter apples’ i.s for the export 'I’here M’ere several restr About. Dairy Stock- (»r<'liliicHC fi>iralc4. ^the teeth, longue, and lips all become red, ■ trade. Bear tiiis in miml M’hon planting to 1838, and then :vii int Bv Tlioinas St. !E. Hake THE LHOT.EK.t IN' 18.T2. It ro»|uircs ccîisiderable tact and a fair the orchoi’il, and select varieties adapted to Mail a»l\’ices from'l’oni|iiin liear out the and the two latter much swollen, so nuicli assertion.s cabled from I’iiris recently that years. In 1841 it aros so, tliat after a long c'‘ur.se of pawn-chew- It is an oiicoiiraging sign tliat popular amount of skill in judging animals to select It is liest not to lot the heifer gorge her- ora»lle in the delta of i and purclmse cows for the dairy. One dilli- the situation in llio i)riental province of ing, the utterance becomes thick and in- reaked and .shivercil, and hogan to settle dread of the cholera can not now lie com- self or to eat loo freely f»ir .a day or two bc- made its M'ay into I’lu CHAPTER II.—WITH THE Knn. France was iie4 er so Imd .as UOM’ ; that even distinct, and the teeth black. The expec- down among the piles, with the water rush- pared to tiiat uf for the disea.se is lui- cully is to find the right kind of covva for foio, and certainly not fora few days after sia. taking six or sevei sale, for no good cjileiilator M’ill sell his best high l’’rcnch otlioials dare«i in>t venture out- toration is also much increased, and is Meanwhile, Rotlierford had stood on the ing in through a leak in her side. donbtodly promoted l>y mental emotions calving, 'j’horc is no provision in nature m’y u’ostward. ferry steps, watching llerthais retreating and fears. In 18.'>2 people ihrongliout tlie COM’S. For this ami otlier reasons there are for an extra supply »',f footl to the mother side the big ports witlioiit a strong guard, colouret had hid her fi’om country were absolulelv iianic-strickeii. many «.clvantages in mising one’s OM'II dairy and that the Anain mandarins M’cre stirring To our Knghslrtaste, pawn is very of- CH.M’TER III. after parturition, and it i.s fair to uresume gi'ming in India, as y view. He hacl then gone to his boat and The {uiiumncomeiit of the approa< liiiig ap- stock, M’heii it can be consi.stontly dime. 1 tliat a cow, if she has eai ance of Halley'sgreat comet was coupled know that inany «lairymen think lluiL it is liberally supplieil otherwise, has stored Better.^ received in Shanghai ami Hong and regartl it as a ncccsstly. It is much to tlio Aiueiican contino wind ami rain ilriving up against the tide was gone from its moorings, she did not by Lli upe ul that cla: Hmicd ap» I’ to buy tlieir stock than to raise il, aM’ay strength enough to carry her ihrough Kong from 'ron<|uiii up to J iiiy 29 give many eaten l>y Mohammedans of both sexes, and bi’cak o<,’c»iired in the yeui-i and growing rougher'as tlie night fell. He | lier presence ol mind : she kept a cool gli tlu hole if.li pes- id claim that the betti'r way is to liartiirition, ami for s»)m.'hours afterM’anls; interesting «leiail.s of tlie grou-iag laM’le.ss- hy the natives of Bengal. The Hindus of in Eurojic, but upon the M’iiol» kept close tiniler the bank, out of the rajiid pi’^^niptly. Passing will. ileiice an.! impoml Mci lookcd in the spring —when summer ami it is more than likely that she rctpiiies ncs.s. Baiid.s of ]>iralos inf»’st all the north- Northern India do not indulge in it so lier hiniern farther within tlic creek, an 1 of the pestilence has dimitiishV current. His intention WHS to pull alongside uj)on i Î balifnl ligli •ad. th«i main fe.itnre—ami milk them nst ami quiet more than food. ern part of the country. 'Phey come up freely. ICurasiaus and others of mixed walking at the water's »*dge, she «Time up»; u invasion from the time «J its- Landrick s barge while there was still a Tlie iiosi, icrrifyiii ».f til i* summer and sell again in the CoM'.s whicli arc tocoim* in hvtc in the bi>hlly to Luig-son, the present lenninus of races frcijuenlly chew it ; ami some are a liit.le tub of a lioat. It belonged to her ance. 'I’licr»? was s»«mo ehoh gleam of light, make fast there, ami remain wa-s tl) siiddemicss li.s method they thereby save the season, and especially those prcdisjiose»! to the railroatl, ami in sjfvcml encounters with in tiiehahil of continually taking it; but grandfather ; and it w.as one which she iia 1 ami Italy in 18S3 and I.S8 I on the alert till daybreak. .And altiiougli with •Inch it ire.j illv xpense of provitliin; teed tlirough troiibh* M’itli tlic mlder, .should be kejit in militia they h;iv»« iome«l the Iroops, iiaving it would berjuife accurate to say that no u.sod for crossing the river since slic was x the year folloM’iiig : ami it. ' per.son of pure Knglisii parentage is in the the prospect was anything but promising, death, The physi.h try .lid Llic cold ‘ the 8tal>le, out of ihe hot sun, during the; i'ett»?r arms than tlie l’’rt!iich Government even to an ardent lover, David Rotlierford child. 'J’hc boat M'as jiropclled by dro|>ping nol.le 1 ork. 'riicir . cte.l Wh» th« cd system of butter tlaytime for;r M’cek or ten «lays before calv- furnishes. I.ast year one of tho ])iraie cring in varioii.s Asiai iiabit of catingpawn. a short oar over the stern, and screwing in y»?iii’3 past, never kii would have gone through a severer ordeal allayiu : tl.c ]K. by .-.s-.ii Hie pi oph 1(1 » «vails, ami tlie main ing. Siicli COM’.S should be alhj’wcd to have chiefs captured a M’oalthv merchant of H:v- When a native calls upon a fcllow-coun try- fish-tail fashion to and fro. 'J’he girl step- iilarly «langcrou.s '' for Bertlia’s sake. For was not this solitary tliaiwi h prop» >je»: of kc t i.s t.. supply milk or lliu calves run M’ith them a day \ calls for pawn ; and wiien it is prepared, ail night-watch on the Thames under her very to fcai Tliey ed publn for y during the warm have the milk draM-n eiitiroly clean throe or up tlic river, and »ii»I no;, restore him to window '! Ami within doors—as ho judge»! to work her course into the river, 'fh i ngth» tlis, 1 : c but such a course liberty until he li:ul paiil a r-i-iisom of fifty M-!iu «duse»i I jiresent Iicgin to cliow it, carrying on eon- four times a «.lay. by haml. and if iiill.a»nina- the presence of by the light—she was keeping night-w.iicii barge could have taken but one direction— irveswithined ;sai’idno.s above av be al < lo, but in many sec- tiou at th«! mlder or teats nianifcsl.s itself, thousand fnmes. 'J'he captive was le»i ' versation meanwl.iic. When the callod- down-stream with the ti»le, And in that Wc noM’ seem ' upon thinks that it is time for his friend to too. Ho came up alongside tiie barge as lings insi.stini n having tlu ^ NCM- Kiighi d, at lea.st, the M’iiiler M’ash the udder often with tepid sand and blimludded t«» the place »if meeting, and noiselessly as possililc in order not to ay (jiiite as well, or was also M’ariied by llic ],irate, that if he epidemic of a' • leave, lie gives some gentle liint, sucli as, making but sliglit noise M’ith the oar. She for the inorlu • that he liopes his friend will call again tnrb Landrick, and attaclied his l>oat lo the ic disease hrr )iit in Maryland many hettc III» e COM' will do in sum- A cow liable to trouble M’ith tlie secretory gave any information that resulteil in loss stern, where his presence would not be sus- listened ami looked about lier, wondering physicians went to New N'ork to study it. For this reason, and for others fully organs, coining in atany season of the year, of life or pecuniary damage to the outlaws and Russia, < soon : and the caller rises to depart ; but and sprcatl i*. pected. M'licre Rotlierford could lie. Had he not The popular treatment during a portion of lear. ] am conliticnt it is tlic better siiouhl not be fed roots of any kind, iieillier they would have liis life. No effort was ^ before he Ic.aves the iiousc, lie is presented promiseil her that ho would watcii the iiiglit Itur. ; wilii more pawn, so that he may not leave The tide had begun to ebb. Rotlierford the time of the epidemic M’as c.xLcrnal iiot M'uy to liohl on to the good cow.s and keep corn meal. 'The latter is of too heating a made by the Government lo punish this listened intently for the slightest noise. All through? applications and mustard /ilasters, M'ith tlio ranks full by hreciling from the best, nature, and imhmes a feverish state, the highhanded outrage, and the result lias been alarm. It M’O I with his mouth empty. 'I'he deep silence on all sides troubled once here tlio I Hongali haboos (native geiitlomcii) wlien that Bertha had told liim about tlie weird do.scs of calomel and opium. Wiiatever tising sire-s whicli iiave proved their rigiits very thing it is tiic main object to avoid. numerous imitations of tliis kidnapping. midnight voices on the riverrecurreil to him her. And even tlie gleam of light that complaints M’C may make of the iincleanli- to patronage in this line. For it is obvious Buckwheat, rye ami barley meals, oats ami The latest case is the capture of M. ine,” which h > leaving home for business habitually supply came into the sky oniy roused a momen- ing the past fi I tlicniselves with pawn ; and any day they now. The wind blew boisterously, and in the ness and bad drainage of c'tio.s !ind towns tliat if ot.e lia.s a good cow, and she is not peas and a few beans ground together, M’itli Veziii, the contractor of tlie railroad wliich sound heimaginedthat lie heard whisperings tary sense of reassurance. For tlie siglit now, tlie (Condition is unspeakably superior past lier prime, it is belter to winter her ono-fimrih t ie bulk of M'hoat bran atkled, runs fram Lang-son to Phulang-Thiioiig. disorder in 1* ‘ may be seen going along the streets with of tlie dark bridge lirought a dread- Hamburg, y i lips and tnngues .swollen undreil. It is not on all sides ; and he frequently peered round to that of sixty years ago, ami \sdieii we tlian to take tie chances of making makes a good groiiml feoil for COM’S during Vezin is a ricli man and Rre-sident of the ful thoiiglit- to her brain and awoke the dosigiutti jeonsidered etiquette by tlie natives of India witli a strong conviction that there was a consider our improved surroundings, the her ]>lace good liy purchasing. the ]>eri(xl of gestation and aftci’M’ards. Hoi-Rhong Cha.nber of Commerce. He in- siuhlen terror and despair. She felt the as one might i: to eat pawn or anything else in the pres- noiseless figure moving about on the barge— increase of meflical skill and the improveil 'There are other consiilerations wliich sisied upon superintending the railway danger : and now the gleam of daylircaiv ments of the c..a i ice of social superiors or employers. a black, crawling tiling, like a luigcspider, intelligence of the people there is no oc- should not be overloc'ked in this matter of work in person, but when he M’ent to Bra- came to show her, like a beacon wliere that Pithy Points- M’here it prevails, \ Another thing in wiiioii the natives of and blacker than the night. So strong dif ilio nightmare. His first thought was to raise the l iver—not a sound, 'i’lie sense of loiie- July, and August. Conse([Uciitly as it was An .a])plication of lime is beneficial i oniost ]>irat»!.s surprise»! ami carrie»! oil' M. Roquo, alimentary canal, and is propagated in the , he bottom it has a hole just large enough line.ss and dread grow upon her now ; and early in Jun»! \vc should liave prepared for to the ]mrclia.se of nmniifacturcd fertilizers , o be fitted on to the tube. A little earth an alarm ; hut as he opened his lips the to replace the drain iiiion the farm l)y sell- soils, but it .shouM be finely jnilverized so another wealthy inerciiant in June. He is intestines. Koch, M’IIO discovered tlie thought flashed across him that the figure yet she persevered, screwing vigorously at what after all M’.TS a real surprise, dayliglit as to be evenly spread. As M'C have seen it noM’ engaged in negotiating for liis release, bacillus of tuberculosis, and wlio lias indi- -s put loosely into tiie hole, to prevent the the oar—hurrying on towards BatteiT,ea at mi.lniglit, or rather a Mcinl, snlidued ing oil tlic hay. Tliere arc cases where, by ! xntents falling down the tube ; then some — adim movingfigurenow—wason the deck that US»?. the pirates demamling a larger ransom than cated by his marvellous methods of experi- Bridge with the tide racing after her ami light quite liright cnougli to read liy. It good jmlgineiit a-iul wise management, the ’ obacco is ]uit in, ami over tliis some live and creeping towards the cabin ; ami were practice may be successful ; but, as a rule, It, is just as cheap to groM’ the best varie- M. Ko»[ue seems to think is in good taste. ment ami researcli tiie direction in which he to cry out, his boat woultl be cut adrift. dancing in the dark eddies round her boat. was at Stavanger M'e first noticed it. 'I’liis ties of fruits as to grow poorer sorts. Be- ' There is no»|iicstioii that iluj great major- Lo loo^ for a cure of «îon.sumption, was sent charcoal, i'liosc wlio are addicted to the As she neared the bridge, always listening town, one of the most ancient in Norway, the piactice Mill prove ruinous in the end. ' i-sc of opium frequently jilace some of tlie It was still in liis power to leap on board fore you place your or»ler for t rees study ity of the pirates are Chinese from Yunnan, by the ( ierman Government in 1883 to India with intenlness, she fancied that she licar.i M’as the first part of that country that u’e 'J'lio for.age of tlie farm fed upon tiie farm to ‘drug in the idiillum along with the tobacco. the barge and go to Landrick s aid. neat stock consisting of good dairy cows, and »?ompare the catalogues of different the most southerly province of the middle to investigate the cholera »‘]>;ilcinic there. voices—voices among the snadoM’y 'piles. toiiclicil. From the North Sea M’C cntcrcil , riis secoml tube runs up parallel with the As the figure went into the cabin, leav- «leuîers, make your selections carefully, and kingdotr*, and that their lawlessness is wink- In the intestines of all wlio ut si«leways for two feet or more ; to the tide, Rotherford drew alongside and crept it understood there sli.-vll bo no substituting. Armaiiese chiefs. It’s almost impossible to shape, curved and bent like a comma, and u'oman at the oar. In her anguish she M’ith queer wooden houses, and so »|uiet it ing for the farm and of the hay crop and nul of this tube the smoker applies his up into the stern, odvaiicing on hands and other crops the farm ]>roduces, aiul then Novelties in fruits are rarely M’orth the capture the freebooters, because they retire this M'as given tho name of comma bacillus. feet across the deck towards the little sky- again crietl out : “ Davy—Davy ! ’ seemed every one must be de.ad. None of extra price asked for them. As a rule they rapidly into China M’ith their ’plunder, and The comma bacillus has never been observed f noiith ami—enjoys himself. The smoke the hustle and activity that accompany the saving it after it is mae which is put into a hole was enveloped in a rough coat ; and over that they are desirous of forcing so that lopped off by tlie victors. 'The latest news factures a ptomaine, orpois» oussubatance, her ; and as Rotherford reached out iii.s hand was that strange midnight light. 'Yore we gentleness and docility, so essential in the it the end of ehe shell ; a second impromptu this coat was a quantity of netting. Should they M’ill have size and stamina to with- from the interior of 'J'oti»(uin came by M’hich being absorbed into t: system, gives andbrouglit the boat alongside the sinking after all only dreaming or M-a.s this really an good milker that she may do her best, be- ,-ubc is formed with the hand and applied he awake suddenly and attempt to rise, he stand the rigors of long winter. Isolate courier to the sea. 'Tlic courier had ri.se to the symptoms which c r»’c»«tfiiize as must become entangled in this web. This liargc, the girl di-opped down unconscious ohl Rip Van Winkle sortof toMUi ? A party come fixe»! ami intensifie»! in her future pro- such from tlic older broo»ls and give them to a aide-hole, tlirough which the smoke is geny. a heavy escort, but the pirates along those of cholera. It is moi lian i)i’obal>I« was obviously the “spider’s” handiwork, in the stern. of us decided to spend a little time prowling especial care. It is common practice to the river M’ere deceived by the appearance that the disorder spreaiis b ing scattered Ill a moment old Landrick had stepped A good plan is to raise some of the best It is not, as among tlie English, that only thought Rotherford. The intention was through the town. The spell of «jiii»5tncs.s withhold the morning fce»liiig of the hens of the boat, ami a gang of fifty Chinese at- with the iiitcsiinal in door. Morison’s arm was century, ami foumle»! by the famous Bishop worms. 'This is wrong ; espe»nally with the stronghold of one pirate l»aml was suiTound- food and drink. '• down stern foremost. The ti»le SM’ept over ' years’ lime M’heii one can liave abetter pay- and not merely as aluxury. Whenagroup already plunged into the cuphoar»!. As Reiiiohl. It hail been burnt a cimtury or late broods, for they are not strong enough ed, but ihough there M’ere forty men cor- inated tlirough it, eddying and gurgling among the piles. ing lierd of cows tlian can be readily bought. to witbctinwl b!tv»»»»v Oieb- aoppDi^ natives are seated together, and, ‘as is Rotherford’s shadow fell upon him he look- two later, aflerM’.artl.s rebuilt, and fully re- ralled, tliey tought so dcspev«*»«3ij’ cUaC <«U ■ “Gone ! ” cried Laiulriek with a groan. stored still later. The sun M-as pist rising. 'Tiic qiit-ntimi ul Drtjeding it will not he M’et so long before the sun is high enough 1 ,he custom, the liookali is jiassed round to ed round : a gasping cry escaped him, and except two escaped. aiiotlter. They “Home and savings too, Davy, all swallow- Hashing a lieautiful colouring on llic ohl amiss lo di.scns? at this point. We know • each ill turn, it is considered very bad the box dropped ringing and clinking upon to dry them. W’itli tlie older foM'ls, per- 'The financial reports from 'I'oiKjuin are and coinmerc» ed up. I’m a ruined man.” buildir.g ; far u{) on tlio mountain tops that there is a strong feeling among dairy- haps there is little danger, Init M’ith the manners for any one to decline to have a the floor. The man sprang towards Kothcr- men and farmersgencrally againstin-bree»l- not encouraging. 'The French Government, indivi»luals. ford, more with the intention of making Rotherford answered angrily; “Come, fleecy clouils rested, still higher up was the late broods there is great danger tliat you under the stimulus of M. Bert’s energy, be- pei’sonsare tl few puffs. If ilie hookali is thus refused in come, Mr Landrick ! VVliat are you tliink- bejiutiful Norwegian sky. When we re- ing of neat stock. It is true that tlie ex- % friend’s liouse, or while one is the guest of his escape than of showing fight ; but Davy will fetch up at the finst of November, with gan many enterprises, bnt none of these lies radiates. I? ing about? If it hadn’t been for Bertha, turned to the vessel it M’as vlircc o’cloclc, periment should lie connected with caution a lot of cliicks rumiing at tlie nose. These iuotlier, it is regardeil as an insult. If, for caught him by the throat, flung him rTli«‘lr4'(ii‘ioiis Feats -I.ci ^. ainl nativeoi l.iengal speak of “eating’' strong and healthy daughters will bring .Sitgg.'itHl the Daily. lies of both the Dominion and tlm I’r» bow and stared at these two men us though and Bertha had met in the twilight on tlie islets and massive rocks was »mly lu'okei; last just Ijefore sunset. Let tlieni gain to show M’hat ability they have in k laud the native of Northe.’u India speaks previous evening. about results both .surprising and satisfac- stamina by iiaviiig a goo»l run among tho .)! “Drinking ” tobacco, thus indicating he doubted whether he were awake. ’J’he for short stretolies, and so formed a great Although the earliest ventriloquist cf the scourge at the thresholil. The Nothing more was seen of John Morison tory. Starting witli remote ancestry of sire bushes (luring the day but lead them to expect that tiicy regard it as one of tlie necessaries one man, standing silently over the other natural breakwater. whom we have any definite knowledge is to indiviiluals is not great if they ar under the dim light of the harge-lainji, was But Rotherford afterwards learned that the For tlie first time since leaving Fitlsburg ami dam. selecting those animals strong in that at the above hours tliey will receive a Louis Barbent, valet to Francis I. of France, of life. Tobacco grows treely in India, the qualities of the first-quality dairy ani- ligent and use foresight. 'I’lic »la as startling and unexpected as any dream notorious Reil House tavern in Battersea a sense of almost loneliness took possession feed near their house. Confinijment never ventriloquism is a very ‘uicient art, as it is ; wliioh may account for its cheapness and mal ami butter makers, let the likeliest of amongthe ignoriin t and careless and th CfJiud be. Fields—in those days a den of gamb’er.s and of us. We felt we were really going into a agrees with young chicks ; they must have thought that many of the responses of the I universal use. the heifers produced by such a male be bred less, among tlie tliousands tnai croM Davy was the first to break the silence. thieves—had been his favourite resort. It foreign land. All about us M*as a frowning an unlimited run ; they will then frolic and Greek and Roman oracles were duo to ven- tenement houses, subsistinfr on batl “ Mr Landrick, ” said lie, in a rapid man- then became evident, even to the old liarge- bliickness of coast. And yet in the very back to him but continue t.lie cross no fur- fight among 'themselves, and obtam all triloquial trickery. 'Tlic Greeks generally , IvsIatOM oi'Deecased Persons. tluir. 'I'lic proc recovered be- terial was there to build upon, and tliey In tlie fall of the year g.’-o»l results can be father, mother, husband, wife, child, grand- to his feet and glanced round with an air of was th - pinntarily transferred in contemplation take up his quarters in the thatclied house, nine cases out of ton, they will bo quiet, or- M'as along about the iiiidale of August. 1 boat at the stern. He ran af^and flung him- Great Slen’s rallier'i. tliis short penotl elnpsiug after the intro- and here lie soon settle»! tlown, mending derly cows M'licn tiicy come into their plac- scoured the country around for several : preparatory to making a fire. A chimney- (f death When the estate passes ia whole self into it. A minute afterwanls he was duction of tlie germs before the complete • part to persons named in exception (3) nets all day long, and in the evening sitting Homer M’as a farmer’s son. es in the dairy. A gentle disposition is a miles in search of young chicks. Some l,ô0 sweep is distinctly heard by the audience ■ rowing away in the semi-darkness ; and development of the attack, whetlier mild or ’ exccfuls 8100,000 in value, the duty doM’ii opposite Mrs. Landrick in the chim- Rope’s father M’as a merchant. great desideratum in tlie ilairy co'.v, and were got togethoi’ by the mid die of Sep- singing a pretty French song aM'ay up at the very flutlering of the sculls upon the severe, bo far as treatment is coneerneil, r *1 for every 8100, and where tlie ney corner. iMilton Mas tlie son of a copyist. this point sliould never bo overlooked or leinlier, and such a motly crow^J they were the top of the chimney, just before coming water expressed the creature’s abject fright. the medic.al profession has no certain cure J exceeds .8*200,000 the duty is §.“> 0^ Landrick now seized the tiller and The iron box was found upon the cabin Mozart’s fatiier was a boôkbindor. omitted in the care ami training of animals —a broken-breasted, bol)-taileor, where it had fallen. And M’lien David Charles Lamb was a servant’s .son. for the for every $100 and there's ro ks ahead.” “ cabined and confined'’ onboard the ohl I’owers, the sculptor, M’as a fanner’s h<»y. tively tlairy breed.s, and more especiallv lo (if you could call it that,) after they had got room calling for the omelet tliat liis valet is I ucli thereof as pa.sse.s to any otlier per- 'Phe father of Samuel Roppys MUIS a tailor. the Jer.seys. (fi)od dairymen difleroii this to roost and ilowii theirgirjlets 1 M'ouldforce seen quietly ta.sLiiig iu the corner of the fectioii and tlestruction of excreta and of Rotherford made no reply. He bent contaminated linen and hcil clothes. Reail . i any ocher collateral .] 'The father of Dr. Ru.sh M'as a farm la- ])()ini, some preferring to have tlmir heifers, this or that medicine. I was fairly loosing room before taking it to his master. I liuity or lo any stranger in blood to of M’haicver breed, go to nearly or cjuile ilesli myself in my zeal to cure niy large Monsieur Alexandre MUS not only a r»?- anil follow the rules of the Boar»ls of llcaltli. outlines of tlie bridge as were indicated in Tak«? care of yourself and your family, their ; leccased is subject to a duty of 10 per the uncertain morning light. 'The father of Burns was a peasant farmer. three years of age b*:i'ore having their first family of chicks. But aJl to no aviuil—a few markable veutrihuiuist Init also a good act- [. on tlie.value, and ii i.s proviiled as to AltOI T THE 4:ilOLI,K,t. Shakespeare’s father was a wool mer- calf. On the other hand Jt is thought when “ threw up the S]ionge every day. or. He possessetl sucli great mimetic poM - foo«l, their tlrink, and their sWmach.s. See It was a dark mass, with some dozen that the food is procured from cleanly sourc- ^ estates last named, that where the oil-lamps at equal distances, spanning chant. a lunfer comes in young, sayattM'o yeais of By chance I got hohl.of tii Kngliah work ers that he could in a moment so alter liis i c value of any property passing to any A CHOLERA fllEVKNTIVE. ^ The father of Goethe was the son of a age, it forms an early habit of giving milk, tliat informed me of the gooil effects of face and figure as to deceive the most critic- es and is properly ami M’«-il oook»?«l. Let all the Thames. This wooden structure, water be filtersil and boiled before drink- j person does notexceed.8200it is exempt The chief preventive of cholera and .sim- hy early enlarging and expanding the organs copperas. J fed it bu t three days when the al judges. On one occasion, M'liile the guest which connected the antique parish of Bat- ing. And don’t run au'ay. ,m duty. tersea M’ith Old Chelsea, was an object of ilar diseases is absolute cleanliness, which Wagner’s father was clerk in a police ol'milk secretion. mortality began to »1 jcrcase, and when the of .Sir , at Abbotsfonl, with r •ceulors b. administrators arc required dread to all who navigated “above bridge.” insures the absence of disease germs. To A greater mi.stake is frequently made by February suu had co mmeiiccd lo .shed its the aid of only a M*ig, he actually sat to a 1 ie a sworn inventory of property and to Its history stretches back a century or secure this condition various antiseptic prep- Sir Isaac Newton’s fatlicr M’US a poor farmers having the young heifers come into warmth, I lm»l siicooe tied in pulling througli sculptor for an absout friemi, much to the A SFKIOI S AFI Al!t. fe bonds forpayment of duty. When the arations are used. A new antiseptic has farmer. milk toe early in the season. A heifer hav- about fifty chicks, aiixl by the first of May delight of the “Wizard of the North.” It more. During the severe M’Uiter of '95 the Figlit Ketweru Navvies nii»l .llilUary in fentjry is net considered satisfactory a recently been discovered wliicli many emi- .John\Vesley’s father M'as acouiitry clergy- ing luT first calf ill June, or M’hen the grass my first egg M’as lai«’i. was only when he threw oil the wig ami re- bridge had been considerably damaged by (lie 4'ong» S(al<’. jluation may be directed to be made by huge blocks of accumulated ice, that had nent pliysieians regard us superior to the pleiit) ami SM’cet, has the chances m her 'This experience 'vus a good lesson ; it sumed his oM'ii e.\pr»?ssioii of face that the [». blieriir, wiiicli is subject to appeal to become attached to tlie piles, drawing olil preparations. Cardinal Antonelli’s father M'as an Italian favor of making a better milking than one taught me never to enter M’iiiter, yes, sculptor A London despatch says ;—A despatch • Surrogate judge. The duty i.s payable them rudely at the rise of the tide. It was Lysol, the new preparation, in one per- bandit. tluit calve,H in the winter or early spring. fact late fall, (juarters, M'itJi a chick that DI.'JCOVKREn THE HKCEn’IoN. from bt. Raul de Loaiula, the c»ipital ol the >tic death of the deceasctl or within not until t)-«i end of the lust century, about cent. solution, possesses high antiseptic 'Phe fatlicr of the historian Rollin M’as a 'I'hc grass licing tlicn in the best condition was lacking in vigor, aiul to prevent thtit I Veiiti’ilon of ihc number of persons were killetl ami woumled. ' duty is a lien upon the property. The only wooden one that possessed tliis poor Ollier familar preparations, it is convenient gamekeeper. is to fullerilcvelopment. police authorities, ami then iiaving c.xplaiii- Tu’o hundred and fifty navvies who were for ordinary use and leaves the skin smootli It i.s true tluvt the trouble is more likely to ed tho matter to them satisfactorily, use the iniende»! to be used in the IniiMing of the i'', liowcvcr, on.any estate or interest accommodation. In those days the bridge ItOLIt U. ike eflect in tlio future sliall not be had nineteen openings,varying from thirty- and soft. .Set tlie WroiiK Lo»:. ari.se from swollen mlder and oilier troubles incident to advertise their eiitoriaiiimenls. Congo raihvay arrived at Borna. 'They re- Its use lias been strongly recommended as- incident to parturition when the M’cather is All English ventrilo»iui.st named Lee -Sugg, fusetl to go ashore to bs lorwarded to their ,l)lo nor interest begin to run thereon one feet in the centre to sixteen at the ends ; When I first started out in tlie practice N'ai>ole«m (Vella SIIUICIICK BBi.s; i'lilhl fi’oiu I the person or persona shall come the piers were formed ot groups of timber a disinfectant and preventive by the Cliicf M’arm ami food succulent and milk-pro- till? Side of His (fraud iiiollicr. at Kew, once suc»iessfully accomplished this destination, unless the Congo authorities Sanitary Board of Austria. It is also used of my profession, said an old jiliysician, I ducing. But these trouble.s are lialile to hy rushing into a baker’s shop, holding should accede to the terms of employment * actual possession of the estate piles with a clear headway of fifteen feet used all tlie arts usually employed l^y young A Detroit despatch says :—-Napoleon iirest. The time for payment may be under the centre span at high-water, ft as a surgical antiseptic with marked success- arise at any season, and can usually be pre- Wells kiilnapped Ins litth? son and made •«vhat appeareil to be a crying baby in iiis whicli the navvies iUman«le»i and about and unsuccessful practitioners. I had my which tlicre was sume misiuiderstamliug. I nded by order of the Surrogate judg€ was towards this centre that Landrick now ASIATIC ClIOLKK.l. vented or cuted by proper care before and good hi.s eaciqx? in a coupe he! find a gallop- arms. Apparently very angiy at the child’s horse brought round every morning, and I after calving. cries, he savagely threw ic in the hot oven. The Governor boarded llio sti’amer au»l IS being shown that payment is im^ exercised all liis ingenuity 'co direct the It is only since 1S17, however, tliat its galloped about as though there M'iis :i pestil- ing horse. Tue higli-hamle»! a 3air occurred f ible owing lo causes over whicli the barge. No harder task could have been set history has been fully and carefully record- used—largo lump.s tliroM’n here and there— at the corner of Howanl and First streets He tlien tried to e.scapo but was caught, urged the navvies to go asluu'c and proceed ence in every section of tlie county and no- to their work. 'The navvies receiveil the .on liable to pay tlie duty has no a bargee in broad dayliglit ; but it was still ed. In that year it ajipearctl in the army it is nearly useless. last, evening, when the streotsi were full of and immodiatoly presented lieftire tlie town body could get -we'l until I got there. I magistrate. 'Hie charred remains of a rag Governor with angry demoustrutions, ami j col. i'lxecutcrs, administraters and practically night ; only a glimmer of dawn, of J/ord Hastings v/hUc cncampeil on the-- had a boy regularly eniploycil to call me people going liome from work’. 'Tlie story doll M’C re produced as tliat of tlic Imnied flourislu!»! reviflvers witli M’liioh they threat- I eo.s must deduct duty licfore delivering in dusky gray, stretched across the sky bark : of the Siiul. ou'u of church iii tiie midillc of the services, is that Wells, wiio triivels foi • a San Fran- Horticulture- baby, ami botli it and the situation lookeil ened lo shoot him. 'l.'iio (hivernorsumimm- pro])eriy, and tliey liave power to sell beyond the openings under the bridge. And It was then taken for a new disease ami and I used to go out with a rush tliat M’ould cisco Lobac<;o liouse, married .'111 .England a black indc’ed for poor Sugg, nnlil lie aston- c»l 50 soldiers to tho st»‘‘anier and again ‘uel^ of divas may be necessary to pay the tide wusebbing faster now, was carry- created great consternation, carrying off break up a camp meeting. None of tliese In order to iiave fine pcuclio.s, M’liicli will «laughter of Mrs. Bootii, M’ho mrvv lives at islied the judge ami .set ttic spectators in a oi’ilercd tlu? navvies to go asliore. The lat- ' duty is payable to the Pro- ing tliis old and scl der craftstraight down r),0W soldiers in five .lays. things seemed to work well. .1 gained no lu’ing a liigh price in tlic market, thin them 50 Howanl strc»?l. 'Tlie inamikge •^D^ovetl to roar by making th»? child cry in the baker’.s ter replied M’ith slnmt.s of defiance. 'Fiie **' hurer or as he may appoint, upon the massive piles ; and only a miracle From this time and place it ra.Uated iw patients. To add to my iliscomtiture, the so tliey will lie from four t»> six inches apart beau unhappy one, and Mrs. WelLs seoure go ashore. The a!ir;iy will un- 'Provincial expenditure for asylums for the knew tliat his caljin home—his iron box tliat many and roaclu'd Jkigland in 1831 and only doctor left in town, ami I got tlie case. lioUl ujj unaided. Wells shouted to the driver to stDp, and in north slior»? of Lake Superior is being con- isane and idiots, and for institutions for contained all his savings—his life and Davy s l^liiebec and in 1832. Ciiltivalc the jicacli orcliard tlioroiiglily doubtedly lead to an iiivestigiU.ion as to 1 fixed that Irislnnan up in the i)cst shape an instant he had scizeil the child.. The old stantly proven, says a Duluth piipcM-. 'I’he the methods of obtain ng labor furthe Goiigo le blind, and for deaf mutes, and towards too—depended upon such skill as he pos- From Quebec it followcil tlieline of travel you ever saw. I put moi'fi sjilbits on him after the Icave-s have fallen, and sow rye. lady also hold to liim, and ' (Veils iiliercupi'>ii latest flml of the metal is just reported from e support of hospitals and other charilies, sessed, such as time and tide were doing by the Great Lakes lo the military posts on than wouhl be needed for the fractured leg Next spring cultivate again, plowing the rye puslioil her to the ground. Jn aiuotker in- a mine oMiied by Duluth capitalists on the *111011 expcmliture has greatly increased of th-c Upper Mississippi, tlieir utmost lo defeat. A ininuto more— of an elephant. I went around in tlio umb.-r lo fccil llic soil. stant ho was ill the coupe and out, of sight, shore of Black Bay, a few inile.s from the, Playing cards were invented for the e yoais, and is expected to continue one more gleam of dayliglit and a slower In June, IS.*!."», it again appeared in New morning expecting to find liim calm and Neglectful culture and slip-shod inanagc- 'The olliccrs cannot lociite luiin. location of the now famous Silver Islet amusement of the crazy King C'iiarles ^'I. York, and in 1848 it M'as again introduced tide—and the barge might be saved ! /But composed, ami 1 found him in hot rage. inent will enable any man to fail in fruit mine. Here a prospecting crew, at work of France, in 1380. that could not be : to shoot between tlie into the country through Nii Idinlc sever.»1 possible. Tlie barge swung rouml. Roth- across the plains to California, a severe epi- it, but, to tell the wh-ile Lrutli, I had set success of it. phonic coimmiiiication w iih all tlie princi- ,o be a fruitless search. cate that It will yiehl from 8109 a ton up- I years ago M'iihouL a dollar. He miw owns erford shouted loudly and ran aft—shouted »lemic having prevailed in Sacranumto. the wrong leg. Kor'ty feet apart is not two great a dis- pal towns in that country. 'Thev'c ai«? al- I eighteen l'-'Ofea and bus, a ln)ian(lrick to let iro tlie tiller and cling to \Vc have hail several epidemics in this tiUicc at wliirli to jilant. apple trees. 'They ready sy.stems lietwe»?!! Rarbs, Bofilcitux, largo , Jilt lia 1 .'q,',! is [mtliiig i”' a •I' nv powder that is delicious for the rope astern for his life. A moment country, since then, notably in 1SÜ8 and/ S xony abouts»-venty p .■«KKC.VNTILE .\ssetH, i*,V2.U53,7ir). w of tlie late P. I’UKCEI.I;, hvivhy ALKXANDitIA, bEl^T. 23, 1H92. you will find that it has taken 8805 v.’orth friends. Cow or steer any age—1 D Bonniiig, 2 i blankets—I D McMaster. 2 P D Sinclair, OFFICE—MAIN ST„ YANKLEEK HILL (•O.vrviKltCl.VT. UNION notifyall parties upon whose property mortynyes At Kawkesbiivy first Tuesdny of each month of the products of your labor to ])urchase The Beaver Football Club are anxious to W Wightman, 3 W Wightman. i Pieced quilt--1 -T \\ McNangliton. 2 Peter one dollar’s worth of tlie products of the get on a match with some of the clu -s Capital Bubscribetl. ;?12,5(X'.000. are iicld l)V the Kstato. that they will be prose- for three davn. Judge—J McPherson. j Koimcdy. Plain white quilt--1 J R Mc- At Fhi.iitugv‘net I'riday and Saturday of the labor of some Canadian combine. Now if from the «urroundiiig county. The unclcvsiKiu'd haw be«;n itppointvrl ai;eui for cuted with the utmost rigor of tlio law if found THE case of John K; Arnoldi, of “brass LEICESTER SHEEP. Lennan. 2 Jos (rvant. Homc-mado cloth Kamo week. A seious accident happened to the liloc- the al)ovc woll known (ioinpiuiios, and roKpuct- cutting down timber upon HUOII promises. flogs, an ^ steamer fame," came uj) those figures are correct or nearly correct; — 1 P McMaster. 2 P Keunedv, Colored .\t Koiiniior tli*‘ following Monday. if the«e stateincnls are facts or near the casin train on Saturday morniag, at Ram any age—1 I) .MoCrimmon, 2 .-V fnlly solicits the I'atvonago of the public genev- ALEX. Id-XLATU, before justice Armo'- at Ottawa, last week Bain. Two ewes any age -1 W’ Bretliour, home-made cloth—1 R Mc.Cninmoit, 2 H facts, and no one will be happier than Vaudrieul, where she collodcd with a freight M McJ.)onnul. Suit of clothes home-made a!lv. ANGUS MtdlONALD, fti’.d resulted in his ing found guilty of myself to find tlm^ they are grossly wrong, train. The engine of the îMoccasin teles- 2 D Benning. Ram lamb—1 J M ^IcCal- A. GLENNIE. Macdonald, Maemtosh à McCrlm»»,;'''" lum, 2 J Benning. —1 P D Sinclair. 2 .1 \\ McN .uigbton. 7-ly KxcentorH. haviyr in .ofRr the position of the Glengarry farmer is coped the baggage car, smashing it into Colored flannel—1 A M McMillan. 2 M 3m Laiicastcv, Ont. sHRor.snir.ES. L.\w OFFICES :—Canada Life Chan simply this, that under present conditions splinters, and badly damaging both engines. [Munro. White flannel-1 J A B Mcljen- he works one day for lumsclf and family IJoth the engineer and fireman were seri- Ram any age—1 R Bl.ickwood 2 W nan. 2 P D Sinclair. Home-made wincey armer should fee aud two days for some one olse. Wba; oqsly injured, aud the passengers escaped Campbell. Two ewe* any age—1 J A Mc- —1 D ^lorrison, 2 M Munro. Woolen car- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TORONTO. Sister Bowell, the' wonder then that our farms decrease in with a severe shaking up. Callum, 2 R Blackwood. Ram lamb—1 J pyit—S Campbell. W'ooleu shawl—1 R The annual exhibition of the Cornwall A McCallum, 2 R Blackwood. Two ewe value, that population leaves the country Grant, 2 M IMuuro. Plaid—1 D D VOTICE i8 hcreliy Riven, pnwuout to B.S.O Gall jDpartment. for re* Agricultural Society, was held in the ex- and that our young men leave the farm ? lambs—1 R Blockwood, 2 J McCallum. 2 P D Sinclair. Bedspread knIV o? C%p. no. See. 26. that aff creditors and other EDWARD H. TIFFANY, nouthorgans 10 %, hibition grounds on Friday and Saturday, OXFORD DOWNS. It is easy to see that the merchant paid —1 F S Campbell, 2 H S Christie. Rag persons having claims against the estate of ts. specific duty on nothing of the tariff tax; he added it to ^ and was a grand success. The exhibit this Ram any ago—A K ^IcDonald. Two carpet—1 D Morrison, 2 F S Campbell. BARRISTER, year was ecjual to that of any ever shown noiiald ffethune.late of the Township of Kenyon, ^nets, guitars and the price of the goods and the man wlio i ewes any age—1 R McCrimmon. 2 -\ Mc- Woolen yarn--l B G Munro, 2 J Dingwall. in the County of Glengarry, fanner, deceased, NOTARY, ETC. purchased the goods paid it. Neither j in Cornwall. Donald Ram lamb—1 A R McDonald, 2- ^ wonder if this live Woolen vara twisted—1 M Munro, 2 J who died on or about the ftfteeutlt day of De- Early Office ; Over Post Office, Alexandria. The Cornwall Lacrosse Club met their tariff nor merchant added anything to the 1 R McCh'immon. Tvo ewe lambs .\llan ; Di„g\va.ll." Pair of woolen mitt*I D cember, A.D. 1891, are required to deliver or '■'ssion that the value of the goods, but they doubled the [ second defeat this year at the hands of D McDonald. Ferguson, 2 A [McDonald. Pair And examine onr extensive Stock of 1 the Shamrocks, anci a bad defeat it was. send by post prepaid to K. H. Tiffany, of the \ddle is neccs- -osta of them, and you paid for thorn with ! SOUTH DOWNS. ! aoclcs—1 A A McMillan, 2 W MeP Village of Ale.xandvia. in the said County of money you had got for products you h:id j The score standing at the end of the time I?.. SIsÆITH, .while behind Two ewes any age -U McCrimmon. • Pair stockings—J Dingwall. Pair of Olongany. Havrister at law,Solicitor for Noroian Dry Goods, sold and out of which McKinley and tlie Shamrocks 1 ; Cornwall 1. The boys were BARRISTER i.T splendid condition and their friends Ram lamb—R McCrimmon. . cotton—1 h' S Campbell, 2 W McPherson. O.Bethune and Duncan Ik-thune.both of the said V- middle man had taken perhaps 50 cents MIXED. Hearth rug varn—1 D McMaster, 2 F S Boots and Shoes on every dollar. As the great army of non confidently expected them to win, but it Township of Kenyon, executors of the last will SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, CON- t— was an off day for them. ram aay age-llngl. M McDermid ' Campbell. Hoarth niB rag-1 P Kennedy, and testament ef the said Donald Dethuno, de- Groceries, VEYANCER, àc. eaforth Ex producers don’t pay any taxes, they have Specimen of darning on iiothirig to pay taxes with until by some To-morrow afternoon the Cornwall and Ham lamb—1 D R McLennan, 2 H S j ^ M.^Master. ceased, on or b(!foro the FlllST D.\Y OF OC- Crockery, OFFICF. :—Snorsinger's Rloct, Corn-wall, Ontario I lesson. It Christie. Two ewes any age—I H S , socks—1 I^Innvo. 2 J P^. McLennan, TODKK, A.D. 1WF2. their names, addresses and device tbey get it out of some one who has Capital will cross sticks in their second j Plain sewing—D Sinclair. Collection of Christie. 2 R IVIcCriinmon. Two ewe descriptions and full particulars of their claims &c., &c. > MONEY TO LEND. cinity of Sea- been at work and proersons of whose We congratulate Mr. R. R. Sangster on Embroidered chair cover—1 Wm Mc- relics of humanity. Or suppose you loaded Judge—Wm Mitchell. claims notice shall not have been received by Money to Ixxxu at liOw Rjites of interest. buisness of it. being awarded the silver medal of tlie Pherson, F S Campbell. Embroidered a ship with such stuff you could not sell or I'Otn.TRY. tlicm at the time of such distriliution. In many lines wo cannot be beat. Mortgages purchased. ■ -»uro it out Agricultural and Arts associatian iu the tf)ilot cushion—1 M MePhadden, 2 Wm trade them off for enough to pay the tariff prize farm competition in the oastevn Pair Plymouth rocks—1 II ]‘)iiigwall, 2 K. JT. TIFFANY .will then McPherson. Embroidered slippers—1 A Wc believe in small prices and quick duty on a single yard of cotton. Such district. The Competitors in this county D W Munro. Pair hondans—1 J K Mc- Solicitor for Executors. productions do not feed, clothe or shelter Siiiiler, 2 A Cameron. Embroidered returns. MACLENHAN, LIDDELL S CLINE were Thus. Ross, and R. Wightman, 4 cou- Lennan, 2 G Ilowdon. Pair leghorns cloaks—1 A Snider. 2 J McDougald. .'Mcxnndrin, .\ug. 31, 1892. -înrmaTnty-likQ the products of the favmen_ üoesion of LancaBter ; 1>. M. McPherson., —1 Cr Ilow’don. 2 S i'rasor Pair All the lawyers and doctors iii the BomT- Spanish black—1 G ITowdon, 2 1’ 1) Sin- Kmlu'oidercd bed set—-1 W ^Icl'lierson, 2 The Ingbcst cash market price paid for BARRISTERS, Bainsville ; A. G. McBean, Lancaster, Ben A Snider. Kiut or ovocheted tidy—\ F S Oats, Peas and Buckwheat. nion do not produce wealtn enough in a clair. Pair dorkings—1 (T Howdeii, 2 D Clark, South Branch ; and Mr. Sangster. Ciunpbell, 2 W McPherson. Specimen of [SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, ETC., year to feed a dog, although they may have Benning. Pair toulouso geese—1 O How- A notwortliy fact in connection ivilh this point lace—F S ([amplicll. Tidy not LAST CALL. ^xicketed millions of dollars earned by other den. 2 S Fraser. Pair geese any kind—I .K. matter is, that these men are all supporters croclieted-'-l W McPherson. 2 F S Camp- Cornwall, Ontario. people’s labor. All the legislation at Ottawa A Armour, 2 J A McDonald. Pair ducks T'NT,El'S nil Hcconnts due the Into Dr. D. L. of the policy of Unrestricted Receprocity bell. Bust collection of ladies’ work—1 F never made Canada one cent richer ; it is as advocated by Hon. Mr. Laurier, the any kind—1 D J Fraser, 2 H Fraser. P.'iv U ^f^•^I^llln are settled on or before the 15th A. GINQ-IARS only labor that makes wealth, but they bronze turkeys—1 S P'raser. 2 Jos Grant. S Campbell, 2M A MePhadden. D. B. ^r.\CLEN^’A^^ Q.C. strength of the Tory party is in those who Judges—Mrs Dingwall, Mrs Falkncr and of Octolier lU'.xt, I will iilnro same in niy lawyer'.s GLEN ROBERTSON. have legislated, with the help of such legis- cultivate the boodle and not in the tillers Pair turkeys any kind —1 8 ]'’raser, 2 P D hainlfi for eollcetion. For the convenience of J. \V. LIDDELL. C. H. CLINB lators as R. R. McLennan, M. P., millions Sinclair. Pair langshans —1 S P’raser, 2 Miss Ferguson. of tlie soil still thee.xodus continues. srr.cui.s. partie.s wishing to settle I have left the books of dollars out of the pockets of those who Ranald Gunn has gone to (Jhippewa W Camijbell. Pair light bralmias--! A at Mr. Sam McDonald's, telcgrapli o).>erator, who ting. 'i'able set —1 J R McLennan, A Mc- earne, 92. 33-1 BARRISTERS, fatten on the toil of others. The great ST RAPHAELS . IMFLEMENT.S VEHICLICS FÜRNI-ITUE robl)cr8 of industry are all behind our act Women’s Association. Drawn work—A Farmers in this vicinity are complaining Pjand roller—W Stafford. Iron plougli Supplies and of parliament. There you will find all our Cameron, rope table—Geo i•’.lder. Solid tors in the Supreme Court of potato rot. —W Stafford. Harrow—llJoubcrt. Cart tree as the professional g‘‘ntlemcn, all our privileged — 1 W Campbell, 2 H .loubert. Single I’LANTS ANII FLOWERS. NOTARIES PUBLIC, &C. classes, all our combines, all legally Our village is somewhat deserted this FOR SALE - ^?ly unfair week, a number having gone to the Mon- buggy—J K McLennan. Double sleigh— Collection of dalilias—J A B I^IcLennau. Machinery. authorised to rob and safely protected / the^public at treal exhibition. II Joubert. Single sleigh H .Toubert. Vi’se botupict—A Armour. I'an bouquet Bash and Door, Phuiing and Shingle Cornwall, Ont. behind an act of Parliament. Alas the Delegates representing the 1’. l.’s of this Lumber wagon—11 Joubert. Pumi)-—IWm —P Armour, Yaiietios of asten-s iu bloom Mill poor farmer. I am well aware that many .i,\MK.s u'.mu, Q. c., It. a. fnixobR, place attended the meeting at Apple Hill McGaffy. 2 D I\IcGaffy. Side upper —1 1) D Ross, 2 B G Munro. Varieties of In the thriving Village of Maxville, on thoC..\.E. All supplies and machinery non producers act as ends to production J. (5. JIARKXKSS. on Friday last. leather'—W pj Gnuit. pansies iu Ijloom—1 Geo Elder, 2 A (Jani- The Mill is well l)uilt and is e SEEDS. Munro, 2 D D ROBS. Collection of house Maxville is the Centro of a fine district : lU'arest the last cent out of him, and leave him plants in bloom—1 W McPherson, 2 F of Cheese or Butter is sup- jring hero. Only a few One of our citizens wended his solitary Spring wheat—1 ,Ios Grant, 2 P D Sin- uiill is 1."» miles, Tliis property will he sold just enough to live and labor on. These Major. Geiiorai collection of llowcr.i—1 J John A. Chisholm, j left us to take part in the way to the dance given in <)th Lancaster clair. Pens—Jos Grant. Barley—P D chenp. Good reason forsxdling. Foi i)artlculars all get rich and live iu luxury while the . W Pilon, 2 B G Munro. plied by the undersigned. Barrister,Solicitor,Conveyancer, •itical contest in Great Britain, on Monday evening. Sinclair. Oats—1 J (irant. 2 P Kennedy. ajiply on the premises or to farmers who toil to feed, clothe, and enrich ARTISTS’ WORK. ETC., them, are little better than serfs, and in The little world comic show passed here Buckwheat—1 P D Sinclair, 2 J Grant. 5f. A. CAMFBFJJj Everything offered is of a*, oy the might of his eloquence, the dig* on Monday evening on its way to the ex- Drawing or painting of animals from fact that is really what they are. Yet Beans—1 P D Sinclair, 2 D P’erguson. 33 4 Doininionvillc, Ont. CORNWALL, ONTARIO. nity of his bearing and the earnestness of hibition at Vankieek Hill. Grass Seed—1 J Dingwall, 2 P D Sinclair. life -1 D J Fraser, 2 D Ferguson. Draw- the latest improved design. these are the classes, the men we are told ing or painting of landscaj,X!—1 A Cameron OFFICE his appeals for a united Ireland, has cap- to look up to and venerate and instead of On Tuesday evening Mr. Angus Mc- Indian corn—1 D W Munro, 2 J Will. 2 M A MePlmdden. Drawing or painting Kjrkjxatrick’s Block, Entrance on First St. tured all hearts across the sea. By his using our own brains, keep them in luxury Donald, son of Donald McDonald, took his Two-rowed barley—Jos Grant. WE C.\N SUPPLY YOU WITH departure for Alpena, Mich. In the de- of any subject—1 J M j\IcCallum, 2 J A leap into active prominence in the canse of to think for us and actually send them to ROOTS AND HOED CROPS. Canada Atlantic R’y McDonald. Drawing or painting of por- parture of Angus, St. Raphaels loses Potatoes early rose—1 A Cameron, 2 J reform he has added iuature to the land of Parliament to legislate in our interest. trait—D Ferguson. IN CONNECTION WITH BOILERS, ENGINES (s?” J $20 000 to Loan. The farmers had the votes and sent them another of its moat popular young men, he Slack. Potatoes wliito star—1 Alex Cam- his birth. By his speeches while over there and of course it is their own class is one of the many who are constantly eron, 2 P McMaster. Potatoes beauty of Central Canada Fair CURD MILLS, RENNETT there he has stamped himself as an intel- they look after when they get there and seeking better opportunities in the west. hebron—D B McLennan. Swodo turnips Carving—J W Pilon. Curiosities—J D. I). MACMILLAN, “Oat from our bounds they are going, lectual giant and at once raised himself to that is why the farmer is oppressed and —1 D F McLennan, 2 Geo Wightman, 4lh Sutherland. Tjargest collection foliage CHEESE COTTON BANDAGE made a tool of by these instruments of the scores, hundreds, day by day, o’er country Char. Yellow turnips—P i) Sinclair. plants—Vv^ McPherson. OTTfiWfi, SEPT. 22 TO OCT. 1 ALEXANDRIA, a foremost place in imperial politics. He roads and city streets they take their combines. LNCEE DONALD. Red carrots—1 J Wid, 2 J Sandeland. CREAM SEPARATORS Can supply yon with anything required in was tendered a reception by the Home lingering way.’’ Is it not about time the White carrots—1 G Wightman, 2 .1 A Mc- Round trip tickets will bo i.ssued the Hue oi Rulers of Toronto, and later on will be farmers of Glengarry began to ask them- Donald. Mangolds—1 H Dingwall, 2 J .4, selves the reason why so many of their SEPT. 22 TO :50 A3' BUTTER TUBS and banqueted by the Liberals, ^/ho all heartily COUNTY NEAVS. B McLennan. Long blond boots—1 A Carriages, sons are leaving the homes of their child- Cameron, 2 J W McNaugliton, Onions—1 welcome him back to the Canada he loves Single First-class Fare CHEESE BOXES, ST ELMO P D Sinclair, 2 A Cameron. Large squash WALL AND ON B nggics, CO well. While our feiiow countrymen Mrs. Wells, of Michigan visiting WILUAMSTOWN FATR. —1 J Slack, 2 P D Sinclair. Large pump- Corros|K>ndenco SoHoited. Waggons, honor him thus in the Queen City, Liberals friends in the neighborhood. kin—1 J W McNaugliton, 2 PI Dingwall. PAPERS Sept. 27& 29,75c iu Glengarry fervently hope that the day Miss McMillan, of Laggan; Mr. and Mrs. Cabbage—1 P' Mayor, 2 P McMaster. Carts, Grant, of Apple Hill ; visited W. Munroe on The Front has invariably been noted for Cauliflower—1 A Cameron, 2 .1 A McDon- FROM ALEXANDRIA, D. M. MAGPHERSON, may come when the s cred cause of na- WALL Cutters, Sleighs, Etc., Monday last. being the possessor of a large number of ald. Tomatoes—1 A Cameron, 2 J Slack. thoroughbred horses and cattle, and that Fares from f>thei‘ stations at projiortionately tional freedom will bee jBumated. D. Kennedy is burning a lime kiln. Parsnips—1 D Bowden, 2 J Slack. Col- low rates. Lancaster, Ont. HKP.VXKTNG ANII PAINTING Struther’s stereopticon intertainment on reputarion did not suffer any on Friday PAPERS lection of garden vegetables—1 J Slack, 2 .'Ml tickets good for return until October 3rd. Will rccfive prompt and careful attention. Thursday last was pronounced to be one of last when the usual annual fair under the A Cameron. Special trams will ran on Sept. 27 aud 29 as ALMOST every week e of our boys auspices of the Glengarry Agricultural IN ALD DESIGNS follows: Leave .Vlexandria Sept. 27 at 8.;J0a.in., the best intertaiaments given in this place. Judges—R J McDougaki and A Camp- arrive Ottawa lO.iO ; leave Ottawa at 6 p.m., ar- CALL AND LKARN FRICKS. return to old Glengo ■'m the States, Those who wore not there missed a rare Society was held at Williamstown, as the bell. AND SHADES AT rive Alexandria H.U7 p.m. Leave .-Vk-xandria BATES BROS. display in these respects instead of decreas- and after sp ■eeka with us DAIRY PRODUCE. SejP. 29 at 9.45a.m., nrrivo Ottawa Jl.'J.'» u.m: Manufacturers and Dealers in As Rory Munroe was coming home from ing appears to be on the increase, there leave Ottawa Ü p.m., arrive .Alexandri.a 8.07 p.m. return ^ the inter- Firkin of butter—1 B G Munro, 2 C I\Io- For fnviher mformaciun fcl'Ply to nearest Maxville the other night, his horse got being on the grounds for compotUion 160 WM. McEWAN’S ticket agent. Scolcli, Swedisii and American Graailos liorses and 144 head of cattle. The attend- Lellan, 3 P McMaster. P’actorv cheese—1 R. J. McDougal k Son., re always frightened at something and ran away. E..J. CHAMDKP.rjN C. J. SMITH And All Kinds of ance on tlie first day Thursday was as W Irving, 2 A K McLeod, 3 A 'B McLen- '•3 come Rory was thrown out of the buggy and was nan. Home-made cheese—1 A P’ McNaugli- Maxvillo, Ont. Gen.Man..Ottawa. Oeii.l'ass.Ag’t. X- badly although not seriously hurt. usual somewliat small, but on the follow- MarKe Monuments LANCASTER, ONT., .ntmwLq—Tcxrra-ity TUVS «ppetrmnci; ingTv>T»ot ItnvA Vwian in t.hn ton, 2 P* D Sinclair, 3 P' S McLennan. neighborhood of 2000 people present. The judges—VVesiley McLeod and A it aud Headstones Dealers in a!ul worries the cattle very much, tar, Foulds. .Mwftys Insure your Froperty in the Can- carbolic and other stuff causes them to exliibits in the main building wore capital, CIIF-APFR. TITA.M THE CHEAPEST. FRUITS. remove from the horn, but they lodge especially in the ladies department, this Phœnix Insurance Coy Flour, Pork, Ground Feed, Pressed Hay elsewhere. The best that farmers can do assortment being large and varied. A St Lawrence apples—1 J A McDonald, 2 HARTFORD. CONN. Terms Easy. Satisfaction Guaranteed. And .Ml Kinds of hat Mortgage Sale is to stable their c&ttlo in daytime (darken- fancy quilt, upon which were embroidered A Cameron. Alexander apples—1 A Cam- Becanso of its strength, lo.ss p.aylng powers Work sot up free of extra shurge. ^ V. . .-tfl^a. ing the windows,) as food is so plentiful, all the names of the members of the Glen eron, 2 J A McDonald. Duchess apples—1 aud record for fair aud honurablo , GROCERIES. others in Glen- eep^ially western com. Gordon Women’s Association is deserving D G Roes, 2 J A McDonald. Talman’a There will l>o told by Public .Auction »t deaiiug. 29-y BATES BROS., sweet apples—1 D D Ross, 2 II S Christie. G. R. HART, GKO. HK.AUNDBN, ear to year, for The prices of chocso and butter are of special mention. The display of roots Montreal, Gen. Man. Alexandria, l/ooal Agt 6 L’OKIGNAL, OXT. Russet apples—I D W Munro, 2 A Cam- MePHRR’S HOTKL, GLKJ: RODURTSO;-?. ON raising, which pleases the farmers very also showed up well, being superior to that FRIDAY. THE >U11SEKY STOCK. How different seen in the Alazandria exhibition. The eron. Snow apples—1 A Cameron, 2 J A Vjtitugan'y appear if the People were remarking the number of usual speeding on the track had to be McDonald. Any other variety correctly 14th DAY OF OCTOnER, 1803, (BKG tw) notify the people of (»leDg»rry that 1 named—i B Cameron, 2 T Doherty. have secured the sole right for the coouty from this county now carriages that passed through this place to dropped, owing to several of tjio prize win- .At One O’clock P.M.,the following valuable Farm sell tho stock of the well known unrseryman, Heaviest bunch black grapes—1 J A ?.Ic- IcSAY à KEIR HARj^ESS I jhout Michigan, Minnisota, Maxville on Monday, filled with the best of ners having left to attend the Cornwall vir..: The south half of th* north half of lot O. Griibam, of Toronto. As an indnceiiiout everything and on Tuesday so many fine show. This is to be regretted, as these Dougald, 2 J A Macdonald. Heaviest number five in the first concussion of tiie town- bu.siiiess, ami knowing that the stock 1 handle srî?» first cla.«, 1 will give free with ever? Milfr states were at home to help trials of speed invariably afford much bunch white grapes—1 IT Dingwall, 2 J A ship of Lochiol containing fifty acres of land Hardware Merchants looking cattle and sheep and etc. If our L.M.BOÜOIE.VankleekHül amounting to j?l or upwards, a book which ex'- Vake aar concession in this township exhibition will not be a success it pleasure to the on lookers. The Citizeys’ McDougald. more or less. plains in a mo.st thorough manner how to mako kon «P how many are is not the fault of tne farmers of this place. Band of Alexandria furnished the music. SUGAR HONEY AND CANNED FRUITS. There is a good log house 21-18 one story ami a Manufacturer of the raising of fruit trees, *<•.. a succoae. ftlflRTIfROWN, ONT, I'Jease reserve your orders imtil I call. Their playing of the several selections was Maple sugar—1 M Munro, 2 D Mc- half high upon the farm also a good log barn Light and Heavy, Double and Single ates and ask yourself the ST ANNE DE PRESCOTT 3-tf NUlLLESLIK.MPXTff o. most favorably commented uix>n. Every- Master. Maple syrup—1 P Kennedy. 2 D .W-30, good shed and log stable attached to end of Haniess, Collars, itc. .Protection to the manufac- Mr. Finlay McRae left hero on Monday thing passed off smoothly, which was large Campbell. .Jar of honey—1 S Fraser, 2 J Agents for the celebrated “Perfection” Hot for Montana. tlio barn size a log granary 18-15 and a curfcailiug of our markets due to the untiring exertions of the secre- B Ferguson. Honey in comb—1J B P'ergu- never failing well. Tlicre is also a very gootl ten •\ir Furnaces. Mr. Osias Chartrand came home last tary, Mr. Goo. H. McGillivray. son, 2 I) W Munro. Strawberries—1 B G ng people away. week from the American Territory. acre orchard and ten acie-sof taiinirnc swamp Will tender for the heating of any building Repairing promptly attended to. Prices The following is the prize list Munro, 2 D Campbell. Raspberries—1 B the rest of the lur.d is cleared and the fciicer. are No less than two weddings took place offered. moderate. Call and see me. MANUFACTUBKlt OF CLYDE UORSEB WITU PBDIGRI:E. Munro, 2 M Munro. Jollies—1 J Clark. 2 iu c.xceliaut coudition and well built. The farm — .ike no apology for our earnest here last week, the contracting parties were R J Pattingale. Plums—1 J W McNaugli- Mr. M. Strasburg to Miss Cardinal, and F. stallion 4 yra and upwards—1 P Mc- is six acres wide close to school, post office and 21-13 PRICES RIGHT. L. M, BOUGIE. Carriages, Eug^ies, Pemccrals, Wagons advocacy for the welfare of the people. Master, 2 D Gumming, 3 D McMaster. ton, 2 B G Munro. Pickles—1 D Fergu- railway station. Carrière to Miss Sabourin. son, 2 J Clark. Catsup—1 J Grant, 2 D We are told by our opponents who plead Mr. Quesnel, blacksmith, sola his stand Stallion 2yrs old—R Blackwood. TERMS—Ten i»er cent of the pm'chase money Sleighs, Cutters, h. Campbell. Raspberry wine—1 FJ Ding- I'KUCIIKKON HOUSES, WITH I-HDIORRi;. to be paid to the vendor or his agent at the time ALEXANDRI.r- the cause, and pockets of the wealthy man- to E. Leroux, peddler. wall, B G Munro. Currant wine—1 E Repairing of all kinds pi-oinptly attomled .-0 We regret to announct the death of Mrs. Stallion 4 yrs and upwards—1 L Camp- of sale, and the balance without interest to bo "IEAHK RUSSELL” .\1I work guaranteed, xifacturer, and combine lord, that our Dingwall, 2 J Clark. Bread—1 W Camp- paid within one month thereafter. LIVERY G. Cardinal, which occurred last week. bell, 2 ^V’ Wightman. bell, 2 P D Sinclair. Biscuit—1 R J Pat- arguments and appeals are stale, and Fia-thcr particulars and conditions of sale made FAS HI ON AB L E TA ILO R KENYON STREET. ALEXANDRTA The funeral to the R. C. Church here, was HEAVY DltAOGHT M.VRF.S OF ANY BREED. tingale, 2 D R McLennan. Hard soap threudbaro, and that the people have pro- largely attended by sorroAving friends. known at tlie time of said or may be had on ap- Brood mare foal at side—A A Mc- home-made—1 A Cameron, 2 A P McDon- plication to the nndcrsjgned. M'S LINL nounced against ns at the polls. This may Mr. Jos. Segiiin is erecting a fine carri- Millan. Mare 3 yrs old—1 Duncan J Mc- ald. Collection of preserved fruits largest GKOUGS HKARNDRN ISRÜNOïWN, ONT. Tho nndersigneil rosiuictiullv nolicit-s the patron- age shop on his lot. Millan, 2 J A McDonald, 3 J McArthur. and best'—1 M Munro. 2 A Snider. bs true, nevertheless we see on every side Mr. S. Labi'osse, merchant,of St. Eugene, Vendor's .'\gmt age of the public, and inionu.s them that P. MÛGUTCHEON & CO. signs that tlie people are realizing that pro Mare 2 yrs old—1 J McMaster, 2 R Hunter. Judges—Miss E MePhadden, Wm Mc- SoiJtembor i'lth. 1892. o3-l is at presei t loading a barge at Pointe Span heavy draught mares or geldings in Pherson and Mrs McNaugliton. PKliFECT FIT GU.VBANTEED. Well Equipped and Stylish Rigs can Watchmaker and jeweller. toctioR to the manufacturer is robbery to Fortune, witn peas and oats, for which he harness—1 J McIntosh, 2 J D McDonald, 3 tWKjaZK .SN EXTKNRIvr. STOCK Of the farmer. We have no cotton factories is paying the highest market price. JAB McLennan. always be Secured. Mr. Arch. Loveque, agent, of Caledonia, HORSES FOR AORICDLTCRAL PURPOSES, EXCLU- .'\.t liis_ BtabloK. A comfortable buv meets all within the county of Glengarry, but we Outside Cutting a Specialty tnviiis at tho Green \'nllcy Station, leav- was in town last Monday. SIVE OF PURE CLYDES AND PERCHERONS. Watches, Clocks and Jewellery, have our homes to keep and our families to On Sunday Rev. Father Godure asked ing Alcxiindrio a-t JO o'clock a.m., and 5 ii.m. educateandit is our brundendutytoaskthe his congregation to offer up prayers for tne Stallion 4 yrs and upwards-1 J J An- Spectacles and Eye Glasses, derson, 2 D"B McCuaig, 3 J D Fraser. OLE) RELIABLE. Careful attention given to even- order. Tho secession of the cholera. piivilege for our farmers to buy and sell Stallion 2 yrs old—I J Dingwall. Stallion wants 1)1 Uom/norcial Travellers fuffy met. Cleaning ami Repairing done Cheaply xnd Mr. A. Mongenais, merchant, of Rigaud, SAY ! iu a lijorougli inannov. wheresoever they choose. The Cornwall is selling wheat, flour, at 81.45 per cwt. 1 yr old—D Cnmmiag. Brood mare foal have just opened out a large and varie Utatulard reiterates the old chestnut that at side—1 D McGregor, 2 A A McMillan, 3 DO YOU WANT A SUIT OF CLOTHES Arch. McMillan. P. MtCUTCHEON A CD.. BALTICS CORNER J Dingwall. Filly 3 yrs old—1 J Morri- Assortment of the present Government’s policy is to W 0 MADE UP IN FIRST-CLASS Main St., Alexandria. Mr. and Mrs. D. Intyre, of Roxboraugh son, 2 J Dingwall, 3 J Will. Filly 2 yrs Next to -John Simj/son's Store. foster a home market for the farmers and were visiting at Mr. John McKay’s Sat- old—1 J A McDougald, 2 A D McDonald, STYLE '? hold up the country generally. How far urday. 3 R Hunter. Filly 1 yr old—1 J A Mo- NEW DRESS GOODS Mr. and Mrs. John McKay were visiting J. E. BLANCHARD, YANKLEEK HILL this is from the actual facte may be real- Douguld, 2 J W PilV)n. Span of farm of the very latest styles, that are away ahead of anythin'; we H. A. MCINTYRE their friends in Dominionville last week. inirpose in harnoss—1 P J Campbell, 2 C Is the man who can do it. ized by reading the interesting letters of We are sorry to hear tluit Mr. McKenzie, Mcljennan, 8 A G McBean. have ever offered before, and are sellin" very freely. MAXVILLE our genial cheesemakcr, is about to give up It will pay you to caJl and see his Work, “Uncle Donald’’ which have apjjoared in CARRIAGE HORSES. Those goods ivi-e principally in Dress lengths, and are accompanied by an elegant Leatls the Van as Manufactui*cr nnd his position, owing to ill health. fashion plate showing the Goods made up in the most fashionable and handsome styles. M oney these columns for the past few weeks. It Stallion 4 yrs and upwards in harness— Stock and Prices. Quite a number of the Corner folks at- One plate going with each dress. Dealer in is all very well for a government organ to tended the fair in Alexandria, and by all 1 J J Anderson, 2 E Bush, 3 T Munro. All Work Guaranteed First-Class. To Loan. clip the picnic remarks of the Hon. Mr. accounts spent a very pleasant day. We Stallion 2 yrs old—1 D F McPherson, 2 R Call and look through these lines. Grant. Stallion 1 yr old—1 W B Grant, 15-lyr J. E. BLANCHARD. Haggart, or any other Cabinet minister, imagine some enjoyed themselves more Harness, See., See. A liixgc nmouut of private funds to loan than usual esi>ecially the two young men 2 J A Grant, 3 J McDonald. Brood mare ..and pat them before the people as author- ford at side—1 A C McDonald, 2 G & J at lowest rates of interest, and on terms fro that lost their overcoats and had not MCINTYRE & CAMPBELL suit borrowers. -atative proof that because the manufac- some ministering angel been near would Nicholson, 3 T Munro. Filly 3 yrs old— 76I*m' ST’RKK'r, CORNNVAIJj. ONT. io-3m Repairing a sjiecialty. turers of Canada are satisfied, the farmers liavc suffered severly as the night was 1 G A J Nicholson, 2 E Chenier, 3 T Wit- The JOHNSON HOUSE Mortgages Ean^ht, Farms for Sale. rather cold along in the “well sma liours.’’ tley. Filly 2 yrs old—1 G tSi J Nicholson, most bo also. W’c have time and again 2 D J Fraser, 3 J Pilon. Filly 1 yr old GLEN ROBERTSON GEORGE HEARNDEN, We regret to say that Miss Abbie Ann j^S0« ^ CMI Beal Kstutc, Couvcy.nncor and Insurance .\ge producal evidence to show that under the Campbell has taken her departure from —D Grant. Span of carriage horses in Is the most commodious and centrally terms of our BO called national policy the harness—1 J R Duquette, 2 Angus Mc- situated Hotel iu the village. Largerooms, OFFICE : here, but we hope not for long. Simpson’s Block, Alexandria, Ontario. - interests of our farmers and the interests of Dr. McDiarmid, P.S.I., paid onr school Donald, 3 John McCabe. 4th Lancaster. well ventilated and comfortable. a visit Monday. Single gelding or mare in harness—1 A Special attention given to farmers and the manufacturers are altogether at vari- Fraser, Summerstown, 2 B Ranger, GREENFIELD their teams. J. B. JOHNSON ance. The Conservative Government A Glennie. Single gelding or mare in har- 15-3m Proprietor. Mr. M. McRae is putting up a fine new STONE STORE J.F.McGREGOR&Co legislates for the manufiveturer at the ex- ness owned and driven by former or far- house. mer’s son—1 J A Craig, 2 À Leclair, 3 N D pense of the farmer,while the Liberal party JAM I'me-lned Shropshire Sheep CRAIN MERCHANTS The ball held at McLean’s hall last Oxley. Saddle horse w'ith rider—1 W 4N THE OTTAWA HOTEL —Ayrshire Cattle and I’edi- is a shield for the masses. Prom its very Thursday was well attended. SliieUs, 2 W S McLeod, 3 J A Craig. Dry Goods Earthenware and —greed Berkshire I’lgs STATION, AIJEXAJIDJUA j>ITT STUKKT, name and nature, the Liberal party sym Mrs. Sheehan, of Rochester, N. Y., is Judge—P Baker. (tOltNAVADD. SHEEP ]■ or ^aîc at |)AYS the Highest Ca.sh value for all kinds of visiting at her father, Duncan McMillan. Groceries Glassware pathises with the farmer and the laborer, DURHAM CATTLE. SAMUEL CKOSBIE - PKOPIIIFITOB. I farm iirodnco. Wo ui-e ot prosont giving for Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and daughter, Bn)! 2 yrs old—I R Sangster, 2 J Mc- J.L.WILSON’S STOCK FARM, Alexandria and stands their true friend in the hour of Boots and Shoes Hardware 'I’liovouglily renovated and refurnished. All oats, 25cv' 27 wheat, OOC'tOOc; barley 400.44c; buck- Fannie, were in Montreal last Aveek. Intosh. Cow—U Sangster. Heifer 2 yrs modern convonionecs. Bar supplied with the wheat, '13t" 47c ; pork, igoX’Ov'Ç5^ ; beof, 4@;>c; Mr. Angus Dewar captured first prize at old—R Sangster. Paints and Oils choicest brands of Liquors aud Cigars. M-v green hides, 2icy''3c; peas, 00c^;60 ; and the running races at Miixville fair last week Clothing ARYSHIRF, CATTLE. deals largely in cheese during the su.2imHK most benntiful summer resort ou the S per cent. Now to show my fellow farmers Mr. Robinson is about to leave shortly for 2 D Benney, 3 J A McDonald. Heifer 1 yr REST, 225,000 f LuwTcnce. First-class ftshing, boating bath in plain language what this really means I Stafford, ont. old—1 D F McLenha»’, 2 J Sandeland, 3 R ing. &c., d'c. will give an illustration in a simple way ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL HEAD OFFICE, QUEBEC. Mr. and Mrs. Sugarman and daughter, [Hunter. Heifer calf under 1 yr—1 D N I’rof. .Sheet.'», of Cornwall, been engaged fo)' and I trust they will all read it, learn it, Fannie, wore visiting at Robinson on ALEXANDRIA, ONT. 1 McLennan, 2 R Hunter. .4NDREW THOMBSO.N. I’residont. the sca-ivHi to furnish music. Dauciug and inwardly digest the idea, so that they Sunday. HON. E. J. ITtlUE, Vive-l’rt'sldcnt. I Judge—A Bowden. Yo will find it to your interest to trade with Choice Liquors, Cigars, «vc., always on hand. Pavilliou every eveoing. can refer to it at any future time. Here The sale of R. Freeman se a merchant imports HOLSTEIN CATTLE. Good Yard and Stabling. sold on Monday at 55 cents on the dollar. ALEXANDKI.V BILVNCH. 22 Prop., Smumerstowu. F-y 8100 worth of goods and on these he Among the bidders were, II. Simon, of j Bull 3 yrs and upwards—1 A Gunn, 2 J FARLINGER & AUTY, CORNWALL Particular attention given to the public gener- pays duty 835,00 this makes the cost of the Brantford ; 3Ir. Ilutchir, Montreal ; Mr. ! .\ (iray. Bull 2 yrs old—1 A McDonald, ally. A GKNJ'UCAL BANKISO BUSINESS TUANS.icn'ur?. Glen, 2 I) R McLennan. Bull under 1 vr roil ruKXiTuiiu, I NDEKTAKINAJ AND 10-1 A. D. McDON.YLD, Prop. Drafts issued [tiiyable at all points^ in Canada, g>ods 8185, to this he adds the wholesale Edwards, Casselman ; Mr. Baker, Corn- «lid till) principal cic-ii'S in the United States, profit say 20 per cent, that adds 87 to the wall. Givat credit must be given to —D B McLennan. Cow—1 J A Craig, *2 EDI DALAI! AD. Great .Britain, Franco, Bermnda, iVc. HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. 885, making it 8i2, the retail merchant or assignee, C. Sugarman, for liaviug the stock A Gmm. Heifer 2 yrs old—I J A Craig. S.WINGS BANK I>E1L\ ttTMKNT. store keeper, v/ho then adds his 30 per in such gv, .MI'.MASTF.K - - PnoD. GRADE CATTLE. .June and Deoombrr in each v<*ar. I ness. For terms and particnlar,s apply le th ® goods, so that on your one dollars worth of Nearly 200 Cornwallites accompanied Fonnevly of tho Comnu'rcial Hniel, .'Vlcxandriii Special attention given to collection of Com goods you pay 54 cents duty and 50 cents the team to Montreal. Cow'—1 J A Craig, 2 E Dingwall, 3 J A Opposite Music Hall, Corny/all. mercial I’aper and fiirmcrK' Sales Notes. I undersigned. MBS. K. McKAE, eomm^ssion. Thus for one dollars worth Prof. Fraid. of Detroitr, is in town on a Craig. Heifer 2 yrs old—1 G Howden, 2 Best of a'-c-oinmodatiou. Choico Liquors .7. H. PKÜCTOH, .idministratri.x of tlie estate of Uvandcr McKajSt -ÿf goods vou have to pay 82.04 and then visit to friends. R Hunter, 3 D R. McLennan. Heifer 1 vr iELKl'UOXK C'A'NnCTIOX, and Cigais. Tcrm^. "l.j'J pev tiav Manager. Conr.'-a'l- Jidv a>tb.. y‘S