







ti!] a uti)orii!] : . JOJIN l<'WRRES, nOVItRNMICNT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. No. 3. :-~ . ; I. ::' i '.~ i ..

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At'I'ROXIMA'l'E COST 01•' REI'OHT, £ ,., ll. Prepo.rotlon-Not given._ ... Printing (1,575 copies)

. ·.~ \ j :' f. ' ..

- l. :.: \': ...... ·! INDEX.

Summary.-Gold Mining Statistics for the Quarter ended 31st December 1879. Table showing the Yield of Gold from certain parcels of Quartz raised during the Quarter in some of the Deepest Mines in Victoria; with Depth of the deepest Shafts, Levels, Cross-cuts, &c. Estimated Yield of Gold and Quantity of Gold Exported during the Quarter ended 31st December 1879, p. 5. Gold received at and issued from the Royal Mint during the quarter ended 31st December 1879, p. 5. Summary of Yield of Gold from Quartz, Quartz Tailings, &c., crushed during the Quarter ended 31st December 1879, p. 6. Summary of Yield of Gold from Washdirt and Cement washed and crushed during the Quarter ended 31st December 1879, . p. 17. . Number and' Distribution of Miners on the Goldfields of the Colony, 31st December 1879, p. 20. BALLARAT MINING DISTRICT. Ballarat Central Division Mr. D. Christy, Mining Registrar... 7, 14, 16, li, 20, 24 Ballarat Southern Division Mr. George Perry, Mining Registrar 7, 17, 19, 20,24 Buninyong Division Mr. Robert M. Harvey, Mining Surveyor and Registrar... 7, 20, 25 Smythesdale Division Mr. John Lynch, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 7, 14, 19, 20, 25 Creswiek Division ... Mr. James Stevenson, Jun.,"Mining Registrar ...... s, 16, 20, 25 Gordon Subdivision Mr. Thomas Cowan, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 8, 20, 26 Steiglitz Subdivision Mr. D. Murphy, Mining Registrar .•• 8, 16, 20, 26 Blackwood Division and Blue Mountain South Mr. John F. Hansen, Mining Registrar ... [8, 16, 20, 26 Subdivision Ballan Subdivision ... Mr. John 1!'. Hansen, Mining Registrar.•. 20,27 BEECHWORTH MINING DISTRICT. Beechworth Division Mr. Alexander Alderdice, Mining Registrar . .. 8,17,20,27 Yackandandah North Subdivision Mr. J. C. Forster, Mining Registrar .•• . 27 Yackandandah South Subdivision Mr. J. Smart, Mining Registrar 9, 20, 27 Indigo Division Mr. R. Arrowsmith, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 9, 15, 17, 20, 28 Buckland Division ... Mr. J. Darbyshire, Mining Surveyor and Uegistrar 9, 15, 21, 28 Wandiligong Subdivision Mr. T. C. Kaighin, Mining Registrar ... 9, 16, 21, 28 Alexandra Subdivision Mr. A. B. Ainsworth, Mining ~urveyor and Registrar 10, 21, 28 Dry Creek Subdivision Mr. J. Pemberton, !\lining Registrar ... 10, 21, 28 Gatfney's Creek Subdivision ... Mr. A. B. Ainsworth, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 10, 21, 28 Wood's Point Subdivision Mr. A. B. Ainsworth, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 10, 21, 29 Big River Subdivision Mr. A. B. Ainsworth, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 10, 21, 29 Mitta Mitta North Subdivision Mr. J. C. Forster, Mining Registrar 10, 21, 29 Mitta Mitta South Subdivision Mr. D. H. Gilmore, Mining Registrar ... 11, 21, 29 Jamieson Subdivision Mr. W. H. Edwards, Mining Registrar ... ll, 21, 29 SANDHURST MINING DISTRICT. Sandhurst Division ... Mr. N. G. Stephens, Mining Registrar . .. ll, 16, 21, 30 Kilmore Division Mr. James W. Osborn, lllining Registrar 11,21,30 Heatheote Division and Waranga South Sub· Mr. E. C. Bell, Mining Registrar 11,~ division Waranga North Subdivision ... Mr. Henry Hicks, Mining Registrar ...... 11, 19,21;3i MARYBOROUGH MINING DISTRICT. Maryborough Division Mr. P. Virtue, Jun., Mining Registrar 12, 15, 17, 21,31 Majorca Subdivision Mr. P. Virtue, Jun., Mining Registrar 22, 31 Amherst Division ... Mr. J. Smith, Mining Surveyor and Registral' ... 12, 15, 17, 2:!, 32 Avoca Subdivision ... Mr. D. O'Leary, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 17, 22,32 Dunolly and Tarnagulla Division Mr. W. G. Conchman, :Mining Surveyor and Registrar ... 12, 15, 22, 32 Inglewood Division ... Mr. F. E. Horan, Mining H.egistrar ... 12, 15, 22, 32 Wedderburn Division Mr. J. Reach, Mining Hegistr"r . ... 22, 32. Redbank Subdivision Mr. D. O'Leary, !\lining Surveyor and Registrar 22, 32 St. Arnaud South Subdivision Mr. ·w. ·G. Couchman, Mining Surveyor and Registrar ... 12, 15, 22, 32· St. Arnaud North Subdivision Mr. W. G. Couehman, Mining Surveyor and Registrar ... 12, 22, 32· CASTLEMAINE MINING DISTRICT. Castlemaine Division Mr. T. L. Brown, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 13, 15, 16, 22, 32' Fryer's Creek Division ·Mr. Mark Amos, :\fining Surveyor and Registrar 13, 18, 19, 22, 33 Hepburn Division ... .1\!r. Thos. Hale, Mining ltegistrar · 13, 18, 19, 22,33 Taradale and Kyneton Subdivision Mr. S. Dorman, 'Mining Regi.

Omeo Subdivision ... Mr. J. O•lell. Acting \lining Hegistrar...... •.. 14, 23, ~5 Mitchell tU ver Subdivision Mr. John Grime~ l'eers, Mining !Surveyor and Registrar 23,36 Boggy Creek Subdivision Mr. J. Fletd1er, Mining Hegistrar ...... 14, 1?3, 36 ()rnoked IU •er Hi vision Mr. Ed. Harrison, Mining Hegistrar ...... 14, 23,36 Jericho Division :Mr. H. J. D•maldson, Mining Registrltr .•• 23,36 D•mnel\y's Creek Division Mr. 0. P. Whitelmv. Mining Survryor and Registrar 23,36 -Stringer's Creek Division Mr. W. :1.1. Smith, Miniug l{egistrar .. . •.. 14, 16, 23,36 Aberfeldy Subdivision J\·1 r. M. Nu gent, Mining 1\egistrar ... · 14, 2:1, 37 ltu~sell's Creek Division Mr. C. H. William"· Mining Registrar ... · 2:3, :!1 Bendoc R•th•livision Mr .•John N ic•h"l. 1\fininl! B.c•gi~t rar 23,87 Tarwin Subdivision Mr. H. M. Murphy, l\lining l{egistrar 2:l, :17 Traralgon Subdivision Mr. C. Denis, :VIining l{.,gistrar 23,37 Appendix ... Particulars of ,V. l{Hselw's patent direct-acting steam battery for quartz cru>hing, &c. 37 A.2 .} ':' .. ' ' " ' .~· ~ .' ' .~ ,. ' ' ' i' I~ .~ r ~ (;:' ~ ,f ~-: E, it~ \''.

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' ,. (· \ ~ ·;.;· ' I Q •.: SUMMARY.


TABLE SHOWING APPROXBIATELY THE NUMBER OF :MINERS E:\fPLOYED, THE :.\IACIIINERY IN USE AND ITS VALUE, ON THE. SEVERAL GOLDFIELDS IN THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. (Compiled from tke Mini1zg Surveyors and Regist;a1•s' Repo1•ts for tlte Quarter ended 31st December 18·70)

Alluvial MACHINERY E~IPLOYED IN QUARTZ liiiNING. Miners. ~IACHINERY EliPLOYED IN ALLUVIAL ~liNING. Number Number of'"" of DISTRICT, DIVISION, Approximate Square distinct Total Steam :Engines Value Mile;; of Quartz Price of Gnld Number employed in \Villfl- rer ounce. AND of Auriferous lWefs ot ing, J>umping, &c. Miuiug Ground actually SCBDIVISION. l\Iiners. 1------Plaut. actually proved worked " to he upon. Auriferous. l------e---- To

s. d. HALLARAT. £ £ s. cl. 62 1,333 36 2 I20,000 24 4 1 6 4 3 0 Central Division 2,330 2~ 1,8l0 4 1 3 Sout.hern Division .•. 2 2Ct 11 200 4 2 16,coo 19 4 2 6 930 6 j) 30,00() 13 4 1 0 4 2 6 Bnnmyong Divi6ion .. 5.50 10 190 9 zco 4 0 0. 3-) 10 6 100 2 l 22,000 12 4 2 9 ·smythei'!{lale Division I,i47 860 4 4 0 0 Ores wick Di\.'if'ion •• 1,725 2! 554 ,36 !,In l4 103,000 16 4 3 0 3! 20 006 7 24,425 19 316 6 ~ 19 0 Gordou Subdivision .. ai3 3, 17 6 Stciglitz Subdivision,. • . . . 4 68 2 2,800 210 4 3 0 190 16 60,000 31 il 17 6 4 0 0 Blackwooil Division and Blue 670 24 511 l\lountain Bouth Subdivli3iou 600 3 lB 0 3 18 Eallan SubdiYision 18 20 3 ------!----1----1----1--- __1_1_ --- --3-7-~,-32-:,-l-----:·--:---l Tobls 8,218 10 174 4,2'25 ------1---1--1--1------I-__;__;__I----I HEECRWORTH. 3 13 0 4 Eeechwprth Division • . • • 1,422 16 170 .115 32,820 47 1C9 Yackandanda.h Xorth Rul1division 4 1 6 . Yackandanda,h South Subdivision 469 2 10 4 9,150 15 1GO :no o 4 27,118 8 26 3 18 0 4 2 0 Indigo Divi~iou 45! ..!..9 24~ 3 18 0 Buckland Dbrision , • 4 1,15l 58 8 14,100 53'< hlS 4 0 0 9 16,000 26 16l 3 16 0 ~ 1 0 'Vandiligong Subdivi::lion 166 6 7,915 3 ll) 6 Aluxandra. SubfliviBlon 1£2 5 6 4 35 74 4 1 0 3 1 • 4,05~ 7!1 2 3 15 6 4 0 0 Dry Creek Subdh·ision •. 102 10 3 Bena.Ua. Subdivision • • . . 3 13 8 4 3 17,330 24 19 o· 4 0 0 Ga..ffney's Creek Subdivi;;iou 126 I. 27,400 18 95 3 2 6 WoC?d's PointSuhdJvision .• 110 9 11 4 0 0 3 3,-188 33 14 3 17 0 3 17 13 Big Itiver SnLdivision 96 8 14,000 3 1 0 ~Iit.ta l\iitta North Ruh(U~i~ion ·' 2l0 6 36 Z5 3 15 0 I 2,000 18 12 2 10 0 3 12 6 l\litt~ 1\litta South Snhdi vision :: 313 16,000. 9 3 3 18.3 Ja.tmeson Subdivision 255 4 27 a o Tobls ..

SANDHURST. 3,755 30 65 21 180 190 5 451,000 24 3 18, 3 3 18 3 8<\Jlclhurst Division •• 780 2 2,500 29 3 18 0 3 19 0 1 12 80 fr~~~~~t~ Bf;i~~n itild Wriran;a 40 390 1 20 26,392 82 4 0 0 4 0 0 South Su b

  • 187 6 901 2 12 90.400 190 3 18 0 DuaoUy and 'farnn.,B-ulta. Divisions 500 125 920 1,545 4 4 :JO 39 773 21 18 4 2 6 15 18 7 110 6 7 10,415 17 72 3 18 0 4 0 0 Inglcwood Division • . , . 330 250 HS 725 3 712 105 H1 1 25 1 37 10 3 18 9 3 19 0. '\Ve•lderburn Divh;ion . • •• 25 10 2 6,100 30 318 0 Redbnnk n.ml l;;t. Arnn.ud South 381 75 195 21 672 4 76 2 lGil 4 2 0 Subdi vi.~in1is · · 22 44,186 70 3 15 0 St. Arnaud North Subdivision !20 40 275 • 435 19 379 17 4 1 0 Totals 3,656 1,517 2,596 31 7,800 127 613

    CASTLE~IAINE. 103 . Cn.stlema.ine Division 350 270 2·'4. . 8Sl 1 3 17 0 4 o o­ 37 3 17 6 s 18 0 }.'ryer's Creek Division 730 600 175 1,505 4" 3 6 360 285 350 6 l,OU1 88 18 4 0 0 19 3 18 6 3 1~ 6 ¥.,_efa~t~~~ P~JiU~~eto'risubZlivisiO~ 230 102 90 4,2 4 3 18 0 f.rarn:tngower·Division . . . . 56 161 285 502 76 4 2 0 77 3 17 6 4 3 0 St. Andrcw's Division • . • . 203 72 147 422 4 3 17 0 Bi.ue 1\I 'Jnntn.in North Subdivision 69 69 3 17 6 Totn.ls 4,805 404 ARARAT. 6,190 38 29 3 13 0 4 0 0 154,214 27 37 3 13 0 4 3 0 770 16 9 4 0 0 4 1 0 9,000 6.1- 5 4 0 0 4 1 3 Totals 170,!74 so GIPPSLAND. 22 22 1 4,560 12 23 3 7 0 3 16 6 458 253 8 440 16i 85 8 2 23 23 3 16 0 3 19 0 154 41 34 240 10 10 8 351 3 12 0 3 19 0 78 56 G 90 20 20 3 33 3 15 0 3 17 6 44 2 25 30 3 18 3 10 0 4 0 0 132 327 17 13 3 10 0 4 0 0 56 8 6! 120 8 8 4. • 6 3 15 0 3 17 6 92 4 12 2 ]6 3 8 0 3 18 0 40 ·1s 36 5 5 13 3 15 0 s 1s ·s 43 3 4 3 4 3 15 0 3 17 6 14 13 4 1 316 0 3 19 6 Tuta1s 72 67 001 517 427 GRAND TOTALS 14,619 165 37,553 223 494 220 156 413 11 796 16,375 8

    THOS. COUCHI\'IAN, Office of Mines, Melbourne, 19th January 1880. Secretary for 1\fines. No. a. TABLE i \ SHOWING THE YIELD OF GOLD FRO:\I CERTAIN PARCELS OF QUAHTZ RAISED DURING THE QUARTER IN SOl\IE OF THE DE~PEST MINES IN VICTORIA, WITH THE DEPTH OF THE DEEPEST SHAFTS WHICH ARE NOW BEING SUNK, OR THE SIN~CING OF WHICH HAS RECENTLiY BEEN STOPPED, ETC. ( Com;iled from Returns made by the Mining Surveyors and Registrars for the Quarte1· ended 31st D~cember 1879.) I

    Depth at Strike of the Depth of Depth of DlSTRIC'l', J)]V!SlOS, Average , Width Dip of the Reef Dip of the Ill I the which Qunniity ~· Reef . NA:IIE OF CO:i\IPANY. NAJIE OF REEF. REliARKS. AXD NA)!E OF CO)IPANY. NAME OF UEEF. Yield ol Golu of the !lee!. frum ~hoot D~th dc~:,~st deepest the Qnmtz Crushed. of Quartz. was got. per Ton. the Horizon. Cros:;Mcut. s·unDIVISION. (Ilenring). ~~------~c-- __s_l_Ia_ft_. ___L_c_v_e_I._

    ~·eot. Feet. Feet. BALLAUAT. }'cct. Tons. Oz. dwt.gr. Ft. in. Temperance Ban

    BEECHWORTH. I 310 180 310 Beech worth Dh·iston •• Hcform •• Tieform, l\fyrtlcforn 450 450 0 G 10 10 0 w. s. . Northerly Dale anil Co. Excelsior, w·oorage~ •• Yael(:uulruvl

    Dr."~ Creek Subdivision 0 'fhe.Danuhrog : Eastern 10 220 0 3 15 6 0 s.w. 75' s.,Y.45° N.5Western GUO. 214 0 4 12 3 in. to 3 ft. W.30' I .. 1\lnjorca Ruhtlivision Church Hill 250 250 Amherst Divhdon Union Q. ::\[. Church Hill 250 88 2 0 N.31l' E.nnuW. N. Union •.• A'·ocn Subdivi~ion . Queen's Birthday Bcaliba 300 to 500 2,499 0 9 2 .'; 0 E.nnd \Y. ::>.18" w. I,,· K.l9"W. Dnnolly and Tarnngulla Divisions ~orth Birthday •• Bcnliba. 300 .o;G~ 0 19 Ill 3 0 E. / { Sydenhmu Sydeuham ~00 331 0 ]8 0 1 6 w. s. 260 511 0 . 8 12 Jersey Reef 5 0 Jersey Reef Jersey Reef 278 227 lnglewood Division .Tcrsey Reef Q. :lr•. 278 178 0 8 0 "rerltlcrhurri Divisi:m I:eclbanl\: aud St. Arnaml Sonth SuUdi- vl·dons . . \Yorking ~liners •• ·Bristol Reef •• . 2CO to 2GO 675 0 12 10 tol2 w. 75' s. N.I8"·w. St. Arnaud Norlh Subdivis-ion .. c

    CASTLEl!AISE. Cast.lcmainc Dh·ision •• 4:30 Fcrron's Hecf 80 to 380 5,25-j 0 .. 2 19 1 to 20 0 E.36° N.l4"W. New Em Ferron's 514 500 J New Era 210 175 lj5 Fryer's Creek Divis:on t Howe .Uros. Cattle"s Reef •• 150 to 2G5 1,404 0 7 1 5to 20 o w.5o• N.l in 8 N.5" E. l:owe Uros. Cattle's · ffephurn Divislon Argu~ Colliers 573 33 0 8 9 4 0 w. 45° S: 30' N.20"W. Taradnle and Kyncton Subdh-isiun United Kingdom •• United Kingdoill 70 600 0 2 12 3 0 N. 1<3° ,V. German Heef · Gcrnum 320 17.; 2 18 1 2 6 E. 79• S.45' Englehn.wk 1,220. r.ooo 1,200 Cross-cntting ea~t for the rr.cf. N.I2"W. Tarrangowcr Divi~ion •• North Briittsh J•arkins .\00 90 0 14 1 3 0 Vcrticnl Ycrticnl rarkins 500 500 500 Drh·ing and stoping the back. Locli.C :\nd \..:@, Irish Billy"s 95 35 7 11 17 2 ·o E. 75° · Ycrticnl N.lll" W; St. Anrlrcw's DiVision .• f Blue lloullt~lin .Korth SubUh·isiou

    ARAR.\T, Amrat Division pragdala 2,273 2,002 2,002 Still sinking. Newington 1,940 1,510 1,510 I Pdncc rntrick 1,730 1,500 J,.\00 Stlll·sinkinz. Prince Alfred .• 1,544 1,026 1,026 Still sbl\ing. 3 6 Crown Cros~ United 1;513 1,000 1,000 i 1,200 587 ) 1,26-5 1,238 1,238 Pleu~nnt Creek CrosS Reef •• 850 790_ 10 4 I Oriental •• t South Scotchmnn's •• 1,262 1,252 1,252 Plcnsnnt Creek Cross Reef 1,220 1,200 1,200 IExtended Cross Heef 1,170 1,070 1,070 I 'Vest HcOtclnnan's 1,052 800 800 \Scotchman's United 1,018 r,ooo· 1,000 n·arklv Dfvis{on ... H.agb.n Division.

    GfPPSLAND. Omeo Subdivision • • • • • • Mitchcll Rh·cr & P.ogs-y Ck. Subdivisions Good Hope 700 fiOO 700 Gootl Hope & )Jitchell's 300 to 500 lOO 0 2 10 6 in to 1ft. Sear1y Yertical W.toE. S.E.· Good Hope Crookcrt. River Division GooU. llopc Tribute Jericho Dh·ision . oonnelly's Creek Dh·ision f Long Tunnel "735 723 723 * Ilelow a:Iii lc,·cl. *343 to 623 5,017. 10 8 12 0 N.W.l9' 615 585 585 Stringc~·s Creel\: Division Long Tunnel ( Walhalla Ahc~·fclll.r Subdi,·ision Hns~'-·lf~ Creek Division Hendoc Subdivision .. \ ~l':lrwin Subdi,~is-ion 'l'raralgon SubdiYision

    THOS~ COCCHMAN, Office Mines, Melbourne, 19th January 1880. of Secretary for Mines. No 3. 5


    FROM information obtained by the Mining Surveyors and Mining Registrars from Gold Buyers and others ·the ToTAL QuANTITIES OF GOLD got respectively from ALLUVIUMS and QuARTZ REEFS are as follow:-

    Alluvial~ Quartz. Total.

    oz. dwt. oz. dwt. oz. dwt. Quarter ended 31st December 1879 ...... 79,733 3 129,678 4 209,411 7

    THE QuANTITY OF GoLD, the produce of this Colony, ExPORTED, according to Returns furnished by order of the Honorable the Commissioner of Trade and Customs, is as· follows :-

    oz. dwt. Quarter ended 31st December 1879 83,700 10

    Non:.-ln ru!d!t!on to the above, gold specie from allsonrees wns exported to the value of £241,338.


    STATEMENT of the Gross Weight of GOLD received at and issued from the Melbourne Branch of the RoYAL MINT during the Quarter ended 31st December 1879.


    I ' Gross Weight of Rough Gross Weight of Gold Gross Weight of Coin. Gross Weight of Gold Gold. Bullion. Bullion.

    oz. oz. o.z:. oz. 26,851•76 163,608"83 197 ,501"53 415·8ll ·.

    Royal Mint, V. DELVES BROUGHTON, Melbourne, 15th January 1880. Deputy Master.

    ---~ .. ~---·

    STATEMENT of VICTORIAN GoLD re<'eived at the Melbourne Branch of the RoYAL MINT during the Quarter ended 31st December 1879.

    ·Gross Weight of Rough Gold. Gross Weight of Gold Bullion.

    oz. oz. 7,978"80 128,317"96

    Non:.-The llllnt has no evidence beyond the statement of the depositors that the above Is VIctorian gold,

    Royal Mint, V. DELVES BROUGHTON, Melbourne, 15th J annary 1880. ~Deputy Master. 6



    1,'BE following information has been obtained relative to the QuANTITY OF QuARTZ, QuARTZ TAILINGS,. ! ~.• t >' • , , + , 1 > ·, •, • ' and· MULLOCK Crushed, and PYRITES and BLANKETINGS operated on, during the Quarter, and the GoLD obtained therefrom :-

    G<>ldfront DISTRICTS. Quantity Crushed. Average Yield of I MINING Gold per Ton. Crushed.

    Quartz. tons cwt. oz. dwt. gr, oz. · dwt. gr, Ba.llarat .. . 105,125 5 0 7 4'51 37,781 9 11 Beechworth .. . 18,053 10 0 9 1·i 7 . 8,167 17 2() Sandhurst .. . 57,532 0 0 11 21·50 34,219 12 1 Maryborough .. . 8,607 0 0 10 12•34 4,524 17 17 Castlemainc ... 17,483 0 0 5 16'31 4,964 15 3 Ararat ... 18,573 0 0 11 2•03 10,293 13 17 Gippsland ... 8,095 12 1 2 23'71 9,31)~ 19 15

    Totals ~ f •• 233,469 7 0 9 8•63 Quartz Tailings and .IJ!ullock. Ballarat ... 2,446 0 0 1 4•57 145 12 () Beechworth .. . 740 0 0 4 21'40 181 0 0 Sandhurst .. . ..; Maryborough .. . 1,971 0 0 2 11·20 243 2 0 Castlemaine ... 1,355 0 0 I 7·65 89 7 0 Ar&rat .. . ·670 ·0 o 1 o·o1 33 10 - 6 Gippsland .. . Totals 7,182 () 0 1 22·28 692 11 6 Pyrites and Blanketings operated on. Ballarat ... 385 10 3 6 6'11 1,277 15 14 Becchworth ... 13 0 1 1 12•92 14 0 0 , ' ,. Sandhurst ...... ~ ... 564 0 2 8 0•12 1,353 15 0 .. Maryboro~gh .. . C3.stlemaine 107 0 I 18 0 203 6--· 0 Arar1i~. ·i7'..• d ••• Gip'psland 47 6 ·2 2 13'9 I. lOO 14 0 Totals 1,116 16 2 12 19'71 2,949 .10 14

    ~}. i J . ·r~:NoTE.-This ·sU.mm{\ry d.ops 11ot show the. ~otal qu&ntit~e~ of. quartz, &c., cnt~hetf?r operated on, but o.nly the yield of ~cr~i~}~.t:U-~h!f!gS,:~c., respecting which the Mining SurveYors and Registrnrs huve been able to ohtirln lnformatton. Owing tu the CircnmstallCethat mauy of•.the!.mnclHne• owncrs are unable to give. or are precluded from giving, i~formntlon. it i~ impoFsible to get COIDlllele retnrnfi from every dh


    ·' ·.• ,* QUARTZ '! 1 ·, . "'·"''J r. 1 ,\_ S: f/~i;*t ;\~·~·.. 1 :,~·~.~ :·~. •• •}···F;·.~1 ff'l~.t-.••{:~tl~•. f ~· THE following· itifOI;rQatibh 'lltis b~en 1 6btained from R~turn:s •made by tli'e Minin'g Surveyors and1Registrari.! relative to the· QuANTITY o.f QUARTZ Crushed; in the several::l>i.visi~ns. and Subdivisions of.. E!~ch Mining District t.luringthe Quarter, and the GoLD obtained therefrom.:··::·: ··

    Division and Subdivislop,'' · ' : ~ ·; ·• . 1 Average ·cl I Remarks relative toth• and · Where Quartz was obtained. Quartz Crushed, I' Yleld of Gold I; Totab of I Depth at which the 0~~Id NnmeofCompnny. per Ton. ' , Quartzwaeobt&lned,&:c. ------"---ll--t-on-8-~w-..-t.-q-r. oz. dwt. gr. oz •. dwt. gr.~------.--

    ·.J ::..;

    --·-··-- --~------:---~-.------.----:---'----- CENTRAI, DIVISION. '. I ''·'·, ~ .. <' Band and Albion Consols ... , Redan. 4,91 I 0 o 1 2 5·79 5,461 8 . 0 250 feet Black Hill •.. ••. Black hill 4,045 o o 0 6 I4'30 I,334 o 9 400 to 600 feet Band of Hope Quartz, No. I Redan 3,694 0 0 0 7 9'63 I,367 0 18 300 feet Smith's Freehold ' ••• ! Redan 1,235 0 0 0 I 4 10·61 89I I6 0 290 to 370 feet Williams' Freehold Redan 2,383 0 .o 0 6 15'6 792 7 6 300 feet Llanberris G'um·ti:ee Flat 2,900 0 .. o 0 2 9·90 349 16 18 300 feet and upwards New Dimock's Little Bendigo 2,300 0 0 0 3 7·3 380 0 0 300 feet North Dimock's Reef Little.Bendigo 1,135 0 0 0 4 8'56 247 5 0 300 to 400 feet United Black Hill Black Hill Flat 424 0 0 o ll 3 · 235 l7 0 400 feet Serjeant's Freehold Redan; 1/!84 0 0 0 6 16'95 464 2 .. 0 280 feet Duchess Ballarat East ••• 639 o. o 0 8 5'94 .263 10 6 240 to 300 feet Endeavor Specimen Gully · 509 0 0 0 4 23·39 · 126 I2 6 150 feet Parade .. ; Ballacit East... lOO 0 .• 0 0 11 . 6•48 ' .. 56' 7 . 0 300 feet Britannia ' Specimen Gully 501 o 0 o .3 4·58 '· 79· 18 21 I65 feet Temperance Little Bendigo '1,500 0 0 0 7 22·83 .·596 7 0 450 to 950 feet Baker antl Co. White-horse Ranges 1,800 o. 0 0 8 I8 " 787· IO. 0 Surface to 80 feet Llewellyn Magpie ·· :.. l4I 0 0 0 4 6·72 30 3 I2 160 feet· Hanthoru and Co. Mount Clear .•• I 50 0 ...0 I 0 6 I6 I' · ·45 IO o 80 to 150 feet New Koh-i·noor ... Ballarat West... 1,560 0 0 0 4 I2·3 ., 352 0. 0 350 feet Speedwell ·Poverty Point • 624 · O, .o 0 7 3·46 ·n222 18 0 180 feet Canadian Canadian--·· .. ~ 2,I90 o o : o 5 U·83 i 601 IO o 80 to 1oo feet Public crushings ••• Blllla.rat West and East ~~~~~-=-:~:.J 4,894 ~ Totals... ••• : 44,429 0 o 0 8 19·54 1I9,580 I9 I5

    SouTHERN DIVISION. Speedwell Tribute Rta:tfordshire Reef .. 550 0 0 0 I . 9'09 87. 18 IO 195 feet, 4 feet wide Hopewell Tribute Staffordshire Reef .600 0 0 0 7 13'67 '.227. I 18 190 reet, 2 5 feet wide New Kangaroo ...... Kapgaroo .. ~·:· , 1,?58 0 0 o :,a I4·~.G 1 31~ 2. I2 , 278 feet, 6 to 13 feet r. wide Williams' Fancy ••. .: ...· KangarQo : :I,l45 o" 0 0 · 2 I9·S2 16I I5 I8 . 14Q ~eet, 7 feet wide Nil Desperandum. •• , Kangaroo ••• l 424 o o 0 "3~, 7·10.· 69 I7 121· 120 feet, 3 feet wide New Try Again ••• \rangaroq, ••• 1 . }oo o o o ;;;wail. .. 9: . 1:12 l~iJ~ 180 feet, 6 feet New Venture .... · Kangaroo· .••• / 250 o· 0 0 4'. W3'4 ' 55 7' 18 • I27 feet, 6 feet wide Crushed (on hire) by the Kangaroo .... :· ••• 20 0 0 0 2 I6'80· 2 14 o I Surface Nil Desperandum Com- ,,, . pany's battery · Totals ••• 5,447 0 0 0 3 13'06 965 5 41

    BuNiliYONG DIVISION. Imperial Q. M. Hiscock's Reef ••• 1,741. 0 0 0 5 5•58 455 10 0 ·112 feet One-and-All Hiscock's and Fairweather · 983 : o·, .o • .·.o • I ·22·44 95 2 I8 } Reefs, Tributers · Surface to 200 feet One-and-All Public crushings 1,06I .o 0. 0 .7 21'97 419 18 9_ .. . Llewellyn Magpie Hanges 235 0 0 0 5 12 64 12 I2 140 feet Suwarrow Devonshire 12 0 0 0 6 12 3 18 0 50 feet

    Totals .... 4,032 0, . 0 0 5. ' 3•70 1,039 1 15


    Coulson nnd Co .••• 01\rngham { 9 .0·~·0 0 ··I 17'33 0 i5 12 45 feet Hill and Co. ~~suit Reef, Carngham 1 41 0 0 0 ' 4 6'7·3 . 8 ]5. I2 65 feet Miller and Co. R~sult R!!~f, Carng~am 87 0'"0 0 ..7 13•79. •32 ,19 0 80 feet Fit ridge and Co .... Result Heef, Carngham 74 0· 0 0 .. 4 5•51 !' <>15 I3 0 40 feet Stephens and Co. Result Rc~f, Carngham 12 0 ·0 0 u 0 >i '6 12· 0 50 feet E. E. Bartels L~ncashire Reef, New- 16 0 0 0 ' ·6 6 : . '5 0 0 140 feet town ,. . ' ·· • • ~-1 • '1:'".~ Bristol Liittnu Ranges o 5 0 '7 10 o 160 feet Walker and Co. Madden's Flat 0 4 r9·5 • • 7 ~4 .o 40 feet 1 Totals .•• 301 0 0 05~i«ir84i90 8

    QUANTITY of QuARTZ Crushed in each Division ami Subdivision during the Quarter, &c.-continued.

    I Division and Subdivision, Average Remarks relative to the and· Where Quartz was obtalned. Quartz Crushed. Yield of Gold Total Yield of Depth at whlcb the Name of Company. per Ton. Gold. Quartz was obtained, &c. - -

    tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr; CRE8WI()K DIVISION,

    Port Phillip ...... Clunes reefs ...... 14,387 0 0 0 4 l8'48 3,431 10 0 Surface to 990 feet New North Clunes Clunes reefs ...... 570 0 .0 0 4 14•48 131 4 .0 519 to 1,105 feet New North ClunesTributers Clunes reefs ...... 2,500 0 0 0 5 18'73 722 12 0 519 to 1,105 feet South Clunes Clunes reefs 2,709 0 0 0 6 15'06 7G2 ...... 6 0 } 172 to 583 feet South Clunes Tributers ... Clunes reefs ...... 9,791 0 0 0 5 21"44 2,885 2 0 New Lothair ... Clunes reefs ...... , 1,479 0 o. 0 3 21'63 288 10 6 3G4 to 564 feet Working Miners ...... George's Reef.•• ... 350 0 0 0 3 12•54 61 13 0 70 feet United ...... Spring Hill Reef ... 175 0 0 0 4 22'28 43 2 12 70 to 80 feet Perseverance ...... Clunes ...... 480 0 0 0 3 0 72 0 0 240 feet ------Totals ...... ·32,441 0 0 0 5 4'25 8,397 19 18 ------GORDON SUBDIVISION, Black-horse United ... Egerton ... 3,531 0 0 0 7 16'99 1,360 16 l2 700 to 800 feet Parker's·United ••• ... Gordon ...... 450 0 0 0 7 9•33 166 5 0 7oo feet The Egerton, Limited ... Egerton ...... ~9,900 0 0 0 .. 6 2•18 3,014 19 1 4UO to 758 feet Unregistered party ... North of Gordon .. . 40 0 0 0 7 12 15 0 0 30 feet ... ------·------Totals ...... 13,921 0 0 0 6 1:3·13 4,657 0 13 ------STEIGLITZ SUBDIVISION. J. Boardman and Co. ... Steiglitz ...... 43 0 0 0 11 22•88 25 14 0 Nimrod ...... Steig!itz ...... 10 0 0 0 13 0 6 10 0 Fielding a!)d pttrty ... Steiglitz ...... 8 0 0 1 3 15 9 9 0 Herring and Son ...... Steiglitz ...... 17 0 0 1 3 5•64 19 15 0 Scott and party ... Stei;ditz ...... 4 0 0 I 15 0 7 0 0 Lamb and party ...... Steiglitz ...... 4 0 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 Dennis and party ... Stei!flitz ...... 7 0 0 6 13 13•7 46 15 . 0 Stevens and Co ...... Steiglitz ...... 8 10 0 0 12 0 5 2 0 Wee Speck ...... Elaine ...... 2 10 0 7.12 9•6 4 1 0 Barker and party ... Elaine ...... 4 10 0 0 10 10'66 2 7 0 Robinson and party ... Elaine ...... 5 5 0 0 14 6 85 3 15 0 Horner and party ... Elaine ...... 13 0 0 0 12 7·30 8 0 0 Sutherland and party ... Elaine ...... 6 0 0 0 6 12 1 19 0 Native Youth ...... :Elaine ...... 28 0 0 1 10 17·14 43 0 0 O'Farrcll and Son ... Elaiile ...... 7 0 0 I ~ 0 7 14 0 Scott and party ...... Elaine ...... 6 10 0 0 12 22•15 4 4 0 Cleary's Freehold ... Elaine ...... 130 0 0 1 15 17•63 232 5 12 Hoelseker and Co. ... Elaine ...... 234 0 0 I 3 20•23 278 19 6 ------Totals ...... 538 5 0 1 6 7 82 708 9 18 ------BLACKWOOD DIVISION AND BLUE MouNTAIN SoUTH SunDlVIslON. ' Sultan ...... Ba.rry's Reef ...... 2,068 0 0 0 19 4'04 1,982 0 0 270 to 750 feet Sultan Trihuters ...... Barry'~ Reef ..·• ... 98 0 0 0 8 20•82 43 9 0 4110 feet Mounter Bros...... Barry's Reef ...... 3110 0 0 0 10 0 150 0 0 401l feet Victoria ...... Yankee Reef ...... i40 0 0 0 7 I5•77 53 I2 0 30 to ;o feet Victoria Tributers ... Yankee R,;ef ...... 36 0 0 0 2 6'33 4 0 0 30 to 70 feet North Britain ...... Wri11ht's R<"ef ... 370 0 0 0 3 22•83 73 2 0 90 feet Crown ...... Simmons' Rt>ef .. . 600 0 0 0 I 20·80 56 0 0 120 feet Cornish ...... Simmons' RRef ... 200 0 0 0 2 10'50 24 7 12 lOO feet Big Hill ...... ·Simmons' Reef ... 200 0 0 0 5 23•52 59 16 0 50 feet Gariba.ldi and Wilson ... Garibaldi ...... 4 0 0 0 6 21 I 7 12 150 feet Totals ...... 4,016 0 0 0 12 4'65 2,447 14 0


    J3EECri\VORTH DIVISION. l<'renchman's ...... Six-mile Creek ... 5 0 0 8 10 0 17 10 0 Surface Shakspeare ...... Stanley ...... 24 0 0 I I 0 25 4 0 fill feet Alcock and Co...... Stanley ...... I4 0 0 0 10 0 7 0 0 Surface " 0 22 0 0 30 feet Tubal Cain ...... Basin Creek ...... 55 0 0 0 8 ! I.one Star ...... Barwidgee ...... 10 0 0 I 4 0 12 0 0 Snrface ' Aiton ani! Co...... Barwidgee ...... 48 0 0 0 9 4 22 0 0 Surface Marco Polo ...... Hurdle l?lat ...... 9<1 0 0 0 17 18•66 so 0 0 110 feet Wallaby ...... Hurdle Flnt ...... 194 0 0 0 6 0 51'1 4 0 uo feet Reehnbite ...... Hurdle Flat ...... 6 0 0 4 5 4 25 11 0 30 feet Vine and Co...... Sprin~t Creek ...... 22 0 0 0 13 0 I4 6 0 Surface Reform ...... Myr1.leford ...... 45() 0 0 0 6 I2 H6 5 tl 4!>0 feet Homew,ml-bound Tribute ... llocky Point ...... 46<1 0 0 0 8 6 Id) 15 0 6U!l. feet i- ·- Totals ...... 1,378 0 0 0 s 23•87 619 15 0 9

    QUANTITY ofQ{!ARTZ Crushed in each Division and Subdivision during the Quarter, &c.-continued.

    Division and Subdivision, Average Total Yield of i Remarksrerathe to the and Where Quartz we.s obtained, Quartz Crushed. Yield of Gold Depth at which the Ne.meo!Compe.ny. per Ton. Gold. Quartz was obtained, &c. -~~--- ·----- tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. YACKANDANDAH SOUTH SUBDIVISION. Pride and Stringer ... Rack Creek ...... 143 0 0 0 17 1S'29 127 0 0 130 feet Johnson and Co ...... Back Creek ...... 23 0 0 I 0 10'43 23 10 0 40 fe~:t Green and Co. ... Back Creek ...... 24 10 0 1 10 0 36 15 0 30 feet Schnackenburg and Co. ... Sandy Creek ••• ... 44 0 0 1 14 13'09 76 0 0 100 feet Anderson and Co. ... Sandy Cre~k ...... 5 0 0 I 14 0 SIO 0 Surface Maguire and party ... Sandy Creek ...... 13 . 0 0 I 5 1•S4 16 6 0 35 feet McClinchy and Co. ... Sandy Creek ••• ... 12 0 0 4 0 0 4S 0 0 40 feet. Alexander Crowe ... Sandy Creek ...... s 0 0 I 2 13•12 9 0 13 Surface MeCiinchy and party ... Sandy Creek ...... 27 .0 0 0 15 22·22 21 10 0 12.feet Bendy and party ... Twist's Creek ...... 10 ·o 0 1 I 0 10 10 0 40 feet Wray and Co...... Twist's Creek ...... 5 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 Surface --- Totals ...... 314 10 0 1 4 I 3i8 I 13

    INDIGO DIVISION. Lambert and Co. ... Golden Bar Reef ... 14 0 0 3 10 0 49 0 0 60 feet Nicholson and Co. ... Eureka Reef ••• ... 34 0 0 1 7 5•4S 46 5 1S SO feet Miller and Co...... Golden Bar Reef ... 46 0 0 I I4 7•Sl! 7S 19 0 Surface to 30 feet Spearing and Co ...... Demon Reef ... 17 0 0 1 2 8•47 19 0 0 90 feet C. Martin and Co. ... Skeleton Reef ... I6 0 0 2 3 3 34 IO 0 30 feet Tanner and Co. •.. ... Skeleton Reef ... 46 0 0 1 I s·s6 49 3 0 60 feet L. Williams ...... Devonshire l~eef ... 10 0· 0 1 I 12 10 15 0 30 feet O'Brien and Co...... Eureka Hill ... 16 0 0 3 I 3 48 IS 0 45 feet Archer and Son ...... Valentine Reef ... 22 0 0 1 ll 2'18 34 4 0 60 feet Barras and Co...... Caledonian Heef ... IS 0 0 0 ll 2'66 10 0 Q 100 feet Hooly an

    Bucli:LAND DIVISION. Buckland. D. Richmond ...... 6 0 0 0 ll 16 3 10 0 W. Wright ...... to 0 0 0 15 0 7 10 0 G. Shippen and Co...... 40 0 0 1 6 l3·S 5=1 3 0 Auf(ustine ...... IS 0 0 0 15 0 13 10 0 D. Murdoch ...... 35 0 0 1 4 13•71 43 0 0 Douglas and Co...... 14 0 0 l 12 12 2:.! 15 0 Anderson and Sons ...... 15 0 0 3 2 16 47 0 0 King and Co...... 15 0 0 l lO 0 2~ 10 0 Fowler and Co...... 6 0 0 4 10 0 27 0 0 H arrietville. Davis and Co...... Tiildle-de-addle-de ... 440 0 0 I 12 7'64 711 0 0 300 feet Harrison ...... Blue Peter I~eef ... 16 0 0 0 17 12 14 0 0 Morgan and Co...... Jackas>'~ Reef ...... 76 0 0 3 .6 20•21 254 0 0 100 feet O'Grady and Co. ... :Maryann Heef .... 10 0 0 3 12 u :36 0 0 Surface to so feet Treacy and Co...... Nil Desperandum Reef... 25 0 0 2 12 19•2 66 0 0 ISO feet Moore and Co...... Odcl-number Reef ... 35 0 0 0 15 3•4=! 26 10 0 30 feet Martin and Co...... Black :-wan Reef ... 23 0 0 0 16 2'09 IS 10 0 90 feet Lyre Bird Heef ... 5 0 0 0 12 0 3 0 0 10 feet Hanna anii Co...... Admiral Heer ...... 550 0 0 0 4 20 94 134 0 0 190 feet J. A. Wall•tee ...... Land Tax Heef ... 630 0 0 0 16 12'19 5:.!0 0 '0 500 feet Page and Co...... Unity Reef ...... 30 0 0 2 0 0 60 0 0 Freeburgh. Coxen and Co...... 10 0 0 l 12 0 lli 0 0 Jemmy Ab Ching and Co ...... 22 0 0 0 13 20 73 15 5 0 Coxen and Co. · ... ••• ...... 8 0 0 0 7 21 3 3 0 ------!- Totals ... .. 2,1139 0 0 1 0 18"43 2,117 8 0 ------·---- W ANDTLTOONG SunDIVISION. At Stephens' Mill: Seven parcels for public ... Various localities ... 151 0 0 0 11 14•66 S7 13 6 At Carli~le's Mill : Carlisle Bros. ... Birthday Heef, G. Ck. ... 140 0 0 0 11 10'28 ·so 0 0 At Try Again Mill : Laughe and <'o. ... Sundown Reef, G. Ck .... 15 5 0 2 12 14'13 411 2 0 Pet~rs and Parkhill ... Illnw-fly, G. Ck. ... 15 6 0 5 ~~ :;•,5 ;s 0 0 Hood and Coutts ... Try Again and Mosquito, 220 0 0 I 0 J9•6J 2:19 .o 0 G.Ck. At Gill's ~I ill: KM. Gill ...... rTome Reef, G. Ck. ... 37 0 0 0 11 1'29 20 9 0 so feet, 1 foot wide Richards and <'o. ... GolJcn Bar, G. Ck. ... 77 0 0 0 10 ()·t~5 3\1 12 0 50 f~:et, 9 feet wide At N~'·•·r '!';)()Late :Mill; Gre;!Ory and C'.o. ... Lonisa Reef, M. Ck. ... 30 0 0 0 7 8 11 0 0 1:5tepbens and Co. ... !;ride of Kild•tre; M. Ck. 5H 0 0 0111 9'1l ~(j ll 0 C. Hazdt··n ...... Who Know~ •.\1 Ck. ... 54 0 0 0 9 1!)·:,5 2tl 10 0 W. Clm.plin ... :. ... Not nameJ, 111. Ck. ... :! 5 0 2 Jj' 18 (){; n 10 0

    :!SoT •. 3. n 10

    QuANTITY of' QuARTZ Crushed in each Division and Subdivision during the Quarter, ~c.-continued. , . -•· . I Division nnd Subdivision, ... '· ~ , - . . , : I. Average ·Total y.Jeld of ··llemnrks relative to the ''.'~: '·ana ·.~ . i Where Quartz wall obtained. ' ''Quurtz'Crushed,' ''Yield of Gold Gold. Depth nt which the Name ofOomp~ny. i _ · • · . __ ! .~ P".: T_o_n.___ ------I··-·_Q_un_r_tz_.w_a_s_o_bta-in_e_d,__ &_c_. ------·--- oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr, I' '• tons crt- qr. W ANDILIGONG SuBDIVISION --continued. . At Oriental Mill (~'raser's): Owner ...... Oriental, M. C,k. , ... . 226 0 0 0 2 11·46 28 0 0 ., '. ,·, F. Crabbe .,.,,.. , ... . Butter's:,Rceef, 11:£.1Ck. .., ••• , f:~· 20 ,o o o 17 o· ·-,. 1], ,o· o McLeod and:Co. •.. Orien~al Tr.ibutc, M. Ck., • 50 ,0 · 0 0 5 22·os' · 1'4 I6 · 0 lj •• ·.. :;1; Bur and Co.. 1..... f u ••• Growle!'is Creek' ...... :,• 19 Is·· o o f6 lfNlf )6. i2 · 0 1 ~) : . Four other parcels , ..·. i; Variovs so)lic!Js _ ... I6 (. o o i6 >?5. .... J3 ~.'. o ..:,_,. h .. t:'f; ···-·::• ..:·,! ·, At Fraser's Mill: ,_ : 1 Growler's Crk. Myrtle·Co, Myrtlk Ck: ... 1,162 1o" o o ..6 7·92 392 o" o '•'"s·; L .I·· i~~~f, G. i L . :f._,~ ~ ~ •. ,'· ! London . ·•· ,_ .. .. :Gondon Reef, G. Ck..... ~. . 135 :o 0 0 4 '5'69' · ''28' I2" 0 :.J;·s::r.:e1Jo_ Two other parcels· ' .. . Various sources ••• ~:. 40 0. 0 0 ··a Lo's'•' t:· ol-·.6· ; I" 0 1 ··;·~).~-~~·J >.' Prince Arthuf'l\:[iJh ... PrinceArthurReef .... 74 'o'"ol1 '5 9'I3 :•··94' O"'o ,_f· ; :t ·-~~ U.il 0 Cornish Co's. Mill, ... <'.:ornish Reef ...... __so_ ,o::: 0 ~~~- 2~~ ?'otalE ... ..:. _ 2,6I5 ;o -~~ o 9 20·26 I,287 3 6 .ALEXA'li'DRA SUBDIV~SION • .Peter Manoni and party ... Durham Gully Reefs ••• 8 0 0 , 5 0 0 40 0 0 ·About 40 feet J. Ferguson ...... F.erguson'~ R~ef _ .. ~ 28 0 0 i 2 . ,4 ·I5'43 ·.62 10 0 About ·100 feet • . Providence Co;;(Yea) ·~· ~__rovi?e:n;: R!lef (YF;} .. ;; ~~ _ 0 ~~ }~~5 ;;;.)~~ II?~: 8 Aboue5o'fee't-: : · ... c 1 •••• ~ .. _: ..._ •• •W,_;_.._. ~ 1 ['·.~-. :.:·.'.,_'-.~;~... '.-.-. .1 ,.. -- ·.:. T·-t·l . , t:t• 77 ;·~· 1 • 779 "';' ·s 6' -~~ _ ·.J 'J~ i _p_as:... _; : '"' .. u \. 1q... o 13 1 :~~ L .}.~.... ; ••• 8 -;·._,.r:O,!_~t.tf?..t

    Dxy· CREEK SirBDtvisxoN:· - ----.-.-.- ---.t,-~------~::. :-,.;,·· • ~ "I • . . . ~ i

    R. G. Meade, .Unee Quartz Table' Land; Dry: Creek •, .·.' 850 <}.O O: .2.-,'o 1•. ·; •.,~5: o, o , Ftom;·the s.udacJ'",to Claim ~ :~ ~~ j ~ ,; ;';: ! .• (. ~, ., ! ~ iJ -'-"----'-! _.. _. _,, __._._. __ r'-,,._;~,--·1 ::..::.;~L 1 .. 1 ~0 ~y:;t- 1 : 1 ·_- :.:J•:rcl :(; GAFFNEY's CREEK SuB· .. ... : ; ---.---- L,.." l i ·; . ;r, ~. ~ ·- 1 ·' DIVISION, The Wallaby G. M...... 1,I6o 0:, 7 7·99 . 425 6 0 Wall~byReef... 'o"o 150 feet I' ··, J .. K. Kenuedy ;, ...... Yictori~t, , : Homew~rd . :1.420 ; o o 7 o. 5 }8'?L ~:12,1 12,.1 o .~q,oJ:1e,t,,, '·· ., i ~. ~ ··- bound .. ... _ ~~· _ . ~. Js. Younghusbqnd ; <• .1.> :Dempsey's•Reef· ro t·<·-400 10 0 0 4 ·I5•30 92 !I5 0 Surface ' · ., Rose of Denmark G. M. ... Eureka Reef .... __ .700_ 0 0 0 2 13:93 90 I 6 8 Surface to .(OO feet Dannabrog ...... Aladdin Heef...... 220 ! 0 0 0 3 I6'I3 40. 8 0 7o feet Hogarth and Justice ... Homeward-bound 'Reef 1,400 'o 0 0 0 8•6I 25 2 12 150 feet (Hunt's) ,\' Lauraville G. M. Homewnrd-bonnd Beef 90:0 0 Q•c S 0 13 10 0 I 50 feet ·:·,·~ (Hunt's) .. ' ' , r -'--'----+-----1·---·------Totals ...... •·14390 'o.. o o- a 16·45 80819 20 •; " •t WooD's PoiNT SuBDIVISION. ,_;!_. ~------jt; ------I Sir John Franklin G .. M. ·Franklin 'reefs' : c ..1! "540'0 0 0 8 12-55 230l 2·11 200 feet Lady Franklin G. M:.· · ... Johnson's' Reef ·· '·· u lOO 0 0 0 8 5'94 41: 4 18 200 feet Morning Star Prospecting'' :h1orning Star, Reef' " ::() ~- ·2,000 1 0 • 0 0· · I 0·7fs. 103! 5 0 Surface ' Waverley ... I ' :•• Waverley Re,;f .•:; 300!0·0 0-"2 6•93 34'-6-14 150 feet -----.---1------To~als ... 2,940 0 0 4118 IS 19 I ----- .. __,_. ·--- ~ { ------__ BIG RIVER SUBDIVISION.: ~ j :~ ~ fl { •• t· •' . ~· ·: ' .. ';: "l Londonde~ry Q ..~;- I ... Raihvay Creek (Railway ·1 lOO · o 0 0 4· 20'95 268 ~ 0 o About 300 feet·' .. :.. ;. .. Re~f) . .. « . ,~ ··~· ~~· , ·' ( [ .·~ •• The Luck's Xn1Q.';M\ ~· u cwarner's·Ree£(Warner's as 240: o •·ol · •1·";8·''"4-:'1')· '338! o o. About·550:feetr ·~-T ·:.-... ·• ! j.l "' Cr'e!i)'' "''" · · ro ' ' · .. , "'I -,· ~sr:~ OQ j :; :tj 2!" r e1"·.>< 'H 0 0 t• ~--~--- ::d.~~tr i.••• :·.; ';~·.:. :p_' : ___ i ~~: ,t~ ~. • ;~ . .'.:~~ · N S Totals... •.. '1,340.0-0 0 9-1'08 606 0 o. M M lTTA ITTA' "ORTlji UB· .. i V " _,·-· ---· ------·-· -· -· -- DlV'lSlON. ' I 11 ,JC:(. I " "' ' l•Cd ! .. -~J .. ·: I '•. t. 'John Trewalla ... 1 .. '1 'Hethanga'• ... {Jf, 32 1 0· 0 0 415•75 .:1: 9 0 Edward Skahill ...... Excelsior Line 4 0 0 1 1 0 4 4 0 Peter Ferbern ... W Bethanga_ .••• 22' 0 0 0.12'·4·36 13 8 0 Connors and party ., ... Flag 1 S~a,ff Hi!! 1 ... ,;, 98 0· 0 1 10 0 147 0 0 Schurmann ... .., " .•. '·Flag IStatf Hill - · 20 ,. 0 0 1.. 19 0 .. 39 · 0 r 0 : -· · :<' :' · 1 7 1 John Thompson ... 'J !:. 'Excelsior Line ., 18 • 0 0 0 9 6·66 8~ i 0 r "1~,' :McRae and Co. ... "Fiag:Staff Hill 9 , Q 0 1 6 2·66 I I. 15 0 1 Connors and party ·· ... ·J;'Jag:Staff llill ,., , 60 I 0 0 1• 1''1 Q I 63 {) Q Kohne and Co. ... · · ... Flag :->taff Hill 19~ 0 0 0 12 0 1II 8 0 Pcrkins and Co .... 1 ... .FiagiStaff Hill 20: 0 0 Q 8 Q 81 9 •IQ!' I• ,,,,;; , 1, ,,·, N W. Saunrlers ...... Flag· Staff Hill 26 i 0 0 0 9 0 ll 14 0 ... - ' - Lees and Co. ... Cott.on Tree ... 10 0 0 0 16 0 8 0 0 Walton and Co. ... ·· ... ·Mariner's Line ... • ' 12 0 0 I 0 0 12 0 · 0 Gregson and Co. .. • Mariner's J,ine I5'00 1316 17i50 G. Wat.ton and Co. .·, '.i' -rVIariner's'Line '· 28' o o· o 19· u·14 21- 5 o K Pye Hnd eo. ... Never Despair 55 0 0 1 0 5'23 5.5 12 0 : .- • .. Knvin and Co. .. • , '; ' JMaritan·a'·Line 45 0 .'Q.• ·'I tQ.,.Ql 'I'' 45· 0 Q r I 'I'.:,_!;) ;.1, Grant ami Co. ... ;;.. ,G,old~ri'Vein' ...-' ... ,, . 30 ·0· 0 l' 6 .}6,' i 40, 0 0 ·!·•·;! l·d .,. ··;, ,, -•1 C. W. Powell and Co. " ... ·Bimg:il Cotnpany .... t 5o o •:·o: -~··1 o Oir·~-~ ·?:5o o o '.·.,. • ., ·' ,.,- A~hmor and Webb · ... :Mariner's I,ine 5o o o 1 o o · .< · 50' o o Can Cannan ... Mariner's Line 30 0 0 0 14 0 2I' 0 0 ·I Spargo an4 Co . .. :. ' Mariner's Line " 20 ' 0 0 !'} 2 .. 0: ' ' '22 0 0 Moouey·and Co. ... :·;, -~fariner's Line 15 ; o o t ::1 ·. 8-::.: ·: "· I6. o o .. Chamber and Co. ... ilhriner's Line ... 12 1 o o o 13 8 s; o: o··· ,. r,: .·. 1 Nankervis ... , '' ... · J•'omid-at~la.st Line .';. ·'•· 4ol O· o.: ·J1 o:-o ' •J·•.,4o· o o .rr.; Hore ...... ; :Found-at-laEt Line 54· O·' or 016 i6 ·. '''451 0 0

    •i Totals ... ~~~J~ 17·2~ 1 782 ~ ... 1 '" 11

    QuaNTITY of-QuARTZ (Ji'ush·ed-·in each·Di.vision;·and Subdivision during the,Quar.t~r, &c •.,.-c.o.'ll:tirwed.

    1 Division and Subdivision , Average Total Yield of Remarks relative to the ' Depth at Which the .. :, • • and I " Whefe Quartz was obtained. Quartz Crush~d . ,,Yield of Golq Gold. Name of Company. ! per Ton. Qutntz was obtained, &c. ------.---'-- ---~-----,-,..----:-.,-1-,.------tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.

    MITTA MITTA SouTH Sun- DIVISION. Pony (McLeod and Co.) ... 'Junction, Mitta Mitta .. . ,'9 0 ' 0 1 19 . 8 17 '1'4 0 ;Surface to 20 feet·· Welcome ...... Junction, Mitta Mitta .. . 8 0 0 0 10 18 4 6 0 40 to 50 feet · · Christmas ...... Junction, Mitta Mitta .. . 15 0 0 0 6 12'8 4 18 o 40 feet McCann's Reef ...... Granite Flat ...... 22 0 0 0 5 13'64 6 2 12 -Granite Flat .. . 11 0 16 1"63 8 16 18 l Golden Bar .. . ' ... !••• 0 0 Lum bard and Son (McCann 's Granite Fiat .. .. 11 0 0 0 9 IS .5 7 6 ' 1. . l~eef) · ~From the surface to R. Dober (Never Mind-Reef) Grahite Flat ... 7 0 o 0 4 10·28 1 11 0 1 a depth of 25 feet R. Dober (Golden Bar Reef) Granite Flat ... 3 o o o 7 8 1 2 o I Empress ...... Granite Flat .. . I''" 89 0 0 i 0 7 7 "28 32 10 0 A. Hodder (Little Nell) ... Granite ·Flat .. . __ ...2__!!__o I_I_9 _a·12 ___Io_ _!__~ J Totals ... 182 0' 0 0 10 4"15 92 11 12

    JAMIESON SUBDIVISION. Gleeson's Lease ...... Sailor Bill Creek 220 0 0 o 11 o·s7 121 8 o 380 feet Venture ...... Mack's Creek ... 130 0 0 0 8 22'7 58 3 0 150 feet Sailor Bill .. . Sailor Bill Creek 275 0 0 0 7 4'32 98 14 12 400 feet Try Again ... Swarr\py Creek 84 0 0 0 2 2'28 8 16 0 Surface

    Totals.~,.- - iq9 o_~ o,_,. .o. s 2·35 287 1 12

    SANDHURST MINING DISTRICT . -- ... _-::_. .. .. -- -· SANDHURST DIVISION. Albert ...... Diamond Hill .. : ... 452 0 0 0 14 13"21 328 16 23 Beehive ...... Eaglehawk ...... 4,360 0 0 0 5 6'11 1,145 10 0 l Bendigo and Melbourne ... Kangaroo Flat ... 376 0 0 0 6 18"96 . 127 13 4 Bird's Reef ...... Kangaroo Fhtt ... 1,642 0 0 0 6 7"60 518 12 6 I Boyd and J ames ; .. ... Specimen Hill ... 87 0 () 0 1 9'24 6 0 12 Catherine Heef U. C. ... E>- ...... page 30. Johnson's Heef G. M. ... California Gully .•.. 6,945 0 0 0 4 22'34 1,712 5 18 ' Koch's Pioneer ...... Long Gully ...... 5,208 0 0 0 6 13"30 1,706 16 0 Lazarus ...... New-chum Gully ... 2,318 0 0 0 6 7"07 729 11 0 I Metropolitan ...... Golden Square ... 1,908 0 0 0 4 17"91 45:! 16 0 ' New-chum and Victoria ... Iron bark ...... 5,092 0 0 0 7 20·75 2,002 7 0 New-chum United ... New-chum Reef ... 2,126 0 0 0 18 21•52 2,008 15 0 Shenandoah ...... New-chum Reef ... 2,1<81 0 0 0 8 l·n5 1,16:! 6 18 Vietoria Consol3 ...... Victoria Heef ... 2,848 0 0 2 3 10•!\-l 6,185 15 0 Victoria Reef G. M. ... Victoria Reef .•. ... 4,549 0 0 0 7 18"24 1,765 1 5'. Wil~on's Heef ...... Marung ...... 92 0 0 0 12 4"5 56 1 6 J ------· ------Totals ...... 56,049 0 0 0 11 6·16 :!1,546 9 22 ------· KILMORE DIVISION. Crown ...... Doyle's Reef ... 156 0 0 7 15 0 1,209 0 0 90 to 120 feet Doyle's ...... Dnyle'~ Reef ...... 60 0 ·o 7 13 8 460 0 0 90 to 1211 feet HibernLm ...... Butler',; Heef ...... 10 0 0 1 8 0 14 0 0 40 to 50 feet Hopeful ...... Captain's Heef ... 6 0 0 1 10 0 9 0 0 60 to 70 feet Eur~ka ...... Golden Crown Reef ... 16 0. 0 0 10 0 8 0 0 Sundry small crushings ... Sundries ...... 72 0 0 0 10 0 36 0 0 ------•. Totals ...... 320 0 0 5 8 12 1,7:36. 0 0 ----- HEATIICOTE DIVISION ------AND WAttANGA SouTH : .. SUBIJlVlS!ON. Coliins ...... Redcastle ...... 346 0 0 0 12 6"03 211 19 0 ------·----- WAHANoA NoRTH Sun- DIVISION. Singleton ...... Rushworth ...... 7 0 0 0 9 J7·U 3 8 0 Carter llros. l ...... Hush worth...... Ill 0 0 0 .5 4·8 2 12 0 A. Ayres and Co. ... Hu;hworth ...... 31 0 0 0 9 l:J•16 1-l 16 0 llolm~s' Tribute ...... Husbwtirth ...... 28 0 0 1 4 2lJ•5i 34 16 0 I Goo1l Luck ...... Hushwortll ...... 46 (} u 0 11 21·9 27 Lost Lo,·e 8 0 }-Above water-level ...... Hushwort.h ...... 3 0 0 2 10 0 10 ]forlorn Hope 7 0 ...... i{ushworth ...... 10 0 11 3 14 0 37 0 Wa.rden Hed 0 ...... Hush worth ...... ll 0 0 I 7 17•45 1.'; 5 () Hieh and Co. I ...... Hushworlh ...... 1 (} 0 8 7 () 8 7 0 Bal•tcl:t\'a I,. J ...... \Vhr<~o ...... 289 'O 0 0 2 5 23 32 1 6 Surface cutting Balacla,·a Whroo ...... 70 0 (} 0 12 IJ•J 4:3 !2 9 3ll 7 feet le vel QuANTITY of QuARTZ Cmshed in each Division and Subdivision during the Quarter, &c.-c~ntinued.

    I I Division and Subdivision, Average Total Yield of . Remarks relative to the llJld Where Quartz was obtained. Quartz Crushed. Yield of Gold I Depth at which the Name of Company. per Ton. Gold. Quartz was obtained,&c. ------tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. i!T· WARANGA NoRTH Sun- DIVISION-continued. Ba!aclava Stockyard Tribute Whroo ...... 15 0 0 0 11 o·8 8 512 Irvine and Co. ••• ... Whroo ...... 10 0 0 1 10. 9•6 15 4 0 l Stewart and Co ...... Whroo 10 ·o 0 2 9 0 24 10 0 1 ...... Hodge Bros...... · Whroo ...... 12 0 0 1 10 11 18 5 12 Cameron and Co ...... Whroo ...... 78 0 0 0 14 2"46 55 0 0 l Apperman and Co. ... Coy's Diggings ... 17 0 0 1 ll 5"64 26 11 0 Taylor and Murray ... Coy's Diggings ... 45 0 0 3 5 18•87 147 11 0 Myer and Co. · ... Coy's Diggings ... 10 0 0 1 7 0 13 10 0 London ...... Coy's Diggings ... 50 0 0 2 6 4•8 115 10 0 lAiw" ~l;,._lovel Huddart and Co ...... Coy's Diggings ... 5 0 0 2 4 14'4 11 3 0 Hart and Co...... Coy's Diggings .... 3 0 0 1 7 8 4 2 0 I verson and Co...... Coy's Diggings ... 3 0 0 2 1 16 6 5 0 I Edwards and Co ...... Coy's Diggings ... 3 0 0 0 15 0 2 5 0 Whistlers ...... Coy's Diggings ... 30 .0 0 1 4 2 36 2 12 Mason and Co...... Coy's Diggings . .. . 15 0 0 0 17 o·8 12 15 12 j •Tones and Co...... Coy's Diggings ... 5 0 0 0 5 12 1 7 12 ----- Totals .. ~· ... 817 0 0 0 17 18"04 725 3 3 I


    ·--·-~-· MARYBOROUGH DIVISI07'1. Bristol Hill WesternReef, Bristol Hill 2I4 0 0 0 4 12'33 48 6 0 450 and 500 to 600 feet Cambrian (public crush- Various pi aces· ... 430 0 0 0 I8 20'09 405 0 0 Various ings) .T. K. Reade and Co. (public Chinaman's ...... 68 0 0 0 0 7"I6 26 I 8 Various crushings) Wardley and party Leviathan Reef, China- 200 0 0 0 7 I5"84 76 12 0 60 feet man's Wardley and party (puulic Chinaman' s ...... 210 0 0 0 5 4"97 54 13 12 Various crushings) Telegraph United Carisbrook Road ... 337 0 0 1. 10 23'35 521 18 I) 270 feet

    ~rota ls ...... I,459 0 0 0 15 I2"59 JO 20 ·-- AMHERST DIV~SION; Croydon Laura Ree f ... 204 0 0 0 3 22'16 40 0 ·g lOO feet Union G. M. C .... Church Hi ll Reef ... 88 0 0 2 6 11" 59 ' 204 10 12 250 feet Enterprise Prince of W ales Reef ... 22 0 0 0 3 19•64 4 4 0 90 feet Sundries Various ...... 234 0 0 , 0 2 11·08 I 28 16 0 ______I ----- TotaIs ... ···i~~-01~2 2""" 10 2I

    DuNOLLY AND TA.RNAGULLA DIVISION. Queen's Birthday Bealiba Re ef ...... 2,499 0 0 0 9 2•58 1,137 19 6 300 to 500 feet . North Birthday ... Bealiba Re ef ••. ... 568 0 0 0 I9 Hi·!JO 559' 12 0 300 feet Sydenham Rydenham Reef ... 331 0 0 0 I7 22"61 296 18 22 200 feet Yorkshire Watts Reef ...... I,652 0 0 0 5 15•99 468 1 0 150 to 200 feet Royal Birthday Bealiba Reef ...... 30 0 0 0 4 10·66 6 13. 8 100 to 150 feet Harvest Home Harvest H ome Reef ... 31 o· o I 0 6•I9 31 8 0 4o to 80 feet · ·-- Tot a ls ...... 5,111 0 0 0 9 18•84 '2,500 12 12 ------·--·--- JNGLEWOOD DIVISION. Jersey Reef Quartz Mining Jersey Ree f ...... 689 0 0 0 8 11•63 292 6 0 Co. Limited i Souter and Co. Honeymoon line of reef I4 0 0 0 15 5"14 IO 13 ·0 Emerald Inglewood ...... 19 0 0 0 1 1"26 1 0 0 ----- Total s ...... 722 0 0 0 8 10·07 303 I9 0 ------~ ------ST. ARNAUD SouTH Sunmv1sroN. · Adams and party Spinster R eef ...... 30 o . 0 0 ,6 9"6 9 12 0 150 feet Kersley and party Greenock ...... 17 0 0 0 IO 0 8 10 0 I70 feet Greenock Greenock ...... 45 0 0 0 17 8 39 0 0 170 feet ------'rota Is ...... 92 0 0 0 12 9·91 57 2 0 ------ST. ARNAUD NoRTH SUBDIVISION. Working Miners Bristol Re ef, New Ben- 675 0 0 0 7 12 253 2 12 digo - _.:..______L... •.-- .. .13

    QuANTITY of QuARTZ Crushed in each Division and Subdivision during the Quarter, &c.-continued.~.

    Division and Subdivision, . I . ] AYerage I Total Yl ld f Remarks relative to the nnd Where Qua·rtz was obtained. Quartz Crushed. Yield of Gold Golde 0 Depth at which the Xo.me of Company. pe_r Ton. • Quartz was obtained, &c.

    tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.



    Central ... Wattle Gully ... 400 0 0 0 4 3'15 82 12 12 350 feet Wattle Gully Wattle G~lly ... 177 0 0 0 3 22'71 34 18 12 270 feet Bridges ... Wattle Gully ... 18 0 0 0.19 10'66 17 10 0 160 feet Argus United Argus Reef 719 0 0 0 7 10•1 268 2 12 175 feet Odgers ... W heal Tirrell .•. 6 0 0 3 11 16 21 10 ·o 35 fe\>t Eureka ... Eureka Reef ... 847 0 0 0 5 22'62 251 13 12 Surface to 360 feet Sebastopol Lady Gully ..... 250 0 0 0 5 0•86 62 19 0 Various Nuggety Nuggety Reef 240 0 0 0 2 17•20 32 12 0 Various Others ... Nuggety Reef 74 0 0 0 4 14•75 17 1 12 · Various Totals ... 2,731 0 0 18'67 788 19 12


    Renaissance Q. M. Specimen Hill 1,972 0 0 0 0 12'60 51 16 0 50 to 100 feet McDonald and 'Vils01r Ge~;man Gully 52 0 0 0 8 20'30 23 0 0 50 to 70 feet Rowe Brothers Cattle's Reef ... 1,404 0 0 0 7 19'86 549 10 0 150 to 265 feet Rowe Brothers Ferron 's Heef ... 335 0 0 0 6 12'32 109 2 0 Surface to 100 feet Duke Cornwall Cattle's Reef ... 485 0 0 0 2 6•58 55 3 0 2oo f~;et · F erron' s Ree f ...... Ferron's Reef ...... 5 254 0 0 0 2 19'03 733 15 0 80 to ':!80 feet Re dhouse and White ... Golden Gully ...... ' 59 0 0 ! 0 1 6•10 3 14 0 90 to 120 feet p erseverance ...... · Cattle's Reef ...... 200 0 0 • 0 4 7•20 43 0 0 180 feet E nglish Australian G. M .... Golden Gully .•. ... 879 o o 1 o a 21·37 . 111 o o 180 feet Totals ...... I0;64;;--;;-Q i()S" 6•49 11,740 ~ ------HEPBURN DIVISlON.

    R i.sing Star ...... Frenchman's Reef ... 320 0 0 0 14 23'10 239 8 0 200 feet A J8X ...... Nuggety Heef. •• ... 350 0 0 0 6 16'45 117. 0 0 150 to 250 feet 377 0 0 0 2 20•47 53 15 14 Surface 150 feet A rgus Collier Reef. ... to ...... { 33 0 0 0 8 9'57 13 17 4 573 feet N ew North Cornish ... Crown Reef ...... 241 0 0 0 3 13'64 43 0 . 0 300 feet R ichardson and Co. ... B1srnarck Reef ... 18 0 0 ·0 4 12 4 1 0 18 feet p annam ...... Warrior Reef ...... 30 0 0 0 2 9'60 3 12 o 20 feet F usco ...... Pitcher's R~:ef ... 28 0 0 0 2 0 2 16 0 110 feet K ing ...... Willard's Reef ... 28 0 0 0 4 12 6 6 0 150 feet p rospectors ...... All Hepburn ...... 200 0 0 1 0 7 12 75 0 0 Shallow ------Totals .•• "'"'"" 1,625 0 o, 0 6 2t·05 558 15 18


    u !dted Kingdom ...... Taradale ...... 600 o o I o 2 12 75 15 0 70 feet reef, 3 feet wide ------.------TARIUNGOWER DIVISION. caledonian Mills ...... Parkin's and Lisle's Reefs 198 0 0 0 15 5•27 150 13 12 500 feet L inscott's ...... Linscott's and Eaglehawk 288 0 0 0 13 19•58 197 15 0 500 to 600 feet Reefs German Reef Mills ... German, Mount Tarran- 1,004 0 0 I I 20'7:l 1,097 14 0 lOO to800 feet · gower, Irish . Billy's, Swipers', Nelson, Tar- get, Otago, and Nelson and Beehive Reefs Bell's Reef ...... Bell's Reef ...... 50 0 0 0 2 9•6 6 0 0 150 feet ------.------· ----- Totals ...... 1,540 0 0 0 18 20•61 1,452 2 12 - ---~~ ------. 8T. ANDREW'S DIVISION.

    central ...... Reeftoo ...... 93 0 0 2 10 4'40 233 7 0 18o feet N apoleon's March ... Panton Hill ...... 52 0 0 0 19 10•73 50 11 6 70 feet p rogress ...... Panton Hill ...... 12 0 0 0 4 15 2 15 12 100 feet south Progress ...... Panton Hill ...... 61 0 0 0 0 12'74 I I2 9 60 feet p erkins' P. H...... One Tree Hill ... 3 0 0 I 1 314 3 IO 18 170 feet H irt and Co...... One Tree Hill ... 4 0 0 2 18 18 ll 15 0 90 feet H artley and Co...... Yow-Yow ...... 7 0 0 0 11 8·57 3 19 12 60 feet M urray and Co...... Yow-Yow ...... 2 0 0 1 2 0 2 4 0 50 feet E ureka ...... Yow-Yow ...... I 0 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 26. feet. H ude ...... Panton Hill ...... I 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 30 feet u nited ...... Hoddle's Creek ... 30 0 0 0 3 18'40 5 13 0 45 feet B onanza ...... Wombat Creek ... 25 0 0 0 5 18•2! 7 4 0 25 feet L enz and Co...... Hoddle's Creek .. . 2 0 0 1 9 0 2 18 0 40 feet south United ...... Hoddle's Creek .. . 42 0 0 0 5 2•85 10 15 0 85 feet A pted and Co. ~ ...... Pioneer Reef ...... 12 0 0 0 15 14 9 7 0 ------Totals ...... 34-7 0 0 I 0 2'93 849 2 9 1 "" biVisidn and SUbdivision, : ~~w·_he' re Quartz was"o'bt'•!n,ed. A vernge ·Total Yield I Remnrks relative to the ... ~;~lfJ ... :: .. I a:nd ...... Quartz Crushed. Yield of Hold f Gold lJepth at which the 0 _"_'"_·__· N_a_·m_e_of_c_om_· P_•_ny_: _____. --·----· ---~ _ ------·___ _,_P __ e_r T~o'-n_. ______· -~-~~as ob:alncd,&c. 1 tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.

    AR.AR.AT. MINING DISTRICT. ' PLEASANT CREEK DIVISION. I " Wimmera ...... Stawell reefs 00: 4,501 0 0 0 11 o·os 2,476 7 5 200 to 1,000 feet Pioneer and Galatea 000 Sta,vell reefs oo• ... 3,V9 0, 0 0 12• 20'22 2,3SS 1 13 200 to I, 1Oil feet New St. George ...... St:i.well reefs· ...... 1,6:i3 o, 0 0 16 lS'52 1,:JS6 4 0 4SO to 1, 200 feet Scotch man's ' ...... Stawell n·efs ...... 3,645 0' 0 0 7 21 1,435 4 9 300 to S 50 feet W onga and 000 Stll well reefs ...... l,S19 0 0 0 5 IS•46 524 14 -6 24 to 200 feet Moonlight' ...... Stawell reefs ...... 2,902 0 0 0 12 19•64 l,S59 19 0 1,110 to 1,200 feet North and South Wales ... Sta well reefs ...... 334 0 0 0 13 S'72 223 3 s 40 to lOO feet -~----- ·------~--- Totals ...... 1S,573 0 0 011 2•03 10,293 13 17


    ~ ...... ~ .. ---· -.-. '· ... - .... ' ~0i1Eci · S tinmvisioN~ ! Ford and ·RobinsoJ:! ... Swift's·Creek.:. ... so 0 0 0 5 3"26 20 10 21 Fashion Reef · ...... Swift's Creek ..~ ... s 0 0 0 19 20•25 7 Is ·Is .. ------.. . '. Totals c ...... , , llS 0 0 0 6 11"35 2S !) '15.- -, ------· BoGGY CREEK SunmviSION. Galloway Reef ...... 300 0 0 0 2 16 31 0 0 60 feet ------CROOKED RIVER DIVISION. ' '• J. Armstrong and Co. ... Triumph Reef . , .. . 10 2 "0 1 15 15•44 IS. 0" 0 ~urface to 50 feet ;;: · Budgee Burlgee ... Bnd!!ee Heef ...... 7 0 0 1 s 0 9 16 0 Surface t



    TnE fnllowinifinformation has be~h'obtained from Returns· made by the Mining Hurveyors· and Re,:!istrars rela.1.ive to the Quantity-of QuARTZ-TAILINGil nnrl MGLI.OCK, &c., Crushed in the several Divisions and Subdivisions of each Mining District Juring the Quarter, and the GOLD obtuiued therefrom.

    Division an,hSubdivieion, Where Quartz Tailings and Quartz Tailings Al·ernge · ~ Remnrks relatlve)9.·~~~··) nnq.,·_ ~ , , . · Mullock, &c., were a.ml .\1 ulluck, &c., Yield of Uold "Total. "Y;Ield or ·Depth nt whtch-th'e· ·.. ~nmc of ~~~pany.! ______,__o_ti_U._Il-'•e_ct_., -'--"--l--·'_c_ru~-he_u.____ P_•r_T_o_n. __ . _,o_.o_lid_'·-.:- ~~~liOCk,i&o~, Were~obta,ned.

    tons cwL qr. oz. dwt•. gr. oz. dwt.gr. • ....J:.


    C~;NTRAL D,I.VISION. . .I ' ,, Canadian Battery . · · ... Ballarat East·:· 2,3i0 0 0 0 1 4 138 5. 0

    8MYTHESDALE .DIVISION. '' 1 Clinton and Co. Hnrrl Hills ... 70 0 0 1 0 1 12 5 5 0 Surface Benj. Cotton Lucky Woman's 6, 0 0 0 7 0 2 2 0 :surface Totals --7~·~-~rOI 22 42 --7-~


    QuANTITY of QuARTZ TAILINGS and MuiLOCK crushed in each Division and Subdivision, &c.-continued• . . . I .. . . Division nntl Subdivision, Where Quo..rtz To.llings o.nd Quartz Tailings I Average· . Tvto.l Yield of Remarks relative to the nnd Mulluck, &c., were and Mullock, &c., Yield of Gold Gold. Depth at which the. 1 NameofCompany. .11 , : ,· 1, •> .ob,t:~l!led~ •. · :~ ~-~~~h~~.\ ,. ; ,per.~on:~·.:-·; ~~:~ I!.Pil'~J.! ~?119~k,~cr• ... ~~.rt~~ib~~~ ------.- -.-.-.--.--.-. --.-- .. ----.--,------..--. -_-_ --.-.----.------.-:--- . · · · tons cwt. qr.~ oz. ·dwt: gr. · oz. dwt. -gr. ' · ·" ' ., ' ,. . ~ ,_ .•• ., .. _


    I. INDIGO DIVISION, i I Magenta and other companies Various reefs and old leads 700 0 0 0 4 0 140 0 0

    -~ I f ' il ·.' !. ·I •·1·1· :.J;. 4, I • llUCKLANn DIVISION. E. M. Gili H:imietville reefs'

    . --·-- ______''______!______!______.:_ __ ~ _ _]~'''..:'....:'~·-...:_ _ _:.--'---

    MARYBOROUGH MINING DISTRICT. I ;rt:r ~~. '1 ~~ It,:~: ,. " ··r! r~ ,:' l .. I (,- _:.':," i' .r:~ I f• ... i.!;·-:;f1"-' ··--f') 'l!f' ,• ... ·r- ... ' .~r i MARYBOROUGH DIVI~ION •. i' ·;-t ' • ' ' I• • I J. K. Reade and Co. (public Va~:~ous~pl~cea 876 0 0 0 .} 1~,.,,, .. ;, 153 i6 0 crushings) "'·I· .. I 1-----;..------,-----.. :: ...... - .. !~

    AMHERST DIVISION, T. Bartlemore Various 475 0 .. o 0 "I 17·43,. 41' 0 0 ' ., . -.-- ..-.-.-, ------

    DUNOLLY AND TARNAbULL,\ DIVISION. ' ! "-••u Hard HiJJs Company 400 ·o o o 0 20 0. 0

    INGLEWOOD .DIVISION. .. 11 Roberts and Co .... lnglewood 30 0 0 0 7"20'8 16 0 A party · lnglewood 14 0 0 0 7 6'85 5 2 0 A party Inglewpod. 13 0 0 0 1 11•07 0 19 0 Fentiman Inglewood 7 0 0 ···o a' 3·431 1 2 0. Taylor •... lnglewood 6... 0 ~ ..UL .... 0 15 0 0.. 0. .. ------70 :o 0 0 5 15'08 1914 0 Totals _____!___ ------_____._ ••_. _.

    ST. ARNAUD SouTH SuB­ DIVISION. Douglas and Co.... Greenock 150 0 0 0 1 5•12 9 2 0


    i.: . . r· ~-~ r .I CASTLEMAiNE DIVISION,· t• i

    Davies and others Forest Creek•... · " .. ~· ·.;,1-,000 0 0 0 I 8•44 67 l12 0


    German Reef Mills Growle'r.'s .Gully, ...... -' . I ; 300 • 0 • 0 · 0 . 1 ,"0 15 0 0 Caledonian Mills Parkin's Reef 5 o o o ·8 o· 2 0 0 _ .. ___.__ -_. - --·-· -·-----==---.:.: Totals ... 305 0 0 0 2 i5 17 0 0

    ST. ANDREW1S DIVISION. United... Hoddle's Creek . 50 0 0 0 1 21'60 4 15 o 30 to 45 feet

    ,, {. l'' ·C. ·,r• ARARAT. MINING DISTIUCT.

    PLEASANT CREEK DIVISION. .j. 1; ~ . c;• North and South Wales Deep Lead 67.0. 0 0 , .. 16

    PYRITES AND BLANKETINGS. THE following information has been obtained from Returns made by the Mining Surveyors and Registrars relative to the Quantity of PYRITES and BLANKETINUS operated on in the several Divisions and Subdivisions of each Mining District during the Quarter, &nd the GoLD obtained therefrom.

    Division and Subdivision, Pyrites Average Remarks relative to the and Where Pyrites and Blanket!ngs Total Yield of were obtained. and Bl11nketings Yield of Gold Depth at which the. Name of Company. operated on. per Ton. Gold. Pyrites, &c., were ubtained. ---- tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. ------


    CENTRAL DIVISION. Llanl!erris ...... Gum-tree Flat ... 15 0 0 1 12 4 24 2 12 ------CRE:SWICK DIVISION. Port Phillip ...... Clunes RPefs ...... 95 0 0 4 2 10·1 391 10 0 New North C\unes ... Clunes Reefs ••• ... 41 10 0 4 9 14•93 185 19 8 South Clunes ...... Clunes Reefs .•• ... 73 0 0 6 9 904 472 4 12 ------Totals ...... 209 10 0 5 0 502 1,049 13 20 ------STEIGLITZ SUBDIVISION. Enterprise (Elaine)· ... Elaine ...... 102 0 0 0 19 0"29 96 19 I) Dummett and Sons ... Steiglitz ...... 4 0 0 1 10 0 6 ·0 () .. ... Steiglitz ...... 40 0 () 0 3 0 6 0 0 " ------Totals ...... 146 0 0 0 14 22"23 108 l9 6 ------:BLACKWOOD DIVISION AND BLUE MouNTAIN SouTH SUBDIVISION. Sultan ...... Harry's Reef ...... 15 0 0 6 6 16 95 0 0


    W ANDILIGONG SuBDIVISION. ·I .0 E. M. Gill ...... 1. Various sources ... 18 0 0 1 1 12•92 14 0


    SANDHURST DIVISION. United Pyrites ...... Pinchgnt Gully ... 192 o. 0 2 10 0"25 480 2 0 Chlorine process...... Pinchgut Gully ... 208 0 0 2 1 H·i6 432 16 0 Roasting and grinding R. J. Liddell and Co. ... Derwent Gully ... 164, 0 0 2 13 18'29 440 17 0 Roasting and grinding ------564 0 0 2 8 0"12 1,353 15 Totals ...... 01 -


    CASTLE:MAINE DIVISION. Yeats ...... Castlemaine Pyrites 107 0 0 1 18 0 203 6 0 Works I


    S~KINGEit's CnEEKDIVISION.I Long Tunnel Cohen's Reef ... 29 13 0 2 . 6 13 03 G9 0 0 w,dhalla ... Cohen's Hecf ••• 17 13 0 1 15 22"11!1 31 14 0

    Totals ••• 47 6 0 2 2 13'!1 ~i4ol I 17


    SUMMARY. THE following information has been obtained relative to the QuANTITY of WASHDIRT Puddled and Sluiced and CEMENT Crushed during the Quarter, and the GoLD obtained therefrom.

    Quantity Average Total Yield of Quantity Average Total Yield of Mining Districts. Fuddled and Yield of Gold Gold from Mining Districts. Fuddled and Yield ·of Gold Gold from Crushed. per Ton. Washdlrt. Crushed. per Ton. Cement.

    Washdirt. tons cwt:qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. Cement. tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt; gr. oz. dwt. gr. Ballarat ... 15,385 0 0 0 1 22'51 1,490 13 6 Ballarat ... 960 0 0 0 2 14'14 124 5 13 Beechworth ... 39,180 0 0 0 1 14"56 3,148 0 0 Beechworth ...... Sandhurst ...... Sandhurst .. . 182 . 0 0 0 2 1"25 18 13 12 Maryborough ... 22,619 0 0 0 4 7•14 4,860 2 18 Maryborough ...... Castlemaine ... 98,842 0 0 0 1 3•49 5,662 2 9 Castlemaine ... 2,966 0 0 0 1 5"13 180 0 0 Ararat ... 7,400 0 0 0 5 1"96 1,880 3 6 Ararat ... 3,577 5 0 0 4 8•35 777 13 13 Gippsland ...... Gippsland ...... Totals ... 183,426 o· o 0 1 20'59 17,041 1 15 Totals ... 7,685 5 0 0 2 20'74 1,100 12 14

    NOTE.-Thia Summary does not show the total quantities of waShdirt puddled and slulced and cement crushed, but only the yield of certain crushings, &c., respecting which the M1ning Surveyors and Registrars have been able to obtain information. Owing to the circumstance that many of the machine-owners are unable to give, or are precluded from giving, lnfonnation, it· is impossible to get complete returns from every district; and in co"n­ stderlng the relative importance of each district, as regards alluvial mining, &c., the tables relating to machinery should be examined and compared. Office of Mines, THOS. COUCHMAN, Melbourne, 19th January 1880. Secretary for Mines.

    WASHDIRT. THE following information has been obtained from Returns made by the Mining Surveyors and Registrars relative to the QuANTITY of WASHDIRT Puddled or Sluiced in the several Divisions and Subdivisions of .each Mining District during the Quarter, and the GoLD obtained therefrom.

    Dlvtston and Subdtvtston, Average Remarks relative to the and Where Washdlrt was obtained. WashdlrtFoddlcd. Yield of Gold Total Yield Depth at which the Name of Company. per Ton. of Gold. Washdlrt was obtained, &c ------tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. BALLARAT MINING DISTRICT.

    CENTRAL DIVISION. Winter's Freehold ... Parish of Cardigan, .Bal- 13,184 0 0 0 1 21'50 1,249 15 0 405 feet; thickness of larat West ------washdirt from 2 to 6 feet SouTHERN DIVISION. Turner and party ... Break-o'-Day ...... 1,340 0 0 0 1 13'62 105 0 21 20 to 90 ft. ; 2 ft. thick Grant and party ...... Break-o'-Day ...... 711 0 0 0 3 2'51 110 7 9 6 to 30 ft. ; 2 ft. thick Welcome ...... Pitfield Plains ...... 150 0 0 0 3 9•6 25 10 0 I 80 ft. ; 1 ft. 6 in. thick ------Totals ...... 2,201 0 0 0 2 4'53 ~0 18-61


    BEECHWORTH DIVISION. Bolam and Co: ...... Three-mile Creek ... 12,000 0 0 0 0 12 300 0 0 Surface McDonald and Co. ... {Stony Creek ...... 200 0 0 0 5 0 150 0 0 90 feet ------Totals ...... 12,200 0 0 0 0 17•70 450 0 0 ------INDIGO DIVISION. Chiltern Valley Gold Mines Chiltern Lead ...... 26,980 0 0 0 2 0 2,698 0 0 330 feet


    MARYBOROUGH DiviSION. Seaham ...... Alma ...... 289 0 0 0 3 18 54 3 18 Argus ...... Chinaman's ...... 580 0 0 0 4 0 116 0 0 ------Totals ...... 869 0 0 0 3 22 . 170 3 18 ------AMHERST DIVISION. Union G. M. ... Mount Greenock (South) 4,200 0 0 0 6 0•68 1,265 19 0 240 feet ""' ------A vocA SuBDIVISION. Working Miners ...... Company's ground, 17,550 0 0 0 3 21•64 3,424 0 0 Washdirt at a depth of Home bush 170 feet

    No. 3. c 18

    QuA.NTITY of WASHDIRT Puddled or Sluiced in the several Divisions and Subdivisions, &c.::--:-cont inued

    Division and Subdivision, Average Remarks relative to the and Where Washdlrt was obtained. Waalldlrt Pnddled. Yield of Gold Dcptb at whlcll tbe .Name of Company. per Ton. Washdlrt was obtained, &c. ----·~----·------·~------·---l------1------i tons. cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. '•· CASTLEMAINE MINING DISTRICT. 1 FRYER's CREEK. DtvlstoN. · '· i · · r ElliS,1fnd'party · ·· · · ;;;· Church's Flat'..; ·· ..• ···1;950 .. ·0 ·O 0 ·0-- 9'6· · --39 · 0- o: 15-feet--· .. ·------·- Horseshoe Bend'',, ... 'Murdering Flat ... 3,250 •o 0 0 o }.7'28 ll7 JO·uo· 15 feet W.-Tolikin · _..... , ... :chokern Flat' -··• '· ... J,95Q: ·o.:o o o· 9'6 ' 39. o · o·· 17 feet'"": r i• Williams and Co,- ...... New Year's Flat ... 1,950 · o o 'o o 6'4.. . , 26 · ·o ::' o_ 1a feet .T.-StevensandCo,,·r .. , .... •NewYear'sFlat. ··· ... •1,560 ,0,0 0 o 8 '.26.,,0.,0 1 19feet ·i"' '!'· · Trethewey and- Co.• ... •New Year's Flat ... . 1,560 0 0 ,0 0 10, 32 10 ~9.': ~5 feet" r_.i .li Fox .!!-!Id Co. .. . •• . ~ennyweight. •• 1 . ••• ..260 o;',, o 0--0 12- ., 6 10 . 0, .•o to 40 feet . ,r. • 'l r Fox .and Co. (publie) 1 .. Pennyweig~t .,. . ... 1,200 0 0 0 '(j 12' ' 30 . 0 .. o'·. 4o to 70'feet .;~<· '.~.: AndersonandCo. ... ~pringGully ... _. 1,000 0),1,0., ;o-.012j.48. I 26.10 oo···_.2z2t5<:'flqt;~f-~.t,,',f->l,ll:.'iii ·. Ptlein)& F1·eehoLd~ ...; •.• J;juiJd~91'4 .• ~., .. T.-:. 4,pso. 0:~··~ t Or 2.15;6 : ;536 J3 . .... ee ..• , ·s i·nn •S:•H.Hazlett. ... :WindlauHill...... 8,000 0,0 0 0- 2·9 1 48',a.o. ;4to'6fee't~·. '·•;_; ThomasandCo. ... •.. Bal•. o 15·9.5 . ·.~11 5 0.• .. ao.feet., ••,.,, ..,,,, : piriies~ ··. ! :·.;·.·~:~· flr'l· .. ·:~- ·J, . ·.t •.•. r '"' '1/t _), .. , 1 ;.;;-a Power's; Sutton'sJ and Table mii''' :.. .. I 3,740_' o. 0 0 0 a·72 6al 0 0. IO'"lli' 9' and'7 feet Fulcher'a and Croker's -- .. · ,.. ·-- .... · ... _, ,---.. -· --' ' ·' · .. _ parties ! · · ·:• ... ,, · · i Ambrosia and party ... Spring Creek...... 4aO 0 0 0 1 a·5 32: 10 0 60 feet Franklinford ... Franklinford ·.:-: •: I .• t '' •.·1ao 0 'o· I'(); ."2' 0 Ja 0 0 60 aod 120 feet Clapham's party..... - .. ____ ...... Dry .. Diggings ...__ ... • ... .. a,o_oo __ 9 .. 0 .. 0 __ _0 1 _~ :. . . 200 0 0 Surface to 1a feet Price's, Lewis', and Thomas's Sawpit Gully... · ... 1,950 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 6 - 47 .. o ci 2 to-Bffeet .. - .. -- parties ' · · '' · 1· ~o~l~rir~it~at~:~:s, .anf~ .D~J:diggipgs .•• i ..... 3:5()0 o.!o .~c.q:IOj~9-- .~o~ -~ o H>,~?·and1o.~e1t.,.1 295 Chinese ·--.~.. ... IIepburn division i .. ... 2,000 0 0 0 7 ui' ... ·I .750 0 0 Shallow 'Europeans all over the Hepburn division I ... 1,000 0 0 0 6 0 300 .0 Or Shallow-·~. .,

    ·: 1 •divi~ion :~ ; ~· I'' I I ------,------~ • f'<.,'l_J] .. •. , , ; T?t(J.lB ... i- ... :)~,670 0 0 0 1<'i:38_: 1,7?!5 17 0 \

    :,,;T~RAl>ALE AND KYNETON " ,:·, i I' I• -::.------1 ·~r •, SunmvrsroN. 1 ' Ironstone Hill ... i· !H •·Tarada!'e South .J ... 1\14,000 0 0 0. 4 9:09·· I' 875 15 0 Confluence ...... l\lalni_abury ... 1 ... '7,200 0 0 0 1 9'33 500'·0 0 Good Friday' . • . .. . • ...... 320 o o o ·5 9 102- ·o o · Pemberley ...... ••., ...... 1.:'. 0 0 0 14 5! 56 0 0 Totals .•• ..: - 11,600 , o o· ·o 2 15·46-.:! 15. 0. ----~-' 'I'ARRANGOWER DrvrsxoN. j i •.i 12 feet . Abram Grigg ••. ; · .. ')· 1P.egleg Gully ...... :-: ( 6~0 i 0 0 o.. 0,16 .. ' 21' 13 a 1 John Knight : ,...... !Porcupine, Fl_at "22510 0 ·o· o· :la ·, .. .s ·a· 18 20'feet ·' Robt. Grigg .. . _ ...... P.orcupine. Flat _225 I 0 0 0 '1 3'73 • 13 0 0 20 !eet' ' (:-.~f. James Kent ... d~orcupJ!Je Flat , t• ••• ' 650: 0 0 0 0 ·9'6·-· 13 0 0 20 to 40 feet Eddy and Co...... Porcupine Flat. i)i5o I o o o· ·o 6·24 25 7 0 Surface

    ,. Totals ... 3,700 0 . 0 0 0 SI 9 2 •· ·--'·-·-----·--;------•• 1·--:-; v···:.·• ST. ANDnEw's riivisxox. -· · Crown·...... ·Warrandyte .. ; - - ·680 -0 0 ' 0 -2 21 97--15--0- Diorite-}.. . 8 ur.f ace t.o Burton and Co...... Warra~dyte T,l 387 0. 0 0 0 20'31 16 7 13 D ~or!te 200 feet Sceptre...... Warrandyte .. -. .. 24 ·0. 0 o· 1, o 1 1 4 0 D1onte Union 'Lead Hydraulic ·· ·.. ;· ·Huddle's Creek- 300 0 0 -0 . 4 15•14 69- 9 .a IHfeet Lang and Co...... 'Varburton ... 1,500 0 0 0 0 22'3 69 13 12 Surface Croom and Co. ... • .•. .Wombat Creek 76 0 0 0 1 1'86 4 i' 22··. ·Surface_,,., ··· ''· 1 Tal botT. ... f Reefton , ' .. . ' 150 0 0 0 2 6•4 17 0 o Surface ·· · •' ''J • 150 Europeans ...... 'An division .. . a,ooo. o·· o o 1 •s•"· · '700 0 0 Various · · ·:«;t~ 0 1 130 0 0 Various i2 Chinese ... i .•. 1A!l division ... ~.ooo o o 71 . :------~--~--~~~ Total 13,117 0 0 0 I 16'45 1,105 11 7. :d,, . ;-., 1 ARARAT MINING DISTiUCT.

    I .. I HAGI,AN DIVISION .. ' ...... ,. New Victnrin G. M. ... 'Vaterloo .. . about 4,400 0 0 0 5d2'67 Tl',216 3 6 160 feet 4 10'24 664 0 0 125-foot level Hobart. Pasha G. M. ... Waterloo. ... __ ~l:JOut 3,000 0 0 0 .. ·- I_:___ ,. Totals ...... 7,400 0 0 0 5 J·96 1,880 3 6 19

    CEMENT. THE following information has been obtained from Returns made by the Mining Surveyors and Registrars relative to the QUANTITY of CEMENT Crushed in the several Divisions and Subdivisions of each iMining Distl'ict during the Quarter, and the GoLD obtained therefrom.

    Division and Subdivision, Remarks relative to the and Where Cement was obtained. Cement Crushed. Depth at 'vhich the Name of Company. Cement was obtained.

    tons cwt, qr.


    SouTJJ,ERN DIVISION. Crushed (on hire) by the Kangaroo 147 .0 0 I 0 4 8'24 31 18 12 60 t.o 70 feet; 1 foot New Kangaroo Company's ---.----!------6 inches thick . battery SMYTRESDALE DIVISION. I Mark and Son Carngbam · ... 677 o o 1 o 2 3·77 73 o 18 . Kidd and Co. Hard Hills 91 0 0 . 0 2 12 11 7 12 14 feet Eccels Woods Dreamer's Hill 45 0 o , o. 3 12·8 i 7 19 0 Surface Totals ... ~-;-;;- o-;-s.Mj~~ 1 ,··~~------~------~--~----~~~~~--~----~~~------


    WARANGA NoBTR SuBDIVISION. Scott and Co...... Whroo ...... ISO 0 0 0 1 22'66 17 10 0 AhSam...... Whroo ...... 2 0 0 0 11 18 1 8 12 Totals ...... 182 0 0 0 2 1'25 18 18 12 '


    Fn.YER'S CREEK DIVISION. I i .. Thomas and Co•..• ... Bald Hill ...... ; 90 0 0 0 8 0 36 0 0 90 to 100 feet ------·----

    HEPBURN DIVISION, . New North Cornish ... Crown Reef ... 2,576 0 o. 0 o. 21•24 114 0 0 . 10 feet Freeman and Co...... Wombat Hill South ... .300 0 o '; o 2 o i 30 o o I" foot ·Totals ...... 2,87~01~ 0•03,~~.


    PLEASANT CII.BEK DIVISION. Band of Hope ...... Deep Lead ...... 1,091 0 0 0 3 0 163 18 12 North and ::South Wales ... Deep Lead ...... 2,486 5 0 0 4 22'54 614 0 1 ---- Totals ...... 8,577 5 0 0 4 8'35 717 13 13 20

    NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF MINERS ON '!'HE GOLDFIELDS OF 'fHE COLONY, FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 3ls·r DECEMBER 1879. (From Returns made by the Mining Surveyors and Registrars.)

    Name of Place. No. Total. Name of Place. No. I Total.

    --·~--·-· ·------BALLA.RAT DISTRICT. Brought forward ...... 7,340 Central Division : Ballarat ·west ...... 770 Steiglitz Subdivision: Ballarat East ...... 1,370 Steiglitz ...... 40 Little Bendigo ...... 170 Elaine and Mount Doran ...... 60 Sago Hill and Bunker's Hill ... 20 . Bamganie and Cargarie and Moorabool --- 2,330 River ...... 30 Southern Division: Morrison's, Dolly's Creek, and Little Long Gully 10 Forest ...... 60 ...... 190 Staffordshire 'Heef ...... 75 Blackwood Division and Blue Mountain -- Italian Gully ...... 10 South Subdivision: Splitters' Gully ...... 4 Golden Point ...... so Kangaroo ...... lOO Hed Hill . .. . 10 ... .. 50 Moonlight ...... Barry's Reef and Split-tree ...... 190 Bulldog ...... 55 Yankee Reef and Creek ... 50 ... so Rokewood Junction ...... Simmons' Reef ...... 50 Mount Misery ...... 270 Sebastopol and Lower Lerderderg . . 10 .. 70 Jackson's Gully ...... Blakeville ...... 20 Yankee Hill ...... 15 Snake Gully ... •.. 30 ... 10 Grassy Gully ...... Goodman's Creek and vicinity ... 20 Spring Creek ...... s Ballan Flat ...... 30 Sawpit Gully ...... 13 Garibaldi and vicinity ... 25 .. . 15 Whim Holes ...... Wright's Heef ...... 25 Hard Hills ...... 30 Bacchus Marsh and vicinity . 25 .. 20 ~·renchman's ...... Maher's Hill ...... 10 · Pinchgut ...... 30 .. --· 670 Break-o'-Day ...... so Ballan Subdivision: so 6 Western Creek ...... Upper Werribee River ... ~ • • I --- 930 Blakeville Hoad ...... 12 Buninyung Division: . , -- 18 Durham and tributaries ...... 25 --- Green Hills and Devonshire ... 15 Total for Ballarat District ...... S,218 Scotchman's and Hard Hills ... lOO --- Buninyong and Union Jack ... 10 Hiscock's and Fairweather Beefs ... 140 --- Winter's Flat and Cobbler's ... 60 Black Lead and Gum-tree ... 60 Napoleon, Kitty's Ranges, and Gym pie 20 BEECHWOR'tll DIS'tRIC't. Prospecting and isolated parties ... 35 Beecltworill Division: Grenville ...... 5 Spring Creek ...... 105 Magpie Ranges ...... 60 Silver Creek ...... 25 --- 530 Deep Creek ...... 22 Smythesdale Divisio11 : Hurdle Creek ...... 22 Smythesdale ...... 80 Pennyweight Flat ...... 50 Scarsdale and Newtown ...... 70 Two-mile Creek ...... 60 Cape Clear ...... 10 Three-mile Creek ...... 1SO Brown's ...... 60 Six-mile Creek ...... 40 Italian Gully ...... 5 Stony Creek ...... 65 Derwent Jack's ...... 40 Myrtlefonl, &c • ...... 105 Piggoreet ...... 20 W ooragee, &c ...... 60 Bottle Hill ...... 50 Reid's Creek ...... 38 Snake Valley .and Hard Hills ... 90 Woolshed 105 Happy Valley and Lucky Woman's ... 160 ...... Sebastopol ...... lOO Haddon ...... 610 Eldorado ...... so Golden Lake ...... 5 Stanley and neighborhood ...... 340 Madden's Flat ... . ~ ...... 10 25 140 Buckland Gap ...... Linton's ...... -- 1,422 Monkey Gully ...... 12 Yackandandah South Subdivision:· Moonlight ...... 10 Clear Creek . .. , . 45 15 ...... Preston Hi11 ...... ; 16 .__ 1,447 Brllarong ...... 36 Creswick Division : Kirby's Flat ...... Rowdy Flat ...... 24 Creswick ...... 30 40 Clunes ...... 860 Oshorne's Flat ...... Allan's Flat ...... 16 Springhill...... 540 40 Red Streak ...... 146 Staghorn Flat ...... Twist's Creek ...... 40 Union Hill ...... 4 .. 35 .. Longpoint ...... 10 Muddy Creek ...... Hills borough ...... 14 Diamond Gully ...... 6 92 Cobbler's Gully ...... 6 Sandy Creek ...... Township ...... 46 Bald Hills ...... 20 20 Sulky Gully . ... 5 Hayes' Point ...... Fell Timber Creek ...... 5 Slaty Creek ...... 30 469 15 -- Mopoke ...... Indigo Division : Humbug Hill ...... 13 170 15 Chiltern and New Ballarat Leads ... Portuguese Flat ...... Suffolk Lead ...... 4 Back Creek ...... 10 I 12S Hi Indigo Lead ...... Bullarook ...... I Lancashire Lead ...... 8 --I 1,725 4 Gordon Subdivision: Lanarkshire Lead ...... 338 Caledonian Lead ...... 20 Egei·ton · ...... I 2 Gordon ... 40 Clydesdale Lead ...... Robcrt Burns Lead ...... s -- 378 ------1,891 Carried forward ...... 7,340 Carried forward ...... 21

    NuMBER and DISTRIBUTION of MINERS ou the Goldfields, &c.-continued.

    Name of Place. No. Total. Name ·of Place. No. Total. 1~1------Brought forward ••. l,S91 Brought forward ... 4,498 Indigo Division-continued. Mitta llfitta South Subdivision: Rutherglen Heefs ... 32 Lightning Creek ... 14 Chiltern Reefs •• , 48 Granite ]flat .. . 42 Kincardinshire Lead 2 Mitta Mitta Hiver .. . 23 Durham Lead ••. 4 Junction ... 34 Newcastle Lead .. . 4 Wheeler's Creek ... 200 All England Lead .. . 6 Jamieson Subdivision: 313 White Star Lead .. . 14 Howqua Hiver and tributaries ... {j 0 454 Goulburn River, from Howqua to 20 W o:ndiligong Subdivision : Jamieson ...... • .. 166 166 Maek's Creek .. • . . • .. . 40 Morse's and Growler's Creeks -- Goulburn River, from Jamieson to Swampy Creek ...... 70 Buck.land Division: Sailor Bill's Creek...... ••. so Harrietville ... 122 Flume Creek ...... 10 Harl'ietville to Bright 490 Baker's Creek ... .•. ••. 30 Bright to Boundary, including Run· 275 ning Creek ... Total for Beech worth District .•. Buckland to Junction 264 -- 1,151 Alexandra Subdivision: SANDHURST DISTRICT. Alexandra and vicinity .. . 20 Sandhurst Dil;ision: Gobur and vicinity .. . 16 Back Creek and Spring Gully .•. 220 Devil's Hi ver and tributaries 20 Sheepshead and Golden Gully .. . 280 Johnson's Creek and tributaries 2 Golden Square and Kangaroo Flat .. . 440 Head of U T Creek .. . 4 Crusoe Gully and neighborhood .. . 90 Goulburn River ...... 8 Marong and Bullock Creek .. . 140 Doogalook ...... 2 Victoria and New-chum Reefs .. . 490 Spring Creek ...... 14 • Long, Maiden, and Derwent Gullies ... 480 Higinbotham ... ••. 6 Ironbark ...... 470 Tea-tree Creek and vicinity 6 Bendigo Flat ...... 450 Aeheron River ... •.. 14 White Hills and Epsom ...... lOO Maindample and Doon .. . 20 Huntly ... •.. ... 150 Yea ... ••• .. . 10 Sydney Flat and Whipstick ••. 250 Merton and vicinity ... 10 Specimen Hill and Sailors' Gully ... 260 Scattered population ... 10 Devonshire Gully and Dead-horse Flat 220 - 162 Windmill Hill and California Gully .. . 330 Dry Creel! Subdivision: Eaglehawk Gully and Flat ••. · · .. . 270 Brankeet Creek .. . 10 Snob's Hill and Pegleg Gully .. . 340 Dry Creek .. . 35 Raywood ...... 50 Hell's Hole Creek·.. . 34 Elysi:an Flat ••• .. • .. . 50 Table I,and .. . 23 Sebastian ...... 70 102 Kamarooka ...... 45 Ga.ffney's Creek Subdivision: Scattered and prospecting .. • •.. 300 Goulburn River ... 14 K ilmore Division : 5,495 Ga:tfney's Creek ... 40 Reedy Creek ... 100 Cannon's Creek ... 14 Sunday Creek ... 6 Raspberry Creek, &e. 32 Kilmore Diggings .. . 6 Lyre bird Creek ... 2 Strath Creek .. . 8 Wallaby Reef, &c .... 16 120 6 Heathcote Division and Waranga South Moving population Subdivision: Ryan's Creek ... 2 126 Graytown .. . 20 Redeastle .. . 90 Wood's Point Subdivision: Heathcote .. . 150 Wood's Point and Morning Star 20 210 12 Coster:field .. . Lower Goulburn ...... Tooborac ... 25 Right and left branches ... 20 Kimbolton and Campaspe ... 25 Gooley's Creek ...... 2 Coliban and Myrtle Creek ... 30 Harper's and Pheasant Creeks s 12 Wild-duck ... 35 Perkins' Creek and Waverley 585 All Nations and Creek ... 10 W aranga North Subdivision : - Black River ...... 10 Rushworth ... 90 Moving population . . .. 7 Whroo ...... 91 Coy's Diggings ••• ... 42 Maori Creek .;. ... 3 ,_ 223 Never-mind Spur ... •.. 36 ,- - 140 Total for Sandhurst District ... 6,423 Big River Subdivision: 1-- Frenchman's Creek I MARYBOROUGH DISTRICT. Warner's Creek .. . 12 !Jf aryborough Division: Enoch's Point .. . 6 Alma 325 Railway Creek ... 28 'Waterloo 50 Jim Thomas' Creek 4 Inkerman 50 Big River North ... 22 Moonlight Flat ... 50 Big River South .. . 3 Adelaide Lead ll5 Fry's Creek .. . 3 Golden Point 70 Moving population 7 Craigie 70 Goulburn Hiver ... 10 Four-mile Flat so 96 Carisbrook 150 Mitta M itta North Subdivision: Mosquito 160 Bethanga Line .•• 20 Blucher's 260 Jarvis Creek .. . 5 Newtown 150 Excelsior ...... 4 Havelock 165 Flagstaff Hill .. . 10 Chinaman's 650 Cotton Tree Creek 171 Blackman's Lead ... 50 - 210 Maryborough 375 Carried forward 4,498 Carried forward ... r 22

    N-uMBER •and ~DISTRIBUTION of MINERS on• the Goldfields, ·&:c.~continued •.

    Nu.me of Place. ;No. Total. Name of Place. No. Total.

    ~------~------1:~------~------Brought forward ... 2,770 Brought forward ••• ... ·•• 7,365 Majorca Subdiv~sion: St. Arnaud North Subdivision-continued; Majorca ••• 40 Rostrou's and Wattle Flat ...... 20 England's Hill Lead 12 Emu, &c...... •.. 30 Gibraltar Lead ••• 10 Carapooe ...... •.. 10 Scandinavian Lead 15 Bell Rock, &c...... 20 McCallum's Creek 30 Blink Bonnie, &c. .•• ...... 10 Hocky Fla~ 20 Duchess of Edinburgh· ... •.. 20 .,_ 127 Jerejaw, &c...... 20 Amherst Division; Victoria Heef, &c...... • •.. About Talbot' ... 30 ~ 435 Scandinavian Lead 20 MOtuit··Greenock .•• 83 Total for Maryborough District ... 7,800' Nuggety and Long Gullies .. . 34 Kangaroo Gully and Flat .. . 27 Mia ~Ha Flat and Gully 30 Daisy Hill and tributaries ... 130 CASTLElliU.INE DISTRICT. Adelaide Lead South 52 Castlemaine Division: .. Blacksmith'~ Gully 10 Castlemaine 100 Emu and Cockatoo 20 Eureka Heef 34. Brown's Gully .. . 6 Guildford 94 Norfoik Gully .. . 10 Camp bell's Creek ... lOO Rocky Flat .. . 16 Sailor's Gully 36 Mount Glasgow. .. . 4 Barker's Creek . 45 Lilicur ... 6 Myrtle Creek' 14 Eglinton ... 6 Moonlight Flat 46 Avoca S ubfllvision: 484 Chewton 223 Amphitheatre ... 50 W attic Gully 52 Avoc;t Lead. •.. 70 Golden Point 64 Green Hill Creek .... 55 Diamond Gully 76 Percydale .•• 136 I~ .. 884 Homebush ... 270 Fryer's Creek Division: . Lamplough : ... 120 Golden Gully to Fryerst'ciwn ... 160 Mountain Hut ... 20 Spring Gully to Specimen Hill ·~ .• 75 No. I Creek' ... 35 Chok'em Flat to Vaughan ... ••• 220 No. 2 Creek .•• i 65 Butcher's and Kangaroo Hills .. . 80 German and Mopoke Gullies . · .. . H)5 Kiml!erl(;y and .SI;lrdine ••• i q• ., 15 Donkey Hill ... 25 Loddon: Vaughan to Pennyweight-·:::· • 'i1: Sandy .Creek ...... 22 Green V alley 14 Canterbury ...... 24 •! Muckleford ... ·. 12 .)· .ii-."~ 672 Clydesdale 55 .... St. Arnaud North Subdivision: River Loddon...... n-·,·t New Bendig'o ... 40 Parkin's Reef. 2!1 :~: St. Arnaud .. . . 190 German Reef .j' Stuartmill, &c. .. . 35 .Bell's Heef Silver Mines, &c ..•. 20 Carried forward 7,365 Carried forward 28

    NuMBER and DISTRIBUTION of MINERS on the Goldfields, &c,.;_continued.

    1 .So. Total. Name of Place. No. I Total. ___ ..... ~~.---~------,~~--- ,---1------1---=-::.:_1 Brought forward ...... •. 4,314 Brought forward ... 986 St. An drew'.• Division: Crooked River Division: Anderson's Creek ••• ... ••• 70 . Grant ...... 7 Long Gully ...... ••• 18 Crooked River ...... ••• 40 Smith's Gully ... ••• ... 14 Jungle Creek ...... 7 Ymv-Yow ... •.. i. ... 17 Twelve-mile Creek...... ! Wil·! .. ,, One-tree Hill •· ..•. · ·~ ;--.:·;•• -~: j : · ... " ' 8 ' • ,. W 6nn.angatta: ·. · ., .. r , '•· ...... _, :\ · · ....;; ,1l · .'' ~ . McMahon's ... ••·• ... 6 Wongungarra ...... ••. • .~: , , Emerald ... 1;;-,:,. ,.,•• [ ,.; ... , 5 ·· , . .f,er:fcho,Dipision_:,, ~ ·.. ,- -: ni · "-.-.-- 229 Starvation Creek _.. :.. J ," '•···•·-· ~.r-- 4 ,., Dry,,Creek · ... · ... · . . ... ~ ,, - ...-...... _,. ·- . ', ~ . Lo •. J d' . . ! • J ·l' " 1 , • ,, . . 40' Hoddle'sCreek ...... ,m,·:-o·h·i -···uilv95 ,, :·. ;..,.,,"u· .'l.er.Jo~ aq 1 , ~;··o.(. , ... ,_ .· :·111 :. ,,.:..... ·Diamond I{eefs 't ' . _., '!·::- ,;L::,.:.: • , 2 .. . . , \ - . pper .• .. -· ·•· 29 ··•' · ., Stimy'Creek" •... '·· ''<•:!:·--.- .. .' 1' Raglan DitJiswn: --·- ·' 343:. Bendoc'Suhdivision: 96 Beaufort...... 90 Bendoc ... ••• 14 . Sailors' Gully ...... 40 Bonang ... ••• 4 Charlton ...... 50 Delegate River ...... 14 Waterloo ...... 270 B d Q b h · · Old Main Lead og an ueens oroug ·i· ... 14 ... ·:-·. . ,. '-..120 " 570· Baek.C~e~ll;. "·"' .. : .... . •.. , ... 8 . Pr911p_edil;tg · :. :· ...... 4 Total for Ararat Distriet Tarwin Subdivision: 58 Foster 42 Turton'~ Creek 6 GIPPSLA.ND DISTRICT. New Z!'aland Hill ... 5 Omeo Sul!llivision: Traralgort Subdirision: 53 J~ivingstone Creek ...... 150 Morewell ... 4 Mitta.Mitta River, from Cobung'ra to Naracan Creek ••• 8 Wombat Creek ...... ·.· '20 Tiaralgon Creek ... 6 WombatCreek ...... •... , .. -20 . .' · · .. Gibho River ...... · · .. :· · '17. ""' 1 Flinn's•Creek ... 2 Tyer's River and Creek 6 Swift's Ct·eek ... ••• ... 160 · • Merriman's Creek .. . 4 River Tambo ... ,, ... , ... ·12· ·•Moe- ...... 1 6 Zulu, Sassafras, and ,,: . Sa,ltp~tre:9re~ks :~··a5o,' r.'•, '1 ·.,;· Lru.Trobe <· ... • 6 Mitchel/ River and Boggy Creek S~·bdivision;: -­ - 729 · Bennett's Creek .. . 2 Nicholson and Tambo Rivers·arid•their. ,1 ., I ~ f\l!!PX'i'! Creek ..... :... ; .. •.. 2 tributaries ... ., :~:'-' . ; · r.,., .. 89 t ·,· -Coucbqtan!s preek 28 Bogl!y Creek and tributaries ... 108 j ·····' 74 Merrijig Creek and trib;utaries , .. ... ' 30. 1 ...... • Sandy's Creek and tributaries .. • 30 ... ·ifotitl for·Gippslil.nd District ... 2,294 257 ' . . , I. 1- ----:·-.. . . .,, .• ··' 1 Carried forwar•l ...... 986' 1 37,553

    Office of Mines, ·, . THOS. COUCHMAN, Mclbourn·e, 19th January 1880. Secretary for Mines. 24



    CENTRAL DIVISION. Mr. David Christy, Mining Registrar. . In reviewing the progress of mining operations in the Ceritral division for the past quarter, it is satisfactory to be 10 a position to report that the further development of our quartz lodes affords very fair presumptive evidence of the permanency (and with remunerative results) of this elass of mining, which augurs well for the fucure prosperity of Ballarat. · · I remarked in my report for the previous quarter that several companies had been formed to work the lode discovered, on: private property, by the Band and Albion Consols Company, northerly and southerly from their boundary, consequent upon the very excellent yields which they obtained. I would just briefly state that these companies, viz., the Serjeant's Freehold, Band of Hope Quartz No. 1 (Hicks and Co.), Smith's Freehold, Williams' Freehold, and others, by their operations have proved a continuous line of the rich lode, showing stone of a very auriferous character, the value of which may be approximated at! oz. to the ton.· The Band and Albion Consols have had some stone equal to 5 ozs., but their average for the quarter has been 1 oz. 2 dwts. per ton. At Sailor's Gully, Ballarat East, Grant and party and the Mazeppa Company have discovered a continua,tiou of the Indicator Reef, the quartz therefrom yielding as much as 3 ozs. to the ton. At Brown Hill (Yorkshire Reef) Parry and party have had a return of £100 per man. . · The progressive mines, upon which ere long I hope to be able to report favorably, are the North Band and Albion, Young Band and Albion, Crescent, Smith's United Freehold, Washington, Hermarm, East Koh-i-noor, New Burra Burra, Sir Garnet Wolseley, Champion, Albert, Russell Square, Corn Exchange, Mount Clear, Saekville, and other companies. · . In alluvial mining I have nothing of interest to report. A reef-wash at New-chum Gully affords remunerative employment for a few companies; this, and the ordinary fossicking by Chinese parties, form the· principal items of the.. operations in Ballarat East and Little Bendigo. The only work of importance carried on in the west is that of the City of Ballarat Company, but I cannot yet return this as a gold-producing mine. · It will be seen by my statistical returns that the average yield from quartz is much in excess of that for the previous quarter, which no doubt will go to establish confidence in the paying nature of the quartz reefs, and·lead, I would presume, to a continued vigorous prosecution of the works of the progressive mines herein· referred to. The quantity of water sold during the quarter for mining purposes was 79,113,000 gallons, yielding a revenue of £337 14s. 2d. · DIVIDENDS PAID FROM ALLUVIAL AND QuARTZ MINES DURING THE QUARTER,· £ s. d. Band and Albion Consols ... 11,225 0 0 Band of Hope Quartz No. 1 Co. 3,200 0 0 Williams' Freehold 1,300 0 0 New Dimock's Q.M. Co. . .. 288 0 0 Endeavor Co. 334 10 0 Temperance Co .... 1,230 0 0 Co-operative and private companies, about 2,500 0 0 £20,077 10 0

    STATEMENT SHOWING TliE QuANTITY OF ALLUVIAL GoLD OBTAINED BY CoHPANIES WITHIN THE DIVISION DURING THE QUARTER. oz. dwt. gr. Winter's Freehold 1,249 15' 0 New Eureka 95 6 18 Hicks and Day •.• ...... •...... 32 10 0 Co-operative parties, principally Chinese at Little Bendigo, Canadian, Sailor's Gully, and White Flat; about 2,000 0 0 3,377. 1118

    SOUTHERN DIVISION. Mr. George Perru, Mining Registrar. QUARTZ MINING. The quarter's yield of gold from t~is source of mining ~s the brgest .I ~ave had to r?cord for so_me time past, which is partly owing to the general cleanmg up before the hohdays, but prmCipally to the 1mproved yields from the mines. Staffordshire .. Reef.~The Ilopewell Tributers are working a fine .lode, 25 feet wide, the whole of which is put . through the mill. 600 tons of stone have been raised and crushed, which yielded 227 ozs.1 dwt.l8 grs, or an average of 7 dwts. 13·67 grs. to the ton...... The Speedwell Tribute Company have been prospecting nearly the whole. of the quarter, without meetmg w1th anything payable. · Kangaroo.-The New Kangaroo Company's yields have much improved during the quarter. The mine is opening up well both north and south. · 'The New Try Again Company are getting better stone. The Williams' Faney and Nil Desperandum Companies are making good wages. 25'

    The New Venture Company are raising payablej;ton:j!i 'from the 127-foot level, and driving for the lode at the 1/5-foot level, which is expected to be met with at about 40feet from the shaft. ·ALJ,u vr.u,. ' cAt Kangaroo, Schreek and party have lately ui~c'overe'd SO~\C likely-looking cement, _showing a. little gold, at the'depth of SO feet from the'surface, but the find is of too recent a date for me to form any 1dea as to 1ts value. Break-o'-Day.-Grant and party are 'getting fair returns. · · · · Pitfieh;l Plains.--The Welcome Company are making good wages.

    BUNINYONG DIVISION. J.fr. Rabe~t M. Harvey, Mining St~rveyar and Registrar. QUARTZ 1\:IINING. No new discoveries during the quarter. · . . Hiscock's Reef continues to yield well, averaging 5 dwts. 5-} grs. to the ton. The Devonshire Reef i~ again taken up, and a trial crushing of 12 tons gave 6! dwts,. t? tlu~ ton. The Gum Tree Reefs y1eld well, from 10 dwts. to 17 dwts. to the ton. 'l'he lode or vellllS thm and hard to get. The Llewellyn Company, on i\1agpie Ranges, are nuw in fair stone. Generally this branch of gold mining continues to improve.

    ALLUVIAL MINING. . . During the quarter a rich tributary to the Durham, uear the Red Jacket Lead, has been struck. The gold is heavy. The ground·available is short., as the reserved 'area, for·the drainage scheme is only 20 chains from the 11rospector's shaft, which is 100 feet in depth. . . · . · . · , . LIGNITE~ • ...... The Brown Coal Company at Lal Lal, after raising a 're,~ hundred tons of· lignite, have again ceased operations.

    WA~ER. The quantity of water sold I estimate at 10,000,000 gallons, yielding a revenue of £5 15s. to the Buninyong borough ·council, who lease the reservoir from Governm.ent ..

    SMYTHESDALE DIVISION. Mr. Jalm Lynch, ])fining SU1·veyar ar.J Registrar. . , .. : The present returr'ts show·a decrease of 329 ozs. as c~mpared with the previous quarter's returns. This is owiog .to the non-discovery of auyfresh deposits, and the cessation of a few old gold-producing claims, through having been worked out. 'l'he Haddon mines, however, continue to be as good as ever, and are likely to pay well for a long period. Notning of importance has followed the discovery of the rich find in the Golden Age Mine, at Brown's, referred to in my last report.· The shareholders themselves are very hopeful of good results when deeper levels are attained; but outside the limits of this claim nothing has been as yet discovered. Along the Main Trunk Lead 'for many.miles t!;lere.is nothing doing in the way of actual mining, wit.h the solitary exception of the Golden Belt Company, and they are making but.. very slow progress for want of capital. At .Piggoreet and Happy Valley there is nothing fresh to report. The Waverley Company still continue to obtain fair returus,,and the City of Canterbury mine has produced 438 ozs. during the quarter. There is nothing of any import to notice at Linton's or Carngham. The old-established mines yield as usual. ' . · In quartz mining very little has been done during the quarter. The Smythesdale Consols mine has been re-organized under the title of the Esperanza Company. A large proportion of the shares are well placed in Ballarat, and it is proposed to proceed with the shaft-sin king at once. In Smythesdale a good deal of interest attaches to the success or otherwise of this company. The New Eldorado Oompany, i\fullocky Point, has not yet cut the reef, but expect to do so vet·y soon. The Bristol Company, near Linton. is defunct, and the crushing plant and tenement have been sold by auction. At Carngham several co-operative parties are raising,stonc, which they crush at Marks' battery, but the yields have l)cOt ,beeu very satisfactory of Late. This branch of "mining, which never attained any prominence iri this division, is now more depressed than ever. The following are the principal yields :-Reform, 2,590 ozs.; Trunk Lead, 1,376 ozs.; Racecourse, 1,585 ozs.; City of Canterbury, 438 ozs.

    CRESWICK DIVISION. ',1 Mr. James Stevensan, Mining Registrar. I have the honor to report that there is nu increase in this division of nearly 2,500 ozs. of gold during the ttuarter. The increased quartz yield is caused partly by a greater quantity of stone having been operated on, but principally by an increase of 1~ grs. in t!Je average yield per ton. The Clunes Consols Company have not yet obtained any quartz. · The large-increase in alluvial gold is caused by the excellent yields from the New Australasian Company's claim. I expect that during the current quarte1· the Lone Hand Company, ~he furthest advanced claim on the Spring Hill Leads, will commence to wash gold.· · · - · The following are the yields, dividends, &c., from the. principal alluvial mines :- YrELlJS. DIVIDENDS A!\D Roi.ALTY,

    oz. dwt. gr. £ s. d. Ristori Freehold Company, Springhill '· 3;210 17 0 5,4.92 17 0 New Australasian Company, Red Streak ... 2,320 13 0 5,000 0 0 De Murska Freehold Company, Springhill 1,305 19 0 1,806 9 6 Dyke's Freehold Company,. Springhill ... . '1,277 8 0 2,230 13 0 Ryan's Junction Freehold Company, Springhill · 1,226 14 0 1,093 13 0 New Hit-or-Miss Company, Red Streak ... 124 12 4 Port Phillip Company, Ch1;nes 2,476 11 1 New North Clunes Company,, Chines .·,;,. ~ \:." 1,028 0 0 South 'Clunes Company, Clunes :: 3,000 0 0 Approximate yields of small claims 1,000 0 0

    10,466 3 4 £22,128 3 7 The quantity of water used during the quarter was 108,232,000 gallons, at 1!d. per 1,000 gallons. No. a. D 26 GORDON SUBDIVISION•. )Jr. Thomas Cowan, Mining Surveyor and Registrar. . QUARTZ MINING. Egerto~.-Black Horse United Coinpany.-Since the date of my last report the disturbing slide, which was met with in all the upper workings, was cut in the No. 9 level, and driven upon to the west, so as to get below the winze from theN o. 8 level, which is down 60 feet. A rise has been started from the No. 9 level to meet this winze, and it is up about 10 feet. The water in the winze is very heavy, and ~inking has to be carried on without ceasing. The stone raised has chiefly been from the No. 7 and No. 8 levels, with trial crushings from other parts of the mine; 3,531 tons of stone have been crushed, yielding 1,360 ozs. 16 dwts. 12 grs. of gold, or an average of 7 dwts. 16·99 grs. to the ton. £1,000 has been paid in dividends. The number of men employed is 108. The South Learmonth aud Egerton Amalgamated Company prospected their ground at the 270-foot level of the No. 2 shaft for the first six weeks of the quarter, but not meeting with anything of an encouraging nature, they ceased operations. The necessary steps are now being taken to wind up the company. · The Egerton Company Limited.-During the past quarter this company have crushed 9,!100 tons of stone, which yielded 3,014 ozs. 19 dwts. 1 gr. of gold, or an average of 6 dwts. 2·18 grs. to the ton. 'l'he stone was obtained from the "Quarry" shaft from a depth of from 400 to 758 feet. 195 men are employed. £6,875 was paid in dividends. · Various Chinese parties; consisting altogether of 31 men, are engaged washing the tailings from the Black Horse United and Egerton Company's batteries; and have, it is stated, obtained 120 ozs. of gold for the quarter. ·No work has been done by the Rose and Shamrock Company during the quarter, but the machinery is still on the ground. . Gordon.-Parker's United Company.-During the quarter a third cross-cut has been put in at the 700-foot level, which struck the lode at about 50 feet from the shaft. A dril'e was driven on the course of the lode for about 100 feet, and stoped to the height of about 30 feet. Finding the lode pinched out and the country much disturbed, a winze was sunk at the 700-foot level toll. depth of 3 or 4 feet, when gold was struck. A trial crushing from this place gave :J,n average yield of about 12 dwts. to the ton. This is considered to be a new make of stone, and should it continue to be of the same payable nature, the working of the mine in the future will be highly remunerative ; 450 tons of stone have been crushed, which yielded 166 ozs. 5 dwts., or an average of 7 dwts. 9·33 grs; to the ton. The number of men employed is 32. · A party of four men have been working during the quarter at the old United Jvitners Company's claim, and have raised and crushed 40 tons of stone, which yielded 15 ozs., or an average of 7 dwts. 12 grs.-to the ton. .

    ALLUVIAL MINING. : The Egerton Lead Prospecting Association, since the date of my last report, sunk their shaft to a depth of 120 feet, and opened out. A drive was put in across the gutter in washdirt, which is about 15 feet in width, and about 4 feet in thickness. The yield is not at present considered to be of a payable nature, but the company are endeavoring to let the mine on tribute with a view of further testing th·e value of the ground. One of the proprietors, Mr. H. Morris, states that 13 ozs. of gold were obtained. . . During the first eight weeks of the quarter four men worked in Parker's Gully, Gordon, and obtained 9t ozs. of gold., but in consequence of meeting with a rush of water, which flooded the mine, and having no adequate means of lifting it, operations ceased. 'l'hey are of opinion that if machinery were erected to cope with the water the ground would pay for working.· . The Lal Lal Iron Company, La! Lal, during the quarter have been engaged in making preparations for starting smelting, which will be commenced on the 6th inst. Thirty men are at present employed. · The information with regard to the amount of gold purchased was obtained from tho managers of the Union Bank, Egerton, and London Chartered Bank, Gordon.

    STEIGLITZ SUBDIVISION. Mr. D. lJfurplty, . Mining Registrar. I have the honor to report that mining.for the last quarter has slightly improved, principally quartz mining. There is, however, nothing of importance to record. The p ~ospects of Steiglitz I believe to be a~ain on the rise, some very payable yields having been got by T. Herring and party, and also by Dennis and Co. ~here has heen a very strong company formed to work the old Hanover R.eef, near the Steiglitz racecourse, a Melbourne firm having taken 1t in hand. It is the opinion of mo.st of the old miners in the locality that the claim will yet prove to be a rich one. A great deal of alluvial digging has been done on the banks of the M oorabool R.iver, between Morrison's and Elaine,. which has proved to be very payable. The prospects at Cargarie are still very good, and I expect to hear of a very rich field in that locality before long, if the ground is only properly prospected. .

    BLACKWOOD DIVISION AND BLUE MOUNTAIN SOUTH SUBDIVISION. Mr. John F. Hansen, llfining Registrar. QUARTZ MINING. The floating of the Morning Star elail)l into a public company has been successfully effected, and the sinking pf a main s~aft is now being~ PI'?ceeded with. ~ lar~e number of local resident.s are interested in the mine and very sangume hopes are entertamed that the mme will not only prove remunerattve to the shareholders, but that it will also be the means of attracting capital to the district for the development of our numerous gold- bearing quartz reefs. . . . . The sinking of the Sultan Company's mam shaft another lOO feet has been fimshed, makmg the total depth of the shaft 914 feet. At the 900-foot level the putting in of cross-cuts and levels has been commenced. The Sultan lode at this level shows a fair quantity of quartz, and it is anticipated that the various shoots of gold will soon be reached. At the 800,foot level stoping has been carried on. The stopes in the upper levels continue to yield well ; the lode and leaders at the 500-foot level carrying payable gold fo1· 30 feet wide. Vigorous prospecting is carried on in other parts of the mine. Dividends amounting to £3,125, or £1 5s. per share, have been declared by this company during the quarter. · · · The supply of water from the main river (as usual about this time of the year) having fallen below the quantity ·required by the several companies at Simmons' Reef,, crushing with.water·p~:nver I_nachincry.has been ~topped,, and cleaning up for the season has taken place. Progress1vc works only m the mmes w11l be carrted on until the wmter season sets in. . · 2"1

    ALLUVIAL MINING. Different parties have of late been out prospecting in·several parts of the district for shallow alluviums, and, although gold was found in most instances, none, with the exception of a young lad working by himself, seem to have. met with any success. The lad referred to obtained about a. pound weight of coarse gold within a few weeks, iu shallow ground, from two to six feet h1 depth, from a ledge of a steep hill sloping into Long Gully. vYhen this became known,. several other parcies set to work iu close proximity, but hitherto without payable results. A five­ ounce nugget was found by a "hatter" in some old ivorkings a few weeks ago ; and another "hatter" obtained an eight-ounce nugget and some small gold a week before Christmas. · Water.-The average quar1tity of water sold was eight sluice·heads, at 10s. per week per sluice-head. The rainfall during the quarter has been as follows, viz. :-October, 4'49 ins.; November, 3•78 ins.; December, 1'90 ins.; total, 10•17 ins.

    . BALLAN SUBDIVISION . .il11'. Joltn F. IIansen, ~ltining Registrar. The late Ashton's Freehold mine is the only quartz mine at work in this subdivision. From what I can learn, the shaft has been sunk to a depth of 150 feet, and opening out has been commenced; the owners of the property, however, decline to give any official information respecting the mine. The quartz claim at the Upper Werri~ee referred to in my last report has been left unworked for some time bt~ck. , The 70-feet shaft for alluvium in the same locality has been abandoned, and, with the exception of a few stray fossickers in the tunnels at the Upper Werribee, no alluvial mining has been carried on. No water for mining purposes is sold in this subdivision.


    BEECHWORTH DIVISION. Jlfr. A. Alderdice, Mining Registrar.. The recent hot weather has greatly reduced the water sup~ly in this division; and many of the sluicing claims are not being worked more than half time in consequence. V\ ashing down has been started on most of the large claims, but it will take some time yet to finish. It is anticipated that the yield for the year will be up to the ayerage of former years. Just before the end of the year the contractors for driving the Rocky Mountain tunnel concluded their contract, viz., 2,604 feet, or nearly half a·mile. The whole distance is through the hardest granite rock, and the work has been completed in the most creditable manner. Ford's rock-boring machines were used throughout. The company are to be congratulated for their pluck and energy in carrying out such a gigantic undertaking-, as it is the largest of the kind in the colony. The cost up to present time has been about £13,000. There remains yet about 800 feet of tunnel and cutting to construct in order to bring the tailrace up to the face where it is intended to carry on operations. This portion of the work the company will have finished by the beginning of next winter, as well as the erection of the flume for the tailrace, when the tunnel will be utilised for sluicing operations. . There is no sign yet of work being recommenced at Eldorado, and the miners are gradually leaving the locality. This is a great pity, as it is well known that there is a considerable extent of gronnd there which would \}e payable if worked on economical principles. It is rumored also that the machinery is about to be removed from the Ovens Gold and Tin Company's ground. · · 'l'here has been a little revival in quartz mining during the past quarter. Several old reefs ha Ye Lcen taken up and worked profitably, and one or two new ones have turned out well. Of the old reefs, a crushing of 6 tons from the Rechabite gave 4f ozs. per ton. This has always been a patchy reef, and the payable stone not easy to follow. Of -the new reefs, the Frenchman's, at Six-mile Creek, turned out 3i ozs. per ton for five tons, and there is yet good stone behind. The miners on the Shakspeare Reef, at Stanley, also had a good crushing of over an ounce per ton. Work was stopped ou this reef for a short time in consequence of water, but the company are again at work in a good body of stone. · The alluvial miners at Stony Creek have washed up, generally with payable returns, and have again started heaping up dirt until the next rain comes. . · The old Blue Bell Reef, at Palmerston, has again been taken up, and the reef found. Gold can he seen in it:, but no crushing has yet been taken from it. .

    Y ACKANDANDAH NORTH SUBDIVISION. .JYb-. J. C. Fm·ster, JJfini11g Regist1·ar. There is no mining as yet carried on in this subdivision.

    YACKANDANDAH SOUTH SUBDIVISION .1.l'h. J. Smart, JYlining Registrar.

    In quartz mining I have to report that two prospecting claims have been taken up 011 the Pride and Stringer .Range which have turned out m:ore than payable, giving on an average 25 dwts. to the ton. A party of miners are at present putting a tunuel in to st~ike the old Caledonian lteef on Clear Creek, where good stone was left on account of water; when this tunnel is in, there is no doubt but good stone will be got. Altogether there is a marked improvement in quartz mining in this division, the last quarter's average being the best for some time, being over 24 d wts. to the ton for all stone crushed, In alluvial mining I have tp report that there is increased activity, owing to more water being i!l the ereek, caused by the wet winter and spring we htwe had; nevertheless, the greater portion of the men are only working half­ time, in consequence of water having peen diverted from the creek. 2.8 INDIGO. DIVISION. Jrlr. R. Ari·owsrnith,· Mining Sitrveyor. and Registr(u.·.. ,_·:__ Quartz mining in this division has been continued with the usual amount of success as reg~rds yields obtained a~ very small depths. A company has been formed to prospect the Robert Burns Reef at lower depths. The reef has y1e!ded a considerable quantity of gold, and there is every reason to believe the result of the new operations will be satisfactory, and that attention from other parts of the colony will be attracted to the resources of the divisiou as a field for enterprise. . The alluvial mine of the Chiltern Valley Company continues to pay well, .the returns. for the quarter being 2,698 ozs. ' ' . ' . A company has been formed to work the continuation of the old Stockyard .Lead, where. it was abandoned uearl;r tweuty years ago. They have commenced boring operations to determine the course 'of the lead prior to the erectiOn of efficient steam machinery. . · · Tht> Rising Star Company at Rutherglen are about commencing to wash the first dirt obtained from their workings. It is said to look very payable, and the shareholders are sanguine of success. There is nothin1r further of interest to report respecting this division. No wate1· has been sold in this division during the quarter.

    WANDILIGONG SUBDIVISION. Mr. T. C. Kaighen, jJJining Registra1·. Several new quartz reefs have been opened up during the past _quarter in various parts of this subdivision, a few of which from trial crushings and present indications give promise of being permanent and payable. Some very rich parcels of quartz have beeu operated upon during the quarter, and others carrying a large amount of gold are reported to shortly follow. A few of the reefs from which the rich stuff was taken are worked out, but, with the exception of the reef in the Prince Arthur lease, worked on tribute by Messrs. Davies and Co., they are uot of much consequence. There are at the present time six quartz claims in work on Upper Morse's Creek. This is a larger number than have been occupied in that locality for a great length of time. · · · Alluvial mining is at present in a very depressed state, two companies of Europeans only getting anything like satisfactory returns. Three or four parties of Chinese· are doing fairly, hut. no definite information can be obtained from them. · Although the yield of gold· is below that of the previous quarter, quartz mining in the subdivision is generally in a healthy condition, very few miners being unemployed. · · · No water dealt in during quarter.

    ALEXANDR.A SUBDIVISION. ilfr. A. B. Ainswortlt, Mining Sw·veyor and Registm1·. . Mining industries continue very dull in this subdivision, owing mainly to absence of nec~ssary capital, and the continued inactivity of the claims on the Lucky line, with the exception of the (Mysterious) Marchioness of Norman by Quartz :i.\fining Company. · · · At Durham Gully the Hope of Richmond Gold Mining. Company are pushing on operations vigorously, and so soon as their machinery shall have been erected a mining revival will take place in that vicinity. 'The sandstone dyke whieh Peter Manoni and pal'ty are·working is of great width, and the leaders traversing it are· very rich. A second crushing has ·been taken out by Manoni, but, owing to the contemplated early completion of the Hope of Richmond battery, reducing is deferred for the present .. Ferguson's Reef has given also excellent yields, and there appears large scope for successful mining in that direction. A crushing has been obtained at the Candlelight Reef, which must be described in my next report, as no reply has been received to my application for particulars, the parties interested being probably absent during the holidays. In alluvial I have nothing new to report. . · . · .. No metal or mineral other than gold is being mined for in this subdivision, with the exception of cobalt, which has been recently found in what appears a payable lode. · I have not heard of any watel' having been sold during the quarter.

    DRY CREEK SUBDIVISION. Jrb-. J. Pemberton, 1Jfining llegistt·w·. I have the honor to report that mining in this division is looking up. Mr. R. J. Meade's Unee claim is still looking well. 'l'he· owner has erected a new engine, and I am told that he intends adding ten extra heads of stamps to the battery now erected. Mr. Cunningham is pushing prospecting on his lease so far with good results. The :EaO"]e Company have let a contract to drive their tunnel 150 feet further, and are hopeful of the prospeet befonf them. ~Iaddock and folks are still driving with good results. The Alpine Company have com­ menced sluiciog, and are very sanguine. The alluvial miners are all doing a little. The Last Chance elaim has suspended for want of water.

    GAFFNEY'S CREEK SUBDIVISION. ;}[r. A. B. A-ins;vortlt, Mining tsun•eyor.and Registrar. · In the Gaffney's Creek subdivision the usual activity ~reva_ils, and, with the e~oeption.of Hunt's claim, in which the payable ground has not yet been reached, remune~at1ve y1elds have been obtamed throngh?nt. • . The w·allaby, Rose of Denmark, and Dannabrog contmue to look well. In the latter a crushmg of loO tons is now proceeding. from which further excellent results may be expected. The new. i..ributers )n the Al htwe not yet had a crushing, )mt some good stone has already been met with. The Great Eastern has yielded from reef washings 16 ozs. of alluvial gold, The Golden Belt is.not yet crushing. · No metal or mineral other than gold is being worked for in this subdivision, The alluvial minet·s have obtained r<'sults quite up to the average. . \'Vater has h<'en abundant, but I am not a\Val'e of nny having been sold. 29 WOOD'S .POINT SUBDIVISION. Mr. A. B. Ainsworth, Mining Surveym· and Registrar. I have nothing new to report of this subdivision, in which the yields for the quarter are unusually low, owing mainly to the Morning Star claims being, ·with one exception, idle. · - . The table gives all the quartz gold.·obtained, sav:e 7 ozs. got by the Leviathan Exten.ded Company1 of whwh l.h!lV:!J ~?F yet been ~pie to a~c~rtain th;;) to~~ag~. . Messr?· Kurpp and Moore a_re _preparmg for a crushmg on ~he old Levtathan block. Tlie Str J ohri Frankbn tnbute conttnues to remunerate the trtbuters, who are mostly workmg men.. •'' . . .· _.M~ssrs. Sr!i.ck~o?le and partJ,,.at the ;W.a:verley, have not obtained ve~y payable results, and the prospectors' (Mornmg Star) yteld 1s lower than before. · · · · · -. . . . Payable gold has been struck in the Lady Don Lease _on the Lady Franklm hue, and a crushmg will short-ly be obtained from the mine. The falling off in mining prosperity has been general throughout the Wood's Point subdivision, though the alhwial miners have obtained results equal to about 25s. per week. · · ·No metal or mineral other than gold is being mined for in this subdivision. I hertr of no water having been sold. It has been abundant durin_g the past quarter.

    BIG RIVE11- SUBDIVISION. bfr. A. B. Ains~vorth, N~ining Su1·veyor and Registrw·. A great improvement is apparent in the prospects of this subdivision, due entirely to the enterprise an:J business energy of Mr. Kelly, of Darlingford, and Mr. Knowles, of Alexandra, who have, so far as quartz mining IS concerned, the Big Riv~r subdistrict t~ themselves. There is a p~ospeet that one afte: ano.ther the valuable veins k~o:vn to be payable wtll be brought mto work, and good wages and renewed prospertty will be the result to the mmmg populatwn. · Some extraordinary rieh specimens have been obtained at the Luck's All, Warner's Creek, during the quarter, and the yield-1 oz. 8 dwts. per ton-obtained in comparatively soft ground, approaches old and best yields obtained from this dyke. · Mr. Kelly applied for a lease of the old Surprise ground, another dyke on the opposite bank of the Railway Creek to the Londonderry. Hehas already four men working the ground, and has struck-excellent stone, which is more than payable. . · · _. The alluvial miners have obtained returns quite up to those of the past quarter. No metal but gold is being worked. · I have not heard of any water having been sold during the quarter.

    MITTA :MI'l'TA NOR1'H SUBDIVISION. 1Jfr. J. C. Forstm·, )'fining Registrar. I have to report for the quarter' ending the 31st day of December 1879 that there is no change in mining matters in Bethanga since my last report. The results of the erushings at Cotton Tree during the quarter have given general satisfaction. New leaders are constantly being found, indicating permanent reefs. Several parties are on good veins of quartz, varying from 9 to 18 inehes wide. On the whole, tlie prospects are considered good. Nothing doing at present in the alluvial ground. There are indications, and it is thought that there is a good deep lead, but till capital is available nothing can be done, there being too much water to contend with.

    l\fl'fTA 1\IITTA SOUTH SUBDIVISION. Mr. D. H. Gilmore, Nining Registrar. ALLUVIAL, • At Wheeler's Creek (Zulu branch) the prospectors, and other claimholders for a mile or more north of them are getting payable gold, sometimes as much as 15 ozs. to the paddock. There are about 200 men on the ground. Many claims have turned out un'payable. The prospectors (Messrs. Ickernigill and J'I'Iogler) found a rieh quartz vein running through their clttim, but it is very small so far as it has been opened up yet. It is estimated to yield up to 10 ozs. to the ton. Several other reefs have been discovered, but they are only reckoned to yield 6 or 7 dwts. per ton, which would not pay on account of the difficulty of bringing machinery to operate upon them. QUARTZ, The returns from the reefs during the quarter show an increase in the average yield, viz., 10 dwts. 4·15 grs., as a.gainst 6 dwts. 15'38 grs. last quarter, caused partly by the several parties having been more particular as to what they sent to the mill. Notwithstanding the increased yields, most of the reefs have beim abandoned, for the present at least, on account of the working expenses being such that they will not pay, and many of the owners being short of funds. Several of the reefs would undoubtedly pay well if in the hands oflarge companies, who could afford to put on machinery, &c., to get through large quantities of quartz. Want of capital seems the greatest drawback at present. McLeod and Oo. have sunk a shaft 50 feet on the Yellow GirL Reef during the quarter. The reef continues all the way down. They are also in nearly 90 feet with a tunnel, which is intended to meet the aforesaid shaft at a · depth of 60 feet, They have also sunk their Pony Reef 40 feet, and driven 20 feet. The reef changes very little. A trial crushing therefrom yielded nearly 2 ozs. to the ton. They have not crushed any sinee the trial, as they contemplate erecting machinery of their own. Water sold.-Nil.

    JAMIESON SUBDIVISION . .Mr. W. H. Edwards, 1ffining Registrw·. · Sailor Bill's Company.-The operations in this mine are being steadily carried out, showing that there is a good body of quartz going north containing fair gold with large quantities of pyrites. . The Gl?eson's I;ease Company have been breaking stone from various• portions of the mine. They are now offenng the mme on tnbute. · · The Venture Company, l\-Iack's Creek, are raising stone from spur ground between Nos. 1 and 2 tunuels and . have also tw~ men ~rosfecting in ,other parts of the mine. . . . . ' The Try Agam Company, Swampy Creek, have had a trml crushmg, but Wtth very poor results. No water sold during the 'luarter for mining purposes. . . SANDHURST MINING DISTRICT.

    SANDHURST DIVISION. Mr. N. G. Stephens, Mining Registrar• . · A slight revival in quartz mining has taken place during the past three months. The average yield of gold is ~igher t~a~ it has been for the past twelve months. The year closes with improved prospects and increased confidence m our mmmg resources. · Gold-bearing quartz has been discovered, at a depth of 1,250 feet, in the Koch's Pioneer Company's claim; and also a .large body of stone in the Great Extended Hustler's Company's ground, at a depth of 1,R50 feP.t • .A strike occurred amongst the miners at the commencement of the quarter, occasioned by a threatened reductwn of wages. From 100 to 300 men were out of employ for a few weeks, but the majority of them are engaged again at the old rate, whilst others have taken contracts or tributes. · Considerable progress has been made in the adoption of safety-cages and in fixing apparatus for signalling in mines. In connection with a signalling apparatus a great many companies. have adopted a speaking telephone recently introduced here, by which means a conversation may be carried on between any person on the surface and those below at any level of the mine. The instrument is simple in construction, inexpensive, and easily fixed. Some o~ the managers of claims in which the telephone has been fixed have reported very favorably of it.. There are many kmds of signalling apparatus in use at the present time-some of them are very effective and deserving of notice. T~e quantity of. water sold during the quarter for mining purposes was-For sluicing, 111,300,000 gallons; for crushmg, 16,534,000 gallons; total, 127,834,000 gallons. · Further particulars respecting some of the Quartz, &c., crushed during the past quarter are given here­ under:-

    Where Quartz, &c., Average : Depth at which "~ame of ComPany. Yield of Goldl Quartz was Width of Reef, &c. ·were obtained. per Ton. obtained.

    --~···---- tons. oz. dwt.gr. oz. dwt.gr. feet. Garden Gully Unite•J Garden Gully IU;ef .. 3,814 . 6,873 9 12 l 16 1•04 600 t<> 750 feet .. From 1 foot to 8 feet Carlisle North Garden Garden Gully l!eef 218 198 7 9 0 18 4•77 10 to 450 feet Yarious Gully, &c. Cornish U ni tcd Garden ttul!y lleef 200 86 7 12 0 8 15·3 150 to 230 fed ·18 inches Unity Garden Gully Heel 480 229 J1 12 0 9 13•57 SH feet 150 From 2 feet to 6 feet · Great Southern Garden Gully Reef .. 2,276 1,259 14 20 on 1-67 300 to 350 feet . 6 inehe.s to 12 feet Koel1's Pioneer .. Garden Gully 1leef .. 858 281 9 0 0 6 15'13 300 to 1,250 feet .. 47 Spurs varying from 3 inches to 18 inches; at 1,250 feet, reef from 6 Inches to 6 feet Shamrock New ~elm m Heef 1,680 1,447 9 18 0 17 4'09 571 feet .. 2 feet SllenaudoniL .. New -chum Uccf 1,474 MS 17·18 0 7 n·n 510 feet .. 90 About 3 feet C. C. ltrceholt~ .. .. NelY-chum He.e.f 3.J4 !OS 1 0 0 u 11'28 490 feet 2 inc11es to 4 feet r... azaros .Sew-clwm lteef 1,142 319 14 0 0 5 ]4•37 f\nrfacc to 900 feet 140 6 inches to 40 feet ·Lazarus No. I New -chum Hccf 1,176 400 17 0 0 6 23·28 Surface to 9QO. feet 140 3 Inches to 46 feet Korth OIU--chmn ·N cw-clmm Ueef f,98 387 18 0 011 2'75 200 to 1,000 feet I foot to 4 feet North Sltcna.mloah .. New-chum UeDf 2,380 805 12 0 0 G 18·00 676 feet .. 90 Avcrage 3 feet New-chum nnd Vletorin Ncw~chum Hccf f'J,074 2,001 17 0 0 7 21'37 Vm·ious Various New Chum United Sew-chum Hccf 1,236 186 12 0 0 3 0'46 350 to 774 feet From .6 inches to 6 feet Old-chmn New-chum Reef 1,287 674 5 0 0 10 11•46 OGO to 1,037 feet 6 inches to 18 inches United Hnstlcrjs and Hcdan ltedan Ueef 1,153 5,860 1 0 5 1 15'50 surface to 300 feet 100 Crcat Exrende1\ H~1stlcr's Hustler's llwf 1,253 ·'21 12 0 0 8 s·vo 800 ft,. nud ltp'\vards 109 3 inches Reef Great Extended Hustler's Hustler's Jtecf 87 16 0 0 a 17·!13 Near the snrfll spurs United Devonshire .. Devonshire Rccl 136 171 7 a: 1 5 4·82 375 feet Flat spurs !rom 6 inches to 2 feet J~mpirc Amnlgnmatcd .. Freedman's Reef 520 118 4 1~ 0 4 ]3•13 330 feet 3 feet Cren,t Jlritain Pl'ince Alfrml Hcef 983 417 18 0 0 8 12·06 225 feet Spurs HercuJcs und I~ncrgetic .. Vidoda Reef 1,489 485 0 12 0 G 12'4~ iiurface to 1,260 feet From a few inches to 20 Ieee Victorln. Hccf G. 1\L .. Victoria Heel 4,549 1,710 IB 5 0. 7 12·53 430 an~ 976 feet 6 inches to 40 feet .Johnson's Ueef G-•.M. .. tTollntwn's Hccf 5,258 1,2.'54 16 12 0 4 18•55 100 to 000 feet Chiefly spurs "Xorth Johnson's ., tT oJmson':5 Hccf 1,313 482 914 0 7 8•38 lOO to 500.foct From 1 foot to 5 feet

    i~YftlTES. Garden Gully Unite

    NoTE.-Thc a hove ftgures arc not to be added to tJ10se in the tables prefis.cd to these r~ports. In the tables.

    KILMORE DIVISIO.;\T .. iYlr. James W. Osborn, Mining Registrar•. Quartz mining is ~till actively progressing. • The Crown Company, Doyle Reef, are raising very rich stone, as also the Doyle's. •The lattor company from 21 tons, .while sinking a winze, obtained 237 ozs. of gold,. or a?- nverage of over 11 ?zs. per ton. In another three months many of the claims and lense blocks now progressmg will be proved as to the1r pnyable character. . · Alluvial mining only aflbrds a bare living. · · · No water sold. No other metal or mineral sought for but gold.

    HEATHCOTE DIVISION AND WARANGA SOUTH SUBDIVISION. Mr. E. C. Bell, JYlining Registrar. I have to report that quartz mining operations in this divisio.n have b~en dull, ow~i:Jg to the principal mines doin"' dead work while alluvial mining is in much the same state as 1t was durmg the previous quarter. 0 'l'he Cost;rfield Gold and Antimony Mining Company recently struck a new reef of antimony, ;epor.te.d to be 3 feet thick. At Costcrficld the north level in the Bombay Company h~ts been extended 35 feet, and m drivmg that level some splendid antimony ore, fully 30 inches thick, was cut ; also i~1 the winze below,. ore. in fair quantities \vas found. Tenders hare beeu invited by the adjoining company-the Mommg Star-for pnttmg m a crosscut to cut the Bombay lode. 31

    In the Morning Star, at Old Antimony Creek, 33 tons of antimony have been raised with every prospect of a continuance of the lode. The crushing in the Why Not Company, at Redcastle, has averaged 16 dwts. per ton of . gold. A new reef has just been opened by Fowler and Co. in the same locality, which froduced 2~ ozs. per ton ; also another reef opened by Syddell and Co., which produced1 15 dwts. to the ton-the reo being 4 feet thick. Collins' Company have raised and crushed 346 tons, which averaged 12 dwts. 6 grR. per ton. The James Service Company, at Heathcote, are making preparations for the further sinking of the south main shaft, when they will follow with two winzes on both shoots of gold. . ·

    WARANGA NORTH SUBDIVISION. Mr. Henry Hick.~, Mining Registrar. Alluvial mining throughout the past quarter has been pursued with activity, but without great success. Quartz Mining.-The returns from this class show a marked increase; the best results obtained-with the exception of Taylor and Murray, Coy's Diggings-are from reefs that had been long abandoned. The present prospects are good. Mining for Metals other than Gold.-In consequence of a favorable report having been received. of a small sample of ore assayed, great excitement has prevailed throughout the subdivision; a number of claims have been registered nominally for quartz. The Black Cloud Company, at Coy's Diggings, arc still idle; it is stated that they have purchased the Mongolian machinery, and that they_ will soon resume work.


    MARYBOROUGH DIVISION. Lllr. p, Virtue, jun., jJfining Registrar. Qt:ARTZ MINING. Three ordinary, three prospecting, and three extenrled claims were registered during the quarter. '!'he Elgin prospecting claim, which was registered by George l'toss, is situate near Havelock, within the timber reserve, on the Oxonian Reef. The depth of sinking is 70 feet-width of reef, 5 inches. A trial crushing of 18 tons gave a yield of ~ dwts. per ton. 'l'he three extended claims, which contain an aggregate area of more than 20 acres, are situate at Havelock, the Briton, and Park hill reefs. The ln.st-numed of these reefs has already yielded a considerable quantity of gold. The yield of gold, this qum·ter, from the Telegraph United mine has been unusually large. A considerable quantity of stone is now at grass, and a parcel will be sent to the mill in the course of a fortnight. The Leviathan Reef Company have crushed 200 tons for 76 ozs., or an average of nearly 8 dwts. per ton. The Bristol Hill Company are still engaged in opening out their mine, but the returns from recent crushings have not been up to the usual average. The principal shaft has been sunk to a depth of 628 feet, which is precisely the same depth as that on Mariners' Reef. The Mariners' Reef Company are driving along the course of the reef. They have come upon payable stone, a crushing of which is now being sent'to the mill. The width of the reef at the 440-foot level is from 2 to 2! feet. . Two dividends, amounting to £300,. were paid during the quarter by the Telegraph United Company.

    ALLUVIAL MINING. There is nothing, just now, of unusual importance to report in. relation to the allu.vial mines in this division. Three extended claims have been registered during the quarter. T4ese claims are situate at the Alma. They contain an augregate area of 15 acres. The Gladstone have been idle some time during the quarter, but pumping operations have"heen begun, and the mine will soon again be worked with a sufficient complement of men. The Bismarck Company are now making better progress. The Carisbrook Consols have suspended mining operations, as the tribnters failed of success, the plant on the mine being now offered for sale. The Goldbrook have obtaiued 46 ozs. during the quarter. They have sunk their shaft to a depth of 123 feet, and employed40 men. The Woolbrook have temporarily suspended mining operations ; they are now engaged in removing their plant to another part of the claim, where it is their intention to immediately sink a new shaft. The mine of the Royal llane Company looks well and continues to yield excellent results. The Young Phoenix Company have got their machinery on the ground, and will soon recommence mining operations. The Duke is still idle. The following is a statement of the gold obtained from the principal alluvial mines in this division during the quarter:- · oz. dwt. gr. vount Bismarck, Lower Alma 707 15 0 W oolbrook, Carisbrook ... 627 17 0 Goldbrook, Carisbrook 45 Q 0 Seaham, Almu. ... 54 3 18 Argus, Chinaman's ... 116 0 0 Royal Dane, Lower Alma ... 94 11 15

    1,645 7 9 Dividends as under have been paid by the company named:- Royal Dane, Lower Alma, £295 16s.

    MA.JORCA SUBDIVISION. M1._ P. Virtue,jtm., Minin[J Registrar. No claims in this subdivision have been registered during the quarter. The two principal claims-the Perse­ verance and Forbes' Freehold-have yielded much better returns than usual. The Perseverance obtained a yield of 223 ozs., and Forbes' Freehold a yield of 282 ozs. 16 dwts. Eleven men are employed by the Perseverance, and forty men by Forbes' Freehold. 32

    ANIHEH.ST DIVISION. •·• .. ~·

    1lh. J. Smith, Mi;~ing Sm'1!~.1J01' and .Registrm·. .... ; ALLUVIAL MINING; The Union Gold Mining Company at Mount Greenock has given a start to mining iri.'this locality, having prod~ccd 1,266 ozs. of gold during the quar~eJ'. The Union ~xtende~ and the Rip Van Winkle ai'e.making every exertion to get through the rock. The remalUder of the alluvml workmgs are very dull. · · QUARTZ MINING. '.rbe batteries are altogether stopped for the want of water. · The Union Quartz Mining Company, at Church Hill Reef, crushed 88 tons for 204 ozs. 10 dwts. 12 grs., giving an average of 2 ozs. 5 dwts. 8 grs. per ton. . .. The New Briseis Company are erecting a crushing plant of eight stamp heads on their olaim. · The amount received by the council of t.he borough of- Tal bot for water sold for .mining purposes during the last quarter was £33 19s. 6d.

    AVOCA SUBDIVISfON. 1lfT. D. O'Leary, Jliinin,q S·urveyor and Regislmr . .Alluvial mining has been improving during the quarter. Homebush continues to prove itself the best gold­ field in the district. One claim there (the Working Miners) has turned out the handsome result of 3,424 ozs., iudnding several large nuggets. Work on the old Avoca lead is about being resumed by a new company just formed, :md the deep and well-known rich ground on the west side will now be thoroughly tested. Nothing worthy ofmention has occuned in quartz mining during the quarter.

    DUNOLLY AND TARNAGULLA DIVISIONS. 111r. W. G. Coucltman, Mining 8urve!J01' and Regist1·ar. Nothing worthy of notiee has occurred during the quarter.

    INGLEWOOD DIVISION. Mr. F. E. Homn, Mining Registrar. So very material change has tu ken place in mining matters in this division during the quarter. A great amount of interest attaches to the working of the ,Jersey Reef Company's claim, as on its success depends very much the introduction of capital to· work the numerous reefs surrounding Inglewood. The shaft is now down 292 feet. Amongst alluvial miners the want of water is beginning to be felt, which, together with harvesting operations, has eonduced to draw away many for the time. : .

    WEDDERBURN DIVISION. 1'11-. Jolm Reach, Mining RegistraT. There is nothing new to report in this division for the past quart()r. There is very little water'fo~ mining. purposes, and many of the miners are gone to harvest work. Several parties have taken up elaims on the reef at the Xine-mile rush, Kilburnie. The prospectors are to have a trial crushing next wee,k .. I hear that the stone looks pretty well. , · · No water stored for mining purposes in this division .

    . REDBANK SUBDIVISION. llft·. JJ. 0' Lea1·y, Mining Su1·ve1J0r ~tnd Registrar. At the rush near Moonambel some 200 men are still en;ployed, and the prospects 'obtained are encouraging, some of the claims yielding as much as half an ounce to the load. It is satisfactory to note that the lead being traced trends towards Crown lands. . . In quartz mining Tonney's Garden Reef has furn.ished excellent yields during the quarter.

    ST. A:RNAUD SOUTH SUBDIVISION. JYir. W. G. Coucltman, Mining Surveyor and Registrm·. Mining operations are quiet in this subdivision, both in quartz and alluvial.

    ST. ARNAUD NO.R;TH SJJ.BDIVISION. Mr. W. G. Couchman, ~Mining Surveyor and Registrar. Quartz mining has been very dull during this quarter. Nothing of any importance to' report on. Alluvial mining :-Nothing worthy of notice has occurred.. .. · · ·.


    CASTLEMAINE DIVISION. JHr. T. L. Brown, Mining Surveyor and Registrar. My returns for the pas~ quarter are very small. The number of q~rtz mine~s have much decreased, and those remaining a;e generally workmg old runs n~ar the surface. .sever~l. ela1m~ .and tnbn_tes have been abandoned, _and no prospectmg is attempted, the .me11 findmg emploJ:men~ lU slmcmg ta~hngs, cutt!ng water-;aces, or harvestmg. Mining having fallen to zero, we hope to successfully l'lSe With the. new ye~r. New tnbute partle~ have entered the ·wattle Gully and Central mines to prospect the western country, m to whlCh l'Uns of gold have been.traced. On the Eureka several small parties are working on Eastern Reef ground near the surface, and from which payable results 33 have been obtained. The ArgiJs United are finding gold west of their old workin~s. On the Manchester Reef the lessee is erecting a water-wheel and ten-head battery. In Adelaide Flat, Mr. Dally, having been flooded • out by underground drainage, is preparing his steam boring machine and pumping g?ar. ·The Ajax mine and machinery has been purchased by three gentlemen who purpose forming a company to ~mk the mam shaft. In the bottom level of this mine there is the cap of a large reef believed to be the main reef. . The Wattle Gully Company contemplate enlarging their company with a view to sinking their shaft from the present depth 470 to 1000 feet. In th<•ir .450-foot level there is a large body of stone carrying gold; but the com­ pany expect much richer stone at the junction of numerous aUl'iferous leaders and a western reef wltich underlay and

    FRYER'S CREEK DIVISION. 1.l1r. ~Wark .Amos, 1J1ining Surveyor and Rcgistrm·.

    Pop~tlation.-The population, as shown by the returns for the past six months, has been slightly on the de­ crease, attributable to several quartz mining companies having temporarily suspended mining operations, owing tv financial difficulties. Sluini1~q.-A considerable amount of activity has been displayed in this particular branch. J\:T essrs. Hazlett and party have taken up rather an extensive claim on Old Windlass Hill, which was formerly occupied by J\fr. Baker, and found hi~hly remunerative in certain' places. 'l'he hill has been abandoned for some years, but it is now found that the tailings and headings will yield moderate returns by an economical mode of working. The practicability of working the old ground inexpensively cannot be better exemplified than in the case of Mr. Hazlett, who by active personal superintendence can make reasonable wages. A more extensive system of water supply for sluicing purposes mi(l'bt lead to important results. There is a site for a reservoir at Cobbler's Gully, near Eureka, well adapted for th.f storage of a large supply of water, which could be utilized to advantage in German and Spring Gullies and tributaries, and also e~tended to Old Pennyweight Hill, Strathloddon, and Mopoke, by contour 1·aces. The small rush on the Marlwt Reserve, Fryerstown, furnishes a striking proof that the old workin,gs are not altogether exhausted, as several parties have lately been doing well, obtaining from ~ tot oz. to the tub from the bottom of their shafts ; but these workings are confined to a very limited area, and are not likely to last any great length of time. . Prospecting.-So far as prospecting for new reefs, &c., no particular sign of vitality has been observed for a considerable time ; hut there is now some likelihood of Middleton's Reef, Vaughan, being taken up and re-worked, also an old line of reef intersecting New Year's Flat. Mr. Edhouse, lately a resident of the Tiald Hill, Vaughan, is about introducing capital into the district, having great faith in the auriferous character of certain special localities. Mein's Freehold Gold Mining Company at Guildfo1·d continue to realize good returns from the alluvial work­ ings; they are now following a lead about 150 feet wide at a depth of 225 feet from surface. 4,050 tons of washdirt has been raised, which yielded 536 ozs. 13 dwts. 'l'he company employ 43 men. New Era Company, Ferron's Reef.-The opE:'rations of the company and tributers during the past quarter have proved satisfactory; the total yield from crushing 5,254 tons gives 733 ozs. 15 dwts., or an average of 2 dwts. 19 p;rs. per ton, taken from a depth of 80 to 320 feet. 'l'he main shaft is now down 514 feet, and the prospects of the company are as encouraging as heretofore. Rowe Brothers continue to get very good returns, but, with the exception of the New Era and English Aus­ tralian companies, quartz mining has been in a very languishing state during the past year, and general mining progress has not been so satisfactory as. desirable; nevertheless, hopes are entertained of more favorable prospects and a general reaction in mining affairs during the current year.

    HEPBURN DIVISION. Jfr. T!ws. Hale, .ffiining Registrar.· Argns Quartz Mining Company.-The ·Argus Company have been working at the fi73-foot level, and by means of tribute parties in the upper levels, where 377 tons obtained at 150 feet from the surface gave but 53 ozs. 15 dwts. 4 grs.; the company obtained 33 tons from the 573-foot level, yielding };3 ozs. 17 dwts. 4 grs. A good shoot of quartz has been struck. The mining manager reports that one of Allan's safety cages has been obtained, fmd the general requirements of tile Act No. 583 complied with, and that the company are extending their north level with a view to striking the Cornish shoot of stone which formerly paid so well. T·he Rising Star Company, Blind Creek, are getting out good Btone ; they obtained 320 tons from their 200-foot level, which yielded nearly 240 ozs. of gold. They continue driving on the lode. A demand at Ss. per 1-14000th share is stated as current. T·he Cornish Quartz Company are down 300 feet in the new shaft situated east of the old shaft. They are stoping, and they have struck quartz with gold visible in it; it is supposed to be tile Ct'own reef. They are in on the lode 30 or 40 feet south from the shaft; 40 to iJO tons of quartz are to hank. A trial crushing will shortly be made, which it is eiqlected will produce good results. . Ajax Quartz Company.-Prospects are good; they work from the shaft, on the Nug-gety reef, at 250-foot level. The quartz gave 6 ozs. 16·45 ~wts. average, but 1.111 work is done by tributers. Pumping is effected from the Old Nuggety Company's shaft. . Nothing further worth noting in quartz or other mining except that a very general opiuion pre>ails that a :fhvorable reaction will very shortly take place, as it is well known that much gold yet exists in: this division but at . greater depths than those yet attained, and that patience and perseverance will yet develop it. '

    T.ARADALE .AND KYNETON SUBDIVISION. ..Wr. S. Dorman, ..Wining Registrar.

    There is a decrease in tl;e yield of. gold in this division for th~ q uarte.r, which I a~tribut<: to the temporary stoppage of the two largest claims. It w11L be observed that the chtef portwn of gold Js oblmneil from alluvial wo~kings, there being very lit~le doing in qna:tz, except. prospecting for new reefs at Bell topper and Tiarfold. I also notice that a number of parti?s are .prospe~tmg on pnvate prope~Ly, part of which was worked years ago; good :res~1lts are expected, wlnc~, 1f reahz~d, ;y1ll ~ause a great rea?twn here, there being a large quantity of land avmlable .. In shallow workmgs, very htt!e 111 domg, except by Chmamen, who are satisfied with very small returns. I a~so notH!e that some parties have taken. up land at Redcsdale (near the junction of two rivers) for a tunnt;lling cla1m ; very good prospects have been ohtamed. · N~& E 84 TARRANGOWER DIVISION; Jlir. Robcrt J.Vankh:ell, Alining Sun:eyor and Registrar.

    QuAm'z MINING. This quarter shows a falling oif in the quantity of quartz crushed of 2D4 tons, and iu the yield of gold 4

    ST. ANDRE'i:Y'S DIVISION. JJfr. Alfred Armstrong, 1lfini11g Surveym· and Registrar. 'fhere .are indications of increased activity in mining matters throughout this district, both in quartz and a11uvial workings, principally by W\lrkiHg- mh1ers without scrip companies. At Warbnrton the Hydraulic Compa.uy are working steadily. on, preparing for more extensive operations, and the Britannia f[ydraulic Company have made great progress in the removal of a h\l'ge hanier .reef, which hns been the principal obstacle to the effectual working of the ground. · , The Reefton reefs are improving, the yields proving pnyablc. The umungei• of the C%tral Company reports :that his company will erect improved apparatus to operate upon their pyrites, which they are now stacking until. the completion of the necessary plant. At the J'.1uddy Creek, Upper Yana, work has again been resumed by Messrs. Ewart and Oo. ; and

    BLUE J\WUXTAIN NORTH SUBDIVISION. Jlfr. G. J1fcP!wrson, J.l1ining Registrar.

    There has been no improvement in minin.!:( in this subdivision during the la~t quarter . .Sluicers and fossiekers have been obtaining more or less gold, but from this source· nothing reliable eau he· ascertained. · · P;irties aee prospecting, ani! should they be successful there is a possibility of a revival of mining.


    ARARAT DIVISION. 11'-{r. Thos. Foyster, Jlfining Registrar. The gold purchased during the quarter ~ontinucs to show an increase on the returns from the previous quarter, although the population is falling off; still prospecting is being maintained in the Rcattered localities. The Syndicate the previous quarter's returns. . Some of the shafts at Stawell are now attaining a gre::tt depth, but, unfortunately, no new reefs of any value h:we been discovered for a long time past. Several" National" drills have been ordered for the Stawell mines, and it is hoped that by their means golden ·veins not now known will be reached. Attention has lately been paid to the leads (alluvial) at the Great Westem, and several leases have been .npplied for. The quantity of watm· sold during the qunrter for mining purposes was D30,00D gallons.

    BARKLY DIVISION. Mr. If. C. Bate, Jfining SurvepM and Registmr. There· has been a slight improvement 'in minin~ m:1tters during the past quarter in this division. A small rush to the bead of the Emu lead was commenced iu October, the prospectors having obtained an average of over A dwts. to the load, in dry sinking of 30 feet in depth. During L«st week 15 loads washed from one claim a.vcraged nearly t oz. to the load ; in this chtim there is 3 feet of washdirt. In November a prospect t:tken from a new claim at the head of the Native Youth diggings, at a depth of36 feet, yielded 8 dwts. 21 grs. to the load. · . In the other parts of the divisiqn, however, only a few miners are getting gold. No water was sold for mining purposes during the quarter.

    RAGLAN DIVISION. JJfr. C. W. J.lfinc!tin, .Llfining Registrar. The gold-producing mines throughout the district, viz., at Waterloo and Beaufort, have continued to average :about the same yield during last quarter us they did the preceding one, which in the main is considered very satis­ ·factory. Several new companies m·e actively proceeding with the erection of substantial steam machinery, which, in not a few, is nearly completed. 'l'he Bcaufor~ Gold Mining Company, on the :Main INat, Beaufort, recently obtained .and set to work an apparently good and powerful plant ; their shaft has been sunk to ab0ut 120 feet, and they are now en,gaged driving. By the c11d of'the present quarter I expect considerable progress throughout the district will .have been made. ·


    Q:J\mO SUBDIVISION. Jlfr. J. Odell, J.lininq Reqistrar. lVIinir.g generally in this diyision has undergone a revival during the quarter. At Omeo, matters are much .about the same as reported in my last return. I have to report that a party of four men, assisted by local tradesmen and others, have put in a tunnel alJOYe :Bloomfield's Gully, where a d6ep lead of gold is supposed to exist I have been informed that gold has been struck, but no definite information is yet to hand. Zulu Creek is at present the centre of attraction for a number of miners, who have come from nll parts of the colony. As a rnlc the miners are doing well in the alluvial workings. Some very rich quartz has been struck, hut at present it has been found mostly iu leaders. Prospecting for reefs is now being vigorously prosecuted, and the men seem confident that it wiil prove a payable reefing country. The following specittl report was forwarded fvr the inform:1tion of the Honorable the J\:linister of Mines, early in December last:-

    SPECUL RErollT ON ZuLu CREEK.· Zulu Creek is a tributary of Wheeler's Creek, which in the map (Skene's) further down its course is called ,Corryong Creek. It empties its watct· into the Murray Itiver, near 'rowong, Two tributaries are shown on the map having their sources near Jl.fount Gibbo. The westerly one is Zulu Creek. It is about seven miles in length, .and commences to be payably auriferous about one mile from its source, where the prospecting claim is situated. From this point down for a distance of about four miles the creek is occupied, having about two miles of the lower end not taken up. About 20 claims have been bottomed, the owners all expressing themselves satisfied with the results. ''fhe lower portion of the creek contains too much water at present to be easily worked, and there is no convenient place to turn the course of the stream. 'l'his is the reason why it rcmaius unocenpied. The difficulty will of course ··be growing less as the dry season approaches. It is difficult to ohtain trustworthy information of the re~urns from the several claims, but, judging from those ·that I think are reliable, I estimate, as far as the creek has been proved, that it will average about £4 per week :per man. The sinking varies from five to fifteen feet, and is worked by means of tail-races, only one water-wheel hemg at present used on the creek . .One of the most encouraging features is the discovery, in the prospectors' alluvial claim and in the bed of the ·Creek, of a rich quartz reef. The specimens obtained are remarkably rich, :tnd the loose gold will probably aYerage 1 dwt. to the dish besides specimens. It will be some time before any definite opinion can be giYcn with regard to it, as it will be necessary to do a considerable amount of stripping before opening out on the reef. I am of opinion ·that it is a dyke containing auriferous quartz leaders, but being wrered ·,Yith water it is impossible to say mueh about it. Its strike appears to be about N.N.vV. A number of claims have been pegged off on either side of the prospectors'. Now that miners know·that quartz reefs exist in this locality it will give a fresh impetus to prospect­ ing in that direetion. The formation is silurian, consisting of altet:native slates and sandstones. A good track .exists up the Gibbo River and via Sassafras Creek with Znln, eut by the Mining Department, nnd if these tracks were continued along the spurs to the heads of the creeks known to be auriferous they would prove a great benefit to the mbers. The creek is well supplied with provisions at reasonable rates, and must be regarded as a fine field ·for prospectors. 'l'here are about 200 men on the ground. · :MITCHELL RIVER SUBDIVISION. l'rlr. J. G. Peers, .Mining Surveyor and Registrar. Little or nothing has occurred in mining worthy of note during the quarter now ended, with the· exception or· the formation of a prospecting party, under the leadership of an experienced miner from the Wood's Point district'•. The party is formed and supported by some of the business people in and around Bairnsdal

    BOGGY CREEK SUBDIVISION. llfr . .J. Fletclter, Mining Registrar. Nothing important has occurreil.during the qmwter; apart ft·om the reported discovery of a 1ich reef in thE: vicinity of Broaciribb's Store, Sandy Creek, particulars relating to which will be forwarded in due course.

    CP.80KED RIVER DIVISION. J.lfr. E .. Harrison, Mining Registrar. Quartz mmmg has exhibited great improvement in this district during the past q1mrter, while aHuvivJ digging seems to remain about the same. · . · The pTog~ess is especially marked in the W ent'l\"orth district, where three new leases h:we been applied: for, viz., theN ormanby, the Eureka, and the Sons .of Freedom. · The Normanby is situated on Teacup Creek, a branch of the Wentworth, about eight miles from Dargo. The reef is large and well defined, and has been struck at three levels; in the lower one, which is about 80 feet from the surface, the width of the reef is about 2 feet 6 inches ; very good prospects have been obtained from the stone,. and it has been decided to put up a mill. . The Sons of Freedom adjoins the Normanby, on the same line of reef. The Eureka is situated on Tucker Creek, which is also a branch of the Wentworth. '!.'he country is of granitic' fot·mation, and the prospects are very favorahle. ·. . On a spur next to theNormanby is the '.l'riumph Reef, which is about 6 inches thick; a trial crushing from it averaged 1 oz. 15 dwts. 15'44 grs. per ton. The tributers in the Good Hope mine crushed about lOO tons of stone this month, which \vas taken from various parts of the mine, between the 300 ~md 500 feet levels, about 20 tons being taken from a very rich quartz vein about 6 inches in width, brealdng off from the old Good Hope Reef; the yield was 62 ozs. 6 dwts. retorted gold. The tributers in the Jeweller's Shop crushed 37 tons, the total yield from which was 25 ozs. A trial crushing of 7 tollS from the lludgee Budgee, which was sent to Clunes, averaged 1 oz. 8 dwts. per ton. 'J:he alluvial miners have done very fairly during the qunrter, as is shown by the returns; on the Crooked River, most of the gold is got ft·om bank claims, little or no river or creek claims being worked. There is no miLling in this district for metals or minerals other than gold, and there is no water sold for mining purposes.

    JEIUCI-IO DIVISION. l'rh. R. J. Donaldson, i1fining'Registra1'. Thore is nothing of importance to note with reference to mining in this division during the quarter. At the present time there is a plentiful supply of water in the creeks, which is likely to hold good for months. This will enabl(i many of the mine1·s to work their claims during the summer, instead of registering their suspension •. No other mineral or metal than gold mined fo1:.

    DONNELLY'S CREEK DIVISION . .llfr. 0. P. Wltitelaw, Mining Surveyor and Regist>·ar. Nothing worthy of reco~d has occurred in this division during the quarter. The minin~ operations have been principally of a prospecting chamcter. No quartz has been crushed, and no water sold. Gold only is mined for.

    STRINGER'S CREEK DIVISION. 1.1!1·. w: 111. Smith, Miniug Registrar. QUARTZ. Durin" the quarter ·nO new disCOYeries of importance have been made, though two or three fresh ventures: have been st;;.·ted in the division with rnore or less promising prospects. The yield from the Ijong Tunnel Company's mine which is the only dividend paying one at present in the division, shows a slight improvement on the previous' qu'arter. The Walhalla Company have not yet come across payable ~to~e i~ their south ground. The Fear Not, the Little J oe, and the Tubal Cam are ea.ch reported to have favorable mdwat10ns. ALLUVIAL. . Now that the dry season appears to have set in and miners will be able to manage the creeks and rivers, and; an improvement in this branch of mining may be looked for, I hear already of an increased number of miners being on the '.l'homson, many of whom are earning about £4 per. week per man.

    CoPPER. At Cooper's Creek mining and smelting opemtions have been canied on as usual. There is no change worthy of notice in the mine. 37

    ABERFELDY SUBDIVISION. Mr. M. Nugent, Mining Registrm·. Minin" operations are much the same as during the last quarter. In qua~tz mining the Aberfeldy claim is the only one at present paying well. The last crushing of 1365~ tons averaged 16 dwts; 4 grs. per ton. . . · . . . . . The Star and Thompson Company have ceased wo;k m.t1~e1r mme, awa1cmg the means of crushmg. There is not any change to report as reg~uds alluv1al mmmg.

    RUSSET~L'S ~:JR.EEK DIVISION. J.lfr. C. H. Williams, Mining Registrar. I have no improvement to report: Minin"' generally in this division is about the same as L'tst quarter. The St~ndard Quartz l\1inin"' Company (late Columbia Gold Mining Company), have not been able to make much headway, the country being v~ry hard. I am in hopes of them striking the reef soon, which I have reason to believe wili ea use a reaction in this district.

    BENDOC SUBDIVISION. . ltfr. J. Nichol, Mining Registrar. Mining in this subdivision on the whole has been in much the same. state as reported by me in my two previous quarterly reports, excepting that during the past quarter a little })rivate enterprise was set on foot by organizing a small party to prospect the Cobinabarr, or a country situated about twenty miles from Bendoc, on the falls of the coast :range; but after a month's perseverance, trying all the creeks and gullies in that locality, they returned much disappointed, finding very little gold, and the indications for gold they considered poor. This party informed me that they left at Bendoc claims which were yielding satisfactorily, and since their retum they have taken them up again. All the miners who have claims in this subdivision appear satisfied with what they make, particularly as work for station hands and fencers is not in demand, so that most of the miners in this locality are dividing their time in mining and at their selections. There has been a slight increase in the number of miners this quarter. :No water sold in this subdivision for mining purposes.

    TARWIN SUBDIVISION. Mr. H. M. Murplty, Mining Registrar. During the quarter the three chief claims have been paying fah· wages, but not doing :my thing worthy of note. The yield of gold this quarter has been more tlmn double that of last. Gold is the only metal searched for. No water sold for mining purposes in this subdivision.

    THARALGON SUBDIVISION. Mr. C. Denis, J.1fining Registrar.

    Mining in this division is still makin~ steady progress, though somewhat retarded by the late wet season. There are now some six or eight claims at work on Couchman's Creek, and all making good wages. There is also a pariy at work on the Upper Traralgon Creek, making steady progress, although having very many difficulties to contend with. I am of opinion, from the nature of the indicl1tious, that at rio distant date a good payable goldfield will be found in that locality.


    Attention has been directed by Mr. W. Rasche, of 55 Elizabeth street, l\ielbournc, to his patent direct-actin er steam battery for .quartz crushing, tloc., for which the iuventor claims several advantages, amongst which are a~ follow:-

    . 1. PortaOility, as the battery can be taken to pieces and removed on pack-horses, the entire wei"ht0 being about 26 cwt., and the heaviest piece about 6 cwt. . . . 2. Qualit.?J.-The machine is said to be thoroughly trustworthy; its crushing capacity is representc>d to be 80 tons per week, through 110-hole grating. · 3. Cost.-The cost of the machine is £150, and of a complete plant with battery, boiler, and all appliances, £300.

    By Authority;. Joux J!'EURES, Government Printer, Melbourne. No.3. 1•'