Media and the Vulnerable in Indonesia
Media and the vulnerable in Indonesia: Accounts from the margins Report Series Engaging Media, Empowering Society: Assessing Media Policy and Governance in Indonesia through the Lens of Citizens’ Rights Oleh A joint research project of Yanuar Nugroho Leonardus K. Nugraha Shita Laksmi Mirta Amalia Dinita Andriani Putri Supported by Dwitri Amalia Media and the vulnerable in Indonesia: Accounts from the margins. Published in Indonesia in 2013 by Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance Jl. Siaga Raya (Siaga Baru), Komp BAPPENAS No 43. Pejaten Barat, Pasar Minggu , Jakarta Selatan 12130 Indonesia. Cover designed by FOSTROM (; all rights reserved. Except where otherwise noted, content on this report is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Some rights reserved. How to cite this report: (Nugroho, et al., 2012) - Nugroho, Y., Nugraha, LK., Laksmi, S., Amalia, M., Putri, DA., Amalia, D., 2012. Media and the vulnerable in Indonesia: Accounts from the margins. Report Series. Engaging Media, Empowering Society: Assessing media policy and governance in Indonesia through the lens of citizens’ rights. Research collaboration of Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance and HIVOS Regional Office Southeast Asia, funded by Ford Foundation. Jakarta: CIPG and HIVOS. Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance i Media and the vulnerable in Indonesia: Accounts from the margins Acknowledgements The research was funded by the Ford Foundation Indonesia Office and undertaken by the Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG), Jakarta and HIVOS Regional Office Southeast Asia Principal Investigator : Dr. Yanuar Nugroho, University of Manchester Co-investigator (CIPG), Coordinator : Mirta Amalia Co-investigator (HIVOS) : Shita Laksmi Researchers (CIPG) : Leonardus Kristianto Nugraha Dinita Andriani Putri Dwitri Amalia Academic Advisors : Dr.
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