LEIDEN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE FOR HISTORY “The Eritrean Askari believes to be the best soldier in the world!” How the Eritrean colonial soldier s were represented in Italian military memoirs Student: Aldo Giuseppe Scarselli (s1494112) Master Colonial and Global History 2014 -2015 Email:
[email protected] Supervisor: Prof. dr. J.B. Gewald Second Reader: mr. Dr. S. Bellucci 1 Acknowledgments Leiden, January 2015 I would like to thanks those who helped me during my research and during the composition of this thesis. First of all I have to thanks to Gen. Dott. Mauro Giuseppe Tedeschi and to Prof. Ugo Barlozzetti, for their inestimable suggestions and advice. My acknowledgments go also to the staff of the Biblioteca Attilio Mori, Istituto Geografico Militare of Florence, for their helpfulness and kindness. My gratitude goes firstly to Martina, for her indestructible faith in me during this Master, for her love and support, for her ability to keep my spark alive during dark times. My infinite gratitude goes to my parents Alberto e Rosanna, who encouraged me during the last year, and to my friends Andrea, Lucrezia and Lucia, who offered long distance support in finding books and information, precious suggestions and moral aid. I say thanks to Matthew and Dominik, for their precious company during this year, for their flamboyant friendship, for the support they offered, their suggestion and correction about my writing. Thanks also to Vanessa for her inestimable opera of proofreading. Aldo Giuseppe Scarselli 2 Table of contents Map ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Italy and its askari: an historical approach to the European gaze on the “other” ...........................